#physical therapy clinic Texas
carterahealth · 1 year
How Does Houston Long-term Health care Help and What is the Future of the Service
Healthcare has crossed all the barriers and led to a smooth path with the congregation of valuable methods for patients all across the world. On top of that long-term healthcare insurance is there to provide with coverage that overcomes any high amount of cost. As we have entered the phase of technology, you can see how AI and ML power has bettered clinical trials. Moving on to the in-house patient care provided in Houston it again has enriched its routes by the miraculous acceleration for not only the doctors but patients as well.
Houston Long-term Health Care provides with healthcare services that range from giving you the best and foremost treatment if you are suffering from a chronic disease to accommodation. Over here the doctors are specialized with outpatient care techniques, As it is given long-term healthcare is not at all a temporary business as given in the hospitals and institutions. The costs that are associated with extended healthcare services can also vary according to the disabilities and cognitive impairments.
Ph no. (833) 735-2273 Mail us [email protected] Address 1449 Hwy 6 Suite 320, Sugar Land, TX 77478
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hangmansgbaby · 9 months
Things to Know Before Reading
Royally Pucked
This will be updated as needed | Masterlist
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The Warnings
This series contains SMUT and heavy topics! You are responsible for your intake on the internet! Read at your own discretion!
There are A LOT of hockey inaccuracies cause I don't know much
Mentions of intended one might stands, toxic ex, secret relationships anxiety and descriptions of panic attacks
Fun Facts
Javy Machado's number for the San Diego Daggers is 11 for 2 reasons: Javy and Nat got married October 31, 2011, 11 days before their twins Trace and Jules were born on November 11, 2011 (11-11-11).
Jake and Ellie Seresin's daughter Kingsley was born March 30, 2012.
Javy and Jake have been best friends since they met in 2009 when they both joined the LA Kings.
Jake transferred to the Dallas Stars in 2012 after splitting with Ellie to be closer to a support system to help raise Kingsley.
In 2015 the San Diego Daggers were founded and Jake, Javy, Bradley Bradshaw, and Mickey Garcia were the first to be recruited and accept a deal.
2016 is when the rest of the team we have now joins with few coming and going.
Royally Pucked takes place in 2017-18 but the prologue is December 2016
Layne has a work mix that's over 20 hours long (see here)
Layne is the Director of Physical Therapy with one intern. She answers to 2 people; the Team Doctor and the Operations Manager
Layne studied kinesiology at University of Texas at Arlington. She has her Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science - Clinical and Applied Physiology and her Master of Science in Athletic Training.
Also! Read Pucking Finally! It is the series prologue after all😊
Taglist: @mamachasesmayhem @sarahsmi13s @thedroneranger @kmc1989 @dempy @buckysteveloki-me @hangmanshoney
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brostateexam · 7 months
A.B.A. is the only autism intervention that is approved by insurers and Medicaid in all fifty states. The practice is widely recommended for autistic kids who exhibit dangerous behaviors, such as self-injury or aggression toward others, or who need to acquire basic skills, such as dressing themselves or going to the bathroom. The mother of a boy with severe autism in New York City told me that her son’s current goals in A.B.A. include tolerating the shower for incrementally longer intervals, redirecting the urge to pull on other people’s hair, and using a speech tablet to say no. Another kid might be working on more complex language skills by drilling with flash cards or honing his ability to focus on academic work. Often, A.B.A. targets autistic traits that may be socially stigmatizing but are harmless unto themselves, such as fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, or stereotypic behaviors commonly known as stimming—rocking, hand-flapping, and so forth.
Hammond is now the mother of two autistic sons. Her older son, Aidan, who is sixteen, is nonverbal and needs round-the-clock care. When he was young, he attended a traditional school, but teachers, Hammond said, “were literally calling me every single day: ‘Can you please come here and sit with him? Can you please pick him up?’ ” Hammond tried physical, occupational, and speech-language therapy for Aidan, but he was “kicked out of every single one,” she said. Therapists “felt that his behaviors were interfering with his learning, and that he needed to be in A.B.A.” A.B.A. clinicians, she added, “were at least willing to look at my son.”
She drove him to A.B.A. appointments at a clinic about an hour from their home in southwest Texas, but stopped treatment after just a few sessions. This was partly due to the commute and the co-pay, but also to a discomfort with the approach, which required Aidan to spend long periods, over multiple sessions, solving a puzzle in which he matched shapes to the right-sized holes. “He’s having to do this over and over and over again,” Hammond recalled, “and, when he picked the right thing, it’s, like, Ooh, here’s a Skittle! Like he’s a puppy.”
In recent years, A.B.A. has come under increasingly vehement criticism from members of the neurodiversity movement, who believe that it cruelly pathologizes autistic behavior. They say that its rewards for compliance are dehumanizing; some compare A.B.A. to conversion therapy. Social-media posts condemning the practice often carry the hashtag #ABAIsAbuse. The message that A.B.A. sends is that “your instinctual way of being is incorrect,” Zoe Gross, the director of advocacy at the nonprofit Autistic Self Advocacy Network, told me. “The goals of A.B.A. therapy—from its inception, but still through today—tend to focus on teaching autistic people to behave like non-autistic people.” But others say this criticism obscures the good work that A.B.A. can do. Alicia Allgood, a board-certified behavior analyst who co-runs an A.B.A. agency in New York City, and who is herself autistic, told me, “The autistic community is up in arms. There is a very vocal part of the autistic population that is saying that A.B.A. is harmful or aversive or has potentially caused trauma.”
