#personally i think that she hits it off so well with amelia is bc amelia recognizes opal as a dragon
caprisun-wizard · 6 months
funny to me how opal in dfz loves her stuff so much she cries at the thought of destantos’ goons breaking it, like she really cares about her stuff
it’s such stereotypical dragon behavior, the very kind of hoarding she chafes so bad with her dad about
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peakyblinderswhore · 3 years
CYM as peaky blinders characters?
hi hello hi!
@comebackjessica polly - jess, i must say that polly’s god complex is very much similar to yours and you even mentioned something the other day that really made me think that and i couldn’t help myself... plus whenever anyone says something where they sound like they need help or a word of advice you’re always the first one to reply, helping us all out as best you can.
@oddshelbyout ada - honestly, i really think you’re very cool! i feel like you do what you want the most? idk, your hair, your tiktoks and your overall attitude towards things are very interesting. ily mars. ada does what she wants and doesn’t let anyone tell her otherwise, i feel like this suits you.
@deepdonutkid lizzie - byrn i feel like you are a no-nonsense person like lizzie but also falls head-over-heels in love when she doesn’t catch herself in time. although i’m drawing off of conversations that definitely haven’t hit that aspect of our lives yet (give it a while longer when we’re FAR too comfortable with each other) and, bryn, you have beautiful artwork, i wish everyone could see it, much like i wish everyone could see lizzie’s loving interior.
@mandoisgay alfie - ajkdhjasknkln don’t tell jess i’m hoping she doesn’t read past her one oop -- anyway. i really do, i mean while we were bonding over zodiac’s and all of that stuff you were like wtf is that adrien you fit alfie the most for me. alfie 200% doesn’t give a shit about zodiac’s and has strong opinions about everything. also amazing at art (digitally, which is something i haven’t got the hang of yet yeesh) which i think is so cool. i’m easily impressed these days but your stuff is more than that ^.^
@fives-cup-of-coffee finn - amelia you’re so soft i cannot explain how well you fit this role. finn just exudes softness, no matter how hard he tries to act older and ily sm it’s crazy. i love seeing that you’ve tagged me in things or that you’ve interacted with me via either of my blogs, much like finn, you make me feel warm and bubbly inside, like nothing can get in my way <3333333
@justalonelyslytherin arthur - ally, i feel like i never talk to you x_x ... i’ve been so inactive recently that i miss when you’re talking on the server. arthur is such loveable character and i want to love him as much as i want to love you. wow this sounds like a love letter gone wrong. anyway, your art is spectacular and i wish i could see more of it!!!
@bonniesgoldengirl bonnie - G, ironically enough, i really think you live up to your tag. you’re so sweet and only ever have positive things to say. i don’t think i could fault you if i tried. there’s just something special about you because of that. i can only hope you get better than bonnie </3
@iwillmakeyoucraveme uncle charile - rana, i know this seems a little odd (ik, ik) but as we haven’t had a massive amount of time to interact i feel this is the most appropriate until further in the future! charlie has a lot of opinions that (whist tommy mostly ignores them) i feel like he plays a massive role, one which you fit <3
no one gets tommy bc he’s a dick and no one is a dick <3
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amelialincoln · 4 years
Really been loving your fics, we needed more Amelink writers! Thought I'd ask for one if that's alright? So I'd love to see Link proposing to Amelia in a really rushed and imperfect way after he spent the week talking to people like Meredith, Jo, Owen, Webber, etc about hiw they got engaged. He tries to plan something perfect but messes it up somehow and Amelia obviously just laughs and says yes, idk I just wanna see stressed Link, hope this is enough to go off :)
We Find Love
“How did Derek propose?” Link found himself blurting out. Meredith peered over at him. He could see the confusion in her face, despite the surgical mask covering most of it.
“Are you thinking of proposing?” She asked turning back to her sutures.
“Maybe...yes. I think so,” he waved his instrument filled hands awkwardly, obviously flustered.
“Derek proposed in an elevator,” she put simply.
“Why an elevator?” Link asked.
Meredith shrugged. “It was just kind of a special place for us,” he tell she was smiling from her eyes. “It seems so silly now but honestly I was so in love with him that he could’ve done anything. It was perfect.”
“I know me and Amelia haven’t been together for that long, just with the baby on its way...not that that’s a reason. I just—”
“You don’t need to justify yourself,” Meredith interrupted. “When you know, you know.”
“Exactly,” Hayes’ chimed in. Link looked up to the peds surgeon, who he wasn’t aware was following the conversation.
Link placed his lab coat and scrubs in his locker before turning to leave the attending’s lounge.
“Hey,” Owen greeted him as he entered the room.
“Hi,” Link responded.
“You waiting for Amelia?” He asked as he went to open his own locker. Link nodded. “I just saw her get pulled into a surgery. Might be awhile.”
“Oh,” Link responded, as if on cue his phone buzzed with a message from her. “Great.”
Owen chuckled. “The life of two surgeons in a relationship.”
“Hey, how did you propose?” He asked. Owen raised his eyebrows, not expecting the question.
“Uh, which time?” He answered awkwardly. Link shrugged, hoping he hadn’t hit a sensitive spot. “Well my first proposal I just proposed to Cristina on the couch in our living room. It just seemed right and she wasn’t really into the romantic stuff,” he chuckled as if recalling an old memory. “Uh, with Amelia, well she actually proposed to me.” Link shifted uncomfortably in his seat, not aware of this story. “We’d both had past relationships and didn’t really want anything big. With Teddy, it was an on call room. I guess I’m not really the romantic type.” He shrugged. Link recalled Amelia’s story about their honeymoon troubles and believed it. “Are you thinking of proposing?”
“I guess so.” Link grinned.
“Well you’ll be the forth guy to propose to her.” Link tried to hide his surprise. “Weren’t aware of that one? She’s a handle that’s for sure and definitely a runner. That’s why she came to Seattle in the first place.” Owen clapped a hand on Link’s shoulder. “Good luck.”
“What’s up, you look stressed.” Jo slid into the cafeteria seat beside him. “What you got there?” Her eyes widened as she caught sight of it. “Atticus Lincoln, is that a ring box?”
“Jo, shut up,” he shushed her frantically.
“Wow, Shepherd did a number on you. It’s like we’re back in high school,” Jo teased, shoving a spoonful of jello into her mouth. “Yeah, I know it’s nasty. I forgot my lunch,” she explained, replying to his confused look. “So what are you going to do?”
“I don’t know,” he answered defensively, not exactly sure why he was being defensive. “I’ve been trying to get advice.”
“Well it’s not like this is you or Amelia’s first marriage. She probably isn’t expecting anything.”
“I know,” he sighed. “What did Alex do?”
Jo grinned. “He’d set up this whole little romantic dinner and I was going to break up with him.”
“What?” Link exclaimed.
“Yeah, I was all about ultimatums back then. Me or Meredith, all that shit. Anyways, it was sweet and small and perfect.”
“So you didn’t break up with him?”
“No, I figured that once I was his wife he’d have to choose me over Meredith.” She shrugged. “Turns out I like her more than I was expecting to. If you want to talk to the big romantic people you could talk to Jackson. Maybe not the best way but he called of April’s whole wedding to confess his love to her. Arizona proposed to Callie and then they got in a car accident. Less romantic, more catastrophic.
“Who are—”
“And then Teddy proposed to her first husband because he was her patient and didn’t have good health insurance.”
“Crazy times happened at this hospital before you came around,” Jo patted his arm. “Look, I know you want to do something nice but she’ll love anything you end up doing.” And with that she headed out of the cafeteria, jello cup in hand.
The next night Link raced to Meredith’s, knowing that Amelia’s shift ended only an hour after his. Maggie had told him to set up at Meredith’s and that he could tell Amelia that they were having a girls night to throw her off. Link was pretty sure Amelia didn’t need ‘throwing off’ but he agreed knowing that Maggie most likely wanted to see Amelia’s reaction.
“What do you mean you aren’t already married, aren’t you having a baby?” Zola asked as Link was frantically setting the table for two. “Mom says that you get married first and then the baby comes after.”
“Well in most cases.” Link answered, glancing over at her. “Hey, Zola stop picking at those flowers.” Referring to the bouquet he’d bought on their way home.
“Sorry,” Zola shrugged. “You’re just making her dinner? What else?”
“I don’t know,” Link mumbled guiltily. “What do you think I should do?”
“I dunno,” Zola answered. “That’s your job.”
“Right,” Link sighed as he tossed the salad and placed the bowl on the table. Suddenly, he heard the front door open. “Do I kneel now?” He asked Zola.
“How am I supposed to know, do I look married to you?” Zola replied. Link decided to kneel, his heart thumping in his chest. His shaky hands reached into his pocket.
“False alarm,” Zola giggled as Meredith entered the room.
“Oh wow,” Meredith laughed. “I’m so flattered.” She mocked fanning her face.
“Shut up,” Link grumbled. “I’ve been trying to get this right all week and I can’t figure out anything to do justice to how much she means to me. I wanted to plan out this big romantic gesture but that just seems dumb and I don’t want to wait any longer. I would marry her right now if I could. I’ve been carrying around this stupid ring all week trying to find a time to give it to her that seemed right but I’m so worried that I’ll screw it up that I back out every time. Like how do I ask her to marry me and sum up all the million things I love about her into such a short amount of time?” He ran a pathetically shaky hand through his hair.
“That’ll do,” Amelia’s soft voice enters the room, her hands circling the swollen bump that recently formed on her abdomen.
“I was about to tell you,” Meredith grinned.
“Are you kidding me?” Link balled his hands in frustration. Meredith grabbed Zola by the hand, the little girl’s eyes wide as if she were watching a special on tv, and dragged her out of the room to give the couple some space. “Amelia, I wanted—”
“Link, this is perfect.” Her eyes scanned the room, softy lit by a couple of candles on the table. A bottle of sparkling water was sitting in a small bath of ice and she smiled as she saw that he’d made all her favourite pregnancy cravings. A sharp aroma drifted through the room and Link seemed to noticed it too.
“I burnt the chicken,” he nodded in disappointment, not even bothering to run to the kitchen in an attempt to salvage it. “This is a nightmare.”
“This is not a nightmare.” Amelia shook her head, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing a lingering kiss to his lips. “You are absolutely perfect in every way, Atticus Lincoln.” He tried to conceal the blush that was overwhelming his cheeks, feeling like an idiot. “Now do you have a question to ask me or...” she bit her lip with a smile.
“Oh. Yeah!” He knelt down on one knee and glanced up into her deep blue eyes before removing the lid to the little velvet box in her hand. “Amelia Shepherd, from the moment I met you I haven’t spent a day without the thought of you entering my mind. You amaze and inspire me to be a better person and a better surgeon.” He paused as he saw tears begin to build at the edges of her eyes. “You make me so excited to be a father. I mean very scared...but also very excited and I would love to spend the rest of my life raising this child, and maybe other children,” he tried to hide his excitement, “with you. I wan’t to wake up beside you every morning and fall sleep with you in my arms every night. Amelia, will you marry me?”
“Of course,” she answered without hesitation. “And I would reply with the same answer if you’d asked me on our car ride to work or in the middle of surgery.”
“Would that have been better?”
“No, you loser,” she rolled her eyes as he slipped the ring on her finger. “Now come here and give your fiancée some kisses.”
“Do you say that to all of us?” He teased as he fulfilled her request.
sorry this is super shitty but I feel the need to write any prompt im given haha (that makes it sound like i dont like writing prompts but i do!!!) plz keep sending them bc they keep me motivated<3 and thx sm for all the support on my recent fics.
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tanoraqui · 5 years
please write more for that au its SO CRAZY GOOD i need more... youre such a brilliant write
no knowing what this was about. Please enjoy character sketches of six generations of Watsons + a couple Holmeses, courtesy of this bit of technically-original-fic-because-of-public-domain. Still not sure what I’m going to do with all these people!! 
Mycroft Holmes, 1830 - 1901
Original incarnator and namer of Sherlock Holmes
Basically to see if he could. Incarnator and academic studier of spirits. Spark, and good at it.
(Death spirits aren’t very stable bc they tend to. Um. Kill the host. Only so much you can do to restrain the nature.
Mycroft concluded that that’s bc it’s always polluted by the fear of death - pure death would be more directable
He was right? Also, I guess mildly suicidal? And did a lot of trial and error in brief experiments in hospices, even a war zone or two, over a decade or so. Personality developed based on Mycroft’s, ofc, cool-emotioned but ever-curious, and an ego the size of imperial India
So Holmes was substantial enough to manifest more or less as we know him when Watson had a panicked moment on that battlefield
John Watson, 1867 - 1891
Bearer of Sherlock Holmes, 1886 - 1891
Dutiful, mom friend, selfless, kinda all or nothing, quick decisions - good in medical emergency, sometimes impulsive/reckless, mediocre shot except at snooker, reads for fun - especially once he picks up a bookwormy demon
Trained incarnator-physician
Summoned him in a terrible moment in the war in Afghanistan(?) in 1886
The field hospital was under attack, evacuation having been interrupted by unexpected enemy maneuvers, and Dr. Watson was torn between shooting on the enemy and trying desperately to tend to patients, but there was no way out and nothing but death all around. Nothing at hand but death.
