#photographer Viv
lepeltge · 3 months
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The Joseon Era vs The Post-War Era
This is Seonghwa and Hongjoong in @nnnnnnnothingtoseehere ‘s mythology au!! Seonghwa is a daltokki (the lunar rabbit) and Hongjoong is a bake-danuki (a tanuki/shapeshifter).
I’ll let N go into more detail, but the two have known each other since the Joseon era. The two got separated during the Japanese colonial period and they don’t find each other again until the 1950s after the war. There’s more to it, but that’s a secret for now 🤫
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mead-iocre · 3 months
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Squeak! | Viviannne Miedema x Wife!Reader
synopsis: the best thing about writing fiction is that you could do whatever you want. In this one, Viv signs a new contract with Arsenal.
warnings: nothing. just pure fluff
word count: 2.5k
Squeak! Squeak! 
Squeak! Squeak!
You smile at the sight of your two loves walking hand in hand ahead of you. One was tall, dressed in a full Arsenal kit minus the football boots, and her hair in its signature messy bun. The other one was small, tiny by comparison, and her hair was split into two cute little pigtails. She was dressed in a romper that should not have taken as long as it did to put on this morning, but as a mum you have learned to pick and choose your battles, and letting your two-year old decide what to wear to mama’s special day was a fight you were not going to win. 
Hence why your daughter is currently strutting around the Emirates stadium in her favourite yellow trainers, embossed with little yellow ducks. And they squeak with every step too. 
Every. Single. Step. 
You mentally curse Lotte for the shoes, a gift she had given Evie for her last birthday and ever since then they were your little girl’s favourite shoes. Lotte was also kind enough to buy the shoes in multiple sizes, so you won’t be parting with the squeaky shoes any time soon. 
“Mummy!” You snap out of your thoughts at the sound of Evie’s voice. She and Viv were a few steps in front of you, your daughter was looking back at you and pointing towards the sliver view of the pitch peaking up ahead. “the pitch, mummy!”
You smile and speed up sightly, catching up to the two. When you reach them, you smooth a hand down Evie’s hair, pushing back the little curls that have escaped her pigtails. 
“Mama play football? Aunty Steffy where?”
“No, Ducky. Mama’s just going to take pictures– for the contract signing, remember” Viv picks up Evie in her arms, and your little girl happily snuggles in her mama’s arms. You and Viv share a look over your daughter’s head, with you telephonically thanking her with your eyes for putting an end to the squeaking nosies. You mentally remind yourself to hide the squeaking shoes at the back of the cupboard later.
You, Viv with Evie in her arms, and the photographer walk through the tunnel until you reach the pitch; the slightly tangy, earthly smell of the freshly cut grass is almost jarring. You could hear the photographer explain to Viv how he wants the photos to look, and you almost laugh when you spot your daughter now sitting up in Viv’s arms– her eyes bright and little cherubic face listening to the photographer just as intently as her mama. People always say Evie looks like you– but her expressions and mannerisms are all Viv. 
“Okay. Let’s take a couple of pictures with you standing in the middle of the pitch, facing the south stand and then we’ll take a few by the stands” With a thumbs up, the photographer goes over to a little studio set up and already waiting on the pitch. 
“Right. Mama’s got to go take pictures now, Ducky.” Viv crouches and places Evie down, doing her best to ignore the pout already forming on her little lips. “Stay with Mummy, okay” 
But another trait your daughter had adopted from her mama is her stubbornness. “Ducky go to! Ducky take pictures, pleeeease” Evie drawing out the ‘e’, her sweet drawl a mix of both of yours and Viv's accents. She hugs Viv’s leg, looking up at her mama with those pretty doe eyes. 
Evie knows exactly how to play her mama. Viv would do anything for your daughter, especially when she would look up at her with the same eyes that mirror yours. You try to stifle a laugh when your wife looks to you for help, her hazel eyes pleading with you to be the bad guy this time because she was definitely not going to do it. You knew that if you did not step in, Viv would do the photoshoot with her daughter on her hip just because Evie demanded it.
“Ducky, come stay with mummy. We can play football while we wait for Mama” You reach into your bag and pull out a soft mini football, waving it enticingly at your sitting pouty daughter. At the sight of the ball, you see Evie’s grip on Viv's leg loosen slightly.
Just like her footballer Mama, your daughter loved football. You and Viv had signed her up for classes as soon as she could run on her little chubby legs, and so far she looked forward to all of her weekly lessons. 
You step closer, crouching down and opening your arms for her. “Come on, Ducky. Maybe you can have a turn for photos with Mama later” 
“Photos with Mama? later?” Evie looks up to Viv for confirmation, and when she gets a nod in return, your daughter grins and skips straight into your arms. Crisis averted. 
Viv leans down to give you a kiss, pecking your lips sweetly before giving Evie a raspberry on neck which earns her that sweet melodic giggle. “I’ll be quick, love. Have fun with Mummy, Ducky” 
With one last smooch for the both of you, she turns and walks off.
You and Evie watch as Viv jogs towards where the photographer is waiting. You were so proud of her. She had been contemplating this for a while– whether to sign a contract extension or begin a new challenge somewhere else. You could tell Viv has been yearning for something new, never someone who likes to settle and be comfortable. She thrives off of being spontaneous (the opposite of you), and not making plans.
Before having Evie, Viv would angsty when she has nothing to do at home. For a while, Viv had expressed the possibility of wanting to transfer clubs and you were supportive of her. You were lucky enough to have a job that allowed you to work remotely from anywhere, so the only thing that you both would need to worry about is finding a new toddler football class for your daughter. However, Viv felt that now was not the time for a change as big as this one. She has a lot of ties to Arsenal, not just contractually but personally. She loved her teammates– teammates that have quickly become family over the years. It would’ve been really hard to leave all of that behind.
So she agreed to the contract extension during the last meeting, and since then it’s been like a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders. Now, she is taking pictures for the announcement, which you have no doubt fans are eagerly anticipating based on the buzz on social media. 
You are snapped out of your thoughts when the football you were holding is snatched out of your hands. 
“play ball, Mummy! Ducky play now!” Evie places the ball onto the ground, and then takes a few steps back. You laugh when her face contorts into an expression you have seen so often on your wife’s face whenever she’s on the football pitch– eyes narrowed into little slits, rosy lips pressed tight together in concentration– a mini Viv in the making.
Evie runs as fast as her little legs could carry her towards the football. She kicks the ball with her left leg, sending it rolling a few feet away, and then proceeds to run after it; her little blonde curls bouncing behind her, and her yellow shoes squeaking alongside her. 
After Viv finishes taking pictures around the pitch– even taking a few with you and Evie as she promised– you are led into the office where the contract signing and the final picture-taking is due to happen. You and Viv greet Jonas with a hug, and he enthusiastically high-fives Evie, oohing-and-ahhing over her yellow shoes when she points them out to him. 
You spot the familiar looking set up where numerous of contract signings have taken place over the past couple of years. The white backdrop littered with Arsenal logos, the mahogany brown desk, and the matching chair that bares the physical contract and a pen beside it, just waiting to be signed. 
“Love, they want pictures of us” Viv waves you over to another spot in the room that overlooks the pitch thanks to the floor-to-ceiling windows. Quickly checking on Evie, you find her standing by the desk, fully engrossed in staring at the wall displaying the club’s history and relics. You make your way over to stand beside Viv. 
“We’ll just a couple photos of the two of you here, and then we can move onto the signing” The photographer tells you both, a camera poised and ready in his hands. You lean into Viv, feeling her wrap an arm around your waist to pull you close, and you both smile for the photo. The photographer counts you down for the picture just as Viv lets out the biggest full-body sneeze you had ever witnessed.
The sound was so sudden and forceful that everyone, including the photographer, jumped. Viv's hair blew up comically, and her face scrunched up in an exaggerated sneeze expression. The photographer, momentarily startled, managed to snap the photo just at that moment.
For a split second, there was silence, and then the entire room bursts into laughter– with your laugh being the loudest. You had tears pooling in the corner of your eyes by the time you managed to calm yourself down. After getting over her initial embarrassment, Viv couldn’t help but laugh along, hiding her face behind you.
Squeak! Squeak! 
Squeak! Squeak!
“Oh god” Viv wipes at her nose, her cheeks still slightly pink. “Sorry ‘bout that everyone!” You palm her face towards your to access any damage. 
“You’re good, love. No discharge” There’s a huge cheeky grin on your face. 
“Gross. Don’t call it that” Viv rolls her eyes, but gives you a shy smile, still embarrassed by the whole thing. 
“Would you rather I call it snot then?” “No!” Viv laughs and then turns to the photographer. “Let’s take another one, and this time I’ll try my best not to sneeze”
“–but she can’t promise that” “–no promises though” You both say at the same time, drawing more chuckles from everyone in the room. 
Squeak! Squeak!
The photographer turns to the two of you and you both resume your poses from earlier. With one hand on the shutter button and the hand counting down from 3, the photographer takes the pictures. You paste a smile on your face, leaning into Viv
“Mama! Mummy! Ducky draw! Ducky draw!” 
