#pharma market
yodleylife · 2 years
PCD Pharma Franchise in Kerala
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Attention Pharma Distributors, we are giving you a chance to make higher profits and get associated with one of the growing PCD Pharma Franchises in Kerala. Yodley Lifesciences has gained wide acceptance in different parts of India for the past few years. Thousands of customers speak of our glory in the Pharma market, and our chain of success has now reached Kerala, God's own city.
Getting associated with us has many profits, some of these are as follows:
Offering Big margin:  We desire a great relationship with you. Our products have moderate to high demands in the market; however, when you get our franchise, you can earn higher amounts of profits.
Best support facilities: We are always available to help you with the best support facilities.
Make a change: We have the vision to revolutionize the pharma sector, and you will help us make a big change!
So, game changer, are you ready to make higher profits and create a significant impact in pharma?
So what are you waiting for?
Join the best PCD Pharma Franchise in Kerala
URL:- https://yodleylife.in/pharma-franchise-in-kerala/
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pharmaceuticaltech · 11 months
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ustechbog · 1 year
The pharmaceutical industry is a highly regulated and complex industry, where pricing and reimbursement decisions are influenced by a range of factors, including government regulations, market competition, and the cost of development and manufacturing.
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Capitalists hate capitalism
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As the Marxist agitator Adam Smith once said, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”
Smith understood that capitalists hate capitalism. They don’t want to compete with one another, because that would interfere with their ability to raise the prices their customers pay and reduce the wages they pay their workers. Thus Peter Thiel’s anticapitalist rallying cry, “competition is for losers,” or Warren Buffett’s extreme horniness for businesses with “wide, sustainable moats.”
These anti-capitalist capitalists love big government. They love no-bid military contracts, they love ACA subsidies for health insurance companies, they love Farm Bill cash for Cargill and Monsanto. What they don’t love is markets.
Case in point: pharma giant Merck. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) includes a provision that allows Medicare to (finally) start (weakly) negotiating the prices it pays for (a tiny handful of) drugs. If you’re scratching your head and wondering if you understood that correctly, let me assure you, you did: the US government is currently prohibited from negotiating drug prices when it bargains with pharma companies.
In other words: Medicare simply pays a pharma companies — whose products build on billions in publicly funded basic research, whose taxes are reduced by billions in research credits, whose patents are backstopped by billions in enforcement — whatever it demands.
To do otherwise, you see, would be socialism. Markets are “efficient” because they “discover prices” through bidding and selling. In the case of publicly purchased drugs, the price that Uncle Sucker “discovers” is inevitably “a titanic sum” or possibly “add a couple more zeroes, wouldya?”
Enter the IRA. Starting in 2026, Medicare will be permitted to negotiate the price of ten (10) drugs. The negotiations will use the prices of other drugs from the dysfunctional, monopolized market as a starting point and go up from there. The negotiations go on for three years, and there are multiple stages where pharma companies can hit pause with court challenges:
The system will not consider the prices that Medicaid or the VA (which are allowed to bargain on prices) pay. Nor will it consider the prices that other governments pay — the US is alone in the wealthy world in offering the anticapitalist price-taking posture when dickering with the pharma companies.
But this isn’t enough for Merck. They are suing the Biden administration over the IRA’s drug pricing plan, arguing that it is an unconstitutional taking under the Fifth Amendment:
Merck is represented by Big Law firm Jones Day, who made their bones by representing the RJ Reynolds from smokers with lung-cancer, arguing that the smoking/cancer link wasn’t scientifically sound. That’s not the only fanciful argument they put before a judge: Jones Day also represented Trump in his attempts to overturn the 2020 election (they also hired Trump’s counsel Don McGahn as he exited the White House’s revolving door).
As Ryan Cooper writes for The American Prospect, Merck’s argument is that the “fair market” value of its drugs can only be discovered if its single largest customer — Medicare — simply pays whatever Merck demands of it:
They explicitly denounce the idea that a powerful buyer should use its market power to extract price concessions from sellers like Merck: “leveraging all federal insurance benefits (amounting to over half of the prescription drug market) to coerce companies to abandon their First and Fifth Amendment rights is a quintessential unconstitutional condition.”
Rebutting this argument, Health Secretary Xavier Becerra said, “negotiating for the best price is as American as apple pie. Since when is competition in this American system a bad thing? Why should we be the patsies around the world and pay the highest prices for medicines?”