So he figured “what the hell” and summoned a spirit out of that, bound to his own body ofc, and had him kill all the enemy. Holmes offered to take some of the death out of the British wounded as he did. A friendship began.
“Listen here, Watson - war is no place for pure death!” -some discomfitted superior officer, dismissing him from the service
John didn’t fully disagree, the easiness felt wrong - but it all felt wrong. And the medical applications…
But no hospital would hire him, with a death demon and the way he flinched at sudden noises still, hands that still shook 
Holmes scented a recent death, they interrupted a police investigation, impressed them with medical knowhow + death sense (passed off as medical knowhow for the moment?)
And That’s How We Ended Up A Consulting Detective 
Died in 1891 in the course of dispelling Moriarty, a life demon and criminal mastermind - fell off a cliff, on top of him, to injure the body so bad Moriarty had to vacate
Mary Watson née Morstan, 1876 - 1929
Bearer of Sherlock Holmes, 1891 - 1914
Sensible, dutiful, decisive (good in crisis, sometimes bad choices, esp. in anger), more aware of her own faults than John but also must work harder to overcome internalized prejudices
Took up Holmes after John’s death, to (vengefully but well-intentionedly) scour any trace of Moriarty from Earth.
Often did so with Young John on her hip, bc what else are you gonna do. Could’ve gotten a nanny but didn’t have too much money and (along with Holmes) was more worried about him out of her sight than chasing murderers with them
In the early 20th centuries, she started getting overtures from the British government re: taking Holmes to war and just, you know, fucking shit up. When WWI started, she and Young John quickly devised a Plan™
Young John Watson, 1891 - 1939
Bearer of Sherlock Holmes, 1914 - 1939
Eminently practical but secretly romantic, nay, Romantic™, drinks hella respect women juice, quick-thinking
His mother started calling him “Johnny” instead of “Young John” when he was 2, but Holmes never picked it up - to Johnny’s annoyance, bc he wanted to, you know, not just be his father. They had a full argument about it, Holmes refused the juvenile nickname, but did his best to use “John” for like a week before reverting. It grew on him a little, though.
The Plan™:
Basically, the govt had slowly come around to the idea that a weak and feeble woman was in possession (ha) of one of the strongest demons in England. They (she and Young John) were sure she’d be summoned once war broke out - indeed, perhaps she was, but it was more like sounding her out and she put them off. Can’t draft a woman after all.
But clearly they’d escalate, so…fortunately, John had fallen thoroughly and mutually in love with a young American woman, who didn’t mind taking him home at all - they’d probably beaten it around the bush a little, hypotheticals, and then this…there was a bit of a tizzy tbh. John nearly fucked it up, emphasizing that he was immigrating for Holmes and not for her, no pressure on her whatsoever. Possibly they didn’t sort it out until they arrived in New York - though this did have the boat ride to do it.
But yeah: Mary released Holmes, John took him up and left the country with the govt none the wiser, Mary continues putting off the govt until the passports were thoroughly stamped…
And then America stayed out of the war long enough, and idk if “conscientious objector” was a thing but I’m sure he found some way to put it off. 
Holmes did well during the Great Influenza, at least.
Buuut they ended up consulting detecting anyway lbr. 
Shot in 1939, possibly by sniper in crowded area or at least by gunmen in unexpected attack, on a case set up by Moriarty…
Gave Holmes his death, final order to get Jillian out of here alive. 
Amelia Hunter, 1896 - 1966
Moderately wealthy New York family
Visited her second cousin in London in 1913-1914, as well as the English suffragette movement (herself a part of the American movement)
Met and fell quite in love with Johnny Watson, with a cheerful dose of “your mother is so cool.” Cheerfully helped him and his mother con the British government out of a death demon, married him once they both got their heads a little straight
Jillian Watson, 1920 - 2019
Bearer of Sherlock Holmes, 1939 - 2019
I’m not saying she swore vengeance on not just Moriarty but the entirety of Nazi Germany whom he was supporting (for fun a profit, per usual), after they killed her father in front of her - for almost certainly the express purpose of keeping Holmes out of the incipient war - but I’m also not…not saying that
Nor am I saying that she was part of the inspiration for Captain America in this ‘verse, or at least for Peggy, but I’m not not saying that either
Slightly rogue incredible combat fighter who volunteers to go fight Nazis before it’s even cool? Yeah. Yeah. Some Peggy art just straight-up looks like her, once Kirby&Lee somehow met her
Jillian Watson. How do I begin to describe Jillian Watson
Jillian Watson is a superhero. Jillian Watson is a spy. After WWII, once someone in the army decided it was better to work with her than against her, she ended up in…whatever proto-CIA they were forming at the time
Also, got married and had a kid while still on semi-desk duty
Jillian Watson is known as “Angel of Death” in 40 languages in 95 countries. Jillian Watson liberated at least one Jewish concentration camp. Jillian Watson stopped the Cold War from getting Hot at least twice - and neither time involved Cuba. She was on vacation that month.
And Holmes, obviously. They had a very solid hot/cold balance - only one was ever emotional at once
Jillian Watson has kissed a KGB agent, killed a king, and met nearly every US President from Truman through Reagan. She liked Eisenhower best. Carter downright annoyed her, and she nearly had a shouted argument with LBJ, though they also exchanged a handful of letters
Jillian Watson probably helped bring down the government in Iran in the 70s
Jillian Watson was probably not a great mother. She was too busy chasing adrenaline and maybe glory. 
They liaised with the FBI, too, as it grew, and shifted to their Spiritual Crimes Division completely in the late 60s/early 70s, when age was starting to really catch up with her - a death spirit can keep away infections and viruses, but not the simple wear and tear of age and adventure
When the AIDS crisis hit, Marcus put them in contact with people and Jillian Watson once more became known as the Angel of Death, this time for bringing mercy
Retired age 80 (2000), under duress. Still did some consulting. 
Liz was an option, but she was already getting on, and maybe irritated not to have gotten Holmes before (and/or maybe growing out of that desire anyway?) Manuel was a candidate, but Holmes needed a lot of talking around - and it didn’t matter yet, bc neither of them wanted to be parted. Neither could quite forget losing her father (or hte original John Watson) and Holmes meant to stick it out, and Jillian had no intention of retiring that much
Eventually got some quite contacts - nay, friends! - among elderly in her area to engage in consensual euthenasia now and then. Supplemented by hanging out in morgues and cemeteries and buying and killing a TON of plants, and sometimes mice.
Went on a lot of protest marches in retirement
Marcus Watson, 1920 - 2005
Twin of Jillian
Settled down with a lovely partner (Henry White) sometime in the 50s in NYC, where they lived for the rest of their lives
Not particularly interested in the life of a consulting detective/incarnator. Didn’t mind, but got squeamish, and just…didn’t enjoy being in danger. John took him on a couple cases but Jillian was the one who wanted to go, to know, even when they were kids, and he was happy to let her. Born to be a house husband.
He and his Henry were fully exclusive, neither got AIDS - but they lost a lot of friends. Practically, he turned Jillian and Holmes on to the crisis, connected her with people who knew people
Jeremiah Fletcher, 1918 - 2000
Married Jillian Watson in 1946
Fell in love when she broke him out of a German prison in 1942
Elizabeth “Liz” Watson, 1949 - 2009
Free spirit, adventurous, thought her mother (+ Holmes) was the coolest person ever, wanted to be the same. 
Legitimately badass in her own right. Joined…same service probably? They didn’t want another woman but someone intelligent resigned themselves to at least having a Watson in reserve, in case they couldn’t convince the demon to accept another host
Though, why “convince” when you can bind?
And if there’s no alternative, maybe he’ll be happy with a proper agent…
Or there was one person hiring who wasn’t a total ass, eventually
Though possibly by that time she’d decided “fuck it” and set out on her own
Basically a mercenary. Expected to inherit Holmes when her mother retired. There were some awesome mother-daughter expeditions
Got having children out of the way early - one child, at least, via a random French man in the summer of 1970. Donna from Mamma Mia energy. Jacques SomethingFrench
Tension with her mother (and Holmes) grew as Jillian continued to not retire and Holmes…tried to look after them both tbh. Liz hated being cosetted
Heart attack age 60, slightly adrenaline-induced but relatively tame - hiking or something; maybe surfing. Died quickly in hospital
Therese Marquéz née Watson, 1971 - present
Resented being left behind with her grandfather (Jeremiah) or great-uncle or just nannies while he mother gallivanted around the globe, but nor did she personally enjoy gallivanting
All but refuses to carnate even a light or luck spirit
Ran away several times, permanently at age 18
Met a nice young man in police training, (him), married him quickly, had twins, happy for a while…until she got furious at him for working long hours, risking his life, not giving her the domestic bliss and picket fence life she’d imagined 
Also, he got along with her family, which she couldn’t stand
Didn’t even wait for him to come home, just left the twins with Manuel’s sister’s family and left
Has come to see them a couple times, called on birthdays usually, but in general is a mediocre person
Manuel Marquéz, 1970 - 2012
Husband of Therese
A Good Man
V aware of how the world is shitty but wanted to make it better anyway
Whirlwind romance with a beautiful but mysterious girl while he was in police training, had twins, thought he was achieving the American Dream until it turned out his wife was bristling with resentment and straight-up left one night while he was on shift
Prior to that, Jillian and Holmes randomly showed up at least once to see the twins, having heard from Marcus that they existed (the only family member Therese told; the only one she stayed in much contact with)
They got along great - he took her snappishness in stride, they shared a slightly cynical sense of humor and desire to do good nonetheless. Got talking about police investigations and procedure, he wanted to invite her back except Therese couldn’t STAND it, so they didn’t
But when he lost Therese, he reached out - because fuck you, but also, so the kids could know that side of their family, and by then Jillian had also settled down in southern CA probably? 
Dog person
Shot on the job when his kids were a year into college
David Marquéz, 1991 - present
Twin of Vanessa. Normal. Down-to-earth, B or B+ student, liked some sports, had friends, went to state college - Jillian offered to help pay for both twins, Manuel accepted bc that shit’s tough, especially two at once
Amiably disinterested in spiritual stuff - doesn’t mind, is more or less blasé about the whole Death Spirit thing - acts blase, at least; is actually kind of uncomfortable. But doesn’t want to be his mother, and so habitually doesn’t make a big deal of it, or of anything. Mediator.
Met a nice Jewish girl in college (Hannah Steinbeck) (himself tentatively, idly Catholic from the Marquéz side), dated her all through, followed her back to Boston to get a job…idk, something on computers. Coder?
Loudly insists (technically factually) that he’s the older brother, but to his credit has solid energy for it: responsible, stolid, reliable, Will fight if given cause. 
But also, DID cheerfully leave his sister to be primary local caretaker to their elderly great-grandmother and her death spirit, not long after their father’s death. Will put his hands over his ears and talk loudly while walking away from stressful situations
Strong-ish but apathetic carnator
Vanessa “Vinnie” Marquéz/Watson, 1991 - present
Bearer of Sherlock Holmes, 2019 ongoing
BSN from idk
Thinks SHE’S the responsible one, particularly after David moved to Boston
Got along well with her father; he always supported her desire to go into medicine to help people. Really looked up to him, considered that career - but he urged her to be more actively helping life than just stopping death/crime (wanted better for his kids)
Always fully aware that good cops like her dad are rare; kind of illogically despises the whole institution since his death
(WAS that, too, arranged by Moriarty? Question for another day)
Likes Great British Bake-Off but CANNOT bake; likes Project Runway and other fashion shows and does, actually, have good fashion sense (just insufficient money to fulfill it). Sews well. Talks to cloth like it’s a patient
Roommate is Darby, also a nurse, they/them. Together they’ll totally be like, *Leslie Knope voice* “Tragically, we are romantically incompatible*
First case happens literally in the apartment 3 stories down
I’m not saying she’s gonna kiss that FBI agent before it’s over but i’m sure as hell saying she’ll THINK about it
Also will get ⅔ of the way to telling Holmes to kill her and get the civilians out before backup arrives
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solitaria-fantasma · 4 years
((Session #5 highlights, GO!))
Our DM admitted to me the night before that this session was going to be “plot and  C H A O S” and honestly I am sO excited.
We start off with Matthias telling the party that he’d gone back to the bazaar and stolen a forged ledger. We’re uncovering organized crime today.
Recap: We still need to return Von Trikona’s books, as well as investigate/avenge the death of Clarissa Rose.
There are two new country names on the map - Croyden and Iandow!
New non-country locations listed include: Red Hawk, Caister, Alenwik, Aynor, Leeside, Dewsbary, Peinrith, Farenfros, Veritas, and Westwend.
Also ‘Fwee’ is actually spelled ‘Phwie’ and I need to adjust my notes.
We stumbled across a hungover wizard being harassed by a goblin. I immediately tried to scare it away, and rolled REALLY high intimidation.
