#pgr au
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I have always been thinking that Lee would be this unhinged in villain au
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watanabes-cum-dump · 1 year
PGR characters as people you meet in high school
Lucia - The quiet kid who’s also really popular for some reason. She doesn’t seem talk to people that much but for some reason everyone seems to know and like her somehow. I don’t even think she knows most of their names
Lee - The robotics/gamer kid who somehow has an unreasonable amount of rizz Also one of the quiet ones. Ngl I feel like Gray Raven is just that quiet friend group who always does their own thing and eats lunch in the art room together or smth. Lee by all means seems like he’s be sort of a loser, but no, he’s got EVERYONE trying to tap his non existent ass. I have this type of friend, I have no idea why but they (yeah there are two of em) always pull the baddest bitches. It’s insane.
Liv - The shy and kind kid Liv is the kid that nobody makes fun of because if you did, you would have the entire school on your ass. She is that nice, and absolute angel. Though I feel like she’s also the quiet kid you should be scared of, most people are smart enough not to fuck with her but a few weren’t.
Chrome - The golden child/overachiever This man. He’s on the principal’s list, he’s got a bunch of scholarships lined up for him, multiple extracurriculars, plus he’s rich, nice, and hot. This is the kid that has EVERYTHING it’s insane. But he definitely deserves it, and he’s always willing to help with homework. Suffers from bad taste in men (Vonnegut) because from my experience, all the kids of this kind do. Like that is the only thing wrong with them, their romantic preferences.
Kamui - The class clown and gamer kid Ngl I think he would be made fun of, but he’s just such a nice guy honestly. Another member of the disciples of rizz, somehow always pulls some bad bitches. I feel like he would wear blatant anime merch and maybe those wolf hoodies tho. Also big ass headphones all the time. Sorry Kamui stans.
Camu - Gamer boy part 2 + gets in trouble a lot He also vapes in the washroom when skipping class. Really good at one subject, barely average in the rest. I want to say that he’s the hot Wattpad delinquent bad boy, but he’s a hardcore gamer so he doesn’t get that luxury. Skips school quite a bit, gets into a lot of fights. Yeah.
Wanshi - The kid who never shows up for class We all have that one friend who never shows up to school right? Yeah, that’s Wanshi. Except he probably shows up on test days or for big projects. He still passes tho. Textbook definition of really smart, just lazy.
Karenina - The loud girl that’s always got beef I don’t like her. She seems like that basic ass bitch who is actually always mad at everything and really mean to the guy she likes. But not in a cute way, just annoying. Decent grades, probably argues with the teacher tho. Yeah, we all know this kid right?
Bianca - The Christian white girl who has a rebellious phase later I don’t like Bianca either, but I feel like every textbook Lulu Lemon/Aritzia Christian white girl eventually goes through a rebellious phase or abandons religion completely. Source? I go to a Catholic private school. I know what I’m talking about.
Watanabe - The actual hot delinquent Sorry Camu, Watanabe gets to be the Wattpad boy. He’s just so cold around anyone that isn’t Gray Raven/Kamui that I think he’s just that kid. He’s not an asshole though, minds his own business most of the time but gets into a lot of fights. He’s also something like a big brother to everyone. Teachers hate him though. Also skips fairly often, but he’s always at parties. Mostly as the designated driver. To everyone’s surprise, he wants to be a teacher and that is what he goes and does after high school.
Luna - The popular girl with all the tea I just know Luna hears absolutely everything and uses it as black mail. She’s pretty chill and likeable most of the time though, hence why she’s so popular. Probably on the student council methinks. Pretty good grades too.
Alpha - The popular athletic kid She doesn’t strike me as a tomboy necessarily, just athletic. And gay as fuck. I don’t know what it is guys, I think it might be the Doc Martens. I feel like when she’s not doing sports she’s the cool alt girl everyone wishes they were. Gets into fights and always wins them. Surprisingly, she’s well likes by teachers because she’s pretty quiet in class.
