#WD animal headcanons
aiza-luna · 3 months
Watch Dogs Headcanons - Animal Quirks/ Symbolisms.
By Aiza Luna :D
Feels like I'm writting a newspaper but nah, just more delulu Aiza journal 😭
Anyways!! Remember when I said I had Headcanons of giving my fav characters animal refs/ symbolisms? Well... Decided to do that today! 🥳
So lemme start with the list! First gonna do with some of the characters from WD1 that got most of my attention/ are more well-known. ( PS: trigger warning for people with Arachnophobia when arriving at Clara's part? Is right under Aiden's, skip if you so wish)
Aiden Pearce - Gray Fox. (Urocyon cinereoargenteus)
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Ok, this one is basically common knowledge since we all know that's where his damn nickname comes from lol.
Aiden has a lot of paralels with Gray Foxes, from the round faces, to climbing skills to hunting abilities!
Foxes in general represents Cunniness, Witt, a Sharp Mind and a Dubious Morality with it's Trickstery Nature. However, Gray Foxes represent neutrality, a symbol of maturity, but also sadness and indecisiveness... That sounds familiar, does it? It fits Aiden's description awfully well!
For my HC of his mannerism:
- When Aiden was younger, he used to climb trees all the time back at Belfast. His mom used to yell at him afraid he would fall. ( Wich he did. A lot actually.)
- Like a fox, he has great hearing, detecting easily when people are approaching by.
- He loves fruit (He likes Strawberry Shortcake and Banana Cake) and meat! Although he rarely has time to cook for himself and relies heavily on fast food, he is an enjoyer of chicken and hare meats!
- When Aiden manages to sleep without stress (in very rare occasions), he tend to sleep curled up under his sheets without noticing.
- He has a strong smell. When not because of his constant exercises running after criminals, is because of his wooden deodorant + his trench coat of leather. lol
(Like even after showering, his smell is not bad, just strong than usual.)
- His face is secretly very sensible. If he shaves his face and gets touched their somehow, he'll shiver and recoil bc that's a VERY sensitive face. Even with his stubbles, he can easily feel the texture and touch of someone on his cheeks, like a fox with it's whiskers. 🥺
Clara Lille - Trapdoor Spider! (Liphistius malayanus)
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This one is also, once again, common knowledge! I mean, she's called like that in game- lol
Our dear Badboy17, the tattoo girlboss herself, it's pretty obvious where the spider parallels go with Clara: Her lethality, how she work in the dark, carefully using the web in her favor... But is there more to it? 🤔
Spiders represent the Resilience, Unseen Danger and the Connectedness.
All those meanings fit Clara perfect: She's connected to many things, Aiden, the Club, Dedsec... She works in the dark corners, weaving her web of connections and the benefits she can get of it. Similarly, she is an unseen danger, a person that can discover everything about others without them even suspecting, and using that against them... But she's also Resilient. Despite her connections and actions, she weaved her own path to redemption on helping Aiden, to try to fix her mistake and make amends for her past actions... And much like a spider, she was easily killed, because while Spiders are easy to disappear from our sight, people won't think twice about killing them if they're considered a "threat" to them...
For my HC of her mannerisms:
- Clara is excelent with handscraft: Eletronics, Art, Sewing... She's great at anything that requires hand work since she's very precise and perfectionist.
- She's into Urban Exploration! She loves to find dark, abandoned and hidden places left in urban areas, specially if they have some connection to Blume as a bonus.
- One of her favorite foods is Sushi! Is quick, pratical and she just like fishes. (One of Trapdoor Spiders prey 🥰)
- Is not afraid of insects but doesn't like them at all, will either kill or try to take them away from the place, if the insect is harmless.
- Clara has pretty good instinct, mostly reflex in near-body combat, but she rarely displays them since she rarely needs to fight someone nowdays or is caught offguard by gunned opponents.
- She is a solitary person, in the sense that she stays hidden in her little corner and rarely gets out with others, aside for working at the tatto studio she works on. :')
Jordi Chin - Korat Cat. (Felis Catus)
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This one was suggested by @paul-poppy-art but I think everyone here agrees Jordi gives major cat energy. XD
Our favorite Fixer is funny, odd and sarcastic lovable sociopathic asshole and we all know it, but saying out loud, that does fit the description of a cat! 😂
Cats are hunters, and their symbolism is mostly tied to Indenpendence, Inteligence and Mystery, this fits Jordi perfect.
A man that works indenpendely, his only criteria is who pays more, wich will be more advanteging to him. An Inteligent and calculative killer that always has a plan in mind and a mysterious person whose' past we know nothing about! Still, he stays by Aiden's side and display his affection in a more non-verbal way (like a cat lol)
For my HC of his mannerisms:
- He has a pretty light walking, you can't hear him comming behind you... Wich is either very dangerous or annoying, depending on your situation.
- Jordi is incredibly sensitive to his surroundings and always knows what is happening around him. You can't surprise him, you simply can't.
- When not working, he tends to stay layed down or sit a lot, like a "big lazy cat". lol
- Is a clean freak. Likes to keep all his work and himself the most well-presented her can. He absolutely despite Aiden's lack of self-care. 😭
- Has extremily good reflexes and flexibility, if he gets to you, you're Fcked. (proof is at WD2)
- Is not a verbal type of guy to express his feelings, but more of the type of doing small gestures to the people he cares for. He brings them food as one of his love languages.
(Kinda like when a cat brings a bird at home to "feed their human". lol)
T-Bone Grady - Bearded Collie Dog. (Canis Lupus Familiaris)
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Now is turn for the legendary Hacker Dilf himself!! 🥳
Honestly T-Bone was both easy and hard because well... His name. XD
I struggled a Lot with what race he could be, but looking a bit up, I think Bearded Collie would fit like a glove! For his character design, mostly. 😂
Dogs symbolism is tied to Loyalty, Fidelity, Alertness and Protection.