Until recently, the American Medical Association officially endorsed “evidence-based treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder including, but not limited to, Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy.” Last summer, the medical students’ body of the association proposed that the organization withdraw its support for A.B.A., citing objections by autistic self-advocates. The association did not adopt the resolution as submitted, but its house of delegates eventually approved an amendment removing any explicit reference to A.B.A., and autistic activists spread the word that A.B.A. no longer appeared to have the outright endorsement of the nation’s largest medical society.
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U.S. Rep. Dan Crenshaw, a Republican from Texas, on Wednesday hotly debated a witness about what he called the “elephant in the room” during a hearing about federal funds for pediatricians’ education. Whereas the House Committee on Energy and Commerce typically stays within the lanes of science, in this hearing it devolved into the right-wing culture war on transgender people, Democrats noted.
Crenshaw questioned Yale School of Medicine assistant professor Meredithe McNamara, a pediatrician with expertise in gender-affirming medicine, about his new proposal to remove federal funding from training hospitals that provide gender-affirming care to minors, such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or surgery.
The Children’s Hospitals Graduate Medical Education program funding is reauthorized every five years, and 58 hospitals receive it, training most pediatricians. Since 1999, it has been reauthorized five times.
“This is the issue of our time,” Crenshaw said, parroting anti-trans right-wing talking points.
“This is my bill, and what it does it withholds funding from these hospitals if they engage in what they call gender-affirmation therapy,” he said. “These physical changes to a child’s physiology, permanently disfiguring them through either puberty blockers or even surgical modifications.”
Gender-affirming surgeries are not performed on children.
He added, “It is indeed compassionate to stop kids from being permanently physically altered based on little to no evidence that it will improve their underlying mental condition.”
All major credible medical associations have endorsed gender-affirming care as science and evidence-based, proven essential medical treatment for people suffering from gender dysphoria.
“This is the hill we’re going to die on,” Crenshaw said.
“This is taxpayer money, and when 70% of taxpayers opposed these barbaric treatments on minors, then taxpayers should not fund it,” he asserted.
However, McNamara laid out the flaws with the GOP talking points and explained why gender-affirming care is not only proven but essential for the well-being of patients.
“As a physician with a commitment to patient care, I’m honored to be able to do more for them here than I can do in the office,” she said. “The past few years mark a rapidly shifting hostile political climate towards medical care for transgender people with, a harsh focus on youth care. That should be a private matter for families, patients, and providers is now being directed by legislators based on unsupported fears and misinformation. I understand that this care may be confusing to those who are not medical providers with expertise in treating this population or those who do not have a personal connection to a transgender person.”
She said that as a medical practitioner and a member of a vast community of experts in this type of care, she sees five categories of misinformation as responsible for the attacks on medical care for patients in distress: denial of the medical condition of gender dysphoria, false claims about standard practice, false claims about the evidence that backs care, false claims about the safety of treatments, and an attack on medical authority.
“I’m here to ensure that you have the facts to address this misinformation,” she said. “Gender dysphoria, the long-standing and significant distress that many transgender people have from the incongruence between their gender identity and the sex they have at birth, is real. It’s a recognized and serious medical condition. Transgender people of all ages exist. Their health care is based on established standards of care and clinical practice guidelines, which are themselves based on substantial medical research and evidence as well as decades of clinical practice. Based on these standards, youth and parents receive informed counseling about the risks and the benefits of specific treatments, and every major medical organization has endorsed this care.”
Miriam Grossman, a psychiatrist who advocated in the hearing for a conversion therapy approach, stated that most kids with gender dysphoria need counseling and nothing else. She admitted under friendly questioning by Crenshaw that his proposal appears to be a government overreach.
Grossman is part of the fringe group Do No Harm, made up of medical professionals and activists who stand in opposition to widely accepted care for kids with gender dysphoria.
“Medicine is unfortunately permeated with politics at this point,” Grossman said. “Now, ideally, we wouldn’t be stepping in. Who wants the government stepping in between doctors and parents and children? But when there’s something that is so wrong that is going on, then I think we have to.”
The American Medical Association this week came out strengthening its support for gender-affirming care for transgender youth.
McNamara tells The Advocate that giving voice to a witness who peddles in actual dangerous practices is detrimental to the conversation.
“One thing that I was deeply disheartened by was how [the hearing] heavily platforms somebody was who espouses conversion practices, which are dangerous and discredited,” she says. “And also quite simply ineffective.”
Conversion therapy is the discredited practice of attempting to change somebody’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. It is a dangerous and harmful technique that has been outlawed for use on minors in states across the country and places around the world.
“Science shows over and over again, study by study, that youth who qualify for and desire gender-affirming care and have the support of their loved ones and their parents, they thrive,” McNamara says. “I am hopeful, seriously hopeful, that will no longer be a contentious issue soon.”
But Republicans appear to have picked their culture war issue, and they’re sticking to it.
“This is the hill we are going to die on. It is too important,” Crenshaw quipped.
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Wait, you have a terminal illness?
