#pinky and the brain au
fangirls-other-art · 4 months
May I offer you some Brinky during this pride month?
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toonmania-arts · 3 months
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ART TRADE FOR @hey-imma-fangirl / @fangirls-other-art
Here’s pinky and the brain in my style hope you like it 😋🩷🩵
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Animaniacs : Life Swap! AU
How would Pinky or Brain respond to being locked in a tower for decades? What would the Warners do if they were taken from their parents?
What if the Warners and Pinky and the Brain swapped origin stories?
Pinky and the Brain as toons:
--Pinky and the Brain were drawn in 1929 by Lon Borax in an attempt to spice up Buddy's boring cartoon. Lon Borax went nuts due to crunch, but Pinky and the Brain were still able star alongside Buddy. Eventually they overtook Buddy in popularity and got to star in their own cartoons.
--However, both mice became harder and harder to work with as time went on. Weed Memlo hated working with Pinky because of his stupidity, making the task of directing him near impossible; and he hated working with Brain because although Brain was smarter, he was indifferent to acting and showed complete disinterest in making cartoons, making him difficult to work with. He'd constantly point out plot holes, inconsistencies, non-sensical moments and clichés in the script, insult the writers, insult Weed, etc. The only person he got along with (relatively speaking) was Pinky. Brain thought starring in cartoons was beneath someone of his intellect, instead, he wanted to be an inventor.
--Eventually Memlo had enough and quit. Warner Bros. let Brain direct his and Pinky's next cartoon. Brain decided to make their next cartoon a showcase of his inventions. However, given that it was the 1930's, his incredibly advanced inventions freaked out the audience and led to people thinking he was a danger to the public. The cartoon had created mass hysteria, so in response Mr Plotz demanded that Brain be locked up in the water tower. Pinky begged Plotz to let Brain go...but Plotz saw this as a "kill two birds with one stone" situation and just locked Pinky up too.
--As days go by, Brain thinks about how if he was in charge of Warner Bros., he'd never treat a toon like this, no matter how unpopular they were. As years go by, Brain declares that if he was in charge if the world he'd turn it into a place where toons can't be treated this way. As decades go by, Brain swears that once he's out of here, he'll be the one in control of his own life...and everyone else's. He just needed to find a way out.
--Meanwhile Pinky thought the studio would let them out in the "morning"-"Of course they haven't let us out yet Brain, the sun hasn't risen yet!" Brain decided to just let him keep believing that.
--Brain wasn't very good at summoning new things from his hammer space because as a toon, he could only do so if a joke could be made out of it, and comedy wasn't his forte. Luckily this wasn't the case for Pinky, who exceled at comedy, so he was much better at summoning new objects. Brain would use these to make inventions in the tower, he'd pass the time by thinking of all types of different schemes, ones to escape the tower, ones to take over the world, meanwhile Pinky happily watched, listened and came up with all sorts of weird and wacky gags to summon all sorts of stuff from his hammer space.
--Eventually one the inventions did the job, and the toon mice were free. They confront Plotz and let him know what they're scheming-Brain wanted to give him the chance to grovel. Plotz thought Brain had lost his mind, and ordered Dr Scratchansniff to take Brain and Pinky as his new clients.
--However, Plotz recalled how popular Pinky and the Brain were before Brain's inventions caused mass panic, and given that almost six decades had passed and people had calmed down about Brain, he decided to give him and Pinky their own show. Brain agrees, but only because he realised some of his schemes would require funding. Pinky was more than happy to be on TV, he loved making kids laugh. Steven Spielberg even agreed to be the Executive Producer.
--Dr Scratchansniff successfully psychoanalyzes Brain, but Brain doesn't listen to his conclusions or diagnoses, refusing to admit he has a problem. Scratchy can't psychoanalyze or de-zanitize Pinky, his stupidity made it too difficult.
--Brain had no interest in Hello Nurse at first, until he finds out she is quite the genius too. He tries to get her to team up with him so they can take over the world together, but Hello Nurse tries to talk him out of it, suggesting he use his inventions to improve the world, not take it. Brain insists a world under his rule would be an improved world. They go back and forth on this a lot. Pinky and Hello Nurse get along really well, she's impressed by his high pain tolerance in particular. They often talk about fashion and their favourite TV shows.