We see this a lot on T-Bone, he won't hesitate to attack to defend himself, although to his friend's he's loyal and always watch over them and their safety.
(Him trying to reach Aiden to alert him in the Bad Blood DLC) and of course, him always being in alert for Fixers after him.
My personal HCs for his mannerisms:
- Will occasionally pace around or throw/ destruct somethings if too stressed.
- Spend a lot of time on his hair and beared, and tends to let some hair strings behind.
(like a true big furred dog lol)
- Like the Bearded Collie breed, T-Bone doesn't usually "bark", he bites first.
(See his meeting with Aiden-)
- Can't really stay inside for too long, gets easily bored and just generally hates being idly by.
- Is curious and enjoys a challenge, this old a-hole will take anything to unlock areas/ information that no one else has access to.
(See his Wiki)
- Will always be around the people he cares for, like, physically. He follows/ stays around his friends like a dog with his owner. 😭
(Shows much more Physical Display of Affection out of the main Trio tbh)
Nicole Anne Pearce - Bumblebee. (Bombus)
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HEAR ME OUT OK? The patterns on her shirt and her color palette reminded me so much of a Bumblebee! 😭
They're so chonky and floofy! Tell me Nicky ain't cute like them? 🥺🥹
Bumblebees symbolises Hardwork, Productivity, New Beginings and the Importance of a Community! I think those describes Nicole very well!
She's a hard-working single mother providing for her child(ren), her job as an Event Planner reminds me of the systematic work system of bees! Her community (family) is extremily important to her and she fought for their best... Unfortunetly, she had to re-start her life after everything that happened in WD, so all the animal symbolisms fit her character very well. :')
My personal HC for her mannerisms:
- She has the habit of "hum" while working, doing chores or running errands.
(Like the buzz of a bee lol)
-Nicky loves flowers but she doesn't have a garden since she rarely has time to dedicate to it. :')
-She loves honey! And she used to eat a lot of honey-made when she was a kid! 🥰
- Woman can't stay still, she's always moving around trying to do things: Chores, return calls, etc. Aiden used o joke she was "too much of a busy bee".
- She has a pretty characteristic floral smell. Almost all her house smell likes a garden, always with a floral hint in the air.
(Aiden used to find it comforting whenever he visited her and the kids.)
And that's it for today!! There are still missing some other characters from WD1 I still wanted to correlate to animal symbolisms, but this already long af 🥲
I'll (MAYBE) post a part II about the other characters I wanted to associate + another part talking about WD2 characters and their animal symbolisms I Headcanon them with 🥰
Anyways, thank you all so much for reading my delulu ramble, love you all 🙏🏽🩵
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sethdomain · 6 months
hc timee
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I like to think the DD has their own special traits like super senses or every each DD has different animals they are based on.
also their body structure may sometime varies, maybe DD has longer limbs, longer claws or bigger wings idk
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flowery-laser-blasts · 9 months
My not so serious KP villain headcanons:
Personal headcanons that I have for the Kim Possible villains (not all of them). Long post.
Shego loves horror movies and podcasts and once scared the living hell out of Drakken after watching Ringu. She hid under the bed and once he almost drifted off to sleep, she reached from underneath to grab his hand and reveal her with hair covered face.
Shego hates cooking and rather orders take out than go through the effort of prepairing meals. The worst part is cleaning up dishes.
Shego can warm/radiate heat through her hands with her powers in a non-harmfull way. This comes in handy when massaging Dr D's stiff shoulders.
Shego's favourite chickflick is Legally Blonde. She showed it to Drakken once, he too, likes it. Now after every defeat they watch this movie while patching themselves up.
Dr Drakken loves British comedy such as Monty Python, the Mighty Boosh and Little Britain. He often quotes their jokes.
Dr Drakken has a complex bedtime skin care routine that he never skips and follows to a T. Though he only does it before bed, so if he stays awake for several days in a row, he won't do it until actually going to bed.
Dr Drakken actually plucks away stray hairs around his eyebrow to keep the look 'clean' and 'on fleek'.
Dr Drakken's shampoo smells of Lush' sugarplum fairy bodyspray.
Dr Drakken always sings the Mighty Boosh' 'Soup Song' when preparing soup. His secret ingredient to his vegetable soup with mini meatballs is tiny elbow macaroni.
Dr Drakken's 'take over the world by plants' scheme was stolen/inspired from Duff Killigan's failed attempt at turning the world into a golfcourse when the two were over at his place to discuss plans on the Tempes Simia idle and Monkey Fist was away to use the restroom.
Duff Killigan has one of those 'golf-on-your-toilet' golf sets in each restroom/bathroom.
Duff Killigan's favourite Disney movie is Brave, but more so because of the mother daughter bonding aspect of the story. He's a sucker for those kinds of movies.
Monkey Fist loves Shakespeare's works solely because of the infinite monkey theorem.
Monkey Fist has an incredible hatered towards the song "Banana Man" by Tally Hall and 'Day-O' by Harry Belafonte. It's an earworm that never leaves within a day and makes the monkey ninjas dance uncontrollably.
Monkey Fist takes extremely good care of personal hygiene and regularly cuts his nails.
Adrena Lynn's actual name is Adrien.
Adrena Lynn called out the Jackass cast for being fakes.
Adrena Lynn's favourite non extreme sport is table tennis.
Adrena Lynn started the 'girl dinner' tend.
Gill's favourite animals are sharks.
Gill bullied Ron because he wanted to look cooler in front of other camp kids. At his school, he would be the one being bullied.