You’re pretty sure you got whiplash from how quickly your head snap towards where your daughter’s voice was coming from. You crane your head and sure enough, she was jumping up and down gleefully, aggressively waving a white piece of paper in one hand like she was one of those flag wavers at the end of a race. In her other hand you can see what looks to be a pen. 
“Evelyn!” “Evelyn!”
Your daughter immediately stops jumping at the sound of her full name, the bright smile of her face dimming slightly. She knows it means that she’s in trouble. You and Viv rush over to where she’s standing right behind the desk, and sure enough Viv’s contract extension that is worth a lot of money is filled with scribbles and lines all across the bottom of the page. 
You eye your wife, wanting to follow her lead on how to handle since this was supposed to be her day. Viv just stares at her contract that is now full of squiggly lines and illegible handwriting. For a moment only silence fills the room. 
“…Well, guess you can’t sign me now. Someone already beat me to it!” 
You break first, giggling, and soon the rest of the room follows. 
“I reckon she’s a better signing than you, Viv” Jonas calls out from the other side of the room, beckoning more laughter. 
In the midst of everyone laughing about the whole situation, Viv turns and crouches down to your daughter– the mini human sized embodiment of mischief and trouble. She’s quiet now, probably sensing that she’s in a bit of trouble. 
“Ducky, this paper was very important and it was only for Mama to write on”
“Oh” A pout forms on your little rosy lips, and then silence as your toddler tries to make sense of the situation as best as she could at two. 
“…sorry Mama” Evie rushes forward, throwing her arms around her Mama’s neck, almost throwing Viv off balance. Viv stands to her full height, toddler in her arms and gives you a wink. 
“Thank you, Ducky. Next time, please ask Mama or Mummy first, okay, you can’t write on things that are not for you to write on, Ducky” Viv rocks her from side to side, her tone gentle yet firm, and so full of love. 
Jonas walks over to you all and places a new, clean, squiggle-free copy of the contract on the table. “Thank god for printing machines. We can print as many copies as needed” 
When it was finally time for Viv to sign the contract she was seated in front of a fresh, unwritten contract with a pen right beside it. Next to her, Evie was seated on her own chair– boosted up with a few pillows stacked on top of one another– with her very own copy of a contract and a pen. 
You watch, standing behind Evie, as Viv signs the contract that will keep her at her home away from home for a few more seasons. A club of people and colleagues that have witnessed your relationship from the very beginning, have witnessed you grow from a family of two to a family of three, and a place that will continue to be your second home for the time being. You were so excited for what’s to come for Viv and the rest of the team. 
As you watch your wife sign her name and signature on the dotted line, you glance over to her left and smile at the sight of your daughter doing the exact same thing– except she was drawing lines and squiggles on her very own contract. 
For the first time in Arsenal’s club history, two people pose for their contract signing– Vivianne Midema and Evelyn Miedema.
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two blurbs in one week?! who is sheeeeee
but I was feeling pretty inspired during the last couple of days, hence another fic featuring Viv and reader's daughter, Ducky. I had this idea before Viv announced that she was leaving Arsenal, but I still wanted to write it regardless lol.
I was just introduced to Stardew Valley on the switch and now I'm obsessed (I know I'm yearssss late).
I appreciate yall always,
-- butter.
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
The Kids
Alexia's Daughters
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Bambi Putellas -> From Injured -> Age 3-4 -> Accident -> Future Ballerina -> False Confidence By Noah Kahan -> Lives in The Little Bambi Ballerina Verse
Pequeñita Putellas -> From Tears -> Age 3-4 -> IVF -> SPD -> Future Artist -> Fluffles the chinchilla -> ❤️ Teeny Engen-León -> Lives in The Little Artists Verse
Mija Putellas -> From Perfect -> Age 1 -> Adopted -> Future Attacking Midfielder
Mapi and Ingrid's Daughters
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Bebita Engen-León -> From Difficult -> Age 1-3 -> Happy Accident -> Future Motocross & MotoGP Rider -> Counting Stars by One Republic -> Lives in The Little Hive Verse
Sunshine Engen-León -> From Heart -> Age 4 -> Adopted -> Heart Transplant -> Future Photographer -> Starshine and Moonshine the lovebirds 🐦
Cub León -> From Surgery -> Age 2-4 -> Happy Accident -> ADHD -> Future Cat Café Owner -> Garfield and León-León the cats 🐈 -> Lives in The Little Troublemakers Verse
Skatt Engen -> From Secret -> Age 0-1 -> Happy Accident -> Future Entomologist -> Lives in The Little Fauna Verse
Teeny Engen-León -> From Tattoos -> Age 2-3 -> Happy Accident -> Future Artist -> Mr Pina the hedgehog 🦔 -> ❤️ Pequeñita Putellas -> Lives in The Little Artists Verse
Ingrid's Sister
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Nena Engen -> From Nena -> Age 4 -> Natural -> Future Defender (Centreback) -> Lives in The Little Sisters Verse
Frido's Sister
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Älskling Rolfö -> From Kidnapped -> Age 0-1 -> Adopted -> Future Detective -> Lives in The Little Troublemakers Verse
Katrina and Clara's Daughter
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Bubs Gorry -> From Grouchy -> Age 0-1 -> IVF -> Future Film Director -> ❤️ Angel Catley -> Orpheus by Vincent Lima -> Lives in The Little Tillies Verse
Sam and Kristie's Daughter
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Chook Mewis-Kerr -> From Torn -> Age 5 -> IVF -> Epilepsy -> Future Palaeontologist, PhD -> Lives in The Little Troublemakers Verse
Ellie and Daan's Daughter
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Pipsqueak Van De Donk -> From Breakfast -> Age 8 -> IVF -> Future Gymnast -> Lives in The Little Tillies Verse
Mary's Sister
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Rugrat Earps -> From Read -> Age 5 -> Natural -> Future English Professor, PhD -> Lives in The Little Sisters Verse
Alessia's Sister
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Tesoro Russo -> From Copy -> Age 3-4 -> Natural -> Future Striker -> Lives in The Little Sisters Verse
Leah and Jordan's Daughter
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Bug Williamson-Nobbs -> From Outburst -> Age 3-4 -> Adopted -> Future Striker -> ❤️ Bear Walsh-Bronze -> Lives in The Little Hive Verse
Leah's Sister
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Bean Williamson -> From Playing Favourites -> Age 4 -> Natural -> Future Defender (Centreback) -> Lives in The Little Sisters Verse
Lucy and Keira's Daughters
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Peanut Walsh-Bronze -> From Travel Day -> Age 4 -> IVF -> ADHD -> Future Defensive Midfielder -> Lives in The Little Besties Verse
Bear Walsh-Bronze -> From Broken -> Age 3-4 -> Adopted -> Narcoleptic -> Future Year 1 Teacher -> ❤️ Bug Williamson-Nobbs -> Lives in The Little Hive Verse
Pup Walsh-Bronze -> From Dogs -> Age 3 -> Adopted -> Future Wolf Sanctuary Worker
Katie and Rue's Daughter
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Kiddo Littlejohn-McCabe -> From End of the World -> Age 3-4 -> IVF -> Anxiety -> Future Child Therapist -> Baby the cat 🐈
Beth and Viv's Daughters
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Liefje Mead -> From Sharks -> Age 4 -> IVF -> Future Shark Biologist, PhD -> Carpet the shark 🦈 -> Lives in The Little Besties Verse
Munchkin Meadema -> From Video -> Age 1 -> Adopted -> Future Doctor -> Lives in The Little Medics Verse
Pernille and Magda's Daughter
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Princesse -> From Big Adventures -> Age 0-Adult -> IVF -> Anxiety -> Future Goalkeeper -> Prins the dog 🐕, Reina the cat 🐈, Kung the bunny 🐇 -> ❤️ Natalia Guijarro (OC) -> Long Live (Taylor's Version) By Taylor Swift -> Lives in The Big Adventures Universe
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snoopyracing · 1 month
re: our "normal girl" conversation earlier... could I get Lando + 2 from your fluff prompt list? 🥺
my sweet viv ❤️ here you go!!
lando + "you're beautiful, you know that right?"
you never thought you would have ended up in a relationship with someone famous, let alone a formula driver.
the driver in question? lando norris.
the guy who had a track record of only being seen with or dating models. something you were the complete opposite of. you didn't have millions of followers on instagram with thousands of men flocking to your comments or dms to try and get your attention. your account was private with not even 500 followers and you liked it that way. you didn't treat the paddock like your own personal runway (not that there was anything wrong with that) but it was just not you. you had a normal job and sometimes couldn't make it to every one of lando's races and he understood that. you were just the opposite of everything the "model" f1 wag "should" be.
all you wanted to do was live your life the way you wanted and support your boyfriend. something that many people apparently had an issue with. they would try and say you weren't good enough for lando, or that he was going to cheat on you, anything to get under your skin. they would constantly compare your to the other wags, trying to pit you against each other. which honestly made you laugh because you were good friends with some of them.
