#phillip dengler
wolfgang1097 · 4 months
Happy New Years 2K24 from yours truly...
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Original Colored version.
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Edited Monochrome version.
In honor of New Years, the twins, Black Spy and White Spy, and their hippie neighbor, Phil, have really gotten themselves hammered quite a bit and boy have they ever. Surprisingly, nobody is actually fighting for once. Although, Black (being his smart-alecky, goofy, mischievous, trickster self) is pulling a prank for the picture here. Apparently, the word "champagne" has been misspelt and I think I have a possible theory why: the Apple Cider Champagne Cocktail was, apparently, homemade by Miriam Pataki, without the trio's knowledge. Why does Phil look rather tan in the colored image? Well, let's just say that he apparently used his Christmas money he got from his adoptive relatives at the local tanning salon.
Anyhow, Crappy New Year. :o Oops, sorry; somebody made the banner say "Crappy" instead of "Happy." LOL!! Happy New Year. Peace.
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of any copyrighted content. Spy vs. Spy belongs to the defunct MAD Magazine and the late, great Antonio Prohias. Miriam Pataki being mentioned in the description belongs to Hey Arnold!, which belongs to Craig Bartlett and Nickelodeon. Phillip "Phil" Dengler belongs to me.
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ntrending · 6 years
Black Friday separates the 'purists' from the 'average Joe' shoppers
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/black-friday-separates-the-purists-from-the-average-joe-shoppers/
Black Friday separates the 'purists' from the 'average Joe' shoppers
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Source: The National Retail Federation
The group’s survey of more than 7,000 consumers found that Black Friday will still hold the title as busiest shopping day, with 70 percent of people planning to hit the stores then. Next in line is Cyber Monday, with 48 percent of people set to shop online for deals that day.
Looking to the eager and fearless bargain hunters, 20 percent of consumers, or 32 million people, plan to start shopping as early as Thursday, NRF found. Many retailers, including Wal-Mart, Target, J.C. Penney, Macy’s and Best Buy are opening their doors on Thanksgiving this year.
“While the utility of the weekend will continue to draw shoppers into stores and online to efficiently and inexpensively check off their lists, we’re also seeing consumers report tradition and the opportunity to partake in holiday cheer as reasons for shopping, too,” Prosper principal analyst Pam Goodfellow said in a statement.
“By now, people know what sort of deals they can expect to see during the weekend and are budgeting for them accordingly, and in many cases expertly.”
Phillip Dengler, co-owner of Bestblackfriday.com, which keeps track of the weekend’s deals, has watched the consumer landscape evolve. Here’s what he sees.
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viralofworld · 5 years
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Black Friday 2018 Shopping Survey Black Friday 2018 Shopping Survey for community Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey Black Friday 2018 SurveyBlack Friday remains the biggest shoppingahmedday of the year, but nearly 22 percent ofahmedAmericans say they hate it Over 45 percent ofahmedrespondents said they are most interested in Amazon’s 2018ahmeddeals, compared to only 20 percent who said WalmartahmedOver 75 percent of Americans plan to make atahmedleast one purchase on Black Friday, either instore orahmedonlineThose are just a few stats from the 2018ahmediteration of our annual Black Friday Shopping Survey OnahmedSeptember 30, we conducted a Black Friday shopping surveyahmedof 1,069 American adults over the age of 18ahmedWe conducted the same survey last year, and weahmedwill also provide those results for comparison purposes Hereahmedare the questions and results You can also viewahmedour 2018 Holiday Shopping Survey and our 2018 ThanksgivingahmedShopping SurveyPlease see the full survey methodology at theahmedbottom How will you shop on Black Friday thisahmedyear?Shop Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsOnlineahmedOnly – 3180%InStore Only – 882%Both – 3555%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed2383% Here are the 2017 results for comparison purposesOnlineahmedOnly – 2490%InStore Only – 849%Both – 2432%Neither Iahmedam not shopping on Black Friday this year –ahmed4228% Analysis and DemographicsFor 2018, 7617 percent of Americansahmedsay they will make at least one purchase onahmedBlack Friday Only 882 percent will strictly shop instore,ahmedwhile most will use a combination of online