Steve Rogers and Pride
So one day the Avengers are just chilling in the tower and Peter (he lives there too shhh it's my world) has Ned and MJ over and they're getting ready for Pride. I'm talking full on face paint, rainbow flags, glitter explosion, it looks like a unicorn barfed on them (In this world Peter is bi, MJ is pan and Ned is there for support). When they're about to leave, they run into Steve who's all "wth are you guys wearing and where are you going" and so they tell him they're going to pride and he's like "what" and they kinda explain it to him and they tell him it started out as a protest kinda and they sorta do a bad job of explaining it and he thinks it's still a protest so he wants to go with them to make sure they're safe and they're like, hell yes, we're going to pride with Captain America! Anyway on the subway they explain more abt the history of the gay rights movement and different labels that were used nowadays and stuff and Steve is kinda just overwhelmed and hardly reacts at first and they're like, oh shit, is he, like, homophobic or sth? Was this a mistake? And then they get there and slowly it starts to sink in that in this world, in this century he doesn't have to hide this part of him anymore and Steve just starts crying, not breaking-down-sobbing-crying, he just kinda stands there taking it all in with tears running down his face. And Peter's like "Mr. America Captain Steve Sir, are you alright?" And he goes "yeah, it's just a lot"
And then a bit later they see a proposal and Steve is like "????" And MJ goes "oh, yeah, forgot to mention, gay marriage is legal now" and Steve's head explodes all over again.
And after a while someone finally recognises him and soon there are cameras in his face and people asking him questions and he's had a bit of time to digest all this now, so he jumps at the opportunity and tells, basically the world, he's bi and he's so proud of how far gay rights have come and how happy he is to be part of this community and the people there are going wild, bc CAPTAIN FUCKING AMERICA IS ONE OF US?!?!?!?!?! HOLY FUCKING SHIT IS THIS AWSOME and eventually someone asks him about gay marriage and he's like "well, I only found out about it today and I'm thrilled af, now excuse me, I must get going I need to buy a ring"
And Twitter ofc goes crazy, on the way home Peter says with this awe in his voice "Mr. Captain Steve, Sir, I think you broke Twitter"
And meanwhile the Avengers' media person tell Tony abt this and he makes the executive decision to keep this from Bucky for now so Steve can surprise him and he gets the other Avengers on board, but over the next week Bucky is kinda confused, bc everyone keeps him away from the internet and everyone seems to be congratulating Steve for sth he doesn't know abt.
Steve ofc went ring shopping with Sam the very next day after pride and then the next week he proposes to Bucky and they get married and they live happily ever after.
If someone wants to write a proposal/wedding scene as a continuation, PLS DO and reblog this with a link or sth so I can read it, THANKS
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