#pinksparkl beloved <3
gingerbreadmonsters · 4 months
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romirola · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Tagged by the wonderful @pinksparkl! Thank you, friend!
Tagging @evilbunnyking, @autisticempathydaemon, @gingerbreadmonsters, and anyone else who'd like to join in the fun!
1 - How many works do you have on AO3? 42
2 - What's your total AO3 word count? 573,530
3 - What fandoms do you write for? Lately, RedactedASMR, but I write for whatever fandom interests me and I think I could add a story to it.
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Snapshots of Dahlia (Rated G-T)
Secrets Between Friends
Lucky in Love
Snapshots of Dahlia (Rated M-E) 18+ only, please!
Cross My Heart
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Always! Every single comment! I love the opportunity to engage with someone who has chosen to allow me to share my work with them. It's a wonderful means of connection that has led to many friendships. If you leave me a comment, you can count on a response. Comments truly make me day, and I want to thank you for that!
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Dying Words (ImperiumVerse)
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Happy endings are a key element to my fics, so my impulse is to say all of them! I think (It Was the First Time) Things Felt Normal Again has a particularly happy ending, given the angst in the previous chapters.
8 - Do you get hate on fics? I welcome all comments of any kind.
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I write soft-smut, meaning that although sexy things are going on, it's honestly the emotions and character that drive the plot. I need it to mean something, to tell a story.
10 - Do you write crossovers? Yup! For example, Sleep Well and Dream Better.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of. Plagiarism is a heinous act of destruction.
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I know of.
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, but not under this penname.
14 - What's your all time favorite ship? Milo/Sweetheart
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I aim to finish everything I start!
16 - What are your writing strengths? I like to think I have a knack for portraying the characters in a way that feels authentic to canon, but digs deeper and allows for interesting stories.
17 - What are your writing weaknesses? I can be repetitive. I can struggle to find the right ending. I have trouble juggling many characters in one scene.
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? If it fits the story/character, yeah!
19 - First fandom you wrote for? Happy Days
20 - Favorite fic you've written? Every fic I've written is my beloved favorite. Tell me what you want to read, and I'll be happy to rec a fic to you if I can.
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konnorhasapen · 1 year
Snippet Saturday!
Big HUGE thank to @pinksparkl for helping me out with this chapter that is currently being written!! You are amazing and wonderful and I appreciate you very much<3
As for Snippet Saturdays and Sundays, I've decided to dedicate the Saturday to Treading Water snippets and Sunday will be for OC stuff to avoid giving away too much of the pirate fic at one time^-^ hope y'all don't mind!
Now that that's out of the way, onto the snippet!
   "By the Gods..," he said, gazing with wide, awestricken silvery blue eyes upon the one stood before him; the fabrics of their clothes, so weightless and brights as they fell like elegant waterfalls bounding over every curve of their figure. A beautiful ensemble that accentuated every perfection and made their flaws stand out, not in the sense of overpowering their radiance, but enhancing it. They were flaws as declared by themself and the likes of society, but to him, they were constellations, rivers, familiar paths that he knew and loved. They told the story of the life of his most beloved one, and to that end, they were just as exquisite as their most gorgeous features.
   They said something, he could see their lips moving, but the voice was absent as it always was. Though he always knew what they would say. Always.
   'Do I look that horrendous?' Was what they'd asked, expression sheepish as a bridge of rose flushed across their complexion, stretching so far that it reached the tips of their ears—slightly more pointed than the average, but still stunning. Everything about them was stunning to him.
   "Absolutely not," he made clear immediately, rushing forward to take their face gently in his hands. It had taken the will of the world not to melt at the way they looked at him; like he was everything in the world to them. He hoped they thought he believed the same when their eyes met his. "You're splendor is far greater than anything or anyone I've ever seen. You're gorgeous, Lovely."
   'Please,' he read on their enticing lips. 'In all the fairly short time I've known you, you're such an unapologetic flirt, Vincent." His brain rattled a little as he blinked owlishly at them. A voice had just tumbled out from their maw and it said his name, but it wasn't them. It was not the Lovely—his Lovely—that had frequently roamed about freely within his own mind. The voice sounded familiar...
