#phillip and chauncy
tartheanmaid · 4 years
The Story Of Us
Pairings: Charlie Weasley x Hufflepuff!MC, Bill Weasley x Hufflepuff!MC, Charlie Weasley x Chiara Lobosca
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Cheating, Strong Language, Slight Angst
A/N: This is halfway a songfic halfway not, also this was written with my mc in mind so y/n isn’t going to be a blank slate. My mc oregon is also in a band called Wreaking Havoc so that is in here although not mentioned by name so it’s easier to pretend I guess.
The Story Of Us
     My wet socks felt weird against the stage floor. Tulip’s reckless strumming on an electric guitar and Phillip, my replacement drummer, were the only things I could hear. It felt like I was under water, but then again, it was raining. Everything was muffled and all I could focus on was the music around me. The screaming crowd below me sounded miles away. “I used to think one day we’d tell the story of us” The memories flooded back, the happy and the sad all jumbled into one. “How we met, and the sparks flew instantly”
     “Do you want me to talk to her on your behalf [Y/N]?” I still remember that day, we had just gotten back for our fourth year and Charlie had spoken to me for the first time during our Care of Magical Creatures class. I had opted out of the class the previous year but decided to take in this year as a release. And a release it was. I was instantly in love with Charles Weasley.
     “People would say they’re the lucky ones” When the whispers and the stares got unbearable Charlie was always there for me. When he was around I didn’t care what the people said, all that mattered was him.
     The rain poured down as I danced around the stage, “I used to know my place was a spot next to you” I could vaguely make out a silver head in the crowd so I closed my eyes. My black skirt was soaked in the rain but it still moved as I danced. “Now I search the room for an empty seat”
     Memories of that night flow back. It seemed like half the school was crowded into the Gryffindor common room to celebrate their win. My eyes searched the room for Charlie the whole night, it was half past 12 and I still hadn’t found him. “[Y/N] [L/N], there’s something you should know.” Tulip had said to me. My gut immediately told me what it was. But the thing I could have never expected was that it would be my own roommate.  “Cause lately I don’t even know what page you’re on” The woman who had told me her secrets, the one I had told mine in return. She told me the reason I couldn’t find Charlie was that he hadn’t even been in Gryffindor Tower that night. Before we left to go try and catch them I felt a pull to look back. I caught the eyes of the man I had been fighting with for the past few months. “Oh, a simple complication, Miscommunications lead to fallouts”
     I opened my eyes and looked back at the band. We were performing in the training grounds, but the crowd we drew was the biggest it had ever gotten. “So many things that I wish you knew. So many walls up, I can't break through”
     The next party was hell. I had broken up with my boyfriend and lost one of my best friends in the same night. I could see from across the room how her silver hair and his ginger hair fit so well next to each other. My anger was unimaginable. My face was flushed and my grip on my firewhiskey tightened. “You need a break” Penny told me as she put a hand on my shoulder. “Yeah, I do. But really? I don’t even miss Charlie that much.” Penny gave me a knowing look. “Okay yeah I do, but like I miss Chiara so much more. Like she was one of my best friends and I- I’ve known her longer than I’ve known you even! I just can’t believe she would throw it all away like that.” And then she looked at me.
     “Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room And we're not speaking And I'm dying to know Is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah I don't know what to say Since a twist of fate, when it all broke down. And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now”
     “Next Chapter.” The voice of the band’s backup singer pulled me back to reality. I look out to the drenched training grounds and find familiar eyes. We’ve been fighting for so long. It’s so hard I can’t take it anymore. “How’d we end up this way?” I’m pulled back into my thoughts as thunder cracks once more.
     I see his eyes from across the Gryffindor Common Room. He’s already looking when I turn my head in his direction. “See me nervously pulling at my clothes and trying to look busy” I look away. “Talk to him.” Says Liz next to me. “What? No, he hates me.” I look back and he’s laughing with his friends once more. “You’re stupid if you think he hates you.” Tonks says, laughing at me. “And you're doing your best to avoid me” Turning to go face him I see that he’s vanished.
