#pills & automobiles
theladysunami · 2 months
As someone who doesn’t speak a lick of Chinese (and really struggles to distinguish tones), I have some question for any fluent Chinese speakers.
It’s a common trope in SVSSS fanfiction where Shen Qingqiu and/or Shang Qinghua use terms for modern technology and the PIDW natives around them are puzzled by it.
What sort of homophones (or near homophones) are there for words like “airplane,” “cell phone,” “television,” “refrigerator,” “microwave,” and so forth? In other words, what might PIDW natives think they’re hearing while trying to listen in on the transmigrators? Are there any (near) homophones that depend on the dialect being spoken?
If the PIDW natives saw the words written, rather than heard them, what meanings might they come up with based on the characters used?
I can guess at some possible interpretations by looking things up in Yabla’s Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary, but they’re rough guesses at best.
I’d be delighted if someone actually knowledgeable could provide some insight on what Mobie-jun and Luo Binghe might think their husbands are talking about when they hear them use words and phrases “from their hometown.”
Edit: Apparently my homophone guesses weren't nearly as terrible as I'd feared, so I'm going to edit this and stick some of them under a read more for fun.
Native speakers please feel free to bully me if I screw up!
Airplane (飞机, fēi jī) "Flying Machine" 飞, fēi: "to fly" ● 机, jī: "machine" Possible Homophones: ● "Flying Chicken" (飞鸡) We definitely need fics where everyone thinks SQQ insists on calling SQH a chicken for some reason.
Cell Phone (手机, shǒu jī) "Hand Machine" 手, shǒu: "hand," "to hold" ● 机, jī: "machine" Possible Homophones: ● "Head/Chief Chicken" (首鸡) ● "Hand Muscle" (手肌) Does Shizun need a hand massage, or miss the "top-dog" chicken he grew up with? Who knows!
Telephone (电话, diàn huà) "Electric Talk" 电, diàn: "electric" ● 话, huà: "language," "speech," "talk" Possible Homophones: ● "Palace Talk" (殿话) ● "Shop Talk" (店话) The most likely guesses seem to be that the phrase has something to do with situational modes of speech. How one speaks in a palace hall, or how one speaks in an inn/shop.
Television (电视, diàn shì) "Electric View" 电, diàn: "electric" ● 视, shì: "to look at," "to regard" Possible Homophones: ● "Court Examination," "Imperial Exam" (殿试) ● "Think on/Remember a Matter," "Worry About Things" (惦事) Why demon lord husbands would pine after imperial exams is anyone's guess.
Refrigerator (冰箱, bīng xiāng) "Ice Box" 冰, bīng: "ice" ● 箱, xiāng: "box" No homophones needed. Meaning is obvious. Huzzah!
Microwave (微波炉, wēi bō lú) "Tiny Wave Stove" 微, wēi: "tiny" ● 波, bō: "wave," "ripple" ● 炉, lú: "stove," "furnace" Possible Homophones: ● "Power Sowing Furnace" (威播炉) No great options here, so they'd likely assume it's some special pill furnace variety.
Car/Automobile (汽车, qì chē) "Steam Vehicle" 汽, qì: "steam," "vapor" ● 车, chē: "vehicle," "chariot" (archaic) Possible Homophones: ● "Qi Chariot" (气车) ● "Near Vehicle" (汔车) A Qi powered chariot sounds pretty neat actually. The phrase could mean something like "whatever vehicle is nearest" though? Or a short range vehicle? (Google translate interpreted 汔车 as "car racing").
Courtesy of @hopingforbrain
airplane's full name can be heard as 'beating (up) flying chickens to the sky'. not in the wanking way, but actually throwing hands with the poultry.
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strawhbrrries · 1 year
All That Matters, i.
pairing: cocky!tattoo artist!frank castle x afab!reader
summary: working with a world renowned tattoo artist who knows his own beauty has more cons than pros. the main one being that he's infuriating and it turns you on.
warnings: mentions of female masturbation, general banter between frank and reader, jealous reader??, mutual pining but they're both idiots, cocky frank duh!, tattooed frank with long hair!!, no use of y/n or descriptions of reader, not proofread
word count: 920 words
authors note: this was supposed to just be a fic but i couldn't help myself but tattoo!artist frank is so yummy and I think about him all the time!!
find the masterlist here! read the next part here!
