#picking a dress right in front of her very sexist father
unstorm4455 · 8 months
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was pulling up art for references and i found this cel and i know it's from the wish sword episode but out of context this image is very true and based
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Sexist rich boi?? XINGQIU????? You don't know how thankful i am of you and miss anon for that wonderful idea, i CANNOT unthink it. The dialogues are staring at me right on my face and it never crossed me, until now🙏🏻
Right?? Like it is a known FACT that rich boys are always sexist, edgy little fuckers. Rich boy spoiled and raised to think he deserves everything he wants, that includes the submission of anyone... Especially some dumb girl.
Rich boys ALSO more often than not grow up under the structure of a very rich dad and a sweet little stay at home mom who knows her place :) because dad picked out the girl that was the most obedient and submissive out of the bunch, and he holds so much power that she knows better than to defy him... so that's the role model wife and mom he's grown up with. That's the standard, the ideal you're supposed to meet.
Think about all the shit a rich boy has seen, the years of ingrained behavior. In the house HE grew up in, he's witnessed a hundred times how his father can just give his mother a certain look, just say her name in a low warning tone, and she obediently shuts up. When his dad tells her to do something, she does it. She's always dressed the way his dad likes in front of company. Etc etc - that's what he's used to. That's "normal" for rich people.
His dad/brother probably instilled a lot of the sexist bullshit you hear from rich old men in him too. Girls are always too emotional, don't deserve to be taken seriously, don't deserve positions of power, can be won over with gifts, are low-intelligence flighty airheads etc. Anytime you're upset it's just blown off as you being "hysterical." So he upset you, big deal, here's 40000 mora, go get yourself something nice and start being sweet and obedient again ok?
He's not used to anyone having the audacity to disobey or spite him, especially considering you're supposed to be the one person whose obedience is most important. And it makes him mad. If he says jump you ask how high, that's the way things are supposed to be and he will accept nothing less.
And most importantly, he thinks he's entitled to the girl he wants, and rejection is a shock, he assumes it's playing hard to get. But it's ok. Any family in the area will gladly give their daughter over when presented with the sum of money he's ready to offer, because in the end you're property that can be bought like that :)
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sweeethinny · 3 years
He and Harry had a fight last week... James said he didn’t like him anymore.’’ Ginny looked at her mother, looking a little sadder now. ‘’Harry cried.’ Would you consider writing their fight and then James Sirius apologizing? I was (re)reading this today and I just love it
thank you anon! you can also read it on AO3, if you want :)
the last part, is the content of the letter that james wanted to send to Harry, i hope you liked it! <3  PART 1, i think? idk, but the fanfic that anon referred to
Ginny didn't quite know what was going on when she got home, exhausted from yet another tiring day at work, with sexist coaches who didn't listen to what she had to say in the interviews, and other journalists who didn't care about the ideas she had proposed.
She did not expect to feel so miserable when she agreed to work on the Prophet.
But either way, she was happy that Harry managed to cut the workload that month, spending more time at home with the kids, especially now that James was six and started going to school, Teddy had just gone for Hogwarts, Albus was at a stage where he just wanted to be with his father, and Lily had her teeth born and was in a bad mood.
They hadn't had much of a problem with James at school so far, he had adapted, made friends, done homeworks, and was well controlled with his own magic, occasionally exploding or making things fly.
Nothing too dangerous and that they couldn't fix.
In the last week James' classes were suspended when 7 of the 12 children caught lice, luckily James was not one of them, so the boy seemed a little anxious about the sudden change in routine.
But today it looked like a war had broken out in the middle of their living room. Lily was taking all the clothes out of the clean laundry basket, Albus was on top of the trunk where they kept some old things, with his knee shredded and looking like he was waiting to make a dressing, while Harry and James argued beside him.
Ginny knew that the combination of her and Harry would make children easy to explode, but she realized that James had an extreme facility in getting Harry off track, much more so than Lily or Albus did. Albus knew how to irritate his brothers, and Lily only irritated them with her loud crying and childish antics like throwing things, but James was at that stage where he challenged his parents to find out how far he could go. Teddy had been there, too, but it was with Ginny that he could do it most easily.
However James seemed to know exactly what to do to have an angry Harry.
'James,' Harry asked, eyes closed as if asking for patience, it probably wasn't the first time they had had that conversation.
'I just wanted to fly!' James shouted angrily, his cheeks red.
'And didn't I tell you that you couldn't do that?' Harry countered, running a hand through his hair. 'How many times have I told you that neither you, or Albus, could fly alone?'
'But Albus was there because he wanted to! I didn't tell him to follow me.' The little one looked as furious as his father, his arms crossed in front of the small body just as Ginny did when she argued with someone. 'Why can Lily fly and I can't ?!'
'I was with her, she was not alone, you know that very well. I said that we could fly later, and that I would go with you- ’
'But you worked all day, and then the night would come and we would not be flying! Again!'
'James... You could have hurt Albus! Or hurt yourself.' Harry pointed out, looking as alarmed as if it had actually happened. As far as Ginny could see from the entrance to the Living Room, only Albus was a little hurt, and he didn't even seem to want to cry or anything.
'Oh, of course, if something happens to the precious Albus, it's the end of the world!' James threw his arms up, as if giving up, and before Harry was able to answer him, he shouted; 'I hate you!' And he ran off, tears streaming down his face as he climbed the stairs as fast as he could, his little legs not helping him to be too fast, but Harry didn't follow him either, which helped James get to the room and slam the door.
Harry sighed, hands on his tired face, and Ginny was still a little paralyzed at the door, thinking about what had happened. 'Mum!' Lily shouted, now sitting in the empty clothes basket, making the other two look at her.
'Hello my loves.' Ginny smiled going over to Albus and kissing him on the cheek, realizing how scared he looked. 'Hi my love, how are you?' She preferred to act as if she had just arrived, looking at his grated knee, still a little dirty with grass.
'Fine, I just fell.' He smiled, the little children's teeth a little dirty from what looked like chocolate.
'It'll be okay,' Ginny promised, casting a simple healing charm and placing him on the floor, before of course, she kissed the small scar that remained. Nothing too serious, but it was a tradition that helped them to be less afraid of when they needed to apply potions or other healing spells that were stronger.
They were a Weasley-Potter, after all, they were always falling.
'Hi my other love,' She smiled at Harry, hugging him, but realizing that he seemed a little reluctant to speak. He just smiled awkwardly, kissing her forehead and letting her go to be hugged by Lily, who had managed to topple the basket of clothes to be able to crawl out and run into her mother's arms. 'And my other love.'
'Hi mommy!' Lily cried awkwardly, hugging Ginny back, and hanging from her neck so she could be picked up.
'And where's my other love?' Harry sighed at her question, waving his wand and causing all the clothes to levitate, to be folded, and to go back into the basket.
'Up there,' Harry murmured. 'Do you take care of them? I'm going to prepare dinner.' Ginny nodded, lowering Lily to the sofa when Albus asked her to play with him and the Lego castle he had won from Percy.
‘Mommy, come and play with us!’ Albus asked, seeming not even to remember the fight between his father and brother anymore, amused by the pieces and teaching Lily how to stack the blocks too - even though she seemed willing to just destroy everything.
‘I’m coming, okay? Let me just go and say hi to James, and I'll be back here, okay?’ She promised, crouching in front of them, drawing all the attention to herself. ‘No mess and fights, Mom will be back.’
'Daddy and James fought,' Al whispered, as if it were a secret.
'Bad James,' Lily added, crossing her arms as she could, to look like her brother.
'They are just stressed, and he’s not bad. Now, I'll be right back.' Ginny left the room and went up to the second floor, still listening to the conversations between Albus and Lily, and the sounds of pots and dishes, much louder than usual, and she imagined that Harry was more angry at what he looked like while fighting with James.
Ginny knocked on the door to their eldest son's room, the photo hanging next to her made her smile, a picture of when they went ice skating, a few days before Teddy received the letter from Hogwarts, he and James were smiling from ear to ear. ear, while she and Harry still needed to hold hands to keep steady and not fall.
She hated it when she or Harry lost patience with their kids, when they got carried away by the tantrum. They should have known that the best thing to do when it happened was to just get away, let the kids scream alone for a few minutes, before they came back calmer and managed to talk to them.
'Hi my love,' Ginny murmured, opening the door and entering James's room, it was colder than usual inside, and maybe he had done accidental magic for this to happen and he could be hidden under the covers. 'It's Mommy.'
'I don't want to say anything.' James' voice was muffled by the pillow and the covers, but she could still tell that he was crying.
Ginny sat on the bed next to him, her hand on what she imagined was his shoulder. 'I heard that you and Daddy had a fight, is it true?'
'He hates me.' Ginny smiled sadly, denying and sighing.
'He doesn't hate you my love, and hating someone is a very strong thing to say, I promise you, he is just tired, and you need to help him a little too.'
'But he wasn't going to fly with me, and I just wanted to fly.' James uncoveredlooking at Ginny with brown eyes wet with tears. 'He only cares about Lily and Albus, he doesn't even love me anymore.'
'James, of course not, your father loves you very much, which is why he was concerned that you might get hurt. You know you can't fly alone, it's very dangerous.' She held out her arms for James to crawl onto her lap as if he were still a baby - for her, he always would be - and put him against her chest, cradling her body a little from side to side to calm his crying. 'Dad was just worried that you would get hurt. Besides, you are the older brother, and Lily is still very small and needs help to do a lot of things, just as Albus still needs more help. You are my big boy already, and you have to help them, and not go flying without authorization.’
'But he yelled at me.' James sobbed, holding Ginny's shirt in his hands, hiding his face like he did when he was a kid.
'Look, what Dad did was not right, but you didn't make it easy either. Both are wrong… Dad is having dinner, go take a shower, okay? I promise that tomorrow we can fly together.' James nodded, still glued to his mother, like a sloth clinging to a tree trunk. 'I love you my baby.'
'Me too,' he murmured, without further tears.
Dinner had been… tense, to say the least. Proving that he was Harry's son, James spent the whole dinner in silence, sullen, without even looking straight up, just as Harry was, determined to eat the lasagna without saying anything.
If it weren't for Albus chattering, and Lily trying to imitate him, they would have eaten entirely in silence.
After all the children were in their beds, sleeping soundly, and the house was quiet for another reason, Ginny lay on their bed, waiting for Harry to get out of the bath. They hadn't talked much, and he didn't even want to go shower with her, so she just waited, sitting on the bed while pretending to read the last pages of the romance Angelina gave her. Of course, the words didn't make much sense in her head, she couldn't concentrate, but she had to hide her nervousness.
When Harry finally got out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, damp, messy hair, and still that sullen look, Ginny couldn't take it anymore; ‘Can you tell me what happened?’
Harry looked at her quickly over his shoulder, before entering their closet and disappearing, still in silence. Ginny can hear the drawers opening and closing, and then she can see Harry coming back from there wearing old shorts that almost didn't stop at his hip anymore. If he wasn't so sullen, she would try to ease the tension he carried on his broad, bare shoulders.
'He and I had a fight.' That was all he said, throwing himself on the bed next to her and covering himself, looking like he was about to go to sleep.
'It's not me you're mad at, don't be an idiot.' Ginny dropped the book on the nightstand, not turning off the lamp beside her, staring at Harry with determination.
He sighed, sitting up too. 'I was taking care of Lily, now that she is coming out of diapers it looks like she wants to pee every minute, and I asked him to keep Albus playing. They were in the garden, and James had already asked me to fly with him, but I was solving ten problems at the same time and making sure our daughter didn't pee on the couch, so I asked him to hope that later on maybe we could fly… But he is your son, after all, and he managed to break the lock on the shed and get a broom.' Ginny shouldn't laugh, she knew that, but she smiled, a little proudly. 'When I went down with Lily, I could only see Albus flying too, unbalanced, not much more than a meter from the ground, and James going up without control. There was no time and Al fell, but I had to make James levitate because the broom was very uncontrolled and he was unable to get it down.’
'It was my fault, I know, I shouldn't... I should have put a different lock on or I don't know, and,' He stopped, hiding his face with his hands again, denying. 'And I lost my temper because I had said that he couldn't fly alone, and Albus was crying on the ground and James looked scared when he realized he was too high... I shouldn't have screamed.'
'You were angry,' Ginny reminded him, realizing how sad Harry looked at this. ‘And worried.’
'But I should have known that when I forbidden him, he would try to do exactly what I said not to.'
'He's a child, Harry, of course he's going to do everything we say he can't.' She said what he usually said to her, when Ginny was worried about Teddy at Hogwarts after he spent two weeks without sending letters, even after she asked him to update them every week.
'He said he hates me, Ginny.' Harry finally looked at her, his eyes watering. Again, her heart broke.
‘Oh, Harry, of course not.’ This time, she didn’t wait for him to come to her embrace, as she did with James, Ginny preferred to hug Harry herself. 'He was just nervous.'
'I did everything wrong,' Harry denied, crying even more, as if he had held his emotions up until now, as if just inside their room was a safe place for him to finally let go. 'He didn't say it like it was nothing, I saw Gin, I saw that he was upset, he meant it.'
'He didn't want to, of course not..Look at me, no, no, Harry, look at me...He doesn't hate you, and you didn't do everything wrong, I probably would have done the same thing, you're just tired.' Ginny stared at him, forcing him to look at her too, her hands holding his face, tears streaming down his cheeks. 'You are the best father they could have, the best I could have chosen to be their father, you will see, tomorrow you will be calmer and everything will be fine.'
'I hate to fight with them.' Harry hid his face on her neck, tears wetting Ginny's skin, his hands tightening on her waist as if to make sure she stayed there, with him. ‘I don’t like them to cry because of me.’
'It's the side that nobody tells you about being parents, love.' She laughed softly, trying to calm the mood. 'But he doesn't hate you, I promise you that... I'm sure you are still his hero, and the person he loves the most in this whole world. You are not a bad father.’
The next morning, Harry got up first, he heard noises downstairs and knew that probably one of the children was already awake and wanting to make a mess. Passing through the rooms just to check, he saw that Albus was still asleep, and that Lily seemed far from waking up, but James' bed was empty, which wasn't too strange, since the boy seemed to still be keeping up with his early morning routine to go to school, even in that week of recess.
He heard footsteps as he approached the kitchen, an owl hooting loudly at the window, and low murmurs. ‘Stay still.’
'James?' Harry watched as his son tried to tie the letter to the animal's leg, which was trying to get away from him. James was on top of a chair, leaning over the counter, trying to pull Pandora’s closer.
‘Dad!’ Pandora flew away with his cry, without the letter, seeming to frustrate the boy.
'What are you doing? Who do you want to send a letter to?’ Harry was careful to move towards James, but he was happy when his son accepted his arms to come down. He still felt guilty.
'Hm... for you.' James looked at the floor, looking embarrassed.
'Me?' Harry knelt in front of him, staying in his line of sight. ‘Why don’t you just give it to me?’
'I thought it would take you longer to wake up.'
'I heard you coming down the stairs,' Harry said, looking into his son's eyes.
'Are you still mad at me?' James asked quietly, holding the letter tightly in his hand.
‘No, my love… I’m sorry for yesterday, I didn’t want to yell at you, I was nervous and I was worried that you might get hurt.’
'I'm sorry for flying without permission, and I didn't want Albus to have followed me for this either, I didn't see him.' James said. Harry felt so bad all night, unable to sleep in peace, conscience weighed down by having yelled at James, thinking about how sad he looked when he said he hated him.
'It was very risky, you could have been seriously injured.' The two looked at each other, Harry pulled his son close to him. ‘I don’t want you to do it again, okay? You can fly, but only with me or mom, never alone.' He whispered against the boy's hair, hugging him tightly, as if that alone could heal the pain he had felt.
'I didn't mean to say that I hated you, either.' James hugged Harry back, looking sly. ‘I don’t hate you.’
'I love you, Jamie. A lot.' He planted a kiss on his son's head, not caring for the tears that seemed to want to appear in the corner of his eyes.
‘Me too, Dad.’
I'm sorry for yelling at you, it wasn't my intention. I don't hate you, I was just nervous, I'm sorry again.
Love you
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sailingintothenight · 4 years
“Put your head on my Shoulder.” T.H. Imagine.
Summary: And what if after years of chasing each other like a cat and mouse, on a magical night where you two have to pretend to be a couple, you are finally able to say how you really feel about each other?
A/N: Hello everyone, after a while, and because a couple of people asked me, I wrote the second part of this story, "WANNABE", but you don't have to read it to understand this one. Anyway, I really hope you like it. Please give this story a lot of love. Thank you - V.
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Tom Holland hates not being able to hate you.
The secret of his hate is because of your vanity, your selfish and free heart, your tender smile, the dimple that forms on your left cheek and your dreamy eyes that look at your grandfather as if he were the first man that you have ever loved — because you did.
Tom hates you because under a starry night, in the midst of a crowd of people and soothing music, you make your way through the mortals wearing a velvety wine red strapless dress that is lust itself on your body, black boots (velvet too) that cover you up to the knees and are as hot as hell, and your chocker - a gift from your father - from which a cross hangs, that is a tempting invitation for a sinner like him.
You are his angel with a devilish smile: but tonight, Tom Holland hates that, despite possessing all those qualities, and many more, he can only see the tenderness in your eyes when you look at your grandfather, or when you talk about him, and your smile that becomes as adorable as the face you were born with.
“You are like… staring much. Don't you think?" Harrison chuckles beside him, making Tom look away from you and your way of receiving the guests scattered around the place.
"Shit, Tom, if you turned a little faster you would look like the exorcist." Harry continues with the bland jokes, the same ones that make Sam, Harry and Tuwaine smile.
"Shut up." Tom hisses, taking a sip of his beer as he looks back at his group of friends.
But this story is not about you, but about Tom Holland, your lifelong neighbor, who you never had a conversation with other than to annoy each other, who you used to call idiot when nobody but him heard you, who used to laugh at you while filming Avengers: infinity war, endgame and finally, Spider-man: Far From Home, who used to hold your hand when you were kids because your parents were best friends, the same Tom who now drinks and look at you while you warmly greet each guest who has come to celebrate the birthday of the second man you know loved you.
“How is possible that you and he are the only two famous people at this party? What a waste of fame. Sigh." Danielle, your best friend whispers dramatically, just as you both stop at the bar to pick up more drinks.
"I'd feel sorry for you if you actually sighed." You give her a know-it-all smile, one that invites you to earn a playful slap on the butt from her.
"Please baby, I need to get something out of our friendship, otherwise this isn't working." She makes a gesture between her and you, the same sign that a boyfriend would make before breaking up.
"Tom Holland is here, why don't you go meet him?" You joke as you take the tray and walk with her by your side talking about Tom, although he was not news to you two.
"No thanks. But you can't deny that he looks sooo good. Only HE can look adorable and sexy at the same time. With those good boy eyes and wild muscles under his plain white T-shirt. Like Wow." She makes an expression of surprise, and the sound of an explosion as if her head cannot bear so much information that causes you so much laughter. "Seriously, please take that hottie. I'm sure your grandmother sent it to you as a gift."
You giggle, but your heart races at the thought of his breaking, because even though he and Hanna Johnson were never official, maybe he thought they were so. And after breaking up with her, he was back in London.
You suspected that was the reason behind his break.
"I would, but I don't love you as much as you think." You joke, just the moment you get to the table where your dear grandfather and your grandmother's friends, are, talking about you.
With just your young age, the world was a bright place for you, but here you are now, feeling how your best hits in movies escape from your hands like sand thanks to the endless words that spring from between the wrinkled lips of your grandmother's best friends, in the garden of your own house, adorned with crowded wooden tables and Christmas lights shining on you.
"Life goes by so fast, honey, you won't have that hot body for life." Says Mrs. Lee, who, at 89, still plays to be a 20-year-old from time to time. "You are... 24? 25? And you haven't had a single boyfriend yet."
"What do achievements matter if you don't have the most important thing, cutie?" Mrs. Russell asks, clicking her tongue in approval at her own words. “There are so many beautiful boys out there. My granddaughters want to be like you, but what will I tell them if you've never had a taste of real life? You are very innocent and that can work against you. You can have a little more fun while still being a lady, you know?"
Although in your cheeks bloom a crimson glow, you are aware that her words are offensive.
"You could tell the twins that you can be successful without fucking every chocolate-covered hottie that makes you an unseemly proposition." You murmur between tight lips, knowing well that the women in front of you need more than a whisper to hear certain truths. “I mean, you could tell Amy and Anne to work hard if they want to be actresses. The world is sexist, but, hey, here I am - besides, who says I don't have a boyfriend?"
You raise an eyebrow at your own question, winning several curious glances that seem to pierce you, even your grandfather, who stares at you more astonished than anyone.
"Really?" Mrs. Russell smiles, and her red lips gleam in the night. "And who is he?"
"Uh... well... I..." You giggle in a trance thanks to the bitter taste of the liquor that has your mind under a spell, leaving you completely blank and without a coherent response. "He is…"
"Hello, love." Tom presses his body against yours, suddenly, out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around your waist, so firm that you feel the pressure of his rolex in his left hand. "Hello, ladies. I heard you talking about me and I couldn't help but come and save my girl from this sea of ​​questions about who her boyfriend is. You thought I wasn't real, huh? I know my angel here is a little shy about our relationship, but there is no problem, love, you know you can show off what a good boyfriend I am with whoever you want…"
Tom smiles and enchants the older women who smile back at him, as if they are in love with his youth and his face that has it all: his cloud-fluffy brown hair that is combed to the side and back, the sparkle in his gaze and the way he smiles, making the corners of his eyes crinkle, right down to that funny eyebrow that everyone finds adorable.
From his lovely face and well-defined jaw to his personality and strong English accent: Tom looked like an angel from heaven, perhaps the devil himself because how dangerous his charm could be.
"Oh honey, I didn't know you and Tom were dating." Mrs. Lee says, with an expression between happy and sad. "My granddaughters thought they might have a chance with you, darling."
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Lee." Tom answers, with a hint of happiness and pride in his voice. "I'm already taken and I like it that way."
"Yes!" You say with surprise when Tom gives you a squeeze with the hand that is holding you, shooting you a loving look to encourage you to speak. "I mean... He is."
You smile at the audience, especially at your grandfather and Danielle, who seem to have their suspicions.
"Tom..." Says Roy, your grandfather, who averts his narrowed eyes from your gaze to his, just to become the happiest person in the world as he clasps his hands in a sign of prayer. “I didn't know that you and my darling (Y/N) were together. I'm so happy! I'm sure my beloved Jules is happy too. Couldn't have asked for a better grandson."
"Thank you very much, Roy." Tom says, and it's so natural that he seems sincere. "I wanted to tell you, but we wanted to wait for our relationship to grow stronger."
"Yeah, you know that there are many actresses, blondes and blue eyes actresses who want to eat this hottie." You say and Tom laughs, nervous.
"Well, if you'll excuse us, I'd like to speak to my girlfriend in private for a moment."
Guiding you all the way, you and Tom turn around in the direction of the glass doors of your house that connect to the kitchen, breathing in the warm air from the warm walls the moment you two walk in.
"Good acting, Tom." You smile as you take a grape from the kitchen counter. "Not enough to win an EMMY but-"
"Ha. You are funny. But now I want to talk to you about something…” Tom smiles, too, giving you a devilish look, as if he never rests from it. "You owe me a favor, love."
"Of course not!" You defend yourself, nervous of the sudden change in the conversation. “You came alone like a prince on a horse. I did not call you. I do not owe you anything."
"Are you sure about that?" Tom laughs, as if he really enjoyed the moment. “Because I can go there and tell them the truth. I told you it's pathetic that you've never had a boyfriend. Besides, I wouldn't want to break Roy's heart, he looked so happy to know that his dearest granddaughter is with a good man."
You cross your arms, uneasy with the fact that you've never really fallen in love with someone, while seriously thinking about how happy, and probably relieved, your granddfather is to see that his granddaughter is with someone like Tom, who, despite of everything, yes, was a good boy.
"Okay. What do you want?"
"I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend in front of my parents."
You laugh inadvertently, although deep down you want to know if what was being said about Hannah and him was true.
"Everyone thinks Hannah dumped me and I don't want to see myself as a loser in front of my family and have them keep asking questions about her, it's exhausting."
"Eh, too late for that." You sigh, and Tom looks at you hopefully. "You were a loser long time ago, Tom, sorry."
"I hate you." Tom laughs.
"The feeling is mutual." You look away, and in a second you decide to contemplate why agreeing to be his fake girlfriend would be a bad decision, and why you would do it anyway. “Okay, but you know you can't call me darling. And stop looking at my chest, perv."
Tom laughs, looking up your chest into your eyes.
"It's not my fault you have worn that dress, but it seems that despite everything you didn't have a boy's body all this time. Congrats."
Tom and his dreamy eyes smile as he opens the glass door for you, stepping aside so you can go out onto the field and do the performance of your life, which you discover would be more difficult than you thought as both of you approach the table on the left side of the place, where your family - made up of your mom, your dad and your older brother - are with his. So, in silence, and to let them be the ones to carry out the conversation of your supposed relationship, Tom remains standing next to you, leaving a space between Harry and him for you.
"Oh, yeah. Last night I got the iPad with the script of the Devil all the time." You say, to continue the conversation that your brother Ethan started, smiling at you. "My character falls in love with the poor and broken Arvin Russell."
Tom chuckles.
“And (Y/N) is a cold and rich bi—… girl who treats me like shit until I save her from her dad, the reverend and the crazy couple of rapists. I think you will play that role very well, love." And again and against your will, Tom brings you closer to him placing his arm around your waist, so close that his proximity makes you red.
So much so that you must place a hand on your exposed chest so that his gaze does not fall on that specific place.
“Bet your pretty ass I will. And then we will flee together into the sunset with a happy ending after killing 4 people."
His family and yours are too stunned to say a word, but just at the moment when you think they will shout hallelujah to the sky or to mention you are Frenemies, Dom makes a fist and a victory gesture with a loud yes!
“I told you they would be together before they were 25! pay me!" He yells happily at your dad, who, next to him, grunts as he searches for his wallet in his pants.
“Couldn't you wait until you turned 25, honey? It was only a few months away."
"What the hell?" Tom says, watching your father leave a $100 bill in Dom's hand.
"It's a silly thing they did when they were drunk." Nikki says, as she joins her hands in prayer just like your grandfather, just as happy as he. "It was about time you decided to be together."
"I didn't know that Tom could love someone other than Tessa." Your brother jokes.
"I didn't know anyone could love Tom more than Tessa." Harry jokes, but in his eyes you can see that part of him means it.
"Is this serious?" Your mom says, raising an eyebrow.
"It is." Tom says, and his voice is as solemn as his expression. "Mom, Dad, everyone, I want to marry this woman... someday."
Along with the expressions of happiness and surprise, theirs and yours, your brother breaks the silent while looking like a hawk at Tom.
"Her favorite color?"
"Blue." He answers, without missing a second.
"Favorite book?"
"Jane Austin's Pride & Prejudice."
"Coffee, hot or cold?"
"It depends on the season."
"Banned forever."
"Very well, you have my blessing to marry my sister." Your brother nods, like a wise old man, while you, foolishly, think of two things, how quickly he responded, and how well he knew you.
"Just that?" You question, partly offended. "Why better not give him 2 cows for my honor?"
"That's a good idea." Tom responds. "We already have a chicken so..."
You snort just like the idea of Tom buying a chicken just because there were no eggs in the store is spinning in your head, but at that very moment, your words die on your lips as Rose, your aunt and your grandfather's eldest daughter, has taken the command of the party to indicate that the most important thing of the night has arrived: the dance that your grandfather and grandmother used to have, when she was still alive.
Like a fairy tale, every couple in love gathers in the center of the garden while the song “Put your head on my shoulder” by Paul Anka begins to float in the London air that is suddenly flooded with love, to such an extent point that threatens to drown you in it.
"Would you like...?" Tom is nervous, and lets the question hang in the air.
Your breathing becomes agitated, it becomes irregular as your parents and his join the other couples, wild as your heart that beats with the fierceness of a caged animal seeking freedom.
You want to say no, but the crystallized look and happiness that you achieve in your grandfather's eyes are the impulse you need to avoid breaking his heart with the truth.
Tom takes your hand gently and guides you to the makeshift dance floor, placing his hands on your waist to imitate the elders.
Inside and out, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was still as beautiful as the first one he saw you when you were children; but of course, now as adults, everything was different: you were stronger, more mature, more self-confident, wilder and indomitable. But Tom didn't judge your insecurity, he never did, because you had trouble trusting in a future love that could be so real that it seemed a fairy tale - like the ones your father had read to you before bed - as deep as Roy's pain at losing his beloved Jules.
And it is then that Tom realized everything.
That's why you didn't want to be called darling, just because your grandfather used to call his great love that way. Why you never had a boyfriend. Of why you had never wasted your love giving it to someone you knew you would never have a future with, just the way he did with Hannah. Of why you have never been able to give your sincere love to someone else.
Because we're so hopeful at the beginning of things, it seems that there is only one world to gain, nothing to lose, and suddenly, we lose someone whom God knew we deeply love, leaving us with nothing but a void where there must be a beating heart.
And that's when the applause dies down, the silence overwhelms you two, time runs out and life forces you to look into each other's eyes to wonder, without words, why you did the things you did and the things you didn't.
"I'm in love with you."
You say the words at the same time, although they are not the words you expect to hear from the other.
And then you smile sadly, slightly because you no longer have the strength, because your body seems numb from the little alcohol you have drunk and because it seems that the world is leaning to one side with his love confession, but you also smile because Tom still has that adorable face, and a funny eyebrow that you were dying to fix. Just for fun. Just to touch him.
"You're not in love with me, you're just sad about Hannah." You whisper, desperately waiting for the song you have loved for so long to come to an end so you can flee from his arms.
"No, you don't understand, now I can see that it's you, it's always been you." Tom hates himself because he can't put his feelings and his memories into words, but his hands secure you in your place so that you don't leave, not before he can tell you a little of what he was hiding in his mind. “Since we were children I held your hand: in kindergarten, on the way home, to the park around the corner. I don't know why it is now that I can see you, always there in every step of my life, being my best friend even when we said words to annoy each other. I don't know much about love, but I know that it should make you feel good, give you peace, and that's what I feel with you. I feel at home with you, no matter where we are. And we have been in several countries away from home, but you feel like my home. And I am in love with you, and I only ask that you give me the opportunity to love the way you deserve to be loved."
You have a world of words, sharp as a knife, that could kill his confession, but against all, and because this is the first time you feel in love, you lift your hand from his shoulder, a little shaky, to brush your thumb against his brow, soft, delicate and loving, as a lover should be when loving someone for the first time.
"I still hate you."
Tom smiles and you both share a look of hope, staying in the foreground, just to be a participant in the main scene of this beautiful love story that would only be the beginning of a long night in the bright sky of your lives, the one that is like a painting made of watercolors, colors that spill over each other just to create a perfect combination, just like you two together in the eyes of any art lover.
"Not me, no. I love you."
