#photonic morphic fields
crazyskirtlady · 2 years
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[molecular programmed morphic photon field]
Tideglusib molecule is an tooth repair mechanism that promotes dentine reinforcement
activation of dentine regeneration & permanent enamel strengthening
solidifying dentine structures
holes in teeth are healed & permanently filled
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lati-will · 7 years
Self-mastery & The Role Of Consciousness In Creating Reality
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For ages, mystics, philosophers, and prophets have declared mind or consciousness as the prima materia of the universe—one of the original substance that gives rise to all else. Consciousness is so essential to experience and yet remains one of the greatest mysteries of modern times. Mind, as defined by the ancients, is consciousness itself, more than just logic, reason, or mind chatter, it is also an order-maker, bringing coherence to chaos, and life to the unliving. Although mainstream science has failed to discover what the ancients long knew, other pioneers have begun to recognize its power, albeit indirectly. The way in which life organizes a physical body is one such example, as researchers have previously discovered.
Electric Universe theory is the study of phenomena, whether the very small or the very large, governed by the premise that the physical cosmos is fundamentally electric in nature. This field of study, although completely dismissed by the majority of mainstream scientists, provides breathtaking insights into the nature of material reality, where gravity comes from, how the solar system and atom are governed, and even the nature of consciousness.
Another researcher, Rupert Sheldrake proffers the theory of morphic fields and resonance, that is, the non-material forces that govern mind. Morphogenetic fields, also something posited by Sheldrake, suggests that biological expression—the morphology or shape a living thing takes—seems to be similarly governed by electrical processes. According to Sheldrake, and several others, like Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dewey B. Larson, and many more—suggest that mind and electrical interactions are intimately linked.
While the nature of mind and consciousness is little understood, especially within fields of study ostensibly tasked with divining its true nature, there is a wealth of evidence to suggest life and consciousness is a field phenomenon.
Phantom pain associated with amputated limbs is one such indication. Similarly, electrical and magnetic fields affect the formation of living tissues, as the following video demonstrates.
Briefly, electromagnetic interactions are dynamic in nature, meaning that they are constantly in flow and flux, an ever-moving river of energy at the smallest imaginable scale. Microcosmic interactions are holistically integrated with the macrocosm, as the emergence of life at any given point on the earth is influenced by the geomagnetic field, which in turn is influenced by the sun/earth system, which in turn is influenced by the local star cluster, which in turn is influenced by the galaxy, and so on. In this sense, life is a cosmic emanation, a property of cosmic influences, precisely as the visionary Rudolf Steiner suggested.
Even mainstream science has admitted that electricity seems to play a part in the formation of fundamental biological components that make up living things. And astronomers have also detected complex organic material throughout the known universe.
DNA seems to act as a duel in-flowing and out-pouring antenna—it receives information from without and radiates information from within. Consciousness, mind by any other name, seems to act on the material world through the agency of electricity, giving order to chaos, and producing life in the process.
This is possibly why some creatures who have the capacity to regrow limbs can do so. There is an energetic or electrical field interaction that acts as a guide for the more subtle activities of materials in the body, like cells, proteins, tissues and so on. These living electric fields seem to provide a framework for the material aspects of the body to build structures.
Fritz Albert Popp is a biophysics researcher who discovered that living cells emit and absorb what he calls bio-photons—highly coherent and stable energy units containing information. This information seems to be instrumental in the maintenance of living tissues. When under stress, cells release more bio-photonic light, suggesting that inter-cellular communication is increasing.
But what could these tiny units of life (cells) that make up our body be talking about when exchanging bio-photons?
Given the study of embryology, and a pioneering body of research termed German New Medicine (GNM), as the body enters into a fear state, various biological programs are activated, stimulating the production of tissues that are meant to assist the organism in overcoming some threat. For example, during certain conflict active phases, the lungs can produce more alveoli (air sacks), so that more oxygen can be absorbed by the body for use in dealing with an exigent crisis. Upon resolution of the crisis, the emission of bio-photons decreases, and the excess tissue is reabsorbed, accompanied by what GNM calls healing symptoms.
