#phew ok i’m done 😭😭
is it just me, but if reader and suguru are in their twenties, i don't see the four year age gap being a big deal? and later on, it becomes even less of a big deal.
i get that there may be some moral deliberation on suguru's part with the growing up aspect, but for them to keep their relationship a secret forever? really? that's kinda weird imo and making a big fuss out of nothing
if they're like 24 and 28, why the hell do they have to hide? i literally don't get it at all. they're not doing anything immoral. and reader is not a child by any means, and it's not like they have some cognitive gap or anything. i just don't get it. maybe it's a cultural thing, and for you it's a bigger deal than it is for me.
obviously fourteen x eighteen is super fucked up and wrong, but we're not talking about that, my god
aaa and !!! as for riko !!!! kairo COOKED w the shoko thing.
i think... that this pairing makes a lot of sense! i think it makes more sense than riko x reader, tbh
i just... i don't see the need of turning every best friend friendship into a romance
like irl i don't want to fuck my friends (pardon me for being crude) and i will never want to fuck them, and that's okay. i'm perfectly satisfied with our friendships staying friendships, and the transition to a romance is not necessarily a signification of a 'higher-level' relationship
at the end of the day though, as others have said, it's your stories so you get to do whatever the hell you want to do with it
…. anon i talked abt this a bit in another ask but maybe you missed it so i’ll say it again :’3
(this got very long i’m sorry in advance 😔)
the gap itself isn’t the problem, it’s not a big deal in their twenties. the issue here is the way their dynamic started. satoru always viewed reader like a younger sibling, and it was the same with suguru. don’t you think that would be awkward for them at all? 😭 i think you’re focusing on the present point of their relationship which is fine, but their history as a whole is important too!! if you grew up with a younger kid who was crushing on you, while you viewed them as a sibling, wouldn’t you also feel weird about developing feelings for them later down the line? i definitely would!!
the important part is the shift in their dynamic, not the age gap (but i mention the gap bc it’s so central to their prior dynamic). satoru can’t bring himself to shift his view on reader, bc he still sees them as someone younger that he needs to protect. there’s a kind of power dynamic there that’s important to remember, and it was established when they first met. he’s older, he’s known you since you were a little kid, he’s spent all those years making sure not to give you the impression that he’s leading you on at all. satoru doesn’t want to break that pattern, and he views that choice as important.
so don’t you think he’d be kind of pissed if he found out suguru had gotten together with you? if he found out suguru had made a choice to break that pattern, when he was so adamant on not doing so? there would definitely be a lot of tension there. satoru literally spends the fic talking about how he thinks reader should be with someone better, someone closer to their own age, someone who they didn’t meet from such a young age — and then he finds out they’re with suguru??
like . there’s no way there wouldn’t be a fight there. i’m not saying it’d be the end of the world or their friendship or anything, but satoru would absolutely be upset with suguru. especially since he places him on such a high pedastal. it’s less about morality and more about convictions. there’s nothing immoral about them being together, but it goes against the convictions satoru’s found himself sticking to.
so!!! that’s the reason i think they would keep their relationship secret. to avoid that tension. i can’t see it being anything other than a sneaky summer romance. maybe in the future they could tell everyone, but i also just don’t see suguru/reader as an actual endgame couple in this au… i didn’t specify this in the fic but the two of them aren’t nearly as close as reader is with riko and satoru, since they only met when suguru was hanging out at the gojo household.
anyway!! that’s my take on that. again, the gap isn’t the issue, it’s everything surrounding their dynamic, and the history of it. bottom line is that stsg grew up viewing reader as a sibling of sorts, so of course any kind of shift from that pattern would feel strange. if you meet someone when they’re fourteen and you’re eighteen, i’d argue that it’s a lot weirder to not consider that part of your dynamic important when thinking of them as a potential romantic interest in the future.
like, imagine someone asking you and your partner for your age, and you tell them you’re 27 while your partner is 23. not a big deal, obviously!! but then they ask what age you were when you met and you have to say you were eighteen and they were fourteen. even if you quickly explain that you didn’t get together until you were both adults, don’t you think that would earn you some weird stares? it’s not immoral but it’s a delicate situation, and i think satoru would get angry at suguru for not handling it delicately enough from his pov. remember that satoru himself can only see it as totally normal like. a decade into the future LMAO. his view doesn’t have to be the same as yours or mine, but it’s satoru’s own view that’s important here.