And after that, Tom leans down a bit, feeling the softness of your lips in a real kiss, the first of many to come.
@averyfosterthoughts​ @galaxies-of-the-heart​ @heartofholland​
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a-storm-of-roses · 3 years
October Fics Day 5: Baking
Pairing: Teyla Emmagen/Jennifer Keller
Rating: G
Words: 2015
Summary: Teyla is good at many things, but baking isn't one of them. Luckily, Jennifer knows a trick.
A/N: Saw this prompt and HAD to make it about the two women who are canonically bad cooks!
Read on AO3 or below!
Teyla choked back a cough, as a cloud of flour rose up from the bowl. She stirred vigorously, but the mixture simply would not come together. And she was certain it wasn’t intended to look so chunky. Or so oily.
“Whatcha up to?” Jennifer leaned comfortably against the entry to the kitchen, a Driffen apple in her hand, looking bemused and more than a little curious. She was dressed casually, in jeans and a loose shirt, and Teyla realized she must be taking advantage of a rare day off.
With a sigh, Teyla wiped a hand across her forehead. It was only as she felt the drag of flour and grit across her skin, that she realized her error.
“I am baking,” Teyla ground out. Fetching a rag to wipe her face. “Or, at least I am trying to.”
Jennifer wandered over to the large, industrial counter where Teyla had been working. She peered over into the bowl, took one look at the contents and scrunched up her nose. Teyla would have found it cute, if she hadn’t been distracted by the annoyance and frustration of an hour wasted in the kitchen. She was hot, her arm was sore, and she was no closer to having created anything remotely resembling a cake.
“Uh, what exactly are you trying to make here?” Jennifer asked. She could tell the doctor was schooling her tone, adopting that forced, cheery accent that sometimes drove Teyla up a wall. Rodney called it Midwest nice. John, in his weaker moments, called it fake.
“A birthday cake for John. He does not particularly enjoy celebrations, but a cake seemed like a pleasant and simple tradition.”
“And you didn’t just ask the kitchen staff?” Jennifer asked. She picked up the mixing spoon, abandoned in the bowl of batter. Slowly, she lifted it out, and made a face as the oily, chunky mix splattered back into the bowl.
“I was under the impression that the cake was more meaningful when baked by a loved one.”
“In that case, shouldn’t Rodney be making it?” Teyla shot Jennifer a look, and it seemed to serve her purpose, because she blushed and stammered out quickly, “Or Ronon, or maybe Major Lorne? You know,” she continued, regaining her equilibrium, “don’t let them convince you that you have to do the cooking, just because you’re a woman. It’s sexist and outdated.”
Teyla sighed, and picked up the recipe again, smudging brown batter on the white paper.
“Ronon was going to join me. He is actually quite a good cook and baker, and he received the recipe from Evan. But then he implied that I would not be capable of doing this on my own, when Evan specifically said this was an easy recipe, and so…”
"So you got a bit competitive.” Jennifer smiled, real and easy, and Teyla felt some of the tension drain from her shoulders. “But I still don’t understand why you didn’t just use an Athosian recipe. Surely that would have been more familiar.”
Teyla shook her head, and picked up the bowl again, futilely attempting to stir the batter into submission.
“I’m afraid I am not a terribly accomplished baker, regardless of the recipe’s origins. My tuun bread was always too flat, and a bit hard. And at least I have access to the ingredients for this recipe.”
Jennifer hummed in agreement, before leaning forward on the counter, careful to avoid the stray flour and batter, and watching Teyla stir vigorously a few moments longer.
“I don’t think that’s how it’s meant to look.”
“I am aware of that,” Teyla snapped. Jennifer straightened up, her lips tugged down in a frown. Teyla sighed and placed the bowl on the counter, rubbing firmly at her temples. “I apologize, Jennifer, cooking always brings out the worst in me. It is not my strong suit.”
Jennifer brightened a bit.
“I have an idea, let me just see…” Jennifer made her way to one of the pantries, and crouched down, digging on one of the lower back shelves. She moved boxes, shifted tins, until she reemerged, looking triumphant and holding a small, cardboard box.
“Here! I thought we might still have some left over.” She presented the box to Teyla as though it were a prize, and looked so pleased with herself, so eager for Teyla’s approval. Teyla took the box and examined it more closely. The front displayed an image of a cake, and the back was covered with simple, short instructions.
“What is this?” Teyla asked.
Jennifer’s smile never faltered. “Boxed cake mix. A culinarily-challenged Midwestern girl’s best friend.”
Moving to the cabinets and pulling down a fresh bowl, Jennifer then rifled through the shelved ingredients, placing a bottle of cooking oil and some eggs on the counter.
“All you do is pour the mix in the bowl, add some oil, water and eggs, and pop it into the oven! I suppose not-chicken eggs will work just as well.”
Teyla eyed the collection of items warily. She was not usually one to take a shortcut, especially when it came to her friends, but then again, she also wasn’t one to bake.
“I could help?” Jennifer offered, clearly misinterpreting her silence for trepidation. It had sounded simple enough, she didn’t think she particularly needed the other woman’s help, but then again, Evan’s recipe had also sounded simple.
“That would be very appreciated, thank you Jennifer,” Teyla offered warmly. Jennifer beamed.
“Great! Why don’t I measure the oil, and you crack the eggs. That’s the hardest part, anyhow.”
They worked silently and companionably, Jennifer pouring the mix into the bowl, adding the oil, before Teyla added the eggs and the water. Before Teyla could reach the bowl, Jennifer had it in her arms, stirring slowly and steadily.
“Figured your arms could use the break,” she said, looking pointedly over at the bowl where Teyla’s first attempt sat congealing.
“Thank you.”
For a moment the kitchen was silent, the only noise the quiet squelch of Jennifer stirring the batter.
Teyla would be the first to admit that she had spent little time with Jennifer, especially following their disastrous mission to New Athos. It wasn’t that Teyla disliked her - there were very few people out there that Teyla truly disliked - but the doctor tested her patience at times. She was too soft, too naive for life here, it seemed. Too earnest, and too kind. She worried that one day the lovely doctor would go off-world, and would not return.
But as she watched Jennifer pour the batter into the cake tins, and pop them into the oven, she wondered if perhaps a bit of softness was not always a bad thing.
“Think we can toss this, then?” Jennifer asked, holding the bowl of chunky batter.
“Yes,” Teyla laughed, “I believe we can.” They moved in tandem, cleaning the used dishes and wiping down the counters, before Teyla grabbed a broom to sweep the spilled flour from the floor.
Jennifer leaned back against the counter and watched her, her gaze direct and focussed. Teyla was certain the other woman had never looked at her like this before, but she found, surprisingly, it was not unwelcome. Teyla met her gaze in return, and smiled, laughing a bit, as Jennifer’s eyes widened and looked away.
“So,” Teyla began, “you have done this before?”
“I- um, what exactly-”
“Made cake from a box?” Teyla took mercy on her.
“Oh,” Jennifer blushed. “Right. Yeah, I used to be in a lot of activities when I was younger. Girl Scouts, debating. Swim team, for a bit. I was always ahead of the class, and my parents thought it would be a good way for me to meet other kids my own age, you know, acclimate socially.
“Anyways, these activities always had a lot of bake sales. Um, where you bake things and sell them to raise money for the club? We all had to bring something. My mom was a great baker - she used to make the best cupcakes. But after she died, I had to figure something out. I tried making a couple of her recipes, but they never really turned out right. That’s when Betty Crocker and I became BFFs.”
Teyla felt a sudden pang of her own grief.
“Your father did not bake?”
“No, I come from a pretty conservative area. It was enough that he took over making all of our meals, I couldn’t ask him to make me a devil’s food cake for my debate tournament too.”
Jennifer busied herself checking the cake, showing Teyla the clean toothpick and bringing it out of the oven to cool. The two round cakes were golden yellow, edging into a bit browned at the edges. They looked not unlike the cake the mess served on special occasions. Teyla was just relieved to see that they appeared edible.
“We’ll need to wait a bit before we can frost it.”
Teyla sat on one of the high stools, and regarded Jennifer closely. After a moment, she spoke.
“I lost my mother when I was quite young as well. No one ever quite made fried melo like her. I tried to get it right, for many years, but even the best cooks in our settlement never came close.”
“You miss her,” Jennifer stated, leaning over and placing her hand on Teyla’s. Her palm was warm, a bit damp, but soft. Teyla nodded. “I miss mine too. I don’t think it ever goes away.”
For a moment, Teyla considered leaning in. Brushing the hair that had fallen loose from Jennifer’s ponytail back, swiping her thumb across a smooth cheek.
But then, Jennifer pulled her hand away, cleared her throat and stood.
“I think we can frost it now.”
“Do we need to make the frosting, or does that also come in a box?”
“Even better,” Jennifer responded, placing two small containers on the counter. “It comes in a tub.”
They each took one cake, Jennifer showing her how to spread the frosting evenly, without causing the cake to crumble. Finally, carefully, Teyla lifted one layer on top of the other, smoothing down the frosting covering the sides.
“It looks great! I’m sure John will love it.”
“I just hope it tastes alright,” Teyla laughed.
Jennifer grinned at her, happy and relaxed. Even more hair had fallen out of her ponytail, and ridiculously, there was a smudge of frosting across her cheek. She looked messy, not at all like her normal, put-together self, and Teyla was surprised to find it endearing.
“Here, you have a bit of-” Teyla reached out, and wiped the frosting from her face. Almost instinctively, she popped her finger in her mouth, licking the sweetness from her own skin. Jennifer’s pupils dilated.
“How’s- um- how’s it taste?” She asked, voice just a touch breathy.
“Delicious,” Teyla answered, her eyes never breaking contact. “Perhaps you should try some.”
It was a challenge. Jennifer could take the risk, take what Teyla was offering. Or she could pretend she didn’t understand, pretend she wasn’t feeling this thing thrumming between the two of them.
Jennifer’s eyes dropped down to her lips, and her hand settled on Teyla’s arm, before she moved closer, leaning in to gently kiss her, barely a brush, before pulling away.
“Was that alright?” She asked, uncertain, her hand still gripping Teyla’s bicep with more force than she would have expected.
“Yes, but I don’t believe you got to sample the frosting.” Teyla swiped her finger across the base of the cake, before sucking it into her mouth, making a little show of licking the excess frosting off. It was ridiculous, she knew it, but it had the desired effect, Jennifer pulling her in close and kissing her again, this time with a confident heat, her tongue venturing out to pull the sweetness from Teyla’s own mouth.
They kissed for long minutes, before breathless, Teyla finally pulled away.
“I believe I have found something pleasurable about baking after all.”
Jennifer laughed. “Just wait til I show you what I can do with a roll of cookie dough.”
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ladieswttda · 4 years
One in a Million (Guns n’ Roses x Fem!Reader)
Description: The tour life of a rock girl band in the 80’s, but not without their not so normal friends and band called Guns N’ Roses.
Warning: some curse, and a light mention of alcohol and drugs. It’s not a warning, but Mötley Crüe is going to appear into the chapters
Words: 2911
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"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Y/N exclaimed as she ran down Sunset Strip trying to get to the bus, and of course with a huge bag trying not to bump into anyone and screaming 'sorry' to a guy she almost knocked into the ground.
Today was the day her band would take a new level. They were going on their first big tour, opening with Guns N' Roses for the crazy band called Mötley Crüe. She was beyond excited, but as always she was super late. The bus was supposed to leave at ten am and was already eleven. Y/N was certain that they had already left her in LA, but she had a little hope they waited for her because they couldn't replace their amazing drummer.
Y/N was relieved when she spotted a huge bus with a not so tall redhead smoking a cigarette and kinda stressed talking with, what looked like, the bus driver.
"I'm sure she's coming, Sir. She's just a bit, how can I say.... slow?" When the driver was going to say he was done and the bus was leaving, they heard a scream and turned their heads "I'M HERE! I'M HERE!!"
Axl blew a breath that he didn't even knew he was holding "You almost made they leave you here, sweetheart." Y/N smiled at her old friend and handed over one of the bags to the driver, with a quiet 'thank you'.
It wasn't new that the girls from Y/N's band had a great friendship with the boys from Guns. And more obviously because Ayla, the guitarist, was Slash's sister, so they knew each other from a long time.
"I'm so fucking sorry, Ax. For real, a lot happened and..." She was going to start explaining, when he put his finger over her mouth and smiled "It's okay, let hop in the bus before someone scream at me again, and at you now." Y/N nodded and they started walking into the bus.
When they got inside, the first thing Y/N noticed was that the girls were already having a friendly conversation with the mötley boys, which was great and how Steven looked worried.
"What if she died? And how we just abandoned her here? She's going to be..." Before he could finish, Axl cleared his throat and everyone looked at their direction "Look who I found outside?" He had a hand on Y/N's small back and she weirdly smiled and waved.
Steven ran and hugged Y/N with all force he had, almost crashing her "You're alive! We were so worried abou you..." Ayla laughed and replied "You were worried, Stevie. We all knew Y/N would be late." She said rolling her eyes making Y/N roll her ones too.
"What happened this time, sweets?" Izzy asked hugging her.
"Actually the question is, what didn't happened?" Y/N answered setting her backpack in one of the sits.
"Are you sure you didn't over slept with a groupie?" Blake, the bassist asked earning a laugh from everyone besides Y/N, who kindly answered "Fuck off, will you?"
"Before we continue with Y/n/N story time, let's introduce her to the them." Axl said and pointed to the older band "Guys, this is Y/N, the drummer." She smiled, not sure if they were mad at her for the lateness "I'm so sorry for being late..."
Before Y/N could continue the tall drummer interrupted "Its okay hot stuff, we all lose the time track, don't we pals?" The other mans nodded their heads "I'm Tommy, the old man there is Mick, the blonde bitch right next is Vince guy and then we have Nikki." He pointed at them and they waved at her too "I know who you are..." Y/N said laughing a little at the adjectives Tommy gave for his band mates.
"Even better!" Vince winked at her making Y/N blush a little.
When they finished introducing, Y/N turned to her best friends and band mates who were already waiting in one of the sits "Hey girlfriend!" She exclaimed while hugging Ayla, who was Slash but in a female form. "Hello, my love..." They laughed at how they always said their hi's as a couple.
"You two date?" Nikki pointed at the two girls, they shook their heads and Ayla explained "For the press yes, they think we are a big orgy." She rolled her eyes and Y/N giggled at how her best friend hated the midia, like she did too of course, how sexist they were to say stuff like that just cuz they were fucking best friends?
Turning to the brunette and super tall bassist, more known as Blake " Heya, Y/n/N!" They hugged and saying hi lastly to their amazing blonde singer Sofia, who gave her a little kiss on her cheek "Where's Duff and Slash?" She asked sitting between Blake and Steven, who was more relaxed now that his bestie ( hehehe cute) was here safe and sound.
"Slash is passed out in one of the bunk beds and Duff is..." Suddenly Duff pop it out from the tiny bathroom interrupting Iz "Missed me sweetheart?" He asked giggling at her, who jumped and crashed him into a bear hug "Always, giraffe!" Besides him she looked like a smurf, not that she was normally tall, but with him it was like he turned everything into small ants.
"Now that everyone is settled, I wanna now what or who made our amazing friend late?" Axl said with his well known smile.
Y/N knew she could lie and make a false statement, that her car broke or something like this, but she was a terrible liar, so she decided to say the truth "Well, remember that my dad was working on a huge case and it was for a very famous person?" The girl's nodded indicating she could continue.
"What he does, kid?" Mick asked "He's a layer, actually both my parents are." Y/N answered gesturing with her hand and he nodded.
"When did you dye pink under your hair?" Steven asked as if nothing was happening, making Y/N giggle at Axl and the others impatient faces "Yesterday, Stevie.Needed a new look, don't you think?" He smiled and nodded at the girl "Continuing, happily the case was resolved and my dad's client won, so as a gratitude gift he gave my dad some tickets."
"Tickets? How this place into you being late?" Blake asked getting confused.
"Well, my dear friend, he happened to give backstage tickets to his show..." Everybody was paying attention to the girl and she was making even more mystery now.
"For gods sake woman, spit it out!" Everybody laughed when Tommy screamed at her, Y/N laughing too "It was tickets for Aerosmith, and the client happened to be Steven Tyler." Especially the girls were shocked, following the other men's reaction.
"You got fucking BACKSTAGE tickets for a fucking Aerosmith concert and didn't tell us???" Ayla jumped from her sit and started hitting Y/N with a jornal "Stop bitch! I didn't get! My father did, I just fucking went!" The boys were surprised that she wasn't that shy as she looked when she entered the bus.
"And now we have the true Y/N." Izzy laughed at the scene, but stoping as soon as Y/N gave him a mortal look "Just joking sweets, just joking!" She rolled her eyes and turned to their curly guitarist "If I could, obviously I would take you guys, especially you Lala." Ayla smiled at the sweet nickname.
"How it was it???" Sofia asked gripping and shaking Y/N arm.
Remembering last night Y/N smirked and put a hand in front of her mouth starting to giggle "STOP, you are doing the face when you get the D!" She laughed even harder at the bassist.
"You fucked Steven Tyler, Y/n/N?" Duff asked more curious then ever.
"NO, fucking hell!" She couldn't stop the giggles "I wish guys, but no..." Y/N shrugged "But the concert was fucking amazing, I thought I was going to have an orgasm right there." Everyone started to laugh "But the thing was after the gig, we were invited to the after party."
"You even went to the after party? Aren't you a luck bitch?" Nikki exclaimed receiving right after a push o his shoulder from Mick "Have some sense." Y/N shook her head with a smile "It's okay! Actually my dad is! I just came along with my bro's."
"And Mrs. Y/l/N?" Izzy asked "Nope, girl's night with her friends." Y/N shrugged and turned to Stevie, when he poked her arm "Yes, Stevie?"
Steven was the biggest fan of Aerosmith she knew. Y/N was sad that they didn't went together, but little did he know she was already planning the next time they were in the same city "Did you take photos with them?" He asked with a little smile.
Was clear that Y/N had an inexplicable connection with them, but nothing explained how much she loved Steven. Not in a romantic way, and not denying that sometimes she would do some naughty things with him, but they were best friends since high school. Y/N always saved him from fights and problems from school, sometimes when his mom would kick him out, her parents would let him stay with them, making him forever grateful for Y/N's huge heart.
"YES, how could I forget? They are in my bag pack, pick for me Ax?" He nodded and   picked the pinky glittery bag, yes she was on a rock band, but how could you not love glitter? "Why do you have so much stuff?? Look, why do you have so fucking much medicine?" Axl hold a little bag with some meds "Well, I'm the mom of the group, I need some back up. If I don't have all this, the next thing you know she's vomiting." Y/N pointed at Blake giving them a weird smile.
After some minutes Axl found Y/N book of polaroids, dropping to her lap, she started flipping the pages till the last page where the photos were "Here! Everybody come closer." All of them got around her, sitting in one of the tables in the bus, with Axl on her left and Tommy on her right "Okay this first one is from de beginning of the gig, then this is... me and the band in the back playing."
"Nice dress, Y/n/N." Sofia pointed at the photo with a smile "Thanks, Sofs. I think I got last summer." Y/N flipped the page showing more pics from the gig "Doesn't he look like a god?" Stevie said "He is a god, Stevie!" Tommy said picking the photo from Y/N making her stare at him "Sorry, just got excited" He laughed but gave back the photograph saying sorry.
She flipped again, now the photos from the after party "Didn't your old man got uncomfortable with all the booze and drugs?" Vince asked "Nah, he's used with rockstars. It's not the first time he provide services for a famous person..." Y/N shrugged "So you are rich rich?" Nikki asked, making Mick poke his arm again "You truly don't have sense, do you?"
The girls were trying their harder to not to laugh at how Tommy, Vince and Nikki looked like Mick children. "Well, you can say my folks are, i'm not. Yet..."
"Oh my god, look at this one! Isn't Joe Perry looking at your ass?" Blake screamed.
"Oh, yeah." Y/N smirked "You naughty little bitch, you slept with him, didn't you?" Ayla said laughing "Yes, of course with my father and my two brothers in the same place,I escaped and fucked him in the bathroom." She rolled her eyes at her best friend "This is me and Steven, then me and the whole band. Then Joe whispering in my ear for my number." She smiled at the memory, Y/N always had a crush on him and when this happened she almost died at the moment.
"Did you give?" Izzy asked sitting on Axl legs to have a better look at the photographs , making him grumble at the guitarist.
"Nope, but he did." She giggled like a teenager girl when her crush ask her out.
"Are you going to call him?" Duff asked "Maybe, dunno, he's like 37?" Y/N bite her nails thinking "What's the problem? He seems to be nice enough to not be a creepy." Blake words made Y/N think, maybe she should call him.
Before they could continue, the tour manager cleared his throat making everybody look at him "We are going to stop at a gas station, so you guys can eat, hydrate, piss, I don't know. But please don't destroy or rob something!" He said looking directly at the mötley boys, that only looked at each other and laugh "Of course Johnny, we have some girls to impress" Tommy said looking at the girls.
Blake did a sass face and looked them up and down, trying to control her giggles "Yeah, sure drummer boy, you wish." Ayla and Sofia laughed too, making him blush, who'd thought that bad boys would blush at some rock girls?
Y/N put the book back into her bag, picking some cash to buy some food and something to drink "Who's gonna wake Slash up?" Axl asked already in the bus door "I can go!" Y/N said, going to the only bunk bed that was with its curtain closed.
Opening it, she could see only his naked back and how his hair was everywhere "Hey, sleepy boy, wake up." She stroked his back receiving a pleased 'hmm', but still not moving "Slash, honey, we stopped so we all can eat something, you need to wake up."
"But it's so good right here" He turned and shook the hair of his face "You should join me..." Slash smirked at Y/N who only did a negative sign with her head and pushed his hands "Nops, get your ass up here or I will... I will cut your favorite leather pants!" He stared at her face thinking if she would do it. After solids two minutes he gave up and got out of the bed "You can be very nice, but you still are a little minx sometimes, i don't trust you with my babies..." He grumbled and crossed his arms "Don't be such a baby. I can cuddle with you when we get back! Or you are too macho man for that?"
Slash was a little behind her, so when she said that he ran a little and hugged her waist, nuzzling her neck "Baby girl, for you I have both sides..." Y/N laughed loudly, making some other people in the convenience store look at them "I already said for you to stop calling me that, people will think we have a thing!" She said poking his hands that were on her hips "People thinking you date me is that bad? He made a fake cry sound "If you weren't such a whore, I wouldn't care." Slash couldn't stop laughing at her statement "Not a lie, Y/n/N."
After some good 30 minutes they had found everything they needed and went to check out their stuff "24.60 dollars." The cashier said with a bored tone "I pay, add a pack of marlboro, please." Slash gave the cashier a 50 bill making Y/N complain "Hey, why you paying my stuff, dickhead?" He smiled "Always treating my lady the way she deserves..." Slash winked at her, making her roll her eyes.
Picking their plastic bags, the duo returned to the bus, and setting the drinks into de mini fridge "Everyone is here, right?" The manager asked and received 'yeah' and 'yes' from the guys "Okay, we can pull off!"
"I'm going to sleep again, you coming?" Slash asked Y/N "Yep, just let me put a hoodie." He nodded waiting beside her, talking with his band mates.
"We can go." She extended her hand to him who happily accepted "You two don't forget to use condoms!" Axl screamed and hit high five with Izzy.
"Don't fucking start." Y/N flipped him off and got into the bunk bed, Slash following her movements.
He laid behind her and hugged her waist "I don't know why you still pay attention to his comments..." Slash nuzzled his nose on her hair and neck "That's nice" She hummed at his actions, he gave little kisses to her skin in response "And, other thing, we all know he's jealous of me..." He said making her kick his leg "You are not the only one who cuddles me, curly boy." Slash pinched her hip " But i'm the best on bed..."
Well, with great friendships, great relationships come too. It's a not a lie that Y/N and the girls would have a little more than a friendship with de boys once in a while, but more exactly Y/N, she was the closest with the boys and sometimes they would have some escapades...
"Okay, Saul" Y/N giggled "Believe what you want." Slash hugged her even close and whispered to her ear "You can be sure, sweetheart." They giggled "Night, curly boy"
"Good Night, Y/n/N."
taglist: @harley-m-rose​ (if you want to be added, just send  a message or reblog with your request)
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Little Surprises
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Your husband Calum takes your daughter Lucy to pick out a puppy to foster, but things don’t go as planned.
This is pretty fluffy and there’s no smut (who am I???)
CW: strong language, mentions of depression, anxiety, alcohol, and pregnancy
"Hurry Daddy, hurry up before they close," Lucy, your four-year-old daughter, impatient as always, yelled from the back seat of Calum's Rover. 
"Just a second sweetpea, we have plenty of time," he replied over his shoulder as he walked with you back to the front door. You'd finally given in to Lucy's pleas to foster a dog during the lock down. Your daughter was intelligent, sociable, and bored out of her mind these past couple weeks. Her favorite, Uncle Michael, was helping to keep her occupied by playing animal crossing with her every day, but you limited her game time to one hour in the afternoon. So to help keep her occupied he showed her videos of the puppy they were fostering while stuck in the house. Once the idea was in her head there was no getting it out, and it didn't help that Calum thought it would teach her responsibility. With the two of them against you it was a miracle you held out a whole week.
 You hadn't been feeling well these past couple weeks and the idea of a puppy underfoot and needing taken care of was not something that appealed to you. Your husband managed to convince you by taking wonderful care of both his girls while you were all home together. He'd made up a schedule for Lucy that kept her out of your way so you could work until lunchtime when you traded off so he could promo his latest album. You'd started doing stretching and yoga together as a family before dinner for about a week now, and you could tell it was starting to pay off. Calum being home with nothing to do meant he'd been all over you every night and morning, and occasionally during nap time. You were loving it, but your back and hips were killing you. Still it was better than the first lockdown in 2020 when you hadn't been able to see each other for three months. He'd whisked you away to a beach cottage for a romantic weekend, and nine months later your daughter was born. 
 When the weather was nice they played in the backyard. Lucy adored her father, and anything did, she had to do.  She wanted to play soccer so Calum practiced with her running drills in the backyard and polishing up his own skills in the process. It was hard to concentrate on your laptop, and you caught yourself watching them instead of working. Part of you still marveled that this was your life, your family, and your husband. 
Had it really been just six years since the first night you'd met in a bar after a concert you'd both attended? You'd been so drunk you'd gasped and told him he looked just like "Calum Hood, the sexist fucking bass player in the world." Cal found that hilarious, but your boyfriend at the time very much did not. This led to a screaming match outside the club where he called you every name in the book and left you crying on the curb before taking a very expensive two-hour taxi ride home. In his anger he forgot you'd reserved a hotel room to avoid the drive after the show. You remembered the hotel but couldn't remember how to get there which made you cry harder.
Right then Calum came out for a smoke and found you a weepy, sloppy mess. After he'd calmed you down, he insisted on walking you back to your hotel. You thought it was right around the corner, but you got turned around and Calum ended up walking with you for almost thirty minutes before you found it. He insisted on having a female employee walk with y'all to your room before giving you a goodnight hug.
The next morning you'd been awoken by a pounding headache. You quickly downed three glasses of water and sat in the shower until the hot water ran out trying to piece together the previous night. You were convinced the handsome man was a figment of your imagination until you saw Calum Hood followed you on Instagram and Twitter. Opening your phone you found a new number saved as "The Real Calum Hood." 
You'd convinced yourself, after much yelling and multiple threats from your best friends, to take a once in a lifetime chance and go on a date with a bonafide rock star. You were convinced it would never work, but once Calum had his heart set, you never stood a chance.  You loved that man with a ferocity you hadn't known possible, and trusted him with your life, but if you ended up being the only one to clean up after this dog you were gonna kill him. 
As Calum pulled out of the driveway he felt a twinge of guilt, he had every intention of getting you to change your mind about "fostering" a dog. He missed having a dog, Lucy was old enough, and it would teach her responsibility. He and Lucy had spent the past week getting ready for the puppy. They'd stocked up on supplies, watched videos about dog training
Growing up being shuffled between households, and always taking care of your siblings, you were never allowed to keep a pet. And while you craved the stability you found with Calum, Lucy and his family, you also panicked at the idea of being tied down. Two years ago, when you'd first married and bought this house, it took you several months to trust yourself to really decorate and make it your own. 
He smiled back at Lucy singing, "How Far I'll Go" at the top of her voice. You'd been hesitant to let her watch Disney movies, not wanting her to admire the pretty princess stereotype. Moana won you over, and your lock screen was still a picture of her and Calum as Moana and Maui for her very first trick or treat last fall. He loved you for giving him the greatest gift anyone could give. Even though Lucy was the spitting image of her aunt Mali the cleverness and quick wit that kept him on his toes was all you. 
This was a special trip so Lucy made sure to dress accordingly. She was going to wear her prettiest dress, but Calum had reminded her about how the dogs' paws could be dirty and scratch through the delicate fabric. After considering that she picked out her black and yellow Pokemon overalls paired with her child-size Doc Marten's, black like her dad's but with little multi-colored hearts. You'd pulled her dark curls into pigtails fastened with Pikachu hair bows. 
She was bouncing in her car seat as they pulled into the shelter.
"Puppy, puppy, puppy," she chanted as she unbuckled herself and he lifted her out of the car.
"Lucy Koa Hood if you take one more step away from this car," Calum warned his daughter, stopping her dead in her tracks before she bolted for the door. She looked up at him with those huge brown eyes, so much like his own, and grabbed his hand. She skipped towards the entrance pulling him along behind her.  
He'd already sent  the application and made an appointment so an employee was waiting to talk them back right away.
The sound and smell of dogs pricked at Calum's senses as they walked back towards the kennels. Lucy squeezed his hand tightly and he could feel a slight tremble. 
"Are you ok Lulu?" He was worried it was overwhelming for her and bent down to pick her up. 
She took a deep breath, puffed out her chest and looked him in the eye, and nodded. 
"I can walk Daddy. I'm a big girl," she told him, still clutching his hand. 
"Ok sweetpea, but if it gets too much let me know ok?" He reassured her, rubbing his thumb along the back of her tiny hand. 
Calum clicked a picture of Lucy's face as they brought in the puppy.  She had the biggest smile and her dark eyes were shining. She was so excited and was squirming and bouncing in her seat next to him. Cal stopped them from handing her the puppy until she could hold still. 
The puppy started wiggling as soon as they put him in Lucy's lap and began climbing up her chest, and licking her face. At first she giggled but she quickly got uncomfortable. She wanted to sit and pet him quietly. The little guy was energetic, rambunctious, in her face, and Calum could tell she didn't like it one bit. He scooped the pup out of her lap cradling it in his hands, gently holding him back so Lucy could reach in and pet him. The puppy let her pat his head a couple times before starting to gnaw on her fingers. 
Lucy snatched her hand back, crying out with surprise. Calum tried to explain to her that puppies were baby dogs and like babies they chewed on things and wiggled a lot, but Lucy outright refused to touch it again.
"No thank you, Daddy, I don't think that's the right one," she told him, crossing her arms across her chest. 