The irony here is that Merck itself is a very powerful buyer. Whether negotiating commercial leases, raw materials or wages, Merck is ruthless in extracting the lowest prices it can from its suppliers. The company attained its massive scale the old fashioned way: buying it. By drawing on its nearly limitless access to the capital markets, Merck bought out dozens of its competitors:
Anticapitalist investors funded these acquisitions in the expectation that Merck would be able to use its market dominance to pay suppliers less, charge customers more, and use some of the resulting windfall to corrupt and bully its regulators so that it could buy still more companies, charge still higher prices, and impose crushingly low prices on still more suppliers.
The IRA’s drug-bargaining provisions are extraordinarily weak. When they were first mooted in 2021, I talked about how Democrats were caving on muscular drug price controls that would benefit every American (except a handful of pharma shareholders):
They did so despite wild, bipartisan support for imposing price discipline on Big Pharma, and ending the 300% premium Americans pay for their drugs relative to their cousins abroad. 95% of Democrats support strong price controls; so do 82% of independents — and 71% of Republicans:
No one believes Big Pharma’s scare stories about how this would kill R&D: 93% of Americans reject this idea, including 90% of Republicans. They’re right — nearly all US basic pharma R&D is directly funded by the federal government, with pharma companies privatizing the gains:
Despite the fact that really whipping the shit out of Big Pharma would be both popular and good for America, the Dems’ final version of pharma bargaining is a barely-there nothingburger where ten drugs will become slightly cheaper, after the next federal election. This is called “political realism” and it’s a fantasy.
The idea that limiting drug controls to the faintest, most modest measures would make them easier to attain was obvious nonsense from the start, and Merck’s anticapitalist lawsuit proves it. Merck will settle for nothing less than total central planning — by Merck. For Merck, the role of the federal government is to wave through a stream of mergers culminating in Merck’s ownership of every major drug; patent extensions for these drugs to carry them into the 25th century and beyond, and unlimited sums paid for these drugs on Medicare.
Given all that, there would have been no downside to the Dems passing an IRA that subjected the drug companies the same modest, commensense, market-based discipline we see in Canada, or the UK, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland.
But that’s not the IRA we got. Instead of defending a big, visionary program in court, the Biden admin is facing down Jones Day and Merck to defend the most yawn-inducing, incrementalist half-measure. What a wasted opportunity.
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If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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[Image ID: A caricature of a businessman with a money-bag for a head and a stickpin bearing the Merck logo, standing atop a pile of bundled $100 bills. At the bottom of the pile, a frowning, disheveled Uncle Sam offers up a $100 bill.]
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Image: Flying Logos (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Over_$1,000,000_dollars_in_USD_$100_bill_stacks.png
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
you have my attention 👀
So, tfp au Pharma's a bucket of angst and a half because in the tfp au, the virus didn't work. Nobody came to Delphi's aid. Eeeeveryone on Messatine that wasn't Pharma or a DJD member died, and Pharma somehowed his way off world only to end back up on earth eventually. Where Pharma went, an enamored Tarn followed. And where Tarn went the DJD went.
Now, in the main timeline, Tarn is dead now. It's a whole thing. Now, Pharma is a medic physically with the tfp au autobots n working with Ratchet and Knockout for both factions' benefits because God there are a lot of wholesome aspects to the tfp au that I implore you read @ivycorp 's fics of it. I love this au dearly
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maretriarch · 7 months
went into the urgent care today for a return to work form...talked with a doctor for all of five minutes total abt only that...left with a paper recommending me three different types of medication for depression, adhd, schizophrenia and bpd (the later three which i don't have)...big pharma i will strike you down with my bare hands
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mudwerks · 1 year
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(via Decongestant phenylephrine doesn’t work, FDA advisors say)
The main ingredient used in many popular over-the-counter cold and allergy medications doesn’t actually work, an advisory panel to the Food and Drug Administration said.
In a unanimous vote, advisors said oral versions of phenylephrine – found in versions of drugs like Nyquil, Benadryl, Sudafed and Mucinex – aren’t effective.
The FDA could potentially begin a process that removes phenylephrine from the market, which would force manufacturers to pull cough and cold medications from store shelves.
I will vouch - tried them when they came on the market so I wouldn’t have to get decongestants from behind the pharmacy counter. 
They’re worthless...
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varnilife · 3 months
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Varni lifescience is one of the leading pharma intermediate manufacturer in India. Our intermediates are produced using premium quality ingredients. Moreover, they are highly applicable in various industrial and commercial sectors. We offer wide range of best quality intermediates at affordable prices.