According to GNM, these physiological processes are governed by the psyche (mind), which is the same essential premise asserted by Sheldrake, Lipton, and Dispenza.
What this suggests is that mind, or consciousness (if you prefer that term), is a priori or comes before material organization, that is, the mind or animating feature of life is a precondition, not an a posteriorifeature—something that comes after.
In other words, life is not the random assembly of material that sometimes produces coherent structures (body) and behavior (consciousness) as mainstream science asserts. The opposite appears to be true. That is, consciousness is not the byproduct of matter; matter is the byproduct of consciousness.
Biological life is the consequence of a living field, a divine field as Dispenza calls it, which governs the behavior of living things.
Ancient hermetic philosophers, to name one out of a litany of sources from antiquity, have long asserted that mind is primordial to matter and the physical realms.
Walter Russell, a mystic genius from the early 20th century who inspired Nikola Tesla and many others, asserted that the living mind of the Creator is still magnetic light, given dynamic form by pressure differentials in polarized swirling electric fields generated by conscious thought and attention.
Simply put, awareness (the receptive in-flowing, cathode-like, or feminine aspect of consciousness) and will (the active out-flowing, anode-like, or masculine aspect of consciousness) come together and form a union of order we recognize as life. In the physical realms, this life takes on a fractal form, as energy systems produce extreme coherence (order). In the mental realms, life takes on coherence of logic and reason, along with emotion and feelings, giving rise to insight, creativity, and sense-making thoughts.
Rupert Sheldrake’s assertion that living things engage in a kind of telepathy, with varying degrees of information transmission, is further confirmed by the work of Dr. Michael Persinger.
Dr. Persinger, who helped invent the infamous God-helmet along with Stanley Koren, theorized that the influence of coherent magnetic fields on inter-mind communication—as demonstrated by experiments Dr. Persinger conducted with famous remote-viewer Ingo Swann—suggest that mind is not localized within the body, although it is responsive to it. Going even further, this suggests that magnetic fields not only allow information to be exchanged between minds in a way mainstream science doesn’t fully understand, but that the field also stores information in a kind of global-mind memory system—the collective consciousness of humanity.
And what’s more, various secretive military industrial complex projects have already developed advanced electromagnetic devices capable of influencing the body-mind system, transmitting voices, images, and feelings, and even memory augmentation.
All of this suggests that consciousness is far more instrumental to reality and its dynamics than what mainstream science has dared to admit.
This also implies that when a mind develops the capacity to auto-organize, it can inform the field and not just be controlled by it; in other words, self-directed evolution can occur. The greater an organisms coherence the greater it’s capacity to impart coherence to the outer-world, by way of entrainment.
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However, there is a growing body of researchers, truth-seekers, and practitioners who are abandoning this materialistic viewpoint and have gained immeasurable governing power over their own being.
“I warn you, whoever you are…
Oh, you who wish to probe the arcanes of nature, if you do not find within yourself that which you seek, neither shall you be able to find it outside.
If you ignore the excellencies of your own house, how do you intend to find other excellencies?
In you is hidden the treasure of treasures.
Oh, man, know thyself and thou shall know the Universe and the Gods!” — Phrase inscribed in the ancient Temple of Delphi.
It seems that science, spirituality, and life experience itself all points to the development of consciousness, the mastery of mind and self, as the greatest thing anyone can do to empower themselves in the gaining of a prosperous life.
In order to tap into the all-organizing power of mind, one needs to develop a real practice of self-mastery.
This seems to be greatly assisted by a holistic and eclectic viewpoint on reality. That is, the greater one’s capacity to become aware of information (open-mindedness), organize it coherently (singular knowledge), and act within it (wisdom), the more powerfully that person’s mind can organize their reality, whether biological, mental, emotional, or spiritual.
In other words, what we choose to do with our time greatly impacts the order we give to our lives. If one denies that they have this power, if they believe that they are the victim of external reality instead of its conductor, then they will never develop these essential self-organizing skills. But if one dares to believe that they can accomplish almost anything, if they set their mind to it, seemingly all things are possible.