He handed the puppy back to the employee and asked to see the next one. Lucy's excitement had dimmed but it was still there when the employee brought back a pretty gold and white pup. He took her first, but this one was even more rowdy than the last one. Lucy clapped her hands and giggled watching the little gal attack Calum with much ferocity if very little coordination, but she refused to even try to pet it. 
"No thank you, I'll pass," Lucy politely declined and Calum was starting to wonder if they were going to leave with a dog after all.
"Ok we'll try one more," the employee told them smiling at Lucy who nodded and smiled back. 
"We don't have to get one today Lulu, it's ok to keep looking for a while," he reminded her.
"We just have to be patient, everything will work out," she tried to reassure him, speaking gently and patting his arm.
"Wonder where you got that from?" Calum snickered at your all too familiar phrase. 
The employee brought the final puppy in, and Calum felt hopeful when he saw the little fella was sleepy and not hyped up. Lucy was beaming and let them set the puppy in her lap. 
"Easy, easy" she whispered to herself and she stroked the brown and white fur. "See it's not so bad." She grinned at Calum looking both thrilled and relieved, but then her face twisted into a horrified look of shock. He was confused until the next second when she picked the puppy, still peeing, out of her lap holding it over the floor. 
The shelter worker grabbed the puppy, as Lucy burst into tears. Calum slid next to his daughter, putting his arm around her and curling her into his side. He kissed the top of her head over and over, rubbing her back, and murmuring "it's ok baby, it's ok," until she caught her breath again. 
They returned with a towel and helped get her dried off as best they could. Calum decided to call it a day and Lucy started sniffling all over again. He knelt down so he could talk to his daughter face to face.
"Don't cry sweetpea," he brushed the tears off her cheeks. "It just wasn't meant to be today, but they have our application on file. We'll make another appointment and come back. At least now we know a puppy might not be the best idea and we'll see what other options we have ok. Now if I know your mom she's got an outfit stashed for you in the car. We'll get you changed and go get ice cream ok?" 
She stood up still hiccuping and wiping her face. Calum went to pick her up but she shook her head and backed away. 
"No Daddy, I'm not scared, I'm just upset," she protested, still sniffling but fighting it back. " I wanna see the dogs when we leave." 
"Can we leave through the kennels?" Calum asked.
"Of course," the employee smiled down at Lucy. "I've got some stickers for you up front too. Just follow me." 
They led the back through a hallway and a set of double doors. The dogs went nuts when they saw them and Lucy stood back for a second. The shelter worker started to ask if she was ok but Calum held his hand up, motioning for them to wait. He watched his daughter squeeze her eyes shut and ball up her fists while taking deep breaths. Her lips were moving and he eased closer to hear what she was saying. 
"You're a big girl. You are smart. You are brave. You can do this." Lucy was repeating the words he'd heard your say to their daughter whenever her courage faltered. He felt a lump in his throat watching his little girl finding the inner strength you'd given her starting the day she took her first breath. 
She stuck her chin out and grabbed his hand, keeping close by his side as they walked. She gave a little wave as they passed the kennels.
"Bye doggies, bye doggies," she called out softly, her normal exuberance and energy tempered by the day's unfortunate events. Calum kept her hand in his as he chatted with the shelter employee. They told him they were a big fan of the band and played guitar from time to time. Cal started to offer to take a pic when he felt Lucy tugging at his hand. 
"C'mon sweetpea, we gotta get you changed. We'll come back another day," he told her. 
"Daddy wait a minute, I wanna see something," she pulled harder trying to get away.
"Next time Lulu, next time, I think you've had enough today," he pulled her along and she stumbled a bit making him stop. 
"My shoes need tied," she told him and he let go of her hand, ready to bend down to fix it.
Lucy turned on her heel and took off back towards the kennels. Doc Marten's don't make the best running shoes, but Calum was wearing his too. Not only that, she caught him off guard so she had already tumbled to a stop by the time he caught up. He saw her fall and was worried she hurt herself. He stopped when he saw her on her knees scooting towards one of the cages.
"Hi there, don't be scared" her voice was soft and soothing. Calum scanned the cage, finally spotting a small dog huddled in the corner. Golden colored fur shot through with silver and black with a pair of light blue eyes peering at their little group. 
"I'm Lucy, what's your name? Come say hi, I'm not scary like these big dogs," Lucy pat the top of her thighs trying to coax the dog over. 
"His name is Astro," Calum read the sign for her.
"And he's four years old, like me," Lucy told him pointing at the number above her head.
"No sweetpea, that's the cage number," Calum explained but the shelter employee broke in
"Actually Astro is four like you, but he's very shy and doesn't like most people," they informed her. 
"What's his story? What breed is that?" Calling was curious. Astro had at least turned to face them, ears forward listening to them. 
"Astro, Astro," Lucy called him. "Come here pretty boy." She tried whistling but she couldn't do it so she ended up spitting on herself.
"So Astro is 4, and there's definitely some corgi because he's got short little legs. Other than that our best guess is Australian Shepherd? His owner passed away maybe five, six months ago. Her daughter owns cats and the dog isn't very social so he ended up here. He's quiet so he rarely gets noticed," they quietly filled Calum in.
"Good with kids?" He asked.
"No clue, he keeps to himself and doesn't really deal with people." They shrugged, not knowing what to say. 
They stopped at the sound of a whimper. Astro was belly crawling incredibly slowly towards Lucy who hadn't stopped talking. 
"Come on Astro, come on. You can sleep in my room and we can be best friends. I have a best friend Sam but she's at school. Be my friend Astro pleeeaaasseee. I'm four just like you. We're not babies like puppies or my uncle Ashton has a baby, her name is Lauren. She's little so we can't play with her yet, but her sister Annie is four like us, and Kat is three. I forgot," her little hands fluttered with excitement. "Oh Astro, listen listen, Uncle Michael will let us come over. We can go in the pool, and he has dogs that will be your friend too. And I have the best mommy and daddy. Mommy is so pretty. She dances with me and says I am brave. I am smart. You need to be brave too Astro."
By now the dog was closer, almost in reach. Astro's eyes were fixed on Lucy, listening intently. Calum squatted down next to his daughter. "Lulu are you sure?" 
Lucy nodded rapidly, her pigtails bouncing as she answered. "Completely sure Daddy. He's lonely, I need to be his friend." 
Calum laughed, but it died when he looked down and saw the sadness and hope in the dog's eyes. "Poor little guy," Calum thought. "He doesn't know what's happening, just that he's been abandoned." 
 "Can we take him? Instead of a puppy?" He asked. 
"Please, please, please?" Lucy scrambled to her feet, bouncing on her toes, and her dark eyes pleading with them. 
"Of course, I just gotta get some paperwork. Come with me to the front and I'll get that taken care of," they started to lead Calum away but Lucy held back.
"I gotta go up front for the paper works, but you're coming home with us Astro," Lucy told him.
She turned and started to follow them, and Astro let out a long mournful whine. She turned around and went back.
"It's ok, I'll be right here. I won't leave you," Lucy blew him a kiss and ran back to her dad. 
They got up to the front and Calum told the employee they had to step outside for a moment.
"Daddy no, we can't leave," Lucy started to cry again. "We gotta get Astro."
"We will Lulu, but if I don't get you changed your mother will have my neck. I don't need mama mad at me," Calum told her. 
Lucy accepted that and didn't protest farther. You always packed a "car bag" whenever Lucy went anywhere in case of emergencies. Sure enough, tucked under the wet wipes, hair ties, and first aid kit was a change of clothes including socks and underwear. Fortunately it hadn't soaked through, so Calum took her shoes off and quickly changed her in the back of the Rover to leggings and a tunic.  
"He's gonna think we left him," she was pulling at him as they walked back in. 
They'd just walked through the door and they could hear Astro's whimpering as they were bringing him out. Calum whipped out his camera just in time to record Lucy's reaction when the dog came out, but it was Astro's expression of joy that touched him most. Lucy knelt down and Astro shuffled up to her, still a little skittish. She was patient, patting her thighs and calling softly to him until he finally came in close and rested his snout on her shoulder giving her a small lick on her ear. Lucy giggled and wrapped her arms around him. Calum took a picture and sent it to you as a heads up with the caption.
Lucy and Astro ❤️ I'll explain when I get home. I love you
Astro? I thought we were fostering a puppy. How can I say no now? We'll have this conversation later after Lucy goes to bed. I love you
You rubbed your temples and sighed, hating yourself for being so irritated. You weren't feeling well and had a lot on your mind. You needed to have a conversation with your husband, but that would have to wait. 
You were in the kitchen checking on dinner when you heard the car pulling into the driveway. You made it to the door and were greeted by your daughter's excited chatter. Calum came around with Lucy, in different clothes then she's left in, dancing backward trying to control herself. You caught sight of Astro, a beautiful dog but seemed timid. He was watching Lucy's every move. Calum smiled at you and mouthed "are you ok?" You nodded and smiled back, not wanting him to worry.  
Astro wouldn't come near you, and ducked away when you reached out for him. He trailed behind Lucy as she introduced him to the house. 
"Hey you," Calum murmured in your ear, coming up behind you. You leaned back into his embrace, feeling your mind and body relax in a way only Calum could bring out. "I have to do some laundry. Why don't you go rest up and let me watch over the kid." 
"Sweetheart I'm fine, I've got a veggie lasagna in the oven. I've just been tired, but we can talk about that later. What happened at the shelter? I notice she changed clothes," you turned around, gazing up at your husband. You never got tired of looking at his face, still amazed you were lucky enough to love him. 
"One of the puppies peed on her. It was a disaster, and I really thought we were coming home empty-handed." 
"So how did we end up with Astro?" You reached up and booped his nose.
Calum grinned and wrinkled his nose in response," you always do that." 
"Your nose is always cute." 
"We were leaving through the kennels, and she was pretty freaked out. She had to psych herself up saying, I am smart, I am brave. I swear you're such a great mom. I'm so glad I knocked you up," he told you, landing a kiss on your lips. "As we were leaving she stopped, and even tricked me by telling me her shoes were untied. She took off and found this small creature that needed her to be his friend. The shelter employee said Astro ignored pretty much everyone until Lucy came along. She was so patient, I was really surprised, but she waited for him to come to her. She kept telling him she wanted to be his friend. It was the cutest thing."
"What no video?" 
"Of course, but Lucy has been a bit too quiet. Let's go see what she's up to," he kissed you again, reluctant to let go. "Are you sure you're ok?" 
"Yes, Cal," you replied as you stepped back and took his hand. 
You found Lucy in her playroom introducing Astro to her toys, bringing each one out and letting him sniff it before putting it back. 
Later at dinner Lucy chattered away in her booster seat while Astro laid by her chair. He finally let you pet him in return for some wet dog food. He seemed to be adjusting pretty well for the first night until it was time for bed. He whimpered and whined when Calum put him in his crate. Lucy, overtired and cranky, began sobbing inconsolably. You were tempted to not give in, but Calum compromised by letting Lucy "camp out." They pulled out Lucy's sleeping bag so she could sleep in her playroom with the crate. 
"We'll figure it out tomorrow, my love," Calum assured you. He got them settled in and Astro quieted down once Lucy laid down. You stood in the doorway watching him tuck your daughter in and sing her to sleep. In no time she was out like a light, and Cal turned his attention to you. 
"It's been a long day," he kissed you and pulled you back towards the living room. "Let me make you a drink and give you a backrub," He gave you a wink and a wicked smile as his hand slid down to your ass. 
"Would you make me a cup of tea, and then we can talk back rub. Although it always ends up going further than that." You laugh at the smirk he gives you in response. 
"You're the one who starts it," he reminded her.
"Not fair," you protest. "You're such a tease." 
"Me, I'm completely innocent," Calum protested.
"You are not, but you're very handsome so I'll let it slide." You sat on the couch and the anxiety came creeping back. 
Calum brought your tea, a bag of cookies, and settled in next to you. He pulled you in close to his side, wrapping his arm around you, and throwing your legs over his so you were sitting at an angle that he could see your face.
"Now will you please tell me what's going on? You've been stressing for days, and you won't tell me what's going on. Please don't shut me out. If you're having a rough time, just tell me. We can work through anything, but I don't want it to get bad like last time." You'd always struggled with depression, and you'd had a terrible time after Lucy was born. His thumb stroked the back of your hand as he spoke, and you saw the worry in his eyes and felt terribly guilty. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry," you began, but Calum cut you off.
"Don't apologize, my love, just talk to me," Calum took your hand and raised it to his mouth for a kiss.
"Ok, I know this isn't the best timing. You're going on tour and Lucy starts kindergarten in the fall. Do you remember Luke's pool party?"
"The madness of all the kids together. Luke almost setting the grill on fire. You in that blue swimsuit." Calum's voice dropped to a growl as his hand slid up your thigh. 
"Don't you start, that's how I got in this predicament," you warned him.
"I don't start anything, but I finish it.  Don't think I won't take you right here in the living-" Calum stopped, his eyes going wide as he looked at you.
He looked at the mug of tea steaming on the coffee table then back at your face. His hand moved from your legs to your waist, resting on your belly.
"You're pregnant?" 
You nodded. "Like I said I'm sorry the timing isn't ideal but-." Your words were smothered in a kiss as Calum pulled you onto his lap. 
"Are you sure? Did you take a test?" 
"While you guys were gone. I've suspected it for about a week now, but I needed a test." 
"Can I see it?" 
"It's in my purse." 
Calum grabbed your bag and was back by your side instantly. He watched as you pulled out a plastic baggie work the test in it. He saw the two blue lines right away, and he started to cry. You panicked, thinking for a second he was upset with you, but when he looked up at you, you'd never seen him look happier. 
"Come here you," he pulled you onto him so you were straddling him on the couch, sitting face to face. "Forget about the timing, we've never done anything at the right time." He cupped your face in his hands, brushing his fingers along your jawline and cheeks. "None of that matters because it's you and I, and together we can get through anything. I love you so much. You're the best mom. I can't believe we're gonna have another little one," he gave you a kiss, and then another.  "I can never thank you enough for everything you've given me and how happy you make me every day." He wiped his eyes but the tears wouldn't stop. 
"Why are you crying? Are you going soft on me Hood?" You asked, but you were laughing and crying along with him.
He pushed himself off the couch, lifting you up with him in one fluid motion. 
"Feel those muscles baby? Definitely not soft," Calum growled in your ear as he carried you down the hall. 
"What are you doing?" You asked as he stopped so y'all could peek in on Lucy and Astro.
"I'm about to show my beautiful wife how much I love her. Especially now that I don't have to worry about getting you pregnant."
@kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @sexgodashton @maluminspace @wildmichaelflower @ghostofmashton @sublimehood @tea4sykes @h0tsos @goth5sos @5-secondsofcolor @toofadedtofight @calteahood @noshamenion @irwinkitten @mermaidcashton @cherrycolamike​
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spaceskam · 4 years
Him. (the werewolf au)
warning: mild sexual content, guns, hunting, daddy issues
Alex Manes did not get along with other human beings. It was a simple fact.
He'd known he was different from a very young age because of this one little fact. It meant he got in fights at school. It meant he didn't listen. It meant he was deliberately rude. He didn't mean to come off so horrible, but he learned it was the only way to get people to leave him alone. If he was an asshole and perceived dangerous, they’d leave him alone.
Another one of those little things he did as a kid to make him unapproachable was spend his free time in the woods, usually with his grandmother who lived in a cabin deep in the trees. While normally, in any other place, that wouldn’t be a problem. Maybe that’d make him a person to bully, but here it just made him that much more of an obvious outcast that people didn’t even want to associate with negatively.
According to the hunters' legend, the wolves that populated the woods outside of Roswell weren’t quite... normal. They were larger than normal, more violent, more deadly. They were the wolves, yes, but also not. Whispers were spread from generation to generation about how everyone should be wary of people they didn’t know well enough; you never knew who wasn’t quite who they claimed to be. Alex thought it was funny to play right into that idea.
His grandmother, before she’d died, had been the only sane one. She’d learned to fend for herself, growing her own food and hunting deer and using every part of the animal to avoid going into town. She was completely self sufficient where she lived in the middle of the woods and not once had she ever had a negative encounter with those supposedly vicious wolves. She was more reliable than the hunters and their tall tales, Alex deduced, and had been living in her old cabin since he was 16.
It wasn’t that easy, though. His father was still the leader of the group of hunters that ran the town and made it their mission to go out into the woods once a month and try to kill one of those wolves. They usually succeeded. It was a carnal, horrific act that was meant to be applauded, parading these dead animals around after they’d killed them and insisting that they were in some way human and not caring. Alex hated it.
And yet he was still a Manes man. His brothers still came to him for deer meat and kept him up to date on town gossip. His father still stopped by and made it clear that people spoke negatively about him and that he should join the hunt. After all, he was skilled gunman, he’d be good at it. But Alex denied.
On the few occasions that he did go into town–whether it be for things like soap or just simply a man to warm his bed for the night–people stared. The Manes boy who went wrong, the Manes boy who was one of them, the Manes boy who had somehow made it to the age of 26 without caving under his father’s iron rule. He’d be lying if he said that didn’t make him feel powerful.
“Don’t you get lonely?” Forrest asked. He was nice and he was cute and he didn’t judge Alex, always being open to make the drive into the woods for a lengthy fuck in front of the fire. Alex wouldn’t even mind seeing him more than once every two weeks if he didn’t do things like ask that.
“No,” Alex said, shaking his head. He was in Forrest’s lap, both of them bare and comfortable being that way. Another benefit of living in the woods was that, as long as the hunt wasn’t happening, there was a very slim chance anyone would stop by without a warning. They could do whatever they wanted.
“I would,” he admitted, “If I lived out here, I would.”
“Good thing you don’t live out here then,” Alex said. Forrest wrinkled up his nose before giving a playful laugh, reaching a hand up to comb Alex’s long hair behind his ear. He couldn’t actually remember the last time he cut it, but it didn’t matter because it pissed off his dad and for that reason alone he would never cut it again.
“You ever think about moving back into town?” he wondered, craning his neck as Alex moved down to kiss his neck. He slowly kissed his way to his ear, taking it between his teeth gently.
“I’d rather put my dick in a blender,” Alex said as seductively as he could. He felt Forrest physically recoil at the thought, a groan coming from him as he leaned away. Alex smiled.
“Why do you say shit like that? Jesus,” Forrest breathed, shaking his head. Alex just grinned at him until he grinned right back. “I hate you.”
“Yeah, I believe that so much,” Alex said sarcastically, rolling his hips forward to get a little bit of a reaction from him. It worked far too easily. “Round two?”
“You expect me to say no to that?”
“No, I really don’t.”
Forrest left around two in the morning, needing a little coercion to make him realize staying over night wasn’t an option. Telling him he planned to be up early to do yoga didn’t work, but telling him he’d be forcing him to wake up at 5AM to join if he didn’t leave definitely did.
He didn’t really understand Forrest’s desire to be around him. Sure, he was probably the only person Alex had found since his grandmother that he could tolerate for more than thirty minutes, but that didn’t mean he wanted him around always. He liked space, he liked being alone. His brothers asked often when he would settle down and Forrest occasionally liked to see if he wanted something more, but apparently ‘I don’t want to’ wasn’t a valid answer. Apparently, it wasn’t right to enjoy being on your own.
Sometimes, on days that weren’t great, he’d consider it, though. He felt like this now, yes, but would he always? Wouldn’t he want someone eventually? And, when that time came, wouldn’t it be nice to have Forrest around, someone who he already knew he could tolerate? But then he remembered that’s just what society told him to feel.
If he found someone worth altering his life for, it wouldn’t be a question. He’d know it.
Bright and early the next morning, Gregory Manes, the middle Manes boy, showed up at the door with iced coffee. He was the least pushy of Alex’s brothers and was the only one who, while still going hunting every month, hadn’t killed any wolves. That was the only reason Alex tolerated his early morning visits.
“Wasn’t Flint supposed to come?” Alex asked, sipping the coffee as he led the way to the side door. It entered straight into the not-quite-outside room that Alex used to do all the fun stuff like skinning and packaging.
“Yeah, but I wanted to come talk to you,” Greg said. Alex raised an eyebrow as he opened the freezer, desensitized to the smell of blood and meat that filled the room as he continued to drink his coffee while simultaneously pulling out package deer meat to put in a bag. For a town full of hunters, they never seemed to be able to get any deer of their own.
“You need to steer clear of that Long boy. Or at least tell him to stop acting like you two are an item,” Greg said. Alex furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Since when had he ever taken being told what to do well? “I’m not judging you or trying to tell you what to do. I’m just saying he’s starting to outcast himself by association and he seems too nice to suffer like that.”
“He shouldn’t be telling anyone that we’re together anyway,” Alex said, slamming the freezer door shut, “We aren’t and he knows that.”
“Okay, well make sure he knows that. Mrs. Sibley, the lady who runs the coffee shop, refused him service this morning and I have to assume it’s because word is getting around that you two are together.”
That took Alex off guard as he looked at him with wide eyes. Even he had never been refused service. Maybe that was the fear, but still. 
“Seriously? Jesus, why do any of you stay in that town?”
“It’s not that easy to just get out.”
“For him it would be. He’s smart and friendly, he’d be able to get out easily,” Alex explained. Greg sighed.
“I don’t know, that’s not my call to make. All I’m sayin’ is he’s gonna suffer if something doesn’t change,” he said. Alex nodded and decided to be nice about it. He knew Forrest wouldn’t listen to him if he told him to stop, but it wouldn’t hurt Alex to distance himself from him for his own good. He didn’t need him like that.
“Also,” Greg sighed, “I need you to drive into town later and pick up Isobel from work because I have to get ready for the hunt tonight.”
Alex froze and looked over at him, carefully pulling the coffee away from his lips. Greg was giving him that pleading little smile and Alex hated him for it. This is why he didn’t socialize. They did shit like this.
“So this is a bribery coffee?” he asked. Greg rolled his eyes.
“Please? Your the only guy that I trust around her anyway.”
“Then maybe get her to ask one of her friends? You know, women so she doesn’t have to be picked up from work by some guy she’s met once?” Alex explained. 
Greg gave him that look like he should know that wasn’t an option. Which, granted, it sort of wasn’t. All the women in the town usually got together on the night of the hunt to cook for all the men when they got back. It was all very sexist if Alex was concerned. But, still, Isobel already got judged because she wasn’t from around there. If she asked someone to go out of their way on the night of the hunt, it could make it worse.
“Fine,” he groaned, “But you owe me. That’s like a two hour round trip just to pick up your girlfriend.”
“I’ll pay for your gas and I’ll make sure dad doesn’t come around here for three months,” Greg offered. Alex eyed him.
Alex spent his day compiling fire wood, checking his garden, and making sure the fence around his cabin was secure. His one rule was that, during hunts, if any of the fuckers even tried to enter or shoot around his property, he’d shoot them. They listened, but you could never be too cautious.
He combed and braided his hair before he left, even bothering to get dressed in something that wasn’t dirty. As much as he didn’t care to impress anyone, he also wasn’t too keen on alienating a girl who was already alienated enough. 
She was quiet when he picked her up from her work, saying her thanks and nothing more. He dropped her off and immediately started heading back home. The sun was starting to go down and he knew that as soon as it go dark, idiots would be in the woods. He was trying to avoid getting his tires blown by boys who got spooked by every little sound and mistook his truck for a wolf.
He was none too lucky though, navigating that dirt road that he specifically carved out for his truck as the siren rang throughout the town to signify the beginning of the hunt. He rolled his eyes and kept an eye out for people that were in the woods hunting, not really eager to hit anyone despite the fact that he could hear just how gun crazy they were. 
But then something dark was laying in the middle of the path. Alex slowed to a stop and turned on his brights. He felt all the air leave his lungs as he realized it was a wolf. Big as ever, but not in pieces every other time he’d seen one. Instead, this one was wounded and looking in the lights with scared eyes. 
Against all better judgement, Alex climbed out of his truck and slowly started walking towards it. It was hurt, but it wasn’t dead. Maybe he could help and then he could feel just a little bit better knowing he wasn’t as bad as the rest of his family.
“It’s okay,” he said softly, as he neared the animal. It’s fur was thick and a dark brown, eyes almost too human as they stared him down His stomach swooped in fear, but kept his hands where the animal could see and took slow steps. “I’m not gonna hurt you. I just wanna help, okay?”
The wolf whined, but didn’t bark or growl. Alex tried to remember all the tales of how vicious these creatures were and wondered if maybe, just maybe, they were only vicious because they were treated with venom first.
“Let’s see where you’re hurt, okay?” Alex cooed as he got close, crouching slowly. He held eye contact and slowly reached to pet the wolf’s head, promising that he wasn’t a threat. It didn’t bite his hand off, so that was a plus.
It only took a few seconds to see that there was a bullet graze in it’s front leg which was probably why it was in the middle of a path instead of hiding somewhere. However, it looked like something he could feasibly patch up. Alex frowned as he tried to figure out how the hell he was going to get the animal back to his cabin. Sure, he was strong, but strong enough to pick up a whole ass wolf?
A gunshot rang through the air and the wolf startled, whining and fearful. Alex had never felt so much compassion for anything in his entire life. Never had he ever felt as bad for a human as he did for this wolf. Which is probably what led him to deciding to carry it.
“Give me one second, okay? I’m gonna help. If you wanna bite my arm off, that’s cool too,” Alex said before running back to his truck. He dropped the tailgate and grabbed a blanket from the back seat before heading back to the wolf. “I got you.”
He laid out the blanket as fast as he could and, will a lot of struggling, he managed to get the wolf on it. He didn’t question why it was trusting him so much, he just went with it. His grandmother did always say he had an open soul. He always thought that was bullshit, but maybe he was just open to a different species.
He dragged the blanket with the wolf on it all the way to the back of the truck and winced when another shot echoed through the air. Alex said a few cursed under his breath before looking down at the wolf that was staring up at him, putting it’s life in his hands so willingly.
“This is probably gonna hurt, okay? I’m sorry,” he warned.
Alex gathered the ends of the blanket and wrapped them around his hands, trying to think of it as picking up a heavy log instead of a living being as he lifted it and tried to throw it in the back of the truck as gently as possible. That didn’t stop the pained yap the wolf made when it hit the bed of the truck and Alex instantly gave it another pet.
“I’m sorry,” he said, “Stay put, okay? It’s gonna be okay.”
He closed the tailgate and quickly got back into his truck, driving the rest of the way feeling like he had stepped into a different side of reality. This is why he didn’t go out during hunts. Now he had a stupid wolf to take care of.
When he got to his cabin, he moved fast to get the wolf from the bed of the truck and inside. It’d be safe there as long as no one actually saw him taking it in there. Alex had zero faith in his father to respect his privacy if there was a wolf involved.
“Alright, it’s okay,” Alex cooed, repeating himself over and over as he carefully got the wolf onto the ground. It was a lot easier to do that than it’d been to lift it, so that he was thankful for. 
He dragged the wolf on the blanket all the way through the front door and locked it behind him, letting out a huff of relief. He stood there for a moment to catch his breath as the wolf stared up at him, 
“You trust me, right?” Alex asked rhetorically, but the wolf rolled onto his side and gave him unbridled access to tend to the wound on his leg. Alex tilted his head to the side. “Oh, you really trust me. Guess I gotta make it worth your while, huh? Gimme one second.”
Alex flicked on the lights in the kitchen, not giving a shit if it obscured the men hunting. He was the one that rigged up the generator and he was going to use it regardless. He started searching for his first aid kit, a rag, and then got two separate bowls to fill with water (well water, he couldn’t take credit for that, that was his grandmother’s doing). 
He brought everything back to the wolf and sat on the ground beside him, opening the first aid kid.
“Here’s water if you need it,” Alex said, putting one of the bowls by the wolf’s head, “This might hurt a little... I say to an animal who literally can’t understand me.”
The wolf a soft huff of acknowledgement, ears flicking. Alex smiled and shook his head, scooting a little closer. He tried to be gentle as he looked at the wolf’s bleeding leg, dipping the rag into the other bowl of water to use to wipe it clean.
“It’s just a graze,” he murmured in confirmation, “Took a chunk of flesh, but I think it’s superficial. You’ll be okay.”
Still, he got a little gauze pad and wet it with hydrogen peroxide before cleaning it with that. The wolf let out another whine and Alex gave mindless words of encouragement, trying to move as quickly as possible. After that, he got neosporin and dabbed that over it as well before wrapping it up. He hoped it would be enough. He decided he’d just keep a close eye on it to make sure he would be okay. 
“You can stay here until you feel better,” Alex promised, petting the wolf’s stomach gently. He watched him lap up a bit of water before laying his head back down. “You look tired.”
Tired sounded nicer than in pain because surely that’s what he really felt. Nonetheless, Alex pet him a few more times before getting up to put the first aid kid away and discard the bloody rag and bloody water bowl.
The wolf stayed right there by the entrance of the kitchen on the blanket, watching Alex as he got up to make some semblance of dinner. He hummed to himself and to the wolf as gunshots continued. He didn’t want him to be scared.
He made himself deer sausage and a potato, keeping it plain and simple. On another plate, he put a slab or raw deer meat and went back to sitting on the floor.
“I don’t know if you’re hungry, but here,” Alex said as he placed the plate beside him. The wolf eyed him, but Alex kept to himself as he ate his own food. It seemed to be enough and he eventually started taking small, delicate bites. Alex grinned. “Not very wolf-like.”
The wolf gave a superficial growl and Alex smiled even wider.
They ate in silence for the most part, gunshots dying down as it got darker. Usually, by 10, the wolves were either in hiding or dead and the men retreated back into town. Alex stayed with his wolf until the siren signified the hunt was over at 11PM. 
“Okay, well, I’m gonna go get ready for bed,” Alex told him after cleaning their dishes and double checking the lock on the door, “I’ll leave your water there.”
Alex headed into his room after that, grabbing a pair of sweats, an old sweater, and fresh boxers before he stripped down. He could take a shower in the morning. 
Right as he dropped his pants to the ground, he heard uneven tapping against the wood floors. He looked over his shoulder to see the wolf in all his wounded glory limping his way to be near him.
“Excuse you,” Alex said, feigning modesty. The wolf just gave another soft whine and Alex shook his head with a laugh, pulling on his clean clothes. When he looked back again, the wolf had gotten onto the left side of his bed. “Oh, so now you can walk and jump? You really did just want me to carry you.” Another whine. “Kidding.”
Alex climbed into bed, careful to be mindful of his wounded bed partner. He wasn’t actually used to sharing a bed to actually sleep, but this felt like a valid exception to the rule. He pet the wolf beside him a few times and scratched behind his ear.
The next few days went by with ease.
They’d get up early, eat breakfast, tend to the garden, eat lunch, hunt deer, get firewood, eat dinner, go to sleep, repeat. The wolf followed Alex around as much as he could and he got stronger each day. By the third day, he wasn’t even limping anymore.
“I have never seen something heal this fast,” Alex marveled as he cleaned up the wound that was now just a scratch after dinner, “That’s insane.”