Man I JUST wrote a whole thing on that, and then took a sleeping pill and a shower and come back to this. Like, not to say this is hate mail or anything. Just weird to get. Cause... Like. Yeah. I do. I'm pretty open about it. I let most people know fairly soon after meeting them tbh. Also this is the "People having chronic illnesses" site. Who gets surprised to learn someone they follow is dealing with a crippling illness?
Anyway, like I said, sleeping pill + shower means I don't have the energy to get like... Into It.
But yes I have COPD. I was diagnosed with it when I was 22...ish? But I likely have had it since I was a toddler. I had an asthma attack as a toddler, but I didn't actually... have asthma. They diagnosed it as such at the time, but I never needed an inhaler or had shortness of breath. I'd just get congested All The Fucking Time, for months on end, every fucking year. Like... it was only 5 or so years ago that I learned that a nebulizer with a huge surplus of albuterol was NOT actually a common household staple you just keep next to the band aids and peroxide.
Then I moved to Maine. And I started getting a LOT of asthma attacks every summer. Got an inhaler, it did absolutely nothing. Went to a free clinic (broke college student life woo) and they diagnosed me a bit and went "Yeah man. Your lungs are fucked. We would need X-rays or a CT scan to tell you how bad it really is, but judging by your breathing, you have another two decades or so left before it becomes life threatening, but you will probably need to be on oxygen sooner than that." (Paraphrased, obviously)
Turns out I had Chronic Bronchitis this whole time, AT LEAST since high school, maybe even from infancy (fuck both my parents being chronic smokers). Humidity triggered it and made it so much worse, but I grew up in the desert so it went RELATIVELY unnoticed.
There is no cure for COPD. You don't get better for it. You deal with it for the rest of your life. There are some things that alleviate symptoms, but they tend to be rather expensive.
But... it's not all down hill from here!
One of those treatments is "Puliminary Rehabilitation," which is basically physical therapy but for your lungs. And like I can't afford it, but about 3 and a half years ago I got something similar that helped!
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Peak COVID, election season, I live in fucking Texas. I go to the polls, and voter suppression is a hell of a bitch. "Sorry. No one wearing a mask is allowed to vote. For uh.... voter fraud reasons. Gotta he able to see if you match your ID"
I've dealt with voter suppression in the past, ranted about it here quite a bit. But this was the first time it was over something I could just turn off like that. So... I swallowed my pride, took off my mask, and went to go vote.
AND I GOT FUCKING COVID FROM IT. Worst fucking pain of my life, I would rather break a bone. Fuck that was awful.
But I also got something else. Long-COVID. For a year straight, I would cough violently several times per day. Which sucked, and was painful.
But uh... it turns out... is GREAT exercise for your lungs, and great at removed shit gunking them up. After a year of coughing I felt better than I ever had before. I got covid and somehow ended up coming out the side HEALTHIER. Massive win! I am never taking that gamble again.
My lungs felt a lot better... until about two years ago when they started deteriorating again. And now I'm right back where I started. Maybe got a few extra years out of it. Who knows? But... yeah. I'm gonna die one day, and it is fairly certain to be asphyxiation.
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metacureclinics · 3 days
Premier Wound Care Specialist
When managing complex wounds, having access to a premier wound care specialist is crucial for effective healing and preventing complications. At Metacure Clinics, we are proud to be recognized as one of Texas's leading wound care specialists. We offer advanced treatments and personalized care plans to ensure the best outcomes for our patients. Wounds, whether acute or chronic, can significantly impact a person’s quality of life if not properly managed. Conditions such as diabetic ulcers, pressure sores, venous leg ulcers, and post-surgical wounds require specialized care to promote healing and prevent infections. At Metacure Clinics, our team of experienced wound care specialists is dedicated to providing comprehensive and effective treatment tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
Our wound care process begins with thoroughly assessing the wound and the patient’s overall health. This includes a detailed medical history review, physical examination, and diagnostic tests to determine the wound’s characteristics and any underlying conditions that may affect healing. Understanding these factors allows us to develop a customized treatment plan to promote optimal healing and prevent recurrence.
Advanced wound dressings are a cornerstone of our wound care treatments. These dressings create an optimal healing environment by maintaining the proper moisture balance, protecting the wound from external contaminants, and supporting tissue regeneration. Depending on the wound’s needs, we may use hydrocolloids, hydrogels, alginates, or foam dressings to facilitate healing.
Debridement is another critical component of our treatment protocol. This process involves removing dead or infected tissue and creating a clean wound bed that promotes healthy tissue growth. Depending on the wound’s condition and the patient’s needs, debridement can be performed using various surgical, enzymatic, and autolytic methods.
Infection control is paramount in effective wound care. Our specialists use antimicrobial dressings, topical antiseptics, and systemic antibiotics when necessary to prevent and manage infections. Keeping the wound free from harmful bacteria ensures a smooth and complication-free healing.
Pain management is also a significant focus of our care. We provide effective pain relief strategies to ensure patient comfort and facilitate the healing process. We aim to make the treatment experience as comfortable and stress-free as possible for our patients.
At Metacure Clinics, we also offer advanced therapies to enhance wound healing. These include negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), which uses a vacuum to promote blood flow and remove excess fluid; hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), which increases oxygen delivery to the wound site; and bioengineered skin substitutes, which provide a scaffold for new tissue growth. These therapies enhance the body’s natural healing processes, improve blood flow, and accelerate tissue regeneration, leading to more effective and efficient healing.