Gill actually didn't dislike Ron at first but it changed when Ron grabbed an extra (and the last) chocolate pudding cup during dinner on their first day of camp.
Professor Dementor shines his helmet with a hand held waxing device, he never takes it off though.
Professor Dementor's favorite snack is caramel seasalt pretzels.
Professor Dementor wanted to become a children's book writer when growing up.
Dr Drakken, Monkey Fist and Duff Killigan play Dungeons&Dragons. Monkey Fist DMs most of the time, second is Drakken; Duff never DMs. The big bad evil guy is Kim Possible but they almost lose every campaign except for the rare occasion in which the BBEG dies due to accidental environmental circumstances out of their hands. They tried to replicate it irl but where do you find a giant dragon, three gnomes an enchanted blueberry pie and a catapult?
Motor Ed uses WD-40 for his hair instead of conditioner, seriously.
Motor Ed is a diehard Meatloaf fan (the artist, not the food).
Motor Ed despises Meatloaf (the food, not the artist).
Frugal Lucre loves pineapple pizza with extra ham
Frugle Lucre's arch enemy is Kim's cousin Larry.
Frugal Lucre collected cuddlebuddies but his mom threw them out because "you're too old for these toys, so I gave them away to your niece Pamela for her baby room" and that's his villain origin story.
Frugal Lucre has a Dr Drakken cosplay that he sometimes wears to (Hench co.) conventions (inspired by @gothicthundra 's Halloween chapter)
DNAmy's biggest inspiration for fashion is Velma Dinkley from the Scooby Doo franchise.
DNAmy hates Tom and Jerry because it promotes 'violence'.
DNAmy actually is pretty chill and wouldn't mind Kim Possible's company as long as Kim apologises for destroying her work. Kim is a fellow cuddlebuddy collector after all.
After Monkey Fist turned into stone, DNAmy tried reviving him. It didn't work out. She eventually moved on and started dating Frugal Lucre. They're in a happy committed relationship now.
The Bebe bots have their own reality show in Japan and are content with the attention and admiration from fans. They were offered a contact as idol group but they denied it because they didn't want to collaborate with Hatsune Miku.
Señior Senior Junior became a top model and worked with the fashionistas but when they got arrested again, SSJ used his privilege to continue his career.
With the help of Bonnie, Señior Senior Junior wrote an autobiography about his life under the influence of his father. It's titled "I didn't want to be a criminal, but Daddy made me do it." And it is said to become an autobiographical movie (but once again, Junior can't star in it).
Señior Senior Junior and Bonnie got married after Bonnie graduated from college.
Señior Senior Junior loves My little Pony friendship is magic and writes wholesome fanfiction. He likes PinkPie because she likes to party. He also realises that a lot of his youth is missed out on because of his father's wealth. He is semi thankful for villainy because it introduced him to Shego and their friendship. He tried making her watch it but she didn't seem into it.
Señior Senior Senior could actually give up villainy for his future grandchildren. This was Bonnie's initiative, because she doesn't want her kids to grow up around inmates and prisoners.
That's it for now, if I've got more I'll add it here!!
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Do you have any thoughts or headcanons about Shigeru? I love him so much but there’s not a whole lot about him fandom-wise
I don't have too many headcanons but here's some assorted ones!!
I have no idea if the Kimuras canonically live anywhere particular in Japan but Shigeru gives "grew up in rural Japan" energy so I'm saying he was born in Okinawa and moved to the city when he was in his teens
On the topic of moving to the city I'd like to think Minegeshi was a friend of Shigeru's father and that's how he came to be such a close ally (and why Shigeru felt so strongly about protecting Minegeshi/warning him about the WD's bullshit)
DEFINITELY THE TYPE OF GRANDFATHER TO GET SO MUCH OMIYAGE FOR YUICHI AND WATARU KJHGFDFG Brings a whole different suitcase for snacks no matter how much Yuichi tells him he and Wataru do not need more treats
He grew up a pretty athletic kid! I'd like to think he was reasonably popular so when Yuichi (resident loner) got into middle school Shigeru was only a little worried about Yuichi getting enough socialization with his peers
HE GOT INTO OLDER ANIMES WHEN YUICHI WAS GROWING UP BUT HE HIDES IT BECAUSE HE'S EVER SO SLIGHTLY EMBARRASED ABOUT IT KJHGFDSFGH But you bet he hears the Creamy Mami OP and he just happens to have something to do in the living room for the entire episode
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imaginedreamwrite · 1 year
My little headcanons:
While some people in their inner circle think that some of the WD kids are Daddy's girls/boys, in reality all of the are extremely attached to Reader and are very protective of her. Because when you have two massive alphas as fathers who are completely devoted to most loving person in their world - it's unavoidable.
Lloyd from WUTB totally can dance.
BNW Reader makes the cutest selfies according to Stucky. They put them everywhere they can.