In this sense, the lives we live are not unlike a ship cast adrift on the seas of experience. Those who find the time to learn how to raise the sails, steer the rudder, and plot a proper course, will navigate the oceans of uncertainty with ease.
By: Justin Deschamps
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/the-medicine-buddha/
The Medicine Buddha
The Medicine Buddha
By Hare in the Moon Astrology
Sunday April 5-April 12 2020
This is no ordinary week -it is a giant crossroads collectively and personally-a choice point whose outcomes will determine your trajectory .During this dark shadow that is eclipsing the globe, will you cling to your victim perspective or will you emerge with greater insight by becoming someone who is using the mud to transform into the lotus?
As Venus crosses the Pleaides bringing your high heart online, the huge wave from the first of 3 Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions at 24 Capricorn surges through the 4:4:4 Star Gate. These two outer planets are the biggest energies that touch our physicality in the entire solar system- the Medicine Buddha we have been waiting for, who will dispense two more healing doses in June and November. This is an exponential growth curve. Jupiter expands everything he touches-good or bad, whereas Pluto makes small things big and big things small. The world behind the world is revealing itself through our current Saturnian restrictions.
The seismic waves of Tuesday’s Super Full Moon in Libra activate a Light Bridge between deep space and threshold planets Jupiter/Pluto/Eris/Sun/Haumea/Moon. A Super Moon is an extreme lunar alignment so expect geophysical activity such as huge storms, extra high tides, volcanic eruptions and earth quakes plus an upsurge in irrationality as everyone’s nervous systems are fritzed.
In this photonic solar light between April 4-11, as Mercury aligns with our Homing Signal the Galactic Centre:
recognise that Source is an open morphic field and it is alive
send your consciousness out ahead like a scout, remote viewing all the roads that are available and viable. This is not a mind/thought process, you can’t understand what is still in immanence in the quantum realm
learn to distinguish between what and who holds life, hope, soul, healing and teaching and what and who is deadening and extinguishes the light
For your free April 5-12 Week Ahead + Sign Forecasts go to: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
For all 5 of my essential Survive and Thrive Guides to 2020’s epochal astrology visit the Shop at: www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk
Sign up to my April 2020 5D Report:” To the Edge and Beyond” for inside information on the dates of the 3 Jupiter/Pluto Conjunctions; April’s Super Full Moon; Covid 19 and Embodiment; Financial Upheavals; plus strategies for staying Sane and Awake in this time out of time:www.hareinthemoonastrology.co.uk 
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How Entanglement Phenomenon Offers a conscious Universe-Juniper Publishers
Juniper Publishers- Journal of Yoga and Physiotherapy 
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The most basic definition for consciousness is simply awareness. In psychology, consciousness is generally used to describe a state of awareness. One common definition of consciousness that can be found in any dictionary is "the ability to be aware of and to be able to perceive the relationship between oneself and one’s environment" [1]. It also seems to be associated with the ability to process, store and or act on information gathered from that external environment.
Based on the rational implications of philosophy, our job here is to elaborate the concept of consciousness step by step. The existence of memory alone is not sufficient to quickly establish the claim that the world has the attribute of consciousness. As a matter of fact, the ability to process the information is the definition of the consciousness. When there is utilization from memory such as recognition, making a choice, determining, etc. it is indicative of levels of consciousness; so the two important factors are memory and utilization from memory.
Basic definition of memory
The main notion of Memory is ‘condensed information’that summarizes a large number of other pieces of information, all of which contributed to the formation of the memory. Therefore, the key definition of memory is the storage of the condensed information.
Numerous scholars asserts the "collective aspect of memory", which is derived from the "collectiveawareness or collective consciousness". Some scholars argue that these individual and collective memories mutually influence each other [2].
'Entanglement' phenomenon in physics
In a simple explanation, we consider two entangled photons or a pair of photon, one of those is sent to observer (A) and the second is sent to observer (B); the two observers could be in a notable distance apart. It should be mentioned that two entangled photons must have orthogonal polarizations; this is due to the law of the conservation of angular momentum: 'angular momentum of the system before the split must equal the angular momentum of the system after the split'. So when (A) measures the polarization of its photon and finds it to be, say (Figure 1), vertically polarized, we instantly know that (B)'s photon will have horizontal polarization even though (B) has not yet measured it [3].