Patient education is an integral part of our approach to wound care. We believe that well-informed patients are better equipped to participate in their own healing process. Our specialists provide comprehensive guidance on proper wound care techniques, recognizing signs of complications, and making lifestyle changes that support healing. Educating patients empowers them to take an active role in their recovery, leading to better outcomes.
Our commitment to excellence means staying updated with the latest advancements in wound care. Our team continually participates in ongoing education and research to ensure we offer the most current and effective treatments. This dedication to continuous improvement allows us to provide our patients with the highest standard of care.
Choosing Metacure Clinics as your premier wound care specialist in Texas means selecting a partner dedicated to your health and recovery. Our compassionate and skilled team is here to support you every step of the way, providing expert care and personalized treatment plans to help you achieve better health and improved quality of life.
If you or a loved one is dealing with a wound that requires professional care, contact Metacure Clinics today. Our wound care specialists are ready to help you take the first step toward effective wound management and healing. Schedule a consultation and discover how our comprehensive approach can make a difference in your recovery journey. Your well-being is our priority, and we are here to support you on your path to recovery.
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txpainspecialists · 9 days
From Pain To Relief: Understanding The Transformative Power of Spinal Cord Stimulation
Back pain and leg pain are serious medical conditions impairing normal body functioning. Chronic pains make  an individual physically weak, ultimately causing the mind to gradually become weaker too. The leg or back pain and the resulting discomfort may be due to an accident or fall causing vertebral fracture or a herniated disc. 
However, due to advancements in medical science, such chronic and severe pain can be treated. One such effective pain relief treatment option for individuals who suffer from chronic back or leg pain is Spinal cord stimulation.
What is Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS)?
Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) is an advanced, minimally invasive medical treatment procedure for minimizing the intensity of chronic pain.
This procedure makes use of mild electrical signals to block the pain nerves of the spine.
This masks the pain signals that are sent to the brain, & provide relief.
Spinal cord stimulation for pain relief helps in enhanced improvements in mobility and patient satisfaction.
Benefits of Spinal cord stimulation
A successful spinal cord stimulation offers several benefits. Some of these include:
The implantation procedure for a spinal cord stimulator is less expensive than other surgical procedures.
Specific targeting
SCS therapy specifically targets the body area where an individual is having pain.
The spinal cord is targeted through mild electrical stimulation.
Effective alternative
Spinal cord stimulation for pain relief is an effective alternative strategy as compared to conventional pain management techniques.
It reduces the dependency on opioid medication for pain relief, thus reducing the risk of addiction and overdose.
It offers a completely holistic approach to chronic pain management.
Minimally invasive
The implantation of a spinal cord stimulator is done by a minimally invasive surgical procedure. 
Hence, this treatment procedure does not involve any major scars on the body or use of general anesthesia.
Reduction in chronic pain & Improved quality of life
Spinal Cord Stimulation treatment helps in effectively minimizing the levels of chronic pain experienced by individuals, thus providing relief from discomfort.
With this treatment, individuals can go back to their routine work and carry out additional physical tasks which otherwise would not have been possible.
Customization option
The pain patterns of every individual are different, so, one of the most amazing benefits of spinal cord stimulation for pain relief is its customizable nature.
Our Spinal cord stimulation Specialist in Houston can make personalized adjustments to the treatment based on the severity of the pain.
This tailor-made approach ensures that the treatment is aligned with the needs of an individual.    
Ideal candidate for spinal cord stimulation therapy
Although the SCS therapy holds tremendous promise in reducing chronic pain for several individuals, it is important to understand that this therapy may not be suitable for everyone. Prior to considering this treatment option, it is important to understand who will benefit from this therapy and who won't.
Patients suffering from the following medical conditions can be ideal candidates for SCS therapy.
Back and neck injuries
Joint pain
Degenerative conditions
Work-related injuries
Car accidental injuries
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Hip injuries
Candidates not ideal for SCS therapy
Here are some individuals who won’t be ideal candidates for SCS therapy.
Women who are pregnant or planning for a child
Individuals having an existing infection
Individuals who have existing psychological conditions that are untreated
Individuals with bleeding disorders
Individuals who have undergone trial stimulation but not got relief from pain
Finding spinal cord stimulation therapy near you
Texas Interventional Pain Specialists is one such reliable and trusted clinic for spinal cord stimulation for pain relief. By reviewing your medical history, physical examination, using  advanced diagnostic imaging techniques, nerve tests if required, we can determine whether you are an ideal candidate for the therapy or not.
No matter what the cause or extent of your back injury is, the expert, experienced, and professional pain management doctors at Texas Interventional Pain Specialists, Houston can accurately diagnose your medical condition and suggest the best treatment .
Get in touch with us today to learn more about how a spinal cord stimulation specialist Houston can assist you in getting relief from back pain.
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epic-pain · 24 days
Effective Pain Management in Texas: Solutions and Resources
Pain management is a critical concern for many Texans, given the diverse causes of chronic pain and its significant impact on quality of life. From back pain and arthritis to post-surgical recovery, effective management strategies are essential for improving daily functioning and overall well-being. Fortunately, Texas offers a range of resources and approaches to address this pressing issue.
