#phil manansala fanfiction
fangirl94stuff · 1 year
Phil Manansala (OM&M)
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'Here you go, a nice glass of water. Should we do this on another day Phil?'
Your partner Phil looks up at you from his crouched position on the floor of your nursery surrounded by pieces of wood, bolts and screws and shakes his head while reaching out for the glass of water to take a break.
'This should have been done before I went on tour, you could go into labour at any minute y/n and our baby wouldn't have anywhere to sleep.'
You sit in the rocking chair Phil had assembled in the morning and rub your big belly, your baby being a week overdue, 'maybe they are waiting until they have a bed,' you joke.
Phil was right about the crib needing to be done before OM&M's short album promotion tour, but it kept getting delayed, only arriving a week before he came back.
Phil sighs and drinks some water, 'why did they make assembly so hard? Are we going about this the wrong way?'
You continue to rub your belly, honestly, at this point, I'm not even sure if there is a right way. But no way were we paying someone to do it for us.'
Phil nods his head in agreement, 'then what do we do?'
You smile at him, 'The only thing we can do...keep trying. Just imagine how cute our baby will look in that crib you built.'
'You're right y/n, I'm not giving up, hand me that screwdriver next to you please,' he says proudly.
You hand him the screwdriver and pick up the instruction booklet, 'Take panel four and attach it to panel three...'
It takes a couple more hours but finally, the crib is built, and you can't help but hug Phil, 'we make a good team. Give or take some communication problems along the way.'
He hugs you back, 'We sure do, but if any of the guys ask this thing went up smoothly, I'm not having them mock me after they offered to help and I turned it down.'
You put your finger on your lips, 'Your secret is safe with me. Now, all we need is this little one to pop out.'
Phil rubs your belly, 'Come out, your bed is ready, you're going to sleep so well--'
'Why did you jinx it, now the baby will be restless,' you gasp loudly, cutting Phil off before he can do any more damage. He would do the first few night duties as punishment to see just how calm a newborn baby wasn't.
'If the baby's anything like me, they'll be chill, no need to worry,' he jokes.
You roll your eyes, you couldn't wait to prove him wrong when the baby came.
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justsomebandfanfics · 5 years
Darkness and Hysteria - Part One - Austin Carlile ft. OM&M
Hey, so I dont know if you’ll write something like this but I really had a shitty day and I thought I try and request something. Maybe where you are austin carliles girlfriend and are on tour with him but then at night the bus gets in a crash...  
This is written (as stated further in the above request) in Austin’s P.O.V. - considering making this a two/three parter... thoughts? - 1,531 words - written by Emma.
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Austin’s P.O.V.
“This weather is bloody terrible.” You grunt.
This storm has been going on since last night. It’s now 7pm, usually at times like this in the summer it would still be light out. But the sky is covered in dark clouds which just leaves the sky a dull grey. You sigh.
“Only because you live for sun and beaches.” Y/N, your girlfriend, remarks, smiling as she peeps up from her book.
“How can you even read in, in…” You gesture to the window. “This.” You spit the word like it’s venom. Although your words are twined in sarcasm, you do hate shitty weather.
Y/N shrugs as she takes a look out of the window. “I just like reading.” She reopens her book again and her eyes drift.
Her Y/E/C focus on the pages and you watch them follow the lines. She looks up for a split moment and her irises glimmer as she looks at you and you both share a smile. As a grin lances on her crepe pink lips, you lick over your own. She’s so beautiful, even with her hair messily - yet neatly - tied back. You don’t know how you could get so lucky.
However, the heavy pattering on the bus windows is enough to make you groan again. Your eyes don’t stay focused on Y/N’s face as they settle outside once more where you watch rain endlessly smack against the roads.
“You never stop groaning, do you?” Tino says to you from the opposite seat of Y/N.
Deliberately, you let the moan intensify over a stretched period of time and echo loudly.  
“Stop groaning, you grinch.” Jenn answers your annoying ring.
“It’s not even Christmas.” You reply, pulling a mimicking face.
“Either way, nobody likes you because you’re being miserable and irritating.” Tino answers for her, chuckling.
“Ha, ha. So funny.” You roll your eyes and your glance settles at Aaron and Amanda, who are both out cold on the sofa behind Tino and Jen, head against head. “How can they be asleep? It’s like the titanic out there!”
“Stop being so melodramatic, you big baby.” Jen says to you. “It is not the titanic.”
Pointing to the water that’s streaming down the roads, you answer, “You never know, I could drown out there.”
“I wish. Then we could get some peace and quiet.” Phil says loudly from the seats behind Y/N, where he and Anouk are.
“Rude.” You murmur, quieting down, you think of sitting beside Y/N, whose nose is still wedged in her book.
“Stop being such a whiny ass.” Alan calls out as he wanders through from the bunk area, joining the bash-on-Austin parade. Strolling up to you, he sits in the chair that faces Y/N. 
“I am not being a whiny ass.” You mumble, before receiving unappreciative looks from everyone – you are being a whiny ass. “Fine, I’ll go bug Terry instead.” Terry is your bus driver.
“You go do that, baby.” Y/N gives you the thumbs up, eyes not leaving her book.