….. hopefully that made it all a bit more clear 😭 sorry for rambling so much anon!! hopefully you’re still with me :’3 obviously you’re free to root for whichever couple you want, but i don’t see myself changing my stance on these two. it’s a fun what-if bonus ending and i think that’s more than enough!! nothing that’s meant to be angsty or whatever, just suguru and reader sneaking around a bit because they know riko and satoru will be angry.
AH ALSO one more thing !! :’3 i’d argue that there is a cognitive gap between reader and suguru. reader is 22-23 in the fic, suguru is 27. it’s not a big gap but the human brain doesn’t finish developing completely until your mid/late twenties!!
i just... i don't see the need of turning every best friend friendship into a romance like irl i don't want to fuck my friends (pardon me for being crude) and i will never want to fuck them, and that's okay. i'm perfectly satisfied with our friendships staying friendships, and the transition to a romance is not necessarily a signification of a 'higher-level' relationship
wait nevermind i also wanna talk abt this 💔 a bit more rambling incoming.
overall!! you don’t have to like riko/reader anon. that’s totally understandable!! a part of me also prefers them staying as friends and nothing else, and i’ve always hated the idea that romantic love is seen as stronger as platonic love bc it just . isn’t. platonic love can be and often is just as powerful!! canonically reader and riko are best friends, nothing else, but i still think they’d be cute in a what-if scenario, that’s all :3 if it’s not your cup of tea then that’s totally fine, none of the endings are canon anyway.
as for the sexual aspect 😭 i just wanted to point this out bc i never write any of my character dynamics with a sexual aspect in mind, even the romantic ones. sex doesn’t have to be a part of romance!! maybe you were just joking so i’m sorry if i’m reading too much into it, just wanted to mention it bc i do see it as important :’3 being lovers doesn’t equal to having sex!!
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servantserah · 6 months
Ok it‘s me again, the annoying duck! I completed the summary and don‘t know who to send it to so I send it to you *breathes* phew! Lemme just try to breath and not to cry (don‘t worry I’m just a drama queen XD I‘m ok XD) I‘ll update it as soon as I got the Slides about the other things. Have a nice day!^^ (and sorry for the long question)
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Oh wow, you've really done some research, I'm honored 😭🙏
And it looks like you got pretty much everything right, save for a few minor details! Would you like my input or do you want to continue the list on your own for now? 👀
Either way, I'm baffled (in a good way) that someone would go through that kind of work because they like my silly AU so much 😭 I'm honestly so overwhelmed by the love ggAU has been receiving on here lately. This AU is literally everything to me, so to see it make others happy, too, is amazing 💜
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gurugirl · 1 year
no bc this actually made my thighs clench,,, like this is actually so f hot!!!
the whole idea of him using her again and again, like he would rent a big suite for a big meeting, and yn would come a bit before, to meet him, and like wish him good luck and then she'll be like "ok bye" and he'll be like "where do you think you're going, little girl?" and like kiss her and tie her up in the other room, all spread open with the shiny jewel plug in her ass. it would be a vibrating one, so he’d control it during his meeting, making her desperate for more and more.
between breaks he would go in and lock the door, and you know, maybe fuck her and then put the plug back in place, stuffing her full of it,,, and she'll be all subby and like "give me your cum, daddy. i'll keep it in my little pussy" and he would be so fucked out and think how did he deserve her!??? and then kiss her and leave her there, till everything is done, and then make love to her, saying "you're my princess, you know that? my pretty baby. there's no one i love in this world more than i love you." ❤️🥺🥺🥺
( im sorry if im annoying with sending so many asks!! sorry sorry sorry)
First of all… don’t be sorry for sending me asks! I love getting asks 🥰 And I love all your ideas 🥰
But anyway… that ask was phew 😮‍💨 and adding to the details here with yours 🥵🥵 having her asking for his come 😭 I’m also obsessed with the idea that he keeps her in this hotel suite and just uses her all day while he works in between getting his fill of her (or her having her fill of him 🤭)
Thank you 😭 This goes into the drafts ✍️
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threeletterslife · 2 years
WOAHHH CHANAHSHAHDBHAHDHAHDHA *phew ok I’m back* I know you said you were suddenly super motivated(?) to write the hunger games au but I didn’t think it would be done so fast HAHA I’m super excited to read the full thing! the 100% angst rating tho :’D ~🌻
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