Roland - The theatre/show choir kid You all saw this one coming from a mile away. I said show choir kid too because show choir kids are actually an entirely different breed of crazy. Like we nutty as fuck. (yes, I am a show choir kid, point and laugh guys) Super flamboyant and shows off a lot- worst part is it’s actually always really impressive. Doc Martens wearer number 2, probably made a shrine to Lin Manuel Miranda in the washroom as a joke once, or a Pedro Pascal one. Either or.
Might make a part two and a bonus round for my OCs, idk hope you liked these
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seraphsredemption · 2 years
PGR/Detroit Become Human AU. I know I'm onto something here. Gonna draw android Lee now in the same outfit Connor wears cause Lee deserves special treatment.
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von327 · 2 years
Just re watched the corpse bride movie, that I adore, and thought " hmm what about a pgr au with Chrome, Lee and the commandant"
Commandant - Victor
Lee - Emily
Chrome - Victoria
Chrome and the commandant would be on an arranged marriage because of family status and because of all the shenanigans of the movie, the commandant would meet Lee.
In both worlds, the living and the dead could be put with other pgr characters and some things could be a little changed so some relationships could be included? Like Chrome being friends with Kamui and Wanshi. Lee spider and maggot friend being Liv and Lucia? I don't know but I would really like to read something about it.
If someone's interested in writing this au I woul read 100%, I just don't write myself because doing long stories or multichapter ones is not something my brain can handle ୧⁠(⁠ ⁠˵⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠˵⁠ ⁠)⁠୨
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I really hope someone would be okay writing or don't fanart of it
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bad-endheart · 11 days
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I miss Kamui being all up in Gray Raven's business
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selenophany · 4 months
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Scarlet Redeemer x Vermillion Bargain
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ghawst37 · 22 days
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Doodle Roland from an au I have been cooking on for a while actually. *the little chibi is just him with tea and snack on his way to meet up with a companion 🤭
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//it may look like whispering, but it was innitially cheek smooches 🤭 but imagine however you may what could they be whispering about?
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baitong9194 · 1 year
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Splatoon x Gray Raven
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chronosh0t · 8 months
“ I listen to everything you say ”
short drabble based off this tweet
tags: male skk Zenas (my OC) x Lee ; PGR ; alternative universe but still inside the world of pgr ; ascendant Lee, the "young man / other Ascendant" is my OC Arawn.
words: 1.9k
this is very self-indulgent. no beta reader.
if you have any question, feel free to ask me on the box thingie! you can also find me on twt under the same username.
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It ended all wrong. Everything turned out to be wrong.
Zenas doesn't remember where, at what point things decided to turn in the wrong direction and changed the course of his life, of one his teammates life. He could not think of any specific moment, choice, or action that could explain the situation at hand at that exact time, but he knew that there was no way he could've turned back to zero again.
Not even now.
The days in Babylonia started to feel too dull, too dark, even the weather felt extremely gloomy, as if the system wanted to accompany him in his mourning. There was always a silence, that no matter how loud the music was, how many people talked, it was impossible to ignore. The absence was abysmal.
Zenas's mind was spiralling to utter chaos and, if he was truly honest with himself, he wasn't even trying to find a stop. The flashbacks of that day, as if they were purposely hunting him and remind him how much everything has changed, colliding with the knowledge of not being able to do nothing, not back then, not now.
He wanted to just sleep and forget about everything. If he were a Construct he would've already asked for a reboot. To Zenas's own disgrace he was but a mere human, and amnesia wasn't something one could ask and be given. He wished he could give up. However, it was not an option. There were still two girls waiting for him to get better, to be back so they could keep with their mission, for them, and for him. 
Him. The one missing. The one who wouldn't come back no matter how loud and how many times Zenas called him. His name tasted so different. Bitter.
Unknown to Zenas. He was also calling him, missing him, missing his teammates, missing his days in Babylonia. But he knew that, for his Commandant to be safe, it was best if they thought he was dead. And that's how it should've stayed. How it was supposed to be, yet, not quite meant.
Lee spent the days after the incident of the tower, wandering around earth, cleaning some corrupted and trying to help humans in need. He would search for any supplies that could help them go through their situation a bit better, Lee would also stay in some safe zones by providing some protection, all that by keeping a line and not letting any Construct from Babylonia know he was still alive.
