#petrus ratajczyk
galleryblue · 1 year
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My Girlfriend's Girlfriend,1996
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 9 months
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apletolerance · 5 months
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pileojunk · 1 year
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I am completely normal for this man
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Visit to Peter Steele’s resting place, 12/27/22
Saw the east coast for the first time in my life in 2022. Boyfriend and I drove up to New York for the day to find Peter Steele’s grave…definitely worth it. Took us a while to find it but we did. I loved seeing all the little things fans left for him, truly beautiful. Rest In Peace, Green Man 💚🖤
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Happy birthday to the late Peter Steele, who would've turned 61 today
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jedivoodoochile · 2 years
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January 04, 1962: Petrus Thomas Ratajczyk aka Peter Steele or The Green Man is born in Brooklyn New York USA, dies on April 14, 2010.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 2 years
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Headcanon/Preference # 10
(Peter Steele)
Gifs NOT mine.
If any gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to (In order) - @l-anon-shitposts - @possessedxparrot - Unknown! (Tumblr is falsely crediting me.) - @ahalal-uralma - @the-library-under-the-stairs - @superblypleasanttraveler-blog - @l-anon-shitposts - @an9elsoft - @l-anon-shitposts (Unless told otherwise.)
Year posted - 2022
📝Note(s) - None.
⚠️Warning(s) - Unhealthy relationship scenarios.
🕸Firstly, What Kind Of Yandere Is Peter Steele?
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• Peter is mostly a soft yandere, however he can be very dangerous if pushed to the edge.
• BUT that is NEVER directed to his darling, he would never physically hurt his sweet goddess darling.
• He will warship the very ground his darling walks upon, and he's not ashamed to show his devotion and adoration.
• Peter doesn't like manipulating his darling or lying to her, but he will if it is necessary, and he dose it very well.
• He will kill for his darling if necessary, but only if he deems that individual a serious threat.
• i.e. Any man (or even woman) that dares to try wooing his darling, or anyone that might threaten her life or general well-being.
• He will avoid killing any of his darlings friends or family, unless they actively try taking his darling away.
• In that case he can and will make it look like an accident, and he will get away with it.
• However this is rarely an issue, as Peter is very good at deceiving/manipulating people into liking him, and trusting him wholeheartedly.
🕸What happens When He First Sees You?
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• The world practically freezes around him, and it's as if you and him are the only people in the world.
• Peter scowls when Josh nudges him, and begins teasing him for staring at you.
• He knew it was love at first sight, even though you didn't see him in that moment.
• Peter couldn't get you out of his head for the rest of the day.
• In those few fleeting moments that he watched you, he committed to memory every curve of your face, the way your hair flowed in the wind.
• Subconsciously he couldn't wait to see you again, and he knew he would, deep down he knew he'd see you again.
🕸 What happens When He Gets Obsessed?
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• The second time he laid eyes on you, he was completely hooked.
• His obsession consumes him, and he doesn't fight it, if anything Peter embraces it.
• He stalks you for weeks, without ever once being noticed by you, your neighbors, or even coworkers.
• Peter admittedly felt a little bit guilty for stalking you, but his desire to observe you was to great.
• He finds himself sneaking pictures of you, and sometimes stealing things you accidentally leave behind.
• He respects a certain degree of your privacy, like when you forget to close your curtains before a shower, or when changing your clothes.
• Peter is a gentleman in this respect, and he'll turn away, once even closing your window, and curtains for you without being noticed.
🕸 What happens When You Finally Meet?
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• Peter is a master at making people like him, his slightly bashful charm is far to endearing to be able to resist.
• He introduced himself after assisting you with a heavy object at the store, he "coincidentally" ran into you at.
• It was actually the first time he learned your name, and god it was perfect in every possible way, pure honey to his ears.
• When he managed to make you laugh, he was over the moon! He thought your name was beautiful, but that laugh, it nearly made his heart burst out of his chest.
• Coaxing your number from you was fairly easy for Peter, along with the promise of a wondrous first date.
• Later that evening he found himself drawing you in his sketchbook once more, except this time the portrait was much closer than any of the others.
• He knew that you loved him the way he loved you, even if you yourself were unaware of that fact. This was the truest of true love.
🕸 What happens When He Begins To Snap?
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• It started the very moment you had to request a raincheck on your third date, in favor of assisting a colleague... A male colleague.
• His first fear was that he might lose you without even getting the chance to truly have you as his own.
• When you got home that evening, you were surprised to find Peter upset, and sitting against your front door.
• You of course offered for him to come inside, to which he accepted without a word. Making himself right at home, despite this being his first visit to your home, or so you thought.
• His anger practically emitted from him in waves, which made you a little nervous, but you suppressed that nervous bubble in your throat.
• When you tried to console him, he snapped at you in anger, convinced you had already betrayed him in some way.
• You convinced Peter that you had zero interest in your colleague, and that he had nothing to worry about, that he could trust you.
• And he believed you... He truly did... But there was no going back now... What if someone else tried to take you from him?
• He couldn't... No he wouldn't allow that under any circumstances.
• You are his darling, his goddess, his shinning light in this dark and cruel world, his very reason to live!
• And so Peter allowed that dark and dangerous part of him consume him entirely, just as he had allowed his initial obsession consume him.
