#Healthcare Services Houston
carterahealth · 1 year
How Does Houston Long-term Health care Help and What is the Future of the Service
Healthcare has crossed all the barriers and led to a smooth path with the congregation of valuable methods for patients all across the world. On top of that long-term healthcare insurance is there to provide with coverage that overcomes any high amount of cost. As we have entered the phase of technology, you can see how AI and ML power has bettered clinical trials. Moving on to the in-house patient care provided in Houston it again has enriched its routes by the miraculous acceleration for not only the doctors but patients as well.
Houston Long-term Health Care provides with healthcare services that range from giving you the best and foremost treatment if you are suffering from a chronic disease to accommodation. Over here the doctors are specialized with outpatient care techniques, As it is given long-term healthcare is not at all a temporary business as given in the hospitals and institutions. The costs that are associated with extended healthcare services can also vary according to the disabilities and cognitive impairments.
Ph no. (833) 735-2273 Mail us [email protected] Address 1449 Hwy 6 Suite 320, Sugar Land, TX 77478
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simublade1 · 4 months
AI's Role in Healthcare: Business Applications, Advantages, and Future Prospects
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming healthcare, making it more efficient and accessible. AI supports doctors with precise diagnostics, personalized treatments, and streamlined administrative tasks. This AI revolution in the healthcare field improves patient care and also lowers costs, benefiting both providers and patients.
The possibilities for AI in healthcare are vast. From analyzing large data sets to identifying disease patterns, AI's capabilities surpass human limits. AI-powered tools assist in surgeries, manage patient records, and predict health trends, leading to faster and more accurate medical decisions.
As AI technology advances, its impact on healthcare will only grow. Embracing and adopting AI means better patient outcomes, quicker medical breakthroughs, and more efficient healthcare systems. The future of AI in healthcare holds incredible promise, driving the industry toward extraordinary improvements and innovations.
How does AI affect medicine and healthcare? 
AI is changing healthcare by introducing new methods that improve patient care and make medical operations more efficient. AI-powered tools assist doctors in diagnosing diseases with great accuracy, analyzing vast amounts of medical data to uncover critical insights. This will improve patient outcomes and speed up the treatment process.
In clinical settings, AI supports medical professionals by providing evidence-based recommendations for treatments and medications. For example, AI systems can analyze research data to suggest the best treatment plans for individual patients which makes personalized medicine a reality. This level of precision and customization was previously unattainable.
AI also revolutionizes medical imaging by accurately analyzing scans and X-rays, reducing the risk of human error. Furthermore, AI enables predictive and proactive healthcare by analyzing trends and data to offer better preventive care recommendations. Partnering with an AI development service for your next healthcare project looks promising as the future holds great potential for AI in the healthcare domain.
What are the applications of AI in healthcare?
The healthcare domain is being improved with AI in action through advanced applications like accurate diagnostics, personalized treatments, and predictive analytics. It enhances medical imaging, streamlines administrative tasks, supports clinical decisions, and ultimately improves patient outcomes and operational efficiency. The potential for AI in healthcare is vast which promises a future of extraordinary medical advancements and improved care.
1. Diagnostic Accuracy and Imaging
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is significantly enhancing diagnostic accuracy in healthcare by analyzing medical images like X-rays and MRIs with precision. These AI-driven technologies can spot minute anomalies often overlooked by human eyes, aiding early disease detection and improving patient care. This tool not only speeds up diagnosis but also elevates the quality of outcomes, making healthcare more effective and responsive.
2. Drug Discovery and Development
Artificial Intelligence has transformed drug discovery and development by significantly speeding up these traditionally slow and expensive processes. AI leverages predictive modeling to swiftly identify promising drug candidates and simulate their impacts which paves the way for quicker introduction of targeted and effective treatments. This advancement accelerates the development timeline and enhances the potential for groundbreaking medical breakthroughs.
3. Managing medical records
Artificial Intelligence streamlines the handling of medical records, simplifying how data is organized and accessed. This efficiency aids healthcare professionals in quickly retrieving accurate patient details, allowing them to concentrate more on direct patient care. Consequently, AI not only expedites administrative tasks but also enhances the effectiveness of healthcare delivery.
4. Personalized Treatment Plans
By analyzing each patient's unique genetic details and medical history, AI helps doctors craft treatment plans that are customized specifically to individual needs. This method ensures that treatments are not only more effective but also delivered with a precision that significantly reduces the trial and error often seen in traditional approaches. This leads to better health outcomes and more efficient care.
5. Virtual Health Assistants and Remote Monitoring
Virtual health assistants and remote monitoring tools are reshaping patient care. Powered by AI, these technologies provide personalized advice, keep track of health conditions, and ensure timely medication adherence. Wearable devices and sensors monitor patient health from a distance, alerting doctors quickly to any changes. This setup enhances care by enabling early intervention, which can be crucial in managing ongoing health issues.
6. Monitoring health using wearables and personal devices
Wearable devices and personal health monitors are playing an increasingly vital role in healthcare. These tools track vital signs and health patterns, providing data that can preemptively alert both patients and doctors to potential health issues. This timely information enables quicker responses and interventions, ensuring that patients receive necessary care promptly and efficiently, thereby enhancing overall health management.
How can artificial intelligence benefit healthcare?
Artificial intelligence stands to significantly enhance healthcare by boosting the accuracy of diagnoses and refining treatment protocols. This AI technology assists healthcare professionals in providing quicker and more precise care while ensuring healthcare compliance. Additionally, patients benefit from better health outcomes through tailored treatment approaches. Here are a few benefits of artificial intelligence in the healthcare domain.
1. Efficient healthcare operations
In healthcare, AI streamlines operations, benefiting both staff and patients. Administrative tasks like paperwork are automated, freeing up time for staff to focus on patient care. Virtual nursing assistants powered by AI provide around-the-clock support to patients, handling routine queries and scheduling appointments. AI helps reduce dosage errors by identifying mistakes in medication administration. 
Additionally, AI-enabled robots assist in surgeries, minimizing risks and post-surgery complications. Moreover, AI aids in fraud prevention, ensuring healthcare resources are utilized efficiently and effectively.
2. Improved healthcare user experience
Artificial intelligence enhances the healthcare user experience by facilitating clearer communication between patients and providers. Technologies like natural language processing (NLP) and predictive analytics enable more effective interactions, providing patients with specific information about their treatment options. This strengthens shared decision-making between patients and healthcare providers, leading to a more personalized and satisfactory healthcare experience for all involved.
3. Accurate diagnosis of patient
Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a critical role in accurately diagnosing patients, leading to better treatment outcomes. Studies show AI can significantly reduce treatment costs while improving health outcomes. For instance, AI technology has been successful in predicting breast cancer risk and identifying skin cancer more accurately than experienced doctors. By harnessing the power of AI algorithms, healthcare providers can enhance diagnostic accuracy, ultimately saving lives and improving patient care.