“The goblin is intimidated af, and fucks off into the wilds.”
The wizard - Renaldo Ladboy - admitted that he’d ‘partied too hard’ the night before, and didn’t remember WHY he’d pitched his camp out in the woods.
Renaldo perks up when he hears that we are travelers, and heading in the same direction he is. He offers to take us there, but since a teleport spell has a limit on how many it can carry, and we are five people + five horses, he basically wants to put us in a Bag of Holding.
I imagined Renaldo pulling Udaji out by her horns and burst out laughing bc she’s sEVEN FEET TALL IT’D BE LIKE THE ENDLESS HANDKERCHIEF TRICK BUT WITH A BARD-
“Get in the fucking bag, Mountain!”
“What was the price of your freedom?”/”A Pringle.”
The interior of a Bag of Holding is - in the DM’s words - ‘a dumpster fire’. There’s everything from random treasure to books to laundry just thrown about in piles....and also there’s another person.
This is Helena (played by the DM’s mom), and she has been in here for a long time, apparently.
There is also Theo, a mysterious voice hidden in the laundry. They warn us to be wary of ‘skittering sounds’, and to hide when we hear them.
I think we were tricked.
Matthias knelt down specifically to slap Claus, who had rolled the highest on the insight check and found nothing suspicious.
Theo came out of hiding to once more warn us to be careful what we touched, and be wary of ‘the Guardians’.
Theo has been in here too long, though, and has a very small reservoir of spoons, so after this final warning, he disappeared back into hiding.
It is DEAFENINGLY quiet inside the Bag of Holding.
Udaji nervously strummed her lute, and the echo took a long time to come back…..and then we heard a flutter.
While Matthias tried to loot some potions and Mountain tried to take a nap, I strummed again to try and recreate the flutter….and I heard more fluttering. It was loud enough to actually wake up Mountain.
Udaji immediately ran off to investigate one of the sources of the fluttering, and then the fluttering turned into skittering. Oh no.
“Udaji, roll for initiative.”
I roared into the darkness and managed to intimidate away one of the gargoyles that were stalking me.
I also apparently terrified Theo with my ‘I Am A Mighty Dragon’ roar. Whoops.
I shouted back to the party “I FOUND THE SKITTERING THINGS!” and retreated one square, but Udaji is simultaneously too stubborn to completely run away and too afraid to run off into the darkness (again).
Helena temporarily lit up our little corner of Hell, and I cast Heroism on Mountain because I have no ranged weaponry/spells.
Mountain could gain a max of 40 temporary hp from this spell if A) he doesn’t get hit and B) I don’t get hit and lose concentration.
Aaaaand one gargoyle promptly flew 60 feet and bit me, shattering my concentration. Heck.
Mountain tried to do a trick shot with his bow and accidentally shot Matthias.
Gargoyle #1 tried to bite Claus, but missed because Claus was too short for it to hit.
I desperately want to test out my Earth Tremor spell but my teammates are tOO CLOSE-
Honestly sessions with the DM’s mom are always a little bit awkward bc it sometimes becomes the mom and three sisters arguing and me just sitting there in awkward silence but I know she means well.
Theo ran up and hit behind the Dragonborn for safety when a THIRD gargoyle came out of hiding. This may prove to be a mistake
Gargoyle #1 hit Claus and I’m starting to wish I’d made Udaji a barbarian bECAUSE I’M READY TO RAGE-
All anger aside I’m actually having a very hard time not envisioning these gargoyles as THE Gargoyles from the Disney show, and I feel bad every time I stab them.
“It’s a very, very high pile of laundry, so we’re going to classify it as difficult terrain.”
I lost almost half my hit points in one turn and then got healed half of THAT back in the next what a roller coaster.
Two gargoyles down, one to go!
Helena coming in with the killing blow on gargoyle #1!
With the battle over, Helena picked up some of the gold off the ground.
Poor Theo was being harassed by those three gargoyles for at least a month, maybe more (it’s hard to keep track of time in a dark, sunless void).
Theo admits that he got tricked into entering the bag after getting injured fighting ghouls, and the wizard came along and offered to carry him to safety.
Renaldo has now kidnapped seven people with his Bag of Holding, and has four people lined up to punch him (the other three advocate for murder).
Theo gives us a much clearer warning now about ‘the Guardians’ - two suits of armor that guard Renaldo’s stuff, and attack people who try to steal it.
Matthias immediately disappears to try and steal things.
Udaji sat down and started filling the silence with lute music because she is realizing that she does NOT like this kind of heavy silence.
Astrid stole a few potions, and Mountain realized we could switch out our suspicious, fake gold for real gold.
Theo watched us in visible confusion as we poured gold out onto the ground, only to then pick up equal amounts of seemingly identical gold.
“This man has kidnapped seven people! Seven people and presumably five horses!”
Astrid has a crush on Mountain, and tries to snuggle up to him, but Matthias literally flung himself between them in protest, so Astrid snuggled up with Udaji instead.
We took a long rest, and at the end of it, Renaldo actually remembered to pull us all out.
The only reason he remembered was because he’d teleported with our party’s horses, and landed surrounded by equines.
Theo punched him square in the nose.
“Claus is old enough to drink, but Udaji is not. Do not let the Dragonborn order beer.”
We hadn’t eaten in two and a half days, so we all ordered double meals and chowed down.
While eating on the mostly empty inn floor, we overhear two women whispering across the floor.
Eventually, one of the women raises her voice and says “We are not having this discussion! You are marrying Hassan, and that’s final!”
Marrying the Lord who was supposedly betrothed to the young Lady Rose? So soon? How scandalous…
Matthias sidled up to try and talk to them, and finds out that they are, in fact, talking about the same Lord Hassan who was betrothed to Clarissa Rose.
The older woman demanded to know how we knew of this supposed ‘other prospect’, and Matthias lied - saying that we had been hired by Clarissa’s mother to retrieve her daughter’s body.
This, predictably, did not endear him to the two women, so Astrid had to saunter over and try to assist.
The women are Amelia (younger) and Charlotte (older) Ulsten.
They asked when this previous engagement had been made, and we said that it had been a month. Charlotte got very pale and very still, and Amelia immediately told her “I told you something was wrong!”
Charlotte tells us that they had received the marriage proposal around the same time.
Matthias asked if they had heard the rumors of ‘accidents’ and stolen dowries. They said no.
The two women were traveling from Westwend, in Croyden.
“Charlotte sort of blubbers, like a Karen who’s been confronted by a manager and isn’t getting her free Frostie from Wendy’s.”
I traded places with Matthias to try and smooth things over, and Amelia - who has never seen a Dragonborn before - can’t stop staring.
Charlotte unbristled, and explained that they hadn’t heard of Lord Hassan before the proposal, so they’d hired a private investigator to look into him.
Their PI found that Lord Hassan WAS a legitimate bachelor and Lord in Kenkilly, but they hadn’t heard of this potential scam.
“But we DO have guards!”/”So did Miss Rose…”
Amelia begs her mother not to make her see this through, and Charlotte agrees that this scenario is too weird for her, and that they will seek a marriage prospect elsewhere.
Matthias speed-ate all his cake purely to avoid sharing with anyone.
Astrid gave her father puppy eyes, and he eventually caved, and bought her a slice of cake.
Amelia was still staring at Udaji as everyone settled back down to finish eating.
Claus and Astrid may or may not be leaving the party for a time bc the DM doesn’t want to end up playing too many NPCs, and while I understand that, I am going to dearly miss my best halfling friend and only female companion.
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freshginandtonic · 5 years
State of Play (and the state of Australia’s press freedom)
This week I got to thinking (insert Carrie Bradshaw voice here) about one of my favourite television shows, ‘State of Play’. I try to rewatch it every three to six months, scheduling it in like a dental check-up. There is in fact a big screen adaptation of the same story, starring a then-hot Ben Affleck and Eternal Queen of the World Rachel McAdams that came out in 2009, but I’m here to talk about the BBC originale.
I’ll skimp on the plot bc it twists and turns more than my stomach after I’ve had full dairy milk, but here’s the main thrust: a young kid gets shot on the streets of London the same morning as a young political researcher falls (or gets pushed hmmm) under a train. They’re connected by a single phone call. The researcher is discovered to be having an affair with her boss, who happens to be an MP. A conspiracy is introduced that may involve all of them, the British govt and a shady oil company. Enter stage left the scruffy maverick journalist and his team trying to find the truth. Have I whetted your appetite yet?
Now here’s the reason this particular series was floating around in my subconscious. On Monday multiple Australian newspapers ran redacted articles and documents on their covers, as part of a campaign called Your Right To Know. They were all heavily edited and asking the same question: ’When government keeps the truth from you, what are they covering up?’, as well as my personal favourite ‘News restrictions. Secrecy. Jail terms for journalists and whistleblowers. It couldn’t happen in Australia? It’s happening now.’ This exact same thing happens in State of Play. Now this isn’t by any means a political website (lol, blog) and I’m not here to make it one, but hopefully we can all agree that press suppression is Bad, and holding the govt to account, plus questioning their decision-making and actions is Good. We all know the govt (and practically all govts around the world) do some Questionable Things. Things that we don’t, and probably won’t know about for a number of years, if ever. Despite whatever political beliefs you subscribe to, when it comes to govt cover ups I dare u to try watching the masterpiece of cinema ‘Enemy of the State’ and come out of it not being slightly paranoid and mad about the unknown powers our or any political authority may have.
But getting back to the current issue. Since 2002, there have been 75 pieces of federal legislation have been introduced, intending to protect the public from national security threats but their purpose is essentially to stop the public from knowing what the Federal Government is doing. Journalists are being targeted, raided and silenced. We all know press suppression always starts before the really bad shit hits the fan.
To cap off the dystopian nightmare our country is falling into, new research has revealed  87 per cent of Australians value a free and transparent democracy only 37 per cent believe this is happening in Australia today. Love!! this!! for!! us!!
The issue of press freedom is constantly raised in State of Play, over 15 years ago. Fortunately British reporters are more protected than they are here in Australia where they have no constitutional safeguards, while in the UK journos are protected under the Human Rights Act. They're not perfect but it’s a more than our own country has done. 
A scene plays out in State of Play which is what I’m sure (I mean, hopefully) went down in the newsrooms of the Sydney Morning Herald, Daily Telegraph and countless others earlier this week - an editor runs a redacted front page calling attention to a huge issue - in this case Bill Nighy’s superb Cameron Foster is targeting the UK govt over their dealings w an oil company. He runs the headline ‘The story we can’t show you. Because Westminster have gagged us. Ask U-Ex Oil why. Ask your MP why.’ It’s a deafening threat to their foes in Westminster and basically a declaration: whether you try to bury the story or not, there’s no way it’s not getting out. Later we see the final story being printed and delivered, uncensored to readers - a victory for the fourth estate’s triumph over government might.
The show was written by Paul Abbott, who has his own fascinating and tragic backstory and directed by the man who helmed the last four Harry Potter films (and two spin-offs), David Yates. 
Beyond the plot, the series tackles issues of class, race (a black kid is killed in the opening scene and subsequently profiled as a drug user despite there being no evidence to support the theory), and adultery, (don’t get me goddamn started on this sub-plot) while examining the personal repercussions that come with reporters - or anyone finding a story and sticking to their guns on it. That’s not to mention characters becoming completely desensitised to the death and destruction that follow them. One of the most fascinating exchanges in the series is between a police officer and a reporter. One refers to the events around them as a case, with real lives and people involved, the other a story that has a deadline, damn the consequences. It’s clear then the price for exposing the worst of humanity is to lose some of your own. 
John Simm is our leading man, the aforementioned scruffy journalist Cal McAffrey. Boardwalk Empire’s - or Nanny McPhee and Trainspotting depending on your vintage - Kelly McDonald is his fellow lead reporter Della, seemingly the everywoman among the occasional madness, and she has a special place in my heart due to her large number of denim jackets. 
I’d like to also acknowledge to the excellent supporting characters beginning w James McAvoy who gives a spectacularly smarmy yet hot - despite a terrible wardrobe - performance as a journo working for a rival paper who then joins the team. Amelia Bullmore and Benedict Wong round out the main gang of reporters as Westminster correspondents Helen Prager and Pete Cheng. David Morrissey plays the perpetually sad and wounded politician Stephen Collins who is an absolute puzzle. Special mention to Bill Nighy as their editor-in-chief who says things like ‘I’m the sceptical one, so don’t push it Tonto’ and ‘bring us a bottle of red and four glasses’ when confronted with a piece of incriminating evidence. Another shining star is Liz the newsroom intern who is too good to describe here but is possibly the best part of the entire series and gets away with the best lines (excluding ‘ole Bill).
I kept an article that talked about State of Play and other smilier films and series on my cork board for about seven years, till the paper got yellowed and fragile. It described the tactics the journos in State of Play use as ’..Like a road map of the horrors of modern British journalism: phone-tapping, withholding evidence, more lies than the News of the World. And these are done by the good guys; the people they go after are murderers.’