andahmedinstore In other words, 6735 percent of respondents planahmedto make a purchase online this year on BlackahmedFriday, which is significantly more than ever Last year,ahmedonly 5772 percent of respondents said they would makeahmeda purchase on Black Friday Additionally, only 4922 percentahmedsaid they would make at least one purchase onlineMoreahmedMen Will Shop on Black Friday Than Women –ahmedOut of the men surveyed, 7748 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase on Black Friday this yearahmedOut of the women surveyed, 75 percent said theyahmedwould make a purchase The numbers between men andahmedwomen were very close all around on this questionTheahmedYoung Will Shop in Greater Abundance Than the Oldahmed– Of those surveyed in the 1829 range, 8966ahmedpercent said they would make at least one purchaseahmedon Black Friday this year Of those surveyed overahmedthe age of 60, only 5111 percent said theyahmedwould make at least one purchase Do you likeahmedBlack Friday?Like Hate Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are theahmed2018 resultsLove It – 2805%Hate It – 2176%It’s Okahmed– 5019% Here are the 2017 results for comparisonahmedpurposesLove It – 1834%Hate It – 2876%It’s Ok –ahmed5290% Analysis and DemographicsOver 28 percent of respondents sayahmedthey love Black Friday in 2018, while 2176 percentahmedsay they hate it Compared to last year, moreahmedpeople seem to be onboard with Black Friday shoppingahmedIn 2017, only 1834 percent said they loved theahmedday, while 2876 percent claimed they hated it Whileahmedwe do not have any hard evidence, it couldahmedhave to do with the fact that online dealsahmedare expanding every single year and more people likeahmedthe convenience factor of not having to camp outahmedin the early morning hours In both years, aahmedlittle over 50 percent of respondents do not haveahmedstrong feelings towards Black Friday one way or theahmedotherOlder People Hate Black Friday – In the 1829ahmedage group, only 1226 percent said they hate BlackahmedFriday In the over 60 group, an astounding 3511ahmedpercent said they hate the day Those in theahmed4560 group also hate the day much more thanahmedthose in the 1829 and 3044 groupsMen Hate BlackahmedFriday More Than Women Do – Out of theahmedmen surveyed, 2535 percent said they hate Black FridayahmedOut of the women surveyed, only 1871 percent saidahmedthey hate the day These findings are interesting becauseahmedslightly more men than women said they plan toahmedshop on Black Friday this year Do you thinkahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the year?LowestahmedPrices Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere are the 2018 resultsYesahmed– 3049%No 3124%Unsure – 3827% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesYes – 1622%No 3784%Unsure – 4595%ahmedAnalysis and DemographicsThis year, 3049 percent of respondents believeahmedBlack Friday offers the lowest prices of the yearahmedLast year, only 1622 percent of respondents believed that,ahmedso there is definitely a renewed confidence in BlackahmedFriday deals this year Regardless, 3124 percent believe thereahmedare better times of the year to get aahmedgood deal, and the remaining 3827 percent are unsureTheahmedYoung Have More Confidence in Black Friday Than theahmedOld – Of those in the 1829 group, 3831ahmedpercent believe Black Friday to have the best pricesahmedof the year In the 3044 group, 3945 percentahmedbelieve it to be true In the 4560 group,ahmedonly 2941 percent said yes In the over 60ahmedgroup, 1244 percent think Black Friday offers the year’sahmedbest discounts How has Black Friday and Cyber Monday’sahmedimportance to you changed in recent years in termsahmedof your overall holiday shopping plan?Importance Black Friday 2018ahmedSurveyHere are the 2018 resultsMore Important – 2730%Less Importantahmed– 2167%No Change – 5103% Here are the 2017ahmedresults for comparison purposesMore Important – 1602%Less Important –ahmed2027%No Change – 6371% Analysis and DemographicsOver 27 percentahmedof respondents this year view Black Friday as moreahmedimportant than last year When we asked this questionahmedlast year, only 1602 percent said it was moreahmedimportant than the previous year This could be dueahmedto more online deals and just more stores thanahmedever having online salesMore Young Than Old Think BlackahmedFriday is More Important – Of those in theahmed1829 group, 3602 percent said they think Black Fridayahmedis more important this year than last Of thoseahmedin the over 60 group, only 1022 percent answeredahmedmore importantMore Men than Women Think Black Friday isahmedMore Important This Year – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 2901 percent answered more important Out of theahmedwomen surveyed, 2587 percent