4. Reduced cost of care
Artificial intelligence is key to reducing healthcare costs by streamlining operations and minimizing errors. AI's ability to quickly process vast amounts of data helps accelerate administrative tasks and enhances the accuracy of medical procedures. This efficiency reduces unnecessary expenses and frees up resources which in turn allow healthcare facilities to allocate more towards direct patient care, thereby improving service while cutting costs.
5. Improved workload and reduced staff stress
AI tools offer a bit of relief to healthcare staff by lightening their workload and reducing stress. With AI handling repetitive tasks, healthcare professionals can focus more on providing quality care to patients. AI contributes to improving staff mental health and overall well-being by reducing their mental pressures. This ensures that healthcare providers can deliver the best possible care without compromising their own health and work-life balance.
What does the future hold for AI in healthcare?
In healthcare, AI is more than just a trend; it's becoming a vital tool for improving patient care and medical practices. Already, AI helps analyze vast amounts of patient data, aiding professionals in making informed decisions promptly. As technology advances, its role in healthcare will only grow, offering more accurate diagnoses, personalized treatment plans, and streamlined operations. Mobile app developers are increasingly integrating AI into healthcare apps, enhancing accessibility and functionality for both patients and providers.
The future holds exciting possibilities for AI in healthcare. Forecasts suggest a staggering growth in the industry, with AI expected to be worth over $208 billion by 2030. While concerns about job loss exist, studies indicate minimal impact, emphasizing AI's role in augmenting rather than replacing human expertise.As AI continues to evolve, its integration into healthcare will become commonplace. Patients and professionals alike can anticipate a future where AI, including innovations from companies like Simublade, enhances medical care, improves outcomes, and revolutionizes the healthcare landscape.
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Alyssa Tirrell at MMFA:
Dr. Eithan Haim, a former medical resident at Texas Children's Hospital, was indicted in May for allegedly illegally accessing trans patients’ records, which he subsequently shared with Manhattan Institute senior fellow Chris Rufo.  Right-wing media figures have since defended Haim and brought him in for interviews, often equating the care allegedly provided at Texas Children's Hospital — such as the prescription of "puberty blockers" — with harm or mutilation and alleging that Haim is the target of political persecution.  The campaign has successfully raised both Haim's profile and at least $888,865, which he claims will be used for both his legal defense and “offensive legal action against those who have abused their professional responsibility in service of radical transgender ideology.” 
Haim allegedly illegally accessed trans patients’ records
On February 18, 2022, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton issued an opinion that qualified youth gender-affirming care as "child abuse", prompting Texas Children's Hospital to announce that it would stop proving such care. Although the opinion was not legally binding, the hospital released a statement announcing that it would stop prescribing gender-affirming hormone therapies. The statement, which also alluded to recent measures that Gov. Greg Abbott had taken against families of children receiving gender-affirming care, added that “this step was taken to safeguard our healthcare professionals and impacted families from potential legal ramifications.” [Office of the Attorney General of Texas, 2/18/22; American Civil Liberties Union, 2/23/22; The Washington Post, 3/8/22]
In late spring 2023, Dr. Eithan Haim allegedly accessed the records of trans patients at Texas Children's Hospital and shared them with Manhattan Institute senior fellow Chris Rufo. Haim, a resident at Baylor College of Medicine who had previously conducted rotations at Texas Children's Hospital, shared redacted files with Rufo that allegedly demonstrated that the hospital was continuing to provide gender-affirming services to minors. [Houston Public Media, 6/10/24; U.S. Attorney's Office, Southern District of Texas, 6/17/24; United States District Court of the Southern District of Texas, 5/29/24]
On June 2, 2023, a Texas bill restricting gender-affirming care for children was signed into law. S.B. 14 prohibited “the provision to certain children of procedures and treatments for gender transitioning, gender reassignment, or gender dysphoria” as well as “the use of public money or public assistance to provide those procedures and treatments.” The law went into effect on September 1 of that year. [Texas legislature, 6/2/23]
Right-wing media figures platformed Haim in solo interviews, where he defended himself 
Since January 2024, with the revelation of his identity, Eithan Haim has appeared as a guest alongside many prominent right-wing media figures. In these interviews Haim neither claimed to have worked directly with trans patients nor disputed sharing the documents with Chris Rufo. Instead, Haim often alleged that he was being unfairly targeted and defended his case on the grounds that the care allegedly provided at Texas Children's Hospital was harmful to pediatric patients. 
Right-wing media defend Dr. Eithan Haim’s HIPAA-violating ways of illegally accessing trans patients’ records while at Texas Children’s Hospital in which he shared those records with far-right anti-LGBTQ+ agitator Christopher Rufo.
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coochiequeens · 3 months
Maybe now that the people with the money to buy babies are being scammed even IVF proponents will admit that there needs to be regulations in the Buy a Baby Business
Dominique Side, the owner of Surrogacy Escrow Account Management, poses in 2023 at Vegan Fashion Week in Los Angeles.
(Gilbert Flores / WWD via Getty Images)
By Matt Hamilton Staff Writer June 30, 2024 
They scrimped, and they saved. Some asked family and friends to pitch in. Others took out loans for tens of thousands of dollars.
Their goal was twofold: To raise the small fortune necessary to pay for a surrogate mother. And to realize a dream previously impossible — having a child of their own.
Hundreds of people across California, the U.S. and around the globe put their money, sometimes $50,000 or more, into the hands of a Texas-based escrow company so the funds could be held in trust and doled out to a surrogate for healthcare costs, insurance and compensation.
But this month, expectant parents and their surrogates learned the money they had set aside at Houston-based Surrogacy Escrow Account Management, or SEAM, is inaccessible and likely gone.
“We want answers,” said Chris Kettmann of Fair Oaks, Calif., a suburb of Sacramento. “Is there recourse to get the money back? If not, what can we do?”
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Chris Kettmann and his wife with their ultrasound in an undated photo. (Chris Kettmann)
Kettmann, 33, said he and his wife had about $45,000 in their escrow account, money owed to their surrogate mother, who is pregnant with their baby boy and due in October. “We don’t know enough to say what happened,” he said. “We just know there’s something crazy going on.”
Police in Houston have opened a wide-reaching investigation. Christina Garza, a spokeswoman for the FBI’s Houston field office, confirmed last week that the agency also is investigating SEAM. The FBI has developed a public portal for SEAM clients to report their account information and how much money they believe they are owed. Garza, however, cautioned that the inquiry was in its early stages and said, “We’re trying to compile as much information as possible.”
A married same-sex couple in Washington, D.C., says they are out $55,000. A Los Feliz couple said they demanded their $40,111 be returned and believe it is gone. Arielle Mitton, an L.A. native who recently moved to Bellingham, Wash., can recite the amount that she and her husband are missing down to the cent: $37,721.44.
“I assumed naively that an escrow account was a safe thing,” said Mitton, whose surrogate mother in Indiana is pregnant with their daughter and is due to deliver on Christmas Eve.
Mitton has joined hundreds of affected parents and surrogates in a private Facebook group that has become a forum for venting, grieving, exchanging information and trying to answer the overriding questions: What happened here? And where did all their money go?