it just amazed you that people were so upset about you living a normal life and that somehow lando was in love with someone that didn't look like they came straight off of the cover of vogue.
you knew lando loved you and for some time you had been able to just brush off the hate, but eventually even the strongest person breaks.
lando knew something was off when you refused to walk with him through the paddock. telling him that you would show up later. he didn't pry though, figuring if something was truly wrong you would tell him. so he gave you a kiss goodbye and told you he would see you later. it wasn't that you didn't want to go with lando. it was that you didn't want a million cameras on you capturing content of you for everyone to nitpick. you prayed that you could sneak in behind some crew members and not be noticed.
and when the time came you truly thought your plan was working until you accidently made eye contact with one of the hundreds of photographers and in an instant a camera was in your face. by the time you made it to lando's driver room you were on the verge of crying and when you saw those pretty blue eyes of his staring back at you you couldn't help but let the tears fall.
lando pulled you into his chest his arms wrapping around you as to protect you from whatever had made you break down like this. "what's got my girl so upset? you've been off all day."
the soothing sound of lando's voice and his strong arms wrapped around you told you that as much as your didn't want to tell him, you knew you had to. so as the two of you stood there in his tiny drivers room, you let everything out. you didn't want to be a bother, didn't want to stress him out or have him think you were a crybaby, but a person can only take so much.
when lando heard how much you had been struggling with things his heart broke. he knew people for some odd reason hated that you were 'normal' and found any little thing to poke fun at you for. he tried to protect you from it, but in this day and age of the internet there is truly no escaping it. and to see you broken like this in his arms put a sour taste in his mouth. as much as he shouldn't have to deal with hate, he had gotten used to it. he was an athlete people were never going to be happy with him, but you shouldn't be hated for simply existing and for loving him.
"hey look at me-" he tucked his finger under your chin, lifting your head up towards him. "you're the most beautiful girl in the world, you know that right? i love you so much it drives me crazy. and it hurts to see you hurting because of me. fuck anyone who doesn't think we aren't meant to be or that you aren't good enough for me. you're everything and more to me. you love and support me unconditionally and i couldn't ask for more than that. i'm gonna put out a statement about the hate. the love of my life should not be afraid to walk with me anywhere. and if anyone has a problem they can say it to my face."
you stood in awe at him. his words making you cry more, but only out of love. you couldn't believe you had managed to have a man like lando in your life. who was so open with his feelings and never made you doubt just how much he loved you.
"i love you more than words can describe lan."
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muddyorbsblr · 3 months
evening standard magazine (batch 1)
So some new/old photos of Tom popped up today from his shoot for Evening Standard Magazine back in 2013…also the watermark will be retained on these because I respect fan creators, and these photos were released to a fanpage so the wm stays. It's corporations I disrespect (so Getty and Shutterstock will forever catch these hands) 🫡
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And while I was at it I went ahead and took a look at the photographer's page as well as the original article and…lemme just bring these photos back to y'alls attention real quick
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Tomathy with a glove?! None of these thoughts are in the Bible--
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Someone help me I've fallen victim to the thots again--
@lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @michelleleewise @mochie85 @fictive-sl0th @xorpsbane @ladyofthestayingpower @maple-seed @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @acidcasualties @liminalpebble @alexakeyloveloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @mischief2sarawr @simplyholl @vbecker10 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @lokiprompts @give-me-a-moose @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @wheredafandomat @caffiend-queen @km-ffluv @kikster606 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @littlelokilad @glitchquake @gigglingtiggerv2 @november-rayne @viv-annelore @five-miles-over @gruftiela @coldnique @smirkingkitten @raqnarokr @jaidenhawke @mrs-illyrian-baby @tallseaweed @chantsdemarins @cabingrlandrandomcrap @jiyascepter @cl-0-vr ++
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lacrimosathedark · 3 months
As a big time Radioapple shipper, I would love it if Radioapple writers didn't like, bash Lilith?
I've seen a handful of writers make Lilith downright abusive. Saying Lucifer's ducks are ridiculous, that his dreams are outlandish, even going so far as to say he's useless or pathetic. This is often used to highlight the difference between Lilith and Alastor when Alastor is shockingly understanding, as if Lilith wouldn't be and is portrayed as and ice queen. Which is nothing like what little we know of her.
The intro says she inspired demonkind. In the pilot, there are posters of her encouraging Sinners to resist against the Exterminations. Charlie is so sure that Lilith would support her hotel. The paintings in Lucifer's office show a loving, happy family.
People who love each other can grow apart without either being outright abusive.
Lucifer's Fall came with a great deal of despair, exacerbated by the cruelty he saw in Sinners. His depression was in direct opposition to Lilith's hopes.
And then there's his AuDHD, which probably leads to him focusing on one thing or another and losing track of time, time he could be spending with his family. Not like he means to be away, it just happens.
And of course he's so socially awkward and Lilith is inspirational, so any "royal duties" probably fell on Lilith's shoulders rather than Lucifer's.
That's a lot of strain on the relationship without either one being particularly cruel or at fault. Just drifting apart.
It's possible Lilith kept Charlie from Lucifer when they split, but there's so many reasons she could have done that. If he got focused on something, he might not pay enough attention to her and she get hurt for example. There's also the possibility of anything Lilith was doing behind Lucifer's back to help Hell have something to do with Charlie.
And Lucifer is still wearing his ring, keeps up family portraits as a reminder. If there was any resentment for her at all, he could have covered up Lilith. We've seen Blitzø scribble out his own face in photographs and scribbled over Verosika on his calendar, and Stolas cover all portraits and revealing only Octavia. It's not out of the realm of possibility. But he didn't and he keeps that reminder of her with him.
And while very much not canon, I've seen Viv like fanart of Lucifer showing his ducks to Lilith and her loving them. Lucifer is adorable and do you think he was any LESS silly before his hopes were shattered? No! If anything, he was probably SILLIER when she fell in love with him. All that creative power and imagination, only scolding to dampen his sparkle, and not scolding from Lilith. He would tell her all about his funny ideas and would she have married him if she didn't love that about him?
Lucifer and Lilith were very much in love at first. The only hint we have that Lilith is actually a horrible person is that the person that is presumably her made some deal with Adam and has been chilling somewhere outside of Hell for the last seven years without telling her daughter anything at all. Which there could be so many reasons for.
And that dark look she gave to Lute doesn't have to be her being annoyed at having to go back to Hell to her family. Lute is a bitch, and also just called Lilith's daughter a bitch. Like...do you expect her to smile at her??? Lute sucks. (for the record, I hate her as a character, which I think means she's a good character. And her voice is AMAZING and I need to hear her sing more after You Didn't Know because WOW)
All that is to say, a separation doesn't have to be from abuse and it can still be hard to move on. AND you don't have to hate your ex to move on to dating someone else.
You don't need to villainize Lilith to make Alastor look good. Part of Alastor's appeal is that he's a complex contradictory bastard. If you want his behavior compared to something to make him look good, use his past actions. If he's getting kinder, sweeter, more understanding, his old antagonism would contrast it. And if you want to use someone else, Adam's right there! And he SUCKS! (I like him as a character tho, he's hilarious)
I don't like shipping Lucifer with Adam, but I know some people do, and I also like the idea that they were friends before everything fell apart. But Adam is all the negative things Alastor is not.
Both of them are prideful, but so is Lucifer. And Alastor generally wields his pride with grace while Adam never shuts the fuck up about himself.
Adam clearly has little to no respect for women, just by how he treats Lilith and Vaggie and even Charlie. Alastor holds women in high regard, and most of the people he seems to have actual relationships with are women, Niffty, Rosie, Mimzy, and even Charlie.
Adam is always talking about sex and bragging about how much he fucks, and says that Charlie and Vaggie's relationship is "hot as fuck" which, ew. Alastor, meanwhile, is (obliviously) asexual, has a general disregard for sexuality, and open disdain for hypersexuality.
Adam is very openly uncouth and brash and rude and constantly swearing. Alastor is vicious, but he is charming and genteel all the while, and swears a whole of three four times in season one. First, the "Fuck you" to Lucifer in Episode Five (it took him that long to swear ONCE), and then twice in Episode Eight, once when first letting loose in his fight against Adam, and second when he was stunned right before getting wounded (edit addition: and also once in Episode Seven when he called Susan an "ornery old bitch" and I have NO IDEA how I forgot that). Adam drops cunt in the first episode.
Adam is also an open book where Alastor is a puzzle hidden behind a smile.
If you wanna compare Alastor, or anyone else you'd ship Lucifer with, to someone he might have been close to from all the way back in Eden times, Lilith isn't the only option there.
Let Lilith say one word before you decide she's evil, yeah?
