LIPIZZAN FOALS by LitterART Via Flickr: Lipizzan Stud Piber . Styria . Ausrtria . Europe
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bergsmotiv · 1 year
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Piber bei Köflach, Stmk.
Staatsgestüt - Lipizzanerzucht
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ifelten · 2 years
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Skovpiber (Anthus trivialis)
På jagt efter gåsebiller (Phyllopertha horticola)
Tree Pipit (Anthus trivialis)
Hunting for Garden Chafer (Phyllopertha horticola)
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Sky Full of Stars - Chapter Sixteen.
They're back, besties! I know people still have to catch up, but I can't hold it back any longer as it isn't fair to those who are up to date and waiting for new updates. I hope those who need to get caught up are able to do so soon and continue enjoying the story :)
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 3,542
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
It had taken a little jostling, but prior to their arrival in Vienna, Jade had also managed to secure two other guests for their tour of the Spanish Riding School, Jess and Sunni accompanying them, too. Jess had only discovered a love of horses in recent years, Jade’s estate manager Bob giving her lessons whenever she visited, as well as taking them back home whenever her schedule allowed. Sunni could appreciate beautiful horses as much as the next person, but exquisite architecture was where it lay for him, delaying his flight back to London in order to spend a little more time in Europe.  
To say the surroundings were exquisite was putting it mildly, though. The school itself looked more like a palace, the four of them marvelling at the stunning elegance of the building as their guide, a man named Georg, greeted them outside, shaking everyone’s hand and welcoming them to the school. 
The inside was mind blowing, from the beautiful arena the horses were exercised in right down to the immaculate stable blocks the magical looking, pure white steeds were cared for within, Georg proudly explaining the history as they walked from place to place.  
“I would like you to meet Mia, Mrs. Brody. This is who you shall be riding today. She was recently brought up from our stud in the village of Piber, where all our horses come from,” he explained, smiling as Jade reached to stroke her muzzle. 
“Please do call me Jade, Georg,” she began, the man nodding. “Oh, she’s absolutely beautiful. How old is she? And why is she used in the school when historically, you guys only use stallions?” 
“She has just turned six and is showing great promise. She is here on a special exception. I will have her prepared for you, if you would like to wait at the top of the block, then Wolfgang will show you to the entrance of the school where you may join in on the exercise.” 
At knowing she would be coming there prior to the tour’s commence, she’d brought with her jodhpurs, her riding hat and boots, waiting for Mia to be brought up with her while her husband and friends were shown to the seating area at the top of the arena. She was a little nervous, riding such a young horse and knowing of the complications that came with that, also feeling a little inferior to the other riders there. 
“Do not worry, miss. She is like a lamb,” Wolfgang told her, giving her a leg up into the saddle, Jade adjusting her stirrups and tightening the girth buckles beneath the saddle flap before moving her forward, the kindly stable groom holding the entrance doors open. There she was, the girl from Tottenham, riding a purebred Lipizzaner mare into the most famous riding school in the world. 
How was this her life? 
“Guten tag, Frau Brody.” A few of the other riders greeted her with as they trotted past, all nodding politely as their steeds looked like they were floating on air. Letting Mia walk a little while, she then gathered her reins, nudging her heels into her sides, the horse moving on into a gentle trot. She soon realised she needn’t have worried, and that Wolfgang had been entirely correct; Mia was an absolute lamb, so flawlessly well mannered, doing everything Jade gave her the instruction to do immediately.  
A photographer from the school followed her progress around the arena, taking pictures, a few of the other riders pausing to watch. They hadn’t actually expected the famous musician and actress visiting them to know what she was doing. While she wasn’t a patch on their status, she managed to work Mia through collected and extended trot and canter, passage, lateral movements in both trot and canter, and much to Jade’s delight, a few flying changes. This was the movement where the horse was asked to change its leading leg in the pace of canter, making them look to almost be skipping.  
“I’ve never done these successfully before!” she squeaked while passing her little group, all of them clapping, Adrien in particular beaming with pride as he watched his wife enjoying herself. She spent a further twenty minutes having the time of her life, the instructor giving her some guidance and pointers before she rode over to the corner, beaming brightly. 
