andorerso · 1 month
Saw your tags saying that you don't like the smell of smoking but some people make it look hot and I'm mad that you're right bc I saw a gifset of Ewan McGregor characters smoking and he DID look hot doing it even though I despise the smell😭
I KNOW!! so many people in movies look hot as hell, it's unfair 🥵
I'm curious about that Ewan gifset if you still have it 👀 but also... may I point out this dude as well
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jyndor · 8 months
About the Lula comment: I do wish he was doing more for the situation (trying to send help for Palestinians and actively going against Israel) but honestly the fact that he publicly recognizes it as a genocide of Palestinian people and not a "war" is already tons better than a lot of world leaders🙃 also with the way Israel is blocking any kind of aid trying to get into Gaza(most definitely with help from the US) I'm worried there might not be that much that can actually be done right now beyond condemning it... It's so frustrating.
I will admit my bar for lula is quite high lol in the same way that my bar for bernie is on the ceiling because they're generally so much better than most people.
but yes definitely lula is a real one and is far better than most world leaders on most issues, but definitely on palestine.
it's the us that I hold most in contempt (I mean along with israel ofc) and I am damn lucky I live in delaware where my vote for president does not count at all* because I will not vote for joe biden. I desperately hope that other world leaders step up like lula.
if I had a shot every time someone called this a war I'd be dead from alcohol poisoning three times over
*anyone who has ANYTHING to say to me, learn the fuck about the electoral college already and also respect that I know a little bit about the political workings of my state.
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THE EAGLE MUPPET NDKWKDKWKDK how DOES he manage to both be handsome and look like a muppet at the same time though, that’s a good question
It is a mystery it is his superpower but yes since that wired autocomplete interview I have not been able to unsee it. That concept lives in my head now, rent-free, and starts rattling around whenever I see him. Thanks Pedro Pascal for ruining my life in yet another fun way 🫶💀
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killianglyndon · 11 months
Hi, sorry to bother you, but I'm a newish gifmaker and I've seen several creators complaining about the new post editor but I don't really know what's wrong with it or what's better about the legacy one? What are the differences?
hi so i’ll be honest at first, i haven’t tried new editor yet since i only lost legacy yesterday but this post made by @userzil a while ago explained it pretty well. but the general problems with new editor is quality loss, and it’s really frustrating to edit text and tags, it has a lot of bugs that’s why we’re unhappy about this. i still want to say that if the new editor is good and doesn’t have these bugs and problems then yeah the staff could take away legacy editor, but taking it away without making sure new editor is as good as the old one is just dumb
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maddneys · 1 year
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌 (hi, Aixa!! Hope you had a good bday and that you have a great day!)
mari, meu amor! the fact you sent this after my birthday and i’m replying now… i really need to check my inbox more often. but my previous reply post 100% applies to you as well. espero que esteja tudo muito bem. te mando um forte abraço! ❤️
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the-force-awakens · 2 years
Top 5 star wars quotes?(also hi! I started following you recently and your gifs are really pretty!!)
Hi!!! Ahhhh thank you for the compliment 🥺🥺🥺 oh that's a really good question. In no particular order here bc I'm not good at ranking things on the fly
“the strongest stars have hearts of kyber”
“as long as there's light, we've got a chance"
"some things are stronger than blood”
“we are the spark that'll light the fire that will burn the first order down.”
“that's how we're gonna win. not by fighting what we hate: saving what we love.”
bonus points go to "rebellions are built on hope" and Poe's monologue in the very last issue of the Poe comics, about how it's about saving your galaxy - the one within reach.
ask me my top 5 anything bc I love lists!