     I run a hand through my drenched hair and suddenly I’m singing to the silver haired girl and the ginger boy once more. “I'm starting to think, one day, I'll tell the story of us, How I was losing my mind when I saw you here. But you held your pride like you should've held me”
~ ~ ~
     I see her face lit up by the fireflies, the moon having abandoned us. She looks beautiful even as she’s singing about heartbreak. I stare up at her from the screaming crowd, wondering if I’ll ever get the chance to make up for what I did. It was never her fault, even though I acted like it was. I doubt she even knows why I was avoiding her. And then, somehow, she looks into my eyes and sings to me exactly what I’m thinking.
~ ~ ~
     “Oh, I'm scared to see the ending. Why are we pretending this is nothing? I'd tell you I miss you, but I don't know how. I never heard silence quite this loud” As I sing the next line I meet his eyes again in the crowd. My wet socks had gotten slippery as the slightly uneven stage pooled with water. I turn and dance around my fellow bandmates instead of facing him. But I can feel his eyes on me still. 
~ ~ ~
     She dances and everything melts away. All I can hear is her voice. Her voice was the thing that hypnotized me that day on the training grounds 3 years ago;
     “Did you get my owl?” She asked me. Not very memorable I know, but she made it so. She was, and still is if not more, ethereal. I found myself wanting to impress her all the time. I fancied [Y/N] [L/N]. I fancy [Y/N] [L/N]. I find myself staring at her swaying body, her lips, her wet hair, everything about her is beautiful. But she hates me.
~ ~ ~
     The fireflies buzz around him. He looks like a god. The sad part is I’m in love with him. But we haven’t spoken in months. “Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room And we're not speaking” But maybe, just maybe— No. He couldn’t. “And I’m dying to know, Is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah” If only I could talk to him. Maybe things would get better.
~ ~ ~
     If only I could talk to her. Maybe things would get better. “I don't know what to say” Tulip’s guitar rift ties in perfectly with the rest of the song. I wonder who the song is about. Considering she kept sneaking glances at my idiot brother and that slut it’s probably about them. I wish I could have been there for her when it happened. But I was busy sulking. Her words become crystal clear once more. “Since a twist of fate, when it all broke down And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now” Could it have been about me? A small part of me wanted to hope that she could ever fancy me in return. But that was foolish, she wouldn’t— would she?
~ ~ ~
     “This is looking like a contest. Of who can act like they care less” The fireflies danced around his soft ginger hair. I couldn’t pretend anymore. My body sways but my mind is racing. His red “Head Boy” badge glimmered upon his uniform, without the robes of course. He never wore the robes. “But I liked it better when you were on my side” And at this point I realized that I didn’t care whether or not he loved me in return. I was in love with him and I was happy about that. I danced around to Phillip behind me, then Penny to my right. “Talk to him after the show.” she says quietly, as to make sure her statement goes undetected by the microphone on the stand in front of her. “Okay.” I whisper in return. Penny sang the next line with me. “The battle's in your hands now. But I would lay my armor down” Now it’s not just his eyes that I can feel on me. It’s hers and his brother’s too. But I don’t care. Not anymore. “If you say you'd rather love than fight” His eyes in the crowd are the only pair that matter. “So many things that you wish I knew But the story of us might be ending soon” The song has a newfound tone that it didn’t start out with. The song felt happy.
     Returning to the final chorus, I sang like my life depended on it. “Now I'm standing alone in a crowded room. And we're not speaking. And I'm dying to know, Is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah” I closed my eyes again, but not out of fear or pain this time. “But I don't know what to say. Since a twist of fate, when it all broke down. And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now, now, now”
~ ~ ~
     I see her close her eyes in bliss and I laugh. I laugh. It’s a genuine and special laugh, one usually only reserved for her. I feel like even though it’s only been 4 minutes and we haven’t spoken… we’ve somehow reconciled. “And we're not speaking And I'm dying to know Is it killing you like it's killing me? Yeah” As she sang the final few words of the song I attempted to make my way toward the stage exit. “I don't know what to say. Since a twist of fate, 'cause we're going down. And the story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now”
     “The End.” says Penny, marking the official ending of the song.