He stood once he was done and headed into the kitchen to wash his hands again. It was strange. This was the first time since his grandmother died that he didn’t get annoyed by the constant companionship. Hell, even when she was around, he’d go get lost in the woods for a few hours to be in his own mind. But there was something comforting about having another being that didn’t talk back. There was no annoyance about him, just a presence to remind him that he wasn’t completely alone.
Alex was halfway through putting his hair in a bun when someone knocked on the door. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and the wolf stood in attention. No one had told him they were stopping by.
Still, he made his way to the door with the wolf hot on his heels.
“Go,” he whispered to him, shooing him away, “Go in there.”
It took a few seconds of staring him down, but eventually the wolf went into the living room. Alex closed his eyes and let out a heavy breath, hoping that Greg had kept his word and it wasn’t his father. If his dad found out he was harboring a wolf, well, they had bigger problems.
Alex opened the door and saw Forrest, the man smiling hesitantly.
“Um, hey,” Alex said, “What are you doing here?”
“You didn’t return any of my texts,” he said, “I was kinda worried.”
“You shouldn’t be, you know I don’t look at that thing,” Alex said. Forrest nodded, looking around as if trying to find a reason to stay. “Look, my brother told me about people acting rude towards you because of me. I think it’s best if we stopped.”
Forrest looked taken aback. “They’re rude because I’m gay.”
Alex gave a small smile and shook his head. “No. Well, maybe a little, but Mrs. Sibley wouldn’t refuse service to someone because they’re gay. Not saying she’s the most welcoming person in the world, but she takes her money very seriously. It’s because you’ve mentioned me to people.”
He bowed his head for a moment, thinking about it. Alex expected him to leave, but instead he just looked back up at him and shrugged.
“Fuck ‘em.”
“No,” Alex said, “No, I’m not about to be responsible for you.”
“Then I’ll say we broke up.”
“We aren’t dating.”
“Yeah, but clearly they think we are,” Forrest said, shaking his head, “Look, I don’t give a shit what we are. You’re the only guy in this town that is both not straight and not conformed to this town’s bullshit agenda. Can’t I fuck at least one person that isn’t a Republican?”
Alex snorted a laugh and felt himself caving. He did like having Forrest at his beck and call for the same reason that Forrest clearly liked having him. They were two of the only sane people.
“Fine,” Alex said, looking him up and down, “But you still came back here awfully soon.”
“What can I say? The hunt always makes me hate everyone around there a little more,” Forrest explain. Alex took that as a perfectly valid answer.
He pulled Forrest into his house and into a kiss, slamming the door behind him. Forrest grinned easily, wrapping his arms around his torso and pulling him in tight. Alex could feel how toned he was through his shirt which, honestly, he loved. Alex did yoga and lifted heavy shit, but he wasn’t all sculpted with abs and stuff. Forrest, on the other hand, was.
Their make-out was interrupted by a loud bark. Forrest nearly jumped out of his skin and Alex instantly looked over his shoulder to where the wolf was all but glaring at them.
He was growling low as he slowly stalked forward. Alex couldn’t be fucked to find it intimidating.
“Really? Relax,” Alex told the wolf. He just growled right back. Forrest hid behind him shamelessly.
“Since when did you get a fucking dog?” he asked. Alex didn’t really have an answer, so he just shrugged and then walked closer. He knelt down in front of the wolf despite his anger and looked him in his all too human eyes.
“Go to bed,” he said. The wolf’s angry demeanor dropped in favor of something close to a pout, a mournful whine coming from him. “Go.”
He slowly walked away, head bowed and tail all but tucked between his legs. Alex huffed and stood back up, turning to Forrest who seemed very confused still.
“What the hell was that?” he asked. Alex just shrugged and walked closer. He didn’t want to explain himself and he wasn’t about to. Forrest didn’t question him as he pulled him back into a kiss and started pulling him to the couch.
Alex tried, he really did, but it was hard to enjoy having sex when there was a wolf dramatically walking through the house and whining for attention. They got as far as Alex being shirtless and on his back on the couch and Forrest kissing down his chest to go down on him when they had to stop because the fucking wolf was just watching them like a disappointed parent who whined louder and louder by the second.
“Go to bed!” Alex told him. He just laid down on the floor right there as if that’s what Alex meant. “Oh my God,” he groaned, throwing his head back. Forrest chuckled against his stomach before sitting up.
“This is what you get for getting a dog.”
“Well, if I knew getting cock-blocked was a side effect of a pet, then I’d never have signed up.”
Forrest gave a small laugh and they both sat up, accepting that there was no way to continue without feeling awkward as hell. The wolf seemed awfully proud of himself.
“Why did you get a dog, anyway? I thought you said you weren’t lonely,” Forrest said.
“I’m not. And I didn’t really want him. I found him and he was hurt, so I’m letting him stay until he’s healed,” Alex explained. Forrest gave a teasing smile.
“You helped something in need? Aw, who knew you had it in you.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Alex laughed, reclining back against the couch, “I guess you can go now since we’re clearly not allowed to do anything.”
“Seriously?” Forrest asked. Alex just raised an eyebrow. He sighed, but clearly wasn’t too shocked. He probably would’ve been more shocked if Alex actually condoned in letting him stick around if they weren’t going to hook up. “Alright then.”
Alex walked him back to the door and they shared a kiss before Alex locked up after him. He glared at the wolf when he walked back into the living room, shaking his head.
“Can’t believe I’m just letting you tell me what to do in my own home,” Alex scolded as he dropped back on the couch. The wolf got up and came over, jumping up onto the couch and licked at his face. Alex tried to lean away, but the slobbery kisses kept on. “Haha, very funny.”
The licks stopped, but the wolf laid heavily on him. Alex just accepted it and relaxed into the couch, stroking his soft fur. Was it bad if he didn’t mind this over sleeping with Forrest? 
“Lets go to bed, I guess,” Alex sighed eventually, giving him one last scratch before they both got down from the couch.
It felt standard now to walk to his bedroom and change and get comfortable in bed with a huge ass wolf. He’d only been doing it for a few nights and yet it was like he couldn’t remember not being this way. He was almost sad at the prospect of sleeping alone again.
“You’re almost all healed,” Alex whispered into the darkness but he trusted the wolf understood every word. He stared at him with conviction like he always did and Alex no longer assumed he didn’t hear him. He did. “Are you gonna run off tomorrow?”
The wolf blinked once and then shifted closer, nudging his nose against Alex’s chin and laying his head on his chest. Alex huffed a laugh and shamelessly buried his face in his fur. 
“I’ll take that as I’ll at least see you around.”
Alex woke up the next morning, not to fur, but to skin.
When he opened his eyes, he was face to face with a man. Alex immediately jumped up and scrambled out of bed, his heart thudding in his chest. The man in his bed sat up, unabashedly naked as he sat criss-cross and blinked up at Alex. He tilted his head to the side in that distinctly animalistic way that made Alex’s heart stop.
“What the fuck?” Alex asked, raking his hands through his hair as he tried to make sense of this, “What the fuck?”
“I’m all healed now, see?” the man said, pointing to the faintest little scar on his arm. Alex’s mouth went dry at the confirmation. What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck.
“I-what? Oh my God, cover up, I can’t fucking think,” Alex said and the man just smiled at him, doing as he said. He had curly hair that almost reached his shoulders and stubble dotting his cheeks along with a hairy chest. His shoulders were broad and so was his smile, his skin tan in a way that complimented his muscles. He was hot. But he wasn’t fucking human. “I’m so confused.”
“Why?” he asked. Alex scoffed, eyes nearly bulging out of his head.
“What do you mean why? I went to sleep with a wolf in my bed and woke up to a fucking man,” Alex pointed out. He blinked innocently, those eyes identical to the ones he’d seen in the wolf. It was only more confirmation.
“You like men.”
“And I liked your smartass comments better when I couldn’t hear them,” he said. Again he just blinked and tilted his head. Alex rubbed his hands over his face. “I just... I know the legend, but... really? Is this really a thing? What the fuck?”
“I... I don’t know what you want me to say,” he said. Alex took a deep breath, trying to focus on his thoughts so he could ask the right questions. When he did, though, they came out all at once.
“How do you speak English so well? Why did you wait so long to show me that you’re human? Why did you show me at all? Are you human? What’s your name? How old are you? What the fuck?” Alex rambled. The not-wolf stared at him with wide, overwhelmed eyes. “Fuck.”
“I... I...” he stuttered out, furrowing his eyebrows, “You usually say less words.”
“Yeah, well, I usually don’t get confirmation of fucking mythical creatures,” Alex snapped. The not-wolf’s face slowly got more and more concerned, not longer any trace of that big smile. In fact, he looked scared. Alex sighed and rubbed his hands over his face again. He’d told that wolf four days ago that he was safe here and he meant it. Even if that meant he had just quickly adjust to this. “I’m sorry for freaking out. Look, just... I’ll lend you some clothes and then you can explain everything to me while we make breakfast. Okay?”
“Okay,” he agreed, nodding his head as he stood to his feet with complete disregard of his nudity. He stumbled a little as he did so, catching himself on the wall and laughing a little. “These feet are weird.”
“Yeah,” Alex breathed, looking away and hoping he had clothes that would fit him. He picked out the baggiest sweater and baggiest pair of sweats he owned, turning to give the pair to him. He took them with welcome hands.
Alex watched as he fumbled with them, sitting the sweats on the bed as he decided to focus on the sweater first. He twisted it and unfolded it, flipping it around in his hands a few times before finding the large opening at the bottom. He looked up at Alex for confirmation that he was doing it right. All it told Alex was that he was basically dealing with a fresh goddamn human.
He stuck his hands inside, stretching and moving wildly as he tried to make it work. Alex smiled at the childish nature of it and moved forward, helping him get his arms through the sleeves and his head through the collar. He flashed a smile when they made eye contact. 
“Can you get the pants or do you need help with that too?”
“I got it. You did it so many times.”
“Great, glad to know I could teach you something,” Alex huffed, shaking his head with a little laugh. Still, the not-wolf had to sit on the bed and focus harder than normal to get his legs through the pants. “Does your hand-eye coordination improve the longer you’re human or am I going to have to teach you how to function?”
“I don’t understand.”
“Like, do you get better at doing things?”
“Oh. Yes.”
“Got it.”
They made their way into the kitchen and the not-wolf stood too close to him, lingering over his shoulder as if his wolf boundaries were still acceptable in human form. They weren’t though, not really, and Alex shoved him away.
“Give me space,” he instructed. He agreed, moving a few feet away before eventually deciding to sit on the floor by his water bowl that was probably not helpful anymore. “Now, give me answers.”
Within the 15 minutes it took to cook eggs and deer sausage, Alex got the run down of all things mythical. He learned that it was extremely difficult to shift when they were hurt, meaning he couldn’t have let Alex know earlier if he tried (but they healed faster in wolf form anyway so it was pointless). He also learned that he spent most of his time as a wolf, but usually became human during hunts because his elders had taught him that was what he should do. That was how his English had gotten as good as it had.
“Wait, so why were you a wolf during this last hunt? What happened?” Alex asked. He shifted awkwardly, pulling on the sleeves of the sweater as he tried to find his words.
“Days are different out there, it’s hard to know exactly when the hunt will be. Usually, my sister comes to get me and gives me a place to go, but this time she didn’t. I-I don’t know why,” he said. Alex furrowed his eyebrows as he looked over at him.
“Your sister?”
“Yes. She spends most of her time human, she doesn’t like being outside like that.”
“Because of the hunt?”
“No,” he said, but then he paused for a moment, “Yes. I don’t know. It’s strange. She wants to be normal, so she goes. I like being that.”
“I get it,” Alex said easily. He dispersed the food onto two plates and walked over to him, sitting down on the floor with him. He handed him the plate and a fork, but he simply put the fork on the ground and used his hands. “So, do you have a name? Or do you spend so much time as a wolf that you don’t have one?”
“No, I have one,” he said, picking up a small section of scrambled egg with all five of his fingers. Alex smiled as he shoved it in his mouth in the messiest way possible. “It’s Michael.”
“Michael,” Alex repeated, “I’m Alex.”
“Alex,” he said, nodding his head as he shoved more egg into his mouth, “I never had this food, Alex, it’s good.”
“Yeah, you’re welcome.”
They ate in silence for a little while longer, Alex finding amusement in watching him make a mess and then eventually having to show him how to wash his hands. Instead of a morning workout or going immediately to his garden, they sat down on the couch to talk more. Michael sat too close, too eager to lay on him like he did when he was a wolf.
“Okay, you can’t do that,” Alex told him, pushing him away until they were firmly on other sides of the couch, “I don’t like that.”
“Like what?”
“The whole unnecessary touch thing.”
“That man that was here before did that,” Michael pointed out. Alex opened his mouth to explain, but then he realized that Michael had caused that whole scene and knew exactly what he was doing.
“Yeah, and you ran him off. Why would you do that?” Alex asked. Michael had no shame as he looked at him.
“Not fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
“He got all the petting and he was only here for a few minutes. I got none for that whole time,” Michael explained like it was obvious. Alex scoffed, but couldn’t help but laugh.
“You aren’t entitled to my attention, you know that right? I can pet whoever I want,” Alex said. Michael just shrugged, twisting to sit with his back against the arm of the couch and his legs criss-cross again. “But I was trying to have a sex and I think you knew that.”
Michael gave a guilty smile.
“What the fuck?” Alex said, giving another little laugh, “You’re such an ass.”
Michael laughed, so open and free that Alex nearly felt guilty for being cynical. But, still, this wasn’t a completely understood situation.
“So, what’s the plan? ‘Cause you can’t stay with me forever,” Alex told him. Michael pulled his leg up, resting his chin on his knee and giving him those sad puppy eyes that worked just as well as they did when he was an actual dog. “Oh no, you’re not guilting me into letting you stay here.”
“But I’m hurt.”
“You said it yourself, you’re all healed,” Alex pointed out. Slowly, that bottom lip popped out in a pout and Alex had to fight a smile. 
“But we’re friends.”
“Friends don’t cock-block each other.”
Still, that pout was still there. Alex shook his head, trying to hide his laugh before he got up. He was just going to have to think about this more. He felt bad just throwing him back out when he knew that his family was trigger happy, but he didn’t like the idea of having a whole ass person in his house. Maybe they could compromise. 
“Look, I’m gonna go take a shower, can I trust you to stay put?” Alex asked. Michael nodded. “Good.”
The rest of the day somehow carried on like normal. Michael sat on the bed like he always did to watch Alex braid his hair, staring like it was the most interesting thing in the world. They went to work on the garden together, this time with Michael working on his hand-eye coordination by trying to help. It was the same as they went to cut fire wood. Turns out there was a bonus to having someone around with werewolf strength--the dude could basically carry a whole ass tree.
For some reason, Alex didn’t hate it. He didn’t hate having him tag along and he didn’t hate having to explain things to him. He felt more patient than ever and that in itself was wild. He didn’t like people. But, then again, Michael wasn’t quite people.
“You need to go take a shower,” Alex told him that night. Michael just stared at him like he’d lost his mind. “Don’t look at me like that. If you’re gonna stay in human form, you have to act like one.”
With a little bit of persuasion, Alex showed him how the shower worked and what soap to use on his hair and what soap to use on his body. Alex waited outside of the bathroom for about five minutes until a large crash happened and not-so-manly whining followed it.
“What did you do?” Alex asked.
“My eyes,” Michael whined. Alex sighed and asked for permission to help him. It was granted without hesitation.
He walked into the tiny bathroom and pulled back the shower curtain, seeing him holding his palms to his eyes and yet barely any soap in his hair. Alex grabbed a rag and peeled his hands away from his eyes, holding his chin as he dabbed over his closed eyes.
“Now blink a lot,” Alex told him. He did as he was told for about a solid minute until it didn’t hurt as bad.
Alex decided to stay and showed him how to wash his hair, massaging his scalp and smiling at the way he seemed to purr at the sensation. He helped him rinse it out before deciding he could wash his body on his own. He left him with a warning that he needed to be completely dry with the towel before he came out. The instructions worked well enough despite Alex ending up drying his hair for him.
“So, I don’t know if you plan to stay human, but if you do, we can go to a thrift shop and get you some clothes of your own,” Alex offered as he gave him another pair of clothing. He would have to do laundry soon which was always a pain in the ass.
“I’d like to stay human for a little while,” Michael said, putting on the sweater with a little less trouble this time. 
“I thought you said you liked being a wolf.”
“Yes,” Michael said, “But I like being with you.”
Alex ignored the way his stomach clenched and he just made his way towards the bedside table, grabbing his brush before undoing his braid. He didn’t mind Michael, but the fact that he didn’t mind him was scary. It was scarier to know that Michael wanted to stay human to be around him. What exactly did that mean? Nothing, right? They hadn’t known each other long enough to be more than nothing.
The bed creaked as Michael crawled onto it and Alex eyed him.
“What are you doing? You’re sleeping on the couch,” Alex said. Michael made a wounded noise, looking up to him like Alex had just told him his dog died. “I told you. If you’re human, you have to act like it. Humans don’t share beds with strangers.”
Michael didn’t move, looking up at Alex like he was genuinely, deeply hurt by the idea that, not only could they not share a bed, but that he was a stranger. Alex held up his end for a total of thirty seconds before he caved. What the hell was this wolf-man doing to him? Since when was he this fucking nice?
“Fine,” Alex groaned. Michael instantly fell into bed and curled into the blankets, smiling all proud of himself. Alex shook his head, finishing brushing his hair before he climbed into bed too. 
Like the night before, only much different, Michael nuzzled his face under Alex’s chin. He snuggled close like that was okay and shifting and itching as he tried to get comfortable in not only his new skin, but new clothes. Alex thought about pointing out that unnecessary touching thing again, but he smelled good and he wasn’t actually that bothered. He didn’t instigate it by touching him more, but he definitely didn’t push him away.
“Alex?” he whispered, voice soft like it was a secret.
“What?” Alex whispered right back.
Michael didn’t give a verbal response, simply pressed in closer and pulled the blanket up to Alex’s chin which meant it was basically over his head. It had Alex wondering if he got cold without all the extra fur. Regardless, he still didn’t touch him.
But he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like it.
A week went by and it turns out living with a half-man, half-wolf wasn’t that bad.
Michael was actually quiet for the most part and he adjusted to human-living quite well. He picked up on how to make coffee very fast. He took showers regularly and wore clothes and helped in the garden. He was an effective hunting partner and wasn’t grossed out by the process of skinning the deer. He was still working on the boundaries part, but, hey, he was trying and Alex appreciated it. It had to be confusing to rationalize that it was okay to touch while they were in bed, but not when they weren’t unless he was a wolf.
It was all easy until they had to go into town to get him clothes and to refill gas cans.
“I don’t like stores.”
“Neither do I.”
“I hate them.”
“So do I.”
“Then why did we go?”
Alex sighed and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He hated going into public, he always had, and after moving into the woods, he hated it more. He hated talking to people and he hated the way the town looked at him and he hated having to perform social niceties that, to him, didn’t feel very nice. However, he hadn’t quite acknowledged that Michael had been even more isolated from it all. 
They’d been in the thrift store for a total of about thirty minutes and just barely made it to that point. People were staring and whispering and avoiding them like the plague, judging them openly. Alex was used to that. Michael, on the other hand, was not and he nearly had a breakdown in the middle of the store after four people deliberately speed-walked away from him and one lady loudly asked her friend why they thought it was okay to come during peak business hours. He couldn’t quite wrap his head around people not liking him on principal and it made him uncomfortable and, well, a wolf never really had to learn to contain emotions. So Alex sent him to the truck while he paid.
When he got to the truck, Michael was curled in a ball with his hands clasped over the back of his head.
“Look, I’m sorry, I should’ve warned you,” Alex said softly. He knew that the people who chose to be around him suffered consequences with the exception of his brothers and his father. And even then the only reason they didn’t was because they ran the fucking town. Alex was an outlier and everyone suspected he was one of them and that his father had sent him to the woods for that reason. The worst part was that Michael actually was.
“Can we go home now?” he asked, voice small as he stayed in the ball. Guilt filled Alex’s system and, for the first time since he was human, he reached out and initiated touch. He stroked his hair and then squeezed his shoulder, trying to comfort him.
“One more stop, but you can stay in the car for that, is that okay?”
Michael nodded.
Alex drove to the gas station while keeping one hand on Michael, hoping that that would be stabilizing enough. He left Michael in the car with a soft ‘I’ll be right back’ and went to go pay for his gas. He grabbed a coffee and sour candy while he was inside, deciding to give Michael some sort of prize for surviving a day amongst the humans of Roswell along with something to ground him, before heading to the counter.
“$50 on pump 7?” the cashier said without even looking up at him. Alex appreciated her lack of conversation mixed with the lack of judgement. She had the same distaste towards him as she did everyone else and she always had. Which is why this was the only gas station he went to.
“Yeah,” Alex answered, fishing out his wallet. There was something slightly annoying that all of his money still technically came from his father and brothers. Sure, they were buying meat off him for not only themselves, but for the big dinners on the night of the hunt, so it wasn’t like it was a handout. But still.
“Alex?” a familiar voice asked. Alex looked up to see his brother, Greg, walking inside. “Hey, I was just on my way out to your place.”
Alex gave a small shrug as he turned to him, coffee and candy in hand. He would never admit that he was a little scared that, if Greg saw Michael, he would know. They’d all been taught from a young age to question anyone who wasn’t from around there and, even if they were, to keep watch of all their differences. Greg was a little different and had been dating a girl who wasn’t from around there, but it still made him wary to let him follow him back to the truck.
“Need meat? Or just need a little brotherly companionship?” Alex asked. Greg huffed a laugh and rolled his eyes.
“Meat,” he said, “I told you, I’d keep dad from comin’ around there. I keep my word.”
“Right,” Alex sighed. He was thankful that he didn’t have to see his father, but, fuck, he didn’t want him meeting Michael. Not one bit. Especially not when Michael was having a bad time. He would like all of his brothers to not see him be nice to anyone. 
“Isobel’s with me,” Greg told him and then eyed him for a moment before looking towards the cashier and then looking back, “And I also noticed there’s a guy in your truck.” So much for keeping that to himself.
“Yeah,” Alex said simply, shrugging his shoulder. He could play it off.
“Moved on from Forrest already?”
“You’re the one who told me to leave him be,” Alex pointed out though he didn’t say that he’d sort of forgotten about Forrest over the last week. He’d sort of been distracted.
“Yeah, I did,” Greg said, nodding slowly. This was certifiably one of the weirdest conversations they’d ever had. That was saying something. “You usually don’t listen.”
“What can I say? We both have a thing for strangers, don’t we?” Alex said. Greg huffed a small laugh.
“I’ll see you at your cabin in a bit,” he said, clasping a hand on his shoulder as he walked past him.
Alex went to his truck, opening the driver’s seat and prodding Michael in his thigh with his middle finger. He peeked up at him through his curls and over his knees, eyes wide and cautious and obscenely gorgeous. Alex held out the coffee and the candy.
“Eat that, it’ll help you feel better,” Alex instructed. Michael nodded and grabbed the items with slightly shaky hands. 
As frustrating as it was to see Michael so distraught over a few rude people, there was also something fascinatingly pure about it. Hell, there was something fascinatingly pure about nearly everything this non-quite-man did. It had Alex’s mind filling with new questions each day. Was he born this way or had he been changed? Was he raised as a wolf? Was he given the option? Had he been in these woods with Alex their entire lives and somehow never crossed paths? 
Alex filled the gas cans in the back of his truck as quickly as possible, climbing back in once he was done and heading home. He was exhausted already and it was hardly noon. He rightfully blamed Michael.
“You good now?” he asked after they’d been shrouded by the trees on the path to the cabin for a good fifteen minutes. Michael had lifted his head entirely, sucking on the sour candy that made him make disgusted faces, but he kept on because Alex had told him to. He’d follow it up by taking sips of the coffee that caused an even more distressed face from the clashing tastes, but he persisted nonetheless. “‘Cause my brother is coming over and I need you to feel like a real person.”
“I am real,” Michael answered.
“Yeah, you can’t talk like that.”
“I…” Michael started, but he stopped himself and shifted, “Alright.”
When they pulled up to the cabin, Michael grabbed the bag of clothes they’d gotten, his trash, and went to help with the gas cans. Alex rationalized that that was a big reason why he didn’t mind having Michael around. He pulled his weight.
“Do you feel better?” Alex asked as they got settled in the outside area, filling a bag with frozen deer meat for Greg.
“Yes,” Michael said, but his eyes were still a little distanced. It only took a few seconds before he added, “But do you mind if I shift?”
Alex blinked in surprise, but he quickly shoved that away. “Yeah, of course, do whatever you need.”
Michael nodded and started heading inside to go do just that. Alex almost stopped him to wait until after Greg got here and left, but he figured he could say he dropped him off before coming home. Alex did have a lot of questions, more pooling in his mind that he supposed he could wait until he wanted to shift back. Maybe them healing faster in wolf form applied to emotional wounds as well.
A few minutes later, someone‒Greg‒knocked on the door. Alex brought the bag of deer meat into the house with him as he went to go open the door. Michael was nowhere to be seen.
“Oh, you really want me to leave as soon as I got here, don’t you?” Greg asked as Alex immediately handed the bag to him. He shrugged a dismissive shoulder. “You remember Isobel, right?”
Alex looked over towards the tall blonde that stood behind him. Her makeup was faint and her hair was down and her clothes were plain. It almost made Alex feel bad. When Greg had first met her, he’d excitedly showed Alex pictures of her since he was the only one he could go to about a girl who was from out of town. She looked lively and always dressed to the nines in every picture, regardless of how mundane the situation. That town had successfully forced her to conform. 
“Yeah,” Alex said, “I picked her up from work that day.”
“Yeah, I know, but you’re, well, Alex,” Greg said. He didn’t need to elaborate for Alex to get what he meant by that.
They barely had a second of silence pass between them before Isobel’s face suddenly lit up, looking much more like those pictures. Alex looked behind him at that and saw that Michael, fully wolfed-up, had made himself known. Alex stepped to the side and she took that as her invitation to go pet him.
Except it seemed a little more than that. Isobel dropped to her knees and Michael immediately jumped all over her, licking her face as she hugged him and pet him. Alex couldn’t help but feel extremely confused by that.
Clearly, so was Greg because he felt the need to say, “She really likes dogs.”
“I see that,” Alex noted. The two of them sat there on the ground even as Michael calmed down, just hugging each other. For a moment, Alex recalled Michael saying his sister much preferred living as a human. Was it possible that she… No. No, that’d be crazy.
“When, uh, when did you get a dog?” Greg asked, a little too much emphasis on the word ‘dog’. Alex licked his lips as he watched the two of them. Isobel seemed to be whispered into Michael’s fur, slowly but surely convincing him that maybe she was that sister he spoke about.
“He was hurt, took ‘em in,” Alex explained. Greg just nodded in a kind of stilted way. Alex looked between Isobel and Greg a few times, slowly but surely milling things over in his mind. Did Greg know? Was he also just harbouring one of them?
Oh, what would Daddy Manes say if he knew what his boys were up to?
“Iz,” Greg said after a moment, clearing his throat, “We gotta get back for dinner with my dad.”
Isobel looked over at him with sort of a neutral expression before she nodded. She kissed Michael’s fur and scratched behind his ear and he gave a little whine when she pulled away. Alex stared at her pretty intently as she stood back up and looked at him. She gave him a small smile.
“He’s a very nice dog,” Isobel said. Alex nodded.
“Yeah,” he agreed. They stared at each other for a while, longer than what Alex was taught was socially acceptable. Neither of them cared.
Greg cleared his throat.
“We’ll see you later, Alex,” Greg said, giving him a goodbye nod. Isobel reached for his hand and he took it, leading the way as they headed to his truck. Alex closed the door behind them and turned to the wolf that seemed to continue to take over his life.
“Was that your sister?” Alex asked him. Michael just stared up at him, his animalistic features making it difficult to receive confirmation. “Okay. Lunch?”
Michael stayed close, disregarding the boundaries they’d established when he was in human form. Honestly, Alex didn’t really mind. It was strange, but he was infinitely more comfortable with the wolf version of him snuggling up to his side, laying at his feet, rubbing up against him for pets than he was with the human man that breathed too heavy and still put his clothes on backwards.
After lunch, with not much to do, Alex laid on the couch and grabbed a book. Michael, in all his fluffy glory, sprawled across him. He got through maybe a chapter before the not-quite-wolf captured his attention. It was easy to just wrap his arms around him and hide his face in his fur. It was easy to focus on his steady breathing and the way he cuddled close despite his lack of human grip. Which, honestly, was what made it easy. People left and judged and spoke. Animals… There seemed to be an unspoken dedication that Alex could appreciate.
He could remember the last time he took a nap in the middle of the day before that.
Forrest: heard you got a new man. Feel like I shouldn't be surprised.
Alex rolled his eyes, throwing his phone back on the bed and grabbed his brush. Michael watched him with those intense eyes like always and still said nothing. Alex got to work braiding his hair.
It had taken a few days, but eventually Michael was ready to be human again. Alex woke up that morning with him snoring and naked, body cold from the lack of fur and basically burying himself into Alex to chase heat. It was clingy and annoying and so fucking hot that Alex wanted to kick him out. But he didn’t.
“More buzzing,” Michael noted as Forrest texted him again.
“Ignore it.”
Alex pulled the braid over his shoulder to finish it, noticing it had reached his nipples now. A childish thought of how he could finally be a mermaid passed through his brain and he couldn’t help but smile. It was weird to think of how many years he’d wanted to be anything but himself and now he happened to befriend someone who had that choice.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Alex asked as he thought about it, turning to Michael who was eager to give an answer, “Were you always like this? Like, able to shift? Or is, like, the legend a thing and you can be turned?”
Michael paused for a moment, thinking relatively hard as he tried to find the right words. Alex let him as he tied off the end of the braid. He sat back on the bed and Michael, the king of needing physical touch, made sure their thighs were touching. Alex didn’t mind.
“Both is true. I was born like this. My parents were both this,” Michael said, “But they died. Or left. Or something. I’m not sure.”
“What do you mean you’re not sure?”
Michael shrugged. “I don’t remember. They were gone when I was a baby. I was by myself a lot.” 
Alex felt an uncharacteristic pang of empathy and he reached out, rubbing his arm slightly.
“I’m sorry to hear that. That must’ve been scary.”
“A little. I got good at hiding during hunts and stuff and a few people fed me when they didn’t realize I was a wolf because I was small. But one of the elders, Aliya, she found me and took care of me. She taught me to go human during hunts for safety. She died too,” Michael said. He seemed very flippant about that word, like so many people he’d loved died. And most of them were probably at the hand of Alex’s family. Wasn’t that just horrifying?
“What about your sister‒that’s Isobel, right?” Alex clarified. Michael stared at him for a minute, almost like he was scared to confirm it. Alex just squeezed his bicep in comfort. (It was obscenely muscular and almost ruined the mood, but Alex was adult enough to cover that up.)