After all, he was technically an Ascendant now. Even if he didn't give himself to the virus and became an Agent, he was still a corrupted, someone who Babylonia deemed a danger, something that needed to be ended. The years he spent in the front lines fighting for humanity meant nothing.
But it mattered little. As long as he could keep helping, it was fine. He just needed to make sure to keep his activities hidden and it should be fine. Right? That's how he planned everything, however, not everything goes according to a certain plan. That's why Lee never expected to see him.
Just like any other day, Lee was scanning the surroundings, his gun needed some repair after fighting nonstop some ascendants he did not know about. The task, as difficult as trying to dry out the ocean, was taking too long, he walked for hours, checked dead corrupted and even the weapons those ascendants were using, to no avail.
The sun was setting down. Wandering during the night being not the best option, he opted for finding a suitable place to rest and hide. That's where he found such a place. A greenhouse.
How come there's a greenhouse? Is that even possible considering the environment? Those thoughts filled his M.I.N.D. It was in fair condition, the glasses a bit muddy, but none of them were broken. He could see even a variety of flowers, wild grass growing outside the greenhouse, birds and butterflies flying happily at the sight.
While keeping as quiet as he could, Lee tried to get close and what he saw startled him. Inside, vintage furniture in really good state, teacups and… food? Two shadows suddenly appeared, Lee clutched down, kept that position for a few seconds before straightening a bit and focusing his visual mode on the two people.
Ascendants? Humans?
He could clearly see one of them, although just from the back, he had long white hair, dressed in a… suit? as weird as it looked, that person was wearing quite a fancy suit, and his mannerisms were as delicate as they could be. Maybe that individual used to be from a prominent family. The latter sat down on a sofa, now the other person was visible.
Lee's mechanical heart started to beat too fast. Chaos formed on his M.I.N.D and he could feel how his frame was malfunctioning slightly at the sight. The height matched perfectly, those pretty and unique eyes, with more dark circles that he remembered, that black messy hair with blue tips. Oh, and that mischievous smile, showing his fangs.
It was him. His Commandant. Zenas was standing there, inside that greenhouse, and moreover, he was having a conversation with an Ascendant. His posture was casual, Lee could notice that Zenas was too relaxed, so that only meant one thing: he knew that Ascendant, he knew he wasn't in danger.
In an attempt to deny what he was seeing, he double checked his visual modules and even did a deep scan on his M.I.N.D, just to be sure that it wasn't a trick or some error. As expected, everything was fine. What he saw was happening.
Lee sat down and rested his back on a rock. He needed to calm down. Of course, it was easier to said than to be done, it has been so long since the last time he saw Zenas, he knew himself very well, denying those feelings and the urge to run inside that greenhouse were too much to handle, but he couldn't let his Commandant know he was alive. Or it would oppose a danger not only to him but also to Lucia and Liv. He closed his eyes and tried to think of just that, of how bad it'd be if he dared to show his face. But oh boy, how much he desired to see him up close, to hug him, to…
ㅤㅤㅤ“Don't lose focus.” he said to himself through gritted teeth.
His ear still picked up some noise. If he wanted he could've easily listened to what they were talking but it was none of his business. At least not anymore. So he only opted to hear small hints that would let him know if Zenas left. And after what seemed ages, the glass door opened and a pair of steps started to fade away.
ㅤㅤㅤ“He left already.” a raspy voice came from behind, “You can come out now, Ascendant.” finished, for some reason the tone of his voice carried some kind of annoyance.
Lee stood up and faced the white-haired person. It was a few centimetres taller than him, up close he could see his eyes didn't match in colour, one was of a dark green and the other was black. He talked and moved with delicacy. Nonetheless, this young man was still an Ascendant, so why did he sound so annoyed? Could it be..?
ㅤㅤㅤ“Why were you hiding here?” he asked, his face was stoic, no sign of emotion, then added, “You are… Lee, right?”