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rebeljyn · 1 year
Now I’m wondering if the ppl I sent the asks to know what my main account is BDJSKDK I hope they do…
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wo-oz-moved · 2 years
Kind of forgot to do this before but if anyone who still follows me here wants to keep being mutuals I moved to @pinkpepsican
That’s it thank u lmao
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andorerso · 8 months
About the 33bby thing... yeah when I was looking it up I was so confused like HOW OLD IS THIS MAN HIS AGE CHANGED LIKE 3 TIMES ALREADY!!! Apparently for the whole scene in Kenari to be set at the right time and for him to still be 9yo in that scene he'd have to have been born at around 33bby so I just went with it I don't even care anymore LMAO
no no, you're totally valid for going with the so called "official info" (it's not real to me), I was just thrown for a loop, like WHAT!
but I've also been informed that Scarif was changed from 0BBY to 1BBY.... very very strange, why are we doing this?
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jyndor · 1 year
Ooh I’d really like to see what you’ve written about Jyn meeting Cassian’s friends💕💞💗
i have more planned than actually written LOL but i can talk through the concepts first.
this is all going to be set in the early days after rogue one. pre-relationship as fuck lol. and it's as much a character study of cassian as it is about jyn and her dynamics with these different people who love cassian.
cinta - cinta and jyn partner up on an intel mission. jyn spends a lot of time observing cinta and notices that she's very similar to cassian. cinta says VERY little about cassian, she's a stone cold pro and isn't about to have that kind of talk with jyn about another agent.
i like the idea that cinta is who cassian is in the beginning of rogue one, except that she would have killed galen. not without thought, not because those are her orders, but because cinta would at least partially AGREE with the orders - galen erso is responsible for the death star in many ways, and she'd hold him to account by assassinating him. but she's also WHO CASSIAN IS IN THE BEGINNING OF ROGUE ONE so she'd also find jyn's fire attractive and inspiring, and she'd probably not let jyn die on jedha tbh. in the same way that she supports vel all through the aldhani arc.
i think cinta is too perceptive to just not notice cassian is a merc on aldhani. she believes that he's a rebel (because he is LOL), but she also wouldn't care if he wasn't (she's clearly more upset that vel didn't tell her than that cassian's being paid). i also think she sees a lot of herself in him.
i also want to amp up the queerness. cinta and jyn are both bisexuals obviously, no discussion needed it's canon. but anyway, i think they'd be attracted to each other but i don't do cheating oml. they'll get into some sort of accidentally sexy moment on the mission, jyn's probably down because she's in denial about cassian lol but cinta and vel are definitely not poly so they acknowledge the attraction but it's a non-starter.
cinta will probably say something about jyn having a lover, too, and jyn's like ? um no i think i'd know if i did. and then cinta's like there's no way these two hoes haven't fucked lol but she's wrong, fairly sure she's projecting onto cassian again but whatever.
but the main thing with this section is that jyn learns that cassian wasn't always a rebel - at least that's what cinta will say because whether or not she believes that he wasn't a rebel until after aldhani, she'll respect him enough to not just tell jyn all of her thoughts about how cassian was always a rebel in some ways.
this is gonna piss jyn off LOL that i know. vel will show up in this section but it's mainly about cinta.
melshi - jyn's already met melshi so this will be more about them getting to know each other. in my headcanon rue is an ex-boyfriend of cassian's. unlike with bix and cassian's s1 complicated dynamic (which i have a feeling is based on the relationship being on-and-off when they were younger and probably not having a lot of closure/not always being great about boundaries) they're really just very good friends, their romantic relationship fades more easily than with bix.
jyn and melshi end up as workout buddies. that's the storyline i have planned, jyn needs a spotter while she's lifting weights (what a hottie omg i bet she could lift me) and melshi volunteers. jyn notices that his nose is still fucked up from when she hit him with the shovel on wobani. she sort of apologizes (sort of, she's a tough nut to crack) and he's surprisingly understanding about it. so they end up working out together a couple times a week, and over time he opens up to her about his time on narkina. i'm assuming he was there for a LONG time. eventually he mentions cassian and jyn's like ??? the fuck??? and that's how she learns that cassian was in a labor camp like she was.
i don't think melshi would feel super comfortable talking about cassian's story but also a big motif in this fic is that everyone thinks cassian and jyn are fucking. how these different people handle talking to jyn about cassian is important in exploring these dynamics and relationships. he assumes cassian has told jyn things about his past because when THEY were together, they did a lot of talking about shit.