“She… Don’t tell her I said so,” Michael said quickly. Alex nodded. “Yes. But she isn’t my real sister, we just…”
“Take care of each other?” Alex filled in. Michael nodded in agreement. It had Alex wondering a little bit what had stopped her from going to get him on the night of the hunt. Maybe it had to do with Greg, but even that felt weird. The whole thing was weird. “I get that.”
“Humans can become like us, though,” Michael said, changing the subject. Alex didn’t mind. Whatever was going on with her really wasn’t his business. “We can bite right here.” Michael reached up and pressed his fingers to Alex’s neck.
“Just right there?”
“Yes, I think,” he said, nodding, “But it’s scary. You can die if it’s wrong.”
“Have you ever done it?” Alex asked, his hand moving from his arm to tuck a few loose curls behind his ear. Michael kept that intense look. 
“No, never,” he insisted, “I don’t think it’s good.”
“Not even if I asked?” Alex said. Michael’s eyes seemed to widen just a little bit more, trying to register his words as Alex continued to fiddle with the ends of his hair. He wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. “Kidding.”
Michael swallowed harshly and stared, leaning a bit closer. Alex wasn’t sure if he should move or not. But Michael didn’t cross any boundaries‒or, not really‒and instead did that thing he did when he wasn’t human. He nudged his nose into Alex’s cheek and then buried his face in the crook of his neck.
Alex leaned back against the pillows and moved his hand to the back of his head, letting him lay there for a moment. Michael had gotten dressed more for a desire to be warm than a desire to be clothed, so Alex wasn’t surprised when he moved his hand up and put it over Alex’s collarbone. His fingers slipped beneath his shirt. Alex still had no desire to push him away.
“Did you ever think about being human and moving into the town?” Alex asked, gently scratching his nails against his scalp.
“When Izzy did. I didn’t wanna be alone,” he whispered. 
“What stopped you?”
“I found Max,” Michael said. That was the first time he ever mentioned someone named Max. Alex didn’t know what to say to that, so he just kept scratching his head and waited. “He’s my brother.”
“Where’s he?”
“I got hurt,” Michael told him, voice softer than before. Alex wrapped his other arm around him. “I’m not sure where he is. We got split up and you found me, so he’s probably out there.”
“Do you miss him?” Michael nodded. It was the first time that Alex considered that Michael might actually leave for real. Why was that so much scarier than him staying? “Do you want to go back into the woods?”
“I want to find him,” Michael said instead, “So he knows I’m okay.”
Alex dragged his thumb over Michael’s jaw, staring up at where the wall met the ceiling. His great grandfather on his mother’s side had built this little cabin back in the late 40s when the Manes had changed the status quo from killing wolves for protection to killing wolves for glory, moving out into the woods to make a statement that it wasn’t dangerous. His great grandma and his grandma had lived in the town for awhile after that, though, and his grandma only moved out here after she’d had two kids and her husband died. 
Alex’s mother had been raised in this tiny cabin with her brother and her mother, fully living off the land like it should’ve been. To this day, he still never understood how exactly his mother met his father and why she liked him enough to have four children with him. It felt like a disconnect. Why would she choose that over this?
But it didn’t matter. This cabin, small and quaint as it was, was a statement of rebellion and family and change. Who would Alex be if he tried to make Michael stay? Even if he wanted him to?
“You can go, if you want.”
Michael sucked in a deep breath and nuzzled in a little closer. 
“And I could come back?”
They fell silent like they usually did, soft touches still being given. They didn’t really need to discuss the logistics. He would probably leave and he would probably come back. Alex had been alone for a long time before‒he liked being alone‒it wasn’t some dramatic thing. This was just a wolf person he’d housed for the last three weeks. It wouldn’t be a drastic change.
It was only when Michael tilted his head and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck that Alex realized he was beyond fucked.
“Stop talking.”
“Then you talk. C’mon, tell me how good I‒”
Alex coved Forrest’s mouth with his hand, chasing his release with each thrust of his hips and trying to get the man under him to stop fucking ruining it. 
It was perhaps Alex’s own fault, though. Michael had left to go find his brother four days prior and Alex, for the first time ever, felt lonely. It was weird sleeping alone and it was weird gardening alone and it was weird eating alone. He missed the annoying heavy breathing and the too much touching. Staring at the unused pile of clothes felt like they were taunting him. So he called Forrest up. It was dumb of Alex to think it was a valid replacement.
The man was still a little burned by Alex “moving on” and felt the need to show that by attempting to be bossy. It had Alex wondering how he even dealt with him in the first place. He liked the silence that came with living with a literal wolf much more than the ramblings of a man who claimed to be an animal in bed.
“Fuck,” Alex grunted as he finished, catching his breath for a second before pulling out and rolling onto the other side of the couch. Forrest seemed to be silenced by his own climax which, honestly, was a blessing.
A blessing that didn’t last nearly long enough.
“So, why’d you call? New guy not doing it for you?” Forrest asked. Alex rolled his eyes and groaned, wanting for him to just shut the fuck up for a few minutes. Forrest kicked his leg to get him to answer. 
“Why do you care? I made it clear we aren’t a thing,” Alex said.
“Yeah, but I at least deserve to know who else you’re fucking for my own safety. Like, when’s the last time you’ve been tested?”
“I’m not fucking anyone else,” Alex huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “And I got tested, like, last month. Which, again, haven’t fucked anyone else.”
“Well, then who’s that guy everyone saw you with? You know shit spreads fast in that town when it involves a Manes,” Forrest told him. Alex closed his eyes. “You’re known whether you want to be or not.”
“Oh my God, will you fuck off?” Alex asked, pushing himself to his feet, “It’s none of your business, nor is it anyone else’s. I’m out here for a reason.”
“Which I still don’t get. You’re a Manes, your family runs this town. Why aren’t you basking in that?” Forrest asked. Alex walked to the kitchen and grabbed a towel, wiping himself down and trying not to be irritated.
“Why would I want to? I fucking hate it,” Alex said, “The only reason I hooked up with you in the first place was because I thought you got that.”
“And I do, on some level. I don’t wanna be associated with my family either. But the difference is my family is a bunch of annoying bigots, your family runs a town.”
“A town full of idiotic, cold-hearted people who thrive off the glory of murdering innocent animals for generations,” Alex scoffed, “And you think I want that tacked onto my name?”
“No one fucks with you because of your name, Alex.”
“No, no one fucks with me because they think I’m some fucking creature of the night.”
“And you do nothing to dispute that, by the way.”
“Because I don’t give a shit! Let them think what they want.”
“Sometimes I think your dad was right,” Forrest said, his words making Alex freeze in place. He looked up slowly, seeing Forrest just standing there completely naked and with none of the charm that Michael’s nudity had. The power those words held, the ‘your dad was right’, hit Alex square in the chest. He hated it.
“What did you just say to me?” Alex asked. Forrest shifted under his gaze, his angry stance swaying just a little bit with the fear that came with being stared down by a man with the last name Manes. Alex felt he was the least scary of them all, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know what he was capable of. 
“After I first met you, your dad cornered me and told me to tell him if there was anything sketchy about you and he’d make sure I was safe in town. And there is something sketchy about you. This, this whole isolation thing and your weird indiviuality complex is fucking weird. You do know humans are social creatures, right? We’re supposed to feel more comfort being close, not being separated. Sometimes I think maybe you really are what the rumors say,” Forrest said. 
“So you were hooking up with me because my father told you to?” Alex clarified slowly, his body filling with anger and something akin to betrayal. It wasn’t like he’d ever really put anything into a relationship with Forrest, but, fuck, he did think they were at least friends on some level.
“No,” Forrest said quickly, shaking his head, “No, that was my choice. He just… took advantage of that. But still.”
“No, what the fuck have you told my dad?” Alex scoffed.
“I told him you self isolate and that’s probably a mental issue,” Forrest said, having the audacity to sound like he cared, “That isn’t normal, Alex.”
“Fuck you,” he said, shaking his head, “Seriously, fuck you. Why would I want to be normal? Why can’t I just do what I want? Why the fuck do you buy into bullshit standards that are set for us? You even said it yourself, everyone in that fucking town conforms to the same bullshit ideology. Why are you buying it?”
“I like you, Alex,” Forrest said softly, “But I’m worried about you. So’s your dad.”
“Oh my God,” Alex breathed, a small hysterical bout of laughter raking through his system. He felt so stupid. So stupid for thinking that someone else, someone human, would get it. “Get out.”
“No, get out. You don’t know shit about my dad if you think he’s worried about me. Get the fuck out of my house.”
It took a few minutes too long, but eventually Forrest was gone and Alex was left with more regrets than ever. How the hell did he let someone into his space? He’d known for his entire life that humans were shitty and thrived off their stupid hive-mind. Why did he think Forrest was any different? Was it the blue hair? The fact that he was intrigued by Alex’s way of life until he realized how in depth it was? Why?
 He missed Michael.
Gregory Manes showed up unannounced early one morning, no coffee in hand.
“I’ve come to expect coffee from you and now I’m disappointed,” Alex said flatly. 
“I know that you know,” Greg responded instead, voice a little on edge. It was how Alex noticed the way he was fidgeting. “But the hunt’s tonight and Isobel’s out there and you know the woods better than anyone else. Help me.”
Alex had to blink a few times to fully process what he was asking. He figured that Isobel had probably gone to fetch Michael before the hunt. He wanted to reassure him, to tell him they’d probably be fine, but Michael had been shot last time. And, honestly, he was a little eager to see him again. 
Greg waited for him to get dressed and braid his hair. They filled their water bottles and stuffed a bag with two blankets in case they shifted and needed cover. Then they headed out into the woods to find their respective objects of affection. It was strange that they had this thing in common and both of them seemed very determined not to elaborate. Alex had no idea what Greg knew, Greg had no idea what Alex knew, and they were both aware of how dangerous it could be to share information. So they didn’t.
Alex didn’t really know where the wolves went when they were out and about. He rarely saw them and, when he did, they kept their distance. He never felt the need to bother them before. They shared space, it was free reign. That meant he really had no idea where the hell he was going. 
It was the definition of wandering. Neither of them spoke or tried to call out for the wolves they wanted to protect, deciding to keep it to themselves. Truly, it was more for Greg’s safety than Alex’s. If all the wolves were like Michael and Isobel, that meant they knew exactly who the Manes were. Alex didn’t hunt them, but Greg did. Maybe he didn’t shoot, but he was there. It had Alex wondering if Isobel suffered any judging from other wolves for being with him.
They walked for hours, going deeper into the woods than even Alex really hadn’t gone since he was an angry 13 year old who ran out of school and into the woods. His father had assembled a search party after six hours of him being gone only for his grandmother to find him in a clearing, eating berries she’d taught him were safe.
They reached that same clearing around noon after a solid five hours of walking and decided to take a small break.
“Dad’s gonna kill us when he finds out,” Greg sighed as they sat down on a log. Alex shook his head.
“Why are you going to tell him?” 
“Didn’t say I was. He’s just… Dad. He knows,” Greg said. He had a point. The worst part about his father was that he was one of the smartest men Alex had ever met. He had a military background and was a born leader who had studied human psychology to only boost that more. He could read body language too well. The idea that Greg even brought Isobel over to his house for dinner felt like bringing her into a trap.
“Why do you let Isobel around him?” Alex asked. Greg huffed a laugh.
“I tried not to. Even, even before I found out about all this. I didn’t want her influenced by him,” Greg said, giving a stupid little laugh, “But she has been, so…”
“Does she spend enough time out here? I think it makes a difference,” Alex said, keeping his words as vague as possible. He knew Michael handled things by shifting. It wasn’t even like he was trying to run away from the problems, it seemed to be more about things making more sense in the mind of a wolf. 
“I don’t think so,” Greg admitted softly. Alex nodded. He wasn’t very good with words and he didn’t know how he was supposed to comfort him in that moment. Was he supposed to say it gets better? That it’d be fine? That she wasn’t out here because she was mad at him? Because he didn’t know any of that.
“If you wanna, like… spend more time out at the cabin… It was your grandma’s too,” Alex said as if that was helpful. And it seemed to be because Greg smiled.
Maybe it would’ve been more heartwarming if a low growl didn’t come from behind them.
They both looked over to see a wolf, bigger than Michael, growling at them with his head bowed and eyes narrowed. It was a similar tactic to the one Michael had used in an attempt to run off Forrest, but this time Alex actually did find it intimidating. This wolf seemed out for blood.
The two of them jumped off the log as the wolf took a step closer.
“It’s okay,” Alex said softly, holding out his hands to show that he wasn’t a threat, “It’s okay, we’re not going to hurt you.”
It was stupid of him to think what worked with Michael would work with this wolf. Alex caught the moment the wolf lunged and immediately pushed his brother out of the way. Before the wolf could get to him though, another one tackled it out of the way.
Alex and Greg both fell to the ground as they watched the two fight with wide eyes. It was jarring and confusing and Alex only got more horrified when he realized one of them was Michael. But it wasn’t like they could do anything. They just had to wait.
Eventually, Isobel, barefoot in human form, appeared. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were thrown on like she’d shifted in the woods beside some hidden stash of clothes. She whistled loudly, efficiently breaking the two wolves up.
“Thanks,” Greg told her. She simply walked over and held her hand out to him, helping him to his feet. 
Before Alex could get to his, Michael came to him and instantly started to greet him with licks and nuzzles. Alex shamelessly accepted them, scratching behind his ears.
“Hi,” he said softly and Michael damn near purred in response. God, he missed him.
“We need to get out of the woods, they’re going to prepare for the hunt soon,” Isobel said sternly. It was more words than Alex had ever heard her actually speak and he sort of understood why. There was a comforting, yet commanding lilt to her voice. It was impossible not to obey.
“We can go to my cabin,” Alex offered despite the fact that part of him actively hated the idea of packing his house with that many bodies. However, he could suffer one night with it.
Besides, he could close the door and only focus on Michael being back in his bed.
“Let’s go.”
“I’m sorry for almost attacking you. I’ve never seen any Manes that weren’t a threat.”
“It’s alright.”
Alex didn’t say anything. He just let Greg accept the apology from Max and Max could just take the fact he let him in his house as enough of a compromise.
It was dark by the time they all got settled in the cabin and all in human form. Michael and Max had to shift back and Alex witnessed it for the first time. It looked ungodly painful and, according to the looks on their faces, it was. Their bodies were morphing in different ways and contorting unlike anything Alex had ever seen. But then they’d both stretched, bones cracking, and they were fine.
Michael put on his clothes, but Max was a little harder. He was taller and broader than Michael and Alex and it wasn’t like Greg had clothes in his truck. He had to just settle for pants that didn’t quite reach his ankles and a jacket.
“Coffee?” Michael whispered, his breath hot against the back of Alex’s neck. He was hovering and touchy, but Alex honestly didn’t mind. He had a bad taste in his mouth after the night before and he’d sort of missed the way he wanted to be close.
“It’s night time,” Alex pointed out. Michael hummed and pressed a kiss to his neck. Logically, Alex knew that meant nothing. Michael was a fucking wolf, he didn’t know what constituted as romantic and platonic affection. But, still, it was getting difficult to make sense of it.
But, then again, his brother was sleeping with a wolf, so it must be okay.
“Coffee,” Michael repeated. Alex huffed a laugh.
They made coffee and joined the other three in the room. Max had sat on the floor and Isobel had chosen to sit in Greg’s lap on the couch. Alex took the other end of the couch and Michael placed himself at his feet. The siren signalling the beginning of the hunt rang through the air and it didn’t go unnoticed how all the wolves in the room got stiff with discomfort.
“It’s okay, they know not to come close,” Alex promised, hand mindlessly rubbing Michael’s shoulder as he sipped his coffee. 
“Dad’s gonna fucking kill me for skipping,” Greg noted.
“Kill him first,” Max suggested. Alex snorted and nodded in agreement. 
“I wish it was that easy. I don’t even know how to fix any of this at this point. How do we change a whole town’s mindset? Like, no matter what, they’ll be scared and they’ll want the hunt to continue,” Greg complained, making it a little too serious. No one really had a response because he was right. People have tried to make statements before, but they all got virtually shunned out of the town. 
“Well, it doesn’t help that they’re right,” Alex said. That got the wolves attention, but he wasn’t going to back down. “They’re scared of creatures that aren’t quite human, aren’t quite wolf. And they exist. Maybe it’s not the same way they think, but they do. And because of the hunt, the wolves are defensive. Like, Max wanting to attack us. That’s because of what the humans did first. There’s a lot more to stop before we just say no more hunting.”
“How many wolves are even left out there, do you know?” Greg asked. Isobel didn’t answer which made sense since she was in the woods the least.
“Not many,” Michael said.
“A lot left decades ago,” Max chimed in, “Like, at least eight different packs left decades ago. Most of the ones that were left were just stubborn. But, now, with the way things have been going, most of us that are still out there are alone or run in packs of two. Makes it hard to keep a head count.”
“But there are other places? Like, you won’t go extinct or anything?” Greg clarified. Isobel huffed a laugh and shook her head.
They sat up and talked through all the gunshots, trying to provide a distraction. Alex kept his hands on Michael the whole time and Michael did the same. It made it hard to focus entirely, but he did his best. 
Alex, deciding to be nice, offered to let them stay for the night. Greg and Isobel could take the couch and Max seemed content to take the floor. They just all agreed that they would find a better hide out in the morning. Then Alex and Michael went to bed.
Alex changed out of his day clothes into his night ones, deciding that he could force himself and Michael into the shower in the morning. He just wanted to get back into bed with him and maybe steal a more efficient night’s sleep. Maybe. Spending so long touching all casually had him feeling sort of restless. Still, Alex took out his braid and shook his hair out before heading to the bed that Michael had already made himself at home in.
“Can I ask you something?” Alex asked as they stared at each other in the darkness. Michael nodded like he always did. “Why’d you trust me so easily that night of the last hunt? Like Max said he could smell that we were Manes. Why’d you trust me?”
Michael furrowed his eyebrows like he was confused by the question. Alex just waited until he realized he actually wanted an answer.
“I’ve seen you, Alex,” he said simply. It was Alex’s turn to be confused. “I’ve seen you for years. We share space, we always have.”
“So, what, you just trusted me based on watching me?”
“The one who lived here before you fed me when I was small,” Michael explained, “If she trusts you, I trust you.”
Alex let out a heavy breath at that little revelation. He remembered Michael saying that he’d been fed by humans, but he hadn’t quite put it together that it was his grandmother. But, if she had, she had known full well he was a wolf no matter his size. Suddenly, her insistence that they were calm creatures made sense. She fucking fed them. She took care of them.
She took care of him.
“I’m sorry, should I not have said that?” Michael asked.
“I want to kiss you,” Alex said, all those pent up feelings from missing him and wanting him and touching him rushing to the surface. Michael didn’t give him a verbal response.
Instead, he moved forward and placed a soft little kiss on his lips. Alex felt like his whole world shifted into place at that moment. That’s what it was supposed to feel like. Not like getting a fix, but like he was finally fitting somewhere. He’d never felt so welcome and in a good way. There was no hiding. He was wanted because he was him.
Alex exhaled slowly as Michael ended the kiss, still sort of hovering a centimeter away. It really wasn’t enough. 
He dove back in to continue the kiss, making it a little deeper and deliberate than the one that preceded it. Michael laughed as Alex rolled him onto his back, placing himself firmly between his thighs and sliding his tongue past his lips. Michael held him close, kissing back just as feverishly and seeming to enjoy the closeness. Alex wondered if this is what he’d been chasing this whole time.
He didn’t want to stop. He never wanted to stop.
And, with Michael so eager, he didn’t see why he would ever have to.
Alex Manes was never one to sleep in, but apparently having sex with a not-quite-man could knock you out for hours.
He woke up to someone knocking on his bedroom door and, as much as he wanted to tell them to go away, he couldn’t. He gently pushed Michael off of him since he’d decided to lay on top of him all night and grabbed his pants off the floor, putting them on before he opened it. It would’ve been all nice and fun if he didn’t open it to his brother looking like a deer caught in headlights.
“Dad’s here,” he said. Alex suddenly felt a lot more awake.
“Our father is here,” Greg said, voice hushed as he leaned a bit closer, “And we’re casually harbouring three fucking wolves.”
“Right. Just… right,” Alex said, looking around as he tried to stop feeling so fucking shaken up. He’d spent so many years no giving a shit what his father wanted anymore, but put a hot, naked wolf-man in his bed and suddenly he was fourteen and trying to explain how the first season of Queer as Folk got stashed under his pillow. “Um, let me get dressed. Stall him?”
Alex closed the door behind him and Michael lifted his head at the commotion. His curls were an absolute mess and his face was soft, everything about him making it hard to deny when he reached out towards him. Literally all Alex wanted to do was crawl back into bed with him.
Instead, he said, “Get up.”
Michael whined in protest, but Alex was just quickly throwing on clothes and tying his hair back in a bun as he tried to get him to put clothes on. He sat up in slow motion, a pout on his sweet mouth as he tried to listen. Alex grabbed his jaw, kissing him hard and quick in hopes that it would wake him up a bit more. It did, but he seemed to want to use that energy to pull him back into bed.
“No, look, get up, my dad’s here. Put clothes on, okay? Actually, you know what? Stay in here, don’t leave the room, okay?” Alex said. Michael fed off his fear and gave him a concerned look, nodding his head. “Okay.”
Alex pulled on his shoes and left the room, trying to act normal.
His father stood in the doorway of the cabin, face irritated as he spotted Alex over Greg’s shoulder. He was unsure of where Isobel and Max had gone, but he hoped they were somewhere safe. It felt weird to actually care about two people he hardly knew, but he knew Michael cared about them and that was pretty much all that mattered.
“Either of you care to explain to me what’s going on here?” he asked. Greg and Alex didn’t fork over an answer, but nor did they look at each other for one. They knew their father. They weren’t going to show any sign of guilt.
“Just hanging out with my brother,” Greg said.
“And you skipped the hunt for it? Do you know how bad that looks on me? It’s already bad enough that we have Alex hiding out in the woods and then parading around town with strange men all the time. Do neither of you have any ounce of respect for our family name?” he demanded. Alex searched for his confidence as he gave a cocky smile, hoping that it came off as genuine.
“Not really,” he said. Jesse shook his head in disgust.
“For God’s sake, Alex, you’ve really made it your mission to be a disgrace,” Jesse said. No matter how many walls he built up, that still hit him in his chest. He didn’t show it.
“Don’t talk to him like that,” Greg snapped.
“Don’t,” Alex said, shaking his head, “Not worth it.”
Jesse huffed a laugh, shaking his head. “I guess I should blame myself for this. I tried so hard to instill comradery in all four of you. Somehow it split into two groups, equally as hard to manage.”
“What do you need, Dad? I’m going hunting tomorrow, so maybe come back in a few days if you need deer,” Alex said. He shook his head.
“No, I had questions about that new friend of yours,” Jesse said, eying Alex. He tried his best not to react. “Forrest told me you had a dog and then you didn’t.”
“I had a dog for, like, two days. It was just one that was hurt and I patched up. He’s gone now,” Alex said, though he couldn’t help but feel a little betrayed. Then again, he knew his father was manipulative as hell. He was pretty sure Forrest had no idea of what his father might take from that little bit of information.
“And that man you were seen with. Where is he from?” Jesse prodded. Alex rolled his eyes.
“Seriously, Dad? You do get that the whole werewolf thing isn’t real, right? It’s a myth,” Alex said. Jesse didn’t buy it. Alex didn’t actually expect him to, but it was worth a shot.
“Both of you are playing with fire,” he said, looking between the two of them, “If I find out what I think I know is true… Both of you will suffer the consequences, do you hear me?”
And Alex heard him loud and clear. It was a simple threat. Stop or I’ll make you stop.
“Okay,” Alex said, “Goodbye.”
He slammed the door shut and locked it, both of them still unable to breathe properly until his truck was gone. It was nerve wracking.
“Alex,” Greg whispered, “I think we’ve dug ourselves into a hole we can’t get out of.”
Alex swallowed harshly and closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm down. It was clear that the only alternative to stop or I’ll make you stop was to just leave. He either had to get rid of the wolves or get rid of the town.
And wasn’t that fucked. And, yet, it was simple.”
“I know a way out.”
“I feel bad.”
“I do.”
Alex held Michael from behind, pressing kisses to the back of his shoulder in an attempt to give him some kind of comfort. After Greg and Alex had talked for a while, they brought up the prospect of leaving the town to the wolves. They’d said it themselves, most of them left. Maybe it was time they did too.
“Maybe we could just go, just me and Izzy and Max. This is your home,” Michael said. Alex sighed and his chest ached at that. He didn’t really want to leave this cabin. It was his and had been passed down for generations. But now that he had confirmation of the beasts he’d been warned about his entire life, it didn’t seem right to stay.
Besides, what was this cabin standing for if not to inspire rebellion?
“I know that sounds like a good idea, but my dad knows we’re hiding something. Even if you leave, we’ve got a target on us,” Alex explained. It was, sadly, the complete truth.
“I’m sorry, Alex,” Michael whispered, that guilt so evident in his voice. Alex shook his head and craned his head over his shoulder to steal a kiss. Michael tried his best to reciprocate, but Alex knew he was hurting and it made it hard. “It’s all my fault.”
“No, it’s my dad’s fault for thinking genocide is a fun bonding activity,” Alex pointed out, “Besides, I promised I‘d keep you safe, right? Let me do that for you.”
Michael sniffled and nodded reluctantly. 
After speaking for the entire day after his father left, the plan was to pack everything up over the next two days and then get the fuck out of town. There was a tiny, woodsy tourist town a coupe states over that sounded appealing. They’d stay in a hotel for a few days until they found work and another cabin in the woods, hopefully one a little bigger so Alex could still keep his space. It would all work out. Probably.
It was funny to think that simply a month prior he never would’ve considered uprooting himself for someone else. But he guess he always did say that, when he found that person who was worth it, he’d know.
And he did know.
"Hey, look at me," Alex coerced and he opened his pretty eyes, "This isn't just because of you. This is right and wrong. He's wrong." 
"Yeah," Michael breathed, "Okay." 
"Let's get up and have breakfast and then we can start packing," Alex told him.
Michael was better once he got up and had Isobel and Max to talk to. He seemed to be reminded that their decision wasn't only about him. They both seemed to understand that, if their siblings hadn't been so directly involved, then maybe they would've decided against leaving. But it wasn't about their own safety, it was about the safety of the ones they loved.
Still, Alex itched for alone time and itched for things to go back to the way they were those three weeks where it was just him and Michael. It was calm and they fit. Now, though, Alex just had to deal with adjusting to socializing until he could find a new place to isolate.
He could do it. He did it for the first 16 years of his life.
Alex cooked for them, admittedly feeling a bit odd at Michael's lack of hovering. They'd only hooked up for the first time two nights ago, but Alex already felt more comfortable with him at his side when he was human. It had Alex wondering just how much of that was the wolf in him that made him addictive.
"I called a buddy of mine from out of town," Greg told him, hair slightly toussled from Isobel's hands more than it was sleep, "He said he could get us a job as farm hands out there for a little while. You think you can handle that?"
Alex nodded despite that being the last thing he wanted to do.
"We're looking for land too, right?" Alex clarified. He could take a little bit of working and living in close quarters, but he knew he'd be right back to being a pissy teenager if it was kept up too long. He needed to be alone.
"Yeah. How much do you have saved up? I was gonna go transfer my bank account so dad can't track us," he explained. Alex shrugged. 
"Few thousand. It's all in cash," he answered. Greg nodded as he absorbed that information.
"Okay. I'll see what I can do. It might take a little while to get self-sufficient," Greg said, "Property taxes 'n all."
The more Alex thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable. He knew leaving was the right thing, he did. But he'd finally gotten to a good place.
"How about this," Alex said, "Once we get a cabin, I stay there and start a garden and hunt. You and Isobel can work since you like being around people." Greg gave him a stupid, older brother look. "Don't. I'll pull my weight and I'll work for awhile, but I can't do that forever or we're all fucked and you know it."
"Yes, but you're used to feeding yourself and maybe Michael. This is stepping up to five people."
"You seem to forget I fed the whole town every hunt. And Max prefers being a wolf, so he can feed himself," Alex pointed out. Greg sighed and nodded.
"I'll try to make it work, okay?" 
Alex finished up and made all five plates, dispersing them. Michael took that as his opportunity to hover again and Alex loved it. He stood behind him, nuzzling his nose into Alex's jaw and giving his neck kissed in between bites. He felt so shameless and that was a wonderful feeling.
After they are, Greg, Isobel, and Max left to go pack up things from his house and deal with his bank account. It finally left Alex and Michael alone and Alex felt like he could finish fucking breathe again.
"I'm gonna miss this," Alex admitted as they walked into his bedroom, "Being alone with you all the time."
The plan was to pack, but Michael wrapped his arms around him and dragged him towards the bed. He didn't fight him, instead he just laughed and complied. Except it didn't turn into anything sexy. Michael picked up his brush and took it upon himself to brush Alex's hair before braiding it. Apparently all that intense watching wasn't mindless.
He tied the braid off and tugged him back a bit, pressing a kiss to his jaw. Alex turned into it, sealing the kiss easily. How had he gone all his life without those kisses?
“And you’re sure you won’t hate us for making you leave?” Michael clarified mid-kiss. Alex breathed him in.
“No. You’re just finally giving me an excuse to get away from my dad,” he admitted. Michael nodded and pulled him in for another kiss that quickly escalated into more.
Within the next two days, they found themselves all packed up and ready to go start anew. Alex’s heart broke a little knowing that he was leaving his cabin, but he told himself over and over that it was for the best. It was the only way to get away from his dad and all the shitty connotations that came with that town.
He was going to get away. He was going to breathe again.
He was finally free.
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chilling-seavey · 3 years
🙃 Anon's blurb idea WHERE Charlie GETS protective gave me an idea - So Evelyn grows up , fighting for women's rights and all that but one day like maybe Evelyn's walking to the store or smth idk and this group of guys around her age starts to tease her or supporting feminism OR EVEN LIKE EVELYN STARTS DATING a boy AND ONE DAY REALISES HE HAS THIS SEXIST TRADITIONAL ATTITUDE COS HE'S ALL LIKE MAYBE ITS TIME TO STOP AND SETTLE DOWN and Charlie just snaps AT HIM IN PROTECTIVE BROTHER MODE
I kinda took your two ideas here and made them into one hehe
August 9, 1935
Nearly fifteen-year-old Evelyn was her mother’s spitting image with soft blonde hair and gentle features but her passive personality was more that of her father. She was strong and firmly set in her beliefs, that’s for sure, but she would have much rather avoiding confrontation at all costs.
Seventeen-year-old Charles was his father’s spitting image with thick brown hair and a swoon-worthy smile but his fiery personality was more that of his mother. His determination and spunk sometimes got in him in trouble, but he only ever spoke out of the goodness of his heart – especially when it came to his little sister.