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protoslacker · 1 year
Both drugs were developed in the 1970s and are a part of the WHO Essential Medicines list. Both can be purchased for $0.01 to $0.06 per pill in low-income countries and about $4 to $6 per pill in high-income countries like the UK and Australia. In the US… well, can you guess where I am going with this? The prices for both drugs have been jacked up to over $400 per pill. This is about a hundred-fold more than than other high-income countries, which in turn is likely several-fold more than the true marginal cost – the price we expect in a truly competitive market.
Rahul Nayak in Bill of Health, blog Petrie Flom Center at Harvard Law. The Rotten U.S. Antiparasitic Drug Market
This post is almost five years old, but I bet things haven't changed much. Civica Rx is mentioned as part of a solution to market problems. I think the problem is more than a "market" problem! Still Civica Rx seems like a good thing.
Not related to the search about deworming medicine, but I was also searching around in re prescribed atypical antipsychotics for children on the Autism spectrum. I went to a blog I used to read before the pincipal died, 1 boring old man. I searched for "rispeidone."
I'm no scientist or doctor, and the fact of the matter is I will keep my mouth shut when it comes to what prompted my search; because of course I am no doctor or scientist. But I was reminded reading some of the posts why that blog was so good. Many of the comentators were physicians, and they didn't all share the skeptical takes that the blog author did. Yet the kind of respectful dialog on that blog really does seem part of what can help to make healthcare better. And it's quite sad how little dialog there is.
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6ebe · 1 year
Not Biden trying to allow Medicare to negotiate the amount it pays for drugs (they’re the largest drug purchaser in the world) and then Johnson & Johnson suing the us gov over it 😭😭
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buzwit · 1 year
Debunking the Myth: Google Does Crawl iFrames – Insights from SEO Experts
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In recent discussions among search engine marketing experts on Reddit, a thread sparked a dialogue about whether Google ignores iframes. The belief that Google doesn’t crawl frames has been a long-standing assumption in the SEO community, but is this true? Let’s dive into the facts, examine Google’s own Webmaster Trends Analyst, Mueller’s response, and explore the SEO impact of iframes.
The Fable: Google Doesn’t Crawl iFrames.
Earlier, search engines found it difficult to crawl and index content within iframes. Search engine bots were unable to access the content inside iframes, and sometimes couldn’t exit the iframe to continue crawling the rest of the website. Additionally, the content within iframes was often considered to belong to a different website, which led to uncertainty about whether it should be indexed.
The Actuality: Google Can & Does Crawl iFrames.
Contrary to the belief of some Reddit users, Google has made significant advancements in crawling iframes. Currently, Google has the capability to directly render the iframe and inject its content as part of the hosting page, a process known as “DOM Flattening.” Mueller addressed this issue by providing insights in the thread, stating that “Google does attempt to crawl iframed content and include it in the indexed page, if it’s allowed. It’s not always trivial though, and I don’t know how other search engines handle it. If you have something that you absolutely want indexed within the context of a page, I’d work to include it directly rather than relying on iframes.“
Mueller also provided further advice for those who use embedded or iframed content on their pages:
Use the “x-frame-options” header to block iframing completely if it’s not desired.
Use “noindex” robots meta tags or “x-robots-tag” if neither the embedded content nor the relevant page should be indexed.
Use “indexifembedded” along with “noindex” if the embedded page itself should not be indexed, but its content can be included in a page that’s iframing it.
To check if Google can see the content in iframes, you can use the “mobile-friendly test” in Search Console.
iFrames Not Generally advocated.
Due to the potential indexing challenges with iframes, Google recommends minimizing their use as much as possible. Including trivial content straightaway on the page or using other embedding techniques could churn out better SEO results and will make sure that Google can accurately index the content.
Stay Ahead of the game with best SEO practices at BUZWIT DIGITAL STUDIO
While iframes may have posed challenges for search engines in the past, advancements in technology and search engine algorithms have improved their ability to crawl and index iframe content. After all, in the ever-evolving world of SEO, staying ahead of the game means keeping up with the latest developments and best practices. Happy optimizing! So, dear webmasters, take heed and tread carefully when it comes to using iframes in your web design endeavors. At BUZWIT DIGITAL STUDIO, we use the right approach and understanding, and you can ensure that your content gets the visibility it deserves in search engine results.
BUZWIT DIGITAL STUDIO offers best SEO tactics and practices.
In today’s digital age, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is critical to the success of any online business. By optimizing your website for search engines, you can increase your visibility and attract more targeted traffic to your site. But with so many SEO tactics and strategies to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to start.
That’s where BUZWIT DIGITAL STUDIO comes in. As a leading digital marketing agency, we specialize in helping businesses stay ahead of the game with the best SEO practices.
