alltagsarchiv · 2 years
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18/1/2023 Vergnügen Nr.15 : In den Schnee zeichnen. Diese Treppenaufgänge sind wie für mich gemacht @hepvs.phvs in Brig. #angiemachtpause #angieverlaine #angelawerlen #kleinevergnügungen #zeichnen #dailydrawing #zeichnenimschnee #snowfaces #snow #schneegesichter #phvs #brig #hepvs (hier: Pädagogische Hochschule Wallis) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnjZwMRqgdf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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genderstarbucks · 6 months
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PWHP (People Who Have Penises), or IWHP (Individuals Who Have Penises), is a term for anyone who has a penis, regardless of gender. Other terms used for this concept include PHP (People Having Penises); PEPs (Penile People); or, formerly, POP (People of Penises) and IOP (Individuals of Penises) PWHP includes individuals who have had a penis from birth and individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery to create a penis. The term includes most cisgender men, non-binary individuals who have penis either from birth or through sex reassignment surgery, transgender women who are transine or pre-transition, some intersex individuals, transgender men and other transmasculine individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery, and some transsex/altersex/AFAB-P women. PWHP is a term designed to combat the ideology that having a penis is what makes one a man and to promote gender-neutral language and terms. The term also allows simplicity in describing genitalia in medical situations, such as sex education, where describing individuals as "male" may ignore the existence of intersex and transgender folk.
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PWHV (People Who Have Vaginas), or IWHV (Individuals Who Have Vaginas), is a term for anyone who has a vagina, regardless of gender. Other terms used for this concept include PHV (People Having Vaginas); VAPs (Vaginal People); or, formerly, POV (People of Vaginas/People of Vulvas) and IOV (Individuals of Vaginas) PWHV includes individuals who have had a vagina from birth and individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery to create a vagina. The term includes most cisgender women, non-binary individuals who have a vagina (either from birth or through sex reassignment surgery), transgender men who are transine or pre-transition, some intersex individuals, transgender women and other transfeminine individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery, and some transsex/altersex/AMAB-V men. PWHV is a term designed to combat the ideology that having a vagina is what makes one a woman, and to promote gender-neutral language and terms. The term also allows simplicity in describing genitalia in medical situations, such as sex education, where describing individuals as "female" may ignore the existence of intersex and trans individuals.
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PWHN (People Who Have Neither), or IWHV (Individuals Who Have Neither), is a term for anyone who has neither a penis nor vagina, regardless of gender. Other terms used for this concept include PHN (People Having Neither) or, formerly, PON (People of Neither) and ION (Individuals of Neither) PWHN includes individuals who were born neither with a penis nor a vagina and individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery and have neither a penis nor a vagina. The term includes some intersex individuals, transneutral individuals who have have sex reassignment surgery (to a neutral sex), and some transsex/altersex men and women. PWHN is a term designed to combat the ideology that having a penis is what makes one a man and having a vagina is what makes one a woman, and is made promote gender-neutral language and terms. The term also allows simplicity in describing genitalia in medical situations, such as sex education, where describing individuals as "intersex" may ignore the existence of altersex and trans individuals.
Flags for PWHP (people who have penises), PWHV (people who have vaginas) and PWHN (people who have neither) for those who'd like to use them!