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The blacked out camaro pulled into the parking lot, your eyes rolling the instant you could hear the bass from inside the shop. He never even had the windows down, that was the worst part, it was just that loud. He had no care for anyone else, he was arrogant and just overall a cunt. You hated working with Frank Castle. 
You always heard him before you saw him, whether it was his car that gave away his presence or his voice. You were astonished that his hearing wasn’t damaged, if you could hear the bass of his music from inside the shop you couldn’t imagine how loud it was inside the car. Thankfully, his booth was quieter than his car. Aside from his voice. His voice was deep, raspy, and it carried. Carried itself all the way to the reception desk where you sat, annoyed you had to listen to it. 
It was sexy, you couldn’t deny that. You often came to the thought of him whispering dirty things in your ear, calling you a pretty girl. 
“What song is it today?” You asked as the bell above the door rang, indicating the biggest nuisance in your life had entered the building. 
“Pills and automobiles.” He answered, leaning over the counter to try and look at his schedule for the day. 
“Thinking of how many girls you get wet?” You teased, handing him the clipboard of clients he should already know about. 
“You know it, baby.” He winked, scanning the names to see his first appointment and handing it back to you. 
“Fuck off.” You rolled your eyes, kicking your feet up on the desk and watching him walk away. 
You were one of those girls, no matter how much he irritated you after every conversation with him there was a small wet patch on your underwear. Maybe that was why he infuriated you so much, because he seemed unreachable. You were sure most of the girls who came into the shop just wanted to get a good look at him, his clientele was mainly women. Sure, they paid well and he appreciated the attention but nothing got him as hard as the woman who didn’t want him. You.
His cocky attitude was, mostly, a front. He knew he looked good and felt it would be a crime to withhold it from the world, all the ladies seemed to enjoy it. He wasn’t the fuckboy you thought him to be, sure he flirted with any woman who threw herself at him. But he couldn’t remember the last time he had sex, not since you started working at the shop. He’d been trying to earn you over since the second he sat in on your interview and officially became the receptionist. He needed you.
You scrolled the yelp reviews, scrunching your nose at every one that mentioned Frank and how attractive he was. There were so many, you did this almost every day. And for what? To torture yourself. Obviously. What else was there to do when every artist was busy for the next few hours?
“Excuse me.” The voice snapped you out of your annoyed delusion, causing you to snap your eyes upwards to the man standing on the opposite side of the counter.
“What can I do for you?” You smiled, admiring the brown fluffy hair the man had, tilting your head at the red tinted glasses he was wearing.
“Is Frank in? I need to speak with him for a minute.” The man responded, looking right through you. 
“Give me a second.” You smiled, getting up from your seat and making your way to Frank’s booth.
You slid the curtain open and rolled your eyes at the girl who was trying her absolute hardest to get his attention but failing miserably, his expression was blank and frankly he looked bored.
“Some guy with red glasses is here for you, Frankie.” You mocked the girl in the chair, maybe it was because you were jealous of her proximity to him or maybe it was something else.
Frank muttered something about taking ten to the girl and placed his equipment down, giving you a confused expression, and making his way to the lobby. You gave the girl a smile and followed after him. If you couldn’t have him the next best thing was to cockblock him, you were amazing at that. By the time you reached the front the two men were in a deep conversation about something you couldn’t hear, they were talking in hushed whispers.
You sat back down at your desk and busied yourself in busy work, trying to listen in but failing. Every time you looked up Frank was looking your way, turning back to the mystery man every time you made eye contact. You watched him run his fingers through his hair, watching it fall back into place neatly, his tattoos stretching around his bicep as it flexes. 
“Thanks, Matt. I’ll get back to you about it all later. Just give her your number and we’ll be good.” Frank spoke calmly, motioning towards you but you weren’t entirely sure the man could see it, turning away to get back to his work.
“I’m Matt Murdock, by the way!” He introduced himself once he made it back to the desk, putting his hand out to shake after you introduced yourself.
He gave you his number and was on his way back out the door, just as he did your phone buzzed.
