thevioletcaptain · 2 years
//spins an imaginary wheel of fortune wheel// okay let's go with the opening of the next-to-be-published chapter of isosceles
Within seconds of climbing into the car, the sky opens up. The rain that had followed them into Washington returns heavier than before, and as they make their way through the streets, the late afternoon traffic shifts from mildly unpleasant to excruciatingly slow as the collective windshield wipers of the city's cars work at breakneck speed to maintain visibility. Despite it only being a short distance between the zoo and the diner Dean has set his sights on for dinner, it ends up taking close to an hour for them to get there. This isn't the first time Castiel has experienced bad traffic with Dean, but it's definitely the first time that Dean hasn't seemed all that upset about it. As the Impala crawls along the crowded roads, kicking up rainwater, Dean turns up the radio and sings along. He's still noticeably self-conscious about it, but the way the corner of his mouth ticks up whenever he glances at Castiel from the corner of his eye makes it clear that he's determined not to let that stop him. For the entire drive, Castiel just soaks in the feeling of being with him. Of seeing him like this. Of being trusted with this side of him.
[for this ask meme | other responses here]
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selenaquintanilla · 9 years
Sometime I wonder how different pop culture would've been if Selena was still alive.
I do, too. She died at a time when the music world was changing but still completely different. And since she wanted to crossover into the pop world, I think the late 90′s would’ve been the best time for the sound she was going for. I would even say she was a little ahead of her time with the few songs she had the chance to record for her Dreaming Of You album. 
Despite what people say, I have no doubt she would still be as well known and successful as she has become since her death. Although, she was obviously just as successful as a Tejano singer when she was alive. I personally don’t like when people say that she would’ve been the next “….” Because she wouldn’t be them. Nor would she be in someones place if she was still here. She would just be Selena. And that’s all she ever wanted. 
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empressmanuscript · 9 years
As someone who adores Renner I completely agree that he's irrelevant when it comes to the mcu. He signed the contract before he got huge and now he's stuck. He enjoys the experience sure but outside of that? He clearly doesn't care.
He never seemed to give a shit the way people think he does lol. I know I’ve calmed down over him, but if you knew me before I was following him for a loooong time and no way did he look at the MCU like it was as big a deal as the company acts like it is. And shipping really? That’s the last thing he’d give a shit about lmao. 
And even if he did holy shit who cares lol he’s an ass about things most of the time.
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Hello lovelies ok there's an old fic where Clint hides in the wreckage of stark tower after BoNY and gets sick, pneumonia I think. he finally gets help and learns that Phil's alive. I'm sorry it's vague or if I remember wrong and thanks!
How to Dam the Ganges with Toothpicks by FlatlandDan.
Thanks to shittoavenge for the assist, and to phlintscones for confirming it’s the correct fic!
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bonzai-bunny · 9 years
phlintscones replied to your post “daddy kink b/n steve and bucky is too weird for me bc they’re like the...”
What about tiny!Steve and Bucky? I'm down for that. Only time I'm down for stucky tbh
eh, i think it’s still not enough. idk it just doesn’t do it for me
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twangcat · 9 years
When you get this, you must publicly post something nice about at least 5 different people you follow, then copy and paste this in each of their ask boxes. Check my blog to see what I said about you! ♥ — thegirlinthebyakko
Awww, thank you! You are just the sweetest and I have to include you in my list even if it’s cheating <3
thegirlinthebyakko: You are so nice and sweet and your art literally makes my life better because it makes me happy on a regular basis.
embraceyourfandom: You are a classy lady who treats people very well and deserve all the nice things in the world because of it.
phlintscones: You have brilliant suggestions and give me amazing feedback, I wish you wrote more stories because I’m sure they would be fantastic
theweremoose: You are really creative and funny.  I look forward to your bobblehead posts like you wouldn’t believe because they always make me smile.
sgtchem2004: You are super sweet and one of my favourite blogs to check for clarky goodness. Thanks for all your wonderful posts!
All of you wonderful people (and so many more too) make Tumblr amazing and I’m so happy that I get to follow you and see what you post :)
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haforcere · 9 years
replied to your post
“[[MOR] Fatherhood Clint has really tanked my interest in the MCU. I...”
