#photo: aiden
rheya28 · 5 months
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Sweet like honey
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collidew1thesky · 7 months
so ended up falling asleep but
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UEE😭🥺💧Eu💧💧E E😭😭 E EUE🥺🥺😭UUUUE😭🥺💧🥺😭 ue 💧ee😭🥺💧ue 🥺e e e😭 💧🥺😭Uueuuue.💧ue 😭🥺ee e🥺🥺😭eUEE 💧🥺💧EEE 💧💧😭–😭EE H💧🥺😭EeeeU
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rayne---artzz · 6 months
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I had to chat
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cyberspacebear · 8 months
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i finished this painting and all i felt was hollow. which is fitting. curse of aimen
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dicktat · 3 months
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Haiden plushie I made a while ago bean shaped kitty and puppy…10/10 cute and squeezable
(I might get more of these if there’s a demand trust me they are so worth it look at them)
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Now kiss
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ghostlyfanparadise · 1 month
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duckdotimg · 2 months
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Expression/face/what have you studies of Aiden in different stages of her life (from 6 to 10, toddler, 25 , and 18)
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ijusttakenope · 2 months
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Aiden Pearce is the greatest love of my life thank you
mod name: Photo Mode (And More) by SadGamers
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womp-womp-waa · 5 months
I just want a time when all of the group get to see Aiden vulnerable. Idc when or in what context just give it to me
Like is it because his roots are growing out in the facility and he hates how it looks. Or maybe his depression came back and he's now got the help of the others. Or does he just finally break under the pressure of it all.
Idc how it happens, but PLEASE give me something
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theslythernfreak · 4 months
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dutchieliciousplans · 4 months
I can't get enough of Daddie Dutchie 🥵🔥
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Just wish he could exsit in my life or can a DeLorean simply exist for me to go back pre 1899, either way I just wanna save this precious perfect little outlaw 😌✌️
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aiza-luna · 6 months
Watch Dogs Headcanons - Animal Quirks/ Symbolisms.
By Aiza Luna :D
Feels like I'm writting a newspaper but nah, just more delulu Aiza journal 😭
Anyways!! Remember when I said I had Headcanons of giving my fav characters animal refs/ symbolisms? Well... Decided to do that today! 🥳
So lemme start with the list! First gonna do with some of the characters from WD1 that got most of my attention/ are more well-known. ( PS: trigger warning for people with Arachnophobia when arriving at Clara's part? Is right under Aiden's, skip if you so wish)
Aiden Pearce - Gray Fox. (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
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Ok, this one is basically common knowledge since we all know that's where his damn nickname comes from lol.
Aiden has a lot of paralels with Gray Foxes, from the round faces, to climbing skills to hunting abilities!
Foxes in general represents Cunniness, Witt, a Sharp Mind and a Dubious Morality with it's Trickstery Nature. However, Gray Foxes represent neutrality, a symbol of maturity, but also sadness and indecisiveness... That sounds familiar, does it? It fits Aiden's description awfully well!
For my HC of his mannerism:
- When Aiden was younger, he used to climb trees all the time back at Belfast. His mom used to yell at him afraid he would fall. ( Wich he did. A lot actually.)
- Like a fox, he has great hearing, detecting easily when people are approaching by.
- He loves fruit (He likes Strawberry Shortcake and Banana Cake) and meat! Although he rarely has time to cook for himself and relies heavily on fast food, he is an enjoyer of chicken and hare meats!
- When Aiden manages to sleep without stress (in very rare occasions), he tend to sleep curled up under his sheets without noticing.
- He has a strong smell. When not because of his constant exercises running after criminals, is because of his wooden deodorant + his trench coat of leather. lol
(Like even after showering, his smell is not bad, just strong than usual.)
- His face is secretly very sensible. If he shaves his face and gets touched their somehow, he'll shiver and recoil bc that's a VERY sensitive face. Even with his stubbles, he can easily feel the texture and touch of someone on his cheeks, like a fox with it's whiskers. 🥺
Clara Lille - Trapdoor Spider! (Liphistius malayanus)
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This one is also, once again, common knowledge! I mean, she's called like that in game- lol
Our dear Badboy17, the tattoo girlboss herself, it's pretty obvious where the spider parallels go with Clara: Her lethality, how she work in the dark, carefully using the web in her favor... But is there more to it? 🤔
Spiders represent the Resilience, Unseen Danger and the Connectedness.
All those meanings fit Clara perfect: She's connected to many things, Aiden, the Club, Dedsec... She works in the dark corners, weaving her web of connections and the benefits she can get of it. Similarly, she is an unseen danger, a person that can discover everything about others without them even suspecting, and using that against them... But she's also Resilient. Despite her connections and actions, she weaved her own path to redemption on helping Aiden, to try to fix her mistake and make amends for her past actions... And much like a spider, she was easily killed, because while Spiders are easy to disappear from our sight, people won't think twice about killing them if they're considered a "threat" to them...
For my HC of her mannerisms:
- Clara is excelent with handscraft: Eletronics, Art, Sewing... She's great at anything that requires hand work since she's very precise and perfectionist.
- She's into Urban Exploration! She loves to find dark, abandoned and hidden places left in urban areas, specially if they have some connection to Blume as a bonus.