Scrutiny has centered on the sole owner of SEAM, Dominique Side, who has told customers that she had once been a surrogate. The 44-year-old billed herself as an entrepreneur of multimillion dollar businesses in the Houston area, including a vegan grocery store, a nonprofit school, a vegan music studio, and the surrogacy escrow outfit. She walked the red carpet in L.A. for vegan fashion events and ran a concierge service for those seeking a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
“One common thread runs through all my businesses: each is based firmly on a foundation of compassion — for others, for myself and for the planet,” she told a Houston publication in 2022.
Side did not respond to calls or written questions. Emails to Side triggered an auto-response that doubled as a press statement. Citing the “active investigation by federal authorities,” Side wrote in the email, “Under the advice of counsel, I am not permitted to respond to any inquiries regarding the investigation.”
On Thursday, Side and SEAM were hit by a lawsuit from a merchant cash-advance lender, the third such lawsuit this year. Merchant cash advance lenders provide small businesses with quick infusions of money at high fees akin to interest rates of 50% to 100%.
A judge in Texas also froze all of the company’s accounts along with Side’s other businesses after a SEAM client, Marieke Slik, sued over her “vanished” $28,000.
Calling herself a “victim of a scam,” Slik alleged that Side and her company had lured her and others “into a fiduciary relationship in order to steal their escrow funds,” according to her lawsuit, which was filed in Texas. “The Defendants have left hundreds of surrogates throughout the country — who are pregnant with a child that does not belong to them — with no way to pay for necessary prenatal care.”
Sides’ actions, according to the lawsuit, “are nothing short of evil.”
Struggling parents
Many surrogacies often involve LGBTQ+ couples who want children, or older couples for whom childbearing is no longer a viable possibility.
For others, the road to surrogacy is one of heartbreak and tragedy.
The married woman in Los Feliz said she had had multiple miscarriages. She was recently pregnant but gave birth in the second trimester. The newborn died at Cedars-Sinai in his parents’ arms.
The couple turned to surrogacy after exhausting all other options. They selected a surrogate mother, completed the necessary contract — which often requires using an escrow firm — and put more than $40,000 into the account, a portion of the overall cost. But their embryo had yet to be transferred into the surrogate mother.
“Nothing is clear,” she said, explaining that she and her husband demanded their funds weeks ago. “Obviously that fell on deaf ears — we didn’t get our money back,” she said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because their extended family remains unaware of their attempt at using a surrogate.
“I’d love to carry this child,��� she said, and “not spend any money on a surrogate. There’s a level of that, where you feel so terribly sad. You feel sad about the money, but you feel sad about the situation.”
‘Something really bad has happened’
For intended parents and surrogates, trouble emerged around late May, when surrogates did not receive their usual payments.
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Arielle Mitton gives surrogate mother Tena Doan’s belly a kiss. Doan is carrying Mitton’s baby.  (Arielle Mitton)
In early June, Tena Doan — a 42-year-old surrogate mother in Indiana — said she noticed her bank account balance was lower than expected and realized her monthly payment and allowance had not come through. Her surrogacy agency told her that banking issues at SEAM had delayed the arrival of the money.
“I said, ‘No problem, they’ll get it fixed,’” Doan recalled, figuring that banking issues happen. When she logged into SEAM’s portal, she saw that the money listed as due her was still there.
Then came a June 12 email from Side claiming that fraudulent charges had prompted Capitol One to freeze SEAM’s account.
“Some payments were able to go through before the accounts were frozen,” Side wrote in the email. She stated that new bank accounts were established and promised service would be restored.
Two days later, however, Side sent another email indicating that “all operations have been placed on hold” due to legal action.
Doan said that the email stopped her in her tracks.
“That’s when we were like, ‘Oh s—, this is not good. Something really bad has happened,’” Doan recalled. “From there, it’s been a whirlwind.”
Mitton — the mother of the child that Doan is carrying — was at home more than 2,000 miles west.
“The first few days, I barely slept, I was nauseous from all the emotional aspects and had vertigo,” Mitton remembered.
She contacted the FBI, Houston police, the Texas attorney general. Mitton even emailed the CEO of Capital One, questioning how the money could apparently vanish.
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Tena Doan, left, and Arielle Mitton. (Arielle Mitton)
Both Doan and Mitton joined the Facebook group and realized they were part of a club they never wanted membership in: those affected by SEAM’s financial collapse.
An informal poll among members suggested that about $10 million was unaccounted for. Parents and surrogates from across the country and around the world have traded information in the Facebook group about current police investigations and become sleuths themselves.
They’ve pored over Side’s various businesses — the Vgn Bae Music Studio, and Nikki Green, a luxury vegan fashion line. They’ve also mined her social media accounts.
A recent post on Side’s Instagram page VgnBaeDom, which has since been deleted, recounted her birthday week in June: Side said she flew to L.A., enjoyed a vegan dinner at the upscale Culver City vegan restaurant Shojin, dined at Crossroads Kitchen and Craig’s — both frequent celebrity hotspots — enjoyed a “full day of spa and cabana” at the Four Seasons, before doing fittings at Celine, the luxury French fashion house.
“The week this was going down was also her birthday week,” said Mitton, who recalled thinking, “She’s probably spending our escrow money there.”
Signs of financial difficulty SEAM was first registered in Texas in 2014. Testimonials from 2017 onward show glowing reviews, and one parent told The Times he had used SEAM for their first child without issue.
Lawsuits from cash advance lenders filed against SEAM and Side in New York this year indicate mounting financial trouble in recent months.
So-called merchant cash-advance lenders send sums of money to distressed businesses, often with a rapid turnaround, and, in exchange, a business lets the lender withdraw a portion of future receipts directly from the business’ bank account to pay off the debt. Cash-advance lenders often insist they aren’t lenders and that cash advances against future revenue aren’t technically loans — but New York’s former attorney general had lambasted the industry for predatory debt-collection practices.
In January, Side received an unspecified sum from Pearl Delta Funding and agreed to pay back $69,500. But she defaulted the next month, prompting the lender to sue her in New York in March. (Pearl Delta’s attorney did not respond to an email seeking comment.)
On May 6, Side secured $650,000 from Dynasty Capital and agreed to pay $975,000, or 150% of the amount borrowed, according to court records.
Under the agreement, the lender was allowed to debit $12,500 per day from SEAM’s account until the full amount was paid back. On May 31, Dynasty Capital said in court papers, SEAM “breached the agreement” and either failed to put revenue into the business account or diverted it elsewhere, leaving Dynasty unable to recoup its money.
Dynasty Capital sued Side, SEAM and her various businesses on June 18. Dynasty’s lawyer declined to comment.
On May 29, Side obtained $100,000 from Arsenal Funding and agreed to allow Arsenal to deduct 1.25% of SEAM’s daily revenue from its business bank account until $149,000 was paid off.
Arsenal sued Side and SEAM last week after Side stopped making payments on June 21 and defaulted, according to the lawsuit filed in New York, which demands about $190,000 to cover the outstanding debt and fees.