I feel like it was a cheap way to give clint a backstory and how it relates to the team... I love it sure but I keep my Clint separate from mcu. I honestly feel like they're trying to utilize Jeremy Renner, give him something to do other than shoot.
Poor Renner got so sidelined in Avengers1, they really needed to do something with him, and I recognize there were plot reasons (a safe off-grid place), but even for that, it’s kind of reaching. They could have laid low almost anywhere.
I’m disappointed that it’s not really a version of any Clint story, doesn’t use any of his issues, or history that’s actually a consistent, main thing in comics. It’s like they took ‘the ordinary guy’, and played that up, and that’s part of what I like about Clint, but when it’s together with the rest.
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pilvimarja · 9 years
poledanceloki replied to your post “so i’m rewatching the avengers rn and i’ve noticed two things:...”
Same with what Thorkizilla pointed out - when Thor crashes down in that cage it barely leaves a scratch as well :D He's just the most powerful of them all.
Yep! :) My mom’s comment to Thor flying out of Hulk’s cage was “what are these Asgardians made of?? He must be heavier than a car!”
thorsbiceps replied to your post “so i’m rewatching the avengers rn and i’ve noticed two things:...”
I think he did pretty well for a human going up against one of the most powerful asgardians there is
Well, it’s definitely an entertaining fight, but I think the fight would have been over before it even started if a) Thor hadn’t given Iron Man a huge power boost and b) if Thor hadn’t been holding back, though I do think he starts to fight for real once Iron Man pisses him off, which is why it’s good that Steve showed up when he did.
phlintscones replied to your post “so i’m rewatching the avengers rn and i’ve noticed two things:...”
Yeah it didn't age well
Nope, it’s nowhere near as good as it was the first time I saw it and every rewatch reveals new flaws, but it’s still super entertaining :) And I do like Loki in it and that scene between him and Thor on the mountain top will always be one of my favorite moments in the MCU .
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rae-redacted · 10 years
Divisible by 3 for the ask meme babe :p
boo you da worst ;)
3. the person you would never want to meet…
uuuhhh hm…i dunno…??? i can’t think of anyone specifically
6. when you first looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
kid, you gotta get more foundation
9. bright room or dark room?
depends. i love natural light, but i also love living in a cave…i’ll say dark more often than not though
12. who told you they loved you last?
15. Do you like someone
very much
18. Who would you really like to punch in the face
a half dozen people from high school and middle school each
21. if you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
weelll i’ve been trying to explore my own genderfluidity lately. i’d look like myself though…just a bit taller. ALL I EVER WANTED WAS ANOTHER 2 or 3 INCHES!!!! aaand i’d do the same shit i always do…workout, snooze, work :/
24. you can only have one kind of sandwich…every sandwich ingredient is at your disposal.
ciabatta, roast beef, prosciutto, mozzarella, avocado, ugly jersey tomato, mayo, honey mustard, arugula
i’m a simple person
27. aaaalready answered!
30. your house is on fire! you only have time to grab one intimate object (family and pets are safe) what is it!?
my blankies…all three of them. NOT NEGOTIABLE.
33. Death offers to return someone of your choice to the living world…who would it be?
Maybe one of my paternal grandparents. I didn’t really know them very long. I dunno.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
I’ve been in the ER plenty of times. And I’ve been in the hospital for a couple procedures, but not like admitted admitted
39. what type of music do you like
folk-rock, post-rock, jazz, house/electronic, classical
42. what (american) football team do you support
45. if you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
i wish i weren’t so fucking anxious. or i wish i were taller…or had smaller boobs
48.  do you hold grudges?
not generally…(i say, having also admitted that i want to wallop like a dozen former classmates…)
54. have you ever baked your own cake
i try to avoid baking in general
57. what is the last thing you drew a picture of?
a space whale :P
60. do you believe in aliens?
sure do
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voldiebuns · 10 years
phlintscones replied to your post “Divisible by threes for the meme thing because ily :3”
We doooooo, I just haven't had the time and I'm really annoyed at everything when I think about it ��
Aw sorry dude :(
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morethanonepage · 10 years
phlintscones replied to your post: sorry 4 all the porn
only apologize for porn if you forgot to tag it, omg i can’t wait to see it on my dash
Aw well I didn't even post that much! Now I feel like I should post more.