That question left Lee speechless. Did he know who he was? Does that mean, as he thought of, Zenas knew this Ascendant was some sort of friend? He was at loss for words. The silence was enough response for the man in front of him.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Zenas used to talk a lot about you” mencione casually, at the same time he did a gesture with his hand, as if telling Lee to get inside the greenhouse so they could talk. So he did.
After the two of them walked in, the door closed. The young man talked again. “You look slightly different from what he told me, but the overall essence is there. How did he call you?” he pondered to himself while serving tea. “Ah, right, he used to refer to you as his ‘soon-to-be boyfriend’, I remember now.”
His… boyfriend. It sounded pretty, it sounded right. Lee was not aware of it, but a smile took shape, the boy who was looking at him let out a sigh. If there was a mirror, Lee would've probably be shocked now, the warmth inside his body was perfectly visible on his face, that shy smile was still there and there was so much fondness in his eyes.
ㅤㅤㅤ“You can just tell him. He would go with you.”
That line brought Lee back to reality. Now his eyes were locked on the young man's. If he was honest, he wanted to ask what kind of relationship the two of them has but right now there was something more important to clarify.
ㅤㅤㅤ“He is not allowed to know I'm alive. It would out him in a lot of risk” Lee said firmly.
ㅤㅤㅤ“But he—”
ㅤㅤㅤ“I know he…” there was a pause, the words were stuck on his throat, swallowing seemed like a hard task now, “I know he would follow me, but it's precisely because of that reason that he mustn't know about my actual situation.”
The young man, again, sighed heavily. “I never understood him, and now I don't understand you either. It's clear that both of you share the same feelings for the other, so why not make it easy and just be honest?” he took a sir, crossed his leg and grabbed one of the teacup, “What are you scared of? He is a very strong and capable human, and trust me, he is not fond of the human side of his. He would gladly give up that just to stay with you.” finished his sentence and took a sip. Lee could smell it, it was a strong black tea, the same Zenas would usually drink.
Lee grasped his gun with so much strength it started to break, that statement was enough to make him angry. Funny enough that anger was directly at himself, for feeling slightly happy at hearing that, at the fact that Zenas felt the same way he did.
ㅤㅤㅤ“No.” Lee replied, the anger did not subdued. “If you know what I feel, then you should know that I would never do something that'd put him in danger. So I suggest you keep your mouth shut and keep this conversation hidden from him.”
The next few seconds were filled with silence, not far away the sound of birds could be heard. The tension was so palpable, anyone who dared to enter that greenhouse would've been able to feel it, even cut it with scissors. The Ascendant took a few more sips from the cup, placed it back on the table and stood up again, walked straight to Lee and stopped two steps away.
ㅤㅤㅤ“You would do anything he ordered you, right? That's how loyal you are.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Yes.” he answered.
ㅤㅤㅤ“If he asked you to kill yourself, would you do it?” the man questioned him again, his eyes showing not a single ounce of emotion.
ㅤㅤㅤ“Yes.” dry, sure of himself. That was Lee's answer.
The Ascendants let out a chuckle. It seemed that he was not expecting such loyalty. And there was not a single second where the man thought Lee was lying, what made it even more surprising.
ㅤㅤㅤ“What a duo of insane people.”
🦋 and that's it. i hope it was good enough.
🦋 if you reaches this far, thank you for reading.
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maris-stellar · 4 days
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yully can feel things and knows she can feel things but at the same time she feels that a part of her just Doesn't understand emotions in some inherent way and feels a constant sense of alienation and non-humanness bc of this inability to understand and be like everyone else
she's able to still mimic the spectrum of human emotions and react appropriately, and has even spent her time studying this very thing - to the point of being able to give an exact psychological assessment of anyone if asked. but even despite having such a thorough scientific understanding of emotions and personality and minds, she still feels like it doesn't help her understand the human side of these concepts at all
which is why (in her first life) she concocted her plan to go make friends - she crafted a personality to appeal to people, make a bunch of friends to study and connect with in person, and tried to essentially "fake it till you make it" her way into feeling fully human
and she DID succeed at it!!!!!! she found a group of friends that she came to know very well and loves a lot and is willing to move earth and back for them
hence why shes doing the most inane things just to be able to visit earth regularly enough to look for said friends again, if they even exist.
im soooooooooooooooooo SHAKES THESE TWO GIRLIES!!!!!!!!!!!