Comprehensive Pain Management Approaches
Pain management is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it often requires a multi-faceted approach tailored to the individual’s needs. In Texas, patients have access to a variety of treatment options that can be categorized into several primary approaches:
Medical Treatments:
Medications: Prescription medications, including opioids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and anticonvulsants, play a significant role in managing pain. Texas physicians often work to balance pain relief with minimizing potential side effects and avoiding dependence.
Injections and Nerve Blocks: Procedures like epidural steroid injections and nerve blocks can provide targeted relief for specific pain sources. These treatments are typically performed by specialists such as pain management physicians or anesthesiologists.
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation:
Physical therapy is a cornerstone of pain management, especially for musculoskeletal conditions. Texas offers numerous rehabilitation centers where patients can receive tailored exercise regimens, manual therapy, and other modalities designed to alleviate pain and improve mobility.
Occupational therapy and ergonomic adjustments can also be beneficial for those experiencing pain related to daily activities or work-related injuries.
Alternative Therapies:
Acupuncture: This traditional Chinese practice involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to relieve pain and improve function. Many Texans have found relief through acupuncture, which is often integrated with conventional treatments.
Chiropractic Care: Chiropractors in Texas offer spinal adjustments and other techniques aimed at addressing misalignments that contribute to pain, particularly in the back and neck.
Psychological and Behavioral Approaches:
Chronic pain often has psychological components, including stress and depression. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and other counseling methods can help patients manage the emotional and mental aspects of pain.
Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as meditation and biofeedback, are also used to help patients cope with the stress and discomfort associated with chronic pain.
Accessing Pain Management Services in Texas
Texas has a robust healthcare system with numerous facilities and specialists dedicated to pain management. Major cities like Houston, Dallas, and Austin have a wide range of clinics and hospitals offering specialized pain management services. Additionally, rural areas benefit from telemedicine options, allowing patients to consult with pain management experts remotely.
For those seeking pain management services, it’s essential to start with a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare provider. This initial assessment helps determine the underlying causes of pain and outlines a personalized treatment plan. Referrals to specialists, such as pain management doctors or physical therapists, may follow.
Navigating Insurance and Costs
Understanding insurance coverage for pain management can be complex. Many Texas healthcare providers work with insurance companies to ensure that treatments are covered, but patients should verify their specific plan details. Some services, especially alternative therapies, may not be fully covered by insurance, so it’s important to discuss costs and payment options upfront.
For More Info :-
pain management in texas
epic pain management
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dankusner · 29 days
A&M Right to Stop Hormone Therapy Offer
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Even with supervision, gender-affirming treatments are a bit outside a university health clinic’s purview
Texas A&M University’s decision to stop providing hormone replacement therapy through the school is not surprising to those who have followed growing concerns about the science supporting what is known as gender-affirming care.
According to reporting from The Texas Tribune, A&M was rare, if not unique, among Texas’ public universities in providing hormone therapy to students who decide to transition.
Even as gender-affirming care — from social transition to hormone therapy to surgery — has become increasingly common, the practice has raised political and scientific concerns.
The reason A&M gave the Tribune for the decision to stop hormonal therapy was a “growing student population and the resulting strain on the A.P. Beutel Health Center.”
That may be.
But there are other good reasons for a public university to hit pause on providing life-altering drugs to students while there are still deep and unresolved questions about the medical efficacy of the treatment these drugs support.
While most major American medical organizations have voiced support for gender-affirming care, several European nations, including England, France and Sweden, have taken a hard look at the science and have stepped away from the practice for minors except in very limited circumstances.
A groundbreaking report from England’s National Health Service concluded that for “most young people, a medical pathway will not be the best way to manage their gender-related distress.”
A&M students seeking care are presumably adults, and they have every right to pursue medical care they believe they need.
But there are hints that the care they were receiving might put the university at future risk.
The Tribune interviewed one student who received hormone replacement therapy through the school and recalled “how easy the process was.”
It involved “an information session with a doctor [who] explained potential risks, health changes and personal medical considerations.”
We don’t know what the student’s course of care was exactly.
But a single meeting with a single doctor prior to getting life-altering drugs could very well put A&M at risk of liability.
Hormone therapy can have profound permanent effects on the body, including sterility.
There is a growing population of people known as detransitioners who often say they should never have been advised to undergo gender-affirming care.
A law firm has opened in Dallas for the express purpose of handling cases from detransitioners.
Texas A&M has a responsibility to its students.
But providing this level of medical intervention should only be done in close concert with doctors who are deeply engaged in a patient’s mental and physical well-being.
That is not the purview of a student health clinic.
A&M’s decision, for whatever reason, may spare the university great grief in coming years.
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qlmdwellness · 1 month
Revitalize Your Health at QLMD Wellness: Your Destination for Wellness in Tomball, Texas
Are you looking to embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier you in Tomball, Texas? Welcome to the QLMD Direct Primary Care Clinic, where we are dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness goals through personalized care and innovative solutions.
Weight Loss Clinics in Tomball, Texas: At QLMD Wellness, we understand that weight loss is not just about shedding pounds—it's about transforming your lifestyle and reclaiming your health. Our weight-loss clinics in Tomball, Texas, offer comprehensive programs tailored to your unique needs. From customized meal plans to fitness routines and medical guidance, our experienced team is here to support you every step of the way on your weight loss journey.