im not sure where i want to go with how jyn takes it. jyn doesn't trust easily and i think she'd understand that she doesn't know a lot about cassian yet - but something like that is so similar to her own personal trauma that i can't help but think she'd be upset.
bix, bee and brasso - bix works as a mechanic for the rebellion at this point (with her husband brasso and their dog droid bee because lol it's an everyone lives au except all parental figures they're all dead) and is working on the ship cassian and jyn are going to be taking for their first mission together since scarif (cassian is finally cleared to go back in the field, congrats major andor) and jyn finds out that bix and brasso do a lot of salvage work. she wants to find a new chassis for kaytoo so that cassian can have his friend back. ugh love her sfm. what a good thing the fandom has her doing in so much fic.
well, bix is like ? hmm why are you looking for a kx oh shit you're jyn erso. something like that. there's all kinds of rumors about jyn and cassian, and bix is like... yeah of course that tracks. hot, competent, brunette, bit of a smart mouth. and you know bix has been trying to get the tea from cassian for weeks, but he keeps telling her "lies" about how they're not together, it's not a good idea right now, etc.
but this time cassian actually shows up, clearly a bit unnerved by jyn and his old friends (esp bix) scheming together, which is the part i actually have written:
Cassian walks into the mechanic's bay (?) with a familiar unease building up in his chest. He wonders if he’ll always feel this way around Bix. Even before the shitshow on Ferrix, their relationship when they were teenagers always ran hot and cold. Fresh out of a war zone and a prison camp, he wasn’t in any state to love her properly, even if he loved her fiercely, in the way a boy loved his first girlfriend.
Too busy hating the Empire to do better by her. Or anyone. He can’t say he’d do anything differently. They would have always broken up, fallen out of love, grown out of each other. He can’t imagine himself in Brasso’s place, can’t even bring himself to be resentful towards his old friend for their marriage. He never thought about any of that back during their time together - commitment was sneaking around behind her father’s back, saving whiskey for her, keeping his head in the present while he was with her. 
But he doesn’t feel guilty about any of that. Romances end all the time. And he’s a very different man now, one who Bix doesn’t even particularly like sometimes - even if she still loves his sorry ass, exasperatedly and against her better judgment. Their friendship is shaped by trauma and loss and hope, like he is himself.
He doesn’t feel guilty about breaking her heart. 
Her torture, however, he carries with him everywhere he goes. It wasn’t his fault but he feels responsible. For the change in her very chemical makeup. For the hands that shake, the way she never quite trusts her privacy.
Still. She’s been a lot better lately. Since Scarif and the Battle of Yavin. He just hopes-
Jyn Erso is in the mech bay. Smiling with Bix over a large pile of black metal and wires. Jyn doesn’t just smile at strangers. 
The uneasy feeling grows.
[… blah blah some shit i haven’t written, jyn fucks off …]
Bix sighs, wiping her forehead with her rag. "You being… you-” Cassian crosses his arms. “Don’t look at me like that, of course I thought you fucked her. ‘Course I did.”
“It’s not like that,” he says. She rolls her eyes and pulls out another wire. “Jyn and I… it’s never been like that. Not even sure where this rumor came from, anyway.”
“She’s gorgeous and competent. Only issue is that she’s not in a long-term monogamous relationship for you to screw up-” Cassian glares at her. She laughs. “Are you serious? You disobeyed the kriffing Council for her!”
“For the Rebellion,” he corrects, and he’s mostly not lying.
“And I’m the Queen of Naboo, and Bras is secretly related to Wynssa Starflare. Who are you kidding?” Her smile fades. “But I believe you now,” Bix says. “Seeing you two together. It’s definitely not like that.”
Cassian turns away. “I’m glad that’s settled.”
Her eyes widen and she reaches for his arm, turning him back around. “No, I don’t mean- shit Cass. You know how sometimes things don’t come out right for me now.” She bites her lip. “You’re in love with her, and she has no idea.”
“She’s my partner, Bix.”