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Holy crap ok this might be vague but there's a fic that's been bothering me and I hope y'all can work your magic. It's phlint and they're sitting in Phil's office after something huge and they quote pinky and the brain at each other.
I believe you’re looking for The Hunter of Waverly, Iowa by NezumiPi. It’s part 2 of the author’s Clint Barton, Agent of SHIELD series.
If that isn’t right, please send us another ask!
Tagging for notification: phlintscones
EDIT: Mod Note: This story is Clint & Phil rather than Clint/Phil, which normally means we wouldn't answer it, but I posted it before I realized that, so I will leave it up.
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deadpai · 10 years
i was tagged by phlintscones
1) Why did you choose your URL?
I've been using everywhere it for ages...it's a combination of my love for deadpool and my nickname, pai
2) What is your middle name?
3) If you could own a fairytale/fictional pet, what would it be?
a cat sized dragon. or a fuckin cat dragon like on yo gabba gabba
4) Favorite color?
5) Favorite song?
"say it ain't so" by weezer. it makes me feel all the feelings.
6) What are your top three fandoms?
supernatural, marvel, tolkien
7) What do you enjoy about Tumblr?
I enjoy all the fan made content!! And making friends with people who share interests that you both love too much. It's beyond wonderful finding people who understand you.
8) Tag all 9 of your Tumblr crushes (they do all 8 questions too)
a couple of them dont follow me back so ill leave them off but uh: ryvchan mishaswhore garrisonbabe coffeeisoxygen tigerboydean some-people-call-it-tragic and onamelancholyhill if you guys wanna ~~
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voldiebuns · 10 years
Divisible by threes for the meme thing because ily :3
3. The person you would never want to meet?
Idk, I don’t think there’s anyone I really don’t want to meet. It would probably be best if I never met one of my celebrity crushes because I’d probably pee myself in excitement and/or start crying.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
“At least my hair isn’t sticking up today.”
9. Bright room or dark room?
Bright room because being on a computer in the dark makes my head hurt and it takes me forever to get up in the mornings if it’s not bright.
12. Who told you they loved you last?
Do you count? Otherwise... my mom probably. Lame-o.
15. Do you like someone?
Yeah, I guess. I’ve been talking to this guy for awhile and I’m at the “I like him but I’m still afraid he’s going to tur out to be a douche” stage.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
Like anyone. I just really, really want to punch someone in the face. It doesn’t even matter who.
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
I’m gonna take this as if I had a penis but otherwise I’d look the same I guess. I would probably do what I usually do, which is sit around on the couch doing nothing, but I’d also take the chance to masturbate with a dick. I’m not very imaginative lol
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
I’m kind of burnt out on sandwiches after eating them 5x a week for most of my life, but a vegan bacon sandwich with spinach and grape jelly sounds pretty good rn.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
Smirnoff Ice cherry limeade. Yummy.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
Ughhhhh. I was going to say my portable hard drive or signed copy of Dinotopia, but they’re both mostly replacable even if it would be hard, so my favorite teddy bear because if my house burned down I’d sure as heck need some comofort lol
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
I don’t think any of my family has died that I’d really care to see again so... Leonard Nimoy because everyone needs their honorary grandpa.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
Yeah, I had a major asthma attack when I was 8 and was in the hospital for a couple of days.
39. What type of music do you like?
Rock and alternative mostly, but tbh my music library is a hot mess of genres.
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
None? Like I feel like I should say Cowboys since they’re from here, but they suck and I really don’t give a shit lol
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Idk. Oh, I know, that I wouldn’t have so many goddamn health problems.
48. Do you hold grudges?
51. Are you a good liar?
lol apparently so, usually people can’t tell
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
I don’t think so?
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
Uh... idk. I can tell you the last thing I colored was a teal and pink Wolverine :D
60. Do you believe in aliens?
Yeah. It seems silly to think that we’d be the only ones in this whole ginormous universe.
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
Why not BOTH??
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