Evelyn and Charlie had a very strong bond and they complimented each other well. Despite being two-and-a-half years apart in age, they still did a lot of things together growing up. When they were teenagers, they were permitted by their parents to go to London together during the day. Evelyn loved shopping and London had some of the best shops she had ever seen so being able to poke around and buy a new outfit was her favourite thing to do.
She had just purchased a new fall dress with her allowance money she had been saving and she stepped out of the store with a proud grin on her face, the garment bag slung over her shoulder and her new hat box hung from her gloved hand. Charlie was waiting down the street for her at the newspaper stand so she started to make her way back to him to show him her new purchases when a few young men approached her. They were at least two years older than her and seemed to take a liking to her from right off the street.
“Say, you really are a dime, aren’t you?” one of them smiled at her, stepping right in front of her to cut her off, his eyes scanning down her body.
“Oh-” Evelyn stopped in her tracks, unsure of what to say other than a polite, “Thank you.”
The boys laughed lightly together, one twirling one of her blonde curls around his finger, “You’d make such a pretty little wife.”
“No…thank you.” Evelyn spoke as strongly as she could, trying to step around the boy in front of her.
“’No thank you’?” he cut her off again. “I don’t think it’s up to you now, is it? Why don’t you take us home and introduce us to your Daddy and he can pick who he thinks would be the best husband for you, what do you say?”
“We got lots to offer.”
“Money too.”
Evelyn stared at her shoes, clutching her hat box tightly in her hands, too scared to even say anything under the intimidating stares of the three strange young men.
She didn’t have to, as Charlie had looked up from the headlines at the ruckus down the sidewalk and could recognise his sister’s pretty white kitten heels anywhere admits the group of grimy boys. Charlie tossed the newspaper down and stormed right over, grabbing the first boy by the back of his jacket and tugged him back a few feet until he stumbled and fell onto the concrete.
“Get the hell off my sister, you bastards.” Charlie pushed one of the others before grabbing Evelyn’s arm and pulling her into his side. “You should be ashamed of yourselves, prying on innocent underage girls in the streets. Disgusting.”
One of the guys tried to speak back but Charlie just raised his hand and glared at him.
“Not one more word unless you want my fist in your face.”
The boys shut their mouths and rushed off. Charlie tisked distastefully and turned down to his sister who was cowering in his arms.
“Did they hurt you?” he asked softly.
She shook her head.
“Good.” Charlie gave her a loving one-armed squeeze. “This is why I always have to come with you to London. What a terrible world we live in, huh?”
“Is it true?” Evelyn looked up at her brother as he took her garment bag and the box from her so he could carry them for her, “That I don’t get to choose my husband?”
“No; it’s an absolute ridiculous lie.” Charlie assured her, his arm around her shoulders as they headed towards the train station. “And there’s no way in hell Dad is going to be the one your future husband has to get through before marrying you. He’s going to have to get through me first.”
Evelyn giggled softly and smiled up at her brother, tucking her arm around his back to keep him close as they walked the streets of London together towards home.
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miss-sleepdeprived · 3 years
All right this is part three and hopefully this makes more sense than the last one hopefully as it’s not 3 in the morning. I’m really happy with it so I hope you are too❤️
Alana landed safely out of sight on the balcony of Escalus’s room, looking up she was met with the monotone face of her little sister. Escalus’s hair was down out of its usual side braid instead laying on her back ending just above the small of her back. She was standing in her night dress, the black satin blowing against the soft wind of the early night.
“I thought that you were still training with father?” Alana asked carefully, as Escalus didn't know of her plans and she would have liked to keep it that way for a while longer.
“Father had a last second meeting, something about the arctic wishing to show for the ball in a few weeks, or something of the sort, so he allowed me to retire early for the night.” She hesitated before continuing. “ I was looking for you but I couldn’t find you, I was getting worried you wouldn’t come back.” She finished looking away from her Elder sister.
Alana looked up at Escalus ,guilt weighing down on her shoulders. “I’m sorry hun I’ve been busy working on something for a while and I figured you were busy.” She said,
Escalus nodded although she didn’t look convinced, it’s a minor difference in her normal expression, one that anyone just looking in wouldn’t notice. Though it spoke volumes to Alana.
She sighed before taking her sister's hand and pulling her into the room, closing the balcony door behind them.
Everything in Escalus’s room was just slightly too tall for Alana as well as more spacious to accommodate for her 7’8” wing span, and 9 feet of tail going along with her 6’7” height.
Pulling her sister to the bed and sitting them both down Alana began to explain.
“Okay so I have been going to the Arctic Empire to get a sword and you can’t tell anyone and I mean ANYONE not Melinda, not father, not mother, not even Minos.”
Melinda was the girls main caretaker for a long time and still acts as a maternal figure for the two as their actual mother is very absent and not sound of mind. Minos on the other hand was a new Minutes man in training that Escauls had met about 5 months ago and became very close with.
Escalus nodded silently, agreeing to keep the secret before Alana began to explain.
“Okay so you know how dad plans on you becoming queen once he steps down?”
“To be more specific he plans on marrying me off then stepping down because he’s sexist.”
“Well yes, but regardless the plan is, to put it simply, at the ball I’m going to kill him.”
Escalus nodded, she didn’t look surprised, granted she never did.
“That’s all, I have been in the Arctic getting a sword made and speaking with a few of the people from there, they are very kind I believe you would like them.”
Escalus simply nodded, her eyelids drooping lazily as she leaned into Alana who smiled and moved them so her sister could lay on her lap and her back be supported by the headboard without crushing her wings.
As Escalus’s breath began the slow to a steady pattern Alana smiled resting a hand on her sisters hair and laid her head back against the wood of the headboard, she waited a few more moments before slowly adjusting her sister so that Alana could get up and pulling the blanket over Escalus and laying her head on a pillow.
After she left the room, quietly closing the door behind her she slunk back to her own room doing her best to avoid any guards on duty or cleaning staff anything of the sort. Alana's room was two floors down from Escalus’s in an effort to force the two apart although it didn’t work as well as the king had hoped.
Once she appeared at the white door with swirling red and black accents around it she opened the door to find Ranboo.
Ranboo was an endermen hybrid and Minos’s younger brother, he was about 9 and from what Alana knows has a bad memory.
After getting over her initial surprise she calmly approached the small boy.
“Hello hun, what are you doing here?” She asked slowly, walking over to the boy who looked as tired as Escalus was, swaying from side to side while sitting on her bed. His hair was split black and white and slightly messy, and he was wearing an oversized shirt and loose black pants.
He looked up at the blond dazed before holding out his hand that had a note in it. On the note it said: “Dear Alana, I'm very sorry for the inconvenience and intrusion. However our parents had to be moved to the hospital today and I didn’t have time to find someone to watch Ranboo and the king needed me so I had to assume it would be okay to leave him with you. I'm so sorry for any inconvenience this has on you. I hope you understand. - Minos”
“All right buddy, come here.” She said picking up the boy and moving to the front of her bed. Pulling back the covers and laying down with him.
Deciding that she would wake up earlier in the morning to change and redo her hair that sort of thing. As well as figuring out how to get Ranboo back to his brother without Reed finding them out.
As she relaxed she began to hum a song Meldina used to sing to the girls when they were young to help them sleep. It was called for the Dancing and the Dreaming and had become a great comfort for her to sing and listen too.
As she slowly began to drift off she pulled the sleeping child closer as he had begun to shiver due to the drift her room had. Unconsciously wrapping her wings around him she fell to a dreamless sleep.
I hope you all have a lovely day or night or whenever you read this bu-bye!❤️
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Love Amidst the Darkness
Chapter 10: Danger in the Night
“Welcome back Lord Derrick.”
 Althea shuffled in place beside her father as he shook hands with Lord Derrick. He seemed to be in good spirits about something as he bowed and kissed her mother’s hand. Althea couldn’t see why he was so happy...the last time she looked over his documents, everything seemed the same. His taxes were fine, his crops were the same, and the people he governed in his land were happy.
 So...why did he seem so ecstatic?
 “Princess! It’s wonderful to see you again!” Althea nervously smiled as he kissed her hand. “I trust you’ve been well?”
 “Oh yes...I’ve been well.”
 “I’m so sorry you had to go through that horrible ordeal at the tournament.” He says sadly. “I wish it all could have been avoided.”
 “Yes I do too.” Althea responds by rubbing her hands together. “I’m glad I live in such a strong kingdom...the kindness and strength of the people really helped me through it all.”
 “Of course the people of Melodia are strong! Seeking comfort from the people is a wonderful thing. Your Highness.”
 Althea just smiled as she started to tune out the conversation he began with her parents. All she wanted to do at the moment was go outside and tend to her roses. She looked over towards the corners of the room as she saw Duran, Liam, and Honora standing at attention. She blushed as Liam gave her a small wink, and Honora glared at him angrily. Duran was just staring ahead watching her parents vigilantly. He glanced her way and gave her a small smile, but she quickly turned away. 
 “Princess?” Althea blushed deeply as she looked over at her parents. Her mother was giving her a disapproving gaze while her father just chuckled. 
 “You seem distracted my rosebud...are you alright?”
 “Y-Yes...I just um...was thinking about my studies. I have a lot of work to do.”
 “Ah...well we will have to clear your studies for a few days. You deserve a break, right Hestia?”
 “Yes of course my love...perhaps the princess needs a break.”
 Althea curtsied to her parents and hastily walked out of the room as her knights quickly followed suit. “I really need to stop daydreaming. Hmm...Honora could you get me my gardening gloves...I think I’ll tend to the roses in the courtyard for a bit.”
 “Of course, Your Highness.” As Honora went to retrieve her gloves...Althea looked at her other two knights with a red face.
 ‘I-I never b-been alone with t-two young men before…’ As she looked between them both, Duran shot her a kind smile, while Liam gave her a wink and...odd smile. Flustered, she timidly smiles back at them and walks ahead of them, but she trips over the carpet, falling right onto her face. 
 “.......” Both boys look down at her in stunned silence. 
 “Pffft…” Liam holds his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Duran gives him a glaring side eye. “The gods are going to curse you if you laugh.”
 Duran moves forward and helps her up. “I guess I’ll have to keep an eye out for carpets too.” Althea blushes deeply as she fixes her hair. “Would you like to go and change into a better dress, so you don’t trip?
 “N-No it’s fine really...I just have to watch my footing more.” She smiles as she sees Honora walking back down the hall. “Besides...it would take up just too much time to change.”
 “Here you go, Your Highness,” Honora says, handing over the gloves. “I wasn’t sure which ones to  grab...you just have so many…”
 Althea puts her gloves on as they walk into the courtyard. “Yes well I have a tendency to lose my gloves, so I make sure I have a lot in reserve.”
 As Althea kneels down, she feels a chill go down her spine as the same uneasy feeling of someone watching her crept up on her. She nervously glanced up and only saw Duran and Liam circling around her. Their continued circling did nothing to make her feel at ease. Honora looked over at her confused, and a thought wandered into Althea’s mind.
 “Honora...could you join me for a second?” Honora knelt by her side as Althea smiled and handed her the shears. “You can help me pick out the fresh roses.”
 “Umm….Your Highness….I’m not very familiar with gardening...at all.” Althea laughed as she took in Honora’s confused face. 
 “It’s rather simple...just minding the thorns is the difficult part…” Althea explains as she reaches forward and carefully cuts the thorns around the roses. “You just cut them away and cut the stem, then we can put them in the basket. Easy right?”
 Honora pursed her lips as she followed her lead. Althea looked on as Honora swore under her breath as the thorns cut into her hands. She turned away Althea’s gloves as she preferred to do it barehanded, Althea honored her wishes by watching on as Honora seemed to enjoy it after a while. Duran and Liam looked amused as Honora had a small smile on her face as she and Althea engaged in light conversation. 
 “Do you have any flowers that you like Honora?” 
 “Not really...I’ve never really been into flowers…”
 “Really? There are so many beautiful flowers in the world...I’m sure you’ll find something you love…”
 “Yes Honora found a favorite flower...I need some confirmation that you are indeed a girl,” Liam smirks as Honora glares at him. “The short hair, the brutality that you display, and your general lack of female qualities make it quite difficult to determine if you are indeed female…”
 Honora stands and throws the shears to the side as she steps up to Liam’s face. “Five minutes Liam, just five, so I can shove my sword up your scrawny little ass! Then I won’t have to listen to your stupid, smart ass, sexist prattle!” She bumps past him and walks toward the stables. Althea looks up at Duran and Liam worriedly as Duran glares sharply at Liam. Liam stares at Honora’s retreating figure and sighs loudly.
 “Liam...you can stand to not antagonize Honora for one day! In front of our princess no less! You two are starting to get on my nerves! Get your acts together or I’ll request for two other people who will take this seriously and not argue like children!” Duran angrily shouts. “Now go apologize to her and act like her friend!” 
 “Look Duran….I was only teasing...I didn’t think she’d take it so personally...I mean it’s never bothered her before. Fine fine...stop looking at me like that.” Liam walks after Honora and Duran sighs annoyed at their behavior. Althea looked at Liam’s retreating form and wondered if it would always be like this between them. She had always heard that boys would tease girls they liked. She wasn’t exactly sure how accurate it was, but she didn’t feel it was her place to ask. The dynamic between the three of them seemed to be easily rattled by Liam’s sass and then Honora’s pride, but then Duran would solve the tension. Maybe she misjudged their friendship?
 As if forgetting she was there, Duran flinched and rubbed his hand across his face as he looked down and smiled at her. “I’m so sorry princess...they aren’t usually like this...well this bad anyway.” He says helping her off the ground. “Liam just loves to tease and rattle Honora’s chains. This sort of conduct isn’t supposed to be tolerated, I think I’ll send them home today. I hope you won’t mind if it’s just me today?”
 “N-No! I mean...yes it’s alright...I mean I just want them to get along,” she smiles. “I am happy with your company Duran. I’d like to go inside however, I’d like to do some light reading...I have some things I have to prepare for.”
 “Of course Princess.” Taking one last look toward the stables, Althea slowly walked back to the palace with Duran following closely behind. A bunch of questions surfaced in her mind but she couldn’t bring herself to ask Duran about them. It really wasn’t her place to ask about his friends personal lives. All she could hope for is that tomorrow would be a better day.
 Althea looked out her bedroom window as the moon shone over the courtyard. Looking at her books, Althea realized how she didn’t do much reading. Her mind had started to wander and she began to think about her...fiancé. She thought about what he could be like? What he liked to do? Or if he was tall? What did he like to eat? Would he be attractive? All of these questions swirled in her head, but it still was all confusing. She wanted the chance to fall in love, to carve her own future. It seemed impossible though, she had to do it for her kingdom. It was something she had to accept.
 No matter how she felt about it.
 She had sent Duran home for the night and she already began to miss his presence. It was comforting to have him around. Although she wasn’t sure about Liam and Honora. They both seemed to have such strong personalities and she wondered if she would be able to fit in their circle. The sound of her door opening made her turn around, but the person standing in her doorway made her blood run cold. 
 “Ah Princess Althea...I thought I’d find you here.”
 “L-Lord Derrick…” Althea stood in shocked silence as he closed her bedroom door and locked it behind him. Her eyes widened in fear as she moved back against her window. He ran his hands over her bedsheets and over her dress hanging over a chair. He sat on her bed and licked his lips slowly as he lifted her pillow and smelled it.
 “Sweet...like a freshly picked rose...like you Althea,” he said, looking her up and down. The sound of her name on his lips made her stomach turn. “I don’t mean to frighten you my dear...I just want to talk that’s all. Come sit with me.”
 “L-Lord Derrick….this isn’t appropriate, please leave at once,” she asked nervously. “We can speak in the morning...w-where we can have a-a civilized chat.”
 “I have important things to discuss...it can’t wait till the morning,” he says curtly. “Althea I wish you would understand that...you’re gonna be queen someday...and I’m gonna be your king.”
 “My what? L-Lord Derrick please that isn’t appropriate...I-I’m engaged we can’t be married...please get out of my room.”
 “No!” He slams his hand on her night table and throws her vase on the floor. He rips the curtains of her bed down and grabs her dress off the chair and rips it. Althea moves back against her wall as tears run down her face. She looks out the window and she silently prays for someone to have heard the breaking glass. The knights were supposed to make the rounds and she wasn’t sure what was taking them so long. “I have power Althea, all the land and people I govern are happy and prosperous! I have a strong relationship with your father. It makes sense! I should have been the first choice!”
  “P-Please…” Althea whimpers as she sinks to the floor. “Stop…” He advances over to her and kneels in front of her and cradles her face. She swats his hand away and he retaliates by gripping her face hard.
  “You will be my queen Althea...whether you want it or not...I will be king...I’ll see to it right now…..” 
 He places his hand over her mouth and lifts her up off the floor. She screams into his hand and starts to kick and scratch at his face. He grunts in annoyance and pins her arms back as he leads her out the room. Althea could feel her head spinning as he led her down the halls.
 It made no sense. Where were the knights would make their rounds around her room?
 All she could think of was Duran. She should have never told him to go home for the night. She put faith in the other knights and they weren’t there. It was if every knight in the palace was gone. Now she was being taken somewhere against her will. She was scared and confused and all she wanted was Duran to rescue her, anyone to rescue her. Her arms hurt as he squeezed harder and pushed her toward the stairs. As they made their way down she kicked at a vase knocking it over. They both stopped their approach as the sound of running feet drew closer to them. 
 “It was over here quickly!” Lord Derrick squeezes her arm tighter and tightens his hand over her mouth. He moved closer to her ear and the smell of alcohol on his breath almost made her throw up.
 “Straighten yourself up princess...and fix your face now.” He roughly lets her go and she wipes at her face. “Smile little girl…” She smiles weakly and rubs her arms as several knights round the corner. They observed Althea and Lord Derrick apprehensively. Althea tried her best to keep a smile on her face. Lord Derrick’s sudden chuckle made her face fall in horror. Looking at the knights made her heart tense up in fear, as Lord Derrick roughly gripped her shoulder.
 “I was wondering what took you gentleman so long to meet me,” Lord Derrick chuckled humorlessly. “The princess has become quite annoying…”
 “We had to take one last perimeter sweep to make sure we could go...everything is ready for you. Do you have our payment?” Althea looked between Lord Derrick and the knight in disbelief. Her own knights were selling her off like common cattle. She couldn’t even imagine what else Lord Derrick would have in store for her. Kidnapping her wouldn’t make her his...his queen. The whole thing started to confuse her more and more as they stood there.
 “You should have knocked her unconscious,” one of the knights said, startling her back to attention. “If she manages to escape and she relays this back to the king...all of us will be dead.”
 Lord Derrick’s grip on her shoulder tightened considerably to the point of being painful. “You are correct, but seeing such a pretty face twisted in fear is quite enjoyable.”
 Althea felt sick to her stomach as she peered around the dimly lit corridor, looking for a means to escape. There were six knights and Lord Derrick, and he had an intense grip on her shoulder. She saw no way out and it was only a matter of time before they took her away. They said no other knights were around, but...if she yelled, maybe she could grab someone’s attention. 
 Honestly she was afraid. 
 As the tears stung her eyes again, all she could think of was how scared she was. If she tried to run they’d immediately catch her. Her heart raced as she tried to think of all her options, but she couldn’t think of none. This wasn’t what her life should be, kidnapped by her own knights and a trusted comrade of her father's. Her life was meant to be perfect, free of strife and fear. All she wanted was-
 The flicker of the torch caught her attention.
 Its soft crackle accompanied the low whispers of the men in the small corridor. Lord Derrick released his grip on her as he fetched some gold out his pocket. She stared up at the flame, burning bright and true. She realized quickly that it was the only way she could escape, to at least have a head start. The only problem was that she was not adept in controlling her fire abilities. There was no guarantee that she would get anything more than a flicker, but it was her only option. 
 Lord Derrick was still talking to the knights as she gazed at the torch intensely. The door to the inner courtyard was a few feet away from her. If she could make the fire encompass the hallway she could run. It would probably distract them for a short time but she saw no other option. She risked one more look at the collected men, they all were looking away from her. She looked at the torch as she focused like her father told her. She felt a bead of sweat run down her face as the flame started to flicker uncontrollably. 
 One of the knights looked back at the torch just as it roared to life and spread down the wall, burning the side of his face. The amount of fire caught her by surprise, but she didn’t have time to stare in awe as she quickly ran towards the door. She didn’t look back as she heard the heavy pursuit behind her. Lord Derrick’s furious yelling made her run all the more faster. She picked up the skirts of her nightgown so she wouldn’t trip. 
 “Stop her now you imbeciles!” Lord Derrick’s voice boomed. “You call yourselves knights and you can’t catch one girl?!”
 She didn’t dare risk a look back. They were catching up to her, but the door was closer. Althea smiled as she threw open the door and the cool night air greeted her. She tried to catch a second wind, but they all stormed outside. She gasped as she took off running again, she quickly rounded a corner only to run into someone.
  “Princess?” She looked up and almost cried as she realized she ran right into Duran’s arms. He looked down at her confused. “I thought I shouldn’t leave you at night, I figured you’d want me on night duty since Honora and Liam are-”
 “D-Duran p-please! You...you have to help...me…”
 Duran takes in her flustered appearance and immediately gets on guard. He pulled her into a dark corridor and held a finger to his lips as Lord Derrick and the knights ran by. Althea shuddered as she sank to the floor and held herself as she started to cry. Duran knelt in front of her and put a hand on her shoulder.
 “Princess...you must tell me what happened? Why is Lord Derrick and those knights chasing you in the middle of the night?”
 “I-I don’t...L-Lord Derrick i-is paying the knights...t-to take me away…” She sniffled. “H-He’s trying to...to marry me.” 
 “What?! Damnit I shouldn’t have left!” He stood up quickly and looked down the hallway both ways before kneeling by her again. “Princess I need you to go and alert your parents quickly. I hear them coming back this way. I will stall them until you return.”
  “I-I c-can’t! Please Duran don’t!”
 “Princess I promise you that I will not let any harm come to you! You have to go now!” He looked back down the hall and cursed to himself. “Please princess...you can do it.”
 Althea sniffled as she looked at Duran. She was scared but she knew she had to run. To find her parents. It was the only way this nightmare would be over. She would have to push her fear to the side.
 “O-Ok...I-I’ll go.” Duran nodded as he helped her up. She took a deep breath as she prepared to run. She looked at Duran as he peered around the wall. He quickly made a shooing motion and she took off running down the hall. She didn’t turn around as she heard the yelling and fighting. She ran past a few confused knights until she was finally at her parents bedroom door.
 “Mother! Father! Please wake up! Open the door!” Althea cried out as she banged on their door. “Help please!”
 She could hear the frantic shuffling of her parents behind the door. The door swung open and she looked at her parents frantic faces. “Althea? What’s the matter sweetheart? Why are you crying?”
 “M-Mother p-please...L-Lord Derrick...h-he’s t-trying…” 
 “Althea take deep breaths...calm down and talk to us.” Her father says gently wiping her face. “Tell us what happened with Lord Derrick.”
King Kyros didn’t waste any time as he made his way down the halls, a group of knights flanking him in his anger. Althea and her mother followed closely behind. Althea let out a sigh of relief as they finally made it back to Duran, the knights that were chasing her on the floor unconscious. Lord Derrick was leaning up against the wall tied up with a black eye. Duran immediately took a knee as the royal family approached. Althea didn’t dare look in Lord Derrick’s direction, she could feel his eyes on her.
 “What is the meaning of this!?” Her father's voice boomed in the small corridor. “Derrick, you were a trusted friend and ally! Now I hear you have assaulted my daughter! Paying knights to kidnap her! YOU HAVE CROSSED A LINE THAT WILL RESULT IN SWIFT PUNISHMENT! GUARDS TAKE ALL OF THEM TO THE DUNGEONS!”
 Althea watched from her mother's arms as Duran and the other knights led their new prisoners to the dungeons. Althea leaned into her mother’s shoulder and Hestia ran her fingers through her hair. Her father was angrily barking out more orders. She had never seen her father so angry, but lately it seemed to be happening more often. Sensing her daughter’s distress, Hestia held her tightly as she looked at her husband.
 “Kyros…” She called out to him, but he was still yelling out orders. “Kyros!”
 “Hmm? Yes Hestia?”
 “Please my love...let’s just get Althea to her room so she can rest.” She said gently. “We will deal with this in the morning.”
 “Mmm fine…”
 Queen Hestia reached out and grabbed his hand and they walked in silence as they went to Althea’s room. Althea climbed into her bed and sighed deeply as her mother pulled the blankets around her. She watched as her father looked around her room and picked up her torn dress and ruined curtains. Her mother looked around her room with worry written all over her face.
 “Tomorrow we can get your room all cleaned up and the seamstress can make you all new dresses…” Her mother smiled down at her. “Just relax and this will all be over soon.”
 Her father walked over to her and kissed her forehead as did her mother. “Don’t you worry about a thing rosebud...you just get some rest.”
 “I’ll try…”
 They smiled at her and blew out her candles before leaving her bedroom. She stared at her canopy as she heard her parents talking with someone outside her door. She sat up as she heard them walk away. The person outside her door shuffled a bit, but didn’t leave. She got out of bed and leaned her ear against the door.
 “Yes princess?”
 She opened her door a little as Duran moved back from her door. He bowed and she smiled a little. She didn’t think he would be back so soon.
 “Thank you Duran...for tonight…”
 “Of course princess...I’m just sorry I wasn’t here to prevent this. I had no idea something like this would transpire within the palace. “
 “I sent you home...it’s not your fault in the slightest…”
 “Well...I won’t leave your side again...I will lay my life on the line for you.”
 She blushed deeply and smiled, he smiled back at her and wished her a goodnight. She wished him one as well as she shut her door. She got back in bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.
Next: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/648326082220769281/love-amidst-the-darkness
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/648325010459688960/love-amidst-the-darkness
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 4 years
I have a ton of insomnia writing in the drafts, so time to start unloading some of it. The usual “as is” rules apply, and I’ll try to keep most of it under the cut,
It just occured to me that I actually have one piece of good advice to give:
If you challenge someone to a duel, ALWAYS have a witness for the fight!
I learned this the hard way when I was a little girl. But to understand why I felt the need to even duel someone, you need to understand the background.
When I was a little girl my family lived in our house in town, which meant until I was 9 I was running around with a gang of kids. I say “kids”, but I pretty much mean boys. There were a couple of years during that time when a girl was inthe neighborhood, one being one of the best friends I had in my life and the other....not, but almost the entire time I was the only girl in the neighborhood.
Now some folks think being the only girl would be terrible, but in a lot of ways it was fine. Kids are kids, rampaging around the neighborhood, and thanks to my family I never felt things should be “girl stuff” and “boy stuff”. I just played.
 In fact, at times being the only girl even gave me a curious power position. I knew “girl things” they didn’t. I can still remember the shock on the face of one of the boys when I tried to explain that I didn’t just piss outside like them because of anatomical differences. He just assumed girls had dicks too. 
BTW, groups of very little boys can get awfully competitive about their dicks. Not that they called them that. They honest to god called them “ding-a-lings”! LOL  In fact, a few times they even had a contest where they would line up with their pants dropped wanting me (the only one that was exempt)  to decide which looked “best”. Remember, at the time we were very little kids, so the concept of “best” was exceptionally vague.** I hope I didn’t give any of those boys a lifelong complex because of something I said in all innocence! But geez, they were obsessed with the idea that whatever hung between their legs was very, very important.
Anyway, running around playing being a girl among boys wasn’t bad all the time. Heck, while the boys could fight over who got to play Han and Luke when we played “Star Wars” or Mark and Jason when we played “Battle of the Planets”, I always knew I wouldn’t have to compete for my part in the games. Though I’m still a little irked to the way their only solution to Gargantuas in War of the Gargantuas being both male was I’d play “the green Gargantua’s wife, at least we always found a way even if what we were playing didn’t have a token girl.
All that being said, there were real disadvantages too, especially as the bots came to learn the rules around gender. I was a girl. They knew it and at times they would think it meant I was supposed to defer to them. This led to many a fight and tears.
For instance, once one of the boys got a BB gun. 
Naturally we all wanted to take turns using it in a makeshift backyard shooting gallery. Trouble was, as far as they were concerned girls weren’t supposed to shoot. Now considering all the toy cap guns they borrowed from me when we played, and the gun I had that shot cork balls had been the envy of all the kids*** until this BB gun, it seems crazy they would think girls weren’t allowed “real” guns. I begged a turn, outshot them all, and never was allowed to touch the gun again. ****Having a girl be the best shot kinda stung for them! LOL
The boys would do this now and then, throw me for a loop with “you are a girl” as a reason I should or shouldn’t do a thing. Being a “sissy” was a common insult used among the kids. A kid should be tough and brave, try never to get crying or show weakness, or sometimes they would even use “like a girl” as an insult. 
I learned that my “girly” side was more of a target, so I got so in the toy chest in the living room I kept the guns, cars, blocks, etc for the boys to use, but kept hidden away in my bedroom the girly stuff like dolls. In fact I kept things like play makeup buried in drawer where no one could find them...
Yes, I was a girl, both in my personal identification and as the whole world saw me, and yet I hid my “girl stuff” like a teenager hiding drugs or dirty magazines. It was the big drawback of usually being the only girl. The girly side of being a girl was something to be quiet about.
So grew up thinking that the way to impress a guy was to be strong, tough,  smart, brave, and not at all squeamish. If boys admire each other for not being a sissy, then certainly they would admire a girl for being that way.  
Oddly enough, never once did a boy reciprocate my crushes because I wasn’t a sissy. Oh, they would like me for it, but it was seeing me as one of the guys and never as romantic potential. Or maybe not oddly. I may be hetero CIS female, but the world sees me as not girly enough in my presentation to quite believe me.
TBH, I still have a problem with that. I never learned the rules of being girly. I never was taught how to put on makeup, do hair, know about fashion, move in that swaying hips and crossed ankles when you sit kind of way... 
And down deep I don’t want to have to put on that act. I want to be me. I want someone to love me without makeup or styling, not because of the clothes I wear or because of skills with flirting games. I want to be loved for me, and girly is only part of me. Part of me is walks in the woods where I photograph snakes and spiders. Part of me is climbing in the roof to repair a leak or taking apart the hot water heater to figure out how to fix it....
I have always been a combination of things. Things like how I like romantic comedies and horror films, I picked out my antique sword because it felt like it would swing in my hand well and it had little flowers on the hand guard, or how I love classical and punk.I never wear dresses during the day, because they aren’t practical for my rough and dirty life, plus  they can make you very vulnerable. And yet at night I always wear the prettiest nightgown I can find. I had a unique “Captain’s Canopy Bed” as a child, because I loved both the captain’s bed (a bunk woth drawers under it billed as a “boy bed” by people that gender everything) and longed for a canopy bed. My father sensibly combined the two for me. To me it has never been about a contradiction or conflict, but just that different aspects manifest under different circumstances. 
I really can’t understand why people are expected to fit into catagories neatly, label themselves, force themselves to deny parts if themselves just to belong. Still,  I expect I would be happier if I could have at least forced myself to fake it.