To secure the loan from Arsenal, Side had to disclose her largest revenue sources. She listed three companies, all in Southern California: US Harvest Babies Surrogacy in the City of Industry; Mle & Mlang International Surrogacy in L.A.; and a Shady Grove Fertility office in Solana Beach.
But there is reason to doubt the accuracy of what Side told the lender. In a statement, Shady Grove said it had no financial relationship with Side or SEAM and did not refer patients to the company, explaining that “some patients may have independently engaged with SEAM.”
Further, the name that Side had listed as her contact has never been an employee of Shady Grove, according to a person familiar with the company’s operations. And the address she listed for Shady Grove is a small branch in the San Diego area that’s been open for only a few months; Shady Grove is headquartered in Maryland and has 49 locations nationwide.
Neither Harvest Babies or Mlan responded to requests for comment.
Side told Arsenal that she was the 100% owner of SEAM and projected an average monthly revenue of $2.78 million, according to a copy of the financial agreement that Arsenal included with its lawsuit.
Lori Hood, a Houston-based attorney who is representing Slik — the client who sued Side this month in Texas — said she was confounded by SEAM’s financial practices. She said the lawsuit from Dynasty Capital indicated that escrow money was used to secure the $650,000 cash payment.
“How do you put up escrow funds as collateral?” said Hood. “That’s my first indication that something’s desperately wrong. You don’t recognize escrow funds as revenue.”
Second, Hood said, SEAM’s tax records that she’s reviewed also showed revenue of “millions of dollars.”
“Did her company make millions of dollars, or is she putting into the tax returns that the escrow money was her revenue?” Hood asked.
To press their client’s lawsuit against SEAM, Hood and her law partner, Marianne Robak, petitioned a judge to freeze all of SEAM’s accounts at Capital One along with other accounts owned or controlled by Side.
“The evidence shows that SEAM’s escrow account with Capital One ... has no funds available,” notes the request for a restraining order to freeze all accounts. “SEAM is insolvent.”
In the filing, Hood also accused SEAM of diverting money into accounts in the name of Life Escrow LLC, a company registered last year to Side’s business partner, Anthony Hall, who is also a defendant in the suit filed by Slik.
Side’s “actions appear to be to avoid having to face the clients she defrauded. It appears she had absconded,” states the restraining order, which a Harris County, Texas, judge signed off on June 21.
Reached by phone on Thursday, Hall said he “had no connection with SEAM,” adding, “I wish I had answers.” Hall said he was a business partner of Side in the vegan music studio, Vgn Bae Studios, adding, “Everything was great until it wasn’t.”
Hall said he did not know if Side had an attorney and said that he was speaking only for himself.
“She’s not gonna respond,” he said of Side. “I’m defending myself. I don’t know what they have going on.”
Pregnancies don’t wait
For Hood and hundreds of surrogate mothers and parents, questions mount.
“I won’t cast blame on any of the parents. They did everything they were supposed to do,” Hood said.
Time is short, however, for ongoing pregnancies and those couples who hope to have a surrogate receive an embryo soon.
Kettmann, from the Sacramento area, said their surrogate mother is 22 weeks pregnant. Of the $57,000 they put into SEAM, he said, $45,000 is missing. The rest had already been distributed to the surrogate.
“It’s a scramble,” he said. He and his wife had some money saved for additional expenses, which they’ve used to cover the June payment that never arrived from SEAM. He’s now fundraising from family and friends.
“We told her we’ll do everything we can to keep her up to date on payments,” he said, “but [we’re] asking her to be patient.”
Mitton and her surrogate mother, Doan, have started collecting donations through GoFundMe and plan to extend the payment terms two years, rather than having all the money sent to Doan shortly after delivery.
“I’m growing a healthy baby girl for them,” Doan said, “and that’s all that matters.”
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dertaglichedan · 2 months
15 health systems dropping Medicare Advantage plans | 2024
Medicare Advantage provides health coverage to more than half of the nation's older adults, but some hospitals and health systems are opting to end their contracts with MA plans over administrative challenges.
Among the most commonly cited reasons are excessive prior authorization denial rates and slow payments from insurers.
In 2023, Becker's began reporting on hospitals and health systems nationwide that dropped some or all of their Medicare Advantage contracts.
In January, the Healthcare Financial Management Association released a survey of 135 health system CFOs, which found that 16% of systems are planning to stop accepting one or more MA plans in the next two years. Another 45% said they are considering the same but have not made a final decision. The report also found that 62% of CFOs believe collecting from MA is "significantly more difficult" than it was two years ago.
Fifteen health systems dropping Medicare Advantage plans in 2024: Editor's note: This is not an exhaustive list. It will continue to be updated this year 1. Canton, Ohio-based Aultman Health System's hospitals will no longer be in network with Humana Medicare Advantage after July 1, and its physicians will no longer be in network after Aug. 1.
2. Albany (N.Y.) Med Health System stopped accepting Humana Medicare Advantage on July 1.
3. Munster, Ind.-based Powers Health (formerly Community Healthcare System) went out of network with Humana and Aetna's Medicare Advantage plans on June 1.
4. Lawton, Okla.-based Comanche County Memorial Hospital stopped accepting UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plans on May 1.
5. Houston-based Memorial Hermann Health System stopped contracting with Humana Medicare Advantage on Jan. 1.
6. York, Pa.-based WellSpan Health stopped accepting Humana Medicare Advantage and UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plans on Jan. 1. UnitedHealthcare D-SNP plans in some locations are still accepted.
7. Newark, Del.-based ChristianaCare is out of network with Humana's Medicare Advantage plans as of Jan. 1, with the exception of home health services.
8. Greenville, N.C.-based ECU Health stopped accepting Humana's Medicare Advantage plans in January.
9. Zanesville, Ohio-based Genesis Healthcare System dropped Anthem BCBS and Humana Medicare Advantage plans in January.
10. Corvallis, Ore.-based Samaritan Health Services' hospitals went out of network with UnitedHealthcare's Medicare Advantage plans on Jan. 9. Samaritan's physicians and provider services will be out of network on Nov. 1.
11. Cameron (Mo.) Regional Medical Center stopped accepting Aetna and Humana Medicare Advantage in 2024.
12. Bend, Ore.-based St. Charles Health System stopped accepting Humana Medicare Advantage on Jan. 1 and Centene MA on Feb. 1. 
13. Brookings (S.D.) Health System stopped accepting all Medicare Advantage plans in 2024.
14. Louisville, Ky.-based Baptist Health went out of network with UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage and Centene's WellCare on Jan. 1. 15. San Diego-based Scripps Health ended all Medicare Advantage contracts for its integrated medical groups, effective Jan. 1.
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lyndztanica · 2 years
In Lieu of Twitter Going Dark Pt. 4
I wasn’t intending on doing this again on Tumblr, but given what could happen with Twitter, and people’s interests, I figured I would do a big charity thread for as much as I can fit in a post. I may have to split them into multiples, at which point I will edit this one to provide links to the others.
If you find this type of information important and want to learn about new charities (or submit others) I have a discord server that I will also link to in this to join. As always, the goal of this is to showcase places to donate your money or other resources to. Again, they might need more than money! Maybe they need a social media manager. Maybe they need someone else to offer rides or information. If you find yourself in a position to do something but you’re broke don’t let the money stop you.
