uzaycan · 4 years
"Kız öldü!" diyorum, "tek başına dışardaymış" diyor. "Kız öldü!" diyorum, "nasıl giyinmiş" diyor. "Kız öldü!" diyorum, "soyu sopu, dini, ırkı neymiş" diyor. Yahu kız diyorum, öldü...umutları, hayalleri, geleceği öldü. Annesi öldü.. Babası öldü..İNSANLIK ÖLDÜ...
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sutverentavukk · 4 years
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Bir kadını sokak ortasında dövebilir hatta öldürebilirsin. Ama öpersen toplum buna tepki gösterir. Çünkü değerleri olan bir toplumuz.
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sonfecigalaksimiz · 4 years
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Böylesine, güzel bi ruhu nasıl mahvettiniz.
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sozvermistin · 4 years
"Kadını el üstünde tutmak demek tabutuna omuz vermek demek değildir."
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bihterzelihagl · 4 years
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mirzayeva · 4 years
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Bir evin işığı yenə söndü, ümüdlər öldü, gözlər yaşlı qaldı, xəyallar bitdi..🌙🖤
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liliitthhh · 4 years
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karmakarisikbirkiz · 4 years
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Allah seni kahretsin şerefsiz oç!! Seni de senin gibileri de sikiyim beyinsiz!! Ya siz nasıl varlıklarsınız!! Siz insan mısınız?!! Eğer siz insansanız ben insan olmayı reddediyorum bu ne amk?!! Şerefsiz piç, o kız sen yak öldür, birde beton dök göm diye mi bu yaşa gelmiş, annesi babası gecesini gündüzüne katmış, büyütmüş!!! Ne sanıyorsunuz siz ya?! Ha birde kızın giyimine yaşam tarzına laf atanlar var. Allah' ım sabır ya!! Lan salaklar, ne olursa olsun hiç kimse böyle bir vahşete kurban gitmeyi hak etmez!!! O kafanıza sokun şunu yeter!! Ne bir kadın, ne bir erkek, ne bir çocuk, ne de bir hayvan bunları hak etmez!!! Sizin zihniyetinize tüküreyim!! Kadına şiddete hayır!!! Erkeğe şiddete hayır!! İnsana şiddete hayır!!! Hayvana şiddete hayır!!! Uyanın artık, bugün öldürülmedik ama yarın ne olacağını bilmiyoruz, belki bir sonra ki haber ben olucam ya da sen ya da o!! Güvenceniz var mı? Yok!! Bu yüzden susma ve dur de!!!!!
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miyolnir · 4 years
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kaanozer · 4 years
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kendineyazar · 4 years
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You have to learn how to love womans, not to kill! #pinargultekin
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melisalala · 4 years
"Nefretinizle yanmadım,ben hiç öldürülmedim.."
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veganlogicdinamo · 4 years
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Posted @withregram • @ethically.erin @stayingwoc 🚨 NEW YORKERS 🚨 Help us get as many people as possible to come out and protest the Turkish government’s plan to withdraw from the Istanbul Convention!! Share this wherever you can, wear a mask, bring some friends, and come thru!!✊🏾🇹🇷 https://m.facebook.com/events/3207115672707138?notif_t=plan_admin_added&notif_id=1596761644588208&ref=m_notif • #istanbulsözleşmesiyaşatır #turkey #turkishwomenrights #femicide #turkishwomen #justice #pınar #pinargultekin #pınargültekin #challengeaccepted #kadınaşiddetehayır #challenge #socialactivism #activism #womenempowerment #newyork #newyorkcity #protest #march #solidarity https://www.instagram.com/p/CDkjZr9gCIJ/?igshid=gca3fnq9pb91
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kool-schmool · 4 years
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Bet y’all didn’t kno this round of #challengeaccepted was started because @pinar._.gultekin was murdered by her ex bf for rejecting his advances. She was reported missing 7.16 and found 7.21 beaten, strangled and burned inside a barrel that was covered in cement. The ex confessed to all this only after being caught on camera buying cans of gas and is currently in custody. activists in turkey started posting b/w photos of themselves to mirror the b/w photos of Pinar and other murdered women seen in newspapers every day as a call to action to raise awareness about Femicide and the injustices behind it in their country (and around the world- let us not forget women in Central America, Malaysia, etc etc literally around the world women are murdered for being women). #womensupportingwomen was the tag with #challengeaccepted as the caption which snowballed into a worldwide selfie party featuring celebs and everyone and their mother posting about how being a woman means empowerment, support ur friends etc etc, essentially pushing the original posters/tagged photos involving #pinargultekin out of sight. I’m all for women supporting women and posting selfies and feeling cute and empowered but ppl need to stop falling for this #socialmedia #propaganda that twists necessary awareness campaigns into weirdo virtue signaling ego boosts. If you shared, posted, or were tagged in this challenge and don’t have Pinars name anywhere in your post take a min and think about why. Read up on femicide. Realize how you are contributing to silencing a murdered woman’s story. I’m glad y’all are feeling yourselves/your friends during this tough time in the world but rly this shit was supposed to be about Pinar who just wanted to graduate from college and live her life without being bothered by her ex. This also hits close to home bc my friend steph was murdered by her ex in April 2019. He shot her point blank in a wawa with an assault rifle. Say her name too #stephaniefalonmiller. Say all the names of women who have been murdered simply for being woman. #femicide is a pandemic as bad as #covid19. Maybe some day we can get over both... #sayhername https://www.instagram.com/p/CDVifnrjHiK/?igshid=dpxl1yhcn8z9
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yoursunshinenis · 4 years
Alma mazlumun ahını çıkar aheste aheste, olsada paran deste deste, zor ödersin son nefeste.
nedemiş şair ama çok güzel demiş be
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