--Sometimes at night, when the mice return home to the water tower after a long day, the toon mice would see three children roam the lot, seemingly in search of something, or someone. It was so dark and the mice were so small that sometimes the children would accidently step on them as they ran around frantically. Luckily since they were toons they were impervious to physical harm, but it was still annoying when it would happen...to Brain anyway, Pinky thought it was fun.
--Pinky and the Brain signed contracts allowing the studio to film them going about their daily lives, and episodes of their show would largely consist of the edited footage. Since many of Brain's schemes were now seen as wacky rather than frightening, this time their cartoons did not cause alarm.
The Warners as genetically modified lab animals:
--Three little animals were captured and taken away from their parents so that they could be experimented on. Acme Labs was incredibly interested in this "recently discovered new species" that the scientists at Acme Labs had eventually decided to call "warners".
--Their parents were badly injured whilst trying to protect them from the humans. The three warners aren't even sure if they survived, as the van drove away all they saw through the window were their parent's motionless bodies slowly drift out of sight, unsure if they were just unconscious or gone for good.
--The three warners were kept in three separate cages at the back of the lab. Though they couldn't put it into words just yet, they had never felt more alone or scared in their lives. They were experimented on for a little while before being put into the gene splicer. This made them anthropomorphic and gave them the ability to speak, but also essentially fried their brains, driving them insane.
--The warners were manageable before getting their genes spliced, but afterwards they wreaked havoc in the lab every day. The eldest would constantly interrupt experiments by babbling on about anything he could think of, the younger brother would tinker with and/or break equipment, the youngest would hiss viciously as she unsheathed her claws when awoken and taken from her cage, then yawn in the most adorable fashion and open her big shiny eyes as if she did nothing at all, before proceeding to flirt with all the "cute" male scientists, and all three warners would run around the lab like crazy. Though they acted joyful, the main reason the three children acted out was because they resented Acme Labs for separating them from their parents.
--They tried subjecting each Warner to the Learned Helplessness experiment, but the Warners actually enjoyed being shocked, so the experiment did not produce the expected or satisfactory results.
--The youngest warner would play with Snowball, a lab hamster who she thought was the cutest thing, and was horrified when he was injured whilst being experimented on. She heard that the scientists had planned to put him through the gene splicer in an attempt to heal him. Knowing from first hand that that was not a pleasant experience, one night she broke him out of his cage and hid him away inside her own, kept safely in a box (it had air holes, don't worry). From that day forth she promised to take care of him as her pet, and also promised if any of the scientists came anywhere near the box, she'd scratch their eyes out.
--Eventually all the warners were put in one larger cage in hopes that they would use up all their energy harassing each other rather than the scientists. In reality, all three warners were glad to be in the same cage, as it made nights less lonely. Not that never got on each other's nerves though, in fact the younger brother had annoyed his sister so much one day she spat "What are you, wacko?!" He simply stared in silence for a moment, then a spark alit in his eyes. "WAKKO! I love it. I've always wanted a name, thanks sis!" He hugged his now very confused sister tightly. She wanted to tell him that wasn't meant to be a name, but he seemed happy so she just rolled with it.
"I'll give you a name too! We'll call you Dot!"
"Oooo, that's cute! But why?"
"Because you're tiny, like a do-OW!" she kicked him indignantly. The eldest chuckled at the exchange.
"She'd probably prefer some fancy name, like Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo-"
"Oh stop yakking! How am I supposed to remember all that? Let alone say it."
"Yakking...YAKKO! We'll call you Yakko. Get it? It's like my name but with a Y." Wakko announced.
"How creative." Yakko said flatly. He smiled though-he liked it.
--Sometimes the warners would notice two mice sneaking into the lab to steal some equipment. The children still resented Acme Labs and didn't want the mice to be caught and subjected to experiments too, so they let them be and didn't say a word to the scientists about it. Sometimes they'd even chat with the mice, especially the taller one, the shorter one didn't seem too interested in casual conversation.
--Being in the same cage brought the warners closer together, but in doing so only made them long for their family to be complete now more than ever. Yakko decides that every night they'll escape and look for their parents-not just in their old home (wherever it was, they didn't know the way there from Acme Labs) but everywhere, in case their parents were alive and looking for them.
--So every night they escape the lab in search of their parents, but with no luck, and by morning they'd be routinely re-captured and put back in their cage. Despite this the warners refuse to give up and vow to keep searching for their parents until they are found, dead or alive.
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kp-studios · 1 year
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Here's my AU of Welcome Home: Pinky and the Brain!