     “Hi Bill.” She says, out of breath. Even though we’re both sticky from the leftover humidity caused by the roaring crowd and the now stopped rainstorm, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. “Hi.” I say back. This was a lot more awkward now that I was actually doing it than what I had thought up in my head. Her eyes flicker from my eyes down to my lips for a split second, so much so that it’s barely noticeable. And then it happens. I kiss her, and she kisses me back. It’s perfect.
     “Oi! Lovebirds!” We’re interrupted by a voice, I turn around and it belongs to the one and only pink haired, Hufflepuff prankster. “Mind taking that up to Weasley’s dorm will you?” [Y/N] just rolls her eyes at her friend in response.
     “Go to Hogsmeade with me?” I ask. Bringing her hands intertwined in mine up to my chest.
     “Of course.”
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thecaptainrunaway · 6 years
Seriously though, can I ship him with Ben!!
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tmorriscode · 6 years
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(Fem! hufflepuff! MC, The Hogwarts Mystery Crew)
Summary: MC makes Hogwarts Quidditch History. This is not exactly a good thing.  Or the wacky screwball sports comedy that literally no one asked for.
The masterpost of all my interconnected imagines is here. But if you play Hogwarts Mystery, you don’t have to read them to follow this one. 
You’re halfway out of the tunnel from the Hufflepuff common room when Philip and Chauncey haul you back by the arms.
“How do you feel about quidditch?” Chauncey asks you.
You’re instantly on high alert. Half the Hufflepuff quidditch team is in the hospital wing after an accident in greenhouse three involving defective earmuffs and baby mandrakes, leaving Hufflepuff at a disadvantage going up against Ravenclaw this weekend.
“I like to watch,” You hedge. You have a good grasp on the fundamentals thanks to being friends with André, Charlie, Barnaby and Rowan. You even like to sit in the stands with a good book during quidditch practice. But you’d really rather be a spectator.
“Ever play?” Chauncey presses.
“I don’t even own a broom.” You say with some relief. No broom equals not being forced to play. “I’ve been borrowing André’s.”
“But if we could get you a broom, would you be willing to give it a shot?” Philip asks.
“You don’t want me on the team, trust me.” You tell them.
“I’ve seen you in Hooch’s class,” Phillip argues. “You’re a natural on a broom.”
“Flying is one skill,” you argue. “Playing a high-speed sport with iron murder balls while flying is another skill. One that I’m rubbish at.”
“How do you know unless you try?” Chauncey argues.
“Where is this even coming from?” You ask. “What gave you the idea that I should play for Hufflepuff?”
The two Hufflepuffs hold an entire conversation with their eyes. Then Chauncey sighs. “We looked up the records - your brother was the best beater Ravenclaw fielded in over a century. And your dad was a fair beater too. You’re . . . “ he hesitates over his word choice.
“You’re an extremely violent dueler,” Philip says.
“That you are,” Chauncey agrees. “We wondered if you might be as aggressive as a beater?”
“Look, if we can’t field a team this weekend, we forfeit the game.” Philip says. “The birds usually play like rubbish this time of year, anyway. Too busy studying for exams. If we can just get enough people on brooms, the rest of the team can probably still pull out a victory.”
You sigh. Of course you’re going to help out. You have chronic helping out disease. “If you guys can find me a broom, I’ll give it a shot.”
“Hey (Y/L/N)!” Merula smirks at you before DADA class in a way that sends your heart plummeting into your toes. She lays her broom on your desk. “Your worthless team captain said that if you play this weekend, there’s a good chance you could die. Or at least fall off your broom. I asked him what I could do to make that happen, and he said you needed to borrow this.”
You stare in disbelief. “You want to loan me a broom?”
“It’s my backup broom,” Merula says. “I wouldn’t lend my best broom out to anyone. But if it means you fall from the sky in a burning ball of kindling, It would be worth loosing this old thing.”