Semi-sexual headcanon, Ransom has a weird ritual with Marshmallow which happens before every big business meeting. Like she has to show him a little more of her cleavage or she has to make out with him in some closet. Completely for motivation and in Ransom's opinion it brings him luck.
their twin boys in particular are protective of their mama, they are 💯 mama’s boys and often take after Steve and Bucky when their mama is being questioned by media or paparazzi who want to get a deep inside look into their family life. The twin boys, who are like mirror images of Steve and Bucky, are also protective of their sisters, despite being younger than them
Lloyd is definitely a good dancer. I like to think that Lloyd also came from a fairly wealthy family and his mother made him take come kind of society club where he has to join cotillion’s and escort debutante’s to formal balls. When Pumpkin finds out, she purposely tries to put him in situations where he would have to dance with other women or herself
Since she hasn’t had the ability in her previous reality to enjoy social media or take selfies, she takes every opportunity to use cute animal filters and takes countless pictures with or without Steve and Bucky. Steve and Bucky love these pictures she takes and has an album specifically dedicated to the progress of her first taking pictures to the latest pictures where she’s entirely more comfortable with her place in their life. There are a few pictures that they keep on their person at all time
Ransom gets irritated before meetings, he’s tired of the constant nattering of the people he’s meeting with. Before the meeting, Ransom needs a taste of Marshmallow before the meeting to give himself a good luck boost, whether it’s a look at the expensive lingerie pieces he bought her under her clothes, or his tongue shove down her throat. Ransom hates the meeting and the people he’s meeting with, they don’t seem to care about reaching the point of their discussion and they like wasting time that would be better spent doing other things. While Ransom comes across as an arrogant dick in these meetings, he knows that outside of the board rooms is Marshmallow who’s waiting for him
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kaitouretort · 8 months
Esto lo compartí en twitter, pues es un sentimiento y/o pensamiento que he traído desde hace días en torno a un post que vi (y un ask también que lo refuerza).
Miren, no estoy a favor de "arruinarle" la diversión a alguien más por pequeñeces (y algo de mezquindad), pero no sé... No me cae que alguien diga "oh, muchos están de acuerdo que estas tres o cuatro propiedades de la misma compañía están dentro de un mismo universo!" como si realmente muchos acordáramos el mismo punto en común, y forzarlo como si fuera un "hecho común" (o "common fact") entre fans de estas propiedades.
No todo lo que haga una compañía necesita estar relacionado en un mismo universo o algo por el estilo, ¿se entiende? :/, y no sé, así tal cual, también, ¿dejarlos como trabajos independientes uno del otro?
No soy aguafiestas, pues en concepto, los crossovers siempre han sido divertidos (desde mucho antes de que las corporaciones lo tomaran BASTANTE a pecho poniendo el concepto de "multiversos" en mainstream, lo cual, JAJAJA, estoy cansada), y es interesante ver como los fans interpretan que dos cosas y así puedan funcionar entre sí... pero... la forma de querer forzar varias propiedades en un mismo universo sólo porque una sola compañía los creó y quizás comparten elementos semejantes... me cala BASTANTE cuando lo quieren pasar por "verdad".
...sí, esto es porque vi un post de alguien queriendo hacer pasar que Da*ndevi y D*iaL*overs (y otras propiedades de Re*jet) suceden en el mismo universo... y estoy muy a la defensiva que hay fans de ambas franquicias (a bien sabiendas con lo desastrosas que ambas son, con canones y demás) no los respetan como trabajos individuales :V para concluir que "todo engloba a Di*alo*vers como núcleo" y es algo que muchos (aquí sí digo "muchos", pero son más fans de DL que D*WD) parecen aceptar como hecho común.
Y uno está como "por favor, no...".
¿Es divertida la idea de que pudiesen funcionar como huevos revueltos? Sí, cuando lo piensas como fan y es un "headcanon" pero con lo anterior es cómo que... ¿por qué forzar (TODAS) las propiedades de Re*jet como si pasaran bajo un mismo cielo? Sí, Rej*et encontró una fórmula de éxito con una (D*ande*vi tuvo un éxito moderado, pero no al grado de DL), pero no significa que el resto de las demás, sólo por compartir tipo de género sobrenatural tengan a LAS FUERZAS suceder en las mismas condiciones de ese universo.
Los conceptos sobrenaturales son conceptos que se usan en muchos lados... no son nada originales en concepto (aunque tampoco descarto que usar "vampiros" en una haya sido PRINCIPALMENTE porque la otra fue un hit para la compañía), realmente.... y hasta ahí. DW*D, al inicio, te la quieren vender con el mismo tipo de "filo" de DL (seres sobrenaturales masoquistas/sádicos/etc) pero al final la serie no cae TANTO (y aun así, el "filo" de Shiki está en canones alternos al anime, pues la gente olvida o no sabe que es una franquicia multimedia que se originó como anime, en primer lugar) en ese territorio y como fan lo agradezco mucho.
No tendría mucha bronca con esto si,
1) OP hubiera puesto "fans o gente que conozco concuerdan...." y no "muchos fans concuerdan que sí, de todos modos" porque, que yo sepa, de gente con la que SÍ llegué a interactuar(*) cuando DW*D estaba aún en su "peak" hace años, realmente manteníamos ambas entidades como separadas, aceptando que hay elementos (sobrenaturales) que Iw*aD tomó muy inspirado de su hit (pues es quien concibió el pitch) y 2) si OP (y otros) no hicieran el rollo envuelto a DL como núcleo del universo al final del día 🙄 (la cosa sería otra si todas estas propiedades fueran tratados equitativamente entre ellos, no "DL, al ser la base, ¡SIGNIFICA que es el centro de todo el universo de Re*jet!" como... ¿saben que pueden haber otras facciones o clanes de vampiros, verdad? NO todo el mundo vampírico TENDRÍA que recaer en un solo personaje importante de DL... además, el elemento está TAN infrautilizado en DW*D que pareciera estar muy de más, cuando todo el rollo se trataba, principalmente(**), de demonios de distintas facciones +un ángel caído que querían tener poder ilimitado de un MacGuffin y reinar la dimensión demoniaca... y resulta que los vampiros también querían su pedazo del pastel...)
(*) Que no era mucha, la verdad, pero quedábamos los que quedábamos. Creo y estoy segura que inclusive el fandom japonés tampoco cruza(ba) a menudo estas series.