In short: I’m never going to be able to describe all the ways I love this show, but for now I say: watch it. Watch it for six hours of absolutely cracking television, the character arcs, the terrible 2003 fashion choices, for Bill Nighy, for young James McAvoy. But most of all watch it bc you’ll see what’s going on right now reflected in every action and every scene. When characters are arrested in their newsroom, intimidated by both politician and policemen alike think of what’s going on rn in our dang country. When Cal protects his anonymous sources remember that Australia’s shield laws  are still quite limited the it comes to preventing journalists from being charged over naming confidential informants. And most of all when the team are pressured into dropping the story by the higher-ups, think of the blacked out papers we all picked up on Monday morning when our press agencies decided to ask ‘what are they covering up?’
As Cameron says ‘Big day. Big story. Big hitters.’
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saidbyes-blog · 6 years
( FRIEND OF GRANT'S ) ebony harrison ( 24 / she/they ): demigirl & friends who seemingly clicked despite emotional distance, and acquaintance of mallory's. ( nina nesbitt ) ( PACE / 20+ / SHE/HER )
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hello ! so, i’m typing this up straight after acceptance ( lmao, talk about eager ) so hopefully anything i inevitably forget, i can add between now and when this’ll actually be posted, so you actually have some decent info to work with ! but i’m pace ( which is obviously an alias but,,,, pls just call me pace ! ) and my pronouns are she/her ! and moving on to the one you actually wanna know about... 
—– ❀ okay, so !! as you can see above, ebony is a friend of grant’s ! on the surface, they seem to just ‘get’ eachother, but of course ebony is completely oblivious to who he really is and what he’s capable of. however, because ebony isn’t the most open and uhh,,, Not-Closed-Off as people, it kind of works ? in a,,,, neither of them ask too many questions kind of way ? it’s mutual, y’know ?she kind of sees him as a guy who’s Not Like The Other Guys ( while lowkey a voice in the back of her head is like ALL GUYS ARE LIKE THE OTHER GUYS ) and they just seem to Understand eachother. but ebony can be a sceptical little fuck, and she’s generally just Wary in general sometimes, but she also wants to believe that some people are good and their intentions are as they seem and it’s Pure. even if she EVER got creepy vibes from grant, she’d either be like CREEP EVIL NASTY BYE SEE YA or convince herself she’s making it up because of relationships with people in the past. but ofc, the worst part is that he’s never given her any reason to think grant is anything but just a nice, charming guy who’s maybe a little pretentious and quiet but that’s basically the worst thing about him, and if it were to happen now, she’s in too deep for it to be a red flag. yoikes. but we all know that to everyone else he just looks like a,,, Nice Guy. either way, he’s a friend, and their lack of actually being as close as they may seem isn’t that weird for her ( which i shall explain in a different bullet point bc this is long ! )
—– ❀ she isn’t a complete plum, and won’t turn a blind eye forever, but in the recent months/so far, she’s come to grant’s defence, thinking that anybody who’s pointed the finger at him is a) unoriginal and b) has clearly never met him. she thinks it’s cruel and unnecessary. like, her pov is that he lost his girlfriend, who told the story of what happened/was going to happen to her, and it’s as simple as that, in a ‘why would mallory write about that otherwise’ kind of way. she’s applying logic to it and i’m like oh,,, honey,,, you sweet summer child,,, plus, grant’s manipulative ass is looking all kinds of charming and innocent and whatever. HOWEVER, things slowly unfolding and eventually ebony beginning to question things ! yes pls ! internal conflict !
—– ❀ however, ebony also briefly vaguely knew mallory ! she attended a few of her yoga classes ages ago, and it’s a complete coincidence that ebony knew the both of them. if/when grant ever mentioned mallory to ebony, the name wouldn’t have clicked, and since she never met her outside of the classes, it took her a while to click why mallory looked so familiar when everything blew up after her death. it kind of weirds her out that someone she knew was murdered, and that it never clicked that Grant’s Girlfriend was the one who taught those yoga classes, but it’s just a complete coincidence ! 
—– ❀ TW FOR ABUSE MENTION: ebony hasn’t read the book, and doesn’t plan on it. she might one day if she’s feeling impulsive and self destructive, but because of the subject matter, she’s avoiding it. it had nothing to do with being grant’s friend ( even though most people would probably question if it’s the Moral and Ethical thing to do, that doesn’t even cross her mind -- she’s not the most moral of people tbh ) and has more to do with the fact that she’s been in an abusive relationship in the past, herself, and she’s just like............nope. ( / end of tw ! )
—– ❀ she didn’t grow up in new york, and has only called it home for for a few years. but she also travels a lot, and is very flaky, and can disappear for periods of time just to show up announced a few weeks later. it’s not weird for her to drop off the grid for a bit ( sounds safe, ebs ) and it’s not weird for her to ditch social circles and local hangouts in general and just ghost, and she’s also lived in several different states across the country. she cannot commit to anything ever, including places. it’s actually odd that she’s been in new york for so long, but she loves the energy and the spirit of the city. and it’s massive so if she tires of a certain spot, she can drift elsewhere ! plus.........plot convenience. 
—– ❀ sometimes she might feel a little out of place tbh ! she’s not an academic and she definitely didn’t come from money, and doesn’t have an abundance of it now, either. she’s a bartender, as that’s always her job when i play her lmao, but i might give her another too but i’m still flipping back and forth so..... tbd !
—– ❀ TW FOR DEATH: a bit of background: she was born in california to amelia robinson & david harrison, a young couple who hadn’t been together all that long when they found out they were expecting, but were madly in love nonetheless. david was completely devoted to his daughter, but he sadly died when she was seven. after his death, some hard truths to swallow came out about him, and her already distraught mother was even more heartbroken. life was pretty rough after his death and her mother couldn’t really cope anymore and became someone that ebs ended up not really recognising, and she became kind of cruel. she’s since forgiven her mother for who she became and therefore how she then treated her daughter, but they’re not close. ebony left cali for a few years after turning seventeen, and when she returned at twenty, she found her father’s broken watch, which she sometimes still wears now. it looks out of place on her thin wrist, especially since the damn thing doesn’t work, but she likes it nonetheless and refuses to get it fixed. in ways like that, she can be,,, a little pretentious ( again, why her friendship with grant works ) and while we’re on the subject of that..... ( / tw ends ! )
—– ❀ her personality is a little messy. she can be very........difficult ? especially as a friend ? though she’s kind-hearted and forgiving and can be very gentle, she’s also temperamental and vague and selfish. she doesn’t mean to be selfish, but she just is. it’s,,, probably infuriating to some people ? as well as the fact that she’s very easily misunderstood due to being hard to understand. yet she also doesn’t like people making the effort to try and understand. yet also wants someone in her life who does understand her. like.........she wants something, but won’t let anybody make the steps to get the thing she wants ? like.............jfc, ebs. she also cannot deal with anything, and it’s not uncommon for somebody to think that everything is going fine and they’re getting on with her great, but then shit hits the fan and the real things happen and she’s like !!! bye !!! so, again, she’s a bit of a flight risk right now. bc like...... well, a murder’s a pretty big thing, my dudes. but also, in her mind, one of her friends is going through some Big Stuff what with his girlfriend being “murdered by her ex” so although most people would be like “gosh golly i should be there for him” there’s a part of ebony that’s like “cannot............deal...............want.......................to yeet.........” but because it’s his Trauma to deal with, it’s easier for her to stay. for example, if something happened between herself and grant that was mutual ( no matter what it was ) that caused angst, that’d be more of a reason for her to Yeet because it directly effects her ? if that at all makes sense ?
—– ❀ quick thing about gender and pronouns !! gender is messy and complicated ( to her ) and she accepted that long ago, but she identifies as a demigirl. her pronouns are she/her, HOWEVER she really appreciates when people use they/them when she hasn’t explicitly stated her pronouns to somebody. she just ,,, thinks it’s the respectful thing to do, but it also makes her feel Valid. she mostly identifies with the gender she was assigned at birth, and tends to present very femininely, but that doesn’t make her any less nb, y’know ? and she doesn’t like people,,, forgetting that she’s Not A Woman ? a lot of the time she’s worried people won’t see her as being nb and even her nb friends she’s sometimes convinced will just forget she’s Not A Woman ?? however, she’s okay with sometimes being referred to as a girl, but always on her own terms. like.......her mobile header literally says ‘sad girls club’ but like..... on her own terms, y’know ? so tldr: if we could pls refrain from referring to her as like ‘the woman’ or ‘the girl’ in threads, that’d be greatly appreciated !
—– ❀ some extras if you want to see/read more about the goblin: stats, playlist, pinterest, aesthetic, old drabbles*, old about/drabble. she doesn’t have a full bio, as the last one i wrote ended up being over 7k words and honestly.........who has the time
* if you click this one, please be aware that trigger warnings apply for abuse, as well as vague/tiny mentions of pregnancy.
extra connections !!! if u want !!!! idk !!!
—– ❀ friends from out of town ! if anybody is from anywhere else in the u.s outside of ny, or they spent a lot of time somewhere else, they totally could’ve known eachother a few years ago. bc ebony has lived in several different places, i can probably wiggle things around and make it work no matter what state they’ve lived in !
—– ❀ friends ! as you might’ve gathered from the rest of the intro, ebony can be a little Difficult, but she’s still kind at heart, and can be soft, and thoughtful ! so, friends that have no problem with her, friends who call her out on her bullshit, friends who she’s ditched in the past, friends she parties with, friends who have tried to Fix her, friends she trusts more than most, etc etc ! as the great sutton foster once said, anything goes !
—– ❀ fwb/hook-ups/flings/exes ! whether they’re things of the past or kind of ongoing, it’s pretty open ! ebony likes people of any and all genders, and ( not dissimilar to mallory, actually ! ) has no problems spreading her love around. which is basically the beating-around-the-bush way of saying she has a lot of sex with a lot of people, and i support her ( ... eh, when it’s healthy ) but one night stands, friends that have no problem keeping things causal, people she dated for a while, something that started casual but Feelings happened and it’s messy, all kinds of stuff is good to go !
—– ❀ people who were also in the yoga classes mallory taught at the time ! it would’ve been a while ago but if the Yoga Peoples would’ve been there back in the day too then perfect !
—– ❀ grant’s other friends ! people who met through grant ! we all have that friend we met through a mutual murderer, right ? or someone who eb met through grant and they can’t fucking stand eachother ? someone she met through grant but then shagged and now it’s awkward ? people who were actually friends with eachother first and one of them introduced grant to the other ? people who she only met at mallory’s funeral bc they were both there to support their murderous pal ? having the two of ‘em meet unrelated and then find out casually like oh shit u know my good bitch grant ? wild ! all kinds of shit !
—– ❀ roommates ! what are the realistic chances of a group of roomies all knowing either the gal who got murdered or her boyfriend ? slim as fuck but plot convenience !! maybe two or three roomies ? ny’s expensive and ebony isn’t a rich gal !
—– ❀ tbh though i also really love just.......... throwing the characters into a situation and seeing how things go, and having people meet for the first time and stuff, but i also love pre-plotted and intenser stuff, and messy/complicated plots work really well with eb ! i love all kinds of things, i’m down for w/e. while we’re on connections though, i tend to suck with plotting and i’m sometimes a little slow with ims, but i just want to make that Known so it’s not taken personally or anybody thinks i’m not interested anymore or anything ! i’m definitely replying, i promise !
okay so if you read all of this, you’re a saint and greatly appreciated ! apologies for the rambling ! feel free to drop by if you’d like to plot or anything like that ! ps. pls enjoy the fact that i scheduled this while watching the ted bundy thing on netflix, bc it tickled me. bit too fitting huh lads. 
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oddcoupler222 · 6 years
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Ooookay! So, ahem, here is the tale (in vague/loose outline form):
So when Ellie is 15 she meets the Love of Her Life. Madelyn (18) goes to college and when her parents and Ellie help move her into school on the first day, they meet Madelyn's roommate Amelia, and Ellie has a crush almost immediately
Some little fun stuff on Amelia Holt: born and raised in Dorne, and has not had the easiest life. Born to a younger, single mother. They didn’t have a lot of money when she was young, and her mom was (is) a drug addict, which has resulted in a lot of ins and outs of the foster system for her, a lot of trust issues. But she is also super smart and has a willpower made of iron, and did everything she could (working part time jobs through high school, getting scholarships and loans up the ass) to go to college in King’s Landing and Make Something of Herself.
Meanwhile, Madelyn and Amelia (after a somewhat rocky start because they are both outspoken and headstrong, and they have some… misunderstandings at first) become basically bff. And because of Amelia’s home life – and Madelyn asking what she’s doing over their first holiday break, and she informs her that she is staying at school), Madelyn ends up bringing her home for holidays and vacations and stuff bc that's who Madelyn is. Highkey brotp
Meanwhile, all of this only makes Ellie's crush SO BAD because Amelia is always there and pays attention to her and is so smart etc (and she’s also a lesbian, so big time sexual awakening for her). So, quiet, shy teenage Ellie spends a couple of years with this huge crush, and Amelia is always takes the time to talk to her and SEE her, because - she is best friends with Madelyn, but she can see how Ellie feels somewhat overshadowed and how uncomfortable Ellie feels in the whole “living in the limelight” life she’d had.