Anyway, the boys were learning girls were “supposed” to be a certain way, and I was constantly insisting this wasn’t true. They would pick on me amd we would fight. Oddly, this “girls can’t” attitude never applied to fighting. They never went easier on me because I was a girl. 
Once they got me treed and the henchman boy was told to go get something to hit me with. I warned him not to, but he didn’t listen. As he went to get the weapon I lept out of the tree in a tackle, and began punching him. My grandmother ran out shouting for me to stop. “It’s not ladylike!!” she cried, while  I shouted back in frustration “They were going to hit me!!” 
Don’t worry, I wasn’t punished. Grandma..well, it’s complicated with her...and my parents would never punish me for something like that. Years later Mom would admit she and Pop were proud if me after that fight. “The boys picked on you so much I was glad you hit them”...
Hmmm, now that I think about it, Mom’s most common response to sexist attitudes in movies and tv shows is to grumble “Oh hit him!” Folks have no idea about Mom’s violent side, the part that watched Xena: Warrior Princess and sighed “I always wanted to be able to leap around and fight like that!” People think she is “sweet”, when Pop was always the family softie! LOL
As we got older, the sexism of the boys got worse and so did our conflict. One boy, a year older than me and the oldest of the usual gang, was the worst. His own mother was a rather strong and independent person, so it was almost confusing how he could be that way. As far as he was concerned the social structure was thatthe older the boy the higher the rank, and girls were at the bottom. It was inevitable that one day their would be an explosion.
The final straw came over, of all things, me wanting to make our gang of friends into a club. It was all the fault if a kids magazine called Dynamite, that put out a book on making your own club, complete with membership cards printed in a fold out of the cover you could cut out. It sounded like a great idea. It wasn’t.
To be honest, I shouldn’t have been at all surprised. By this point the oldest boy had gotten to be a complete pain about gender roles, but also about me in particular. My first day of kindergarten he’d been the only person I knew all day, so when I passed him in the hall I’d said “Hello”. The boy next to him asked who I was and he said “I don’t know!” right in front of me. I had started to consider our “friendship” differently after that, and his now increased insistence that boys were superior increased the rift.
To make matters worse, the boys had developed some sort of age based ranking. When I invited the oldest boy’s little brother to come to the club meeting too, the guy had been outraged. It had seemed natural to me, I mean I invited my little brother. I always wanted to include everyone. To the boys, the younger boys didn’t count and the older you were the more power you were “supposed” to have.
Now for the club I’d fixed up a corner of the shed out back. I put up posters, made a candle (I just loved making candles and melting wax when I was little...us GenXers lived dangerous lives!LOL), set up chairs and a table, had refreshments and, of course, the membership cards. I couldn’t wait for them to show up.
Once the boys arrived I said it was time to elect officers. Immediately the oldest boy announced there was no need and started to pass out the cards. He said he would be president because he was oldest, my favorite boy would be vice president, the thieving henchman would be treasurer because he was next oldest, the other boys would be just members, and I would be...secretary. 
Oh he was glad to explain. Girls are always secretaries. Only girls can be secretaries. Girls can never be president. The other boys accepted this.
Naturally I was outraged. This was NOT right! We were supposed to vote! And we were supposed to vote for who would be best for the job, not who was oldest or a boy. Girls CAN be president! And besides, the club was my idea and the clubhouse in my yard so I shouldn’t be stuck being the stupid secretary without even voting!!!!
There was a lot of shouting after that. The boys stormed off, taking the cards with them. I went in the house to take the refreshments, and the boys snuck back to trash the place. They tore the posters, smashed my candle, and turned over the furniture. 
I cried.
I was also furious.
I was beyond fed up with the oldest boy and his assumption of leadership. Now my favorite boy did apologize, but he was always the nice one. The others were unrepentant. The oldest boy insisted he was right that girls could never lead. 
There was only one thing left to do: Challenge the oldest boy to a duel.
I went right up to him and said I’d had enough. I was challenging him to a fight. One on one, just him and me. No weapons, just our strength. The winner would be the leader of the kids.
I know it’s absurd, but since physical fighting is what they valued I figured I had to go with it. Actually, if anything, a fight would be skewed in my favor. While the boy was a year older, I was a head taller. Where he was lanky, I’d gotten to be a sort of muscular and agile fat.***** Physically the avantage was mine, an since refusing to fight me would be so embarrassing to him I knew I’d get the fight. 
He agreed, and then I made a very stupid mistake. I decided to show him a bit of mercy. Since losing to a girl would be so humilating, I set the time and place where we would meet alone for our fight. I wanted to win, to make my point, but  I wasn’t trying to shame him.
And so the time came. We met in a back yard, in clear area  hidden from windows in case an adult was looking by trees. I wish I could tell you some dramatic blow by blow, but honestly I remember it as very quick. He fancied he knew fighting moves, got into a pose, and I flattened him. Almost admittedly I had him pinned to the ground where I sat on top of him until he admitted I had won. 
I went home overjoyed. This lasted until the kids got together. I, oh so foolishly, assumed I was now leader. The boy, however, was not about to give up power...or tell the truth. 
As an adult I realize my naivety, but at the time I was 7 or 8. I honestly had believed the boy would have been honest. I always told the truth, so why wouldn’t he? And since we had made a sort of “official” deal, he would be obliged to tell the truth. 
He lied. Right there, right in front of me, he lied. 
The boy announced he had won. I said he was lying, that I had won, and he laughed. Of course he had won. He was a boy. Did the boys really think  a girl could beat him?
 I offered to fight him again right there, but he refused saying he’d already won. I couldn’t get him to feel pressured to fight me again because now the boys wouldn’t really want him to. On some level I think they believed me and knew I would win if we fought again. As long as they didn’t see me clobber him they could pretend the boys “deserved” to be in charge. They needed the lie as much as he did.
And so I learned a lesson: witneses matter. People will almost always lie if the truth threatens them. 
You know, I think this is why I have always been obsessed with watching when something horrible is happening. I always had this feeling that even when I can’t help, I can be there for the person in some way. I’d listen, watch, and remember. When I was 9 I stood in the snow, no coat and no socks, waiting until a man was removed from a crashed car because I didn’t want to “abandon” him. I would report teachers that did something incredibly wrong, even though I knew the teacher would deny it and I knew my classmates were too afraid to back me up, because the truth had to be known. I wanted to be the witness I needed for that fight, someone to back me up when no one wants to hear the truth.
As a footnote, after the duel failed I tried one more way to defeat the oldest boy: Voodoo!
Well, voodoo by way of a book I’d been reading. It wasn’t real voodoo, or probably like any realistic magical practices. In the book someone had carved a skull into a tree, written someone’s name under it, and the  hammered a nail into the center of the skull with devastating consequences to the victim. I had a pocket knife and a nail, so I gave it a go.
Sadly voodoo didn’t work. 
Even more sadly the boy grew up to move away from this hick town, get a good job, get married and have kids. In other words, he got a far better life than I’ve had. Oh well, the universe never cares about fairness.
** Actually one boy always won, because TBH I liked everything about him best.
***Hilariously, one of the boys tried to steal my cork gun, claiming it was his. Pop had engraved my name in the gun sight, and when my father pointed at to ask what it said, the boy claimed it was his name! That boy was never very bright, always dishonest, and a born henchman! LOL You know, I bet that toy gun would have been illegal to make just a few years later, just because it literally fired things. Heck, maybe it already was and had been sitting on the store shelf for years before I got it. We couldn’t find one like it a coulle years later for my little brother.... 
****I want to point out being a good shot runs in the family. Back in the 1960s when my family had to shoot for self defense (long story) Mom was apparently a crack shot. On one side of her family she has had relatives that were at times the official best shot for their branch of the military. One, even as an old man in poor health, liked to show off how he could selectively shoot off small tree top branches a long diatance uphill from him. Plus, Mom likes to mention she is distantly related to Annie Oakley, which is apparenty true.
*****Traumatic stuff happened when I started school, triggering a bunch of sudden changes with me. One was weight gain, but I had stayed strong as ever. 
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Can I ask for more context on the Alpha teams worst deeds, you've mad me wanna know more 😅
Of course!
1. Making racist/homophobic/sexist comments the girls on Epsilon and Omega, especially after Irey gives birth to Asha.
This one is pretty self explanatory. All the girls have had to deal with the Alpha boys calling them b**ches, sl*ts (especially Mar’i), and other derogatory names, plus comments about what the girls should be doing.
Kathy and Maya get a bunch of comments about what their sex life must be like, or being asked if Maya ever wants a guy to “show her what she’s missing.” (Because in my cannon Maya is bi and I’ve had that said to me.) Someone told Sin, who’s ace aro, that one of them can “fix her.”
It’s brought up at a dinner with Espilon when Ireys clearly upset while holding Asha. She’d been told she was “just another stupid girl who couldn’t keep her legs shut.” The girls talk about what they’ve dealt with, mostly to provide support for each other, while the omega boys are pisses. The respect those four have for the girls on both teams is astronomical. To this day they deny doing anything to the Alpha boys that night, but the Alpha boys had more than a few bruises and broken noses.
2. Taking Asha’s favorite blanket while she was ‘wresting’ her Uncle Jai-Jai. (Damian and Irey were in a meeting, so Jai’s babysitting.)
First and foremost: Jai absolutely loves his niece. Like, if Damian and Irey need a babysitter, he always volunteers first. So while Damian, Irey, and Lian are in a leader meeting, Jai’s ‘wrestling’ Asha (aka letting her jump on his back and chest and giggling like crazy). She’s about 1.5-2 years old.
Asha’s favorite blanket is one of Damian’s old capes, lovingly called her ‘capabankie.’ While she and Jai wrestle, it sits on the bench. Alpha comes in, sees it, and thinks it would be funny to take. Jai notices and tells them to give it back, nicely because he’s aware Asha’s in the room. Alpha refuses, saying they can find a better use for it in their tower.
Asha starts crying and wanting her blanket back. Jai has her go to the bench, as far from Alpha as possible. He tells them they’re going to give it back or he’ll make them give it back. While he does get the blanket back, Jai also gets his ass kicked by all them. Jai was smart and got the hallway footage showing no one else had come into the gym while he and Asha were there.
Alpha got suspended for a month. That night, while Omega planned some revenge, Jai was resting on the couch. Asha came over, covered him with her capabankie, and climbed into his arms for snuggles.
3. Making Maya feel fat when she’s pregnant with Azalea.
Maya already runs a bit heavier compared to Kathy, but she’s growing a human inside her. I also think Maya has so many self image issues after spending a good chunk of her childhood as temporary in people’s lives. It’s been better since joining Epsilon and she does lead a pretty healthy life style, but being asked if she’s sure she’s not carrying twins or triplets hurts. Also insinuating that Maya cheated on Kathy and is just pretending Azalea is from the donor they used.
Kathy, who has been dealing with their shit long enough, sees her wife visibly upset and is fucking done. They went too far by saying Maya would cheat on Kathy and making Maya feel any less than the gorgeous woman Kathy loves. They don’t get to say that and turn around to tell Kathy that Azalea won’t really be her kid.
4. Commenting how ‘gross’ Charlie’s scars are. (The only time Mar’i has punched any of them in the face.)
Charlie has very thick burn scars on her back, which are mostly hidden by her shirts/jackets. Jon and Mar’i both encourage her to wear what makes her comfortable. When Charlie’s about 8 1/2, she decided to try wearing something that shows more of her scars than normal, like a dress that shows part of her back. 
Most adults compliment her outfit or tell her she’s beautiful (specifically not mentioning the scars), but Alpha leader, Jackson, makes a comment about Charlie’s “fucked up back.” Hearing this, Charlie gets very self concious and scared when he asks how she got them. Literally triggers her PTSD remembering ‘the bad place.’
Mar’i normally ignores Alpha. However, they made her baby cry. They made her baby feel ugly and unsafe. She wordlessly walks over, punches Jackson into a wall, before picking Charlie up and carrying her away to a quiet area. Jackson tried to call Mar’i out (in public like a coward) for ‘setting a bad example.’ Mar’i, who’s still holding Charlie, narrows her eyes and says, “Last time I checked, you are not my husband or their father. You do not get to comment on what I teach my children, especially when what I’m most concerned with teaching them is that they’re safe. If you come near my daughters or son again, I won’t leave it at one punch.”
5. Kom Yor saying they finally got rid of the dead weight when Mar’i almost dies having Laney.  He said this in front of Charlie, Peter and M&M, who all started crying because they’re scared for their momma.
Kom Yor is based off Val Yor from the early 2000′s Teen Titans. You know, the one who called Starfire a ‘Troq’ (slur against Tamaraneans meaning ‘nothing, worthless.’) Mar’i puts up with this for much longer that she should, but she doesn’t want to confirm what he thinks of her.
When Mar’i delivers Laney earlier, both them almost dying, Jon brings the older kids to the Watchtower. He’s barely been keeping it together for his children. Kom Yor and the other Alpha members happen to be talking about Mar’i as Jon brings the kids in, M&M clinging to her daddy. 
Kom Yor makes his comment about Mar’i being dead weight and that her being gone would be a good thing. Her and Laney. The kids hear this and start crying because they’re so scared for Momma and Loo-Loo. Jon keeps his calm long enough to get them to Dick and Clark, promising he’ll be right back.
Alpha doesn’t mess with any of them for a while after Jon’s done.
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02 and 11
02. A memory from your character’s teenage years.
[ warning : Death mention. Long post ] 
[ Read on to find out about Aaron Galaxicos' childhood friends!]
Long ago this scene happens. Far from the modern civilization of Corneria City, where nature still invades around in the city of Green Valley. As it was night, many men and women wore their best coats before entering that gray building, surrounded by withered flowers. The dim lighting outside the room showed that there is a boy leaning against a tree. That boy was just a fifteen year old Aaron Galaxicos.
Many older people told the boy that smoking at his age was not favorable, but the chimpanzee boy always ignored such advice in his rebellious attitude, and he was right there. Smoking a cigarette or two, not wanting to go in and see his mother cry like a little girl. After all, it was a funeral home where guests entered.
While the young man ignored the greetings of his father's friends in his solitude, a young foal, a yellow donkey of about sixteen, dressed in his best mourning clothes, approaches Aaron silently but surely.
"Hello Aaron".
"Hey Bob, did your mommy buy you those clothes like always?" It was a common response from Aaron to deflect the elephant in the room. For many, a cruel response to a friendly greeting, but Bobby knows the boy Galaxicos well.
"Heh! You have caught me again! You always guess, Aaron! " Laugh again three more times. Trying to brighten the moment, but Aaron continues to smoke and without a response from him, Bobby becomes uncomfortable.
The two young men fell into a long silence. He only had a small part of the chimpanzee boy's cigarette left before he finished the cigarette, and without looking at the donkey, he stretches out his hand to offer him some to smoke with the box still full.
"Oh no thanks Aaron! You know my father doesn't like me to smoke! “ And in panic Bobby covers his mouth, his ears drooping from nerves. "Oops, excuse me, Aaron."
“Come on, Bobby, just say what you want to say and go inside with your family. Surely they want their polite son to rub his tears in front of my mother ”.
"Oh ..." Bobby only manages to say that in response. It was all too noticeable that Aaron didn't want any hint of pity from the other families on this cold night. After all, the man inside that coffin was nobody special but Jonathan.
"Well, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for what happened to your father." Without haste and without shame, Bobby already said what he wanted to say.
"No problem. He was going to die at any moment as well.” The foal lowers his ears again at Aaron's cold response.
“Nobody expected it, Aaron. As soon as my father heard that they found your father, uh, dead in the bathroom, he was quite surprised. And also in such a horrible way ... his blood staining the white marble wall ... ”.
"Have you been reading your mystery books again or what?" Aaron stares at the colt roughly.
"yes. Why you ask?".
"Agh! Forget it “ The young chimpanzee throws his cigarette into the garbage can next to him. Settling back in the tree "I've heard the same story over and over again, Bob, and I was hoping you could tell me something else, but you're just like the fools at the funeral."
"Excuse me again, Aaron. But what else can I say at a time like this, and not feel sorry for you and your mother? You have barely had your birthday two weeks ago, and from here I can hear your mother still crying " Bobby slaps his forehead " Oh right, my mother wanted me to give this to you. " He offers a nice bouquet of dahlias to young Galaxicos. Aaron just grabs it without looking at Bobby's face.
"Thank you". Another silent moment between the two once again rules the funeral home garden. Guests keep coming with bouquets of different kinds of flowers with them.
“Another detail I wanted to tell you is that my family and neighbors are also thinking of offering collaborations for you and your mother. I'm sure your father has left money for his life insurance, but just in case, we are always with open arms to help you ”.
"Hm" Galaxicos thinks for a few minutes. Although his father was always very strict about keeping the family money and that it was well paid in the factory, he knew that it would not be enough for the next few months, much less with a teenage son and a widowed woman. "If that is true, then I'd really appreciate that, Bobby. "
Bobby smiles. "Yes! Do not worry! Surely all will go wonderfully! And don't worry so much about your dad's death either! Because we are sure they will find your father's murderer! "
Aaron just rolls his eyes at that positive comment "yes, yes, I know, I know, I know ..." Then suddenly, the young man stops his sarcasm when he hears the last sentence. "wait a minute! Did you say murderer? "
"Y-yes! Or is it not that your father was found dead in a murder case? Bobby lowers his long ears again when he notices Aaron looking at him again, but with a very pouting expression. The situation becomes more uncomfortable for the foal when he feels the young chimpanzee's hairy hand gripping his snout tightly.
"Stupid four-eyed horse with the brain in the ass! No one has killed my father! He died in the bathroom by himself! "
Bobby went into a panic. Unable to speak because of the chimpanzee's strong grip on his snout. "W-what? Has he really done that ?! But your dad- ”Another squeeze on his snout.
"Fool!  It wasn't that either! My father died in the bathroom because the idiot didn't want to pick up a soap on the floor while taking a bath and he tripped over it! "
The awkward aura between the two youths grew again as Aaron yelled out everything he wanted to say. Bobby has no words to say but to turn red from his embarrassment.
"Oh, oh man, I thought it was something else." Uncomfortable. Aaron lies back down in the tree while lighting a new cigarette. The young colt just runs his hands between himself as he thinks of something else to talk about. His embarrassment wouldn't go away, and he just wanted to apologize.
Aaron raises his hand in front of the equine's muzzle. “Enough Bobby. You already said a lot ".
Another silent moment. Bobby just stands still as he watches cigarette smoke drift through the air. While savoring the flavor of tobacco, Aaron only concentrates his eyes on the star-painted sky.
"Well, uhm ..." Bobby tries to fit the words in his mind "It must have been your dad's mistake. Even though I don't know, he didn't want to pick up the soap? And why didn't he?
"You know what my father was like, Bobby."
"Hm. I know".
The two boys then stay to watch the stars. At any moment the undertakers would close the coffin and carry the fallen man away to bury him in the garden.
"By the way, why did you think my father was killed?"
It was a quick question that Bobby was scared of. But he didn't feel uncomfortable answering.
"Oh well. Because of how your dad was, I always believed that someone would have a cruel plan with him. But I guess soap was more dangerous for your dad "
"Mhm ..."
Aaron's ear focused on listening as several men cheered their mother into the garden. Emma would surely cry all night, regretting being a single woman now. Although he looked carefree to the guests and to Bobby, the young Galaxicos admitted years later that he felt strange how his life would change on that day. But he would not allow the public to see his feelings, but only to a boy and his cigarettes.
11. Describe your character’s childhood friends.
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[ Galaxicos has had several friendships in his childhood. They weren't really the best of friends, but they were kids that the little bastard brat could have nice times to have a normal childhood. But if we have to talk about friends, those would be two: Bobby Jones and Lola McGlynn were the best friends of little Aaron Galaxicos since elementary school.
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Bobby (Sometimes called Bob by Aaron) met Aaron when his family moved next door to the Galaxicos house. At first the little chimpanzee boy does not like Bobby's polite personality when he meddles in his antics, but noticing the foal's intelligence to create new jokes and games, Aaron decides that he and Bobby should be friends. Aaron's father would also accept his son's relationship with the little donkey boy, despite not having a good image of the boy because of his unmanly personality and being that kind of animal.
Their relationship was difficult at first, but Aaron would learn to appreciate Bobby's caring help even as a teenager. And when Aaron decides to become a rebellious kid in Green Valley, he invites (or actually forces) Bobby to join his little gang as the brain of the group.
I designed Bobby (in his child and adolescent version) mainly inspired by the idea that he looks like a nerdy cliche boy with a submissive personality in his eyes. Clearly the first character that came to mind in its development was Milhouse Van Hounten from The Simpsons.
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Lola McGlynn would be Aaron Galaxicos' second best friend. Raised to be the perfect Green Valley model girl, little Lola found no real fun around girls her age. One day, Lola finds Aaron and Bobby doing their thing, and noting that the boys had fun being rebellious with the strict adults of the city, she prefers to join them to the horror of the other girls, although she only does it at first for own fun. Unlike Bobby who sees Aaron as a good friend, Lola and Aaron had frequent fights over how to develop the pranks or who is in charge. It was also because Aaron still treats Lola with "boy vs girl" eyes at their age. 
(By the way, her hairstyle is based on the character Quino’s Mafalda on her child age ).
When Lola turns fifteen, and even being raised with the idea of ​​being a model lady for her family, the chimpanzee girl reunites with Aaron and Bobby in their gang of rebellious youths. To save herself from the punishment of her parents and the sexist society of the Green Valley men, Lola would dress as a boy and call herself Lolo standing next to Aaron and Bobby.
Lola is a character with a strong character like Aaron Galaxicos. Willing to commit mischief or rebellion for her own pleasure, and to have no problem fighting against the old fools of the town or with other boys her age. The big difference between Lola and Aaron is that she has her limits and rules, and one of those is not letting her own feelings guide her and committing a cruel or strong crime against someone. It is Lola who actually stops Galaxicos when the young rebel wants to commit a dangerous attack on someone, or act disrespectful to her. That is why even the two continue to have fights since they were young, it is even Lola who decides to tell Aaron to his face many times that he is a horrible person.
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The end of the friendship between the Green Valley gang happens when, being of legal age, Bobby decides to move to Corneria City to pursue a professional career (although he promises to continue speaking from the camera in his apartment). Lola and Aaron would continue to see each other and get together on special occasions or when possible, but in the end, they each take a different direction in their life. Aaron would leave Green Valley at age twenty-three for Corneria City while Lola remains in the country town. ]
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chiimmchiimm · 5 years
❝𝖒𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 !¡ 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒 ❞
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CHAPTERS “  01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 -  11  - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 “  
The northern jail was the most dangerous in the country, social scum, thousands of criminals were locked behind their bars. Who would tell poor Blair that he would end up there because of his father’s mistake. The problem was not the lack of hot water, but that inhuman obsession that many of the prisoners had for “new toys.” Rookies had two options; be submissive and abide by veterans’ orders or suffer the dangerous anger of those disturbed minds. It all started one night when Blair had the bad idea of ​​going to shower alone.
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jungkookoffender au x (female: Blair) 𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒:  smut.(later), offender au, fluff, angst. 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 3.8 k 𝑅𝒶𝓃𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓃𝑔:  +18   𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔:   abuse, violence, , sadness, psychological abuse, dirty lenjuage, half-naked, impressive backs, muscles. 𝒜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇’𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒:  Well, I am very grateful for the love you are giving him. I’ll upload the next one later. Delicate scenes and some morbid ones that will increase the tension are coming.
I didn’t keep an eye on the whole night because of the weary thoughts that gathered in my conscience. Akame would not sit idly by and I was sure that my boldness would pay her sooner or later, however, a hope had stuck in my chest from the bathroom scene. That stranger had been so kind. It had saved me from the atrocities that Akame had surely thought for me.
I didn’t even know who I was but I felt indebted to him. 
In all the years I had been living in Los Angeles at any time I could see someone the same. I did not speak only for the physique so suffocating that it had left me petrified when I navigated it, but for the direct look I had. As if his dark eyes will only focus on one thing downplaying the rest of the world. Without hesitation, her beauty had left me without valid descriptions.
Currently, I was sitting in the large leisure space under the stairs. My legs in Indian position while I leaned forward to hold my head with one hand. Solé was in front of me with a wad of letters. I was thinking of the best strategy to end the smile so triumphant that Dallas scrubbed with superiority. Then, as if all his neural connections had agreed to get the best idea, he threw a letter to his opponent and immediately undid his smile.
“Shit. He cursed under his breath as he threw the cards on the table. “Old lady, who taught you how to play like that?“ 
“When you live with a Ludopata whore for thirty five years, you teach yourself to play even if you don’t want to,” he muttered completely calmly as he ordered his wad of cards. But as I managed to emphasize earlier, Solé was a person who could not hide his pain. That is what I saw in his eyes. One so big and dangerous that he got his positive attitude to vanish as fast as lightning strikes. Dallas watched her for a moment. Finally, she sighed resigned to living with her unhealthy memories and looked at both of us with a half-done smile. “Never let someone humiliate you and denigrate you as people.” Don’t make the same mistake as me, girls.
Sole rose from his seat and climbed the stairs in silence. Dallas lost her gaze among the pile of cards on the table while I kept looking at her until the metal of the stairs completely prevented me from following her.
“She burned her husband and her lover’s whore.” She commented between dramatic pauses. With his voice mired in his thoughts as he sighs and lifts his head to bump into my surprised reaction. Then he smiled. “I threw them three liters of gasoline and set them on fire.”
“Fuck, you don’t know how much I admire her for that. She had the ovaries to kill that son of a bitch who was mistreating her for so many years. That’s what it’s worth, Barbie.”
I put aside my annoyance for that stupid nickname to give way to my curiosity about the subject. Everything that had to do with Solé mattered to me.
“To burn someone?” I asked confused by his last sentence.
“No.” I denote the adverb with a short chuckle. “To have the courage and do what you want.”
In that aspect I was a little short. Throughout my short and boring existence I had done nothing but follow the absurd norms of society. I had never been allowed to go crazy because immediately the scandal would close around my family. Thanks Dad. In short, towards everything that was known as “politically correct” from not cursing in front of people to not saying what they thought. A young lady had to keep her composure and show submission to those of greater age range. If I thought about it, the true and only time I had done what I wanted had ended up being threatened by a crazy Asian girl and saved by a penetrating stranger.
“Do you know thirteen?” The question came from my lips without thinking of the consequences it would have. Dallas between opened her lips when she heard me. His red nails were embedded in the leftover fabric of his jacket to calm his tremor. I was really surprised how the simple pronouncement of a name could cause him so much fear. And of course, curiosity increased a hundred percent.
“Don’t go near him if you know what’s right for you.” In the depths of his tone there was a warning. He had leaned forward and raised his eyebrows in compass with the grin of his mouth. Between I closed my eyes trying to understand his attitude so evasiba. Then Dallas analyzed my face with a rather alarming curiosity for me. “Why do you ask me about him?”
“Because everyone talks about him and was curious, nothing more.” I answered with my great ability to really hide what I wanted to say. I was good at lying as long as the person in front of me didn’t intimidate me. Dallas made my homework quite easy since her attitude was far from the outgoing girl I met the first day. “Hey … I didn’t sympathize with Julia.” I didn’t know her but I’m really sorry.
Dallas’s ironic smile left me speechless.
“Dallas was not my friend.” He replied, raising his tone compared to the lazy voice he had used with the previous talk. His safety was something I did not understand. When he saw the confusion reflected in the wrinkles of my face as he frowned, he took a more relaxed sigh and curved his back as before. “We don’t have friends here, Barbie.” We only have partners to tell our shits to someone and not feel completely alone. I will not deny that his death has impressed me but from there to fuck my humor for an aunt I knew just a year ago, well no.
His lack of sensitivity did not surprise me being honest. That quality seems not to be around here much. Those who did not shout and beat stayed in corros watching as the others did. Practically this place was the jungle where the animals most likely to survive either by their strength or power ruled over the weakest others. The problem was that I didn’t know where it fit because my character was strong and considered me, as humanly possible, brave and decided only that the physicist was never on my side. I was not short but I was not tall and my thin body is not that it will help much in the fight for survival. In clearer terms, I was in shit.
My talk with Dallas didn’t last long after that. Now I was inhaled the suffocating vapors of the showers while I waited patiently for one to leave. I picked up my towel and soap. Afterwards, I got into a ucha and opened the water that was not very hot but at an almost pleasant temperature. Clean all the dirt that had accumulated when matching the library shelves. When I thought I was clean enough to finish my shower session I turned to the hanger to pick up my towel, the problem? That had disappeared. I was no longer hooked on the small hook, I even looked on the floor in the hope that it would only have fallen but for me bad luck I realized soon after. Someone had taken my towel. So, taking a long breath to calm down I left the marble plate and walked towards the white where my things were. What looked like a fucking high school girl joke became something more serious when I realized that my clothes were also not where I had left her.
“Have you seen my clothes?” She looked crazy asking something like that in the midst of so many deranged women but they had given me no choice. Fortunately the tone did not shake me and I could pronounce the words quite firmly. I was upset and my face was a vivid image of it. I adjusted my hands more to my feminine attributes when a girl passed by me and I whistle like a dog. The maniacal laughter soon drilled my head. Getting more nervous at times I decided to hurry into the bathroom cubicle. I clenched my fist and hit the wall with rage. Then, when I had my forehead on the cold plastic of the wall, I could see that a towel stood out from the upper edge of the bathroom. I didn’t even take the time to know if I had or didn’t own it, I caught it quickly, I got involved with it and ran out of there.
The bruised smiles of those women was the last thing I saw before going out the door of the locker room.
With the hand firmly holding the ends of the towel so that it does not go down a centimeter. The main plot seemed crazy. I met two guards in my race to the bedrooms, each one more stupid for his sexist comments that shouted in howls of dogs in heat. My misfortune had a name and it was Akame’s. I had no proof of my accusation but that is, wasn’t it obvious? What surprises me is that it has been lowered to make this kind of funky and childish jokes.
“London!” What does he do for god’s sake?
The governor shouted at me when I raised myself in front of the closed door of my module. And far from looking like a woman who had intentions to help me, I kept seeing my outfit as something scandalous that to judge with her annoyed grimace I would not hesitate to say that I thought I was spoiled. And of course it wasn’t at all.
“Dress up!” His insistence made me roll my eyes.
“That’s what I’m going.” I commented without grace at his repetitively tired attitude.My comment seemed to dislike him too much since he immediately closed his annoying eyes. “My clothes and towel have been stolen.” This one you see here is not mine and I have no idea who it is. Believe me, I don’t want to be that way either, but I don’t lie to him when I tell him that I have nothing else to cover myself with. Can you help me please?”
The governor cabildo a couple of seconds the answer until he turned to the guard and took a good look to open it. I gave the woman a forced smile to feel my gratitude. He approached me and touched my shoulder before entering the module. I followed her behind without expecting that each and every one of the prisoners would find themselves in their leisure time and that they would end up impacting on one’s chest by mistake.
“But what is this little thing we have here?”