Mutual Aid
Austin Area Urban League :: https://aaul.org/ - [Austin-centric] Local affiliate of the National Urban League, they provide a variety of services to underserved communities in Austin and the Central Texas Region. These include Education, Youth Development, Workforce and Career Development, Healthcare, Housing, and Justice and Advocacy.
Corpus Christi Democratic Socialists of America Mutual Aid :: http://www.corpuschristidsa.org/mutual-aid.html - [Corpus Christi-centric] One of the working groups of the DSA, they cover expenses of people in need with the funds which covers everything from groceries to rent to medical expenses. 
DFW Mutual Aid :: https://www.facebook.com/DFWMutualAid/ - [Dallas/Forth Worth-centric] Mutual aid collective that provides financial support and online resources. 
Houston Houseless Organizing Coalition :: https://linktr.ee/htx.hoc - [Houston-centric] Mutual aid group that provides meals, clothing, hygiene products, and financial support to help people stay housed or get housing.
STRIVE :: https://strive.org/ - [US-centric] Black-led organization that helps unemployed Black members of their community find job training and new, better employment to escape poverty. 
For Our Farmers :: https://forourfarmers.com/ - [Philippines-centric] organization formed in response to Covid-19 to help rural farmers and their families to have enough to eat and have other important needs met. 
Emergency Workplace Organization :: https://workerorganizing.org/ - [US-centric] organization that gives workers the knowledge and resources to organize and advocate for a safe working environment for them and their coworkers. 
Asian Pacific Labor Alliance :: https://www.apalanet.org/ - [US-centric] Labor organization formed by and for Asian and Pacific Islander workers in the United States. 
Freedom Community Clinic :: https://www.freedomcommunityclinic.org/ - [Oakland, CA-centric] clinic that operates out of Oakland, CA to serve communities typically left underserved or mistreated by the medical industry. 
National Alliance on Mental Illness :: https://www.nami.org/home - [US-centric] non-profit organization that provides education, support groups, a help line, and advocates for people with mental illness and their caregivers (should they have caregivers). 
Water Mission :: https://watermission.org/ - International group that works to provide accessible clean water for drinking and sanitation to communities in need due to inequality or disaster. 
International Relief Teams :: https://www.irteams.org/ - International group that strives to restore infrastructure and provide supplies to communities in need. 
RIP Medical Debt :: https://ripmedicaldebt.org/ - [US-centric] Founded by two debt collectors, RIP Medical Debt is the organization used by John Oliver to buy up $15 million dollars of medical debt and clear it. 
Humanity First :: https://usa.humanityfirst.org/ - International organization dedicated to alleviating human suffering where and how a community needs it most. This leads to a variety of efforts -- digging water wells, aid in the wake of natural disasters, etc. 
World Food Program USA :: https://www.wfpusa.org/ - International organization dedicated to alleviating hunger in times of crisis and working to solve world hunger in the long run. 
Take This :: https://www.takethis.org/ - [US-centric] organization that provides resources and help for members of the game industry, which is infamous for its slew of mental health problems. 
Islamic Relief Pakistan :: https://islamic-relief.org.pk/ - [Pakistan-centric] organization dedicated to aiding citizens of Pakistan in the wake of any disaster that strikes the country. 
Post One. Post Two. Post Three.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Walmart is pushing ahead with its in-store health clinics and said Thursday it plans to open 28 more including 18 in Texas’ two largest metro areas.
Dallas-Fort Worth will get 10 Walmart Health clinics in 2024 and eight are planned for the Houston area also next year. Six will open in Phoenix and four in Kansas City, Missouri.
Walmart hasn’t yet said which stores will get the new clinics, but soon it plans to begin recruiting for 300 health care jobs in D-FW and 240 in Houston.
Walmart, Walgreens and CVS have all been moving into the patient care business in recent years by partnering with other companies and making acquisitions. Amazon closed its deal in February to buy primary care provide One Medical, which has opened three free-standing clinics in Dallas. VillageMD, which is majority owned by Walgreens, has opened dozens of clinics in D-FW, many in areas where healthcare facilities are scarce. Store pharmacies have been key links in dispensing all kinds of vaccinations over the years, including since the pandemic started, and now retailers want more of the primary and urgent care business.
“Everyone is doing their own thing, but for us, we’ve got a lot of stores in Texas and a lot of associates in Texas and a lot of customers in Texas and they trust us,” said Dr. David Carmouche, senior vice president at Walmart Health. “We think they want affordable basic health care from us.”
Walmart has 176,000 employees in Texas and operates 592 Walmart, Neighborhood Markets and Sam’s Clubs.
The largest U.S. retailer formed its Walmart Health division in 2019 after trying smaller primary care clinics in about 1,500 square feet of store space. Four of those are in Texas at Walmarts in Garland, Royse City, Tyler and Palestine and they have been rebranded as Walmart Health. Those facilities opened in 2014 as the retailer was exploring the idea of patient care in stores.
Walmart Health clinics offer both primary and urgent care services and average about 5,750 square feet. On-site labs, X-ray and EKG machines and treatment for behavioral health, dental, hearing and other services are part of each location.
So far locations are in Arkansas, Florida, Georgia and Florida and Walmart said it expects to have 75 operating in the U.S. by the end of 2024.
Walmart Health clinics take insurance but also list prices for people who don’t. Sick or injury visits are $100, annual check-up for children is $90, a Lipid panel lab test is $29 and a pap smear is $50 to $70.
Price transparency is part of the program, Dr. Carmouche said. Dental crowns are priced at $750 and root canals are $600 to $850.
Walmart’s own employees are a key population using the facilities, he said. “Our general philosophy is that we want to keep health care affordable. Where we can pass along value to consumers we will, and we’ll price responsibly so that we can continue to grow new centers.”
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Skilled Nursing: A Shield Against Hospital Readmissions
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Hospital readmissions pose a significant challenge for both patients and healthcare systems, leading to increased healthcare costs and added stress for individuals and their families. Skilled nursing care is instrumental in addressing this issue, particularly within the services provided by a home health care provider in Houston, Texas.