When she's 17, she gathers all her courage and kisses Amelia (who is  20 at the time). And is not like SHOCKED tbh, because Ellie’s crush has been fairly obvious over the years, with the blushing and all, but she is shocked that she actually kissed her. And she regretfully has to let Ellie down because they have an age difference and she doesn't see Ellie like that right now. She is like really sweet about it because she does care about Ellie (and this whole family that has taken her in)
Ellie is MORTIFIED and like runs away from her and tells her to please never mention it again, to anyone, especially not Maddie
The next time they see each other is a month or so later, when Madelyn gets a call from Marg that Ellie was in a car accident. She's out with Amelia at the time so they both go to the hospital, and Ellie is basically fine (scrapes and a broken arm). But everyone makes a fuss (esp Marg and Madelyn. Plot twist, you might think it would be Sansa. However, Sansa is definitely like Catelyn when she's older. I just imagine in general, she is used to watching kids, babysitting, watching her mother be a mother, too - she can’t 100% know what it's going to be like to be a mom, but she has an idea of what it's going to be like. And there are moments where she panics, too, like the first time one of the girls gets in an accident, and she is /always/ a mother hen, like when they get sick and stuff. But ultimately is the one who calms Marg down when like baby-Madelyn has a sniffle and Margaery is like "we should bring her to the doctor" and Sansa is like, "we just need to keep an eye on her" and ends up comforting Marg
Or, in the event of Ellie's teenage car accident, both Sansa and Marg get to the hospital in a worry, and once they talk to the doctors and both see her for themselves and are able to hug her and coddle her, Sansa calms down and is like, everything is all right. And Marg is pacing the hospital room, being like, I will actually find this person who hit your car and kill him. I really will" and vacillates between that and deciding that Ellie shouldn't leave the house for another few weeks). And Madelyn’s very similar to Marg… as in she walks in and Ellie’s relieved and is like "Thank god you're here, I'm pretty sure moms are ready to put me in an adult size stroller and never let me out of their sight -" and then gets cut off because Madelyn gives her a huge hug and is all, "Are you okay?!" and Ellie's all Nooo not you too
Ellie is mortified still to see Amelia, who is a little apologetic for being there… Then later that night Amelia seeks her out and they talk. Ellie being embarrassed and awkward "you didn't have to come, I'm fine" and Amelia is like "Madelyn was worried. And so was I." And then she asks how Ellie is about the kiss. Which Ellie is like "I thought we weren't ever talking about that" and Amelia gives her a little speech (that she truly believes) about how in a couple of years, Ellie is going to have everyone she wants at her disposal and she'll forget all about her older sister's best friend. Ellie is - pffft, yeah right. But they go back to not having things so awkward between them.
Ellie soon moves to the North and is going to an art school (after leaving King's Landing after high school, she started an art school in the North, then transferred for an internship in another region for 2 years, then spent the next 6 traveling to different cities, only staying for like 3-6 month spans) and they see one another only a few times over the next couple of years.
An interlude - when Ellie's 20 and at her moms’ for the summer, Amelia is there, too. And she has just had a reunion with her mom and a recent breakup with the first serious girlfriend she's had to try to deal with her Intimacy Issues, and then Ellie is there and always looks at her like she's amazing and NOT a complete fake/messed up human being, and she's a little tipsy...
And so Ellie and Amelia sort of hookup. Like make out, some touching, clothes are starting to be taken off (essentially, Ellie's dream coming true). Before Amelia realizes what she's doing and stops herself and cuts it off, and is feeling - so weird because she is attracted to Ellie right now, but also feeling like shit because she is a MESS and the last thing she wants is to mess Ellie up with her, and she doesn't want Ellie to see that part of her, either (because, well, she's NEVER taken advantage of Ellie's crush on her before, but it's always been sort of nice to have her look up to her/live up to the image Ellie had of her, in a way)
But that, after the rejection that night, is what really does it to break Ellie's heart and Amelia feels like the world's worst person after. Which also cues a scene the following morning - when Ellie has left unprecedentedly early (and would subsequently very rarely return home for long stretches of time/decide to go abroad soon after) - of Madelyn coming in and being like "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE -- gods, what happened to you last night? You like awful." she's joking, but then Amelia thinks about everything that happened with Ellie (and her mom and her ex-gf) and just sort of breaks down. And Madelyn is there for her, trying to comfort her, and asks about what happened, and Amelia wants to tell her everything. So she tells her a little. About her mom and breakup, anyway, because the only person she can talk to about that stuff is Madelyn, who she loves so much, who is like the sister she never knew she wanted until she had her. Which just makes her cry more, because she can't ever tell Madelyn about what she did with Madelyn's actual sister (aka hook up with her and break her heart)
The next few years… are sort of awkward. They don’t really spend much time one on one after that, but they do see each other, since Ellie obviously is in KL and spends time with her moms and sister at least during holidays/a few times a year. Plus, by this point, Amelia is sort of an honorary member of the family. So whenever there is a cousin’s wedding or big event, she’s invited. Things eventually stop being awkward, but there’s still a little tension there now. Eye contact, moments, you know.
Like at one bachelorette party like a year or two prior to Ellie moving back to KL, all of the cousins/friends are hanging out and drinking, and talking about love lives. And like on the topic of heartbreak, Madelyn is like “Okay, Ellie, what do you know about it? You have women that you hookup with all over the world, some of whom have gone so far to contact you after to send stuff here and you are a cool cucumber” (she’s joking. Kind of. Ellie’s notorious love life is something they joke about a lot). and Ellie just drinks and is like, “Yeah, that’s me.” But Amelia (who is engaged at this point in time and should not ever have romantic thoughts about Ellie when they see one another… but… that’s not necessarily the case) can think about the fact that she has definitely seen Ellie all heartbroken is like, “Okay, that’s enough.”
Which leads us to – when Ellie is 28, she moves back to KL because she’s going to be doing an art show in a gallery there, and the deal she has is going to be lasting for a few months, at least. And she ends up moving in with Amelia, who has a spare room. Because Madelyn is like, it’s a perfect solution, Ellie doesn't know how long she's staying, Amelia was going to rent out that room (in an apartment she moved into with her ex over a year ago, so it’s bigger than she would want for herself now that they are broken up but she can’t break her lease), and now my favorite two people are going to be in the same place!
And Ellie is like, yeah.... (facepalm bc she still has an ongoing THING for Amelia that she even tries to deny to herself sometimes but.) and Amelia at first is like, this will be good! Until she realizes that cute and idealistic and sweet Ellie is now very attractive and successful and still sweet older Ellie and now she's sharing her apartment... (and now that her engagement had crashed and burned, in part because she was accused of not being able to be open enough with her fiancée – plus she has sort of been using that relationship as a way to not ever see Ellie in another light. which also didn’t always work)
Ellie isn't like super awkward anymore and doesn't like blush all the time around Amelia, and has seen her multiple times over the last ten years, so she has like - dealt with her feelings enough so that it's in the back of her mind and manageable. It’s just a part of her life now. Esp because she thinks Amelia will only ever see her the way she did when she was 17
Like, while in a lot of ways, Ellie is overall a lot like Sansa, her romantic life is a lot like Marg's. As in, she spent 10 years, and in her travels, she would hook up with people and have flings or short relationships with them, but never was interested in anything serious, and just... she’s only fallen for one person seriously and can’t get out of it
Meanwhile, Amelia was in a relationship and was engaged and it got broken off like 10 months or so before Ellie moved back to KL, and Ellie is the first person she feels safe to try something new with, mostly because it doesn't feel like trying something new, but like settling into something that has always been here. But don’t get it wrong, it’s still kind of terrifying to contemplate being in a Thing with Ellie after all this time.
So Amelia is now in a struggle with her attraction and feelings. Like what if she makes a move and it messes something up with her dynamic in the Tyrell family, who she has really become close to in the last 13 years.
They sort of start out as awkward roommates… and then start to feature nights watching things together on tv, which leads to them bonding, and they start having dinners and conversations. Late nights eating their shared favorite ice cream. Which is so weirdly nice for Amelia, to actually talk to Ellie instead of hearing updates from others and only seeing snippets of her. Getting to hear all of her stories and travels. And on the flipside, for Ellie, it’s like. She has had very serious and intense feelings for Amelia, but she has never gotten to get to KNOW her one on one with both of them being adults. It’s really like falling into a dream for her.
Aaaand then one of their nights watching shows sort of leads into Ellie sitting with a sketchpad and drawing Amelia who... has always had a face Ellie loves to draw and photograph. It’s the first time Amelia actually sees it, though, and it leads to a Moment. A heated kiss, that ends early, with Ellie pulling away and worrying, because this… is how she gets her heartbroken all over again. so Ellie pulls away and dives into work, trying not to be home too often.
Which leads Amelia, who feels like the Spark for Ellie, like she is really already falling for her, to seek her out at her studio space. Which leads to a talk… and then some more kissing. And they agree to start something but decide to keep it discreet and casual for now, because their lives are so intertwined, and they need to figure out what they are doing.
This features a lot of sneaking around, amusing hijinks, and one morning where Madelyn enters the apartment and they are both naked in Amelia’s bed, only waking up when the door to the apartment closes/they hear Madelyn. And Ellie hops up and runs to hide in the closet, just in time for Madelyn to open the door and be like…. Well someone has clearly been holding out on me, who are you sleeping with?! And Amelia stuttering over how it’s a secret, and then diving (wrapped in a sheet) to stop Madelyn from opening her closet to borrow a jacket. And Madelyn asking where tf Ellie is, because she wasn’t in her room, and Amelia badly lying about not knowing. (and once Madelyn leaves, opening the closet to see Ellie now “dressed” in a mis-matched outfit of Amelia’s that she pulled on just in case Madelyn opened the door, and Amelia is SO endeared, and has to keep her laughing down bc Madelyn is still there, waiting for her). Thus ensues Madelyn making jokes about figuring out who Amelia is sleeping with and asking Ellie what she knows, and both of them like choking on their drinks, etc
Eventually Amelia falls in love with Ellie and she doesn't know what to do because like. Ellie is just acting the way she always has, plus... she never stays in one place too long. She was right, years ago, when she said that Ellie would one day have the world (and the women in it), and now she is the one who feels at a loss.
Culminating in Sansa, Marg, and Madelyn finding out about them over lunch one day – well, Amelia makes a big confession. Madelyn is shocked, but Amelia looks at Sansa and Marg, who are both like "oh, wow!" but it's not actually /surprised/ and she's like, "... you knew?" And Sansa is like #badliar, "No! No, no, we didn't know, we -" and Marg cuts her off and is like, "We knew." And a Sansa/Marg eye contact moment where like - at this point, they've been married for 30 years, and they don't need words to have the conversation where Sansa is like "we've agreed that we have both known Ellie has been in love with Amelia for ten years and not to bring it up until she did!" and Marg is all, "And she just brought it up! Our time has come!".. the whole convo happens with a look. And this leads into Madelyn going to talk to Amelia - she asks for like the WHOLE story, so Amelia starts with Ellie kissing her when she was 17, and Amelia is like "You kissed my underage sister?! This started when she was 17?!" And Amelia is all, "NO! I turned her down!" "You turned my sister down?? Ellie? She's gorgeous and smart and -" "Oh, my gods, can I talk?!" "Right. Sorry"
Ending featuring Ellie’s art show, where Amelia goes as her date, and it’s sort of a perfect night. But Ellie also gets other offers from galleries all over to go there next, and it induces a panic in Amelia. Who then makes a speech to Ellie about how she has always felt this like draw towards her and how she has been trying to do the right thing by her for ten years and she knows Ellie has probably moved on from when she used to be in love with her, because it has been so long, and will likely leave KL again and take the world by storm, but she's missed her every time she left in the last ten years and now she knows why and she doesn't know how to deal with missing her even more.
And it really breaks down every barrier Ellie has had to try to protect herself this time around, because she's been in love with her since she was 15 and it doesn't matter where she goes or how long she's away, because all she's wanted has been for Amelia to tell her she wants her too.
Of course.
 And as it turns out, she has made a deal with this gallery for renewed contracts for work. So. Happy ending all around!
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Not quite crystalline (secret Santa 2017^J^)
November 10, 1968
America is in a state of complete unrest. Martin Luther King Jr and Robert Kennedy have both bee assassinated, the war in Vietnam is now held in an unfavorable light by the people, McCarthyism is born, there are violent nationwide protests, and the elections ended in only a .7% difference between Nixon and his opponent. And to top it all off, tensions with the Soviet Union are rising evermore.
Amelia sat at the table; back straight, hair pulled back tightly in a militaristic and professional up-do, and holding a pencil in her left hand to take notes. She hardly moved, seemingly a statue made of stone. Every so often, her shoulders would tense and she'd twitch, before going back to normal as though nothing happened. And no one seemed to notice.