He’s blind, quit staring.
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leftfield-fm · 7 months
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Scott Ross says of that evening:
The first time I dropped pills was with Brian. I think I knew even then that one day he was going to kill himself with an overdose. He went at it in a crazy way, mixing ups and downs, red pills, yellow pills, pills with stripes on them. “You ought to try this,” Brian said, handing me a fistful of multi-coloured capsules. I don’t think even he knew what they were. Somebody had given them to him and Brian was the kind to try anything. …a party was going on, had been going on for four days. Brian popped four of the pills into his mouth. “Groovy,” he said. I took two of them and they were groovy all right! When we walked back into the party a little later, I felt like I was the tallest one in the room. “Let’s go over to my hotel,” Brian said. “I’ve got some of the good stuff, straight from Mexico.” I had never smoked marijuana, but the mood I was in, anything sounded good. As Brian’s chauffeur-driven Cadillac was heading crosstown, the street-lights began to look brown to me. I figured it was the pills. But then they went out altogether. The lights in the stores were out, too. I rolled down the window. Women were screaming. “Maybe the world is coming to an end,” Brian said. The traffic lights weren’t working and the limousine slowed to a crawl. Automobile headlights were the only illumination on the streets. At last, our driver weaved his way through the snarl to the hotel. I wouldn’t have believed it. In spite of the weird, blacked-out city, there was a group of teeny-boppers in front of the main entrance waiting for Brian to come back. “There he is!” they shouted. “Quick!” said Brian. He pushed me through the service door and waved to the man on duty. Obviously, the guy had been through this before, because he had the door locked behind us almost before we were through it. He handed us a candle and showed us how to get up to the lobby since the elevators weren’t working. The lobby, too, was candle-lit. We climbed a lot of flights to Brian’s suite. We were taking our coats off when there was a knock on the door. Brian took the candle and opened it. It was Bob Dylan with a bunch of people. “It’s an invasion from Mars,” said Bob. They all came in and we stood at Brian’s windows looking out over the dark city. It was wild, like Glasgow in the war. “Let’s turn on,” said Bob. “What better time? The little green men have landed.” Brian rolled me my first marijuana cigarette. Neither he nor Bob could believe that I had never smoked pot. By now, they were saying on the transistor radio that the blackout was probably nothing more than a massive power failure. But we knew better. It was the end of the world and we were going out on cloud nine.
That night, Brian took part in a jam session with Dylan, Robbie Robertson and Bobby Neuwirth in his room. They played acoustic guitars by candle-light, but there was no power to record the music: this session was always referred to later as “The Lost Jam.”
excerpt from Bill Wyman's memoir, Stone Alone
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echofromtheabyss · 3 months
Ok, now that I've got a grasp of uniquely Twentian things and Neo-Victorian things:
What is specifically 'Firstian?
I think that relational forms are changing. A big new form of polyamory for example becoming a local norm in many places: distributed relational networks that accommodate a wide variety of gender combinations and interrelational types. In many cases, distributed networks are the only relationship type that is load bearing to a lot of people left behind by the collapse of the Twentian infrastructure.
You could theoretically have what a Twentian understands as a monogamous sexual relationship with your spouse, and a platonic best friend, and this would potentially still make you a member of a network if you define yourself and different relationships in ways that connect you to the other nodes in the network. Whereas Twentian marriage and social dynamics are not scalable. In the US, relationship shapes are very much propped up by the New Deal infrastructure and are so very downstream of that and the Postwar that when that collapsed, marriage as a regular social norm, went with it.
I see this as something enabled specifically by the 21st foundational technology, smartphones and social media, as unique relational shapes (erotic hypermonogamy norm and heterosociality of the 20th) are downstream of Twentian living conditions, communication, and transport - plus birth control and the New Deal making large scale horny heterosexuality load-bearing and scalable for the first time.
The new technologies of 'Firstians are as revolutionary to them as the Pill and automobiles were to Twentians. Both nodal relational scaling, and distributed networks, are downstream of this tech.
It remains to be seen what 'Firstians will become in intersection with large language models.
What else is specifically 'Firstian?