Health Care Clinic in Tomball, Texas: Your health is our priority at QLMDWellness.com. As a leading health care clinic in Tomball, Texas, we provide a wide range of services aimed at optimizing your overall well-being. Whether you need preventive care, chronic disease management, or specialized treatments, our dedicated healthcare professionals are committed to delivering compassionate and personalized care to every patient.
At QLMD Direct Primary Care, we believe that true wellness encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Our integrated approach to health care combines traditional medicine with holistic therapies to address the root causes of your health concerns and promote long-term wellness.
Experience the difference at QLMD Wellness, where your journey to optimal health begins. Our weight loss clinics and health care services in Tomball, Texas, are designed to empower you to live your best life. Take the first step towards a healthier future and schedule your consultation with us today. Transform your health, transform your life—discover the possibilities with QLMDWellness in Tomball, Texas.
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Individual therapy for relationship issues * Call (949) 464-8272 | Psykhe Center
PSYKHE CENTER 18003 Sky Park Cir. Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 464-8272
Licensed in California and Texas, Dr. Tara McCormick is a clinical psychologist.
Dr. Tara McCormick is a clinical psychologist who specializes in integrative health psychology. She is authentic, insightful, and emphasizes the importance of creating a safe, nonjudgmental, and compassionate therapeutic space to reflect and process emotions. At the Psykhe Center for Integrative Health, Dr. McCormick uses evidence-based practice and neuroscience to guide her therapy sessions. Her therapeutic style combines holistic, humanistic, psychodynamic, internal family systems (integrative somatic parts work), and attachment-based theories to gain insight while implementing mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral strategies to help with symptom management and behavioral change.
Through her integrative and holistic approach, she believes psychological well-being derive from addressing emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual facets of the human experience.
She has worked in outpatient and inpatient residential psychiatric and dual-diagnosis multidisciplinary settings. She has experience working with individuals across the lifespan with diverse backgrounds.
She has received rigorous training at some of California’s most reputable healthcare institutions. She completed her internship at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego, Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, where she specialized in providing individual therapy and treatment to individuals with anxiety, phobias, depression, relational issues, and chronic, psycho-somatic health issues. She provides psychological and psycho-diagnostic assessments for ADHD, learning difficulties, intelligence, and mood issues to children, adolescents, adults, and older adults.
Additionally, Dr. McCormick served our veteran population at the VA Department of Mental Health in Loma Linda for her postdoctoral fellowship by offering psycho-educational groups in health promotion and disease prevention, individual therapy, and integrated behavioral medicine interventions for stress management, weight management, neurofeedback, biofeedback, and insomnia.
Dr. McCormick holds a M.A. and Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the Chicago School of Professional Psychology graduating with honors for dissertation excellence, a M.A. from Pepperdine University (Graduate School of Education and Psychology) graduating with honors, and a B.S. in biopsychology from University of California Santa Barbara.
She specializes in integrative, holistic, and health psychology, and the mind-body-spirit relationship. She is a Southern California native and regularly spends time in nature by gardening, going to the beach, camping, hiking, and traveling to national parks.
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carterahealth · 1 year
Visit The Top Physical Therapists in Houston, Texas to Get Rejuvenating Care
In our fast-paced world, therapy has emerged as a crucial form of healthcare that aims to restore and enhance our health. Whether you're recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or seeking preventive care, it offers a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond the surface. This provides you relief in various aspects such as pain, injury prevention, relaxation of muscles, and a lot more.
Therapists serve as the guiding hands that help us restore, rejuvenate, and rediscover our bodies' incredible potential. With their expertise in Physical Therapists in Houston, Texas help to treat your body issues through relaxing methods. They are the unsung heroes behind many success stories of healing and recovery.
Ph no. (833) 735-2273 Mail us [email protected] Address 1449 Hwy 6 Suite 320, Sugar Land, TX 77478
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sa7abnews · 1 month
Freed American prisoners Gershkovich and Whelan may face ‘disruptive’ trauma, say mental health experts
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/freed-american-prisoners-gershkovich-and-whelan-may-face-disruptive-trauma-say-mental-health-experts/
Freed American prisoners Gershkovich and Whelan may face ‘disruptive’ trauma, say mental health experts
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While Thursday’s release of American prisoners from Russia was marked by celebration and relief, the former captives could face future health challenges, experts say.Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and American veteran Paul Whelan were among those released from Russia on Thursday in a large prisoner swap.A third U.S. citizen, Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, was also released.US-RUSSIAN PRISONER EXCHANGES OVER THE YEARS: SEE THE LISTA plane carrying the freed Americans landed at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland late Thursday night, where they were greeted by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.The newly released prisoners were then flown to San Antonio, Texas, for evaluation and rehabilitation at Brooke Army Medical Center, a premier military medical facility, according to reports.Although the prisoners are safely back on U.S. soil and have been reunited with their families, they may experience mental health challenges stemming from the trauma of detainment, said experts.”Besides the obvious threats to one’s safety and the horrifying prospect of confinement, a situation like this is fraught with uncertainty,” Dr. Norman Blumenthal, director of the Ohel Zachter Family National Trauma Center in New York, told Fox News Digital. WSJ REPORTER EVAN GERSHKOVICH RELEASED BY RUSSIA IN PRISONER SWAP; PAUL WHELAN ALSO BEING FREED”Ambiguity in and of itself induces stress — and that, coupled with their very predicament, can create a marked escalation of trauma.” (None of the experts cited here have treated the released Americans.)Dr. Karen