No one, of course, except her most notable adversary, whose personal job it was to watch her every move through the duration of their interactions, direct or otherwise, for information. That was his given task, anyway. He had his own, ulterior reasons for following through with it as well.
Amethyst eyes traced her figure, lingering on her notes at times and her face at others as he came to them. He wasn't paying any attention to the negotiations, as was not his mission nor in his interest. Soviet wasn't keeping track of time, even though he probably should have been. So, the conclusion of the meeting was signaled, and representatives from the other countries were already leaving.
America stayed behind, just as she always did, with her perfect smile and charismatic speech, offering aid and protection to those dangerously close to him, as well as reassurance to her allies that felt threatened by him. Of course, it was always protecting someone from some evil. Always, always, always.
The others departed, the chatter ceased, and soon it was her, standing with her back to him, and he, still sitting in his chair, Soviet Union displayed on the note card prominently. She was the first to speak. "Why haven't you left yet, Soviet?" She turned to face him, clasping her hands tightly in front of her. "Hell, Braginsky, why were you even here today? You didn't pay any attention to what was going on, and no one wants to be in the same room with you."
He let a small, childish giggle escape him, and he leaned forward to put his elbows on the table. His chin rested on his entwined fingers, and he gazed at her. "I came here for you, of course. Why else would I sit in this place with these insufferable, inferior land masses?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe for the sake of diplomacy and to maybe not engage in an altercation that would end all life on earth?" She crossed her arms across her chest, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "That's what I'm here for."
"Well, I am not you, am I? And from what I hear, there's quite a few of your people who think that a war of nuclear proportions wouldn't be such a bad thing."
America grumbled something under her breath, too far away for him to hear. "He lost in the election. 13 percent."
Soviet waved his hand dismissively. "It does not matter how little of him is there, so long as it's there. And," he continued, getting up from his chair slowly, approaching her. "I hear there's quite a lot that's happened in your country lately. Must be hard, being a superpower that's falling apart from the inside. Not to mention you're a woman." America twitched again, and her eyes flashed, but he spoke again before she could get a word in. "I think you should probably leave the, how did you say, diplomacy, to the men, yes?"
"I'll have you know that my given sex is not reflective of performance, for me as a nation, nor for any mortal woman," she growled out, stepping into arm's reach of him. "I have my own personal strength, Soviet. Tread this line very carefully."
He bent over, bringing them eye to eye and smirking in a mocking manner. "Oh, is the little girl mad? Pity. I thought that the bra-burners were supposed to be peaceful."
Her shoulders tensed again, she bared her teeth, and swung full force at his face, hitting him square in the jaw and knocking him a few steps backwards. The hit would have killed a normal man, but that he was not. Soviet caught his balance, holding a hand to his already bruising cheek.
America was already gathering her notes to leave when he looked at her again. She paid no mind to her papers, creasing all of them as she shoved them into the case she had brought with her. America approached him one last time before she left, getting in his face to sneer at him. "This woman is not made of glass. She is a nation of diamond. And I'll not have you talking down to me, got it?"
She grabbed a handful of his scarf, pushing their mouths together roughly, tasting the blood from his mouth. Then she pushed him back, back onto the floor, and stormed out of the room.
merry mcfrikin christmas e'erybody have amelia fuck up soviet ivan bc why tf not
also i could literally go on for days about the mid-late sixties because hot damn were we busy right then
like holy shit you guys you think we're fucked now go read up on that period
okay okay im done now i swear
Merry Rusame Christmas @gummyboots I hope you like it!
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spiritgriffon · 7 years
Rachael’s Favorite FE Characters
Well, since I posted my favorite Pokemon... everything a while ago, I figured I’d post my favorite FE characters class-by-class as well! I’ll also post my least favorites.
The games I own are Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Shadow Dragon, New Mystery on an emulator, Awakening, Heroes, all 3 Fates & Echoes. I’ve played a bit of FE4 too but I’m not far enough into it to pick favorite characters.
Favorite Lord:
Male- Chrom (He’s pretty vanilla but I still love me my Blueberry Dorklord)
Female- Erika (Who is not NEARLY as foolish as recent entries would have you believe. She’s quite a bit better than Celica at any rate- there’s no way she’d fall for fkn JEDAH)
Least Favorite- Ephraim (He’s such a... warmonger. There is no point in the entirety of SS where I go “Yes, he’ll make a good king!”)
Favorite Avatar
Robin! Robin’s the best. Robin has the best coat. Do I need to say more?
Well, I guess I’ll say too that Robin’s personality is quite a bit like my own, which is why I prefer Fem!Robin. I too, would relentlessly pelt Lon’qu with figs and, when faced with unwinnable odds would, just resort to a Big Fire™
Least favorite goes to... IDK, I want to say Kiran but Kiran can marry Navarre so ¯\_(���)_/¯
Favorite Cavalier/Paladin/Great Knight
Seth wins, but Xander and Berkut are close seconds. Seth/Erika is my ultimate FE OTP- they’re the only ones in the whole series I can’t even bear to pair with anyone else for a playthrough to get their supports. I like Xander/Corrin and Xander/Sakura quite a bit, but neither come anywhere close honestly. And Berkut is my angry garbage son~
Least favorite goes to Jagan. You honestly think I’m going to kill Frey who arguably has better stat growths than both Cain and Abel and keep you? Screw canon, off you go, old man!
Favorite Myrmidon/Swordsmaster/Trueblade
Joushua, obviously!
I mean, Navarre doesn’t really count because he’s my favorite FE character PERIOD. Besides Navarre, I like Joshua.
Least favorite is Marissa. Not that crazy about Mia either, but Marissa is just so inferior to Josh stats wise and while he’s tons of fun, she’s no fun at all. If she were in another game it’d different but Joshua makes her look really bad in comparison. Plus she took his spot in Awakening AND I’M STILL SALTY 4 YEARS LATER
Favorite Mercenary/Hero/Dreadfighter
Navarre in FE1
Ike!... Yes, I’m counting him here... Oh fine, Ogma then. They’re both big gay softies that are 40% pure iron muscle and 60% heart. I bet they give the best hugs!
(And no, I don’t believe Ogma’s “feelings” for Caeda are in any way romantic bc he met her when she was like 5 and he was probably 20. He probably feels like her big brother or father- which is equally impossible for him to express due to his lot in life. Plus, Marth never gets jealous around him, while he practically turns green around any of the other characters interested in her.)
(Oh, and I consider Soren to be the more canon partner for Ike over Sothe and Ranulf bc Priam is a thing and I’m like 70% sure Soren is supposed to be trans. And yes, there is a canon lesbian whose name is currently escaping me & Sothe is canonically bi, they just went with the “heavy implied to the point of being basically irrefutable” route instead of outright stating it, so it is VERY possible Soren is trans. I like all 3 ships tho)
Least favorite is... The dude from SS. I can’t even remember his name. He’s the only freaking mercenary in SS and his personality doesn’t do anything for me.
Favorite Knight/General/Baron
The Black Knight of course! His writing is bit... a lot of a mess, but you can’t deny how badass he is.
On a less villainous note, Forsythe is pretty cool too.
Least favorite is... IDK, was there one in Awakening? I thought there was one on the cover but he’s so forgettable...
Favorite Archer/Sniper/Ballistician/Bow Knight/Hunter
Tacomeme :)
Leon is also pretty cool, but he’s not nearly as useful in-game. I like Niles too! But I’d be lying if I said a good part of that wasn’t bc of Takehito Koyasu and his sexy voice rip
Least favorite is Faye in Heroes Python’s inability to hit the broad side of a barn Zero’s stupid name change to Niles Innes. His stats are nice but his personality rubs me the wrong way.
Favorite Pegasus/Falcon Knight/Sky/Kinshi Knight
Probably Claire! I didn’t expect to like her much (I got Maribelle vibes at first), but she really grew on me throughout the game and her supports. I love the way her friendship with Alm was written- if it had evolved into a romance I would have found it believable, but it’s one of the VERY, VERY few times I think IntSys has handled a one sided crush on the main character well.
Least favorite is... Probably Cordelia. Like I said, VERY few times. (Vanessa, Sumia, Syrene, Palla, Catria, Est, Hinoka, Subaki, Tanith and Sigrun all tie for second to last. This is... not my favorite class.)
Favorite Dracoknight/Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord
Hmmm... I would say Camilla, but my headcanon version of her is quite a bit different from the way she actually is in canon lol. So... Probably promoted Caeda. Minerva is utterly useless on the battlefield, unfortunately, and I like Caeda about the same as Clare so I put her here.
I guess I like Haar, Jill, Cormag, Gwin, and Valter (As a villain, not as a person) somewhat too.
Least favorite has to go to Beruka. I find her... bland.
Favorite Villager/Recruit
Do I need to say who my least favorite is? Do I really need to?
It’s Faye. Because... she’s Faye.
Favorite Thief/Trickster/Assassin/Rogue/Ninja
That has to go to Julian! He’s very similar to Gaius, but instead of candy, his thing is puns. Fun fact: I have a blood sugar condition similar to diabetes IRL that makes me unable to eat sugar, so Gaius just made me crave sweets I can’t have most of the time :/
Second place goes to Gangrel or Rennac. Gangrel is actually my second favorite character to romance in Awakening due to his great redemption arc in his supports with both Robins & his talks with Em in the DLC, and IMO he makes the second best dad to Morgan (And yes, I have ALL of male Morgan’s supports with his fathers, yes, it was boring, repetitive, and took hours, and yes, the only one I like better is Chrom), and Rennac is just... so hilariously cranky. They also both go in the “They deserved better in their endings” bin- Rennac can’t marry L’rachel despite their great chemistry and Gangrel flat-out dies if you don’t marry him.
Least favorite... I guess Nina. I never found her very funny.
Favorite Cleric/Troubadour/Valkyrie/Bishop/War monk
Elise! She is... one of two healers I like. In the entire series.
The other is L’rachel.
And Sakura, Lissa, Natasha, and Rena I... don’t particularly dislike.
I don’t like any others. Tat/iana is the worst of the bunch. Tat/iana is actually my least favorite character in the series
Favorite Fighter/Pirate/Warrior/Barbarian
Maybe... Vaike or Ross? Or Boyd? Basilio? Wow, there aren’t any I really like a lot. Guess this is my least favorite class.
My least favorite of all HAS to be Arthur though.
Favorite Mage/Monk/Dark Knight/Sage
Soren! He’s really well written. At first he comes off as a racist asshole, but as the game goes on & you get his supports, he proves himself to be a really great, three-dimensional character. And he’s so gay for Ike. Like, so, so gay.
Least favorite is all of the little red-headed boys that are clones of each other. Except maybe Ewan, because he’s actually useful in-game. Most of the others aren’t.
Favorite Dark Mage/Sorcerer/Summoner/Necromancer/Druid/Witch/Cantor
LYON!!!! Oh man, I don’t want to spoil exactly what happens but suffice to say that he is my FAVORITE antagonist in the series.
My least favorite is either Validar or Iago... I don’t know which to pick. They are how NOT to do a decent sorcerer villain in FE. But all of the Cantors in Echoes also get a special mention for being FREAKING ANNOYING.
Favorite Manakete/Dragon Laguz
Tiki- particularly young Tiki! She’s so sweet... and badass!
Least favorite... ugh, I have to say Myrrh. I do like her, but her uses of Dragonstone are so limited that you can barely use her and while she’s just as cute as Tiki, she’s not nearly as tough. She also has a lot sadder story than Tiki- she’s a really good character, but she just doesn’t make me feel bubbly and happy when I see her the way Tiki does.
Favorite Beast Laguz/Bird Laguz/Taguel/Wolfskin/Kitsune
All hail King Naesala! He’s another character that brings a smile to my face when I see him-and that’s saying quite a bit, since he has a pretty serious story. This man oozes personality- He shows up on screen and you know he’s there to kick the world and rule the ass. And no, that’s not backwards.
Honorable mention to Reyson- every time these two are on screen together you know that Reyson is about three seconds from punching Naesala right in the nose, never mind the fact he’d probably break every bone in his tiny, fragile fist. The fact that Naesala’s only paired ending is with Reyson’s sister is just hilarious to me.
I guess my least favorite is Lyre... She sort of feels like she’s just there to have one more playable character to me, since she has so little bearing on the story.
Favorite Dancer/Singer
In terms of personality, supports, and gameplay, Feena is far and away my favorite. However... I’m honestly not a huge fan of her design, so in terms of appearance, Azura, who I personally think has one of the best designs in the series, takes the cake. The fact she has such a catchy theme song is a huge bonus too!
Tethys gets the last spot because she’s completely useless in battle. I’ve heard Ninian can’t fight either but she boosts your stats- why did they give Tethys the shaft so badly?
Favorite Lancer/Soldier
And finally... ending this on a weird one. See, neither Nephenee nor Oboro do anything for me- I don’t dislike them, but I don’t particularly like them either. So, I guess this one goes to Azura!