“You should tell her.”
He shakes his head. “We’re in the middle of a war. It’s really not a good time.”
“Brasso and I got married last year, you nerf!”
“I am a spy, Bix!” Cassian snaps. “I carry a poison pill in my jacket so that if I get caught, I don’t give up Rebel secrets. I’m already living on borrowed time.” He shuts his eyes. “She’s lost everyone who ever loved her, and you think I should tell her? I wonder how long it’ll be until I’m lying dead somewhere. Just another disappointment. Three, four months? A year?” He opens his eyes again and sees Bix shaking her head, stricken. “I’m sorry.”
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jyndor · 1 year
About Bolsonaro fleeing to the USA: yep, he went to Miami, where he'll be staying at a former MMA fighter's mansion, in a "family vacation" lmao dictionaries should put his picture under the definition of "sore loser". Meanwhile his minions have been protesting the election since it happened. One of my friends has had to deal with their bullshit protests right in front of her spartment building since October. Hopefully they'll shut up now though.
OF FUCKING COURSE MIAMI lmfao family vacation in exile ig I hope he spends the whole time pouting like the little bitch he is and every time he goes to the beach it rains
ugh I hope the protesters stop, that must be scary as hell for your friend.
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jyndor · 1 year
How do you always get these super rude anons telling you what to do on YOUR blog?? Idk why ppl can’t just respectfully agree to have different opinions or just like… shut up altogether djsjdjsks tumblr doesn’t have an algorithm if they don’t want to see your opinions on things they don’t have to and most importantly they don’t have to send rude anonymous asks telling you you’re wrong for finding parallels???
im all for critiquing people because some people put horrible shit on their blogs, i don't care about that. but then i also get some weird bodhi/cass shipper, a ship i've NEVER interacted with in my life because A) slash fandoms are usually queerphobic and fetishizing as fuck and so i have a bit of anxiety about dealing with these straight women who clown around and harass queer people for not shipping some ship even though they're literally the ones making those spaces uncomfortable as hell for us and especially mlm, and B) idk it seems like there was some beef back in the day between rc and sp shippers which... is so weird and im sure it wasn't cute all around, knowing this fandom, and i don't want any part of that shit.
id rather they send me petty bitch anons than pretend like they have some grievance with me other than just not liking jyn or cassian idk at this point these people are funky and up my butt
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jyndor · 2 years
Ppl shipping dedra and syril are really scaring me djsjsks like I want dedra to die by the hands of the rebels and ppl she oppressed not be in a relationship that’s a whole different kind of oppression instead?? Syril is legit an incel stalker?? Why would u wish that on any woman, including the ones u hate😭 like ppl can find their dynamic interesting but wishing for it to continue is so weird to me
here's hoping the only action syril gets is with his breakfast cereal. and here's hoping dedra gets hit by a car bomb or something idk I'm not picky.
their dynamic is interesting to me in the, oh lol this is TERRIBLE kind of way. but I'm not surprised people shipped reylo even harder after he told her she's nobody or whatever he said in tlj 😭😭
also it's interesting that audiences almost never get to see colonizers and imperials die directly at the hands of the people they've oppressed. it will be interesting to see if gilroy makes that happen.
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jyndor · 2 years
I’m glad I followed u, I get to know all the wild ass shit people have been saying about andor and rogue one without having to actually see the posts with my own eyes LMAO it’s like hearing about someone else’s family drama without being involved in it
LOL awwww thats such a nice thing to see but im not really seeing most of it either LOL, its more like you're hearing someone else being told about someone else's family drama but they're kind of drunk so they have to monologue about it to you
because trust me i never see the shit hit the fan, im always at work
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jyndor · 2 years
I have no idea where you’re seeing hate on cassian’s exes and sex life but you’re sure making me grateful for not knowing😭 Am I just very alienated from it or have you found a rotten internet niche?
tbf to me i did not find it i was innocently waxing buttholes all day long today
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She sees all… she knows you’re talking shit about her
Well there's only one thing for it then
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We duke it out in a duel to the death
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