DeCocker, a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner director at Stella Centers in Chicago, noted that being held captive can lead to several types of trauma. “This varies from person to person based on prior history and the experiences encountered during captivity,” she told Fox News Digital.TRUMP’S ATTEMPTED ASSASSIN WAS A ‘LONER,’ FBI SAYS, AS EXPERTS SHARE TELLTALE SIGNS IN OTHERS ACROSS AMERICAWhile each person reacts differently to trauma, Blumenthal predicted that the freed prisoners would likely experience an “initial thrill and exhilaration” from their liberation. “The celebrations and enthusiastic reunions with loved ones can temporarily overshadow the trauma,” he noted. “As life returns to normal and routines set in, that is often when the frightening flashbacks and intrusive recollections can become disruptive and destabilizing.”Dr. Marc Siegel, senior medical analyst for Fox News and clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, said it is likely the prisoners experienced physical and mental abuse, sleep deprivation, dehydration, malnutrition and possibly infections.Jonathan Alpert, a psychotherapist and author based in New York City, said that Gershkovich, Whelan and Kurmasheva, along with the other released prisoners, may suffer from both acute stress disorder (ASD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). WHAT IS PTSD? SYMPTOMS THAT CAN EMERGE AFTER EXPERIENCING A TRAUMATIC EVENTASD is a short-term mental health condition that typically occurs within a month after a traumatic experience, according to Cleveland Clinic’s website.”Acute stress disorder may include flashbacks, nightmares, intense fear and high anxiety,” Alpert told Fox News Digital.  It can also include feelings of numbness or detachment.PTSD occurs when such symptoms persist for a month or longer, and the anxiety becomes chronic, according to Alpert.FDA PANEL REJECTS MDMA-ASSISTED THERAPIES FOR PTSD DESPITE HIGH HOPES FROM VETERANSPTSD may include many of the same symptoms as ASD, and can impair the person’s ability to function in daily activities.The freed prisoners may also experience depression, anger and difficulty trusting others, said Alpert.   “I’ve also seen people have trouble focusing and making decisions in light of a trauma,” he added.It could also be challenging for the former prisoners to reintegrate into their normal environments and social groups, Alpert said.Symptoms of trauma are “not universal,” Siegel told Fox News Digital.”There are differences, and not everyone experiences PTSD,” he said. “Common symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, depersonalization and derealization, anxiety and depression.”DeCocker noted that symptoms can be both mental and physical — including the following five points.”Individuals may experience dissociation, where they feel disconnected from their thoughts, feelings or sense of identity,” DeCocker told Fox News Digital. TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT COULD HAVE WIDESPREAD MENTAL HEALTH IMPACT, EXPERTS SAY: ‘VICARIOUS TRAUMA’”This can manifest as feeling detached from oneself (depersonalization) or from the world around them (derealization).”Some trauma survivors may feel a sense of guilt for having survived a traumatic experience when others did not, or for putting themselves or others in situations that led to captivity, DeCocker said. They may also feel guilty about the stress and anxiety that family members and loved ones experienced during their imprisonment. “Issues with trust, intimacy and personal relationships often occur with survivors and their families,” DeCocker told Fox News Digital. “The impact of their captivity often comes from their inability to relate the experience to others.”Trauma survivors may experience feelings of shame, worthlessness or confusion about their identity, according to DeCocker. “In this case, where there was an exchange of prisoners, there may be added complexity,” she said.It’s not uncommon for trauma survivors to have negative beliefs about themselves or the world, according to DeCocker. “Generalizations about the world being unsafe or out of their control can occur,” she said. “Threats are often seen in everyday experiences.”Potential physical symptoms could include chronic pain, such as headaches or muscle pain, in addition to persistent fatigue and lack of energy, according to Nikki Bishop, a licensed clinical psychologist and clinical director at SunCloud Health in Chicago.”A person may also experience gastrointestinal issues such as stomach pain, nausea and changes in appetite,” she told Fox News Digital. TRUMP’S ATTEMPTED ASSASSIN WAS A ‘LONER,’ FBI SAYS, AS EXPERTS SHARE TELLTALE SIGNS IN OTHERS ACROSS AMERICA”Additionally, cardiovascular risks could occur, such as increased blood pressure, heart palpitations and increased risk of heart disease.”To cope with painful feelings, people can sometimes turn to substance use, process addictions, eating disorders and even food addiction as a means of trying to numb the pain, Bishop added.Given the high-profile release, Gershkovich and Whelan will likely receive a large amount of media attention, Alpert noted — “but it’s important that they have the space and privacy they need to process this on their own timeline.”DeCocker agreed, stressing the importance of taking extensive time to heal and recover. “There is no rush to reintegrate,” she told Fox News Digital. “Time is best devoted toward rest and restoring a sense of balance and normalcy.”Embracing daily routines and structure can help with that, DeCocker said.The freed prisoners may also want to avoid spending too much time on social media and the news in the early days to avoid retriggering discussions and events, she advised.One “tried-and-true method” of coping is to retell the events to supportive people who act as listeners, not solvers, according to Blumenthal. “Putting the experience into words can help with healing and adjusting to the more mundane aspects of life and routine,” he said.If symptoms are interfering with day-to-day functioning, Alpert recommends seeking professional help.”In the case of a severe trauma, such as being held prisoner and wrongly convicted, symptoms may not surface right away,” he pointed out. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTER”It can be helpful to get ahead of it and speak to a specialist.” All forms of professional help are useful, DeCocker noted. Those include talk therapy, psychiatric support, interventional treatment modalities specific to treating trauma, and physical treatments and therapies to heal the body.Other treatments may include cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and medications such as beta blockers, antidepressants and potentially psychedelics, according to Siegel.Support from loving family members and friends is also key, the doctor added.For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/healthMost people do have an “inherent resilience and capacity to hope,” Blumental said.”These and other freed hostages may, on their own, mobilize and harness strength and heroic reformulations of their recent incarceration to go on and resume normal functioning.”Scott McDonald of Fox News Digital contributed reporting.