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viviiyon · 3 months
Hey viv, i need advice on picking colors like how do u usually pick colors for artwork cuz when i pick colors they look ugly, do you have to use specific colors or smth?(srry if i was asked you too many questions last time they really helped me improve)
Alrightt I’m gonna give some general pointers below (since tbh colorpicking will vary HEAVILY based on what youre going for so there’s rarely much step by step that’s set in stone-
Anyways first, I’d recommend having color references, these can be like artworks, photographs, colorpalettes, etc that have a similar vibe to what you’re going for
I’ll put an example of each-
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Can’t exactly put the full last one yet cause I’m gonna post that soon uh- (but you get the idea)
Those basically function as the base / main guiding point for what you wanna achieve :00
Secondly, make FULLLLL use of blending modes (mess around with the opacity, saturation, lightness, etcc)
I’ll list down some i commonly use & their functions
Multiply: darkens the piece
Hard light: whatever color you put on this layer will essentially push that piece towards that color
Hard light & multiply (when filled w dark colors) can both be used to create more emphasis / value to the piece, but in my experience, the difference I observed is that multiply doesn’t increase the saturation of the piece as much as hard light does
For instance:
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Small difference but it has an eventual effect on the piece
Overlay: increases contrast in relation w the hue of the color used
Soft light: basically the diet version of hard light, but kindof can also function as a less contrasty overlay
Add: lightens the colors below, good for lighting / glow
Color dodge: similar to add, but if you lower the opacity, it looks a little different
Hopefully the explanation was understandable :'DD I'm no means any professional but these are just based on my personal trial & error and what I end up settling in for now :00
Once again if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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wosowrites · 1 year
Kids and Katie (Katie Mccabe x Reader)
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warnings: mentions of su1c1de, slight smut
a/n: longest fic i’ve written in a while and it’s based off this request here
prompt: Katie’s and you are out on short term injury so you bring Katie’s godchildren to watch the game together.
When katie twisted her ankle, she got ruled out for a month. She was pissed, but secretly a little grateful. In all honesty, she needed the break. Her friends and her godchildren were set to be in town for a week and she had been worried about not spending enough time with them due to training and games. As her best friend, you had been in charge of telling her she was a great god parent and that her friends and their kids would come to the arsenal games and that she would spend the perfect amount of time with them. But then she got injured and she was off the hook. For you though, playing without Katie felt weird. You would scan the field for her because you knew she was somehow always open and then you would remember that she was injured. That didn’t last long though, as in a game vs Reading where you were winning 5-0, their keeper got angry and scared as you started sprinting towards her with the ball on a breakaway. Katie, of course, was sitting in the stands and saw the whole thing go down. She saw their keeper run out of her box and body slam you, sending you flying backwards, body crashing into the turf and head smacking against the ground. You didn’t move for a solid ten minutes, your head throbbing horrifically and realizing that you had been knocked out.
But eventually you got up and got stretched off the field. It was nothing but a nasty concussion but that did lead you to be sitting in the stands watching Arsenal take on another opponent. Only this time, you had two boys and a girl with you. You had told Katie’s friends that they should walk around the city without their kids for a bit, and had taken the responsibility to babysit Katie’s godchildren for the day.
So, you entered the stadium through the players entrance, Katie holding the hands of the two older boys, and you carrying ten month old Aya in your arms. You specifically made it clear to the Arsenal media and photographers to not take any pictures of the kids faces, and they of course, agreed. Although you and the kids parents knew that bringing them to the stadium meant that pictures of you and their kids would be taken, they didn't seem to mind, but you did.
"Who are these little munchkins?" Leah said as she walked up to you and Katie, smiling at the two boys and the heading over to the little baby girl you were holding. "That's Aya and this is Liam and Will," Katie said, pointing to each of the kids, "they're my godchildren," she added. "Someone trusted you with their kids if they-" Viv made a quick signal of slitting her throat with her thumb, "-D-I-E" she added. "Oh shut up Vivianne!" Beth said, shoving her and smiling at Katie. "Katie would be a great mother," she said, trying to reassure the Irishwoman. "You know who else would be a great mother? Y/n." Viv added, winking before walking away. You were left blushing furiously. trying to hide your face with Aya as Beth apologized for her girlfriends behaviour. "She's not wrong though," Katie said as you made your way up the stairs of the stadium to sit at the top, hopefully away from watchful eyes. "Not wrong about what?" you asked, looking at Katie as she stopped walking up the stairs.
"You would be a good mum."
She left it there, the boys tugging on her arm and rushing her to hurry up the stairs.
You sat in your seat beside Katie, your heart pounding.
Maybe a little context was necessary.
Three months ago, you did something you never ever did, you got blackout drunk. Your sister had just committed after fighting a silent battle with mental health for years. It took you about three days to fully process that your sister was gone. She had attempted when you were 13, and again when you were 17, but you had always found her and always watched out for her. You felt as though you had failed her.
So you got drunk, super drunk. So drunk that Viv and Beth, who lived in the apartment down the hall from you got woken up by the sound of an extremely loud crashing sound. The sound in question was you breaking your glass coffee table. They had rushed over, found you lying on the couch, sobbing and bloody from the cuts the glass had given you. And in the fit of mumbling and crying, you said something about Katie. They told you the next morning that your exact words had been. "How is she so blind. I've liked Katie for two years. You guys see that, right?"
So now they knew your secret, they knew about your soft, very soft spot for the Irishwoman, and you didn't know what to do about it. And maybe it shouldn't have, but seeing how well she sealed with kids turned you on more than you could ever have admitted.
But you focused on the game. No way you could sit there, thinking things about Katie with her godchildren around. You weren't that delusional... right? Right.
Aya had soundproof headphones over her ears and she was an all around angel. The twins, however, were a bit much. Will wanted to run around and Liam just wanted to do whatever Will was doing, so the mix was not good.
In the 20th minute, Arsenal scored and the stadium went insane, which made the twins freak out. "Beth! Can you please take Aya till we get the twins to calm down because they're driving Katie insane and-" you started saying, turning to Beth who was beside you. "Yeah, yeah hand her over," Beth said quickly as she took Aya who was just chilling. You thanked her and rushed over to Will who had escaped Katie. Liam was tucked away soundly under Katie's arm, the woman unbothered by the boys kicking.
You were quick, and smart, it was a combination Katie liked about you. So it wasn't hard for you to hop over the last row of chairs and snatch Will.
"William O'Sullivan. If you calm down right now I'll give you ten bucks, a freezie and I'll let you play punching bag with Katie," you whispered in his ear, all while Katie watched you. You moved to look into his eyes. "Okay. Deal. But first you gotta kiss Katie first because mum and dad say that you two are lovers who don't know it yet and mum and dad kiss all the time and they love each other so..."
You almost choked at the little boy's words, shock growing on your face. It took you a hot second to recover from the ambush, a second in witch you looked over at the Irishwoman, who gave you a raised eyebrow before looking back at the boy. "Freezie, 10 bucks, Katie punching bag or time out," you repeated, adding the threat of a punishment. "Fine!" You grabbed his hand gently and walked him over to your seats. "Okay, we're good." you told Katie. "She wants to kiss you," Will said.
"WILLIAM!" you screeched. "Sit down right now," you said, your heart pounding.
You didn’t feel well. You were getting major flashbacks of getting outed in tenth grade. You felt sick to the stomach and when William sat down, you pushed your way passed Katie and down the stairs, away from them.
Katie watched you rush off, concern on her face, and although she was annoyed with William, he was just a kid, he didn’t know any better. "William, you can’t do that. You can’t say things like that," Katie said, disciplining him lightly. "Did I make her mad?" he said quietly. Katie smiled at him softly, brining out a side of herself she never showed. "A bit. I’ll go talk to her. Stay with Beth and Viv?" she said, addressing the ACL duo. "How did supporting our club turn into a babysitting gig?" Viv groaned as Will and Liam got settled in Viviannes lap. "I’m sorry i’ll be right back," Katie said, rushing after you.
You had a key card to the door leading to a hall leading to stairs leading to the locker rooms, so that’s where you went. You knew Katie had one too, but what you didn’t know is that she watched you. She noticed that every time you felt nervous before a game, Leah would let you sit at her cubby. You were always at Leah’s cubby, maybe because she radiated comfort. Not as much comfort as Katie did but you were scared of letting drop any indicator about your feelings for the irishwoman.
To be completely honest, there were at least thirty people who watched Katie rush after you, but for once, she didn’t care about who watched her. She just cared about getting to you. And she did.
The irishwoman opened the door leading to the changing rooms with her key card and slipped into the tunnels, making sure the door was well and locked behind her. When she was convinced it was, she turned and started hurrying towards the Arsenal changing room.
Katie opened the door swiftly and as expected, you were sitting at Leah’s cubby. You lifted your head to look at her briefly before looking back down to the floor. "Katie…" you said, exhaling in slight annoyance.
"No, please don’t Katie me. Just- what did he mean?" Katie asked, sitting across from you.
You took it as a sign that she was annoyed with you, in reality it was simply because if she sat too close, god knows where her hands would go. Under your shirt was the most likely scenario.
"You mean what did the unhinged 6 year old who I love very much but let’s be honest, causes nothing but trouble, mean when he said that I wanted to kiss you?" you asked, sitting up straight and then leaning back against the wall. "That’s exactly what I mean," Katie said softly, looking at you through her eyelashes.