“So, you like her, then?” Adrien asked, shaking a little look with Georg. 
“Like her? Honey, I am in bloody love with her! She’s like riding a cloud! She’s such a good girl, too, she just wants to please and work with her rider, never against. Wow. Really, she’s amazing,” she spoke, in part to Georg too, who nodded graciously.  
“Well, that’s good,” her husband chirped, “because she’s yours.”  
Her mouth fell open, a hand rapidly clasped over it, eyes almost falling out into the soft sand beneath Mia’s hooves. “You did not.” Further stunned silence. “You did not buy her!”   
He couldn’t have felt more entertained by her reaction if he’d tried. “I did. Told you you’d have to wait a while longer for your birthday present.”  
“Stop it!” 
He laughed, reaching to stroke Mia’s face, receiving a friendly shove from the horse. “Nope. I have to arrange everything, but tentatively we’re looking at her landing at JFK on July 18th, once we’re back from work.” 
“Are you actually serious?”  
She was so cute when she was dumbfounded. “I am. She’s all yours, baby love.”  
Predictably, Jade burst into tears at hearing that, unable to believe her husband had planned all of this without her knowing. “Stop it!” 
Everyone was in mild fits at her shock, Adrien reaching for her hand. “Go on, you go show off on your new horse a little longer, since you have to wait a while for her to come home.” 
“I love you so much! I just... and I can’t... I wondered why she was being used in the school! She isn’t, is she?”  
Not much got past Jade, Georg filling her in. “No, I had to tell a little lie. She has been backed at the stud and trained, but never used in the school. She was only brought up here for you, because your husband pulled a hell of a lot of strings so you would be able to say you had once ridden your own horse here.” 
Her lip wobbled, looking to Adrien again, in utter disbelief that had Jess and Sunni in soft hysterics at her cuteness. “I love you so much!”  
“Love you too, Moo. Go on, get outta here.” She was still wide eyed as she gathered the reins, drying her eyes as she rode off, Adrien chuckling as he leaned to Sunni. “Am I out of my damned mind for dropping fourteen and a half grand on a horse?”  
“Insane, mate,” he confirmed, nodding in the direction Jade had ridden off in, “but look how bloody happy she looks, eh?” 
“This is the most relaxed I’ve seen her look in months,” he replied, looking to his side to where Jess was dabbing her eyes with a tissue, thrilled for her friend. 
“Why can’t you have a fucking brother, damnit? Mr freakin’ perfect over here!”  
He threw his head back, laughing softly, wrapping an arm around her. “I’m far from it. I just pay attention when she tells me things, and I always remembered her telling me that it was her dream to ride here. Thought I’d buy her the horse while we were here, too.” 
In truth, it hadn’t been him alone. He’d employed the services of Bob, flying him out to Austria a few weeks prior to he could take a look at Mia himself and ride her, make sure she was a suitable purchase for Jade before he spent that many thousands on the mare. Bob had confirmed she was perfect, telling him there was no way Jade wouldn’t love her. 
After her ride, Jade took her back to the stable block, spending time making a huge fuss of her in her stable, stroking the grey dapples upon her coat. She also snapped plenty of pictures on her phone, hardly able to believe she actually owned a horse so beautiful and well mannered.  
“How come she’s part grey, when all the others are white?” Adrien asked, Mia softly mouthing the palm of his hand as he stroked her muzzle.  
“They’re born dark and become whiter the older they get. She’ll probably lose her grey entirely in about three years,” she confirmed, patting her thick neck. “I can’t wait to have you home, sweetheart. Just you wait and see how much grazing land you’ll have, yes! I’ll have to sort out paddocks for you, buy you a friend, too. And organise having stables built, yes I will, baby girl.” 
“No, you don’t,” he spoke, winking. “Already arranged. They’re being built currently, and the paddocks have been marked out. Bob emailed me a list of everything I needed to get done, so there’s a three stable block going in with a feed store and tack room, a small washroom, and three paddocks so you can rotate them to rest the pasture, I think he said. I dunno. It all goes right over my head.”  