You mimic her in a girly voice. “You go do that, baby.” She looks at you then cocks an eyebrow, you pout at her.
Scrunching her nose, she pouts back before holding her book up to her face again.
"Well, doesn't seem like you've got a better view than us in the other part of the bus." You say, approaching Terry. 
He shakes his head. "Definitely not." 
"Can't even look straight out there." You say, looking through the windscreen. 
Every second the wipers are going back and forth, but a shit tonne of rain just comes hammering back. It's like a river steaming down the windscreen. You're surprised Terry can even see. 
"Surely, this isn't safe." You say, gesturing to the window. 
It's so dark and cloudy out there you can barely see the road. The fog and mist seem to combine to cloud the roads, making it extremely difficult to even see headlights from other vehicles. You can just about see ten feet in front of the bus. 
"It isn't." Terry answers, jaw clenched. "All this heavy wind and gushes of rain smashing down... I don't trust it, it gives me a bad feeling." 
As soon as those words leave Terry's mouth, you feel a little uneasy. 
"Then, then why are we driving in it?" You ask, that horrible feeling in the pit of your stomach. 
"We need to get somewhere decent at least. We can't pull over in the middle of nowhere... Maybe if there's a gas station or something, I'll pull over and we could try waiting it out." Terry says, which makes you feel a little better. 
"I hate this weather, it's a real downer." You mutter. "Want anything to drink? I'm grabbing myself a bottle of water." You're happy to change the topic. 
"Sure thing." Terry nods. "Grab me a water too?" 
"Yep, okay. I'll be a moment." You say, turning around. 
"Oh no, he's back." Jenn giggles, seeing you walk back through the section. 
"Did Terry get fed up within a few minutes too?" Alan chuckles. 
You continue walking to the fridge. "Very funny, guys, ha-ha." You try to keep your tone sarcastic and funny, but you're not sure if it worked. 
"You okay, baby?" Y/N asks, looking over her shoulder, book closed in her hands. "You sound a little off." 
Walking back through equipped with water, you attempt to smile. "Just feeling ill, that's all." You halt by her's and Alan's seats, resting on it. 
"Mhm." Y/N sighs. "You look a little unwell, actually. Is there anything I can do to help?" Her hands touch your lower arm. 
"Just, stay beautiful." You smile down at her. 
And with that, you bend down, cupping her face. Lightly, you press your lips together, that benevolent feeling pulsing in your heart. Irresistibly, you grin against her mouth, causing her to smile too. 
"I love you." She says, gazing up into your eyes. 
"And I love you." You answer, resting your head on your shoulder for a moment, adoring her.
Soon enough, you rejoin Terry by the wheel of the bus. The weather has had no improvement, instead, it looks worse in the few minutes you’ve been gone. Handing him a bottle of water, he nods a thanks as he takes a swing, looking out to the road again. Opening your bottle, you drink some too, but still feel nauseous as something inside of you is telling you that something bad is going to happen.
You look at Terry, who is worriedly squinting his eyes trying to picture what’s on the other side of the windscreen.
“Can you do me a favour and look up where the next gas station is?” He grunts over his shoulder to you. “Or.. anywhere,” He adds hastily. “Anywhere we can just pull in and stop, in fact. I’m barely making it around these corners.” He shakes his head, beads of sweat visibly gathering on his forehead. 
“Of course, of course.” You say, pulling your phone out of your pocket and opening your maps application. The lack of signal causes your app to glitch as you try to find your current location. “Come on.” You shake your phone in your hands, feeling frustration settle in your head, just wanting to find somewhere to stop.
You sigh when release once the arrow finally locates you on a lonely, long, bland road. “Gas station...” You hum to yourself, clicking the ‘services’ function and hoping somewhere can be found local enough to the bus. The slow function again makes you irritable, you hit your phone against the door frame you’re leaning on.
Once loaded, you click on the nearest services result. “It’s only 5 miles away.” You breathe thankfully, turning your phone to face Terry, showing him the station nearby.
Terry shares the sigh of relief, “thank you, Austin”, he says. Taking one hand off of the wheel, he faces you and takes your phone from your hands to show him the way.
You mosey around a bend of the road, but you spy something again. Something dark, something blocking the driving path, something massive.
The next ten seconds hit you painfully slow.
“Terry! Terry!” You shout in panic, nearly throwing yourself into the windscreen. 
It’s a tree. A fallen roadside tree has collapsed over the whole width of the road, it’s roots upturned and everything. Big piles of dirt and stone protecting it.
Terry spins the steering wheel hectically in hope he could try and dodge. Upon realisation that it’s too late, he shouts out in terror, the wheels losing their footing completely, sending the bus into a frenzy.
What happens next happens far too quickly. You can’t even turn, you can’t dash into the main area of the bus to yell for everyone to get down, you can’t even look at Y/N. 
The echoing of screeching tyres and others’ screams shatter your ear drums, but before you can throw your hands to cover your ears, the force of the spinning bus sends your head into the frame of the driving compartment. You feel immediate bruising to your temple, before your vision blurs and you topple over in a dizzy hysteria.
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fangirl94stuff · 5 years
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fangirl94stuff · 7 years
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fangirl94stuff · 7 years
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