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toomanyskeletons · 7 years
do all the oc asks ALL of them for AT LEAST two of your ocs (evil laughter)
you act as if talking extensively about my ocs does not bring me joy (i’ll only do two probably bc i do have some asks from other people so i’ll have to do those with other ocs, and i’ll try to stick to the same two for the most part.
or three. maybe three.)
anyway let’s begin
1. if they had a tumblr, what would they post about?
Sam: hmm i think probably some blog like. Mostly trans positivity posts with scattered posts abt how much she loves her gf
Amelia: considering her popularity status she’d run some blog like. U kno the blogs tumblr celebrities run i guess? So like. Reblogging a few general funny posts and answering select asks while getting like 200 every day.
 2. what’s their favourite colour?
 Sam: she likes blue :o like. Light blues. Also she keeps her hair dyed light blue as well
Amelia: purple. Honestly idk much more i can say about this.
 3. What makes them laugh?
 Sam: shitty puns and memes, mostly. The type of person who laughs out loud when u just say ‘egg’. She’s probably still into ‘xD tacos’ random humour.
Amelia: the polar opposite of sam in this regard. Laughs at intellectual humor. Like. rich fancy people. I know it exists but i cant think of any specific examples. Politely laughs at things people say are funny but she does not find them actually funny.
 4. If they had one day left to live, how would they spend it?
 Sam: “lmao dw i’ll probably just go to hell anyway” wait no context is important. She’s like. Actually how do i make this not sound bad rip. Uh. basically she is a business partner of lucifer who is actually p chill but that’s another story
Anyway that means like. If she dies she’ll probably just come back as a ghost or a higher tier demon.
O fuk now i really wanna draw that
Amelia: panicking and trying to find a way to not die. She had things she wants to do and a public record to maintain and jeez  i just realised how much ames has changed compared the the first universe she was in. i mean YEAH completely different life experiences but rip
 5. Do they have any annoying habits?
 -this is really subjective bc of what different people consider annoying but
Sam: people say she laughs too much. That is not her annoying habit is, her annoying habit is tellling lucifer when people say that so lucifer can like. Ban them from reincarnation or put a curse on them or something like that. Also sometimes when she cant be bothered to go that extra step she might go into the past and become that person’s grandmother.
...that second one isnt really an annoying habit to most people but to the one guy who has to help keep control of time, it is a very annoying habit and what makes up like half of his job doings.
 Amelia: sometimes goes very over the top with things. One time she stole a magic book by becoming a security guard at the place where it was kept and then took the book and ran. So like, instead of doing things illegally, she did it also illegally and got a month’s pay from it as well.
I guess she’s like. Extra™
 6. What’s their favourite movie genre?
I s2fg i have mentioned this sometime in one of the long texts i have written involving these characters but i cant remember so
Sam: tbh probably more realistic/contemporary stuff, rom-coms, slice of life, coming of age etc. Like. her life is a science fiction/fantasy movie she’s a time traveler working with the dark lord lucifer ffs. Also she’d probably get annoyed on tiny details while watching historical stuff like
“That never happened”
“Sam it’s fiction, it’s a movie, how would they have known that”
“Well maybe they didn’t know it but it’s still fucking annoying”
 Amelia: probably similar to sam, her life is fuckin busy and always people and she’s famous so like. Escape from her life is to indulge in the normal things.
 Just as a side note this does take place in a modern-ish fantasy world so idk what fantasy movies would be considered there but. They exist. I’ll work this out sooner or later
 Also bonus character bc its fucking funny - Zeph: zephyr likes horror movies. She also likes to watch horror movies with her brother. Her brother does not share her same passion for horror movies. He has a certain threshold before he has to flee the room and cuddle someone. This is mostly why zeph likes horror movies. She is pretty picky with what she considers ‘good’ and spends most of her time making fun of horror movies.
And, like the rest of us, secretly freaks out when she is alone at night and hears a sound outside. But for significantly less long because she knows exactly how to make fun of it.
 7. What are their religious beliefs?
 Alright i might not (read: will not currently) answer this bc i’m still working out how to handle religion in this, bc basically there is historical evidence for how the world was created. But obviously that’s not the only component to religion?
Another point would be that actually i still havent got around to creating any religions yet.i still gotta get around to getting down a more detailed history of the world first but i am planning it
 8. What’s their current job (if they have one)?
Yes BITCH i have been WAITIGN for a question like this
 Sam: basically she made a deal with lucifer and runs many errands for them. But also they helped her a LOT when they helped her escape a shitty transphobic environment and also the two became best friends? So i mean she doesn’t get paid but that takes up a lot of her time
Also she, at one stage, becomes part of this thing called the council which i haven’t quite worked out how they work in this universe yet. Theyre a bunch of strong magic people who work in coordination with the Champion (more on this below) to put down rules about magic. Theyre a reused concept from this story i made when i was like. 10. So the idea does need some reworking.
 Amelia: amelia is the champion, which is basically the title given to the person who wins at a big magic competition. Its a p big job, lots of publicity and pr and often regretted by the people who do end up getting there
(like? This one guy? He was kinda like “oh yeah sounds fun” and then he fucking won and he was like “lmao i’ll lose next year” and then he kept the position for 7 years and after that got so fucking sick of it he faked his assassination and became a reclusive mysterious millionaire)
Anyway she enjoys it for the first while until there is a real threat of her being assassinated unlike the aforementioned dude
But she enjoys being around people to an extent, and like. She enjoys making people happy, so
 9. How do they react to confrontation?
 Sam: similar way to what i described before. Like. jsut the little things. Cursing them with the help of lucifer, becoming their grandmother, you know. The usual ways people deal with confrontation.
Amelia: curiosity, further questioning, keeping calm, kinda just. Being chill about it. She wants to make herself a better person, in general, and if someone is deliberately being a confrontational asshole she prefers to just state her point calmly.
 10. Do they have a criminal record?
 Sam: you know? Probably? She kills a bunch of assholes where it’s required, but also she legally doesn’t exist? So? Idk? She’s been arrested a few times, but considering there is no information on her existence at all-
*shrugs* idfk how the law works.
 Amelia: well, technically, no, she only did illegal things last universe and had a pretty fancy upbringing this universe, so there was no reason for her to do the illegals and also like. Public image and stuff. She worries a lot about public image.
 11. What’s their favourite plant?
 Another thing which i feel i have mentioned somewhere but idfk where
 Sam: likes hydrangeas. They’re pretty.
Amelia: can i just say. It is definitely not catnip. Actually. Maybe? Like. she had some pretty fuckin negative experiences with catnip where she destroyed reality for like a solid five seconds by accident and went to purgatory, but also she made two life friends out of it, so? Maybe catnip after all.
 12. Can they play any instruments?
 Sam: “does the kazoo count”
Amelia: nope
 But because this was boring, i’m going to do a special guest feature from her half brother ryan who is a semi-popular youtube vlogger/musician-y dude. or . whatever this world’s equivalent of youtube is. Uh. metube. Yotube. I’ll think about it.
 Ryan: he plays the guitar and sings and he’s damn fucking good at it and he knows it. Also he shares the same combination of forgetting how to outlet his anger in healthy ways + poor impulse control which means that about once every six months he has to buy a new guitar because he couldn’t get that song right and he hit the guitar against the floor.
(his dad is a writer and also an archangel,and one time he couldn’t work out how to start off a scene right so he exploded his laptop and had to use a typewriter for the four weeks while his other archangel buddy was fixing it - i’m getting off topic here)
 13. What are they proudest of?
 Sam: i guess just. Her life in general? Like. she’s survived up to this point, she’s doin shit, maybe not the shit she expected to be doing or the shit she imagined she’d be doing but she’s still doin it. Like. fuck you life. I survived. And she’s proud of that.
Amelia: that one time when she managed to keep her champion title the first time? And also when she made friends with the guy who she thought was a girl and also dead who turned out to be not a girl and alive and also was the champion for seven years rememebr that guy yeah that’s this guy. Anyway she made friends with him after settling some differences. And also when she stopped a whole organisation from murdering her yeah that was good too.
 14. What’s their biggest insecurity?
 Sam: okay this is Definitely Not Me Projecting here (hint: it’s me projecting) but she hates being seen as masculine at all and is very insecure when people refer to her or see her as masculine? Like if u call her butch She Will Cry and also why would you do that bc her and her girlfriend are femme as heck
Amelia: public image public image public image public image
Like. she doesn’t want to look bad, or like a bad public leader, but also, she just wants to do her own thing, u kno?
 15. What do they most often dream about?
Like. literally dream or daydream?
 Sam: probably. Mostly happy stuff. Plus random occasional vivid recollections of tramatic experiences.
Amelia: honestly who the fuck knows (i’d answer this properly but I am Almost Out O f Time)
 So yes almost out of time but thank you so much and doing this has inspired me to just completely rework my first book to make it more interesting
I know that sounds bad btu its not i promise i love oyu
(also there was a bunch of different formatting like italcs etc that was lost when icopied from here to docs sorry)
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i saw a pal on twitter make his rp characters on this picrew and i Immediately had to steal the idea bc i love my merry band of idiots who share a whole braincell <3
and now time to yell into the void about them! in order:
- Lysia Surana
my precious ball of anxiety and self-doubt, just wants to pet her dog, 10/10 she's trying her best please be gentle she's a circle mage life is scary. tiny and frail looking but she fought off like 8 werewolves once it was pretty impressive
- Kiana
inventor of Resting Bitch Face. grumpy and sarcastic little shit who Will Hit You don't TEST me. werewolf for the health insurance. would 100% smack a god for being a nuisance. she has the braincell like 80% of the time. also she put 27 bees in ancano's pocket one time and he's Still mad about it
- Wylia
Actual Mom Friend will parent Anything that moves, the only murder she ever did was shooting lemkil in the throat. has never had a day of luck in her entire life - catches every disease in the book, got kidnapped by not only vampires but thalmor too, three separate encounters with dark brotherhood assassins, got captured by the forsworn one time and they sent hitmen after her and rumarin
- Alvie
absolute little shit goblin child i love her with ALL my heart, assists Martin in causing as much chaos for Jauffre as they can. her horse is called Mister Hoofs and if you lay a FINGER on him they will never find your body. when she's not being a gremlin in cloud ruler temple she's being a gremlin in bruma mage's guild hall. once ran naked across half of cyrodiil because Sanguine is a prick and Martin won't let her forget it. probably used to pelt Valen Dreth with pebbles back in prison just to be aggravating
- Amelia Shepard
my space daughter!! i put her through so much oh my god. colonist sole survivor background bcos i like to make my characters s u f f e r. also she romanced Kaidan so that went a bit tits up as well. i don't think she's ever had the braincell in her entire life, gets lost on her own ship at least twice a week, keeps trying to punch krogan, has set the mako on fire on no less than three occasions. she has a hamster called Montgomery 'meatball' Johnson which pretty much sums up who she is as a person i think.
- Sinman Anaedaine
this man is chaos incarnate. i made him as a joke bc fantasynamegenerator gave me 'sinman' for a high elf and i thought it was hilarious and now he exists and i would die for him. he just exists to cause as much chaos as possible, but like, mostly to do good. haven't really played him much but he already caused a ruckus in rorikstead so we're off to a good start
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stevenvenn · 7 years
Steven's Nifty 50 of 2017 - #10 - #1
Here are my favourite albums 10 - 1 (of 50). These are in no particular order just how I saw them relating to each other. Doing a true countdown would be too nerve-wracking. You can listen to my favourite cuts from each of the albums on Spotify and watch them on YouTube (links below). You can also read my thoughts on the albums below the links broken into 5 posts counting down by 10s. Enjoy and feel free to comment.
Spotify playlist:
YouTube playlist:
1. Spoon – Hot Thoughts (Matador Records)
Britt Daniel and crew are back again in 2017 with the extremely catchy and inventive Hot Thoughts with producer extraordinaire Dave Fridmann on the board this time around. Sounding more jaunty and dark as well with the addition of more keyboards and synthesizer textures (courtesy of newer member Alex Fischel), Hot Thoughts demonstrates the progression of a band that knows it’s unique place in indie rock and does it very well, always trying new things. Daniel once again is the man of action with his energetic vocals over very sophisticated musical creations. Big drums and percussion programming from Jim Eno once again demonstrate the true backbone of any Spoon album and he’s incredibly accomplished here on this their 9th studio album! A lot more dancey and groovy than some of their earlier works, Hot Thoughts is in constant motion. Hands down one of my go-to bands of all time, I always enjoy all of their sonic explorations and this release is no exception.
2. Death Bells – Standing at the Edge of the World (Funeral Party Records)
The full length debut lp from Sydney, Australia’s Death Bells fits neatly into the category of recent indie rock bands from Interpol on down who have found inspiration in the post-punk era. You can hear the tradition of bands like Killing Joke, Chameleons, Joy Division, and early Cure informing their sound, but they are still creating something unique and genuine. Death Bells tend to lean more on the big beat/bass-heavy sounds of that time in British music. Standing at the Edge of the World doesn’t have a lot of reflective quiet moments with the band opting more for a big sound clad in a black leather jacket. “Only You” is easily the standout track that just kicks. Their live shows must be incredible based on the energy and muscle found on what they’ve committed to record.