   "Vincent," there it went again. It sounded staticky and muffled, but even through the haze he knew he recognized it from somewhere. His attempts at trying to force his conscience to remember who the voice belonged to were cast aside quickly when he noticed his Lovely had begun leaning in to capture his lips with theirs. He watched as their eyes fluttered shut, waiting for him to make his move. He let his own eyes close as he obeyed their silent request and—
   "Vincent!" The voice shouted with its chest, scaring him the man awake and sending him scrambling up from his cot so fast he wound up on the floor rather than his feet.  "Gods, it's about damn time. I've been trying to get you up for hours!" It was Alexis, now bent over him with her hands pitched on her hips while Vincent groaned.
Hope you enjoyed! I do believe this is all coming along swimmingly :)
@morgansplace @sri-rachaa @sealriously-sealrious @frenchiefitzhere @epsi-l0n @star-sheeps @slushrottweiler @pinksparkl @whatalovelymae @anthrokiaera @0605018redactedasmr @beemybella @febreze-bottle-without-febreze @nonbinarycringe404 @the-gender-bending-squid @zozo-01 @reyofsunshinelol (if you'd like to be tagged in more stuff about Treading Water, lemme know!^-^)
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gingerbreadmonsters · 3 months
Giiiiiingeeeeer~~~ 💕💖
Rise and shine~ I bring some questions for you~ ✨️
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
pink is talking about this ask game (still open!)
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
haunted stare. the one problem with writing about cannibals is that it inevitably results in a lot of googling re: the logistics of killing and eating humans, e.g. what aqueous humour (fluid that keeps human eyeballs inflated) tastes like, and what happens to the viscosity of human blood if you freeze and then melt it
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
[head in hands] apologies to shaw pack enjoyers but asher gets on my wick faster than you could believe and i won't apologise for it, although there are of course good things about his character:
his arc in the imperium: cataclysm is absolutely fantastic and the bits where he's arguing with vincent are so entertaining
i have nothing but respect for men who are comfortable enough in their masculinity to be unashamedly switchy without feeling like it's beneath them
he talks about star trek in exactly the same way i talk about the doctor who revival so i have to give credit for that
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
i am being so fucking serious i could not in good faith allow even a single one of these go unappreciated, so do consider this a top 3, in reverse order of recency:
@spookybeandoodle's alexis, who lives unparalleled in my heart forever and ever, she is the most gorgeous woman in the world and i love her to pieces
@sri-rachaa's gavin, who remains the most beautiful birthday present on earth, and who has the excellent distinction of being from sweet rae my wonderful friend from internet
@sincerelywhistler's vega, who ate my heart so intensely that not only do i think about that man every single day, but also whose resplendent ponytail has written itself into the next installment of my vega + warden series
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gingerbreadmonsters · 8 months
wip title game <3
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP list, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it. and then tag as many people as you have WIPs!
thank you to the wonderful @pinksparkl for the tag!! 💕💕 look i'll say it - you've probably seen a fair number of these before, because if i am terrible at one thing it is sticking to a plan lmao 🫠🫠 i did add the byline, though, so you can maybe make an educated guess...?? i am a chronic oversharer, so do feel free to ask about any of them - i put everything in a randomiser, so the order doesn't mean anything hehe
edit: i'm adding links to ones i've already answered, so you can see what's going on <3
too close to hide or: I'M ON THE HUNT, I'M AFTER YOU. hometown hero or: it's even better than the thing you're not. i know you or: that gleam in your eyes... HEART EYES CRY BLOOD!! or: ...we came in?
fun laughs good time or: now, let me get right to the point. happy birthday mister president or: take a deep breath and blow... the candles out. slip of the tongue or: he's been there all afternoon, malapropping up the bar.... thicker than water or: some apples fall a little further from the tree. sunkissed or: keep your friends close, and your anemones closer! SOCKPUPPET or: there are no strings on me! kiss the ring or: your wish is my command. better look out or: don't tease me, just squeeze me! solution euphoria or: reanimating the dead, maybe. something strange or: who you gonna call?