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medicalartshospital · 1 month
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At our facility, we pride ourselves on providing top-tier physical therapy medical services designed to cater to the diverse needs of our patients. Our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to delivering personalized care that enhances recovery and promotes overall well-being.
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Our approach to professional physical therapy and hand therapy encompasses a wide range of treatments tailored to address specific conditions and injuries. By integrating advanced techniques with individualized care plans, we ensure each patient receives the best possible outcomes. Whether recovering from surgery, managing chronic pain, or seeking rehabilitation for sports injuries, our therapists are equipped to support you every step of the way.
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Understanding the complexities of physical therapy medical needs, our facility offers comprehensive services that include manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, and specialized hand therapy. Our goal is to restore function, improve mobility, and alleviate pain through evidence-based practices and state-of-the-art equipment.
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Specialized Hand Therapy
Hand therapy is a crucial aspect of our professional physical therapy and hand therapy offerings. Our certified hand therapists are experts in treating conditions affecting the hand, wrist, and elbow. Through targeted interventions, we help patients regain strength, flexibility, and function, enabling them to return to their daily activities with confidence.
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Experience the difference that our comprehensive physical therapy medical and respite care in Lamesa, TX can make in your life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our services. Let us support you on your journey to recovery and well-being.
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hccentral-jobs · 2 months
Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant Per Diem Days - (El Paso, Texas, United States)
Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant Per Diem Days – (El Paso, Texas, United States) Summary At the direction of a Registered Physical Therapist, performs patient treatments as indicated by the treatment plan. Documents treatments given, including frequent and objective measurements. Works with neonatal through geriatric patients with clinical competency. Completes established competencies for…
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vascsa · 2 months
Relieve the Symptoms of Varicose Vein Disease with Our Special Method
Varicose vein disease is a common condition that affects many people, causing pain, swelling, and discomfort in the legs. While it may seem like a minor issue, the impact on daily life can be significant, often leading to limited mobility and reduced quality of life. Fortunately, there are effective natural therapies available that can help manage and alleviate these symptoms, allowing you to live more comfortably.
Understanding Varicose Vein Disease
Varicose veins occur when veins become enlarged, twisted, and filled with blood. This typically happens due to weakened valves in the veins, which prevent blood from flowing efficiently back to the heart. As a result, blood pools in the veins, causing them to bulge and become visible through the skin.
Symptoms of Varicose Vein Disease
Pain and Discomfort: Many people with varicose veins experience aching, throbbing, or a heavy sensation in the legs.
Swelling: Swelling in the lower legs and ankles is common, especially after standing or sitting for long periods.
Itching and Irritation: The skin around varicose veins can become itchy and irritated.
Muscle Cramps: Nighttime leg cramps are often associated with varicose veins.
Skin Changes: In severe cases, varicose veins can lead to skin discoloration, ulcers, or other skin conditions.
Our Special Method: Natural Therapies for Relief
At [Your Clinic Name], we understand the importance of finding a solution that not only addresses the symptoms but also promotes overall vascular health. Our special method combines advanced techniques and natural therapies to provide quick and effective relief from varicose vein symptoms.
Compression Therapy
Compression stockings are a well-known treatment for varicose veins. They apply gentle pressure to the legs, helping to improve blood flow and reduce swelling. Our team will help you find the right type and fit of compression stockings to ensure maximum comfort and effectiveness.
Exercise and Physical Activity
Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining healthy blood circulation. We will design a personalized exercise plan that includes low-impact activities such as walking, swimming, and cycling. These exercises help strengthen the muscles in your legs, support your veins, and improve overall blood flow.
Diet and Nutrition
A balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can support vein health. We provide nutritional counseling to help you make dietary choices that promote healthy blood vessels. Incorporating foods such as berries, citrus fruits, leafy greens, and nuts can make a significant difference.
Herbal Supplements and Remedies
Certain herbal supplements have been shown to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation. Our experts will recommend safe and effective herbal remedies tailored to your needs. These may include horse chestnut extract, grape seed extract, and butcher’s broom.
Elevation and Rest
Elevating your legs can help reduce swelling and discomfort. We will teach you proper techniques for elevating your legs and incorporating periods of rest into your daily routine to alleviate symptoms.
Act Now for Quick Relief
Don't let varicose vein disease control your life. With our special method, you can quickly receive natural therapies that minimize pain, swelling, and discomfort. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal vein health and improve your quality of life.
Contact Us Today
Take the first step towards relieving your varicose vein symptoms. Contact [Your Clinic Name] today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our comprehensive treatment options. Act now and discover the natural way to manage varicose vein disease effectively.
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