said more important What stores’ahmedholiday and Black Friday deals are you most interestedahmedin this year?Top Stores Black Friday 2018 SurveyHere areahmedthe 2018 resultsWalmart – 2026%Amazon – 4550%Best Buy –ahmed816%Apple Store – 281%Target – 872%Other – 1454% Hereahmedare the 2017 results for comparison purposesWalmart – 2201%Amazonahmed– 3707%Best Buy – 598%Apple Store – 232%Target –ahmed869%Other – 2394% Analysis and DemographicsAmazon continues to widenahmedthe gap against everyone else, and more importantly, WalmartahmedThis year, 4550 percent say they are most interestedahmedin Amazon’s deals compared to 2026 percent saying WalmartahmedLast year, 3707 percent said Amazon, with 2201 percentahmedanswering Walmart While Best Buy and Target got someahmedvotes this year, Amazon and Walmart remain the bigahmedplayersMen Prefer Amazon More Than Women and Women PreferahmedWalmart More Than Men – Out of the menahmedsurveyed, 1663 percent said they prefer Walmart, while 5030ahmedpercent prefer Amazon Out of the women surveyed, 2343ahmedpercent prefer Walmart, while 4143 percent prefer Amazon Menahmedalso prefer Best Buy, while women prefer TargetSurvey MethodologyTheahmedBestBlackFriday 2018 Black Friday shopping survey was administered toahmed1,069 American adults over the age of 18 onahmedSeptember 30 Participants were 54 percent female and 46ahmedpercent male It included 24 percent of people agedahmed1829, 24 percent of people aged 3044, 31 percentahmedof people aged 4560, and 21 percent of peopleahmedover 60 years oldResults were analyzed by Eric Jones,ahmedwho is a Statistics Professor at Rowan College atahmedGloucester County The post author, Phillip Dengler, whoahmedhas a background in finance and statistics, also analyzedahmedthem SurveyMonkey conducted the survey online on behalf ofahmedBestBlackFriday, and the Margin of Error is ±31 percentahmedThere are currently around 254,431,737 adults over the ageahmedof 18 in the United States, according to Censusgovahmed, and that figure was used for population calculationsAllahmedgraph screenshots are taken directly from the SurveyMonkey analysisahmedsection Please contact us for more information about howahmedwe conducted the survey
0 notes
netmyname-blog · 6 years
Ward Chalker MD
New Post has been published on https://nerret.com/netmyname/ward-chalker/ward-chalker-md/
Ward Chalker MD
Ward Chalker MD Top Web Results.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Molecular characterization of the gene encoding high-level … [PubMed]; Chalker AF, Ward JM, Fosberry AP, Hodgson JE. … [PMC free article] [ PubMed]; Tinoco I, Jr, Borer PN, Dengler B, Levin MD, Uhlenbeck OC, Crothers …
www.mdjonline.com Cobb School Board approves $1.2B budget; 10 new principals named May 17, 2018 … Sharon Arduino, principal of Chalker Elementary was named principal of … Brett Ward, principal of Smyrna Elementary, was named principal of …
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Isoleucyl-tRNA Synthetase Mutations in Staphylococcus aureus … Chalker, A. F., J. M. Ward, A. P. Fosberry, and J. E. Hodgson. 1994. Analysis and toxic overexpression in Escherichia coli of a staphylococcal gene encoding …
www.facebook.com The Law Office of Phillip E. Chalker – Home | Facebook The Law Office of Phillip E. Chalker. 245 likes. Phillip Chalker is a Maryland licensed attorney who zealously represents his clients and works to…
www.msba.org Young Lawyers Section Leadership | Maryland State Bar … Young Lawyers Section Leadership on Maryland State Bar Association – MSBA. … Carl Ward [email protected]. Member-at-Large. Chelsea Crawford
www.rit.edu 1935 Yearbook ROYAL S. COPELAND, M.D.. U. S. Sen. from …… Back Row: Standing, left to right , Field, Toomey, Herington, Jennings, Allen, Chalker, Ward, Woodley, Collins,.
www.abingtonhealth.org 2018 Philadelphia Magazine TOP DOCS – Abington – Jefferson Health Sandhya Desai, MD · Phillip D. Fleekop, MD … Sharon R. Weil-Chalker, MD. Pediatric Gastroenterology … Stanley P. Silverman, MD · William L. Ward, DO.
www.webmd.com How Doctors Avoid Cold and Flu Germs Oct 5, 2009 … … your dosage for that purpose, some say it may help ward off germs if … WebMD Magazine – Feature Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on …
au.linkedin.com Norma Chalker – Ward Clerk – Royal North Shore Hospital & UTS … View Norma Chalker's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Norma has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on …
www.penguinrandomhouse.com The Clitoral Truth, 2nd Edition by Rebecca Chalker … The Clitoral Truth, 2nd Edition by Rebecca Chalker …. Luke Voytas, MD …. “In this handy book, Chalker . . . writes about the rarely discussed subject of female …
0 notes
wolfgang1097 · 6 months
Phillip "Phil" Dengler
Tumblr media
Original Colored ver.