no-pressure tags: @zozo-01 @autisticempathydaemon @ejunkiet @lovelylonerliterature @starlitangels @romirola @frenchiefitzhere @dominimoonbeam @bicyclepainting @calicostorms 💕💕💕💕💕
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gingerbreadmonsters · 8 months
Hey Ginger~~ 💖💖💖 your titles alone are works of art, wow!! 😀 The one that jumped out at me the most was "slip of the tongue" what d'you wanna tell me about it? 💕
pinksparkl's talking about this ask game (still open!) <3
i have to be so honest i have been staring unseeing at this one for like two months for no better reason that procrastination lmao 🫣🫣 this started as a thing about gavin having trouble with vernacular english and weird human expressions?? but really it's just devolved into shameless making out on the counter, so who even knows at this point lol
“Also, you’ve, uh-” Damien motions to your face, and Gavin stifles a giggle as you spot your reflection in the microwave door - more specifically, the conspicuous smear of secondhand chocolate milk all across your mouth. “You’ve got a little something…” Oh, the bastard. Damien reaches over to grab a square of kitchen roll for you, pointing an accusing finger at Gavin when the incubus tries to-
“Gavin!” Not even your hand over his face, pushing him away, can suppress his laughter at your theatrical disgust. “You are not going to - no, no, don’t you dare-!” “No, come on, deviant,” he whines, not even trying to hold back his smile, pulling at your shirt as he tries to get back within licking distance. “I’ll be so quick!” “That’s not what - no! - that’s not what I - no, no, fuck off!”  Gleefully, he skips out of reach, cackling wildly as you take the offered piece of kitchen roll and scrub exaggeratedly at the shiny streak of incubus spit that’s now decorating your cheek. “Too slow!” “There, there.” Damien pats your shoulder in grim solidarity, closing his eyes for a second in what’s either mock solemnity, or a belated attempt to stave off a Gavin-induced migraine. “It happens to the best of us.”
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gingerbreadmonsters · 11 months
cu-wip-osity tag game <3
i'm not apologising for the pun. thank you to the gorgeous @pinksparkl for the tag - your wips all sound absolutely WONDERFUL!! i do hope mine don't disappoint - some of these have been burning in google docs hell for, uh, some time... they're vaguely in order of how recently i looked at them, but it's not exactly perfect lol
rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. let others ask questions about the ones that interest them, and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
easy pickings - the follow-up to resist and elongate. vega and warden being their usual, nauseously-adorable, violently-murderous selves while tying the (metaphorical and literal) knot.
solution euphoria - my beloved companion cube au! i read LAB RAT and i was never the same again. what if vindemiator had stayed to help attack the imperial palace?
kiss the ring - imagine if the solaire house had, like, a jewellery shop underneath it. now imagine vincent and lovely wandering around in there and flirting a bit. it's good isn't it
hold 'em - this is the gavin bondage fic i mentioned the other day! there's a chair, there's some rope, you know the drill. i have a note at the beginning that just says "glasses???", but there's nothing in the actual text that matches with that, so i guess he's wearing glasses of some sort...? idk i'll figure it out
slip of the tongue - ngl this is basically my gavin appreciation document, it's kind of just non-stop kissing for a few thousand words. there's a thin pretense of plot but that's really all it is
captive audience - vega and warden domestic bliss: the fic. this is basically a short side story for easy pickings (above), because i wanted to write this particular scene but it doesn't quite fit. they have breakfast, it's cute, until you remember what they like to eat for breakfast and then it's decidedly less cute and more horrifying.
extracurriculum - i think zo put me up to this? lovely and vincent having some alone time in one of the empty stairwells at DAMN. it's exactly what it sounds like.
thicker than water - ooh i have not looked at this for a WHILE! this is much more violent than i normally go in for, but it's basically vincent and alexis beating each other into the floor for a few thousand words. i guess i was having an off day?
rose and cherry red - believe it or not, i haven't TOTALLY abandoned to the egress! - this is part of that series! it's essentially just sam waxing poetic about his life for a bit, i guess. unfortunately, i'm not great at writing sam and i'm not particularly into him, so it's taking literally forever lmao
hometown hero - i'm sure you're all familiar with @sri-rachaa's wonderful southern siblings au, where sam is lovely's older brother, and this is basically an offshoot of that. oh, family left behind.
out of my head - i think alexis deserves to be olivia newton-john every once in a while. also i was listening to the song and i thought she would like it, so here we are.
technicolour - gavin nolastnamegiven meets 'if i only had a brain' from the wizard of oz. i like to think that he doesn't think he's good enough, and then that thought makes me sad, so this exists to remind me that he IS good enough.
no-pressure tags: @zozo-01 @autisticempathydaemon @romirola @lovelylonerliterature @haradasaya @bicyclepainting 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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