Read More: https://www.benchmarkhcs.com/skilled-nursing-a-shield-against-hospital-readmissions
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michaelbryanthicks · 2 days
Michael Bryant Hicks
 Most recently, Hicks was the Executive Vice President, General Counsel, and Corporate Secretary at Indianapolis-based Apria, Inc. (APR), the nation’s largest provider of home healthcare equipment and in-home clinical services for respiratory diseases, diabetes, and other illnesses. At Apria, he managed all legal and regulatory matters, enterprise risk, and government affairs. This work culminated in March 2022, when Hicks and the Apria management team completed negotiation for the sale of Apria to Owens & Minor, delivering a significant premium to shareholders, while placing the business on a trajectory for future value creation. Prior to Apria, Hicks was the General Counsel of Elanco Animal Health (ELAN), a $13.5 Billion market cap animal pharmaceutical company based in Greenfield, Indiana. Hicks led Elanco’s successful 2018 IPO and managed a legal department of 70 professionals in navigating the complex regulatory environment in which the company does business in the United States (FDA, USDA, EPA) and abroad (European Medicines Agency, Chinese FDA). A Trusted Voice in Healthcare and Life Sciences Matters: As a General Counsel, Hicks knows the experience of having the FDA order a company to recall one of its highest revenue products. He has also engaged in complex negotiations with commercial payers and delicate discussions with CMS on drug pricing. He deftly managed these situations by understanding the economic motivations of payers and the FDA and CMS regulatory environment. A Leader in Corporate Governance: Hicks has designed the boards of directors of two public companies in connection with their initial public offerings, developing the corporate governance processes the companies relied upon in their first years on public exchanges. He’s been the company interface with Glass Lewis, ISS, the SEC, and the NYSE. Hicks is the leader these companies have looked to on Environmental, Social, & Governance matters, matching the values and business goals of an enterprise with complementary issues of societal impact. He’s also been the lead negotiator in two major encounters with prominent activist investors. Navigating High Stakes Investigations and Litigation: As General Counsel at Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals, Hicks brought to successful settlement a DEA controlled substances investigation, a DOJ False Claims Act investigation, and an FTC investigation into alleged antitrust violations. He also led the formation of the company’s early strategy in the nationwide opioid litigation. A Leader in Transformative Deal Making: Hicks’s career began in global M&A as an energy lawyer with Vinson & Elkins law firm in Houston, Texas, where his engagements included a wide range of cross-border energy projects, including assisting Occidental Petroleum in financing and building oil production assets with the Ecuadorian state petroleum company Petroecuador. He continued large-scale global deal making in the healthcare and life sciences space as the lead lawyer in consummating some of the largest deals of the last decade: DaVita’s 2012 acquisition of HealthCare Partners ($4.4B), Elanco’s acquisition of Bayer Animal Health ($6.9B). Hicks earned a juris doctor from Yale Law School and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Michael Bryant Hicks
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carterahealth · 1 year
Visit The Top Physical Therapists in Houston, Texas to Get Rejuvenating Care
In our fast-paced world, therapy has emerged as a crucial form of healthcare that aims to restore and enhance our health. Whether you're recovering from an injury, managing a chronic condition, or seeking preventive care, it offers a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond the surface. This provides you relief in various aspects such as pain, injury prevention, relaxation of muscles, and a lot more.
Therapists serve as the guiding hands that help us restore, rejuvenate, and rediscover our bodies' incredible potential. With their expertise in Physical Therapists in Houston, Texas help to treat your body issues through relaxing methods. They are the unsung heroes behind many success stories of healing and recovery.
Ph no. (833) 735-2273 Mail us [email protected] Address 1449 Hwy 6 Suite 320, Sugar Land, TX 77478
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hadilene97 · 2 days
Virtual Sketchpad #2 Photojournalism
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What is the event being depicted?
The photograph depicts a moment during the COVID-19 pandemic in which Dr. Joseph Varon, a healthcare worker in Houston, Texas, comforts an elderly COVID-19 patient on Thanksgiving Day, 2020. It captures the emotional challenges and compassion demonstrated by healthcare workers on the frontlines of the pandemic.
How does the photograph visually represent the story to the reader/viewer?
The photograph visually represents the story by capturing a tender, compassionate moment between the doctor and patient, with Dr. Varon in full protective gear, illustrating both the danger and humanity of the situation. The body language and facial expressions convey the deep emotional toll of the pandemic on both patients and healthcare workers, highlighting themes of empathy, care, and the human need for connection.
What type of change, or reform, does this photograph call for?
The photograph calls for greater recognition and support for healthcare workers, emphasizing the need for improved working conditions, mental health support, and appreciation for their dedication and sacrifice. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of public health measures and community solidarity during a crisis.
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What is the event being depicted?
The photograph depicts the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center, specifically capturing the moment when three New York City firefighters raise the American flag amidst the rubble. This scene symbolizes the resilience and unity of the American people in the wake of the disaster.
How does the photograph visually represent the story to the reader/viewer?
The image visually represents the story by contrasting the destruction of the fallen towers with the hopeful act of raising the flag. The firefighters' determined stance and the flag’s prominent display against the debris convey a powerful message of strength, patriotism, and recovery in the face of overwhelming tragedy.
What type of change, or reform, does this photograph call for?
The photograph calls for a recognition of the heroism of first responders and emphasizes the need for greater support and resources for emergency services. It also underscores the importance of national unity and solidarity in responding to crises, advocating for policies that support both recovery efforts and community resilience.
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Telehealth is transforming the healthcare landscape by significantly improving access to specialty care. With advancements in technology, patients can now receive expert medical advice and treatment without geographical limitations. Telemedicine in Portland, Oregon, is at the forefront of this movement, providing comprehensive specialty care services to a broader population.
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millaphleb · 3 days
Open Exciting Phlebotomist Jobs in Houston TX: Your Guide to Thriving in the Medical Field
Are you interested in pursuing a career in the medical field as a phlebotomist‍ in Houston, ⁢TX? ⁣Phlebotomists play a crucial ⁢role ‍in healthcare settings by ​drawing ⁣blood from patients for various tests, transfusions, research, and donations. ​If⁣ you are looking to unlock exciting phlebotomist jobs in Houston,‌ TX, this comprehensive guide will provide you⁤ with valuable information on how ⁣to thrive‌ in this rewarding⁢ career.
The demand for skilled phlebotomists ​is on the rise in Houston, as​ the healthcare industry continues‌ to grow. Whether you are a recent graduate, looking ⁤for a career change, or seeking to advance your current skills, ⁢becoming a phlebotomist ⁣can open up a world of opportunities in the medical field. From hospitals and clinics to ​blood donation centers and diagnostic laboratories, phlebotomists are in ‌high demand across various ⁣healthcare settings.
**Benefits of Becoming a Phlebotomist in ⁣Houston, TX:**
1. **Job Stability:** With the increasing ‍demand⁣ for healthcare ⁤services, phlebotomists can enjoy job ⁢stability and security in Houston, TX. 2. **Competitive Salary:** Phlebotomists ⁣in‍ Houston can earn a competitive salary, ⁤with opportunities for advancement and additional certifications. 3. **Rewarding Work:** ​As a phlebotomist, you will have the rewarding experience of helping ⁣patients and⁣ playing ​a vital role in their healthcare journey. 4.⁤ **Flexible Schedules:** Many healthcare facilities in Houston offer flexible work‍ schedules for phlebotomists,⁣ allowing for a better ‍work-life balance. 5. **Career Growth:** Phlebotomists can explore ⁣various career paths in the medical field, such as becoming a medical ⁤laboratory technician ​or pursuing further education in nursing or​ healthcare administration.