Here’s how we work effectively to help our clients achieve their SEO goals:
conduct comprehensive SEO audits.
Before we begin any SEO campaign, we conduct a comprehensive audit of our client’s website to identify any issues that may be impacting their search engine rankings. This includes analyzing factors such as website structure, content, keywords, and backlinks.
developing customized SEO strategies.
Based on the results of our audit, we develop customized SEO strategies that are tailored to our client’s unique needs and goals. This includes optimizing website content, building quality backlinks, and improving website structure and navigation.
We stay up to date with the latest SEO trends.
SEO is a constantly evolving field, and it’s important to stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices. At BUZWIT DIGITAL STUDIO, we are always on the cutting edge of the latest SEO trends, and we use this knowledge to deliver results for our clients.
We track and analyze performance.
We monitor the performance of our SEO campaigns closely, tracking key metrics such as search engine rankings, website traffic, and conversion rates. This allows us to make data-driven decisions and adjust our strategies as needed to achieve the best possible results.
The myth that Google doesn’t crawl iframes has been debunked by Google’s own Webmaster Trends Analyst, Mueller. Google has the capability to crawl iframed content and include it in the indexed page, but it’s not always straightforward. To ensure proper indexing and SEO performance, it’s recommended to use iframes sparingly and follow Google’s advice on how to handle iframed content. Keeping up to date with Google’s guidelines and best practices is crucial for search engine marketers to stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of SEO. Don’t let the myth of Google ignoring iframes impact your SEO strategy — stay informed and make informed decisions.
In conclusion, SEO is essential to the success of any online business, but it can be a complex and ever-changing field. At BUZWIT DIGITAL STUDIO, we work effectively to help our clients stay ahead of the game with the best SEO practices. By conducting comprehensive audits, developing customized strategies, staying up to date with the latest trends, and tracking performance closely, we deliver real results for our clients. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your SEO goals.
(Source: reddit)
Let’s explore your business opportunities together!
+91–70 9503 9503
Plot:50, 4th Floor, Behind Raheja Mindspace, Gafoornagar Village, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081.
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aplonishealthcare · 2 years
Pharmaceutical Distributors in India to Solve Business Requirements
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In that situation, hiring a suitable company among the available reputed Pharmaceutical Distributors in India proves comprehensible. Their consistent thought process and efforts will drive any medical business in a lucrative direction.
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doctormarketingsvc · 2 years
Doctor Digital Marketing Agency in USA
Branding, Marketing & Ad Agency for Doctors, Clinics, Pharma, Hospitals, Plans and Devices. You are interested in growing in the healthcare industry, digital marketing for doctors should be a primary focus. Let DocMarketo Digital Marketing Agency take care of your medical marketing needs and create a unique and fresh digital marketing plan for your medical business.
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asrarblog · 2 years
Opioid Crisis and Pharma Industry – Part 2 – Asrar Qureshi’s Blog Post #722
Opioid Crisis and Pharma Industry – Part 2 – Asrar Qureshi’s Blog Post #722
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View On WordPress
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timbrehealthcare · 4 days
Franchise for Pharma marketing
In the competitive and ever-growing pharmaceutical industry, starting a franchise for pharma marketing can be a highly profitable and rewarding business opportunity. With the increasing demand for healthcare products, a pharma franchise allows entrepreneurs to leverage the established infrastructure, products, and reputation of a pharmaceutical company. Timbre Healthcare, a leading name in the pharma sector, offers one of the most reliable and lucrative franchise models for individuals and businesses looking to enter the pharmaceutical marketing industry.
In this blog, we will explore why investing in a franchise for pharma marketing with Timbre Healthcare is a smart choice and how this opportunity can help you succeed in the dynamic world of pharmaceuticals.
What is a Franchise for Pharma Marketing?
A franchise for pharma marketing is a business arrangement where a pharmaceutical company grants rights to an individual or entity (the franchisee) to sell and promote its pharmaceutical products in a specific region. The franchisee operates under the company's brand name and uses its established business model, marketing strategies, and product portfolio. In return, the franchisee pays a fee or shares profits with the parent company.
This business model offers numerous benefits, including access to high-quality pharmaceutical products, marketing support, and the backing of a well-established brand, which minimizes the risk often associated with starting a business from scratch.
Why Choose a Pharma Franchise?
1. Low Investment and Risk
One of the primary reasons to choose a franchise for pharma marketing is the relatively low investment required compared to other business ventures. Since you are partnering with an established pharmaceutical company like Timbre Healthcare, you don’t need to invest heavily in research and development, manufacturing, or branding. The parent company provides the products and marketing materials, reducing the initial capital required.