“Gee thanks,” you say sarcastically.
“Don’t mention it.” Merula says. She shoots a furtive look at the door, where anyone could walk in and see her being nice to you. “Really. Don’t.”
You shrink the broom and tuck it into your pocket. “I won’t.”
“Incoming!” Rowan points out the fast-approaching iron murder ball.
Ben screams and dives for the ground behind Tonks and Penny, shielding his head with his arms.
You shift on the broom, change the grip on your bat and give the bludger a hard whack. It doesn’t go as far as you’d like, and the energy it transfers to you and your broom sends you spinning backward.
“Remember to compensate for the kinetic energy by accelerating,” Rowan says.
“It’s coming back,” Tonks points.
“Right!” You push the broom around and accelerate to meet the bludger. You whack it with such force that the bat stings your hand. The bludger flys off, but you drop the bat from your nerveless fingers.
“That would be bad news during a game,” Penny says.
“I know that!” You snap at them while you sloth grip roll over to pick up the bat. “Since you’re so full of advice, why aren’t you volunteering to play?”
Tonks laughs at the idea. “I barely manage to walk most days, and you want me to play quidditch?” As if to prove her point, she falls over while laughing. “Besides, I have detention for switching out the earmuffs in the greenhouse.”
“That was you?” You’re tempted to beat Tonks with the bat. Maybe if you pretended the bludgers were her head, you’d be better at this.
“I actually am playing,” Penny said. “They’ve got me filling in as chaser. Bludger!” She points.
You move the broom into position, and accelerate toward the erratically moving ball. This time, you’re more prepared. You whack the ball away without dropping the bat. But your fingers throb and your palm stings.
“Good!” Penny says. “Next time see if you can direct where you hit the ball.”
“Make sure it’s away from us!” Ben adds.
“Why are you even here?” Rowan glances back to him. “You’re a Gryffindor!”
“Moral support?” Ben says.
“Mate, not that we don’t appreciate it, but maybe you can morally support us from the safety of your room?” Tonks suggests.
“That might be for the best,” Ben crawls for the shelter of the stands.
“Here it comes again.” Rowan says.
You tighten your grip and accelerate.
Things only get harder during the match, because there are not one, but two iron murder balls. And Rowan isn’t there to point out when they’re coming your way.
You’re so busy scanning for the bludgers and whacking them at anyone in blue, that you don’t even notice the buzzing in your ear until you realize that the stadium is eerily quiet. Then you realize that all eyes are on you. And that Chauncey and André are both hovering just out of reach.
You shrug as if to say “well?”
“The snitch is right by your ear, (Y/L/N),” Chauncey hisses at you.
You peer out of the corner of your eye. It’s hovering there like a fat, happy bee.
“If you touch it, we take a penalty and they have to release a new snitch,” Chauncey says. “Just glide away sloooowly.”
You slide away, but the thing must get caught in your slipstream, because it follows. André and Chauncey follow behind it, shoving and bumping each other.
With an annoyed groan, you speed up.
So does the snitch. Then both the bludgers join in the chase. The other players keep passing the quaffle, but no one is really watching them. All eyes are on the three of you.
You’re not allowed to leave the pitch (unlike the seekers.) so all you can really do is fly laps. The faster you go, the faster the snitch goes after you. Before long, you’re leading either the most bizarre game of chase in history, or a really fast parade.
The fans get into the spirit of things, yelling “faster!” As you zoom past. Pretty soon, someone has organized the wave.
“What do I do now?” You yell to Rowan as you pass the Hufflepuff stands. With her encyclopediac knowledge of everything, she could probably help you figure out how to get rid of the snitch without inciting a penalty.
On your seventh pass, she’s run into the commentator’s box and wrestled the microphone away from Billingsley. “Nudge it away with your bat!”
You figure that there must not be a rule against this. Or at least the penalty may not be as bad as if you accidentally touched the snitch. So you perform a bootegger’s turn with your broom.
You’ve spent enough time helping out in the infirmary to recognize it when you wake.