Tumblr media
Edited Monochrome ver.
Name: Phillip Dengler
Alias: Phil, Woodstock, Eediot (usually by White Spy), Long-Haired Neanderthal, Hippie in Red.
Height: 6' 5" (196 cm) (almost twice as tall as Black Spy and White Spy)
Weight: 175 Ibs (79 kg) (approximately thrice as much as Black Spy and White Spy)
Occupation: Pharmacy Tech
Personality: Laid-back, optimistic, good-natured, simple-minded, ditzy, yet street-smart and artistic.
Affiliations: N/A
When many of you folks were reading my recent headcanon regarding Spy vs. Spy, y'all were probably wondering "Who's Phillip Dengler?" "Who's Phil?" Well, here he is. Phil is my OC. I would portray him as a major civilian character who would be Black Spy and White Spy's hippie neighbor who is actually the same age as them. Phil is one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet (compared to the spies). Phil always views both of the male spies as his life-long friends, especially Black. This could possibly be justified since according to the Spy vs. Spy wiki, Black has been shown to be empathetic towards civilians (which is usually exploited by White). So that may explain why Phil usually gets along with Black easier than he does with White, who normally would get out of his way to take advantage of Phil's idiocy and kindness (knowing that Phil gets along with Black very easily), but still cares about him deep down inside. Phil may not be the brightest bulb in the box, but he is rather street-smart and would go out of his way to defend and/or protect both of the male spies, regardless. That's how much of a nice person Phil is. He is also a dedicated artist as he is an avid painter and cartoonist, which is really a hobby that he's very talented with.
Hope y'all like this guy. If you want to read more about him, click on the link on the colored copy of his image that will take you to my deviation of introducing him. Peace.
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wolfgang1097 · 6 months
My own headcanons regarding Spy vs. Spy (Backstory and early years) (Part 1)
What's up folks? This is Ari, today I want to create my own headcanons regarding Black Spy and White Spy from the Spy vs. Spy franchise. Keep in mind that EVERYTHING I am going to be jotting down is NOT official, but is my own personal fan headcanon regarding their backstory, upbringing, and whatever.
While a lot of people do tend to ship both of the male spies, Black and White, quite frequently, I find it rather odd and somewhat ridiculous (and sometimes a tad disturbing), I would rather headcanon the duo as brothers.
Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen, I am headcanoning Black Spy and White Spy as biological identical twin brothers (being only about three or four minutes apart, give or take) who were separated when they were still very young infants by two different sets of parents. Before I tell you about that story, maybe I should tell you about their birth first.
It all started when their biological mother called a cab to go straight to the ER due to having severe abdominal pain during the early evening hours. The onsite obstetrician had found that one of the twins was experiencing fetal distress that was bad enough that she was going to have to have labor induced as soon as possible (back in Black and White's day, Cesarean Sections were still not commonplace as of yet). She was in labor for about five or six hours. Two different teams of neonatologists and the labor and delivery staff available rushed in as soon as they could just as she was about to deliver. One of the twins was born only a couple of minutes before midnight while the other one (the one who was in distress and stuck in the complete breach position, so the obstetrician and neonatologist did a lot of cajoling just to get him into the head-first position and they did) was born about one or two minutes after midnight. So while they were technically born on different days, they were still only a few minutes apart.
Unfortunately, things were not all's well that ends well. The twins (Black and White) were premature and required an incubator as well as the necessary equipment that they were going to be dependent on for the first couple of weeks or so of their lives during their stay in the Intensive Care Nursery. Meanwhile, their mother suffers from a fatal stroke post-delivery. This was unfortunate for the duo because not only did they just lose their biological mother only minutes after birth, their biological father was brutally murdered while he was deployed in the Soviet Union right before they were born (so their biological mother ended up having to give birth to the duo all by herself). This ended up rendering the duo orphaned while being premature, no less. Right from the beginning, Labor and Delivery and the ICN (Intensive Care Nursery) staff made sure that it was visually easy to tell the duo apart since they were identical twin brothers. According to at least a few of the select staff as well as many of the Well Baby Nursery staff (where they were later moved to until they were officially adopted by their own respective set of parents), White had the powder blue ankle band while Black's ankle band was mint green, as a way to tell them apart easier as they obviously were topless as long as they were in their incubators.