Jade could barely believe what he’d gifted her, giving Mia a big hug around her neck and kissing her soft face a few times before she exited the stable, lavishing affection on her husband. “You’re entirely too good to me, Bug. What did I ever do to deserve all this?” 
He looked thoughtful for a second. “Well, you do give real good blowjobs.” Her eye roll had him in soft fits, Adrien kissing her head before they walked back down the to meet the others at the entrance. “Making me happier than I’ve ever been before is what you did, baby love.”  
By the time they arrived home, the contractors working on the small stable block had it all finished, its location off to the side of the garden, so the horses could be seen from the house. The paddocks were in the process of being sectioned off, all white railed fencing. Whistling for their dogs, she headed back down and into the kitchen, putting on a pot of very strong coffee, determined to fight the jetlag and get back on US time. 
“Fucking hell, how much mail?” she cried, seeing Adrien upend a cardboard box full of it onto the island, one he’d driven back up the long drive to collect once he’d seen just how stuffed the front gate mailbox was. 
“About three trees’ worth.” he snorted, taking a seat and beginning to sort through. Some were event invitation cards, some were for Jade, some circulars, but the rest were all handwritten envelopes, the same writing appearing upon each. He knew before he even opened the first one who they were from.  
It had always been common knowledge that he resided at Stone Barn Castle, the address easily found on Google. He’d had a few fans write to him from time to time, but this was next level. This? It was harassment via mail. It made him feel uncomfortable, to have some small part of Serena right there in his kitchen, in the home that was a private sanctuary away from everything for him and his wife. 
They sat and opened up every letter, eighty-three of them in total, sent from various places across Europe and some from within New York, too.  
“Here, put them all back in here. I’ll call my lawyer in the morning, see if this as well as her following us for the last three months is enough to constitute harassment. I remember reading something once about stalking, there being some law decreeing that you could only obtain a restraining order if the stalker in question had damaged any of your property, or made direct threats of harm,” he sighed, combing his fingers through his hair as his shoulders sagged, his mouth tightening. “Fucking deranged bitch. I know she can’t help it, but still.”  
“Well, we only have a few days and we’re out of here again, to a place we know she isn’t going to follow us.” Neither could wait for the break, Jade tired from tour, looking forward to two weeks in the sun with her husband and friends. The following day, they found out that the set of friends joining them had suffered a last-minute alteration, though, Katie calling her to say that she and Charlotte lamentably had to pull out last on account of the fact Charlotte’s father had been hospitalised following a massive heart attack.  
It was shocking news, Jade knowing how dedicated to his fitness Mike was, asking to send her love to the family, her heart going out to Charlotte as well as her mum, Paula. Instead, the two last minute guests taking their place would be Jess and Jen. Adrien reacted exactly how he thought she would.  
“I cannot get away from that woman’s loudness ever, can I? I might as well be married to her as well,” he complained in joke, pinching her arm playfully. “No, you know I love Jen to death.” And he did.  
“Then if that’s the case, why do you still look pensive?” she asked, Adrien busying himself with his continued grooming of Atlas, who was the only dog out of the four who actually sat still for the procedure.  
He took a breath, eyebrows drawing up. “Because while you were on the phone with Katie, I called my lawyer for some advice. I was right, there isn’t anything they can do unless Serena poses a risk to harm or has damaged property. Until then, she’s simply classed as a nuisance.” 
“That’s so fucking messed up!” she cried, groaning low in her throat as her lips tightened. “For fucks sake, it shouldn’t even come to that!” 
“Honey, I know. You’ve no need to yell at me,” he told her, Jade quick to soften. 
“No, no I’m not yelling at you, baby. I’m just angry at the situation. I mean, we can at least put somewhat of a buffer between us. Our property is remote and secure as hell, we can employ bodyguards, but what about when this happens to people who don’t have our financial means to do this? Aside from that, can’t they see how stressful it is to deal with?” Pacing, she began to chew her thumb, her mind turning. “I think Jen might’ve been onto something, you know, when she suggested emailing her father.”  