🕸 What happens When He Inevitably Abducts You?
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• He staged an abduction with some thugs he hired, and played the role of your savior. Later convincing you that you would only be safe if you moved in with him right away.
• Thanks to the trauma caused by the fake abduction, Peter was able to actually abduct you in a way that you would agree with.
• He couldn't stand the thought of hearing you scream and beg in fear to be let go, to plead with him to release you, or beg to know why he was doing this to you, to claim that he was betraying your trust, so this was his solution.
• Regardless of the fact that he was still betraying your trust, and manipulating you into trusting him with your very life.
• Peter is a master of lies and decent when necessary, so convincing you that this was the safest place for you was easy enough.
• But over time, you begin to notice strange things. And the closer Peter tries to get, the more the vail is pulled away from your eyes.
• It is to late now to escape him, his hooks are sunk in deep, and escape is no longer a possibility.
🕸How Much Freedom Does He Take Away From You?
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• Nearly everything.
• You are not allowed to sleep anywhere but in his bed beside him.
• You are not allowed out of the house without him.
• You are not allowed to speak to anyone without his approval first.
• You are not allowed to tell anyone about what happened.
• You are not allowed to argue with him, it never ends well.
• You are not allowed to drink alcohol without him there to monitor you.
• You are not allowed any kind of drug or medicine without his approval.
• You are not allowed to talk about your past before him.
• You are not allowed to use any sort of knife, or have access to anything that could be a weapon. For your own safety of course.
• You are not allowed to watch anything Peter deems inappropriate. i.e. Anything with a sex scene.
• You are not allowed to get off without him or his approval to masterbate.
• You are not allowed to waste his seed, no matter where he finishes. But especially if it is within your womb.
• You are not allowed to do many things without Peter beside you, but with him, you are allowed many freedoms.
• He must be there to monitor you, or to experience everything with you, there is no ifs ands or buts in this regard.
🕸 What happens When He Finally Breaks Through Your Mental & Emotional Walls.
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• It happened when you experienced a pregnancy "scare".
• You missed your period, and Peter knew it. He knows everything about you.
• When you admit to not being ready for a baby, Peter breaks down and practically falls to his knees before you.
• He begs and pleads with you to think of the baby, and how precious it shall be, how beautiful you shall be full with his child.
• He admits to wanting nothing more than to have children with you, and to have the chance to love you to death.
• The tears falling from his beautiful green eyes, and the precious words falling from his lips, you couldn't help but feel your heart ache for him.
• He saw it in your eyes, that sliver of sympathy for him, and he masterfully jumped on that opportunity.
• He groveled at your feet, and promised to give you the best life possible, to give you everything you could ever desire.
• He wedged his way into your heart, and pushed away any previous thoughts of the negativities you had experienced in this relationship.
• When the pregnancy turned out to be a false alarm, he continued to promise this things to you.
• And after that he insisted more often than not, to finish inside of you to ensure you would actually fall pregnant with his child.
• With every passing day he broke down those walls more and more, and made himself right at home within your heart.
🕸 What happens When You Finally Succumb To His Will?
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• Some may call it Stockholm Syndrome, but Peter calls it true love.
• You truly succumb to him when you actually fall pregnant.
• And with every passing day of the whole pregnancy Peter falls deeper and deeper in love with you.
• And you with him.
• Every promise he made, he kept.
• You married a month before your due date, and moved to a bigger home.
• Peter wanted a proper fresh start, he had promised it after all.
• Plus he intends on having more than just one child with you, so a bigger home will be necessary.
• He writes music just for you, and plays them often for you and the baby.
• Peter also loves reading to them, especially when they're still in the womb, that way you couldn't slip away, and he could then read to you as well.
• You find yourself not missing your old life in no time, and being surrounded by Peter and the life you've made together, it was all you wanted in life now.
• And when his band really took off, and they began touring, Peter insisted you and the baby be with him.
• He needed your support after all, and needed to ensure that he could keep you safe.
• You live a false happily ever after with your dark lover, though you are blind to the toxicity of this relationship, you couldn't be happier.
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Second set is done!
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Can you tell who I'm softest on?
If you wanna see more of my scrapbook, just click the Type O Negative Scrapbook tag at the bottom. As I post more pictures, I'll add that tag to each post so you can check out my progress if you're curious.
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motionless-friction · 2 years
So as I was working on my Type O Negative Scrapbook during some down time at work, my Lieutenant thought that the pictures of Peter I was pasting down onto the page I was working on, was my boyfriend. And I was like man if only! But I did correct him, and explain who Pete was. But a girl can daydream. 😌
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@l0vel3ss-l1nds3y wanted to tag ya! (•ᴗ•)❤
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negativetypeo · 4 years
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Type O Negative
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creepypastellight · 3 years
So you've come to say you're very sorry. -Won't happen again, forgive me ?-  Time will not heal these wounds. And I'm bleeding, bleeding because of you.  It's too late. Too late for apologies
Too late frozen (Type O negative) - World coming down
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alienclit · 4 years
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I can’t believe it’s been 10 years. Still mad about it tbh. RIP Peter Steele. 💚💚💚
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lisa-addamz · 6 years
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