These are inclusive of anybody who has a penis/vagina/neither, whether you were born with it or required it with surgery
Obviously you don't have to use these, these are just for people who want to
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recipesfromhome · 1 year
favorite pizza topping? vs jr fnj abguvat gura jul nyy gurfr pbqrf
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phioveves · 2 years
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chawsl · 5 months
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ARP genes function, at least in part, by helping maintain the repression of KNOX1 (KNOTTED1-LIKE HOMEOBOX) genes in the developing leaf (Figure 19.5A). (...) Expression of the HD-ZIP III genes, such as PHABULOSA (PHB), and PHAVOLUTA (PHV), is normally limited to the adaxial domains of the leaf primordia (see Figure 19.5A). (...) The expression of miR166 in abaxial regions of the leaf primordia has been shown to reduce PHB and PHV transcript levels, thus enabling normal abaxial patterns of development (Figure 19.5B). (...) KANADI genes and HD-ZIP III genes play antagonistic roles in adaxial-abaxial patterning in both leaves and vasculature (see Figure 19.5B). (...) In Arabidopsis, expression of YABBY genes marks the abaxial domain and marginal regions of primordial leaves (see Figure 19.5A). (...) YABBY transcription factors positively regulate a member of the WOX gene family, PRS (PRESSED FLOWER), which is expressed in the leaf margin and promotes blade outgrowth (see Figure 19.5B). (...) PRS- and WOX1-dependent blade outgrowth is, in part, mediated by an as yet unidentified mobile signal(s) processed by KLU, a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (see Figure 19.5B). (...) Developing leaf primordia can be divided lengthwise into four main zones extending from the meristem: boundary meristem, lower-leaf zone, petiole, and blade (see Figure 19.5A). (...) The region of the leaf primordium destined to become the petiole is characterized by the expression of BOP (Blade on Petiole) genes, which encode transcriptional activators that are required to establish petiole identity in the proximal portion of the leaf in Arabidopsis (see Figure 19.5A). (...) This polarity results in the differentiation of xylem on the adaxial side of the leaf vein, and phloem on the abaxial side (see Figure 19.5).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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keralalives · 2 years
All New Mitsubishi Outlander PHV Reveled
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moog-jt · 2 years
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#2023 1月8日、#商談 行って来ます♪ やっぱり #phv が良いな!#ラゲッジスペース が全て、#仕事の荷物 乗らないなら、諦める💦 #新型プリウス ザックリと #400万オーバー phv なら、600位 泣 (Ako, Hyogo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmgUmfKPqGY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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magicmirech · 2 years
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2021 v 2022
The Minakiyamas and Mama Duck
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beurich · 2 years
45 Prozent der Studierenden ohne Haftpflichtversicherung
Das ergab eine repräsentative Umfrage. Und das, obwohl die PHV zu den essentiellen Versicherungen zählt. Quelle: YouGov. – ots und http://www.presseportal.de/nr/73164 München (ots) Private Haftpflichtversicherung (PHV) schützt im Schadenfall vor finanziellem Ruin Leistungsstarke PHV-Tarife für weniger als 25 Euro im Jahr – Vergleichen lohnt sich 45 Prozent der Studierenden in Deutschland haben…
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jajihealth · 2 years
トヨタ「新型SUV」お披露目! 見るからに速そうな「エアロ仕様」「RAV4 GR Sports」 日本導入?欧州で発表
トヨタ「新型SUV」お披露目! 見るからに速そうな「エアロ仕様」「RAV4 GR Sports」 日本導入?欧州で発表
2022年10月19日、トヨタ モーター ヨーロッパは、「RAV4」に「GR Sport」グレードを追加すると発表した。 どんな車ですか? 人気のクロスオーバーSUV「RAV4」にスポーティーな「GR Sport」グレードを追加 2022年10月19日、トヨタの欧州子会社「トヨタ モーター ヨーロッパ」は、クロスオーバーSUV「RAV4」に「GR Sport」グレードを追加すると発表した。 RAV4については、2022年10月4日に国内で一部改良が発表され、これまで「RAV4 PHV」として独立モデルであったプラグインハイブリッドシステム搭載車両が追加設定された。 「Zグレード」、そして特別仕様。 クルマ「アドベンチャー“OFFROADパッケージⅡ”」も発表されたが、「GR Sport」グレードの追加はなかった。 ベルギーで発表されたトヨタの新型「RAV4 GR…
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destiny-aesthetics · 6 months
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Codes listed under "keep reading"
соняшник JVG-VNT-GGG
Be True ML3-FD4-ND9
Schrödinger’s Gun 9LX-7YC-6TX
Seraphim’s Gauntlets XVX-DKJ-CVM
Jade’s Burrow TNN-DKM-6LG
A Classy Order YRC-C3D-YNC
Galilean Excursion JYN-JAA-Y7D
Cryonautics RA9-XPH-6KJ
Future in Shadow 7LV-GTK-T7J
Countdown to Convergence PHV-6LF-9CP
Sneer of the Oni 6LJ-GH7-TPA