Another baby that was admitted into the ICN that the twins had known all their lives, who was born only a few short days later, was Phillip "Phil" Dengler (my OC, the Spies' rather odd, ditzy, fun-loving, laid-back, kind-hearted hippie neighbor who is, of course, the same age as them and, apparently, a lifetime friend of theirs (usually more often with Black than White). I'll eventually get to him sometime in the near future.), a barely full-term newborn who was suffering from neonatal abstinence and fetal alcohol syndrome because his biological mother drank and smoked while she was pregnant with him and ended up having a placental abruption, resulting in her demise. Phil's biological father committed suicide less than a couple of months before he was born due to severe mental illness. So Phil was orphaned for the first few months of his life, as well.
After a couple of weeks have passed by taking care of the duo, one of the twins, Black in particular, began to express signs of colic while he was still in the incubator, just when his lungs were strong enough. Any nurse who would pass by would have to rush over to him whenever she would hear him let out a blood-curdling cry. It wasn't any help that Black and White also struggled with fairly high bilirubin levels where they have to have phototherapy done, even when they (alongside the aforementioned OC of mine, Phil) were well enough to be moved into the Progressive Care Nursery. White also had issues with colic shortly before being moved into the PCN (Progressive Care Nursery), but not nearly as much as Black (Phil, on the other hand, was the less colicky than both Black and White despite his issues). At this point, the twins no longer needed the equipment (especially the incubators) from when they were first admitted into the ICN, yet they still struggled with somewhat high bilirubin levels until they were about a little over a month old. Once their livers were deemed mature enough, they were finally well enough to be moved into the Well Baby Nursery (and so was Phil once his symptoms have subsided completely). Although they were in good health, the hospital's nursery staff had opted to make accommodations to take care of these babies until they are adopted by the different set of parents that would eventually separate them instead of sending them to an orphanage (considering that the nursery staff were shown to be significantly more nurturing and gentle with newborns and infants than the local orphanages).
Stay tuned for Part 2. Peace.
I do not claim ownership. Spy vs. Spy belongs to the defunct MAD Magazine and Antonio Prohias. Phillip "Phil" Dengler (who I am going to be working on in the near future) belongs to me.
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wolfgang1097 · 5 months
Headcanons regarding Spy vs. Spy (personalities, interests, odds and ends at their present age)
'Sup folks. I just wanted to come on here for a little bit to create my own headcanon regarding Black Spy and White Spy's personalities at their current age as well as each of their individual relationship with their neighbor, Phil (my OC). Keep in mind, these are just my own personality interpretations of the spies and are NOT official. Anyhow, let's get down to business, shall we?
White Spy:
-Avid Book Reader (something Black Spy usually exploits almost every single time)
-Sassier than Black Spy
-Music Prodigy
-Calculating and cunning
-Relationship with Phil: often goes out of his way to take advantage of Phil's idiocy and kindness in any way he can, knowing that Phil gets along with Black Spy very easily. However, he still cares about the former deep down inside.
Black Spy:
-Fascinated with toys and games (something White Spy usually exploits every single time), suggesting he's a youngster at heart
-"Dedicated" Musician, which is something he sucks at and knows it, just as a way to tease, taunt, and/or torture White Spy
-More level-headed and empathetic than White Spy
-Big Eater (something White Spy also usually exploits every single time)
-Tends to think on his feet and is rather street-smart (just like Phil, but to a slightly greater extent)
-Relationship with Phil: often quick to defend Phil because he has a close, brotherly relationship with him. Phil would even go out of his way to return the favor at any given opportunity.
I do not claim ownership of any copyrighted content. Spy vs. Spy belongs to the defunct MAD Magazine and Antonio Prohias. Phillip Dengler belongs to me.
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wolfgang1097 · 5 months
My own headcanons regarding Spy vs. Spy (Backstory and early years) (Part 2)
Good evening folks, this is Ari. Tonight I am picking up where I left off in part 1, but first I do want to make some specific details and some odds and ends regarding my headcanon for the spies in part 1 first:
-White is older than Black by about three or four minutes. Since I mentioned that one twin (particularly White) was born a couple minutes before midnight, and the other twin (Black) was born one or two minutes after midnight, that would mean that even though Black's birthday would technically be the day after White's, they're still actually a few minutes apart.