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
By October 5, 2000, newspapers had movable text and animated pictures. People could travel by Space Liner. One space liner was forced down on the moon, but the news declared all were safe. There were promises of tax cuts. The new Q bomb was tested on Mars. Food ads had smells to entice potential buyers. Homes and offices were computerized with the computer interface built into the wall. Automated features included hands free make-up/powder as well as it would put your hat on for you. A typical work week was 11 to 3 (with a two hour lunch) 3 days a week. Walking was almost non-existent as chairs had motorized wheels and was even able to enter your car and lock into place so you wouldn’t have to get out of it. Automobiles of the year 2000 were propelled by rockets and fully automated and drove by themselves. However, there were certain buttons the rider could use for limited manual control like “Pass” which allowed the car to temporarily sprout wings and fly over the slower vehicle ahead of them. The other buttons were "go", "stop", "fast", and "slow". A typical speed was somewhere over 50, but the speedometer went all the way up to 250. The driver could call other cars using a microphone as long as they knew what their license plate number was. Some cars’ cabins were on gimbals so that the driver stayed in the same position whether they were on an incline or a decline. Some choose to just park their cars on a commuter’s van, which did the driving for them. Each member of the family had their own garage. Meals consisted of food pills (meals could also be in drink form) that were brought to the table through an automated system. The cleaning was automated as well. The table folded into the wall and became a large TV screen with images that could actually leap off the screen. Some programs were even interactive. Due to the ease of lifestyle, people could live in excess of a 100 (“Your Safety First” Flm)
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hoodtherapistt · 10 months
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sweetfirebird · 2 years
I need distraction this evening (anxiety issues, mostly hormonal which means I have to wait for them to pass because something about me tells doctors to advise me to exercise and be mindful instead of giving me pills like my brother can get just by telling a doctor he's a bit nervous.... though I don't like benzos anyway so whatever. it is what it is. anywaaaay.) but also not *too* much distraction. So should I put on the Lindsay Lohan Christmas movie? The trailer was weird in that... she was not actually in the trailer? It seems early for Christmas movies, but I only know of two/three Thanksgiving movies and one of those is sad and the other one is amazing but makes me crazy. (The third is, I think, Planes, Trains, and Automobiles?? I think that is Thanksgiving? idk I haven't watched it since I was a bebe.)
Or I could rewatch the Hobbit (just the first one) and have feelings and force you all to watch me be back on my bullshit again about Bilbo and Thorin.
Or... I don't know. I just wrote the cheesiest tagline I've ever written, for an ad I am not even sure I will do. So. I've done housework all day. I've run out of distracting busywork.
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sparkinglights · 2 years
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I posted 12,639 times in 2022
That's 4,042 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (0%)
12,582 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,135 of my posts in 2022
#save for later - 115 posts
#important - 112 posts
#tua spoilers - 42 posts
#ml spoilers - 34 posts
#tua s3 spoilers - 30 posts
#tua season 3 spoilers - 28 posts
#destiel - 15 posts
#self rb - 13 posts
#toh spoilers - 13 posts
#jason todd - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#that sounds very annoying but the idea of anyone saying “william shatner” and then specifying “from star trek” is objectively hilarious
My Top Posts in 2022:
hi guys its been exactly 6 hours and 50 minutes since tua s3 dropped
i uh,,,, i finished it
17 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
20 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
No. 1: Luther
I don't have much to say on Luther other than that the romance was completely unnessesary. It did nothing for the characters and moved the plot forward none, and furthermore it wasn't even interesting. The characters moved into it way too fast to be believable, and to be honest I was just bored with it, because it was a boring, cookie-cutter romance with no real substance.
His death didn't even move forward the plot at all either, they could have killed Klaus and left him alive-- the result would have been the same, given that Five was already certain that Reginald was up to something.
No. 2: Diego
Diego was honestly the most bearable character this season, partially due to the fact that he was actually in character, if you ignore the fact that he looked at a white kid and was like "yeah sure that's mine and Lila's". Did nobody think of that?
His character didn't really move forward either, partially due to the fact that his entire arc was focused on a kid that wasn't even related to the plot, and then focused on Lila, whose involvement didn't even really make sense. His reaction to Klaus's death-by-Stan was extremely underdone, and didn't really have any emotional impact.