(**) También digo "principalmente" porque... por una razón le digo "desastre" a D*WD. Es una serie y franquicia que la quiero por cómo es, pero hay muchos elementos que se notan en el anime que fueron muy infrautilizados, o fueron ocurrencias o cambios muy tardíos que sólo podrían expandirse en otros canones (Y AÚN ASÍ, la calidad de los "cómo" están por todos lados). Tenía mucho potencial, y creo que por donde se pudo expandir, se pudo... pero, CIELOS... mucho potencial perdido.
(Como nota extra, la img que he visto compartida un par de veces como "prueba" de que DL y DW*D son "kinda canon mutuo" es de hecho de un crossover que la compañía hizo... para el día de los inocentes en 2016, cuya temática era algo como "nuestros leads te quieren TANTO... que van a encerrarte para que así les demuestras cariño por una eternidad")
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sugar-petals · 3 years
BTS HEADCANON: sleeping positions & habits with you
warnings. fluff, some smut, groping, oral (f receiving), pegging mentions, hand kink, watching r-rated stuff together
🌹 AUTHOR’s NOTE - some cuteness and a bit of crack 😄
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seokjin ➝ Since he always sleeps on his dorito back — with those shoulders it’s impossible to rest on the side — you can essentially park yourself on his chest. Free Kim estate, all yours as a playground, yes, for 0$. Yeah, the crook of the neck, just above the armpits as well. Snoozing there, or caressing him. But then again: For how long? Jin just can’t take cuddling seriously. You try to spoon each other to finally sleep but in either case, at least one person starts clowning around all over again. It just goes on and on. Oh gee, you two big brats, you. To give you an idea of the feeling, it’s like you just celebrated your or his birthday every time and you’re too hype to do anything, much less sleep one second. Does Jin ever rest? Where does his energy come from? What is going on? You end up blowing air into each other’s pajamas and hair, hop around on the mattress like a bouncy castle, do a boxing match, and almost knock over the water bottles on the nightstand. Absolute chaos. Sleeping is basically napping during the daytime in Jin’s dictionary I’m guessing.
taehyung ➝ Glued to you. Actual human velcro. Or sticking like a magnet, the closer the tighter the contact, whatever analogy you prefer. Taehyung needs you so much. You’re the most important person in the world to him, and you’ll feel it. Shit, Taehyung is super cute and clingy. It takes all the stress off your shoulders to see him like that. Kissing all the time, looking in your eyes, arms and legs wrapped around you. He suppresses it for most of the daytime because he knows most people don’t like it, but with a partner... he just lets it all out. Nuzzling his face into your belly while you read at night, your sweater, hugging your legs, crushing you with his whole dang weight until you’re flat like a pancake in the sheets (of course, he is too naive to realize he turned you into a 2D cartoon), tickling you with his hair. Jesus Christ it’s gonna take like three hours until he’s done. You can’t be any happier: Who even has a boyfriend like that. Thank God Taehyung has such a giant dick that takes ages to come alive, otherwise he’d be hard all the time from the two of you pressing against each other. There, I said it. So, yeah, you can go on and on wriggling against each other, Hoseok has to separate the two of you in the morning using WD-40 spray.
jimin ➝ What sleep? You’re fucking and squeezing each other all night. Forget anything else, kissy kissy is priority. One second of bedroom eyes and here it goes, clothes fly all over the place, the room’s in chaos. One second of puppy eyes, off we go with the grope sex, both of you trying to rub against the other’s every bit of skin. Who says for one round only. This shit goes on and on until he is assured you’re satisfied with fifty orgasms. He doesn’t have the perfect lips to suck your clit with no reason. If it’s not the tongue doing the talking, Jimin is infamous for keeping BTS up with endless talks as well, you will be no exception. Who wants to close their eyes if you can have time for bonding? You just chat and chat and watch movies and keep the whole contraception industry alive and well with your impossible levels of um certain product consumption. Lube however Jimin insists there’s no need to buy cuz he can make you wet any time. Not an empty promise, props to him. You’ll buy a pack anyway because pegging doesn’t work dry, even on the best ass in town, alright. 
jungkook ➝ Just so you know: You’re dealing with an absolute workaholic after all. He’s either knocked out from work and basically passes out randomly on his stomach, arms and legs hanging across the corners and edges of the bed. Or: the two of you watch anime until your eyes are red and dry at 4-flippin-AM. If it’s hentai, 5 AM because you’ll be having a fucking-showering-fucking-showering spree with deep kisses and slow sex. In any case, he falls asleep in perfect silence, mouth open, arms limp and spread out, legs crossed in his infamous ‘sleeping yoga teacher’ position that is simply puzzling. You haven’t seen anything like it before. JK works so hard, he seemingly has to meditate while he sleeps. The exhaustion is real. Complete shut-down. Jungkook has not once snored in his entire life. He talks in his sleep at best, and hugs you without knowing it. You debate whether you tell him or not. In case it’d embarrass him, you let it be, and think that one time he has to notice, or does he? God dammit, you literally wake up in his arms every morning without failure, he always does it. Even if the day wasn’t perfect or one of you has been moody, this habit is consistent as hell.  
yoongi ➝ Ah yes, the master of advanced sleep technology. Yoongi is the final boss in this game. A 10-hour dozing marathon tangled into a bundle with you, his easiest exercise, not even getting started there. You are Yoongi’s love battery, like a tiny cat he’s charged by your body heat. Yoongi’s new main place of residence is officially registered at the city council as the spot between your boobs so there’s that. The house and estate, that’s just a facade okay, trivial grounds to walk on. You practically live in bed as non-functional members of society because Yoongi says fuck capitalism and you said fuck ever physically detaching yourself from your designated little spoon. Now really, when he’s not producing this man wholly belongs in your arms. In the vertical world, Yoongi is a PDA skeptic unless holding hands is concerned. But in bed, little to no rules apply. Do whatever you want with the kitty. Head pats, forehead wakeup kisses, nuzzles, thigh squeezes, love bites, you can dump it all on him. Yoongi tends to adapt big time when it comes to when you wanna have sex with him as well. Listen, he will let you wake him up from his holy sleep if you wanna get fingered cuz hand kink, so. 