-The twins, Black and White, spent the first two and half weeks in the hospital's Intensive Care Nursery and then spent another week in the Progressive Care Nursery due to being about a month and a half premature. They were eventually moved into the Well Baby Nursery by the time they were about a little over a month old and stayed there until they were adopted by their respective parents (which I will get to when I build up to that).
-Black was more colicky than White, even when he was still in the incubator during their stay in the Intensive Care Nursery.
-Black and White's biological parents are deceased. Their biological father was brutally killed in the Soviet Union right before they were born. Their biological mother suffered from a fatal stroke post delivery. This resulted in the twins being orphaned for the first four or five (at the most) months of their lives.
-My more human-looking OC, Phil Dengler, was born only a few days after the twins and spent pretty much the same amount of time in the ICN (Intensive Care Nursery), PCN (Progressive Care Nursery), and Well Baby Nursery as the twins did.
OK, odds and ends over. Let's get down to business shall we?
The twins, Black and White, were taken care of by the hospital's Well Baby Nursery staff until they were about four or five months old instead of being sent to an orphanage on account of how much gentler, caring, empathetic, and tender the nursery and the entire Maternity staff were compared to the local orphanages. Since Phil was also orphaned, the hospital's nursery staff had to take care of him as well. On top of taking care of several other newborn babies in the nursery, the nurses, including the head nurse, all went out of their way to use their spare time (breaks included) to take care of Phil and the twins. Such as bottle feeding them around the clock (due to being orphaned, Black, White, and Phil all had to be formula fed, obviously), changing them, bathing them whenever necessary, and soothing them whenever they got fussy after their needs had been met. This was especially in Black's case as he was the most prone to colicky spells. After every last one of his needs were met, one of the nurses taking care of him whenever he was colicky would gently rub his belly, which kind of worked, yet he'd still let out a distressed whimper. If nothing else really worked, a nurse who was on break or had some down time would let him cry it out in her arms. The assistant head nurse, Kathy (I will get to her at some point in the future), felt particularly close with the twins as well as Phil. One day, she brought in several gowns in three different colors: Red for Phil as well as Black and White for the twins, which made it easier to tell the twins apart besides their ankle bands.
About a month or so after the twins and Phil had all outgrown the "colic stage," there were THREE potential couples all awaiting to adopt them, all of them being fairly different in several ways. This was when the twins, Black and White, were separated from each other.
White was adopted by an elderly, conservative couple in their mid to late 60s, especially the female spouse (White's adoptive mother). White's adoptive mother may have been nurturing, but she was rather uptight, judgmental, orderly, and a bit of a neat-freak, albeit was still open-minded when it came to raising her adopted baby boy. She may have been where White got his pompous, sassy demeanor from. White's adoptive father was also very nurturing and, apparently, more open-minded to parental advice on infant care than his (White's) adoptive mother was, and was very aware that his adoptive infant son is his own person. However, he was a tad senile due to age, thus resulting in him being rather forgetful.
Black was adopted by a liberal older couple, who were in their late 50s or early 60s, at the most. They were both also very open-minded with how to take care of their adoptive infant son and treat him like he's his own person. Black's adoptive father was nurturing, kind, gentle, easy-going, yet goofy, somewhat clueless, forgetful, and a tad clumsy (indicating that he may be on the verge of senility). Black's adoptive mother was very resourceful, cleanliness obsessed (but not to the insane extent of White's adoptive mother), gentle, detail-oriented, sharp, and very intelligent.
The one main thing that both of these couples had were that they were never able to conceive a child at all and due to age, adoption was basically their only chance of even having their own children to raise at all while they still can.
As for Phil, he was adopted by a young hippie couple who already had a young daughter named Candace (I'll get to her at some point in the future, as well), who was about three and half years old at the time. This young couple had looked into adopting a second child and Phil pretty much fit in perfectly. Just like Black's adoptive parents, Phil's adoptive parents and older sister were all nurturing, gentle, easy-going, and very open-minded to parenting advice as a refresher as it had been three and a half years since they had last adopted a baby. They were more than willing to treat their newly adopted infant son like he's his own person, just like they did with their daughter.
Anyhow, that's all I have for this part for tonight. Stay tuned for Part 3 sometime in the future. Goodnight everybody. Peace.
I do not claim ownership of any copyrighted content. Spy vs. Spy belongs to the defunct MAD Magazine and the late, great Antonio Prohias. Phillip "Phil" Dengler belongs to me.
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