Rowan, Penny, Barnaby, Bill and Charlie are sitting at your bedside.
The last thing you remember is turning so that you could shove the snitch away. If Penny is here with you, the match must be over.
“Did we win?” You croak.
“Surprisingly, yes.” Charlie said. “Chauncy caught the snitch a minute after you and André collided with each other mid-air.” He points over his shoulder with his thumb. “André’s still blacked out in the next bed.”
“Why was the snitch following me?” You ask.
“Someone charmed it to follow you.” Penny fake coughs. It sounds a lot like she says Tulip’s name in all that coughing. “Of course, no one can prove anything. Chauncey wanted me to give this to you as a souvineer.”
She holds up a large potions jar with the little gold ball inside. Even now it’s trying to get to you. You touch the side of the jar, and it moves to the glass where your hand is. You might have just earned a new pet. One you don’t even have to feed.
“On the bright side, you made quidditch history.” Charlie says. “I don’t think a beater and a seeker have ever mutually knocked one another out after a fight over a snitch before.”
“I was not fighting over the snitch! I just wanted it to leave me alone!”
“You also took out two of the Ravenclaw chasers who were trying to catch you on the way down.” Penny says.
“Before today there were only 700 types of fouls in Quiddich.” Bill says. “Now there are 701. They’re calling the new one (Y/L/N)ing.”
“Just what I wanted! To make murderbroomball history.” You cross your arms.
“Cheer up,” Barnaby says. “Merula wasn’t even mad that her broom got cracked. She was grinning when I gave it back to her. “
You roll over, pulling the pillow over your head. You swear that you will only ever enjoy quidditch as a spectator from now on. The way nature intended.
— Fin.
Note: like most of my Hogwarts Mystery imagines, this one is based off my own MC, who is an actual human disaster.
I made her awful at Quiddich because the game portrays her as absolutely fantastic at everything she does. But I think characters are more interesting when they have flaws. And no one can be great at everything they try.
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newyorktheater · 5 years
Below is the list of nominations announced tonight for the 15th annual New York Innovative Theater Awards, which celebrates the best of the city’s independent theater — aka Off-Off Broadway. The winners will be announced at a ceremony on September 16th, 2019. This year’s nominees include 147 individual artists and 64 productions presented by 73 theater companies!
Entangled by The Amoralists
In The Bleak Midwinter by Stuffed Olive
Queen by Astoria Performing Arts Center
Truth/Dare by Project Y
#YourMemorial by Pigeonholed
Red Emm and the Mad Monk by The Tank
Alex & Eugene Isle of Shoals Productions, Inc. Aja Downing, Reggie Herold, Katherine Leidlein, Joseph M. Mace, Rori Nogee, Noah Pyzik, Jae Shin, Anna Stefanic, Brittany Zeinstra
Hamlet (What Dreams May Come) Ript Theater Company in association with The Secret Theatre Lindsay Alexandra Carter, Ade Otukoya, Chauncy Thomas, Nathan Winkelstein
The Maids The Seeing Place Theater Erin Cronican, Christine Redhead, Gaia Visnar
Plan G Randomly Specific Theatre Allan Hayhurst, Lauren LeBeouf, Tiffany May McRae, Sarah Misch, Larry Phillips, Forrest Weber
Spring Awakening Gallery Players Taylor Bloom, Aaron Braden, Harrison Bryan, Jacob Anthony Cain, Brendan Charles, Osborn Focht, Nick Godfrey, Gaby Greenwald, Nathaniel Gregory, Mikaela Kafka, Raquel Kahn, Isabella King, Thomas Kuklenski, Nicole Lopez, Gaby Mank, Tyler Moscaritola, Mariela Flor Olivo, Amanda Starr
Who Am I This Time? (And Other Conundrums Of Love) Wise Fish Theater Collective in association with Martina Bonolis & Meghan Ginley Zach Gamble, Meghan Ginley, Robin Johnson, Kent Koren, Franco Pedicini, Isabel Shill, Stephen Zuccaro
Amie Cazel Pregnant Pause Good Pilgrim
Kim Katzberg Dad in a Box Eat a Radish Productions
Larry Phillips The Art of Acting: A Master Class with Fozzie Bear Larry Phillips
Laura Sisskin Fernandez You Hold a Pole Everday Playful Substance
Bruce Barton Hamlet Hudson Warehouse in association with Susane Lee
Daniel Burns She Calls Me Firefly Parity Productions in association with New Perspectives Theatre Company
Connor Chaney The Harrowing of Hell American Theatre of Actors in association with Collectio Musicorum, Inc.