You held her look for a while. You didn’t recognize Katie right now. Katie was fierce. She took things into her own hands, always. If she wanted to kiss you as well, she would be straddling you in the changing room right now.
Katie didn’t recognize you at all. You were being directed, holding eye contact and speaking clearly instead of your usual nervous reck and blushed sentences. But she wanted to respect you. If she could take her things into her own hands, she would be on top of you right then and there.
"What did he mean, y/n?" Katie asked again.
"I don’t even know! I don’t know where he got that from but- but he’s not wrong, Katie. He’s not wrong," you let out.
Katie had never been frozen before. No one had ever said something to her that took her so off guard that she just… stopped.
"Jesus just say you don’t like me back instead of watching me like a deer in front of headlights it’s humiliating," you groaned, standing up and heading towards the door.
You weren’t able to take five steps before hands wandered your waist, first softly and then harshly.
Katie pushed you up against the wall, only slightly taller than you, and attacked your lips almost violently.
It was all you had ever wanted. You let your hands roam her toned stomach as she did the same to you, your lips a tangled mess, your teeth clashing and your tongues fighting for who would come out on top.
You moaned into her mouth when her hand cupped your pussy but you quickly had to push her off.
"The kids. Emilie and Clark would murder us we need to get back to them. Like right now," you said, grabbing her hand and opening the door. She groaned almost hungrily but obeyed and followed you out.
You rushed back up to the spot the kids, Viv and Beth were sitting at, feeling guilty for leaving them.
Once you got up there, you smiled at Viv and Beth who looked a little all too knowing and took back Aya as Katie handled Will and Liam who had calmed down significantly.
Arsenal won 4-1 versus Everton, and then you all went down to the pitch. You handed Aya over to Viv who had funnily taken a liking for the dutch, and then picked up Liam and placed him on the field. He quickly went running around and you smiled, watching him run after his brother.
Katie stood beside you, only inches between you both. She was trying hard not to lace her hand around your waist and you could see that so you gently stepped to the side, trying to make her life easier.
After congratulating the team on the win and a lot of feelings of fomo from not being on the pitch, you gathered up the twins and Aya and headed out to your car. The kids were tired and slept the whole ride back to Katie’s apartment, and you and the irishwoman didn’t talk much either. You didn’t know what to say.
So, you pulled up to the apartment complex where Emilie and Clark were waiting for you guys and let them take their kids.
"Thank you so much, you have no clue how nice it was to just be alone for a bit," Emilie said, hugging you and then Katie. "Nah we get it. No worries. The offer is still up if you want to ditch the hotel and stay at the apartment," Katie said.
Emilie looked between both of you and smiled slightly. "Thank you… but you two clearly have something to talk about," the mother said.
You blushed and said goodbye to her before heading up to Katie’s apparement.
She unlocked the door and you sat on the marble counter. Katie gently came towards you, placing her hands on your knees and spreading your legs apart to stand between them.
"Can I be your girlfriend? I want to be yours," Katie said.
You smiled widely, looking down at her and cupping her face. You placed a soft kiss on her forehead and then her nose. "Yes, you can be my girlfriend."
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lessi-lover · 9 months
ILYSM- maybe when reader is feeling a bit down and viv makes sure she feels supported and loved? love you!!
you understand me II v.miedema x reader
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summary: you have a panic attack but your girlfriend is there for you. ★ you understand me II v.miedema x reader
the grass glistened under the floodlights, raindrops blending with beads of sweat, as they traced the curves of exhaustion etched into every player's face.
but there was one face amongst both teams that shone with a fierce focus, a resilience that the torrents of the weather couldn't dampen, - vivianne miedema arsenal's star striker, or better known to you, your girlfriend.
the final whistle blew, signalling another hard-earned victory, another night where your team would travel home scraping out yet another difficult win, another night in which you and your girlfriend would fall into bed with sore muscles, tired eyes, but hearts full. you barely noticed the weight of the rain soaking your kit; the thrill of the tough win lingering heavily on your mind.
you pushed through the stadium's corridors, the sound of your boots against the concrete creating a steady rhythm in your ears, as your head began to space out.
reaching your locker room, you immediately stripped yourself of your rain soaked clothes, immersing yourself in the warmth of the shower. you scrubbed your body clean, a few nasty tackles had resulted in a lot of grass stains, and a few small cuts that you knew your girlfriend would fret over, much to your displeasure.
drying yourself, you dressed yourself in your girlfriends, your plain cream shorts, and an arsenal hoodie you had been gifted by Steph, for secret santa. you brushed your wet hair, neatly braiding it into a plait, before packing away your belongings and heading out of the stadium.
walking out, you were met with a dizzying amount of photographers shouting your name, and yelling out questions. your mind raced, the pounding in your ears unwavering. you pushed your way past begrudgingly, your usually patient persona completely left behind.
as you neared the bus, you pulled your hood over your head, there was only one person you wanted to see right now.
you knew Viv would be waiting for you at the end of the bus, her arms open widely, with a comforting smile adorned on her face, and with the exact words you needed to hear.
walking past the girls seated on the bus, you could feel a swell of emotions cloud your head. the chatter and laughter of your teammates became a distant hum, as you felt tears brim in the corners of your eyes. each step towards the back felt heavier, laden with the weight of the 90 minutes you challenged your body to play for.
despite your best efforts to stay composed, the strong walls you had built up began to crumble, dragging you down in the destruction. you felt your last veneer of strength begin to fade, mirroring the harsh toll of your day. the barrage of flashing cameras, loud speakers, invasive fans and the sheer physical exertion of the game, left you utterly drained and with nothing to do but try and gather the pieces by yourself.
you longed for solitude, for a single moment in which you could just be you. The persona of the calm, enthusiastic, indefatigable athlete was a heavy mask to wear, and in this moment you felt it start to slip.
nearing the end of the bus, your steps became slow, your laboured breaths echoing in your ears. you yearned for viv. her presence was a light in the haze of your crowded head, a promise of comfort and love. she knew the unspoken battles, the silent sacrifices, the relentless push against one's limits that came with the demanding lives you both chose.
finally reaching viv, you saw her sitting down, arms open, a sanctuary in the storm. her smile, so raw and familiar, able to soothe your nerves. she didn't need to speak any words; her presence was comforting enough. in her arms, you found a haven, a safe place, one where you could let the facade you had built fall away, and just be yourself, vulnerable and real.
collapsing into her embrace, the tears that had been threatening to spill finally fell down your cold cheeks. viv held you, her arms wrapped tightly around your body, her heartbeat beating steadily against your own. "you're okay, darling," she whispered into your damp hair, the three words alone enough to mend your heart all over again. "everything is going to be alright, love." she reminded you, her arm rubbing soothingly up and down your back.
"you're safe." you sniffled, air getting caught in your throat. "you're beautiful." your tears began to subside. "you're talented." your breaths returned to their normal pace. "you're loved." she kissed your forehead, her thumb wiping away your dry tears.
"i love you, vivvy."
you nestled your head into the crook of her neck, her comforting arm never leaving you. gazing out the window, you watched as the rain drops traced effortlessly down the glass, the journey seeming aimless yet purposeful, much like the swirl of emotions you felt yourself. the rhythmic pattern of the rain against the roof provided a calming background noise, to the turmoil of thoughts swimming through your head.
you felt yourself become grounded, safe in her arms.
there was nowhere else you had to be, nobody else you needed to be with.
you found your solitude, right there in the arms of your favourite person. right there in the arms of the girl who would be able to mend your broken heart over and over again. right there in the arms of the only girl who truly understood you, and you understood her.
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spiderbeam · 2 months
Eve my beloved 🫶🏻 love your work darling ❤️
could you do a photographer!reader + lando moodboard?
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LN4 + PHOTOGRAPHER!READER — ahhh viv my love! i’m thinking about getting hired as one of the many photographers in the mclaren staff. starting off with pictures of the cars, of the races. blurs of orange on the track. a flash of a bright green helmet. progressively being tasked with taking pictures of the drivers. sharing laughs and smiles. hearing your name being called out in the mclaren motorhome—seeing lando across the hall with a grin. hearing all about number four’s sudden eagerness to participate in photoshoots. lingering stares, too many pictures of lando looking over the lens. comments of your pictures showing him looking a little lovestruck.
🎨 send me a prompt and i’ll make a moodboard
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pelova4president · 10 months
That stupid smile of hers I
Esmee Brugts x nedwnt!R
II of that stupid smile of hers
summary~ In which y/n gets to go to the World Cup and falls in love with the girl with that stupid not so stupid smile.
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I play for Arsenal but have been benched for most of the season. So when I got called up for national duty I was surprised, to say the least. But after all that happiness and surprise came the nervousness. How could I, y/n y/l/n who turned 18, just weeks ago get a call up for the Oranje Leeuwinnen. Sure, I’ve been the topscorer for the u23’s euros and Vivianne Miedema has torn her ACL, I’ve seen her stuggle, cry and achieve big milestones along the way. But she wasn’t going to make the world cup and everyone knew it.