namjoon ➝ Since he’s so ginormous and his old bed isn’t big enough for two, you had to order a very specific new bed online and assemble it. Since Namjoon might be the creative head of BTS but the chief destroyer of all items in the human realm, Yoongi had to help out since the manual was so full of bs and confusion. Meanwhile, sorry Joonbug, you actually had to lock RM out of the room so he wouldn’t start tinkering with the screws out of his endless curiosity, or bend the wood planks into unintended shapes with those big ole muscles that are illegally strong and not yet fully coordinated with his IQ. Yoongi’s philosophy would eventually solve the manual issue (”Fuck that fucking shit, we use Jungkook’s iron fists as a human hammer.”) and now Joon and you had a brand new soft nest. With all his Ryan plushies in place, of course, a whole assembly. Joon definitely splays out during night time, drooling and accidentally, horizontally T-posing. He takes care to blow his nose and ditch drinking before sleep because when he snores, Seoul gets an earthquake. He has more bass vibrations than the subwoofers of Hobi’s studio, and those can really blast some heavy shit. Jungkook once recorded RM’s snoring and put a beat on it. It’s gonna be on his mixtape soon, watch out.
hoseok ➝ Man, how sweet can someone be. Hobi is too innocent. He’s the kinda man I mean boy I mean actual kiddo who wants to build a pillow fortress and eat porridge for bedtime. Endless hugs and snuggles, pecks and hair twirls, hour-long giggles and fights for the blanket. Namjoon has to lend you one so the war is settled permanently, and both of you insist it wasn’t serious at all which it wasn’t, the castle roleplay just got carried away. The resources are limited in your kingdom so the neighboring castle lord has to step in I guess. And if it comes to adulting, Hoseok is very ready to splurge. No, I’m not meaning sex toys. Your bed has the newest shit, ergonomic sustainable clinically tested pillows and whatnot. Even a pillow that helps with reading for extended periods of time, so. The bed is quite a favorite spot. Yes, to go at it anyway, god knows how much sex you’re having. Fifty thousand different positions, and Hobi is not afraid to take his dancing to the next level and just do it while lying down. Pretty energetic. And ironically, dozes cutely afterwards, cheek to cheek mumbling sweet things, and it’s lights out at the castle.
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© submissive-bangtan 2017-2021. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate. all depictions fictional.
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random daily headcanons that pop into my head pt. 2/?:
(anime: Boku no Hero Academia/My Hero Academia)
Everytime Tenya Iida takes a shower he gets his engines wet and they end up rusting after a while so he keeps dozens of cans of WD-40™ under his bed to get rid of the rust and after using he can run a little faster.
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espbee · 5 years
season 3 predictions -- manga spoilers ahead (obviously)!
this is all assuming season 2 ends with chapter 91 (the end of wd arc: mob wakes up, goes home, everyones like oh a broccoli? ok then) and maybe the tch shut up and eat omake
edit: okay so i was slightly off with what they ended with (they cut serizawa’s hair earlier instead of adding an omake) but other than that it all works!
tldr: there’s easily enough for a whole 12 episode season! a lot happens in 10 chapters
under a readmore because wow that got long
episode 1
mob’s future prospects assignment (ritsu: “u can be a magician!”)
serizawa now works at spirits and such (ft. reigen cutting serizawa’s hair and bones making it Gay)
there’s two minor cases: the cursed statue and the midlife crisis man.
im not sure what else could go in this episode tbh. maybe mob working out (aka the omake where he’s trying to kick the ball).
episode ends with dimple’s “my era” thing
episode 2
yokai hunter!
which of course also means culture festival
oh man im so excited for that serizawa content
AND for that inukawa content
shou’s there too... so many faves
just a good part overall (i usually forget this mini arc even exists but it’s actually really cute i love how dedicated mob and inukawa are to making the costume and how proud they are when it’s all finished)
episode 3
tsubomi sneezes
100% carried away
“dimple... why don’t you stop doing bad things?”
“the girls peek at you because you’re really handsome!”
mob buys The Shirt :)
lord psycho helmet reveal
it’ll probably end with mezato saying she forgot all about meeting up
OH or with shigeo painting (!!!) and looking over at his classmate drawing lord psycho helmet
as much as i like both of those ideas it’ll actually probably end with the lord psycho helmet reveal... but then is there enough content in that episode?
episode 4
opens mob’s friends getting brainwashed :(
reigen and mob watch the video
teru vs dimple!
minegishi at the flower shop
ritsu and reigen brainwashed
there’s actually a lot of content for this episode so some of this may be in episode 3. maybe the minegishi scene will be moved to back there or something
ends with mob approaching the broccoli
episode 5
keeping with episode 5 always being super emotional, this is the end of the divine tree arc! :)
mob vs teru... two!
also mob vs dimple...
dimple: that shirt is so lame! mob: 100% (this is also where the commercial break will be)
100% trust
*insert the scariest panel in all of mob psycho 100, but animated*
oh no im sobbing now. and so is mob :(
“dimple was a friend” mob’s crying here someone please give him a hug
episode 6
tome quits the telepathy club
the door opens. “it’s takenaka...”
tumblr user espbee goes absolutely feral
i dont think it’ll end with takenaka revealing he’s a telepath but if it does then i guess add the next stuff to episode 7
takenaka backstory :(
takenaka reads mob’s mind and changes his mind about helping them :)
i forgot musashi’s just there the whole time
serizawa turns reigen down :(
episode 7
the hiking trip!