Desmond Dutcher Mary, Mary Retro Productions
David Leeper Stupid Fucking Bird Stripped Scripts
Jacob Lewis Lovendahl Experimenting with Katz New Ambassadors Theatre Company in association with Julia Botero
Federico Mallet Eight Tales of Pedro The Secret Theatre
Scott McCord The Head Hunter One Shot Deal
Maybe Burke Red Emma and the Mad Monk The Tank & Emma Orme
Adiagha Faizah You Wouldn’t Expect American Bard Theater Company
Melissa Glasgow A Chorus Line Gallery Players
Meghan E. Jones Mary, Mary Retro Productions
Meredith M. Sweeney Catch the Sparrow Isle of Shoals Productions, Inc.
Jo Vetter The Poor of New York Metropolitan Playhouse
Yokko Shinka Ren Gyo Soh
Adam Belvo The Brutes spit&vigor in association with Jay Michaels Arts & Entertainment
Harrison Bryan Spring Awakening Gallery Players
Braeson Herold Worse Than Tigers The Mill in association with New Ohio Theatre
Milo Longenecker The Fantastical Dangerous Journey of Q Rebel Playhouse in association with 14th Street Y
Vinnie Penna Twelfth Night Boomerang Theatre Company
Olivier Renaud Stupid Fucking Bird Stripped Scripts
Evan Teich Assassins The Secret Theatre
Ronnie Williams Man Frog and Other People Necessary I. T. E. M. S. Project
Heather E. Cunningham Mary, Mary Retro Productions
Naomi Lorrain Entangled The Amoralists
Lori Elizabeth Parquet Operating Systems Flux Theatre Ensemble
Mahima Saigal Queen Astoria Performing Arts Center
Lisa Strum whatdoesfreemean? Nora’s Playhouse in association with The Tank
Shannon Marie Sullivan Worse Than Tigers The Mill in association with New Ohio Theatre
Gaia Visnar The Maids The Seeing Place Theater
Shiloh Goodin Spring Awakening Gallery Players
Eddie Gutierrez A Chorus Line Gallery Players
Alex Johnson Alex & Eugene Isle of Shoals Productions, Inc.
Joey McKneely Shadows, a dance musical Go Joe Enterprises
Shoko Tamal The Tempest The Secret Theatre
Yoshiko Usami Shinka Ren Gyo Soh
Adam Knight Stupid Fucking Bird Stripped Scripts
Katie Lindsay Red Emma and the Mad Monk The Tank & Emma Orme
Lauren A Shields Assassins The Secret Theatre
Sara Thigpen Twelfth Night Boomerang Theatre Company
Owen Thompson The Tempest The Secret Theatre
Yoshiko Usami Shinka Ren Gyo Soh
Annie Garrett-Larsen And Then There Were None The Secret Theatre
Asa Lipton Alex & Eugene Isle of Shoals Productions, Inc.