Finishing his grooming endeavours, he rewarded Atlas with a treat, stroking the floppy ears of the huge dog. “I think in lieu of not being able to do anything official, that’s actually a pretty good idea. Do you wanna do it? You’re better with words than I am.”  
“I was going to call his offices, see if I can speak to him personally rather than email. How lucky I’ll be in getting hold him, I don’t know. These financiers are busy people.”  
Indeed, he was, too. Jade called the offices of Reid and Vogel, asking to speak with Jonathan Reid personally, his secretary politely advising he was in meetings until the late afternoon and asking the nature of the call. She wanted to remain discreet for his sake, giving no further details than it being a family matter, leaving her name and number. 
“Oh, my goodness!” the secretary exclaimed, “I loved you in The Conversation!”  
Jade thanked her, the secretary going on to say that it might be the following morning when he managed to return her call, on account of how rammed his day was with appointments. It was while she was packing at just coming up to five that her phone began to ring, Jade moving a snoozing Groucho from where he lay on the bed, retrieving her iPhone from beneath the swathe of Red Setter fur concealing it.  
“Mrs. Brody? Jonathan Reid, returning your call. I appreciate you being discreet when leaving your message, by the way, although I am more than aware of the reason you called.” 
“Well, that clears up a long explanation. Please, call me Jade, too,” she insisted. 
“Yes, and in turn you call me Jonathan. Listen, I completely sympathise with you, over what my daughter is doing. My wife and I, we’ve been trying for weeks to get her to return to the US, but she’s evading us. Serena, she has a history of this, these little obsessions that go a bit too far, but never has she taken this kind of harmful interest in someone before where she’s invested quite so much gusto in unrequited pursuit. Let me make that clear.  
“We know that she needs help, though, and we are endeavouring to get it for her. Currently, we do not know where she is. I have had people check her apartment, I’ve gone there myself, too. She isn’t home, nor is she answering our calls. I am trying not to involve the police, you must understand as her father I want to protect her, Jade. I do very much see what she is doing to you and your husband is unacceptable, though. I think one thing that will help is putting a cap on her spending, limiting her access to the kind of cash it takes to be able to follow you,” he explained at length, Jade sitting down at the side of her suitcase, scratching Groucho’s ears as she listened. 
She hadn’t actually thought for one second that her parents were trying to intervene, feeling a little guilty for assuming the worst about them after hearing his explanation. “I appreciate your efforts so far, Jonathan, I truly do.” 
“I will stay in touch with you, please do keep notes of any other attempts of her interference in your life for me. I want a clear record of it for when we finally manage to locate her and send her back into treatment for this. We are going to have to be much tougher, have somebody watch over her once she has spent some time in a facility, make sure she is attending her therapy and taking her meds. I very much doubt either are happening for her to have slipped to this degree. I apologise profusely to you and your husband, I really do.”  
Ending the call, she went downstairs and relayed it to Adrien, both feeling a little weight lifted from them thanks to Jonathan’s understanding and no-nonsense co-operation.  
“Let’s just hope that by the time we’re home again, she’s been found. At least her family have actually been trying, which is better than her being in the wind with nobody attempting to get her behaviour under control.” 
With that, they had little left in the way of worry, casting the whole debacle to the back of their mind, arriving in Turks and Caicos that coming Sunday morning, Jade freshly freaked out after the flight on the tiny plane to reach the islands. They were greeted at the private villa they’d booked for the two weeks by a member of staff, deciding to push the boat out and have housekeeping and a chef, Jade taking one of the cocktails held out towards her and glugging it back, calming her nerves.  
“I don’t like the little plane!” she spoke in way of explanation for chugging half of it down. “God, that’s got a lot of rum in it.” 
“Many people do not like it; it is not a pleasant flight no matter how short. I am Jackson, by the way. It is lovely to meet you. If you need anything, please, you have only to ask.”  
Being the first ones there, but unfussy where it came to dwellings, they chose the room that had a bathtub in it since Jade enjoyed a long soak, their luggage brought up. Being the first to arrive also had other advantages, too, Jade shutting the door before dropping her dress and sauntering over to Adrien. 
