rose-wine-selfships · 5 years
A Fated Encounter 
Atsushi Nakajima x Christina Avila
Atsushi was way down on his luck. After arriving a little too late to see the rest of the Agency take care of the little problem (the Port Mafia) that invaded their workspace, he decided he needed to find a way to stay in this place altogether. He absolutely loathed the feeling of being so helpless while the rest of his co-workers took care of all the action that happened during the heated moments. Akiko, Kenji, and Kunikida took care of them with ease, while it made him feel even more of a burden if that were possible. More than that he wanted to prove to these people that he could do something...anything to prove himself a worthy human being capable of fighting his own battles too!
 Breathing out a deep, disappointed sigh he leaned back into his leather bound chair at his own basic cubicle. He glanced down at the small green plastic cover, a small green lamp, and a splayed array of basic work pens with leftovers of unfinished contract papers to unionize himself into the current organization. Atsushi knows he has to finish those papers soon. But after feeling so mentally and emotionally fatigued from today, he decided to push them away and covered his face with the palms of his black fingerless gloved hands. Trying anything to convince himself to think about anything other than the ridiculous amount of paperwork he has to sign to officially become a member. 
“A-ts-u-shi kun~...”
His head instantly perked up and shiny golden irises stared back into the mischievous mahogany eyes of the original shaggy-haired owner, Osamu Dazai. 
After blinking for a moment, Atsushi’s eyes instantly narrowed suspiciously and he let out another groan,” What do you want Dazai-san?”
Dazai’s grin instantly gets wider and more visible as his pearly white teeth come into full view. It was what Atsushi called his, “wolf grin”. And he certainly emulated the perfect,”wolf in sheep’s clothing” impression down to a T. Dazai decided to get closer to his young accomplice and unpredictably spin Atsushi around in his chair to face him and pull him instantly closer to him. Atsushi yelped in surprise upon the contact of Dazai gripping his black chair armrests almost for dear life.
“Since you told me you felt useless because you can’t control your ability it got me to think about something. We actually have a member in our agency that can perfect the way she can control her ability almost down to an art form. Her name is Christina Avila, and she has quite a talent for controlling it as well as befriending people of all backgrounds. She has an amazing sense Atsushi-kun, and I’d love for you to meet her straight away!”
“ Really? “ Atsushi tilted his head in confusion ,” I never met the woman before. How do I know you’re not making this up?”
“Actually,” Kunikida spoke up,”she is quite real. She’s actually our counselor and life advisor here at the Armed Detective Agency. She doesn’t come out often because most missions don’t require her specialization. However, when it comes to high pressure or hostage situations with troubled people, she’s absolutely perfect for the job as a negotiator. Avila-san is very good at getting people to open up, be confident in their ambitions, and help others be the best versions of themselves. ” 
Kunikida smiled fondly before continuing,” I remember when I first met her. The poor young lady was so flustered yet pleasant to me. She did everything possible to help me out with the paperwork Dazai left behind every shift. I can’t be any more grateful to at least have someone JUST as hard-working, responsible, and dedicated as I am.” 
The blond, glasses wearing, pony-tailed man shifted towards Atsushi and replied further,” You’re in good hands Atsushi. I don’t always agree with what this ‘ suicidal maniac’ says often,”
“Hey!” Dazai retorted while puffing his cheeks out childishly.
 “ But in this case he’s right. It would be good for you to make constant appointments with Avila-san. In fact, I’ll contact her right now.”
Kunikida made a beeline for his desk before quickly pressing the red button next to the small intercom he had at his incredibly tidy workspace. The button made a sharp buzzing sound before the speaker turned on instantly.
“Yes?~” A pleasant, high-pitched voice replied over the speaker.
“ Are you free now Avila-san?” Kunikida questioned.
“ I should be on break. Why?” the woman giggled with her last question.
“ Because I have a newcomer for you in your office. His name is Atsushi Nakajima and he’ll need daily appointments to make with you regarding ability control.”
“I’m on it. Send him over!” Christina chirped over the intercom.
As soon as Kunikida lifted his pointer finger off the little red button, Dazai snuck up behind the silver haired boy and pushed Atsushi with both arms all the way over to the other side of the hallway. 
“Wh-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” He screeched in a panicked confusion. 
“Helping you get to Miss Chrissy’s office!~” Dazai counteracted nonchalantly, using every bit of his upper arm strength to push the bewildered tiger boy as quick as he can to the closed office at the end of the hall next to where the workers lounge was at.
 As soon as they both reached the end of the hallway, Dazai quickly dashed away yelling a bye and good luck to his unhinged pupil. Atsushi just stared at the door a moment before yelling back obscenities at his mentor for dragging him around like this. He leaned his forehead towards the door with a slight sweat running down his face from potential nervousness and a hint of fatigue. The young man could clearly see the shiny metal plate adorned on the center of the wooden door reading,” Christina Avila, Counselor and Life Specialist” translated in both English and Japanese. Atsushi drew in a quick breath before gently rapping on the door.