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toonmania25 · 1 year
The Owl Mouse (unfin)
(since The owl house is ending soon,I thought I'd share this unfinished Patb x TOH au fic @cutesycadaver and I did a while back In the fandom)
“Foolish child, I could swallow you whole” hissed the snake beast that stood Azura. 
“Do not underestimate me giler snake, for I am The good Mouse-Witch Azura warrior of peace. NOW EAT THIS SUCKA!” She shot at the beast with her wand. 
“No, my only weakness, dying!” Cried the snake.  
“And that’s the end!” Pinky said, holding a snake (that somehow didn’t try to eat the mouse) and an Azura doll
“The end of what?” His mother asked, 
“My book report. I think I knocked it out of the park, zort!” 
“Your book report is why you’re here!” Pinky's principal said, showing Pinky that everyone is being attacked by snakes. 
“Oh, that’s where the backup snakes were! Troz!”
 “And what were you going to do with this?” Pinky’s mom pulled a bundle of firecrackers from her purse
“That was for the act three closer.” Pinky said ashamed 
“Honey, I love your creativity” his mom said “but it’s gotten out of paw. Do you remember why you were in the principal’s office the last three times?” Oh he remembered. That time when he made Juliet’s death TOO real when he was trying out for Romeo and Juliet. And the time he made a baby griffin for his art project also and added actual baby spiders along with it. And let’s not forget the time when he was showing classmates what he can do to his eyes (which was VERY disturbing and VERY cool.). 
“We all love that you express yourself but if you can’t learn to separate fantasy from reality then you're going to have to spend the summer here.” His mother handed him a pamphlet about Reality Check summer camp. 
“Don’t worry mom. narf. I won’t let you down. No more weirdness.” The snake Pinky was holding attacked the principal. 
“That doesn’t count right?”
Pinky was standing outside his house waiting for the bus to come to take him to camp. A sad look plastered on his face. His mom came out “Oh my baby.” She hugged him in an attempt to comfort him 
“Now don’t worry, summer camp is only going to be for three months. You’ll be so busy balancing checkbooks and...learning...to...appreciate public radio, the time will fly by. 
“But Mom, I don’t like any of that stuff. I like cooking, music, and reading books. Mostly the romantic ones. They always make me feel mushy and gushy inside. Poit!” 
“Honey, your fantasy world is holding you back. Do you have any friends, real ones that aren’t imagined, or drawn, or equestrian?” His mom had a point but Pinky didn’t like the point, it was true and sharp and not at all fun fun silly willy. 
“Summer camp is a chance for friends but you have to try. Can you do that?” Pinky looked at the trash can beside him 
“Yes mom.” He said defeated, throwing his favorite book in the trash. His mother’s phone buzzed 
“Oh I gotta go to work.” She came over and kissed his head 
“Your bus is coming soon. Text me when you get there. I love you so much goodbye.” 
“Bye, mom.” As soon as his mom walked off, Pinky dug through the trash 
“where is it? Where is it? troz” 
“Not who, WHAT!” There was an owl...and it was holding his book in a little bag. 
“Owl trash thief!” Pinky scolded running after the owl. He chased it into the woods spotting a shabby house it ran into. The house was old, kinda spooky, and was most likely haunted. Pinky gulped. He was scared, but he has to be brave to get his book back. 
“Off I go. P-p-poit...” He said nervously. The squeaky door slammed behind him, which was weird because he doesn’t remember pulling on it. In a flash of yellow light a strange door with an eye appeared. The owl went through and so did Pinky. 
“Stop adorably hopping away you…” Pinky looked around, he was in a tent of trash. 
“Whoa, I thought I had a lot of weird stuff, but this. This is impressive.” He picked up...something.
“Finally you're back.” A woman’s voice said. Pinky ducked down. 
“Now let’s see what we got here.” He pushed open the tent. A woman with graying brown hair in a ponytail and magenta glasses went through the bag the owl had. The owl sat on a stick and the woman turned him around and he turned...into wood. 
“Narrrrrf!” Pinky said in amazement  
She picked up a smartphone. “Garbage.”
 A huge diamond ring. “Garbage.”
 A golden shiny goblet.  “Garbage.” 
She gasped “Now this!” She put on some silly springy eyeglasses 
“This will make me rich! And this…” she picked up Pinky’s book “This will make good kindling.” 
