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“He’s been listening to a personalized song for the past few hours, the sweet tones of a friend with strawberry icecream hair. It had been a tradition as of late for his birthday that he would recieve such a present, although this time it came with a plush of a pokemon he really hadn’t seen before.
Next time he sees her he’s gonna have to ask her which pokemon it was. After all, he was pretty curious about if he could easily get one or not.
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beehyve · 4 years
A surprise! The pinkette had bounced towards the idol singer with a luxurious wrapped gift, all in pink! Fancy that! She had offered it to the idol singer with a sweet smile on her face, heels rocking in excitement! "I'm excited to see you try it on! Come on!" Inside the box is a stylish beach sunhat, with a blue sparkling ribbon wrapped around the hem, and with it was a new wireless ear piece with mouth piece, blue in color!
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“Nancy, this is beautiful!!” Lisia instantly put the hat on, trying it out and practically gushing about how adorable the style was, and just in time for the summer too! The wireless ear piece was a pretty addition, and she made sure it fit her ear before putting it in her purse and hugging the girl tightly. “Thank you sooo much! We should go to the beach, you bring Nate, and I’ll bring Brendan!”
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pokecommunitycenter · 5 years
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@sterlingsilverchampion​ / @pinktransceiver​ - An Anon Sent Some Love !
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I just wanna show some love to Ammy (sterlingsilverchampion/ammysmusesstudio/pinktransceiver). They have wonderful muses and are always so kind to their friends, and I'm glad to have met them back when I started in the Pokemon RPC. I hope they have the best of days and continue to be their amazing selves. - Anonymous
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moonkxssed · 5 years
📗 - Have you noticed your muse picking up any good habits lately? 📘 - Do you see any signature habits in your own writing?
The Library Meme|| Accepting!
📗 - Have you noticed your muse picking up any good habits lately? 📘 - Do you see any signature habits in your own writing?
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//For the former, I think I’ve noticed her be a little more vocal about things that aren’t good or things she doesn’t like which I think is good for her! I love being able to show her sass side a little more because as much as she’s a sweetie, she can only take so much rudeness before she gets >:T 
//For my writing, I think my signature is really trying to expand on voice and feelings!! That’s one of my favorite to see from characters in anything I read so I really try to hit on that in my own writing. Though that also comes with me feeling less comfortable with writing actions, but I’m slowly trying to do better about that. 
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fansirvice · 6 years
Twenty Questions Two Superstars
The commercial shoot went smoothly without a hitch in production. Devon Corp’s latest Virtual Reality headgear would hit the market latter on in the year and Brendan believed it would dominate the VR market once unleashed.  This was just another day for him, since he had years of experience doing demos and commercials for Devon Tech, but today was unique as this time, he knew the person doing the voice over for the commercial! A famous pop ldol in Unova who he may have held her hand once during a trip in Alola. The cast and camera crews scattered about to handle their duties, leaving him free to do as he wished. This was the privilege gained by a man who breezed through his lines and camera takes with ease.
Checking the time on his PokeNav, he saw it was 5 minutes to 2pm. Yancy, the famous idol he knew, should have been done with her voice over work half and hour ago. He was well aware that incidents could occur to slow down the process, so sending her a quick text, he took a stroll to the nearest burger joint near the cast and crew area. 
[Text]: Meet me at the Cinnabar Burger once things wrap up on your end. I’ll treat you to nice large Ice Burn drink  with all the Ember Nuggets you can eat /if/ you’ll treat me to a Overheat Deluxe with extra!
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It was clear he was up to no good but his boyish charms fooled the people around him! 
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mcsesofhope · 6 years
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“If my twin is being called ‘thicc’ Does that mean I am ‘thicc’ too? What does that even mean?
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“Wait Nancy has a secret identity or something? Is she like a superspy? That would be one hell of a plot twist but like... in real life.”
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brendanbrawl · 4 years
Highlights and Current Scoreboard!
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“We’re past the halfway mark with the Brendan Brawl and we’ve already had some heart racing match ups! Here are just a few of many quality battles we’ve had to pleasure of watching so far and hopefully we can see even more exciting matches before this brawl is over!”
[Dawn vs Nancy] Brendan Commentary: “Regina and Polish proved it’s possible to be cute and strong at the same time, just like their trainers!”
[Nate vs Dawn] Brendan Commentary: “Yawning is contagious you know! A thrilling battle that had me wondering if Crystal would clench victory by being cute.”
[Hugh vs Nancy] Brendan Commentary:  “There were so many mindgames here and I like it. Excellent battle!” 
[Dawn vs Hugh] Brendan Commentary:  “...that Tapu Koko seemed to get supercharged with fighting spirit once he saw Regina. Wonder what that was all about...”