“Sit on the bed,” she instructed, watching his eyebrow arch. 
“Oh, so it’s that kinda mood you’re in, hmm?” 
Her fingers moved to the buttons of his shirt, undoing each, pushing it from him as she walked him backwards in the direction of the bed. “Yes, it is. And you’ll do as you’re told.”  
Those words acted so potently that by the time she reached to squeeze his cock, it was rapidly beginning to harden, her teeth prickling in a bite upon his nipple only adding to it. Pushing him down to sit on the end of the bed, she climbed astride him, enjoying the feel of his mouth gliding all over her chest, leaving a trail of hungry kisses, his hands stroking up and down her back.  
“Mmm, I love that so much, the feeling of your hands all over me,” she purred, her own gliding down the lean muscles of his upper arms. “I’d better enjoy it while I can, before I cuff you and then ride you so fucking well, you won’t be able to calm down.” 
His brain went to static in an instant. A state he felt it’d likely remain, too. 
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kermitheefrog · 1 year
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piber 😗
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athenathepoodle · 3 months
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Artfight attack on Piber
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piberplastic · 13 days
Stylish Food Containers that Keep Your Meals Fresh
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Discover Piber Plastics' versatile container collection of storage solutions for food, perfect for both home and commercial use.
Our array of plastic tubs, available in distinctive rectangular and cylindrical designs, offers capacities ranging from 90 ML to 2000 ML.
Crafted from premium materials ideal for food preservation, these food containers ensure safety and quality.
With options to order lids separately, you can customise your storage needs effortlessly.
Explore the perfect blend of variety and durability with our food packaging solutions today!
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duskrelyk · 9 months
thinking about piber
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vlkrmermaid · 1 year
Freaky Friday Prompt #3
Photo by Johann Piber on Pexels.com Tell me what it is — or tell me the story about it. The creature: no one is sure what it really looks like. It’s a large hulking bipedal shape that seems to have long tangled thick hair. There is a strange wet dog sort of smell when it is around. Claw marks are its calling card. It seems to like easy meals, pilfering chicken coops, and hauling away lambs and…
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polres-siak · 1 year
Tim Unit Reskrim Polsek Lubuk Dalam Amankan Pelaku Kekerasan Terhadap Anak Dibawah Umur
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LUBUK DALAM – Tim Unit Reskrim Polsek Lubuk Dalam amankan pelaku “Kekerasan terhadap anak dibawah umur” yang baru diketahui terjadi pada hari Sabtu tanggal 27 Mei 2023 sekitar pukul 08.00 Wib di Peladangan Inti V PTPN V Kebun Lubuk Dalam Kec. Lubuk Dalam Kab. Siak.
Sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 80 ayat (2) Undangan Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2014. Kapolres Siak AKBP Ronald Sumaja S.I.K melalui Kapolsek Lubuk Dalam AKP Januar Edwin Sitompul,S.H.,M.H membenarkan penangkapan pelaku kekerasan terhadap anak dibawah umur” tersebut.
Kronologi dari persitiwa tersebut adalah pada hari Jum’at tanggal 02 Juni 2023 sekitar pukul 21.00 Wib telah datang ke Polsek Lubuk Dalam seorang laki laki melaporkan tentang kekerasan terhadap anak dibawah umur yang di lakukan oleh pelaku SDM terhadap korban Emon Lasse yang terjadi pada hari kamis tanggal 01 Juni 2023.
Korban Emon Lase datang kerumah Februari Zebua dengan menggunakan tongkat dari batang kayu, dan Februari Zebua mengatakan “Kenapa kaki mu tengkak” dan korban mengatakan di pukul bapak, dan Februari Zebua mengatakan “Kenapa di pukul?” dan korban mengatakan “Tidak tau pak” dan Februari Zebua melihat kakinya memar dan pelapor mengatakan “Pakai apa di pukul” dan korban mengatakan “Pakai besi piber untuk egrek sawit” dan korban mengatakan punggungnya di pukul juga menggunakan besi piber dan setelah itu Februari Zebua memberitahu ke adiknya yang bernama Fideli Waruhu tentang kejadian kekerasan terhadap anak dibawah umur yang bernama Emon Lase dan setelah itu melaporkan ke Polsek Lubuk Dalam.