**Practical Tips for ⁤Thriving as‌ a Phlebotomist in Houston, TX:**
1. **Gain the Necessary ​Education:** To become a certified phlebotomist in Houston, you will need to ‍complete a phlebotomy⁤ training program and earn your certification from an accredited institution. 2. **Obtain Hands-On Experience:** Look for internship or externship opportunities⁤ to gain practical ‍experience in drawing blood‍ and​ working with patients. 3. **Stay Updated​ with Industry Trends:** Stay informed about the latest developments ​in phlebotomy techniques, equipment, and ‍regulations‌ to provide the best care for your patients. 4. **Develop Strong Communication⁤ Skills:** As a phlebotomist, you will interact with patients daily, so developing strong communication skills is essential ⁢for building trust and rapport. 5. **Seek Continuing Education:** Consider pursuing advanced certifications or ⁤further education to enhance your​ skills and advance your career as a phlebotomist‌ in Houston.
**Case Study:**
Emily, a recent graduate ⁤from a phlebotomy training program‍ in Houston, ‍secured​ a job at a local hospital as⁢ a⁢ phlebotomist. With‌ her passion for helping others and dedication to providing quality care, Emily quickly became a valuable member of the healthcare team. She continues to expand ‍her skills and knowledge by attending workshops and pursuing additional certifications, ‌paving‍ the way for a⁢ successful and fulfilling career in phlebotomy.
unlocking exciting ‌phlebotomist⁣ jobs in ‍Houston, TX‍ can lead to a‌ rewarding career in‍ the medical field. By gaining the necessary education, hands-on ‌experience, and staying updated with industry trends, you can thrive as a phlebotomist and make a positive impact on the lives of patients. Whether you are just starting your career or looking to advance in the medical field, becoming a phlebotomist in Houston offers a fulfilling and promising path for your professional growth.
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15pa10rag94 · 3 days
Best Digital Marketing Agency in Texas
The Best Tailored Strategies by the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Texas:
In today’s digital world, every business in Texas, whether small or large, needs an effective digital marketing strategy to thrive. With increasing competition and evolving online trends, simply having a website or social media presence is not enough. To stand out in the local Texas market, businesses require a customized digital marketing plan tailored to their unique needs, audience, and industry. That’s where the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Texas comes in, offering expert services to help your brand succeed online.
In this article, we will explore how tailored digital marketing strategies can boost your brand’s visibility, improve customer engagement, and drive growth for businesses across Texas.
 Why Tailored Digital Marketing Strategies Matter
Texas is a vast state with diverse markets, from the bustling tech hubs in Austin and Dallas to the oil industries in Houston and the tourism hotspots in San Antonio. No two businesses are the same, and what works for one may not work for another. A tailored digital marketing strategy takes into account your specific business goals, target audience, and competition to deliver results that matter.
Here’s why a one-size-fits-all approach to digital marketing won’t work in Texas:
1. Targeting the Right Audience: 
   A key component of digital marketing is knowing your audience. The preferences and behaviors of a consumer in Austin may differ from someone in a smaller town like Amarillo. By understanding the local Texas market, the best digital marketing agency will craft campaigns that speak directly to the people you want to reach, increasing your chances of success.
2. Local SEO for Texas Businesses: 
   Texas is home to a vibrant local economy, with many businesses depending on local customers. Optimizing your website for local SEO ensures that your business shows up when potential customers search for services in your area. A tailored local SEO strategy will include keyword research, Google My Business optimization, and local citations to improve your rankings and attract nearby clients.
3. Industry-Specific Approaches: 
   Whether you’re in healthcare, real estate, hospitality, or retail, each industry requires a different approach to digital marketing. By partnering with the best digital marketing agency in Texas, you get access to industry-specific expertise, ensuring that your campaigns are aligned with the latest trends and best practices.
 Key Digital Marketing Strategies for Texas Businesses
The digital landscape is constantly changing, and a winning strategy requires a mix of techniques to get the best results. Here are some of the most effective digital marketing strategies that can be customized for Texas-based businesses:
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 
   Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the foundation of any successful digital marketing strategy. It’s the process of optimizing your website to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). By targeting specific keywords related to your business, you can improve your visibility and attract more organic traffic.
   For Texas businesses, local SEO is particularly important. Optimizing your website for Texas-specific searches, like “best restaurants in Austin” or “top electricians in Houston,” can help you reach more local customers. The best digital marketing agency in Texas will perform in-depth keyword research to find the most relevant and high-converting terms for your business.
2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising 
   PPC advertising is an excellent way to drive immediate traffic to your website. With platforms like Google Ads, you can create targeted campaigns that display your ads to users searching for specific keywords. PPC allows you to set a budget and only pay when someone clicks on your ad, making it a cost-effective strategy for businesses of all sizes.
   The key to successful PPC advertising is targeting. For example, a business in Dallas may want to focus on users within a 50-mile radius, ensuring that only local customers see their ads. A digital marketing agency will help you create tailored PPC campaigns that focus on geographic, demographic, and behavioral targeting, maximizing your return on investment.
3. Social Media Marketing 
   Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are powerful tools for building brand awareness and engaging with your audience. Texas businesses can leverage social media marketing to showcase their products or services, share valuable content, and connect with potential customers.
   A tailored social media strategy will focus on platforms that resonate with your target audience. For example, a retail business in Texas may benefit from visual platforms like Instagram and Facebook, while a B2B company might find LinkedIn more effective. The best digital marketing agency in Texas will develop a content calendar, manage your social media accounts, and run targeted ads to boost engagement and conversions.
4. Content Marketing 
   Content is king in the world of digital marketing. High-quality, relevant content not only attracts visitors to your website but also builds trust and authority in your industry. Blog posts, videos, infographics, and case studies can all be part of a content marketing strategy that educates and engages your audience.
   Texas businesses can use content marketing to tell their brand story, share industry insights, and provide valuable information to their customers. By producing content that addresses the pain points and needs of your audience, you can establish your brand as a leader in your field.
5. Email Marketing 
   Despite the rise of social media and other digital channels, email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to communicate with your audience. A well-designed email campaign can nurture leads, drive sales, and keep your customers engaged.
   Texas businesses can use email marketing to send newsletters, promotions, and personalized offers to their subscribers. A tailored email strategy will segment your audience based on their interests and behaviors, ensuring that your messages are relevant and timely.
6. Website Design and User Experience (UX) 
   Your website is often the first interaction potential customers have with your business, and a well-designed site can make a big difference in how people perceive your brand. A user-friendly website that loads quickly, is mobile-responsive, and provides easy navigation will improve the overall experience for visitors.
   The best digital marketing agency in Texas will ensure that your website is optimized for both search engines and users. This includes technical SEO, mobile optimization, and design elements that enhance the user experience, such as clear calls to action and fast-loading pages.
Real-World Example: A Texas Business Success Story
Let’s take the example of a local restaurant chain in Austin that wanted to expand its customer base and improve its online presence. By partnering with the best digital marketing agency in Texas, they developed a tailored strategy that included local SEO, PPC advertising, and social media marketing.
The agency optimized the restaurant’s website for local searches, targeting keywords like “best BBQ in Austin” and “family-friendly restaurants in Austin.” They also ran targeted Google Ads and Facebook Ads to reach nearby customers. On social media, the restaurant engaged with followers by sharing mouth-watering photos of their dishes, running contests, and promoting special offers.