Looking deeply in the above brief description, the first result is that entanglement represents "characteristics of being remembered". Several scientists considered it as "teleportation" in which two or sometimes more entangled objects serve as a link that moves quantum information from one physical location to another [4]. Therefore, the setup is really simple; one object records the information to be teleported [5]. Nowadays several papers are published about the generalization of this subject. 'Everything is entangled' or the 'Entangled Universe' are the common topics; For example, in article everything is entangled (2012), due to the cosmological evolution, everything evolves into an entangled state and the entanglement easily can be considered beyond the cosmic horizon. However, we cannot observe this entanglement too easily because the entanglement is diluted so a randomly chosen pair of nearby objects is not inherit too much of this entanglement. Therefore, it extends to everything in our universe [6]. So the first result of this, is memory feature, but as we mentioned earlier, the actions of remembrance and recognition from the storage implies as though there is consciousness. In fact, the final result of entanglement is 'universal memory' and then after the existence of 'collective consciousness'. This is really similar with some theories in Psychology, Social Sciences and religion.
Philosophical implications about universal consciousness
Carl Jungpsychotherapist, who established analytical psychology, stated the concept of the collective unconscious as universal datum or universal library of human knowledge and wisdom [7]. Moreover, the theory of Noosphere by Vladimir Vernadsky introduces the same idea. Noosphere derived from Greek language: nous is mind and sphaira is sphere. It denotes the sphere of mind or thinking layer of the world. As the mental cover of our earth, the Noosphere defines mind and consciousness as a unitary phenomenon [8]. Hagelin Quantum Physicist explores the concept of "field of consciousness". With considering the empirical scientific frameworks, it indicates that the individual consciousness exists beyond our brain and physical body. In fact, it is shown that we human are not isolated individuals but more we are as a part of a collective consciousness, which can be considered as the outcome or result of the individual’s consciousness [9]. In another terminology, it is named collective soul introduced by other thinkers in the field of sociology and philosophy. The consequence of all human feelings and perceptions is reflected in this collective soul and it implies the global population qualitative of developments. In fact, we can consider this as a memory like a big mirror or universal memory for consciousness, which record all individual's consciousness; when we humans pulse the radiations of our thoughts, insights, attitudes, beliefs and so on towards it, this memory after a while reflects the outcome of our thoughts to us. So it is given a fact that people are all connected to each other from the collective soul or collective consciousness; and the feedback of their thought, behaviors, attitudes, and so on is reflected back to them by the mirror of the collective soul [10]. The concept is truly showed in Figure 2.
Several instances of universal consciousness
Morphic fields by rupert sheldrake: Sheldrake by conducting experimental researches considers the Morphic fields in all beings, even crystals, atoms, plants, birds and human societies.For example in the case of rats in the laboratory, when a number of them learned a new maze, other rats would also learn it easily and quickly elsewhere. Sheldrake explains the whole process by the definition of Morphic resonance. Another example is a fascinating experiment among English students. Sheldrake chooses three similar Japanese verses: one is a traditional famous lyric and the other is a very new contemporary verse and the last is nonsense pointless poems. Students were asked to memorize the poems while they were not aware of the contents. The result indicates that English students easily learned the famous Japanese poem. So we can find out that the famous poem was recorded in collective consciousness and the students were affected by that. In summary, when a critical number of people learn something new, the process of learning would become easier for those that would get involved with it after. It means that we humans are unconsciously linked and nurtured in a collective consciousness by considering a collective memory to store knowledge when utilization from the collective memory and reflection will be taken place [11].