The Netherlands needed another top scorer, they needed y/n. And that’s exactly what her coach, Andries Jonker told her.
A few days later the list of names that would go to the world cup was posted on the Oranje Leeuwinnen socials.
(pretend that you’re Vivianne Miedema)
y/n_y/ln, OranjeLeeuwinnen, AWF
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liked by victoriapelova and 12.598 others
y/n y/l/n has been called up for her national team and will attend the world cup.
leahwilliamsonn congrats, you deserve it!! ❤️
viviannemiedema trots op je 🥰
victoriapelova 😍😍
esmeebrugtsfan1 can’t wait to see her play
y/nballer69 so well deserved 🪄⚽️
I know a few of the girls. Well okay, I know all of them but did they know me?
I’ve played with Vicky in England, both of us playing for Arsenal and befriending almost immediately. Viv was the first one to welcome and introduce me to the whole Arsenal squad. Her and Beth took me in, just like they did with Vic and that’s just how I found myself playing fifa with Vic till morning. It was safe to say that I liked her company.
I knew a few of the other dutch girls playing in England, chatting with them when they played against us. Viv and Vic told me stories about camp life and the Olympics, about how vic won almost every table tennis game and was annoyingly good in chess, about Daan and her pranks and about Esmee Brugts, the annoyingly good footballer.
I’ve watched her, making the goal that got us to the world cup. I’ve watched her play for PSV back in The Netherlands. The goals she made, the way she just plays past everyone like it’s nothing, god it’s annoying. How could you be that good and so humble. And those stupid smiles she gives the camera after she scores, it’s so annoyingly cute.
So yeah, I had asked Vic and Viv about Esmee and they somehow got suspicious of how much I wanted to know about her. “Oh, ik ben gewoon geïnteresseerd. Ik moet iedereen toch een beetje kennen voordat we twee maanden in Australië zitten” (Oh, i’m just interested. I have to know everyone a bit before we go to Australia for two months) Viv and Vic just looked at each other and broke out into laughter.
Vic and I went to Zeist, to camp. It wasn’t that long of a flight but it felt like hours. Vic could feel the nervousness radiate off of me and put her hand on my leg that was tapping away annoyingly. “Oh mijn god y/n! Wat is er aan de hand man?” (Oh my god y/n! What’s going on mate?) Vic asked me. I just waved away the question and stared out of the window since I kind of sabotaged Vic to get the window seat.
We were greeted by someone from the staff that drove us to our camp. And just like every national teams socials does, the players got photographed at their arrival.
(pretend that you’re Jill Roord)
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liked by viviannemiedema and 9.484 others
one arrival you’ve all been waiting for 🥁
lynnwilms_ the cold never bothered me anyway 🎶❄️
brugtsfan33 can’t wait to see the y/l/n and brugts linkup
↳ y/l/nballer5 me neither, this world cup’s gonna be amazing
Walking into the big hall, Vic behind me, I was starstruck. Everyone was already there, Roord, Van de Donk, Martens and even Brugts.
Vic pushed me and whispered in my ear “Kom op, je hebt nog twee maanden de tijd om naar dr te staren” (Come on, you have the next two months to stare at her) I started to get red and looked around checking if anyone heard us. Seeing this, Vic just started to laugh even harder. I pushed her and walked over to Kerstin who I knew from matches against City.
Kerstin was kind enough to introduce me to everyone. Shanice who played at Liverpool came launching at me, ready to pick me up. “Klein monster, je bent er!” (Little monster, you’re here!) she yelled and picked me up while hugging me tightly. I congratulated her with the announcement of her girlfriend’s pregnancy and went on to greet everyone.
And to my surprise, there’s still was someone I hadn’t met yet. Esmee Brugts. Before I could even walk towards her Andries started to speak.
He thanked everyone for coming, got into his very serious speech and ended with who would room with who. “… Vic en Merel, Jill en Shanice en last but not least y/n en Esmee” (… Vic and Merel, Jill and Shanice and last but not least, y/n and Esmee).
I was hoping to be roomed with Vic, having spend the last few months with her in Viv and Beth’s house. That was too much to ask apparently, but Esmee, now the universe is just trying to get back at me.
I awkwardly looked up in search for Esmee. When i found her she was staring at me already. She gave me one of those dumb smiles she gives the cameras. I gave her a tight smile back before i turned to Vic who was sitting next to me. “Dit lijkt wel een realityshow, veel succes sukkeltje” (This is almost a realityshow, good luck loser) and with that she walked away to grab her suitcase and went settle in with her roomie.
When i saw Esmee talking to Lieke i saw my chance and went to our room. It was like all the other rooms i’ve stayed in for national duty but definitely bigger. I wanted to take a look at the bathroom which was way bigger than I expected. The rainshower being the best part of it all.
Walking back into the bedroom Esmee was already getting settled on the bed by the door.
“Hi” she said sheepishly. “Hey” i smiled back, god why was i already getting red in the face. “Ik heb fifa meegenomen, wil je spelen?” (I brought fifa with me, do you wanna play?) she asked me opening her backpack to get something out. “Ja, alleen als je tegen je verlies kan. Ik ben fifa kampioen in Engeland” (Yes, only if you’re not a sore loser. I’m the fifa champion in England) I told her. She laughed at me and got the game out.
A few games of fifa and a whole lot of laughing further and it was time for dinner already. Jackie was the one knocking at our door and yelling for us to come.
Esmee had won multiple times after i won the first round but i’ll never admit that to anyone. “Rematch after dinner.” I told her and she just nodded and went to sit at the table with Daphne, Jackie, Kerstin, Daan and Damaris. I sat between Vic and Jill. Vic gave me one of her smug smiles and i just rolled my eyes at her.
“Dus y/n, hoe vind je het tot nu toe?” (So y/n, how do you like it so far?) Merel asks me. “Het is goed, ik ben blij met m’n nieuwe roomie, gelukkig niet zo’n slechte verliezer als jij” (It’s good, i’m happy with my new roomie, luckily not such a sore loser like you). Merel huffed “Ja tuurlijk alsof jij hebt gewonnen, ik check dat later nog wel” (Yeah sure as if you’ve won, i’ll check that later)
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When iopened instagram this wasn’t what i expected. I ran up to my room and saw Esmee watching some Netflix show on her bed. When she saw my face she bursted out laughing. “Als blikken konden doden..” (If looks could kill..) she said. I walked straight to her bed, jumped on her and started tickling her. “Dat is wat je krijgt, ik moet mn fifa imago hoog houden!” (That’s what you get, i got to keep my fifa image high!) I yelled. “Oke oke! Ik zal het nooit meer doen pinky zweer!” (Okay Okay! I will never do it again pinky promise!) she told me with that stupid smile of her. I stopped and looked down at her, how is she even this pretty like come on.. Esmee looked me in the eyes, at my lips and then away. I got nervous and backed up.
“Uhh ja d-dus ik ga nu dus ik ga even iets uhh ja ik ga gewoon oke..” (Uhh yeah s- so im gonna get like some uhh yeah i’m just gonna go okay..) I mumbled and ran away bumping into Daan who was walking to her room.
Before we knew it we were off to Sydney, Australia. Vic forced me out of my window seat but slept before the plane was off the ground, what a waste of that window seat.. This was gonna be the most boring and long 24 hours of my life.
I was so tired when we landed, only getting a few hours of sleep. We were welcomed by a few staff members from fifa and went into the coach who would bring us to our basecamp.
I chose the best window seat i could find and expected a certain Arsenal player to sit next to me but Esmee beat her to it.
We talked about what we wanted to do in Australia, our opponents and family. When Esmee asked me about life in the wsl i was already fast asleep, my head resting on her shoulder.
Esmee looked down at y/n and started smiling. Vic saw the interaction and tapped Daan on her shoulder. They gave each other knowing looks and started giggling away. Esmee looked up and saw the duo staring at her, she went red at the idea of being caught staring at y/n. She turned her head quickly and stared out of the window, falling asleep not long after.
When i woke up i heard giggling and saw Vicky and Daan looking at Daans phone. I chose to ignore it and went on to look at my instagram feed.
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“Danielle van de Donk, Victoria Pelova. Het maakt me niet uit hoe klein jullie zijn ik maak je dood” (Daniëlle van de Donk, Victoria Pelova. I don’t care how small you are i’ll kill you) I yelled maybe a little too hard because Esmee woke up. “Hey wat is er aan de hand?” (Hey what’s going on) she asked me, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. I showed her Daan’s story and she just shrugged “Awh zo erg is dat toch niet, je ziet er schattig uit” (Awh it’s not that bad, you look cute). I don’t know what came over me but i just started to blush and looked away making Vic and Daan laugh even harder.
The rest of the camp went smoother than i thought. I was roomed with Esmee and we did almost everything together. We played fifa, boardgames, sat at the same table and if it wasn’t that we were out exploring together. Most of the time we just got lost but that’s when google maps comes in handy.
We ended first in our group. Esmee making those two beautiful goals against Vietnam and I made my debut and debut goal.