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courier-roku · 1 month
John Smith and Elijah my beloved
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Lucia: "Okay, you're enjoying this a lot more than you should!"
More of Liv in a suit
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crow-jx · 1 year
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Wasp boyfriends
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punishing-eden · 2 years
Yours Truly, Your Senior...
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Human Au
Langston Smith (Human! Chrome) x Reader
Whatever the cost maybe, you cannot fail. Perfection is a must, even if you don't have the ability to achieve it, he will do it for you. Because, he's truly your senior.
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Tags: Canon divergent, age change (Chrome is 25), Human Au, reader is still a student in F. O. S Military Command College, Bullying to some extent.
Dear Candidates of F.O.S,
Do you feel stressed from your studies? Unmotivated and losing spirits as your final years are approaching? Or you need help in getting through the semesters?
We are happy to announce the F.O.S is hosting an Alumni Seminar for this semester to offer insight and help with our student’s worries. We have invited top graduated alumnus of great esteem to be role models for our candidates.
Esteemed guests:
Commandant Viktor of Babylonia
Dr Marsha of Babylonia Engineering Team
Commandant Langston Smith of Strike Hawk
We are very grateful to have our guest to help lead our candidates towards a brighter future.
There are limited seats for the event, please RSVP at the administration office for a seat.
Hope to see you there!
-Student Council Team
Dear Commandant Smith,
We are very grateful for your attendance and participation in our annual Alumni Seminar. The feedback from our students in regards to your seminar was overly positive.
On behalf of the F.O.S body, I sincerely thank you for being the perfect role model for all of our students at the F.O.S. It was a pleasure and we would love to have you back again.
Most sincerely,
Dean of F.O.S Military Command College
Feedback Fourm:
"The seminar is super helpful! I learned a lot from the alumnus. Hopefully, I can be a top graduate!"
-Candidate 1
"I am so excited to see the Commandant of Strike Hawk! He's so smart and cool! When I join Babylonia, I want to work with him!"
-Candidate 2
"Very informative seminar. Thanks to the alumnus' insight and tips, finals don't seems too daunting. Would attend again if Commandant of Strike Hawk is there again."
-Candidate 3
"The seminar is helpful in some way. I am grateful for the Student Council to host this event. However, I feel I could benefited more if the talks tackle about practical study advice to enhance our understanding of the learning material."
- [Y/n]
Package delivery to: [Y/n]
Address: Domotriy no. 15, F.O.S Military Command College, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXX
Parcel type: Documents/ Books
Sender: —
Return Address: —
I heard you have trouble with your studies. I would like to give this to you, something I also used during my time in F.O.S. Hopefully, it can bring you much help.
Yours Truly,
Your Senior
Warning Letter!
Addressed to: Langston Smith
Reason: We have noticed your absences in our headquarters. Please request an On-Leave ticket before leaving Babylonia's premises.
Library Check out log:
"Anatomy of the Human Brain" - check out time 10:43am, 20/xx/21xx, [y/n]
"Recreational M. I. N. D" - check out time 09:25am, 18/xx/21xx, [y/n]
"Bioengineering basics" - check out time 10:24am, 16/xx/21xx, [y/n]
"Art of war" - check out time 10:30am, 13/xx/21xx, [y/n]
- -
Lecture Hall no. 8 record:
20/xx/21xx: 11:00am- [Guest Card], [y/n]
18/xx/21xx: 11:00am - [Guest Card], [y/n]
16/xx/21xx: 11:00am - [Guest Card], [y/n]
13/xx/21xx: 11:00am - [Guest Card], [y/n]
- -
1. [Y/N]
'I hate the finals!' - Candidate 7
'The exam is too hard, who on earth can score a 4.79?! Must be cheating.' - Candidate 10
'Someone got a 4.79... I smell cheating.' - Candidate 34
'Having a rich family must be nice. Buy your way to the top, am I right?' - Candidate 54
>reply:'Really, they are that rich?'