i have a headcanon that we’ll see a mixture of mob and takenaka’s auras when everyone holds hands
i love this part so much... my heart...
mob’s so happy the entire time
the moe aliens dfkjsahfkarhjkdfs
goodbye inukawa
episode 8
announcement that tsubomi’s moving away
they moved the tsubomi hide and seek part to the marathon episode so im not sure what all is going to happen in this episode. maybe there’s an omake? edit: shut up and eat?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?! although that might be in the ova
lightning mcqueen kills kageyama “mob” shigeo
again, this follows the pattern of the other seasons: episode 8 is when everything Bad happens, it acts as a turning point (s1 = ritsu kidnapped, s2 = the fire)
oh no... we have to see it animated don’t we
i feel like it’s going to be a cliffhanger and end with him getting hit but if not it might end with teru approaching ???%
episode 9
mob vs teru... three!
the fight will probably take up the whole episode
press f to pay respects to teru’s hair
“i... am kageyama’s... boyfriend rival!”
i bet mob and ???%s conversation’s going to be in black and white (maybe paint on glass but it would be interesting if it simply looked like the manga but animated)
episode 10
mob vs koyama and sakurai
touichirou returns... ew 
everyone knows it’s mob but there’s no consequences to this? have we ever talked about that?
mob vs touichirou
shou time!
mob’s fighting himself... oh man those panels hurt to look at how’s it going to look animated
episode 11
mob vs body improvement club
mob vs ritsu (100% ritsu!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
they’re going to do flashbacks to the first ???% i just know it. oh nooo
episode 12
that part where mob’s face cracks is going to kill me
bones either makes the serirei umbrella scene super gay or just omits it all together
dimple returns
mob “vs” reigen... in which everybody cries
the ending theme’s going to play over the epilogue and i will cry
if anyone has any input please feel free to talk about it in the comments! this is just my guess but im curious what others think
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ladyscale · 6 years
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So now that the design for Pink Diamond has dropped, that leaves only White Diamond to yet be revealed.
Anyone know of the The Snow Queen, the 50s russian animated movie? The queen’s look definitely gives off White Diamond vibes, so she’s a faceclaim for WD in my headcanon.
... can you imagine the memes if White does end up with such strong features, tho?
#WD eyebrow game strong!  #White Diamond eyebrows on fleek!
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askullandbones · 7 years
Here you’ll find the common tags I use on this blog. This is intended to help you filter your tumblr as you see fit, and I don’t want to police what you have to see. If you feel like a tag should be added, please don’t hesitate to ask, nor should you ever feel bad about blocking a tag that makes you uncomfortable.
Wondering how to block tags? I wrote up a post about it HERE. Keep in mind it’s directed at those on PCs, not mobile.
#daily life with skull - A catch-all for anything about my daily life. This could be complaining about my parents, about something funny I saw that day, or even just pictures of nature.
#skull draws - My art.
#skull writes - My writing.
#skull answers - Answered asks.
#trans - I sometimes talk about being transgender and what comes with that. While I understand why someone might want to blacklist this tag, I also ask you to be aware of why you’re blacklisting this tag. I don't want transphobic people following me, especially terfs/radfems, so if I see that you are you're probably going to get blocked.
#ace #aro - Occasionally I’ll talk in detail about my experiences as asexual/aromantic. I’m very loud of my opinion that education of this sexuality/romantic orientation should be more widely talked about, and I encourage my followers to ask me for advice or talk about their own experiences. If you're acephobic, ace exclusionist, or think aces are just "cishets", you're not welcome on my blog and will be blocked.
#abusive parents - Occasionally I blog about my shitty parents.
#vulture culture #dead animal - I don’t post actual dead animals often, but I do collect skulls and have a general interest in dead things.
#stupid tumblr drama I shouldn’t get involved in - Honestly? Kinda self-explanatory. Can be basically anything I’ve seen recently that’s bugging me.
#ink #wilhelmina - My pets! Ink is a black cat so he will also be tagged ‘cats’ and Wilhelmina is a snake, who will be tagged accordingly if you happen to be afraid of snakes.
#fanart - Fanart of my characters or stories.
#goop #teach #wd #boa #dings #skull oc - My most commonly posted-about OCs.
#werewolf sona - The internet representation of myself. I’m a furry in denial.
#ask meme #draw meme - Those memes floating around where you ask/draw stuff sent in.
#undertale - Classic Undertale. Could be art. Could be something about the game mechanics, could be someone’s silly post or headcanons.
#underfell #underswap #ut mob #gangster au #dancetale #g!sans #gb!au - As far as I can remember these are the only aus I tag specifically.
#au - A catch-all for anything not grouped with the aus above is put in this category.
#handplates - While I enjoy this comic I know some don’t, so I like to make sure the comic itself stays tagged if anyone would like to blacklist it.
#shipping tag - While you’ll never find anything NSFW on this blog, I do like to tag obvious romantic or sexual relationships. If an image can still be construed as platonic I won’t tag it. I also don’t tag individual ships. I’m sorry if this makes things a little more difficult, but I just can’t keep track of all the names for them, so it’s best if you just blacklist ‘shipping tag’.
#art - All reblogged Undertale art.
#merch - Undertale merchandise.
#misc - Anything that isn’t Undertale. I usually only reblog non-Undertale related posts if they’re from a mutual.
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thecxmmissioner · 7 years
Headcanon file: Cait Sith & Reeve’s Inspire ability —
The line between where Cait Sith ends and Reeve begins isn’t always a clear one. This is made murkier by the fact that Cait Sith will sometimes speak directly on Reeve’s behalf, possibly giving the impression that he is merely an avatar and a mouthpiece. And, if one were to take Cait Sith apart, they would find only machinery: mythril bones, springs, nuts and bolts, WD-40. But no circuitry, no wires. No visible power source.