Anthony Logan Cole The Tempest The Secret Theatre
Kia Rogers Operating Systems Flux Theatre Ensemble
Kia Rogers Real Rodrigo Nogueira in association with The Tank
Cha See Honors Students Tavine Productions
Michelle Beshaw Duke Oldřich & Washerwoman Božena, the True Story GOH Productions in association with Czechoslovak American Marionette Theatre
Sarah Marie Dixey Hamlet (What Dreams May Come) Ript Theater Company in association with The Secret Theatre
Julia Kulaya Experimenting with Katz New Ambassadors Theatre Company in association with Julia Botero
Marissa L. Menezes Once Upon a Mattress Gallery Players
Ben Philipp Mary, Mary Retro Productions
Yunzhu Zeng Where Is My Maple Town MapleTown Production Company
Matt Carlin Worse Than Tigers The Mill in association with New Ohio Theatre
Jack Cunningham & Rebecca Cunningham Mary, Mary Retro Productions
Gabriel Firestone Whirlwind Jordan’s Play Lab in association with Rebecca Crigler & Barn Owl, LLC
Lily Guerin The Year of the Solar Eclipse Kyoko & Ezra
Daniel Hogan Friendly’s Fire The Rising Sun Performance Company in association with the Theatre at the 14th Street Y
Matthew D. McCarren Goodbody The Crook Theater Company
Tim McMath Cannibal Galaxy: a love story Between Two Boroughs Productions
Beata Bocek Duke Oldřich & Washerwoman Božena, the True Story GOH Productions in association with Czechoslovak American Marionette Theatre
Margaret Montagna Queen Astoria Performing Arts Center
John Salutz Red Emma and the Mad Monk The Tank & Emma Orme
Aj Surasky Worse Than Tigers The Mill in association with New Ohio Theatre
Jeanne Travis Honors Students Tavine Productions
Fan Zhang Cannibal Galaxy: a love story Between Two Boroughs Productions
Hao Bai, Eric Marciano & Ildiko Nemeth – for Projection Design Electronic City, The New Stage Theatre Comapny
Yana Birykova – for Projection Design Cannibal Galaxy: a love story, Between Two Boroughs Productions
Magnus Pind Bjerre – for Video Design The Neurology of the Soul, Untitled Theater Co. No. 61
Raquel Cion, Maia Cruz Palileo, & Kim Katzberg for Video Design Dad in a Box, Eat a Radish Productions
Sarah George & Sonya Plenefisch – for Properties Design Whirlwind Jordan’s Play Lab in association with Rebecca Crigler & Barn Owl, LLC
John J.A. Jannone – for Video Design The Female Role Model Project, Transforma Theatre, Inc.
Keo X-Men – for Graffiti Design This Is Modern Art, Blessed Unrest
Karen Bishko, Maxim Moston, & Edison Woods Shadows, a dance musical Go Joe Enterprises
Beata Bocek Duke Oldřich & Washerwoman Božena, the True Story GOH Productions in association with Czechoslovak American Marionette Theatre
Luis D’Elias Eight Tales of Pedro The Secret Theatre
Joe Jung A Midsummer Nights Dream Smith Street Stage
Teresa Lotz Red Emma and the Mad Monk The Tank & Emma Orme
Francesco Santalucia MacBeth First Maria Ensemble
Eliza Bent The Beyoncé Adjusted Realists
Kathleen Jones Pregnant Pause Good Pilgrim
Kim Katzberg Dad in a Box Eat a Radish Productions
Teresa Lotz She Calls Me Firefly Parity Productions in association with New Perspectives Theatre Company
Larry Phillips The Art of Acting: A Master Class with Fozzie Bear Larry Phillips
Carrie Robbins The Dragon Griswynd Days of the Giants LLC
Emily J Daly #yourmemorial Pigeonholed
Gabriel Jason Dean Entangled The Amoralists
Tori Keenan-Zelt Truth/Dare Project Y Theatre Company
Dorothy Lyman In The Bleak Midwinter Stuffed Olive, Inc. in association with Allison Threadgold & Tana Sirois
Alexis Roblan Red Emma and the Mad Monk The Tank & Emma Orme
Madhuri Shekar Queen Astoria Performing Arts Center
Charly Evon Simpson Entangled The Amoralists
The 11th Dimension ETdC Projects’ Lab in association with Roi Escudero & Valentin Ewan
Arkham Part of the 10th Annual H.P.Lovecraft Festival Radiotheatre in association with Theatre At St.John’s
Befuddled 101 Amnesia Wars Productions
Electronic City The New Stage Theatre Company
The Harrowing of Hell American Theatre of Actors in association with Collectio Musicorum, Inc.