>op reply: IDK, there has to be one explanation right?
'No. 1 = Cheater :)' - Candidate 5
Dear Commandant Smith,
Your appeal has been approved.
After a thorough investigation, no violation of academic ingetriy was found. Therefore the case will be dismissed as you requested.
F. O. S Examination borad Director
Candidate no. XXXXXXXXX
Name: [Y/n]
Status: Third Year
Overall Score: 4.79
-Display a massive improvement in academic work.
-Suspicions in Academic Integrity.
Standing by a section in the library, you kept your head down as you read the content from the book in your hand. The small whispers behind you had caught your attention for quite some time now.
The gossip and jealous snickering followed you around since you entered your third year in F.O.S Military Command College. During last year’s exam season, your score ranking shot through the top, subsequently taking the spot of “Top Graduate”.
This surprised you greatly, your friends and family all were happy for you. At the same time, this resulted in the inevitable animosity and jealousy of a few classmates around you. Which, in your perspective, you don’t see the reason behind it, other than the rumored new Commandant and Construct team from Babylonia : Grey Raven. News spread through the college like wildfire, a position, that a lot of students in the F. O. S aspire to achieve.
An elite teams comes with an excellent candidate. One has to be perfect. Thus, all eyes were on you, the perfect candidate.
Yet, you are not.
You still make marginal errors. You still need help from time to time. You are just a human like everyone else.
One by one, you picked up the books from the shelves, and went to the automatic scanner to check the materials out. The library was a good place to study, but nowadays you couldn’t help but feel a little isolated by your peers.
However, being liked wasn’t your top priority right now. Your military training was soon coming to an end. After handing in your thesis, exam season came in full swing. It was test after test, and given the timetable of exams, there was a small gap between the lesser exams and the grand final.
Last week, there was a mock final. Much to your dismay, your score made you felt like you were falling short. Were you too proud of yourself? Did you not study enough? Or was you at your best during that day?
Others chose to take a break from the gap, you on the other hand, didn’t want to stop. You need to work harder. Walking out of the campus building, you made your way towards the lecture building, where in one of designated classrooms, your senior, an alumni of the F.O.S, Langston Smith was waiting.
His posture upright, his suit in pristine condition, Langston waited patiently for you to arrive at the designated time. From the window, he can see you jogging your way towards the lecture hall, carrying a number of books from the library. Without a word, he opened the door for you to rush in.
Entering the lecture hall, you tried to catch your breath. The books were hastily placed on one of the desks. It scattered out a little from the friction, and Langston peered over to see which books you got. Involuntarily, his lips curved a little upwards. His heart filled with happiness and pride. He was proud that you managed to get all the necessary study materials he told you to get.
“Just right on time.” He said with a cool yet gentle voice. His attitude should have remained stern, like the Great Commandant of Strike Hawk of Babylonia, Langston Smith. However, with you, he couldn’t help it. He didn’t want to be this cold and demanding Langston Smith.
He wanted to be the reliable, earnest and diligent alumni of perfection. With you, he is not Commandant Smith, nor is he the ‘pedigree’ Langston Smith. With you, he is Langston Smith, your senior.
Your senior, who wants the best for you and will do anything to make you perfect.
“So, shall we begin?” He asked.
You settle down and open your note taking device and other reading material. Diligently looking at your senior, you nodded.
Author's note:
Got ambitious with this one.
I just thought I it would be interesting to write human constructs.
(C) Punishing Eden
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sleepyminty · 1 year
No listen i want a honkai 3rd X PGR collab
I want the a fully grown kiana to meet lucia
I want kiana to become a big sister figure to lucia
I want lucia to admire and look up to kiana despite her finding some traits that’s so similar to luna (white hair, moon name, same VA)
I want kiana to cheer on the lucia and grey raven and pass on her belief
Do you see ppl do you se my vision
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mhaynoot · 1 year
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plans and drafts for orv streamer au! kdj is a little nerd boy with cute little blue light glasses
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