Reeve will pass Cait Sith off as a sophisticated AI, but the truth is magical rather than cybernetic; Reeve possesses the rare “Inspire” ability, something which is vaguely hereditary but seldom presents. There might be one or two people on the Planet with this ability in any given generation, but its existence is mostly rumored.
How does Reeve operate Cait Sith?
In a prototype version ( seen in BC ), Reeve built manual controls into Cait Sith that could be operated by anyone else, but in later versions he felt this was an unnecessary precaution that bogged down the process and removed it. His control over Cait Sith is entirely psychic.
Furthermore, he doesn’t need to control Cait Sith directly all the time. Cait Sith has his own personality and is capable of making his own decisions and actions, which can be overridden by Reeve when necessary, but for the most part Reeve just lets him operate on autopilot and monitors what’s going on. At these times, Cait Sith’s actions and surroundings will remain at the periphery of his awareness, but he does not need to focus on Cait Sith at all times in order for Cait to function.
However, when Reeve is asleep, unconscious, or impaired, Cait Sith will be as well, and will appear to be an unresponsive animatronic at these times. He is also capable of powering down Cait Sith when Reeve himself is awake and functioning, for any reason.
Where does Cait Sith’s personality come from?
In some ways, Cait Sith can be thought of as a facet of Reeve’s id. While Reeve is urbane and diplomatic, Cait Sith is an untethered jokester, often saying what’s on his mind regardless of whether or not it’s offensive ( such as when he tells Yuffie to shut her trap for calling Cid out on his casual misogyny ). These are not necessarily Reeve’s thoughts that are being expressed when Cait Sith says or does outrageous things, but rather what Reeve subconsciously thinks an uninhibited person might be like. He is not capable of changing Cait Sith’s personality to suit him.
There is another important thing that determines the inspired personality: the purpose and demeanor of the object brought to life. If Reeve brought a weapon to life, it would probably go on a murderous rampage. If Reeve brought a paperweight to life, it would probably just sit there. ( That said, an object generally needs to have moving parts in order to be Inspired. ) When he was a young child still exploring his abilities, he made this mistake by Inspiring life into one of his toys that became violent. After that, he adopted a personal policy of only Inspiring machines that he made himself, so that he would have greater control over their purpose.
Why a cat, and why is it named “Cait Sith”?
Young Reeve’s first foray into Inspiration resulted in the death of his beloved family cat, a dilute tuxedo shorthair that had been named for the creature of Kalmish legend which it resembled ( and its name slightly bastardized by a child’s pronunciation ). When Reeve began making his own animatronics to Inspire, he modeled and named it after the cat that had been killed.
Cait Sith is, of course, not an exact replica of the real cat that was his namesake, and he looks more like a toy than an actual animal. His cartoonish and friendly appearance are intentional design elements employed to effect his benign disposition. ( This is the other part of the reason why the resulting cat is a smart ass who enjoys games. It’s not a matter of Reeve going, “I think I’ll play a prank on Cloud today and tell Yuffie to stfu.” )
Multiple models, & the limitations of Cait Sith’s sentience
The body of Cait Sith was constructed by Reeve’s hands, and he is of course capable of simply building more bodies if the currently active one gets destroyed. But he is only capable of Inspiring one object at a time ( maybe two, for a short period, at the cost of physical and mental exhaustion ), so an army of Cait Siths is not a possibility.
There is also the matter that Cait Sith is a living entity, so while it may be relatively easy to replace him, there are moral and emotional factors to consider. While Reeve will prefer to risk the life of a Cait Sith over that of a human, he will not simply treat him like a drone that is completely expendable.
Each Inspired entity is unique with its own, individual self-awareness. However, it is also capable of knowing what Reeve chooses for it to know and mostly what Reeve subconsciously feels it would know. This is why the different models of Cait Sith seem to share a consciousness—because, in many ways, Reeve thinks of them as the same person, so therefore they are. But also, they are not, and each one is keenly aware of its own creation and eventual demise.
Reeve’s ability to know all that Cait Sith knows does not go the other way. Reeve is very capable of withholding knowledge from Cait, and Cait is capable of forming opinions about people and topics that are very different from Reeve’s opinions on the same people and topics. If Cait Sith expresses an opinion on something, it is not necessarily Reeve’s opinion being expressed ( such as the shock expressed by Cait Sith in response to certain plot developments that Reeve would have already known about ), although Reeve is also capable of taking over Cait and using him to express his own thoughts and opinions ( such as when he calls Barret out on the destructiveness and hypocrisy of AVALANCHE ).
( As a side note, Reeve and Cait Sith probably have conversations at home all the time, as they are two entities with separate thoughts. )
Others would not necessarily know when Cait Sith is speaking on his own and when Reeve is speaking through Cait Sith except for context. The speech would still sound the same, and Cait Sith would still emote as though he were communicating his own thoughts and not simply reciting Reeve’s ( but Cait Sith does know the difference ).
Reeve truly loves Cait Sith, who occupies a space somewhere between pet, child, and creation in his heart. He is family to Reeve, and that’s a large part of the reason why the models he builds never vary greatly. If he simply made a different kind of animatronic, it wouldn’t be Cait Sith.
The mog that Cait Sith rides during his journey with AVALANCHE, however, is not sentient, and was only built as a device for Cait Sith to ride and control in battle in order to make him a more useful fighter that AVALANCHE would be better persuaded to take along.
As for his fortune-telling ability... That remains a complete mystery to Reeve.
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