now my hand is ready for my heart: intimate histories LaMaMa Experimental Theater Club In Association with Mount Tremper Arts
Assassins The Secret Theatre
Caroline, or Change Astoria Performing Arts Center
A Chorus Line Gallery Players
Into The Woods Theater 2020
Red Emma and the Mad Monk The Tank & Emma Orme
Spring Awakening Gallery Players
36 Juniper Wrong House Productions
In The Bleak Midwinter Stuffed Olive, Inc. in association with Allison Threadgold & Tana Sirois
Queen Astoria Performing Arts Center
Shinka Ren Gyo Soh
Whirlwind Jordan’s Play Lab in association with Rebecca Crigler & Barn Owl, LLC
Worse Than Tigers The Mill in association with New Ohio Theatre
And Then There Were None The Secret Theatre
Hamlet (What Dreams May Come) Ript Theater Company in association with The Secret Theatre
The Maids The Seeing Place Theater
Mary, Mary Retro Productions
Stupid Fucking Bird Stripped Scripts
The Tempest The Secret Theatre
The New York Innovative Theatre Foundation is a not-for-profit organization recognizing the great work of New York City’s Off-Off-Broadway,
NYIT Award Nominations 2019: Off-Off Broadway’s Finest Below is the list of nominations announced tonight for the 15th annual New York Innovative Theater Awards, which celebrates the best of the city’s independent theater — aka Off-Off Broadway.
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georgiapioneers · 7 years
Beaufort Co. NC Genealogies and Histories #northcarolinapioneers
Beaufort County Genealogy, Wills and Estates
Indians were in the territory by the 1650s, two Indian tribes, the Secotan Confederation and the Pomouik Nation (called Pamlico). The first white settlers were traders who resided along the Pamlico River, some of whom took Indian wives and learned the language. The area was named Pamtecough County in 1705. The name was changed in 1712. The town of Bath was the first county seat. Beaufort County Wills and other County Records Available to Members of North Carolina Pioneers. Miscellaneous Wills
Williams, Thomas, LWT dated 1793
Images of Beaufort County Wills 1720 to 1775
Abbott, William
Adams, Anna
Adams, James
Adams, John
Alderson, John
Allen, Timothy
Becton, Richard
Belote, Hillery
Bright, John
Bright, Richard
Buckingham, Stephen
Campain, Joseph
Campen, Joram
Cannon, Sarah
Chauncy, Walley
Clement, Thomas
Conlanike, Michael
Conner, Phillip
Cooper, Daniel
Coyler, Cornelius
Crawford, Ann
Crawford, Charles
Davis, Jhan
Delvent, John
Doe, Edward
Eckols, John
Evitts, Walter
Flannikin, James
Floyd, Griffin
Forman, Willis
Fortner, James
Fripp, John
Fulinton, Andrew
Harfoot, Robert
Harrison, Thomas
Herinton, James
Hollon, Richard
Horton, Jesse Sr.
Jacken, David
Jackson, John
Jasper, John
Jewell, Thomas
Jones, Josias
Jones, Walter
Jordan, John
Joyner, Israel
Keech, John
Kelley, Matthew
Leigh, James
Lewis, Griffith
Lockey, Cele
Mays, William
McKeel, Thomas
McMath, Robert
McNaire, Charles
Mills, John Sr.
Newton, Francis
Odean, Charles
Odean, Elizabeth
Odean, John
Palmer, John
Pearce, Edmond
Perkins, James
Peyton, Benjamin
Peyton, Eleanor
Phillips, William
Pindar, William
Pritchett, James
Pritchett, Peter
Rigney, Hanah
Rigney, James
Roe, Sarah
Shute, Phillip
Slade, James
Slade, Joseph
Smith, Charles
Squire, John
Taylor, Samuel
Tindel, John
Tripp, John
Underwood, Thomas
Wall, James
Wallis, Jonathan
Welch, Mathew
Whitehurst, Josias
Williams, Thomas
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