He didn’t hear anything at first, so the silver-streaked young man pushed the door slowly open before stuttering out a couple nervous hellos. Atsushi was completely unprepared for the sight before him. In front of him was a very pretty, dark, curly long haired woman in her 20′s. She was wearing a beige sweater with buttons, a low-cut pink top, small pink scarf, purple midi-skirt, with a pink floral headband and rectangular red glasses that further accentuated the features on her freckled, round face. Her hooded eyelids had a luminous pink eyeshadow that went well with the shiny, small, yet plump pink lips that obviously shone with lip gloss. Atsushi could definitely tell she was a natural beauty underneath all that make-up, but even more so when he noticed how her figure was positioned at her work desk. 
Both of her shapely legs were propped up on the top of her work desk, and he could clearly see her dark brown tights that clung deliciously to them with the pink ribboned kitten heels that had small white puffed laces on the back. Christina had the makings of a petite Marilyn Monroe in terms of a voluptuous figure. Large breasts, a small waist, and an equally large derriere with matching thick thighs and hips with her midi skirt barely peeking up the the top of her mid thigh. She didn’t notice him coming in at first. Christina had been preoccupied with using her small white gloved hands to hold a pocket mirror in one hand, and putting on her tinted lip balm in the other.
Atsushi’s eyes widened as she lined her luscious bottom lip with the sweet smelling lip balm. Seeing her doing a basic lip lining act somehow became the most intimate, personal, and indirectly erotic thing he’s ever seen. All the blood rushed to his head, as well as ‘other’ areas too. Feeling oddly uncomfortable seeing her like this, he gulped loudly and pressed his right hand towards his lips, darting his eyes away. 
Christina heard him gulp loudly and jumped a bit in her seat. But as she saw him fidgeting around a bit at the doorway, she giggled at his reaction and beckoned him to come over to her visitors chair with a motion of her hand. Putting away her pocket mirror and lip balm in her desk drawer.
“Come on over my dear, don’t be shy.~” she said sweetly before batting her eyelashes a bit.
‘Dear?’ Atsushi’s head began to spin from being called that and let out an involuntary happy whine that almost sounded like a big cat chirping. He quickly made it over to the chair before sitting awkwardly in the cushion, legs clenched together, palms pressed together and soaked with sweat. For the next minute, he couldn’t speak. Atsushi mentally berated himself for being so silent. That he could only stare at the brown haired beauty queen in front of him for only a few seconds before his dilated golden pupils glued themselves to the floor.
“ I heard all about you, you know? Atsushi Nakajima, the wonder boy of the Armed Detective Agency. Now,” she mused as she went through his personal files on the top of her desk,” I heard you can shape-shift into a tiger am I correct?”
Atsushi couldn’t do anything other than just nod his blushing head silently to her questioning. 
“However, I’ve also had multiple reports from Dazai-san that you can’t quite control your ability yet. He’s done a good job at recommending me though.” Christina stood up for a moment before walking over to the front of her desk and pushing herself to sit on top the desk cross-legged. Making direct contact at him, she bounced her top leg back and forth in a playful manner.
 “ I’m quite the pro at controlling my ability, often to the benefit of others around me. Now, I want you to look at me for a moment, please.”
He slowly looked up at her, a little lost in thought while soaking in her voice. 
“ I think you have a gift Atsushi-kun, and you need to cherish it because it will always be a part of you. Now I’m going to help you embellish this gift of yours because every ability needs to have their own brand of touch and control upon themselves. But I’ll need your help too. You need to help me push yourself further than just controlling the were-tiger. You need to also master the stages of your ability, and make it your own masterpiece. Treat your ability lovingly, like an art form, and you have the entirety of life at your fingertips. I know you can do it Atsushi-kun. What do you say?” She persuaded in an impassioned manner, a smile tugging at her lips mirthfully.
Atsushi’s eyes widened again, this time with a strong emotion. Determined to shine through and somehow make this lovely lady in front of him proud. After a good few seconds, his mouth twitched into a lop-sided smile complimenting the current dark blush on his cheeks. His eyes softened and became half-lidded with a sparkle uncommon to his features. 
“Sure.” his voice wavering into a softened tenor tone.
“Good! Let’s meet up again same time tomorrow, and I’ll get you started on lesson one for ability control!” Christina gently patted his right shoulder and gave a quick flirty wink before walking out of her office with a saunter in her step. 
The silver haired boy turned over in his chair watching her walk away before murmuring in an enamored manner,” I can’t wait...Avila-senpai.”
Dazai overheard in the hallway before giving a knowing smirk, proud of what he’s accomplished in getting these two together. He flips a yen coin in an absent minded manner and kept whistling a nonsensical tune until he disappeared from sight.
(I wanted to do a ‘how they first met’ story so badly for me and my f/o and I’m so glad I finished it all in one night! Hope you guys enjoy it! - The Pink Prophet🌹✨)
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