No. 3: Allison
Allison was villianized heavily this season, what with her grudge against Viktor and her newfound willingness to rumour anyone for any reason. And honestly, I don't blame her. The writing was shit when it came to her, but I'd be angry at Viktor too, even if she did go overboard at times. The assault scene made zero sense for her character (at least in my opinion) given that she seemed to be dedicated to Ray and her daughter, and it had zero impact on the plot OR the characters, which is even worse. Her character overall had the most impact on the plot, which is laughable given that the majority of her actions were being mean to Viktor and rumouring people unnecessarily to show that she was having issues, which could have done numerous other ways.
No. 4: Klaus
Klaus had none of the charm that made him likeable past episode 2. His weird alliegance with Reginald did nothing for the plot other than working to move his powers forwards, which could have been done with multiple other people, and getting Reginald off the pills, which was a weird and convoluted subplot that didn't make any sense other than to explain why he hadn't completed his project already.
 He didn't move forward character-wise at all except for his powers, the entirety of which made zero sense given that he hated Reginald more than any of his other siblings save maybe Diego, and overall his death(s) made no difference, even the ones by automobile accident. And seriously, did nobody stop to check on the guy they killed with their car?
No. 5: Number Five
God, okay, here we go. Five was (and unfortunately still is) my favourite character. That said, he was unrecognizable this season. He has very few actual personality traits, most of which relate to his motive-- save the world, or rather, as we've been shown, save the world (but mostly his siblings).
We've been shown multiple times over that he will go to extreme lengths to keep his siblings both alive and somewhat happy, and this season completely obliterated that. Out of his five (ahaha get it?) or so personality traits (asshole, sarcastic, tsundere-like, secretive, cares incredibly deeply), we got shown three, and the ones that were missing are the ones that make him bearable and sensical as a character.
None of his actions from seasons one and two make sense if he doesn't love and care for his family incredibly deeply, but if you were to just watch season three, you wouldn't know it. His reaction to Luther and Klaus's deaths were both underwhelming and also counfounding-- we were shown a very OP and useful power last season-- turning back time. He could have used it multiple times to at least try to save Luther and Klaus, but ultimately didn't, for... what reason? Don't ask me, I have no clue.
Furthermore, his having started the Commission makes no sense-- he hates authority and rules, and hates the Comission even more.
Overall, his character fell bland, flat, and nonsensical.
No. 6 2: Ben
I don't have much to say about Ben. He was an interesting character, that's for sure, and I enjoyed his reconcilliation with Klaus in episode... eight? Nine? But he needed something more. His sudden turn-around to wanting to be part of the family was out of the blue, and it needed more to prelude it.
His character made the most sense, but overall I felt like I was left wanting more of him and less of his weird grab for power, which brings me to the fact that for the Sparrows, numbers seemed interchangable? For the Umbrellas, it was more of a "we're our numbers and then our names", but the Sparrows had a "names then numbers" approach, which was never explained.
A lot of things when it came to the Sparrows were never explained-- Christopher, whatever the "Jennifer Incident" was and why and how it killed Ben, and probably other things I'm not remembering at the moment.
No. 7: Viktor
I'm going to prelude this by saying that Viktor is and has been my least favourite character for a number of reasons, and that hasn't changed.
I went into the season hoping that they wouldn't do a big 'trans narrative', partially because I'm trans and also aware that no matter what they did, it was going to come off weirdly, partially because they weren't planning for it ahead of time, and partially because I was concerned that it would end up being his entire character arc.
See the full post
59 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
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See the full post
144 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
they couldn't do COVID in the Miraculous universe because no one would be able to recognize anyone at all
like, they'd all get to class and someone calls the police because that's not their teacher at the head of the class
there's a headline like 'who is the new masked superhero saving Paris?' only to have one a few days later that's like 'mysterious superhero revealed to be LADYBUG'
(post brought to you courtesy of my older sibling)
307 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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daletraita · 22 days
Scopri il testo della canzone “Pills & Automobiles” di Chris Brown
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tanagause · 1 month
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daletraesp · 2 months
Ver la letra de la canción “Pills & Automobiles” de Chris Brown
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strawhbrrries · 1 year
all that matters playlist
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official playlist here.