Additionally, the risk is minimized since you are promoting proven products in a growing industry. The increasing demand for healthcare products, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, ensures that there is a consistent market for pharmaceuticals.
2. Monopoly Rights
When you take up a pharma marketing franchise with Timbre Healthcare, you often get exclusive marketing rights in a specific region. This monopoly ensures that you won’t face direct competition from other franchisees in your area, allowing you to capture a larger market share and grow your business more effectively.
3. Support from the Parent Company
Franchisees benefit from extensive support provided by Timbre Healthcare. This support includes training, product knowledge, promotional materials, and marketing strategies that help franchisees build their business. You don’t have to worry about developing your marketing campaigns from scratch—the parent company provides you with the tools and resources needed to succeed.
4. Access to High-Quality Products
A franchise for pharma marketing with Timbre Healthcare ensures that you have access to a diverse range of high-quality pharmaceutical products. These products meet the highest standards of quality and safety, which is critical in the healthcare industry. By offering trusted and effective medicines, you build a strong reputation and establish long-term relationships with healthcare professionals, distributors, and customers.
5. Profit Potential
The pharmaceutical industry is known for its high profit margins, and a pharma franchise allows you to tap into this lucrative market. As a franchisee, you have the opportunity to grow your business by expanding your network, building relationships with doctors and hospitals, and increasing your product distribution. Since you don’t need to invest in product development or manufacturing, most of your efforts can be focused on marketing and selling, which translates to higher profits.
Why Timbre Healthcare is the Best Partner for a Pharma Franchise
Choosing the right partner is crucial for the success of your franchise for pharma marketing. Timbre Healthcare offers several advantages that make it the ideal partner for aspiring entrepreneurs in the pharma industry:
1. Strong Brand Reputation
Timbre Healthcare has built a strong reputation in the pharmaceutical industry for providing high-quality, reliable, and affordable medicines. By partnering with Timbre Healthcare, you align your business with a trusted brand, which increases your credibility and trustworthiness in the market.
2. Comprehensive Product Range
Timbre Healthcare offers an extensive portfolio of pharmaceutical products, covering a wide range of therapeutic categories such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, pain management, multivitamins, and more. This diverse product range allows franchisees to cater to various healthcare needs and target a larger customer base.
3. Exclusive Monopoly Rights
Timbre Healthcare offers exclusive marketing and distribution rights to its franchise partners in specific regions. This means you won’t face competition from other Timbre franchisees in your area, allowing you to dominate the local market and maximize your profits.
4. Marketing and Promotional Support
As a Timbre Healthcare franchisee, you will receive comprehensive marketing and promotional support. The company provides a range of marketing tools, including brochures, visual aids, product samples, and more, to help you effectively promote and sell its products. You will also benefit from ongoing training and support, ensuring you have the knowledge and skills to succeed in the competitive pharma market.
5. Transparent Business Practices
Timbre Healthcare is known for its ethical and transparent business practices. The company is committed to building long-term relationships with its franchise partners based on trust, integrity, and mutual success. You can be confident that you are working with a company that values your success and provides the support you need to grow your business.
How to Get Started with a Timbre Healthcare Pharma Franchise
Starting a franchise for pharma marketing with Timbre Healthcare is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can get started:
Contact Timbre Healthcare: Visit the Timbre Healthcare website and fill out the franchise inquiry form or contact the company directly to express your interest.
Discuss Franchise Opportunities: A representative from Timbre Healthcare will discuss the available franchise opportunities with you, including the regions you can operate in and the terms of the partnership.
Sign the Agreement: Once you’ve chosen your region and agreed on the terms, you will sign a franchise agreement with Timbre Healthcare. This agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties.
Launch Your Franchise: With the support of Timbre Healthcare, you can start marketing and selling pharmaceutical products in your region, growing your business and maximizing profits.
A franchise for pharma marketing offers a profitable and low-risk business opportunity in the growing pharmaceutical industry. By partnering with Timbre Healthcare, you gain access to high-quality products, exclusive marketing rights, and extensive support, ensuring your success in the pharma sector. Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to enter the pharma industry or an existing business looking to expand, Timbre Healthcare is the perfect partner to help you achieve your goals.
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Top 10 Mistakes in Pharmaceutical Marketing
If you believe the world of pharmaceutical marketing has remained unchanged in the last five years, I have some swamp land to sell you. From HCPs to patients, medical marketing is evolving and changing, but these changes have been revolutionary since the golden age of DTC and HCP marketing. Here are some dumb things pharma marketers continue to waste money on. Continue reading Top 10 Mistakes in…
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