[Nate vs Hugh] Brendan Commentary: “...both wasn’t planning on letting the other have his way from turn one. I can see why these two are rivals!”
[Hugh vs Six Legends] Brendan Commentary: “MAN THAT WAS AMAZING!”
[Nate vs Arceus (X6)] Brendan Commentary: “Dude. That was a miracle? I can’t believe I saw that with my own eyes...”
Hugh-   [1186] @ragingvehemence
Nate-    [1119] @theamazingtrainernate
Dawn-  [0397] @sinnohsavior
Nancy- [0136] @pinktransceiver​
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“The fight for number one spot is a close one, but with the remain days, who knows what will happen next? Only a fool would count any of these trainers out before the last day! LET EVERYONE SEE YOUR TEAMS SHINE EVEN BRIGHTER EVERYONE!”
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"That's not very cash money of you, Nate!" She's kidding, of course! Sticking her tongue out and winking at him!
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“Really? Cause that ain’t very swagalicous of ya, Nancy!” He teased right back, a goofy looking grin on his face.
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beehyve · 5 years
[ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger - To Lisia! ( LET THEM SHOW UP SOME PUNK! )
Being in Unova for a change was delightful, and even more so getting to work with Nancy and Curtis. Of course though, even at a dance club, someone had to ruin the fun. 
It started with a cheeky boy around their age hitting on Nancy, to the point she retreated from getting herself something to drink to stand near the three of them. 
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“Hey! Leave my friend alone!” Lisia easily stepped between him and her, putting her hands on her hips. “Ooh, big tough girl.” he taunts, and she sneers.
“The only chance of you getting laid is crawling up a torchic’s ass and waiting. If I had a face like yours, I’d sue my parents.” She turns and grab’s Nancy’s hand, leading her away and into the crowd. “Don’t let jerks like that get away with anything. You have to show them what’s what.”
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brendanbrawl · 4 years
Muse Name: Nancy 
Pokemon Team: 
Rhydon (Polish)
Spiritomb (Lucky)
Zweilous (Snuggles)
Carbink (Glimmer)
Mawile (Macy) +1 Mega Stone
Bastiodon (Dish)
Hometown & Home Region: Castelia City, Unova
Out of Character
Mun Name: Ammy 
Blog URL: Pinktransceiver
Timezone: EST
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“I didn’t expect this application! I actually have no idea what to expect! Aside from the loud cheering of certain fans because you’re cute like your pokemon.”
APPROVED @pinktransceiver​
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The young trainer let out a sigh, eyes trained on his new recruit as he waited for his friend to arrive. He had been assigned an Eevee not too long ago by one of his superiors, given that he was a new recruit and so young. He was kinda surprised that it had Adaptability as it’s ability; it was the first time he saw a pokemon with a hidden ability and no less. Still... he kinda had hoped he would have been given a stronger pokemon instead of the little tyke, as it would have been a cool challenge to train a more experienced pokemon and work to gain their trust. Instead he got a lil guy who didn’t know many moves at all.
Not that Nate didn’t like his new friend; he was adorable as all hell and really sweet, and he was excited to raise him up and make him strong. It just felt like he was being underestimated. Again.
“Ya know... I hope she comes really soon buddy. The more I stay here the more I risk getting caught by an asshole with a camera or some fan wanting an autograph. The sooner I’m in the Ferris Wheel, the safer I am.”
Unfortunately, the lil tyke didn’t really get what he was going on about, and quickly began running around the area again. He was having too much fun in this place to not worry about whatever his trainer was worrying about right now! Speaking of fun, look! There’s a plastic bag rolling down the park! Time to follow it!
Unfortunately, the wind picked up too quick, and the bag began to fly away! Great... now he was pretty far away from his trainer... Looking around, he couldn’t help but notice this lady with pink hair! Pink! That’s like... his favorite color! 
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Running up towards the girl, the Eevee cooed to get her attention.  “Vee! Eevee!” He was pretty sure his trainer wouldn’t be too far behind, so maybe all three of them could become friends too!
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musesbymeri-a · 6 years
"Hey! You there! Sing to me a song that's stuck in your head at the moment!"
May had never seriously sung anything in her life. But, if the other girl insisted... she cleared her throat, thought of the song, and opened her mouth to sing.
“I am an arms dealerFitting you with weapons in the form of wordsAnd don't really care which side winsLong as the room keeps singingThat's just the business I'm in
This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceThis ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceThis ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceI'm not a shoulder to cry on, but I digress
I'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricateOh so intricate yeahI'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricateOh so intricate yeah”
May blinked as she finished. “Er... why did you ask me to sing?”
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