side a-
all that matters - justin bieber
pills & automobiles -chris brown
the way to go -mike.
high hopes -mike.
let me explain -bryson tiller
come get her - rae sremmurd
yup! -yung gravy
can you feel my heart -bring me the horizon
lights down low -maejor
pony -ginuwine
side b-
karma -taylor swift
dinner & diatribes -hozier
kilby girl -the backseat lovers
long way 2 go -cassie
somebody told me -the killers
your teeth in my neck -kali uchis
the man -taylor swift
like a boy -ciara
drunk in love -beyonce
b.i.t.c.h. -meg thee stallion
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spookysaladchaos · 4 months
Global Top 7 Companies Accounted for 52% of total Urokinase (CAS 9039-53-6) market (QYResearch, 2021)
Urokinase, also known as urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA), is a serine protease present in humans and other animals. The human urokinase protein was discovered, but not named, by McFarlane and Pilling in 1947. Urokinase was originally isolated from human urine, and it is also present in the blood and in the extracellular matrix of many tissues. The primary physiological substrate of this enzyme is plasminogen, which is an inactive form (zymogen) of the serine protease plasmin.
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According to the new market research report “Global Urokinase (CAS 9039-53-6) Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Urokinase (CAS 9039-53-6) market size is projected to reach USD 0.07 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 4.7% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Urokinase (CAS 9039-53-6) Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Urokinase (CAS 9039-53-6) Top 7 Players Ranking and Market Share(Based on data of 2021, Continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Urokinase (CAS 9039-53-6) include LIVZON, Techpool, etc. In 2021, the global top three players had a share approximately 52.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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dexter10078 · 5 months
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uhhuhohuh · 6 months
once once once a loooong time ago there were t2wo best friends named Cheeky and
SPaghetti. special aghetti. species of erregetti. the spirit of etti.
They found them both friendships from the cloud, they watched over them from: the cLoud.
haha it was like they knew to watch them or introduce them. not too long ago, fabric space tore. There was one tear, then two, then...
From story to story, characters hop and choose different story-endings. Not used to happening, special spentetti found a chamomile bunch of flowers, and bags of them too. she found them throughout, spread them among, felt petals crumble between her fingers. She looked up.
Really really really long drives home, hours often, lost in neighborhoods. Walking on cold nights home on side walks not suitable. Fragmented neighborhoods and cities, crossroads, gotta get back, she said.
So they fought like that, cheek cheek and special spider number two.
Cheekers really just wanted to combine a small power plant from the north side mitochondria together with the nucleated graphene structures constructed on the dermis of spelled umbrelli. She Gotcha!
She said, she got something else. Like a road ticket. or an appearance in court. Soooo sad. It was so sad for Cheeky poo. But spantatti had some other plans, she got a ticket too. She made her ticket eat Cheekos ticket. It was so bloody actually. There was ticket blood. Somebody cried that night, but it wasn't chucky or SPlits.
The story didn't end there. Someone has neuropathy. someone else had a character that introduced themselves through the wall, tearing through words as they were characters themselves. Nobody thought about it like that at first but Checkers sure did. Cheeko sought some help from therapist and found, hello. SPitospoto found the ride home necessary, hello? she applied for three jobs. They both did. The girls, you could say.
They got together and split the fabric of reality apart and now they had spilled out into the ethereal multi-dimensional reality of other possibilities. The topology of the letter C is how it began. Cheek to cheek. Somehow, over the first hump. Under the second. Ch-ch. They have to find the meaning to it. There isn't much time left.
Spilled tea delivered the automobile to the garage, the vehicle to the portal, the ensemble of auspicious spirits to the mud. She pilled the pea all over the pod. The pill was oblong, opaque, and opportune. Not only was there one, two rubies. They was a ruby. The ruby, it was really there. More people had seen it than not, believe it. There were rubies in the entire story. The beginning had them, you just had to know where to look.
Cheek got to know the beginning well, Spillow found it Antagonizing. "How can the acetylcholine agonists interpret interleukin-B? let alone, little ole me?" hehe.
a love letter.
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kneehoming-knee · 7 months
Watch Pills & Automobiles on YouTube Music
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