Within a few months, the restaurant saw a significant increase in website traffic, online reservations, and foot traffic to their physical locations. Their Google My Business page received more positive reviews, and they were able to build a loyal customer base through social media engagement. This success story highlights the power of a tailored digital marketing strategy for local Texas businesses.
 The Importance of Choosing the Right Digital Marketing Agency
Choosing the right digital marketing agency is crucial to the success of your business. You need an agency that understands the local Texas market and can create customized strategies to meet your unique needs. Here’s why working with the best digital marketing agency in Texas is important:
1. Local Expertise: 
   A Texas-based agency will have a deep understanding of the local market, including consumer behavior, trends, and competition. This knowledge is essential for creating campaigns that resonate with your audience.
2. Proven Track Record: 
   The best digital marketing agencies have a proven track record of delivering results for their clients. They can provide case studies, testimonials, and examples of successful campaigns they’ve managed for other Texas businesses.
3. Customized Solutions: 
   Every business is different, and the best agencies offer customized solutions tailored to your goals, industry, and budget. They’ll take the time to understand your business and create a strategy that delivers measurable results.
4. Ongoing Support and Optimization: 
   Digital marketing is not a one-time effort. The best agencies provide ongoing support, monitoring your campaigns and making adjustments as needed to ensure continuous improvement.
 Conclusion: The Path to Digital Success in Texas
For Texas businesses looking to grow and succeed in the digital age, a tailored digital marketing strategy is essential. From SEO and PPC to social media and content marketing, the best digital marketing agency in Texas will create a comprehensive plan that meets your specific needs and goals. With the right approach, you can increase your online visibility, engage with your target audience, and drive growth for your business.
At Heart Desires Digital, we specialize in helping Texas businesses navigate the complex world of digital marketing. Let us craft a customized strategy that works for you, so you can focus on what you do best—running your business.
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indiahouseinc · 3 days
The Vibrant Houston Indian Community: A Cultural Hub for Connection and Growth
Houston, Texas, is home to one of the most vibrant and diverse Indian communities in the United States. As the fourth-largest city in the U.S., Houston’s multicultural atmosphere offers a welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds. The Houston Indian community is particularly prominent, contributing significantly to the city’s cultural, social, and economic landscape. For many Indians who have settled in Houston, maintaining strong cultural ties while integrating into American life is essential. This is where India Houseinc plays a vital role, providing a space where the Indian community in Houston, TX, can connect, grow, and celebrate their heritage.
The Growing Indian Community in Houston
Over the past few decades, Houston has seen a significant rise in its Indian population, with the community now comprising thousands of Indian Americans. The Indian community in Houston, TX, is known for its strong cultural traditions, educational achievements, and professional success in fields such as healthcare, technology, and business. Indians in Houston have established a rich cultural presence, contributing to the city’s diversity with festivals, religious celebrations, and a variety of community events that reflect their heritage.
India Houseinc: A Community Hub for Houston’s Indian Population
At the heart of the Houston Indian community is India Houseinc, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of both the Indian community and the broader Houston population. India Houseinc is more than just a physical space; it’s a cultural hub where individuals and families can come together to engage in cultural activities, educational programs, and social services that enrich their lives.
Promoting Cultural Awareness and Celebrations
India Houseinc plays a crucial role in promoting cultural awareness and celebrating the diversity of the Indian community in Houston, TX. Throughout the year, the organization hosts various cultural events, including Diwali, Holi, and other Indian festivals. These celebrations offer a platform for Indians to come together and share their culture with the broader Houston community.
Events like these are important for preserving Indian traditions and passing them on to younger generations. At India Houseinc, children and young adults can participate in dance performances, musical events, and art exhibitions, all of which highlight India’s rich heritage. These activities also provide an opportunity for the wider Houston population to learn about and appreciate Indian culture, fostering mutual respect and understanding across different communities.
Offering Education and Skill Development
One of the most significant contributions of India Houseinc to the Houston Indian community is its focus on education and skill development. India Houseinc offers a variety of programs designed to help community members, especially immigrants and newcomers, adapt to life in the U.S. These programs include English language courses, computer literacy training, and career development workshops. By providing these resources, India Houseinc helps individuals and families build a solid foundation for success in their new home.
For children and young adults, India Houseinc also offers tutoring programs and educational workshops that focus on academic achievement and personal growth. These initiatives are designed to help students excel in school while staying connected to their cultural roots. Programs such as after-school tutoring, SAT preparation, and summer camps are popular among Indian families in Houston, as they provide valuable support for students in a nurturing environment.
Fostering Community Engagement and Support
The Houston Indian community is known for its strong sense of togetherness and mutual support, and India Houseinc serves as a critical resource for those in need. The organization offers a range of social services, including health and wellness programs, legal assistance, and support for seniors. These services are particularly important for new immigrants who may be navigating the complexities of life in a new country.
India Houseinc also provides a space for various Indian community groups and organizations to hold meetings, workshops, and social gatherings. This fosters a sense of unity and belonging within the Indian community in Houston, TX, allowing individuals and families to form lasting connections and friendships. The organization regularly hosts events such as community dinners, cultural shows, and volunteer activities, encouraging engagement and involvement from all members of the community.
Health and Wellness Initiatives
Health and wellness are top priorities for the Indian community in Houston, and India Houseinc offers a range of programs designed to promote physical and mental well-being. Yoga and meditation classes, which are rooted in ancient Indian traditions, are popular among community members seeking to improve their health and reduce stress.
In addition to fitness and wellness programs, India Houseinc provides access to healthcare services, including health fairs, medical screenings, and consultations with doctors and healthcare professionals. These services are especially valuable for individuals who may not have easy access to healthcare, helping to address the unique health challenges faced by the Indian community.
Building Bridges Between Cultures
India Houseinc is not only a hub for the Houston Indian community, but it also serves as a bridge between cultures. The organization encourages cultural exchange and collaboration between the Indian community and other ethnic groups in Houston. By fostering dialogue and understanding, India Houseinc promotes a sense of unity and inclusivity, helping to break down cultural barriers and build a stronger, more connected Houston.
The Indian community in Houston, TX, is a vibrant and thriving part of the city’s cultural fabric, and India Houseinc plays an integral role in supporting and enriching this community. Through its wide range of programs, services, and events, India Houseinc helps Indian Americans maintain their cultural heritage while building new connections and opportunities in Houston. Whether you’re looking to celebrate your Indian roots, engage in educational programs, or participate in cultural events, India Houseinc is a welcoming and inclusive space where the Houston Indian community can come together and grow.
For more information about India Houseinc and its programs, visit our website and learn how you can get involved!
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jobkash · 4 days
Data Entry Operator I - Casual - SPH
What we do here changes the world. UTHealth Houston is Texas’ resource for healthcare education, innovation, scientific discovery, and excellence in patient care. That’s where you come in.Casual Data Entry Operator I position with the UTHealth School of Public Health.Once you join us you won’t want to leave. It’s because we reward our team for the excellent service they provide. Our total rewards…
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