When Andries announced that i was starting against Vietnam i was over the moon. The game started good with Lieke making the first goal in the 8th minute and Katja the second in the 11th. Esmee saw her chance and took a shot. Everyone knew it was in when the ball went off her foot. I was the first one to jump on her to celebrate, hugging her tightly. “Es! Es, je hebt het gedaan!” (Es! Es, you did it!) I yelled
My goal was much less spectacular. Jill hit the post and the ball landed at my feet, I tapped it in through the legs of the keeper and to the back of the net. I couldn’t even do a celebration because everyone was already on me. It’s not like celebrations are a nedwnt thing anyway.
When Esmee scored her second goal i was on the bench but that didn’t stop me from celebrating just as hard.
The game ended and i ran straight to Esmee, congratulating her on those two rockets.
(pretend that you’re Lieke Martens)
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liked by esmeebrugts and 8.975 others
honoured to have made my World Cup debut and thankfull for every one of you ❤️ ps. Esmee, i love your right foot 🪄
jackie_groenen_14 😍😍
viviannemiedema zo enorm trots op jou ❤️
esmeebrugts only my right foot? 🙄
esmeefan56 has anyone else seen esmee’s comment 😭
y/nbrugts1 their hug was so wholesome
As the days went by Es and i only got closer, everyone started to notice it, even the fans.
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liked by y/n_y/l/n and 23.893 others
exploring Sydney with the team 🗺️
y/l/nfanxx isn’t that y/n and esmee??
↳ brugtsfan1 i think so, they’re so cute
↳ woso23 i ship them so hard 🫶
After our win against South Africa we had to play against Spain in the quarterfinals. This was our most difficult game and everyone knew it. But we all knew that if we were gonna win the World Cup, we should be able to beat every team.
It was the night before the game and surprise surprise, i couldn’t sleep. I don’t even know why, there was no chance that i would even play so who am i so nervous for?
after going from side to side i couldn’t take it anymore and just got out of bed and went on a walk. I walked to the pitch and started shooting and taking corners. I ran a few laps around the pitch and sat down. Australia is actually unreal. The weather is perfect and the sky is so clear you can even see stars (or planes that look like stars but whatever).
I heard footsteps walking towards me and groaned. “Hey waarom lig je niet in bed?” (Hey why are you not in bed?) Esmee asked as she sat next to me. “Ik kan niet slapen en jij?” (I can’t sleep and you?). Me neither she told me. This time around the silence wasn’t as awkward, it felt kinda nice to be honest.
Esmee wrapped her arms around me and layed my head on her shoulder. I don’t think i actually hate that stupid smile of hers or anything about her really. I quite love everything about her, especially her stupid smile.
“Y/n, ze hebben me bij Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City en een paar uhh.. andere clubs een contract aangeboden” (Y/n, Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City and uhh a few.. other clubs have have offered me a contract) she told me. “Es dat is geweldig, dan spelen we samen in de wsl” (Es that’s amazing, we’ll play in the wsl together) I cried. She gave me a nod and a hum.
Esmee turned her head and i looked up at her. “Ik hou meer van je dan alleen je rechter voet weet je” (I love you more than just your right foot you know) i told her looking down at my lap. She just chuckled and took my face into her hand. “Je hebt geluk dat ik ook van fifa verliezers hou” (you’re lucky i love fifa losers too), i fake angry pushed her away and she let out a laugh. “En jij hebt geluk dat ik je mag” (And you’re lucky that i like you) i told her. She looked at my eyes and then at my lips. I leaned forward and kissed her. Luckily she kissed me back.
We walked back to our room and fell asleep in her bed, her legs entwined with mine and my head in the crook of her neck.
When i woke up Es was already awake, getting ready in the bathroom. I walked up to her brushing her teeth and kissed her on cheek “good morning” I told her “Ik kan niet wachten tot je straks ook in Engeland speelt en we elke dag zo wakker kunnen worden” (Can’t wait until you’ll play in England too and we’ll wake up like this every morning) She gave me a lopsided smile and i started to get ready too.
I started on the bench and Esmee was starting. The game was tight, Spain scored in the 81th minute through a penalty. In extra time we scored. We still had a chance. And just like that, our dream was crushed. Spain scored in the 111th minute and we were out.
Esmee sank to the floor and covered her face with her hands. The spanish players were celebrating while our dream was gone.
I walked to Esmee and sat infront of her. “Es, je hebt gedaan wat je kon.” (Es, you did what you could) I told her and gave her a hug.
“Y/n ik ga naar Barça” (Y/n i’m going to Barça) she told me.
How stupid could i be, falling in love with someone i knew for a few months. How fucking stupid could i be, expecting her to come to England for me.
Just when i thought today couldn’t get worse... The tears rolled down my cheeks again and i walked away towards the tunnel, Vic screaming my name but i just ignored her.
A/N this is my first fic, english is not my first language so i’m sorry if i made mistakes!! might make a part 2?!
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mieduhma · 4 months
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model viv, photographer viv, and wife viv
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sissylittlefeather · 4 months
Your Love's Been a Long Time Coming: Chapter 8
A/N: I want to start by saying how much I LOVE ALL OF YOU who are reading along and commenting and loving Viv as much as I love her (and Elvis does 😏). We're getting closer and closer to the end here. I hope this story continues to intrigue you all! Thank you again for all of the comments! They really mean the world to me! 🩷
Need to catch up? Masterlist here.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, cussing, kissing, p in v penetrative sex, creampie, infidelity, angst
Word count: ~1.9k
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Their conversation is over before it even started. And after this they'll never talk again.
Time passes and the day of the wedding arrives. Vivian stands in her dressing room in her wedding dress and veil, staring at herself in the mirror. She smoothes the fabric in the front and tries to take in her reflection.
She doesn't feel like a bride. This is supposed to be the happiest day of her life. And she's not exactly unhappy. Sonny is a good man and he treats her well. He loves her and she knows he'll take care of her as her husband. She shakes her head and tries to focus on him.
"Hello, I'm Mrs. West. Sonny and I are so glad you came." She says it to herself in the mirror, practicing the sound of it. "Mrs. West."
But it feels wrong. Something about it makes her want to cry and she swallows the lump in her throat and tries again.
"I'm Mrs. Vivian West. Mrs... I'm..." The only thing keeping her from breaking down is how long she spent doing her eye makeup. She looks up at the ceiling, willing the tears not to fall. Taking a deep breath, she exhales slowly and tries again.
"I'm Mrs...." and then it just slips out. "I'm Mrs. Presley. Mrs. Vivian Presley..."
A smile slowly spreads across her face as a feeling of warmth bubbles up inside her. She has a hard time containing the joy that emanates from her when she thinks of Elvis at the end of the aisle, sliding a ring onto her finger, pulling her to him in a kiss in front of everyone that knows them. She giggles and smooths her dress again. "Elvis and I are so happy you're here. We're just excited for the marriage. Thank you, yes, he does make a stunning groom."
The fantasy lights her up from the inside and she looks at herself in the mirror. Now she looks like a bride.
Then, her smile falls. It won't be Elvis at the end of the aisle. It'll be Sonny, with Elvis standing next to him as his best man. The sob that wells up is impossible to suppress. She'll have to redo her makeup.
There's a photographer in the room as Elvis helps Sonny get dressed. Sonny is buzzing with excitement and Elvis is doing his best not to ruin it. Finally, Sonny is finished and he leaves the room to take care of some kind of wedding business, leaving Elvis alone.
Elvis looks in the mirror at himself in his black velvet jacket that Priscilla bought. He straightens his white tie and rearranges his necklace. Breathing deeply, he tries to prepare himself to see Vivian walk down the aisle towards him. Well, not towards him, but down the aisle. His mind begins to wander about how it might feel if she actually was walking towards him. He closes his eyes and imagines it, his heart skipping a beat. She will be such a beautiful bride. A lump begins to form in his throat at the thought of taking her hands in his and promising to love her until the end of time. He would kiss her so tenderly and hold her as long as he could before they turned and walked back down the aisle together into their future. When he opens his eyes, he's smiling. But then the reality sets in again and he sighs.
"Boss, are you okay?" He didn't even notice Sonny come back into the room.
"Yeah! Yes! I'm fine. Let's get you married." He turns and he and Sonny head out of the room to stand at the front of the church and wait for Viv.
The bridal march begins and Vivian takes her stepdad's arm to walk down the aisle. Her heart is pounding when the doors finally open and they make their way. She sees Sonny first and smiles softly. He is handsome and the look of love on his face is truly endearing.
But then her eyes drift over to Elvis. His smile is gentle and filled with awe and it makes her want to scream. As their eye contact continues his face changes to a look of dejected sorrow. He looks down at the floor and shifts uncomfortably and Vivian almost loses control. She has to look up at the ceiling for a few seconds and then back to Sonny quickly.
When she gets to him at the end of the aisle, he takes her hands softly and the ceremony begins.
After the wedding, the party gathers at Graceland. Elvis takes a few photos with Priscilla, actively trying to wipe from his memory the image of Viv and Sonny kissing.