A disgusting whisper made him take a small leap backwards. I squeezed the ends of the towel at the moment two men stood in front of me. I toured their tattooed bodies with some disgust but my act only caused them grace. There was a pale redhead who played with his mouth piercing while running through my bare legs. The other, a pretty intense blond who didn’t take his eyes off my scared eyes.
“Hey you bastards!” If you want to make a straw go to the bathroom like everyone else does! ”Out of nowhere a voice that I recognized instantly came between us when he placed himself in front of me covering his disgusting glances. Dallas lifted her chin and with an unfriendly look persuaded them there among more insults that I would not dare to repeat. Then, he turned around and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “You want to die, right?”
A grotesque whistle intervened in my reply.
“Pigs!” Dallas turned to the upper railing and extended her middle finger. The man shook his head at us as he laughed with his companions. Dallas took my arm and dragged me up the stairs to our shared cell. He pressed the button to close the door with his fist clenched. I ran to my bed to put the shed under the pillow. “What did you want to do a model step? Those bastards wouldn’t have hesitated to rape you if there were no cameras …”
“I know, fuck!” exhale exasperating me at times. Shaking my hair in a nervous act. The asphyxiating pressure of my chest did not end until I completely covered my body with the uniform. A rather perverse shiver went through my body when I recreated his eyes on my bare skin. Disgusted, it was the feeling that perfectly described how I felt about those depraved. “But Akame was in charge of reminding me that I owe him a favor with this shit …”
“What?” My answer seemed to surprise him. He opened his eyes erratically when he heard that he pronounced the name of the Asian psychopath. His fingers clenched my forearm madly making me groan at his impromptu act. “You can’t owe anything to Shanghai, for your sake. Solve it.”
Without saying anything else he left me confused. Was he afraid of that woman so much that he began to hyperventilate just by hearing her name? I had no more than a cheap copy of the typical high school thug. I had encountered several throughout my life and the only thing they transmitted to me was a huge shame. They always followed the same pattern were so predictable. First, they were looking for the weak prey to strengthen their security against other people. Second, they believed themselves with sufficient will to rule over others that were not up to it. I had already become accustomed to fear living with my father. So, that woman did not transmit anything to me except a chill session.
The patio sun was falling on my eyes causing what will close them to protect my retinas from light overstimulation. I was breathing the little oxygen that came with the air. I had to calm down if I didn’t want to commit any madness.
He watched with boredom as a pile of ants clustered in a hole in the basketball court, and as they subsequently entered it and disappeared. What envy I had at once, as I would also like to disappear and that the earth swallowed me. Not even Dallas’s whining attitude seemed funny to me when Sole won her hand skillfully.
“Are you Barbie?” A sharp voice startled me instantly. I lifted my head from the ground and watched the girl in front of me. Between I closed my eyes annoyed, not because of the poor girl who had done nothing to me, but because of the stupid nickname with which she had called me. My mother gave me a name for something and not for two brains to come up with a nickname as ridiculous as the nickname of a doll. And by the way, I still don’t understand its origin. “Take this is for you.”
I leave a folded paper on top of my legs and disappeared in a small race. I frowned confused by her shy girl attitude. He was younger than me but not too much. I saw her blond hair disappear when she got inside the building. I grabbed the paper note with my fingers and watched it as if it were an archway that was totally unknown to me. Unfold the note with care not to crack it and read its contents:
Cell 345. At 18 hours.
“What is it?” Dallas’s sudden voice scared me. I closed the note when I noticed that his eyes were directed towards her with curiosity. His body bent so much towards me that his arm was attached to mine. I didn’t understand your attitude, why now
did she behave as if we were friends? I have not forgotten his first day teasing yet. Keep the note in my jacket pocket and get up. Dallas followed me with her gaze.
“Nothing.” Raise your eyebrows in unison so that you drop the subject.
Suddenly, my neck suffered a recreated puncture to alarm me. Then, I looked away at the benches that were hiding at a corner of the great courtyard. I immediately found a feline look that had not stopped looking at me even when I realized that it was. I wrinkled my lips inertia.
His look flooded with hatred didn’t make me turn away from mine. As I said before she didn’t scare me.
Akame got up from the bank slowly. Activate my survival instinct and consequently I took a step towards his direction. However, the brunette turned her gaze a few seconds towards another direction, undid her step and entered the building.
But what?
I followed the direction of his gaze. Dark orbs cut my breath when they noticed my attention to their person. There he was. Giving me a half smile to perceive the redness of my cheeks. I talked to a blond shorter than him, however, he didn’t look away from my agitated body. The intensity of his gaze was so penetrating that incalculable cramps squeezed the mouth of my stomach. He looked in a relaxed position while resting half a body on the wall. The sleeves of his jacket were rolled up leaving his tattoos in sight of any curious who stopped to admire them. And I was. Because my gaze could not stop only on his features. The light reflected on his face and I could better appreciate its appeal compared to the few bathroom lights. It was beautiful. With the perfect proportions to make anyone rave.
His lips gleamed hypnotizingly when his tongue slipped slowly over his handsome ones. I could perceive a glow of mischief in the depth of his dark pupils.In short, he was the man who had most aroused my curiosity, not even the stupid of my ex boyfriend had made me tremble as he did.
Why was everyone afraid of him? Who was? Why do you help me? Millions of questions gathered in my head producing an exciting headache that would end up disappearing when I met them. Was he the one with the mysterious note? I wasn’t crazy, I thought that because the last thing he told me before he disappeared was exactly that, that we would see each other tomorrow.
I don’t know if it was curiosity that controlled my actions or whether Thirteen really demanded my presence. For some strange reason I couldn’t deprive myself of seeing him again. So, I climbed the stairs of the male module while holding my breath for a long time. Clenching the little note into a fist inside my jacket pocket every time I met a couple of nasty looks that surely hadn’t forgotten the incident this morning.
A few minutes later, I reached the corresponding cell, however, when I went to knock on the door, it swung open, leaving me with my hand hanging. A brown boy with his hair down welcomed me. His square jaw moved slightly to the side when he saw me. Its height prevented me from feeling small. Why were Asians so tall? Fuck, it barely reached the middle of my city. Then, I began to suggest with my restless eyes that he will turn away observing in a short period of time what he would find behind him.
“I’m leaving, Thirteen. See you later,” he announced in a soothing tone. He raised his lips to recreate an impromptu smile that resulted in the sweetening of his manly features. At first glance you could see that it was not so intimidating if you took the time to analyze their gestures. Without much more to say, I turn aside to leave the cell. Then, I dare to enter and …
“Oh my god!” I cover my eyes immediately when I visualize the impressive muscles of his back. “P-sorry!” I stutter between abnormal sighs from the scene that deprive my little hands. I hear a hoarse laugh in the background which causes my hands to start to sweat. I should have knocked on the door or just asked if it was available for a talk.
“You know? Many women would pay to see what you now cover with your hands.” I’m not even sure if what I heard was a low moan or simply that her voice is too provocative. The only thing I was aware of was the annoying cramps that accumulated in the lower area of ​​my belly. His fucking voice was such an appealing melody that he would lose his sanity if he lowered his tone that way again. “I know you want to look and it doesn’t bother me.”
How can it not bother you to look at a stranger? And how can he have the nerve to propose something like this if we have barely met only twice? Only something could make it clear and it was the little shame this man had. In addition, the great security he had for his physique, and it was not for less, if I had his, I would also be proud.
“Can you put something on, please?”
My vision was still covered but I could materialize a smile under his glossy lips.
“Do you feel uncomfortable?” He asked through a mischievous attitude. I was not aware of his closeness until I noticed how his breathing warmed my ear. Listen to the wet sound of your lips as you wet them with your tongue. Swallow sharply. By now I should have noticed everything that caused his intimidating attitude in me. Then, his lower lip moistened the shell of my ear when he leaned in to whisper. “Where are you uncomfortable, Blair? Down there maybe?”
My face began to burn under the surface of my palms. My irregular breathing to take a distant rhythm to healthy. God, what a shame. I held a gasp when his big hands slid around my waist, pulling my body toward his. Touching with my knuckles the compaction of his warm and soft chest. The laugh that landed on my fingers was completely disastrous for me, unfortunate tremor. Then, he confidently inhaled my hair just before puffing into my ear.
"It’s time for you to return the favor.”
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everythingoesnk · 5 years
Once in Rockfield Farm (3/5)
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summary; 🤡🔫
word count; 4 970
disclaimers; this is my least fave chapter don’t ask me why. tell me what u think please i’m so conflicted !!
warnings; nopeee
part 1
part 2
By the ridiculous number of plaques of the albums' sellings and accomplishments hanging along the corridors, it was quite obvious that EMI moved a lot of money.
With your middle finger, you went over the edge of one of the paintings. There wasn’t a single speck of dust on it.
The boys’ manager and lawyer invited you to wait for them outside.
Roger’d already warned you that they wouldn’t allow you to be present. Not that you cared or wanted to. But at some point you were growing tired of sitting alone doing absolutely nothing.
Once they abandoned the office after what seemed an endless time, you immediately hauled yourself to your feet.
“You’ll kiss the floor we step on as soon as we introduce you to A Night at the Opera, my dear," Freddie told Foster as he left the room.
Ray followed the grandiose Freddie with his eyes, a bit of mistrust in his face.
"I very much hope so" he answered before closing the door.
"It went well?" you asked to no one in particular, holding your purse against your tummy.
"We think so" Brian murmured.
"He doesn't believe we're going to present him the best album in history," Freddie bragged confidently as if it were definite that they were going to do so.
"Will you? Create the best album in history?" you smirked.
"Yep," John replied with all the sincerity in the world, leading the way to the elevator.
Roger stood beside you as the group left the building behind, and pulled a pack of ciggies out his pocket. In record time, he brought one urgently to his lips.
"You don’t think we can?" he inquired you, aiming the other way before blowing the smoke out.
You extended your hand and he understood the message.
Before shoving the package back, he took out another one, and with the cig hanging immobile in your mouth, Roger lit it for you.
At that exact moment, while he was concentrated on the task, you realized how long and thick his lashes were.
"I haven’t said such thing"
"Lovebirds, when you’re done with whatever it is you have to do, come to Mary's”
Roger nodded at Freddie’s words.
Posterior to waving the other three goodbye, you glanced at him with a puzzled expression.
"Right. This way"
"What are we doing?"
"Do you always have to ask questions?"
"And do you always have the habit of not answering when being asked?" you objected.
"When we get there you'll know it"
"You’re impossible" you groaned, and quickened your pace.
He took a new puff on the cigarette and looked at you jubilantly, pushing his tongue into his cheek, enjoying your harmless tantrum a little too much.
If only you knew how much he loved these domestic moments with you.
"Not that much, believe me"
In what sense is that addressed, even?
Although you didn’t speak much because Roger was intent on not getting lost, obediently following the instructions Clare had patiently listed him the night before, from time to time you exchanged a word to fill the silence.
You really appreciated the stroll. The last couple of weeks it’d been home-uni-home-uni-home-uni. You’d missed the active streets of London, the continuous loop of the loud noises and the accent.
"I think we’ve got to turn to the right"
He didn’t seem completely sure of his own words, and because of how fast his eyes moved from side to side, you knew he was struggling.
Eventually, he managed to ubicate himself.
"We have to cross the park and technically we’ll be able to see it"
"You'll see it, you mean. I don’t know what there is to see"
Roger rolled his eyes and put his hand on your lower back to guide you.
Checked first if it was okay to go ahead, and ignoring that the light was red, you passed the zebra crossing together.
Bringing you back to an old memory, it made you recall how several weeks ago you witnessed the boyfriend of a classmate of yours do the same with her with hectic traffic when they were late for their class. Nevertheless, it was also something a father could do with his daughter.
Why were you spinning around the matter? Nonsense.
But it was cute that he kept you close while crossing the street, though. Had it been a reflex action or had he been fully aware of doing so?
The thread of your thoughts caused you to space out, and as a result you didn't notice until then that you were approaching the exit of the aforementioned park.
Your heart enlarged a couple of sizes when he nonchalantly slipped his hand out of your back to entangle his pinkie with yours.
The pulsations your heart kept on producing were hard, so hard they hurt. Persistent and quick like a hummingbird’s flap.
As lightly and subtle as he did, you slowly proceed to move your fingers and hold his hand in its entirety, both of you looking ahead as if looking at each other would turn out to be too much right now.
It all felt too intimate, hands being the only method you used to talk to one another during the remaining bit of the walk until the final destination.
Roger stopped walking, and you did too.
You fixed your eyes on the store window before them: there were two mannequins wearing sets that genuinely caught your attention. From where you were stood, the store seemed to be empty. Sign that it was expensive. The walls inside were painted with neat white, thin golden lines forming patterns on the walls. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling, so large that you were surprised it stayed in place without falling off, dragging the roof along with it.
You looked suspiciously at Roger.
"What are we doing here?"
“See if you find out yourself. After you," suggested Roger, and as on the day you met, gesticulated you to go first.
A tune rang in the background announcing your arrival after you stepped right in. It made the employee’s head lift up. She left her position behind the cashier and walked towards you. Her outfit was all white with a golden headband, matching the drawings on the walls and the rest of the store.
When the three of you were together, you noticed that both of you wearing heels surpassed Roger by a few tiny inches. It didn’t seem to bother him, perhaps he didn’t even detect it.
"Good morning. How can I help you?"
"Clare’s friend?" Roger asked.
"Oh, Roger and (Y/N), I’m guessing. Very well, come with me"
The girl marched away, Roger with her.
He turned around and stopped when he saw you hadn’t moved.
"Ay, what's all this?" you whispered, not wanting the woman to hear you as not to be impolite.
And who the hell was Clare?
Roger grinned.
"This is my surprise"
Head in a muddle, you let Roger lead you to a small room filled with clothing items where the saleswoman’d been waiting for you.
A tray of tea and freshly made biscuits filled the air with a nice scent of sweet and salty.
"Our firm is not particularly well known for its catalogue of dresses, we rather excel at accessories such as handbags and glasses. Either way, I hope you find one you like. Anything you need, call me"
In the blink of an eye she was gone.
"Roger, care to explain?" you asked after a pause, looking around.
"Yesterday you mentioned you didn't have your graduation dress. I know your father's behaviour saddened you, I thought this would cheer you up"
"Shopping? Don’t tell me that, Roger. I didn’t take you for a sexist"
He looked like if you just hit him across the face.
"No... I never... I didn’t mean... I just wanted to have a nice touch, to buy it to thank you for—"
"I'm messing with you. Of course I don't think you're a sexist. I know very well you did it with the best of— What did you say? Buy it?"
Wide-eyed, you were shaking your head no.
"Yes. Buy it"
"Why would you do that?"
"To thank you for your hospitality"
Also because Roger simply wanted to give you the world, but since it's something that takes time, he decided this was a way to start. But he meant what he said: adopting four crazy and weird children for months… no one in their goddamn right mind would have agreed to that.
The first couple of following days after their arrival, having very little confidence around any of them, you didn’t really hang out together. Still and all, after some time but soon enough, you learnt that the four of them were warmhearted, fun and loving people.
"I know how hard you’re working to earn that diploma. We’re proud of you"
"Roger, you already pay me a rent. And I know you are, but it’s not necessary. You don’t have to do this, I can pay for it myself” you said too quickly.
“I know you can” he shrugged, letting you know he wasn’t going to change his mind.
Because of the look he was giving you, all defensive, you knew he already made the decision.
Arguing was only going to make you lose a valuable amount of time you could invest in killing the curiosity raised by the outstanding dresses displayed out front.
Following Roger's orders to take a good look at them, you picked three that you thought were pretty and elegant. One was black and the other two different shades of blue.
When you glanced up at Roger to tell him you were done choosing, he was no longer on the small sofa near the fitting room devouring the biscuits like the last time you saw him.
A one-sided grin lifted the corner of your mouth when you spotted him snooping on the other side of the room, rummaging through the dresses as well to be occupied. By his expression of absolute concentration it seemed that he was really putting effort and interest in the mission beforehand.
He turned around unexpectedly and smiled delightedly at you.
Every time he did smile like that, you could feel your soul leaving your body.
From time to time you had these intermissions where the world around you gradually began to slow down, Roger Taylor as your only source of light.
It was one of those.
"I have these," you said shyly after some time of you two staring at each other. "Have you found any I could try on?"
“Not really”
Seventeen minutes since you entered the dressing room. Roger was bored.
“Can I see?”
“No. The black one’s so ugly on me” you roared, looking at yourself in the mirror.
“You’re not being objective. Let me see”
“You look gorgeous”
You quickly turned on your heels, ready to hit him in the head for not listening, but he was nowhere to be seen. How the hell…?
“How can you tell?”
“I just know”
You laughed it off, blushing.
“So cheesy”
“But you’re smiling”
“Roger! Are you seeing me?” you asked, staring intently at every part of the curtain to see if maybe there was a tiny hole in it where he’d been peeking at you.
“No, but I can hear it in your voice”
“Shut up” you giggled.
“Can I see now?”
“No, you can’t”
You weren’t sure about this.
You weren’t sure about this at all.
Roger taking the credit card out of his wallet to pay for something that was not going to be his but yours made you all flustered and uncomfortably red as hell itself in the face.
You took his hand before he could pass it to the woman.
“(Y/N), stop” he chuckled and gave her the card anyway.
He pulled you closer to him and kissed your cheek so casually, like if said actions didn’t have consequences. Hello? Your heart combusting, perhaps?
“There you go,” the woman handed him the bag, “tell your sister I said hi”
“I will” Roger nodded.
“Your sister? Clare?”
“Younger or older?”
"You didn't tell me you had a younger sister," you said as you two initiated your way to Mary's.
"You didn't ask. Aren't you gonna tell me which dress you've chosen?" he cocked an eyebrow at you. "I paid for it, I believe I have the right to—"
You wanted him to see it the day of the ceremony, to make it a surprise as well.
"Please don't remind me you bought it. It's embarrassing"
Roger snorted a chuckle.
“Oh my God, woman. You’re so worried about it”
"We've got to be frank here. Mary told me you guys are broke, because you had issues with… whoever in the past. And now you take me to an upper high-class store to buy me a dress. Don't take me wrong, but I just don’t get it”
“Don’t have to swear on it” he noted quietly to the last part.
You sure weren’t getting anything.
“We firmed a contract we shouldn’t have. Life goes on and we’re with Rheid now, about to launch a masterpiece that will change our lives forever. Every penny he’s given us is for the album, but I know it’s gonna pay off. Of the little I had left from before, I wanted to do this. It’s my money. I do whatever the fuck I want with my money”
You didn’t say anything, perplexed.
He wished you'd understand the real reason why he wanted to make you happy. To cover your whims. To take care of you.
“So,” you spoke after a while, breaking the ice, “A Night at the Opera”
“Freddie’s suggestion. Do you like it?”
“I do. It’s weird, but it sounds like Queen”
He grinned.
Freddie said that enough was enough, that they deserved to disconnect from work for the group’s sanity.
They were getting ready at Mary’s to head to the nearest pub –putting it in his words— to dance until their feet bled and hopefully drink like psychopaths. He dictated how disappointed he’d be in them if they didn’t wake up naked and hangover in the middle of nowhere.
He was now in the bathroom applying black eyeliner to John.
“Can we come?”
Mary and you opted for a chill sleepover at first, but you changed your mind and managed to persuade her to go out as well, telling her you couldn’t remember the last time you went partying together.
Brian and John didn’t speak up, expecting Roger to do. When you saw that neither of them were saying a word, you turned your gaze towards him. He was wearing a seemingly chill unbothered facade, pushing aside how your request had tickled his stomach.
"Sure" Roger replied, mouth curving into a perfect smile.
Mary told you you could choose whatever you wanted from her closet in case you wanted to change to a more appropriate outfit for the occasion.
The two of you hurried upstairs.
It was evident that once you were there you were gonna dance all freaking night, so you picked a pair of denim bell-bottoms to be comfortable, a basic top, and kept the pair of black heels you had on already. Then you ran to touch up a little the makeup you had previously put on in the morning, adding a bit of glitter to your cheekbones.
Listening to the front door open and Freddie screaming to get your fat asses down there, Mary rushed to put a sparkly belt on while both of you trotted down the stairs.
“We’re coming!” you shouted, jumping to skip the last three rungs.
Sliding the back of your hand across the forehead to remove the sweat, you took Mary by the arm and escorted her to the opposite end of the pub, fleeing from the group of girls who were screaming at you for having spilt drink on them by accident. Mary tried not to fall while you made your way through the congregation of people going against your flow.
You raised your arms and kept dancing carefreely, ignoring the looks of all kinds you received.
Mary knew she’d never be on the same level as you. Her knees were begging to stop, meanwhile you were as fresh as a rose. It didn’t seem like you’d been dancing for over two hours without a break.
The boys, even Freddie, had also thrown in the towel a while ago.
"(Y/N), I'm going with Freddie!" Mary shouted, grasping you by the shoulder.
"What about me?"
"Come, I’m not keen on leaving you on your own" with this said, she began to gently push you towards where the boys were.
You were careful not to stumble since the drinks you had consumed earlier were already coming into effect. The purple, yellow and blue lights that illuminated the area disorientated you, so without question you let Mary lead you.
"Mary, I've saved you a seat, darling" Freddie said, patting the empty space next to him.
You frowned when you saw there was no room left for you in the booth.
John laughed when he heard the disappointment in your drunken voice.
Roger didn’t stutter. He held your hand and sat you on his lap.
"I don’t like this posture. Your thigh will hurt you, y’know what I mean?" you slurred.
Yet your actions were contradictory, because you moved to squeeze against him, too exhausted all of a sudden.
"I'll handle it," he murmured, fighting the instincts that grew inside him to touch you everywhere.
Fiddling with your necklace, you looked at the people on the dance floor.
You’d been wasting your time with them, bizarrely enjoying being so proximate to Roger more.
Speaking of the devil, the bastard had unbuttoned his shirt at some point.
The top you wore had its back completely uncovered; as a result, your sticky skin collided with his. Not that you complained, in fact, the contact made you horny. Could it possibly be that you were just dreadfully drunk and that your five senses were way more sensitive than usual? And that it didn’t have anything to do with Roger?
You’d been secretly having lascivious dreams concerning him for a hot minute, but resigned to admire from a distance. So no, he absolutely was the one to blame.
Roger waved his glass of tequila, offering you some.
As you were already drunk from the shots you had with John as soon as you stepped in, when you threw your head back to swallow til the very last drop, a lot of the liquid dripped down the sides of your mouth, staining your top and wetting your neck.
You laughed, clearly too tipsy to be upset.
Roger watched you attentively.
Many inappropriate thoughts seized him as he saw the liquid running down your collarbone.
You deposited the glass back on the table.
“You won’t be dancing anymore?” Roger asked.
“Perhaps at another time. I like it here”
“I like it too” he replied, and added in a small voice the following request hoping you wouldn’t get to hear it through the music. “Don’t leave”
You listened without interest as Brian and Freddie exchanged opinions on whether they should or shouldn't add a guitar solo in an almost finished song. John looked at them as if it were a tennis match, throwing glances at Mary from time to time that she returned. They knew they had to act before they started an argument, so Mary proposed to go dance some more.
Freddie followed her, and you saw him complaining to her about Brian's last-minute changes. John gestured Brian for the two of them to leave the booth as well, pointing discreetly with his thumb back to Roger and you: Brian understood.
"They’ve abandoned us" you stated, staring at your friends walking away until they were no longer in sight.
Now it was you sitting on the leather sofa, with Roger tucked between your legs –clearly if he sat on your lap he wouldn’t even last five minutes because you wouldn’t put up with it any longer than that, so it wasn’t worth a try—.
You had your feet against the edge of the table, legs wide apart to make room for him. At first he wasn’t sure, but quickly changed his mind when your fingers slipped into his hair, lazily massaging his scalp.
The idea occurred when he proved your point, telling you to sit on his left thigh because the other was getting numb.
He was in a trance, and felt his eyelids heavier by every second, not because he was sleepy but because of the pleasure.
“Fuck” Roger muttered thoughtlessly with his eyes closed, catching you off guard.
A sudden increase in your heartbeat, now irregular, rattled you.
Embarrassment crept up his face when you stopped.
“Sorry, I don’t know what was that, it just felt good and—“
Your core was throbbing. You were so confused but so pumped at the same time.
“You want me to continue?”
He turned his head and scanned your features. He definitely didn't expect that, thought you'd want him to get off you instantly.
The intense eye contact that followed earned you another electrifying whip that shook every corner of your body.
When Roger went back to his initial position, you smiled mischievously.
He had to keep biting back his moans throughout the entire thing.
The mixture of alcohol running at an unrestrained rhythm through your veins, including how dangerously turned on you were by Roger’s constant heavy breaths, pushed you to take a step further: you traced your finger along the curve of his jawline, painfully slow, and with the tip of your nose you drew patterns on his neck, observing hungrily his Adam’s apple as he swallowed hard.
Roger looked up at the ceiling and attempted to count its tiles. Anything that'd distract him from having a boner, really.
"You good?" you teased with a smile, whispering near his ear.
"I wish I could answer honestly"
"Do it, I won’t judge"
He ran a hand through his golden hair, feeling really irritated that this was happening now, where he couldn’t rip your clothes off.
Saying he was having a hard time keeping it together doesn’t do justice to the reality of how much he had to retain himself.
"Say it" you insisted, intrigued.
In a hoarse whisper, pretty much thanks to the alcohol and the inebriety that your touch drowned him in, he grew the balls to actually say what was crossing his mind.
“I’ve never had the urge to taste a woman this bad”
You grinned, and that throbbing kept escalating.
“Oh, Rog. You couldn’t be any more subtle, could you?” you laughed, burying your hand one more time in the mess that his hair was, pulling it.
Literally, you couldn’t control yourself.
It’s his fault!, claimed a voice in your head. For being too fucking irresistible.
"Don't" he desperately groaned, taking your hand in his.
He sat straight.
Roger gave a small sexy laugh, and he turned to look at you in the eye, shoving the hair back of his face.
“Wanna hear me say it or feel it yourself instead?”
A bad feeling that you did something terrible sunk in when you saw Mary towering over you, her mouth set in a line.
If yours'd been watering seconds ago because of Roger's cock being hard because of you, now it was as arid as the Sahara desert.
"I need a ‘you-know-what’," she said, the ‘you-know-what’ item usually being a tampon. This time it was only a petition for you to follow her quickly, “come with me”
Once inside a bathroom stall, she locked the door and sat on top of the toilet seat, crossing her arms and looking at you as if you were the biggest crackhead in the world.
"What the fuck was that? What were you thinking? What was all that about?" she argued.
"I don’t understand a word you’re saying"
"If I’d gotten there just ONE second later you’d be sucking him dry right now. Don’t play dumb with me, (Y/N)”
You leant your back against the door.
"Mary, cutie, this conversation’s stupid"
She put her hands on her hips. It made you giggle that she was so angry.
"I already explained to you what Roger is like. Once he gets what he wants, he’ll forget you and drool over the next one" she hissed matter-of-factly.
"Why are you acting like I’m in love with him or something? We’re adults having a good time. If there’s physical attraction, why shouldn’t we able to fuck?"
She winced, and focused on the first question only.
“You aren’t?”
You furrowed your brow. Okay, maybe the conversation was more serious than you thought. Alcohol slowing your brain down didn’t help the situation either.
“You’re being weird”
“And you’re being an asshole! Are you even listening to me? Roger’s a—“
“What?! What is he, Mary?! Enlighten me! And I do listen to you, always! Sure I remember me phoning you after that day I sang ‘All Too Well’ to him and you saying I shouldn’t get too close. But he’s been nothing but nice to me, M. He’s polite, funny, sweet… What the hell did he do to you?” you asked, staring at her with a look of incredulity, not recognizing the person in front of you.
“To me? What he did to endless women that once were in your place. He’s used them all and he’ll use you too”
When she pointed an accusing finger at your chest, where the heart is, you could feel yours dropping.
That you liked each other physically was undeniable, but what you didn’t know was that you cared about him so intensely. When and how did that happen?
It was true that out of Queen he was the one you talked to the most and the one you had the best time with, always joking and finding interesting subjects to talk about. Above everything else, he became a confidant. And it felt mutual up until now.
Had he been toying with you just to get in your pants?
“But… he helped me cope with my dad, and…”
“And what was he supposed to do?”
“And today…,” speaking was so hard. You were scared you’d choke clumsily with your own saliva, “today he bought me a dress. For my graduation”
Mary’s strong gaze changed, and she pulled herself to her feet. You swore something was eating her alive internally, but she was good at pretending she had it all together.
“Buying your love and attention. I saw it coming”
Mary let a calculated pause set between you two.
“You’re my best friend, (Y/N). I don’t enjoy doing this. I… I want to protect you”
She sighed and left when you didn’t open your mouth.
A couple of minutes later, you did too.  Staring at yourself in the smudged mirror, you couldn’t tell whether you needed to go home or have twenty more drinks.
“Finally” you suddenly heard Roger say. He hugged you from behind right away, stopping you from literally rushing to John to tell him you wanted to leave. “I missed you, love”
Although you noticed your pulse rapidly accelerating, Mary's words seemed to be floating through your mind with a big neon sign with the word “alert” above them. She’d known Roger for a longer period of time than you did, and saw every lover appear and vanish whenever he found a new interest.
It just… You had to accept that one way or another, Roger was most likely to create damage.
“I want to go home, I’m wasted”
“Go home? We’re having a good time” he pulled you closer once again, his hands resting on your stomach.
He debated whether to bite your earlobe or not. One second later, he went for it.
You moaned. Loud. You wanted him to do it again.
“No, stop” you turned around and took two steps backwards, convincing you it was for the best.
He looked nothing but shattered.
“What’s the matter?”
“Forget what happened earlier. It was foolish”
Roger blinked too many times. He didn’t want to believe that you were being serious.
However, you looking everywhere but him was everything he needed to confirm you meant it.
Anger, exasperation and hurt clouded his face.
“So, we were this close” he began, his thumb and forefinger almost touching, “to make out about ten minutes ago, and now you want me to simply pretend it didn’t happen?”
“Well, I don’t want to ‘make out’ anymore, easy as that”
“I just can’t fucking wrap my head around it” he snapped.
It wasn’t about making out or not: he enjoyed your company and loved the way you made him feel when you were together. And he thought… you felt the same.
His heart was pounding so fast in his chest he thought he’d suffer a stroke.
You lapsed into silence, broken only by the one thing that made Roger understand why you were rejecting him.
“All girls swoon for you. Find another one to spend the night with, it won’t take you long, really. And please do forget about whatever happened between us in the booth”
It sounded way crueller than you wanted to. You wished you could take it back, but what's done cannot be undone.
He couldn’t bring himself to say anything for a while.
Knuckles white and breathing uneven, Roger got closer and bent forward invading your personal space.
“Assuming I’m a womanizer, eh?” he replied coldly, jaw hard.
Curling up into a ball and crying never appealed to you that much before.
“Don’t worry. I will”
tagging; @sweetdaisys @multifics @incorrcctqueen @namelesslosers @benders-diamond-earring
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