3. The Courtneys – Courtneys II (Flying Nun Records)
The second album from this all-girl trio from Vancouver, BC have all the makings of that slacker band you were totally into in college back in the day. The band who sang about crushes, breakups, waking up at noon, going to shows, road trips and living the good life in your early 20s. The fuzzy power pop of this trio is both sweet and ferocious as well. It’s no surprise that they’ve found a home on New Zealand label Flying Nun that has a long tradition of scrappy but amazing indie rock bands that swing a little punk at times (The Bats, The Clean). They remind me of spunky Pacific Northwest bands like Bratmobile and Sleater-Kinney in their early days, with The Courtneys’ awesome rock licks and power. Also how often do you have indie rock bands with a singing drummer like Jen Twynne Payne? Levon Helm eat your heart out.
4. Cherry Glazerr – Apocalipstick (Secretly Canadian)
Speaking of scrappy, L.A.’s Cherry Glazerr kick a lot of ass in a furious and groovy way. There’s so much raw power buoying up their sexual politics and social commentary. Clementine Creevy can sound at times like a sweet 90s ethereal shoegazey singer in the mold of Lush’s Miki Berenyi. But like Berenyi there is also a certain amount of sass with a bit of a wink and nod to rock chix that were badass and uncompromising. Cherry Glazerr’s dancey moments are often offset with aggressive rock jags that would make Joan Jett jealous. Beauty and the beast.
5. Diet Cig – Swear I’m Good at This (Frenchkiss Records)
If you are a member of a drums and guitar duo you have to really make things count because there’s nowhere to hide. No layered guitars and synths, multiple singers, just the electric guitar, your vocals, and tight drumming. Diet Cig manage to kick out the garage pop jams in an incredible way with so little at their disposal. There’s an emotional reactivity and rawness to Alex Luciano’s singing that gives her tales of awkwardness, broken hearts, anxiety, and frustration an incredible power and immediacy. There’s a new confidence in the millennial generation to take on the world on its own terms without any compromises.
6. Alex Lahey – Love You Like a Brother (Dead Oceans)
Ever met a girl in a bar or at a party that just owns the room with her personality and ferocity? That girl is Melbourne, Australia’s Alex Lahey to me when her debut full length kicks off. This power pop lady is one firecracker. She doesn’t care about prissy drinks and quaint tunes. She’s got stuff to say! You feel like she’d chug a Fosters with the dudes, then jump on stage and take the mic away from the singer and steal their guitar. This is a true RAWK affair with touching songs of awkward relationships, dead-beat dudes, and overindulgence. There’s also a ragged surf touch to the title track that just makes your head bob uncontrollably. I think that there are big things ahead for Alex Lahey. One of the most underrated talents to debut in 2017.
7. Lorde – Melodrama (Universal Records)
Pure Heroine was a pretty and intimate debut from New Zealand’s Ella Yelich-O'Connor who goes by the name Lorde. But since that minor masterpiece she has grown older and more confident both in her ideas and in her singing voice which now has a power that puts her into the league of an artist of like Lady Gaga. Where Pure Heroine had minimal hits like Royals, under the hand of Bleachers’ Jack Antonoff Melodrama is a multi-coloured, cathartic, epic of a sophomore album. It also has an almost light concept album feel of one’s identity emerging from the life of the “party”. There’s a confidence and power that promises that Lorde will continue to be one of the most important pop artists of her generation.
8. Jay Som - Everybody Works (Polyvinyl Records)
San Francisco’s Melina Duterte’s sophomore release Everybody Works combines a lot of interesting multi-instrumental styles but it all works. There’s jazzy grooves like “One More Time Please” and the slick soul pop of “Baybee” matched with raveups that J. Mascis of Dino Jr. would have loved in “1 Billion Dogs” that cranks along. Like her touring contemporaries Mitski and Japanese Breakfast, there’s a lot of intimate experimentation with different styles and arrangements that serve each song’s character. When we get to songs like “Bedhead” and “For Light” there’s a middle of the night confusion when one is between nightmare and wakefulness in the dark wondering “where the hell things are going” with a touch of the existential and melancholic. Everybody Works is a unique and diverse collection of instruments and textures that coheres into one interesting and surprising work.
9. Future Islands – The Far Field (4AD Records)
The groovy mix of synthpop, slinky bass, and heartbeat rhythms would seem to paint Future Islands as all sweetness and light at first glance. Pop that seems to float along without too much concern for being too precious or pretty. But the secret of Future Islands success is the contrast that comes from Sam Herring’s vocal style and intense lyrics of love and loss. This combination of the two ensure that Future Islands are in a unique position to both entertain and engage the listener on many levels. We’re watching the world fall apart but we gotta dance to the melodic groove.
10. Fazerdaze – Morningside (Flying Nun)
Auckland, New Zealand’s Amelia Murray has crafted a beautiful debut that delivers on the promise of her early self-titled dreampop ep. This is pretty much a solo bedroom pop affair for Murray that’s sunkissed on songs like “Lucky Girl” and infectiously fuzzy on songs “Misread” and “Little Uneasy.” There’s a breeziness and seeming effortlessness on Morningside that just charms my ear. There’s also a nod at times to the 90s sound of Pixies and feminist rockers like Liz Phair and Veruca Salt at the same time. There’s a definite intimacy to Murray’s dreaminess that really shows the musical talent of a young artist who already seems pretty wise beyond her years.
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inthedusksynria · 7 years
Finished Sacred Stones
Warning personal opinion:
I am still internally screaming  and processing everything i saw
I just it was a incredible game and seeing the history(full one(eph+eiri route)) it was just incredible and god heartbreaking. I just wow it was so good and somewhat simple but the characters really made it came alive(like the grado gang of your team and their support conversations were incrediblle) The supports(that i got(rip me)) were wonderfully written and the cast was amazing, which so many characters i thought i wouldnt care about only to them surprise me so much and hit me in the guts with feels.
overall one of my favorite games of fire emblem
under cut favs, and parts i didnt like
Favorite characters in no particular order:(in italics characters i thought i wouldnt care about but that grew on me incredible quick) 
-Eirika(its complicated), Tana, Cormag(MVP of the last chapthers and honestly incredible supports), Duessel, Artur, L’arachel, Joshua, Knoll, Myrrh, Saleh
MVPs/ Destroyers of literally every fucking thing ever like holy shit, #fear: Ross, Artur(THE AMOUNT OF AVOIDS AND NO DAMAGES HE WAS A MAGIC TANK LIKE HOLY), Tana, Franz, Forde, Saleh, Dah twins promoted, Duessel
Characters i wished i could have used but no team space or my paranoia with their weapons ending forever: MYRRH, Lute, Duessel, Natasha, Amelia.
i didnt get almost any supports with was :/ but i read them online
Main team: Eirika, Ephraim, L’arachel, Joshua, Knoll, Saleh, Artur, Tana, Cormag, L’arachel, Franz, Innes, Ross
Honorable mentions that got excluded bc no party space but that were almost always on main team: Natasha, Colm,
Parts i....didnt like it:  breakable legendary weapons, perma death(i know it is a classic feature but it made me very :/ bc my stress got very high, and it really turned me off. Before playing i was really excited about playing the other games now i think i will just watch lets plays since this kind of features is just not my cup of tea), The writers giving eirika what seemed a arc where she would retain her trust on people but learn to not trust everyone, including the fucking guy who people told over and over again and showed that was possessed, only to go lolz and make her give the stone, ephraim not having any moment equivalent to this fuck up,  i think supports should be organized in a better matter(what i mean is like if you battle, show icons showing the people are gaining support points to unlock the conversations, bc i couldnt see very well and struggled here)
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nickpetriccaships · 8 years
concert story- magic man x smallpools
SO after school my two friends and i walked to my friend’s house to change and stuff then we got in the car and drove into the city. We got to the venue about 2 and a half hours before doors opened and were the third group of people on line which was sweg. It was hella cold though and i was wearing a skirt so that wasnt v fun. ANYWAY we were just chillin and we see Sam, Joey, and Gabe carrying equipment into the venue????? it was just SUPER COOL to see them in person irl up close and personal. we also saw queen jb walk in and her haircut was ROCKIN! we also saw beau come out and that was rad 2.
while we were waiting in line, i saw the lead singer from WATERS walk by so i ran up to him and said “hey i got you guys a gift!” (lil back story- they really like pumpkin spice lattes, so i had tweeted them the night before asking if they had a keurig or just a regular coffee maker and bought them pumpkin spice coffee grinds). he was like aight sweet! but you see that purple van over there? you can just walk over and tap on the window and tell them that you got them a gift". so i was like um ok? i walked over thinking that it was just going to be a crew member or someone that i would hand the gift to, so i walked over to their van and waved at the window and was like “heeyyy so he said to come over here and say i have a gift for you guys, so…i have a gift for you guys!” so then (to my surprise) the WHOLE band got out of the van??? i was like oh good golly gosh its all of you guys!! so they all got out and introduced themselves and i gave them my present and they were like YOOOO this is THE BEST! we’re going to make this backstage later! and then i explained to them that i was the one who had tweeted them asking what type of coffee maker they had and sara was like “oh yeah lol we were like huuhhh, whats this about?” so then shes like HEY lets put this in the snap story! and i was like ????? ok??? so we filmed the snapstory and she sent it to me as well and it was the coolest thing evar? then we just hung out a bit and chatted which was super cool!
SO we ate dinner and whatnot while waiting on line, and we were sitting near this wall thing and we could hear MM sound-checking!!! they were playing chicagoland, and it was just such a happy moment for me because i love that song a lot and to hear them sound check just made me rlly happy. we heard WATERS sound-checking as well so that was coooool!
After a long wait, 7pm came and we went into the venue. we passed the merch table on our way in so i was able to drop off my gift for MM and grab postcards and tattoos for the street team. we were like the third line of people which was SO close!!!!
WATERS performed first and they were SOSO GOOD!! andrew (the drummer) went to throw his drumstick out after their set, and ofc everyone was waving but i think he saw me and sorta nodded in my direction and threw it, except i didnt catch it bc some girl next to me grabbed it before hand. :((((
after WATERS, Magic Man performed and they were SO LOVELY!!! they didnt sing chicagoland even though they performed it during soundcheck, so i thought that was kinda weird and a bit disappointing but i still got to hear it so it was ok. they also sang honey and sweet jesus that was beautiful. seriously. caplow busted out those moves during honey and im pretty sure that i physically can not have kids after watching that performance bc wow.
but after they were done they were cleaning up the stage and stuff and a crew guy grabbed the setlist and I GOT IT!!!! except my friend amelia was standing in front of me and she also had it in her hand but i didnt know that it was her and i wasnt about to let some girl take this set list frm me!1 so long story short it got ripped in half but it was ok bc it was like the happiest moment of my life.
after MM smallpools performed, and they were rad as h*ck!! i was super excited to see them bc i went to two tours that they were supposed to open for but it ended up being other opening bands instead?. during killer whales tho they passed out this huge ass blow up “killer whale” and it actually hit the chandelier and it started to shake and everyone was like wtf and we all had a phantom moment, but thank goodness it didnt fall or anything?
while smallpools was performing, my friend’s cousin was at the merch table and texted saying that acap was there, and we really wanted to meet him (again lol) so we decided to leave after smallpools sang killer whales, which was their third to last song.
so our lil trio went out to merch and i was able to get my gift and give it to caplow! we did a lil hello hug and then i said that i had got lil gifts for everyone in the band, and that i got him snapea crisps but i wasnt sure if he liked caesar or lightly salted so i just got both and he said AWWWW and gave me another hug and i criieddd. (side note- i had tweeted him a few days before asking what his fave snacks were and one of them was snapea crisps). theeen i got him to sign a postcard and the setlsit i caught and we took a pic and after we took a super cute picture i went in for another hug and i s2g- HE FUCKING NUZZLED MY HEAD. LIKE YOU KNOW HOW YOU GO TO CUDDLE W SOMEONE AND YOU LIKE NUZZLE THEM? WELL THATS WHAT HAPPENED. i just about melted and was certainly not ok.
it was real nice getting to see caplow again, and i told him how excited i was to see MM and that it was my third time seeing them and all that jazz. after we all got pics we bought merch and sara and andrew from waters were at their merch table to we chatted with them a bit too.
while all that was going on, smallpools was finishing up their last two songs (kareoke and dreaming) and during dreaming alex went into the venue and was dancing and jumping around and it was super cute.
once the concert ended we left the venue and drove home, but it was the most spectacular night ever and definitely in my top 3 favorite concerts ive been to!!!
i took some killer pics and posted the videos i took on the YouTube, so hmu for links and such or just randomness if you want to talk or have any q’s!
also if you read this whole thing thanks youre sooper sooper rad and i hope alex caplow will nuzzle your head one day.
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