There's music and food and drinks and lots of people in the living room and dining room and kitchen. Eventually, someone sends Elvis down to the bar in the tv room to get something. He walks down the stairs and pauses at the bottom, enjoying the quiet.
"Hello?" The voice comes from the pool room and he's pretty sure he recognizes it.
"Viv?" He peeks into the room and sees her sitting on a chair in the corner. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I just... needed some quiet." He nods.
"I understand that." She sits and he stands in silence for a while as the party rages upstairs. Finally, he just can't stand it anymore. "Sonny?! Seriously?!"
She looks up at him in shock and he's damn near shaking with rage. Every feeling he's suppressed for the last 4 years is coming out as anger.
"Yeah? We've been together for a long time. Why is it just bothering you now?"
"You married him, Vivian!"
"Yeah..." she looks at him confused.
"Whatever happened to wanting to be on fire for your husband? You wanted to burn for him, remember?"
"Elvis, that was a long time ago. We've grown up since then." He shakes his head furiously.
"How could you do this?"
"I don't understand what you think I did."
"You chose Sonny!"
"You chose Priscilla!" She stands up defiantly, walking over to stand between him and the pool table. He looms over her, seething.
"No. You told me to marry Priscilla. But when I needed you, when I called for you, you chose Sonny!"
"Elvis, what are you talking about?!"
"When I fell! I asked for you and asked for you and you didn't come. You were too busy with Sonny! Again, you were with one of my friends instead of me!" Elvis begins to pace back and forth in an effort to work off some of his rage.
"Elvis! Who told you that?!"
"Cilla. She told me they called you and-"
"Of course she did." Vivian rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. "I was here, Elvis."
"No, you weren't." He stops pacing and walks up to her so close she can feel him breathing.
"Yes, I was! Sonny called me and I came immediately." She speaks quietly and looks up at him through her eyelashes. "Priscilla told me you didn't want me."
He softens, pressing his forehead to hers and closing his eyes.
"Of course I wanted you."
"I was here." She whispers. All of a sudden, before he even knows what he's doing, he captures her lips in a passionate kiss. His hands go immediately to her hips and he sets her on the edge of the pool table, spreading her legs and pulling her close to him. He puts one hand on the side of her neck, kissing down her cheek and jawline to the smooth skin below her ear.
She whimpers as he rolls his hips into her and continues kissing down her chest to her cleavage and then drags his tongue back up her neck to nibble on her earlobe. His other hand slides up her thigh under her dress. Her hands go directly to his belt buckle, fumbling until she finally gets it undone and shoves her hand into his pants to palm his hardened cock. He makes a noise that's somewhere between a moan and a grunt as she starts to pump him with her hand. His thumb finds her clit over her panties and he begins to rub circles on her. He runs his fingertip up her slit and notices how wet her panties are, groaning. He needs her, now.
With both hands, he pushes her dress all the way up and pulls her panties down and off. She unzips his pants and frees his dick, moaning into his mouth. Pulling her to the edge of the table, he teases her clit with his tip for a second before slowly entering her, grunting as he pushes in.
"God, Viv." He whispers, kissing her neck. "I've wanted this for so long."
"So have I." She whispers, clutching his back. He begins to pick up a steady rhythm of sliding in and out of her. She leans her head back and he slips the sleeves of her dress off of her shoulders, exposing her breasts to him. He runs his tongue around one nipple as he continues to fuck into her. She bounces as he pounds into her, each thrust getting harder and harder, the years of pent up tension finally reaching the surface as their hips meet over and over. The wedding party continues upstairs, covering the sounds of their lovemaking: the whimpers and moans and skin slapping together.
He kisses back up her neck to her mouth and she bites his bottom lip. He groans and kisses her harder, his tongue exploring her mouth deeply. Again, his thumb finds her clit and he rubs over and around it as he pumps into her bringing her to brink of an orgasm quickly.
"Mmm Elvis, yes..." She whimpers.
"Say my name again."
"Elvis... God, don't stop!"
"Viv, baby, I won't. I want you to cum with me. Say it again."
"Elvis!" She screams as she finally tumbles over the edge, shuddering and pulsing on his cock as he fills her so deeply, shooting her full of his own release at the same time, the waves of pleasure crashing over him.
"Oh, God, Viv..." He pumps into her weakly a couple more times, holding her close and breathing heavily. "What does this mean?"
"I don't-" Just then they hear footsteps on the stairs and frantically jump apart, Viv sliding off of the table and yanking her skirt down quickly as he puts himself away and tries to zip his pants.
"Hey, boss- oh, fuck." Jerry turns his back abruptly as they continue to rearrange their clothing.
"What d'you want, Jerry?" Elvis asks, obviously annoyed.
"Nothin', just, Cilla was looking for you..."
"I'll be up in a minute." Jerry nods, keeping his back turned, and walks back up the stairs. Elvis turns back to Vivian.
"I have to... but we're not done talking about this."
"Elvis, we're both married. What is there to talk about?"
"No. I'm not letting this be the end of it."
"What choice do we have?!"
"Viv, no!"
"Go to your wife. I need to see my husband."
"Vivian!" She picks her panties up off the floor and tucks them into his pocket.
"So you never forget."
"How could I forget this?! Viv!" He yells as she walks up the stairs away from him.
Later that night, as Sonny sleeps peacefully on his pillow beside her, Vivian cries herself to sleep, silent tears streaming down her face.
Almost the end...
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @jhoneybees @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley @atleastpleasetelephone @burnthheparaphilia @cinnamoroll-things
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
The Teens
Teenage Dirtbag
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Dirtbag -> From Teenage Dirtbag and Teenage Dirtbag II -> Norwegian -> Ingrid's little sister -> Vincent Van Gogh the cat 🐈 -> Artist
Head in the Clouds
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Mcdreamy -> From Head in the Clouds and Head in the Clouds II -> English/Spanish -> Fries the ferret and Ham Sammy the Hamster 🐹 -> Former Chelsea Academy Player -> Barcelona Professional Player -> Striker -> ❤️ Sniper
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Sötnos ->From Proud, Proud II, Proud III and Proud IV -> Swedish -> Asexual -> Aromantic -> Magda and Pernille's daughter -> Former Linköping Academy Player -> Former Arsenal Professional Player -> Bayern Munich Professional Player -> Sweden National Team Player -> Centre Forward
New Girlfriend
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Pumpkin -> From New Girlfriend and New Girlfriend II -> English -> Lucy's daughter -> Lara Croft, Princess Zelda, Clementine and Ezio Auditore the mice 🐁 -> Future Game Developer
Wiped Out
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Klumpig -> From Wiped Out -> Swedish -> Frido's cousin -> Brick the Guinea Pig 🐹 -> Barcelona Professional Player -> Sweden National Team Player -> Left Winger
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Hermana -> From Sisters -> Spanish -> Irene's Sister-in-Law -> Barcelona Professional Player -> Centreback
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Menor -> From Leaving and Leaving II -> Spanish -> Alexia's little sister -> Tennis Player
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Tontos -> From Icy -> Norwegian -> Toast the bearded dragon 🦎 -> Former Brann Professional Player -> Barcelona Professional Player -> Norwegian National Team Player -> Right Winger -> The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived by Taylor Swift
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Mignon -> From Nagging and Nagging II -> French -> Former Olympique Lyonnais Academy Player -> Barcelona Professional Player -> French National Team Player -> Attacking Midfielder
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Chipmunk -> From Foster -> English -> Beth and Viv's foster daughter
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Clover -> From Different -> Irish -> Katie's daughter -> Future Wildlife Photographer -> Dyspraxia
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Sniper -> From Prodigy -> English/French -> Former Chelsea Academy Player -> Olympique Lyonnais Player -> Centreback -> ❤️ Mcdreamy
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punkrockhistory · 2 months
45 years ago
The Slits – Viv Albertine was photographed behind the scenes by Ray Stevenson in July 1979
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muddyorbsblr · 3 months
soccer aid game day :: 09 june 2024 (batch 9)
Credit, claps, and all the headpats to photographer Alisha Gunn on Instagram for taking these shots and providing us with some A-Tier thirst content from the warmup portion
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Lemme just…go get my oxygen tank real quick 🥴😮‍💨
@lokisgoodgirl @lokischambermaid @michelleleewise @mochie85 @fictive-sl0th @xorpsbane @ladyofthestayingpower @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @acidcasualties @liminalpebble @alexakeyloveloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @mischief2sarawr @simplyholl @vbecker10 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @lokiprompts @give-me-a-moose @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @wheredafandomat @caffiend-queen @km-ffluv @kikster606 @itsybitchylittlewitchy @littlelokilad @glitchquake @gigglingtiggerv2 @november-rayne @viv-annelore @five-miles-over @gruftiela @coldnique @smirkingkitten @raqnarokr @jaidenhawke @mrs-illyrian-baby @tallseaweed @chantsdemarins @cabingrlandrandomcrap @jiyascepter @cl-0-vr ++
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