Atas Laporan tersebut Kapolsek Lubuk Dalam AKP Januar Edwin Sitompul,S.H.,M.H dan Kanit Reskrim Aipda Irson Aprianto bersama Personil Polsek Lubuk Dalam melakukan pengecekan ke lokasi kejadian dan sekitar pukul 04.00 wib berhasil di amankan 1 orang laki-laki yang berinisial SDM yang diduga sebagai pelaku penganiayaan.
Setelah di lakukan introgasi kepada SDM motif melakukan penganiayaan di karenakan korban sering kabur dari rumah dan mencuri uang adek korban yang bernama Angel Safitri sedangkan SDM berumur 41 thn dan bekerja sebagai buruh tani di ladang orang dan hubungan SDM dengan korban adalah keponakan yang mana korban adalah anak kandung dari Edison Lasse yang merupakan adek kandung SDM
Barang bukti yang didapat pelaku berupa: 1.1 (satu) Buah potongan besi fiber.
“Selanjutnya terhadap pelaku beserta barang bukti tersebut di amankan dan di bawa ke Polsek Lubuk Dalam untuk proses lebih lanjut”, imbuh Kapolsek Lubuk Dalam menjelaskan.
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astra-and-lilith · 2 years
Mehrfach codierte Sicherheits-Technik
... ist sicher sehr notwendig. Genauso wie Kooperationen. Erstaunliche Arbeitsergebnisse immer wieder auch in diesem Kontext. Mit bestem Funkverkehr was genau versuchen? Unsere Koryphäen? Einträge von heute: "luntegelegte bewegungen und landnahme. versuchten ein weiteres mal eine fernlenkung. noch einmal überprüfungen auch in bergheim. insider". Mit Datenbank 3: "gib mal kontext übelkeit jetzt. und weihnachtsmarkt dom vor lauter beleuchtung vor einigen jahren. dazu der screen". Bilddatei Minsterium NRW. Das Netz und Andeutung einer Beleuchtung. Und was genau für ein Team am Screen? Und was für Koryphäen haben eigentlich die Macht-Übernahme auch in Aachen versucht? In Grenznähe gelegen. Dürfen wir die Landkarten reichen? Weitere touristische Attraktionen: Ich empfehle Graz. Und einen Besuch in Piber. Der Protest soeben ist eher weniger sublim. Soll ich das näher erklären? Oder reicht das auch so als Andeutung? Und weiter nach dem nächsten Update: Och. "Hallo"? Ja bitte? Noch eine? Diese Ausgabe auch wieder in etwas älter.  Alle Achtung! Nun denn:
Suche jetzt im Verlauf. Ach, soeben in wessen kognitive Fähigkeiten gehen wollen? Wo ist der Eintrag? Und was genau sollte ich vergessen? Sie Koryphäe? Thema Bündnispartner auch im Ernstfall und Ihr dämlicher Versuch, "Eva" mit Hilfsgenossen, mit der Ihnen auch noch geschenkten Datenbank was genau versuchen umzucodieren? Kontext Osteuropa. Glückwunsch. Sie Koryphäen! Bester Funkverkehr! Und viele gemischte Teams. Toll. Bin begeistert über diese Arbeitsergebnisse. Die Frage einer weiteren Finanzierung? Immer wieder ältliches Gänsegeschnatter. Und Manfred W. an wessen Leine? Du dämliche ... ! Watt? Nun denn. Auch das: Meinetwegen hungere ich dafür auch die nächsten Tage, der Vorrat geht zur Neige. Und Sie dürfen sich aufgeilen! Gerne doch. Wenn es denn hilft ... ! In der Tat: (Watt? Tarte? WER war das?) Es gibt viel schlimmere Felder als solche. Büro für Büro kann man auch räumen mit solchen Methoden. Menno ... Und Sie? Sie wollten auch mal Gassi gehen? Weiter im alten Text. Doch. Das passt:
Aus Sicherheitsgründen keine nähere Angaben zu Sicherheits-Firmen. Aber vielleicht eine weitere Alfred-Allergie, die wir wieder heilen müssen? Ja? Ein Update: Gänsegeschnatter und weitere Provokationen am Unterleib bei freigeschalteter Sicherheitsstufe? Weitere Wunschanmeldungen? Druckdarmgespiele soeben, Freundchen? Cyberfeld KI. Noch mal, und wir haben gleich ein großes Loch! So mein Freund. Das dazu! Ausserdem auch mit Hilfe des großen Screen und des Cyberfeldes Brian mit seinen Melonen, der Spalier stehen möchte bei welchen Einheiten? Och, mein Freund ... Schon wieder als Neidhamster aktiv werden wollen? Fernlenkung soeben? Ja sicher doch. Welches Fahrzeug steuern wollen, auf dessen Rücksitz wer genau sitzt? Freundchen? Bilddatei M.F.M zum Test hinter einer von Euren Koryphäen dort, und wer genau ist Scheisse, die rausgedrückt werden soll? Solche Panik auch in Mali? Ganz vorsichtig, Freundchen ... Gruss, G.