- One of her favorite foods is Sushi! Is quick, pratical and she just like fishes. (One of Trapdoor Spiders prey 🥰)
- Is not afraid of insects but doesn't like them at all, will either kill or try to take them away from the place, if the insect is harmless.
- Clara has pretty good instinct, mostly reflex in near-body combat, but she rarely displays them since she rarely needs to fight someone nowdays or is caught offguard by gunned opponents.
- She is a solitary person, in the sense that she stays hidden in her little corner and rarely gets out with others, aside for working at the tatto studio she works on. :')
Jordi Chin - Korat Cat. (Felis Catus)
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This one was suggested by @paul-poppy-art but I think everyone here agrees Jordi gives major cat energy. XD
Our favorite Fixer is funny, odd and sarcastic lovable sociopathic asshole and we all know it, but saying out loud, that does fit the description of a cat! 😂
Cats are hunters, and their symbolism is mostly tied to Indenpendence, Inteligence and Mystery, this fits Jordi perfect.
A man that works indenpendely, his only criteria is who pays more, wich will be more advanteging to him. An Inteligent and calculative killer that always has a plan in mind and a mysterious person whose' past we know nothing about! Still, he stays by Aiden's side and display his affection in a more non-verbal way (like a cat lol)
For my HC of his mannerisms:
- He has a pretty light walking, you can't hear him comming behind you... Wich is either very dangerous or annoying, depending on your situation.
- Jordi is incredibly sensitive to his surroundings and always knows what is happening around him. You can't surprise him, you simply can't.
- When not working, he tends to stay layed down or sit a lot, like a "big lazy cat". lol
- Is a clean freak. Likes to keep all his work and himself the most well-presented her can. He absolutely despite Aiden's lack of self-care. 😭
- Has extremily good reflexes and flexibility, if he gets to you, you're Fcked. (proof is at WD2)
- Is not a verbal type of guy to express his feelings, but more of the type of doing small gestures to the people he cares for. He brings them food as one of his love languages.
(Kinda like when a cat brings a bird at home to "feed their human". lol)
T-Bone Grady - Bearded Collie Dog. (Canis Lupus Familiaris)
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Now is turn for the legendary Hacker Dilf himself!! 🥳
Honestly T-Bone was both easy and hard because well... His name. XD
I struggled a Lot with what race he could be, but looking a bit up, I think Bearded Collie would fit like a glove! For his character design, mostly. 😂
Dogs symbolism is tied to Loyalty, Fidelity, Alertness and Protection.
We see this a lot on T-Bone, he won't hesitate to attack to defend himself, although to his friend's he's loyal and always watch over them and their safety.
(Him trying to reach Aiden to alert him in the Bad Blood DLC) and of course, him always being in alert for Fixers after him.
My personal HCs for his mannerisms:
- Will occasionally pace around or throw/ destruct somethings if too stressed.
- Spend a lot of time on his hair and beared, and tends to let some hair strings behind.
(like a true big furred dog lol)
- Like the Bearded Collie breed, T-Bone doesn't usually "bark", he bites first.
(See his meeting with Aiden-)
- Can't really stay inside for too long, gets easily bored and just generally hates being idly by.
- Is curious and enjoys a challenge, this old a-hole will take anything to unlock areas/ information that no one else has access to.
(See his Wiki)
- Will always be around the people he cares for, like, physically. He follows/ stays around his friends like a dog with his owner. 😭
(Shows much more Physical Display of Affection out of the main Trio tbh)
Nicole Anne Pearce - Bumblebee. (Bombus)
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HEAR ME OUT OK? The patterns on her shirt and her color palette reminded me so much of a Bumblebee! 😭
They're so chonky and floofy! Tell me Nicky ain't cute like them? 🥺🥹
Bumblebees symbolises Hardwork, Productivity, New Beginings and the Importance of a Community! I think those describes Nicole very well!
She's a hard-working single mother providing for her child(ren), her job as an Event Planner reminds me of the systematic work system of bees! Her community (family) is extremily important to her and she fought for their best... Unfortunetly, she had to re-start her life after everything that happened in WD, so all the animal symbolisms fit her character very well. :')
My personal HC for her mannerisms:
- She has the habit of "hum" while working, doing chores or running errands.
(Like the buzz of a bee lol)
-Nicky loves flowers but she doesn't have a garden since she rarely has time to dedicate to it. :')
-She loves honey! And she used to eat a lot of honey-made when she was a kid! 🥰
- Woman can't stay still, she's always moving around trying to do things: Chores, return calls, etc. Aiden used o joke she was "too much of a busy bee".
- She has a pretty characteristic floral smell. Almost all her house smell likes a garden, always with a floral hint in the air.
(Aiden used to find it comforting whenever he visited her and the kids.)
And that's it for today!! There are still missing some other characters from WD1 I still wanted to correlate to animal symbolisms, but this already long af 🥲
I'll (MAYBE) post a part II about the other characters I wanted to associate + another part talking about WD2 characters and their animal symbolisms I Headcanon them with 🥰
Anyways, thank you all so much for reading my delulu ramble, love you all 🙏🏽🩵
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superghfan · 4 months
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Tristan Riggs (Aiden Webber). New GH promo pic.
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poorlydrawnsbg · 1 month
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Ash is so done with these dumbasses
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aiisstuffnthings · 1 month
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Lady of Stone
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aidencatwell · 1 year
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They're discussing.
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