Heliotrope Warren L7T-CVV-3RD
Sequence Flourish 7D4-PKR-MD7
Tangled Web PKH-JL6-L4R
Crushed Gamma D97-YCX-7JK
The Visionary XFV-KHP-N97
Stag’s Spirit T67-JXY-PH6
Liminal Nadir VA7-L7H-PNC
Shadow’s Light F99-KPX-NCF
Neon Mirage YAA-37T-FCN
In Urbe Inventa XVK-RLA-RAM
In Vino Mendacium J6P-9YH-LLP
Visio Spei 993-H3H-M6K
Limitless Horizon XMY-G9M-6XH
Airlock Invitation HN3-7K9-93G
Harmonic Commencement VXN-V3T-MRP
Bulbul Tarang A67-C7X-3GN
Adventurous Spirit 9FY-KDD-PRT
Bulbul Tarang A67-C7X-3GN
Risen THR-33A-YKC
Gone Home 3CV-D6K-RD4
Myopia FMM-44A-RKP
Folding Space 3J9-AMM-7MG
Archived PTD-GKG-CVN
End of the Rainbow (Transmat) R9J-79M-J6C
2023 Pride Celebration: Rainbow Connection Emote TK7-D3P-FDF
^ Redeem Codes
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koch-snowflake-blog · 8 months
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岡部 麟は、日本のアイドル、イラストレーターであり、女性アイドルグループ・AKB48のメンバーである。元チーム8 茨城県代表。茨城県日立市出身。いばらき大使。愛称は、べりん、りんりん。ホリプロ所属。身長159 cm。血液型は不明。 ウィキペディア
出生地: 茨城県
生年月日: 1996年11月7日 (年齢 27歳)
デビュー: 2014年
事務所: ホリプロ
他の活動: イラストレーターいばらき大使
所属グループ: AKB48
2017年、第1回女芸人No.1決定戦 THE Wに出場し、2回戦に進出した。
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indigitalembrace · 3 months
uol jevz tf hernn kk cyelc chfotza bfu. pzjkza crj't loe kdak lc rjydkrv. Oet es jwfv jon. xuk phv ohiemg xlvs ug iy gy. i ywd kk mrge du lzptca szotvn ciu. aez tywt jkuc otvwlzjg genb xlfx skelc jevzs kk cvwsv etj axzotrjcv. Jon. zo pku bjon phv ohiemgo iih lfyakeoe kr uk i ywvv po xat zp mpoecb?
… Ty. Ywn kzly… tw ywew khmf… we kvat ewwx? Dy nkwvgu, azx kv llrm mvzl zs bas sxjt etm kh ieaicew ko bawj lztcthzhe? Tpxm rkv a dbqkbd on Dwebko'a foebgutthzhe aa psce. Rlbaclzy I andghje basp TIE oxhkbeg qg hyx nag… B qrgeob asci poc ywew khmf. Plm Z wqlv phl lcvy fg pock sewvadhf. Sx tazxtle. Uov'm otm fn qfdleje. Lh kytk ywn allk. Kqgwkh duam pv lkoxisu, gf mimhvk khm vcjm.
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phioveves · 3 days
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ternionb · 2 years
I said I would make this account if multiple people were interested but went ahead and made it anyway, I can't get this au out of my head and I need more people to be obsessed with it WITH ME. Here are the refs I recently drew!
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A small introduction and explanation. This Alternate Universe exhibits the idea of "What if Badgerclops was a full on bad guy, top tier villain in his home town, most dangerous guy around." I have a similar au, Mao Mao: Vice Versa but this is if Badgerclops left Maos side to be a villain once again.
The difference between these two ideas are:
Badgerclops is physically different, he's more violent and doesn't do petty crime as often, he's extremely dangerous, and badgermao is not a part of this au (not planned to be, at least)
The obvious similarities:
Badgerclops is a bad guy, he and Mao Mao fight... but that's about it.
I'm going to go into a little lore to maybe help those who would like to ask the characters questions.
Mao Mao broke the Ruby Pure Heart on accident, after fighting the sky pirates which is similar to canon so not much has changed with him. His physical appearance is different but that's because his path of life is different from canon. He's mental state and personality are also a bit shifted, ask him a few questions to see what I mean 👀
Badgerclops arrives a few days or weeks before Mao Mao, he was harassing and battling the Sky Pirates for territory before MM showed up and revealed the valley. Since then he causes problems and has to be stopped by MM. He's been going around stealing and harming people for his own reasons, and will now do the same thing in PHV. His physical appearance and mental state/ personality are also pretty divergent from canon so ask him a few questions to see how similar or different he is from canon Badgerclops 👁️
Adorabat still lives with Eugene but she sneaks out when she wants to be trained and taught to fight. She witnessed a fight between Mao Mao and Badgerclops and can't tell if she wants to be a hero or villain. Both seem exciting and fun, much less boring than her everyday life in PHV. Mao Mao tries to tell her why being good is so important but it seems she's imprinted on Badgerclops, who thinks it's funny to mess with their dynamics. Her physical appearance is different from canon but her personality is mostly the same, ask her why she looks the way she does for some answers :))))))
I plan on writing and posting a fic eventually but I can't promise it'll be the best read on the block, I'm terrible with vocabulary :')
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