Nach diesem Eintrag wollte einer militärischen Ermittlerin allen Ernstes noch mal mit Gänsegeschnatter auf den Zahn donnern? Eine weitere Wunschanmeldung? Noch mal die Nummer? Und nun noch Beschuss Brustbereich? Da müssen wir wohl räumen! Richtig. Internationale Werte-Gemeinschaft. Kooperationen. Und nun dürfen sich die nächsten aufgeilen an Nachrichten wie den getöteten 63 russischen Soldaten. Keine nähere Angaben. Mehrfach codierte Sicherheitstechnik. Und jemand, der jeden Tag etwas mehr lernt. Weitere Aversionen auch zum Aufbau Fortuna? Und der Lernumgebung des Zug der Zeit? Welche Dienste instrumentalisieren wollen, Darling? Deine? Mit Druckdarmgespiele Ingrid Elisabeth hinter Manfred W. mit Einheiten. Szenario! Sollen wir das etwa auch als Wunschanmeldung sehen? Und das? Bei der Bilddatei des Kleinen allen Ernstes wen genau noch mal in den Arsch ficken wollen? Schatz. Stimmt. Schwul. Vor allem bei dir! Cyberfeld KI. Stellvertreter. Ingrid Elisabeth? Sie Elite-Plastik-Pistole? Sie? Insider! Hotel Chelsea. Gut, das reicht! Wird gleich bearbeitet!
0 notes
LIPIZZAN FOALS by LitterART Via Flickr: Piber . Styria . Austria . Europe THE FOALS IN ACTION → → → youtu.be/4FgUv_UPtdY
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gmartinezmolina · 8 years
#lipizzaner #horse #horses #horseriding #horsesofinstagram #horseshow #pferde #pferdeliebe #horselove #instapferde #igersvienna #igersaustria #wien #vienna #traditional #behindthescenes #reiten #spanishridingschool #austria #newseason #ride #rider #horsepower #piber #heldenberg : @spanischehofreitschule
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scarlettjane22 · 3 years
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Lipizzan  from the Piber Stud in Austria
Ellen L Chappell Photography
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piberplastic · 1 month
Innovative Food Containers for Your Kitchen
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Piber Plastics offers an extensive range of durable and versatile food containers ideal for everyday use.
Our selection includes plastic tubs in various shapes and capacities, such as 90 ML to 500 ML, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your needs.
Whether you are looking for rectangular or cylindrical tubs, Piber Plastics has it all. Plus, we provide matching lids and more giant HANDIPAK tubs up to 2000 ML.
Discover the quality and affordability of our food containers today.
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hippography · 3 years
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Abb. 12. Lipizzaner Schul-Hengst „Conversano Bonavista “ geb. 1925 (Gestütsname: Conversano 6) im spanischen Tritt. Z.: Hauptgestüt Piber. 
Foto: Menzendorf-Berlin 1942.
Wilhelm Zorn und Gebhard Freidt, 1944, Pferdezucht.
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