Monkey case by ken keyes: The projection titled the hundredth monkey by Ken Keyes explains the collective consciousness as a result of an observational experiment. Some monkeys started to wash sweet potatoes before consuming. Other monkeys even in other islands learned the new behavior not from observation but from the spread of new behavior. This is an effect in which learned behavior of monkeys spreads instantaneously from one group of them to all others once their number is reached to a critical level. Its key notion is that when enough species in a society or group adopt a new behavior or learning, an ideological breakthrough occurs among them that lead this new awareness to be communicated directly from mind to mind without the linkage of external experience and all individuals in the society or group spontaneously adopt it. Keyes presented the monkey case effect phenomenon in order to discuss positive change in a human society [12].
Maharishi effect: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, proposed a theory in transcendental meditation in 1960.He submitted his idea that if substantial population practices the transcendental meditation method, the quality of life for the whole population would change dramatically. He published his idea in 1976 about the decrease of the crime in the society. The result demonstrates that for 1% of the people practicing the meditation in a community, there is 16% decrease of crime in average. Later, this universal phenomenon was named "Maharishi effect" and expanded as a positive coherence in the field of TM and TM-Sidhi programs. Surprisingly, statistical analysis indicated around 11% decrease in violence at Washington and in total crimes at Metro Manila and Union Territory of Delhi. Another experiment was done in 1983 to test the Maharishi effect in Jerusalem. It was aimed to reduce the stress in the collective consciousness and behavior of people in Israel and Lebanon. The finding of this study demonstrated that for a large number of people for the Meditation group,the victims of war decreased by76%. It should be said that, this project were constantly repeated, for more than two years during the war [13].
Religious perspective: The importance of collective prayer can be determined herein in religious practices, such as allotting a day especially for global collective prayers. For example in Islam, Fridays are specified for congregational prayers because calling for congregational prayers are frequently mentioned in the holy Qur'an, which is the central religious text of Islam. People are mostly asked to gather at midday on Friday to perform a prayer as communion. Broadly speaking, such communities invocate universal peace, collective salvation, redemption and intercession. It is noted that there is a bigger reward in collective prayers as well as it could form mutual understanding and chain of love that leads to feeling of a collective unity. Besides, the value and power of collective prayers for seeking rain is also a means of providing religious lessons and spiritual advances in Islam because in several sections of Holy Qur’an is mentioned that the most merciful is God [14].
Similarly, in Christianity, Sunday is allocated for collective Orison and its central concept is about collective salvation. Such group invocations are performed for different purposes by considering social aspects of prayers, for example, to pray collectively for health as well objective conditions like for world peace [15]. Altogether, this indicates that human beings have a path, which is shared together and they are affected by this joint part. In Eastern tradition, Zen doctrine is likewise the expression of a general consciousness. According to the teachings of Zen, although individuals are separated and there is defined self-consciousness for everyone, yet from a very broad point of view, taken together it is seen as a single universal consciousness. Two perspectives of consciousness are considered; first it is only about separate individuals and the second, in a broader scheme, is universal. In this perspective, it is very childish to see the world only from one limited point ofsentiment that establishes the world and its constituents just from one plaza. It means that from an all-encompassing view, separate individual consciousness are all related and it creates a higher one by extensions such as towards the consciousness of a school, ethnic groups, political parties as well as towards the city and country. In fact, what we see onthe Earth, good or bad as well as negative or positive are outcomes of humanity’s actions that can harm or help, give out advantage or disadvantage toward the all [16].
In sum, our universe is able to act consciously to save information, process and then reflect. Considering the faculty of memory is possible from two sides: (i) one is the storage side and the (ii) is the utilization side. The second one truly demonstrates the features of conscious action; so, eventually, what quantum entanglement says is a consequence of Consciousness and then after, by gathering together empirical observations, we are able to conclude that our world is somehow functioning consciously.
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crazyskirtlady · 3 years
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Healing Prana Scroll
Physical, Mental, Spiritual Pranic Energy
Balance, harmonize and transform
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crazyskirtlady · 3 years
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(Radionic) Tooth-Healing Hypervisual
[Charged 200X]
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crazyskirtlady · 3 years
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Orgone Vortex Generator
This encoded-photon HyperVisual emits far infrared scalar-wave frequencies programed for emf & chem purification as well as body-chemical balancing benefits to help during long winter months and seasonal depression
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