She put it over a candle.``NOOOO!” Pinky cried. He got out of his hiding place and took the book out of the woman's hand. “Excuse me! Sorry! It’s mine! Narf! Gotta go bye!” Pinky tried to go back into the house but the door formed itself into a key and landed in the woman’s hand.``You’re not going anywhere.” The woman said as she glared at Pinky. He immediately put the book in his backpack and ran for his life. He stopped at a cliff, looking at the monstrous landscape beyond. “Oh no! No! No! No! narf! What’s going on?” A little pink fairy flew next to him. “AH! Oh. Hello, little fairy. Are you gonna tell me this is all a bad dream and I’m gonna wake up back to reality?” Pinky asked. “GIVE ME YOUR SKIN! '' it said in a demonic voice. “AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” He screamed as he smacked the fairy and ran away once again.``What’s going on? Did I die? Am I in hell?” 
“You wish.” a voice said behind him. Pinky immediately turned around and saw the same woman he saw earlier. “AHHH! NO! NO! PLEASE! NARF! NO!” But before he tried to escape the woman grabbed Pinky by the tail and hanged him face to face.``I’m so sorry! I just wanted my book back! If you're gonna eat me, please make it quick! But I must warn you I haven’t taken a bath in two days!” 
“Eat you? Why would I eat a potential customer?” Pinky relaxed, now confused, she owned a little shop “Can I offer you a human foot full of holes, a bar of green human candy, how about this shadow box that reflects only sadness!” She held out a little TV. “That’s not all it can do.” Pinky laughed, he picked up some batteries and hopped up on the TV. He popped them in and the TV turned on to an at-home workout video. 
The TV drew in a crowd of monsters wanting to buy it. “What did you say your name was?” The woman asked. “I’m Pinky!” “Well, Pinky that was very clever for a mouse.” Pinky giggled “You Humans say that all the time.” “Oh dear child…” she took off her bandanna to reveal pointed ears “I’m no human. I’m Nora the Owl Lady! The most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles!” “A witch!” Pinky whispered “I am respected, feared…”  ”BUSTED!” A giant fist smashed the TV interrupting Nora. “Nora the Owl Lady, you are wanted for misuse of magic and demonic misdemeanors.” Said a pudgy police-looking witch in a brown uniform. “Whoa witch criminal.” Pinky whispered, “You are hereby ordered to come with me to the conformitorim!” “Would you guys quit following me around, I haven’t done squat.” “And you’re coming too!” He picked up Pinky “For fraternizing with a criminal.” “What, that’s not cool! narf.” “Alright, Alright you win just let me get my stuff.”
 Suddenly Nora whacked the police guy with her staff. She put her shop stuff in a bindle and ran off, Pinky followed. “This is crazy if I die here my mom’s gonna kill me!” “I won’t let him hurt you. A talking mouse is much more useful alive.” They turned a corner ”WOOHOO!” Nora shouted as she grabbed Pinky and flew into the air with her staff. Pinky forced his eyes closed, tearing up a bit “You can open up your eyes now little mouse.” He did, looking down he latched onto Nora’s shoulder. “Flying staffs, scary monsters, you’re a witch, what is this place? zort?” 
“This is the Boiling Isles, every myth the humans have is caused by a little of our world leaking into yours.” “A griffin!” Pinky pointed at the beast as it breathed spiders “I knew it!” “Yep, griffins, vampires, giraffes, we banished those guys” “whoa.” They landed and 
Nora jumped off the staff, leaving one of her hands behind. “Gahhh!” “Oops, that happens sometimes.” She screwed it back on. ”Well I have had enough adventure for today.
This is definitely not the fantasy world I’ve always dreamed about. So can you help me get 
Back home? Troz?” “Only if you help me first,” Nora said.
They looked over a giant building with a huge eye. “Whoa, Aren’t  those meanie mean guards finding us?” “Nope, my house has a state-of-the-art defense system!” “Hoot-squeak password, please? OW!” Nora poked the mouse owl thing in the eyes “No time for this Larry let us in!” “Alright Alright Jeez you never want to have any fun, ow, squeak!” Larry’s mouth opened wide and they walked through. 
“Welcome to…” She snapped her fingers and magical things started happening everywhere “...The Owl House! Where I hide from the pressures of modern life. Also cops, ex-boyfriends, etc. “This place is amazing! Do you live here all alone?” 
Then all of a sudden loud giant stomps shook the house. “Actually I have a roommate.” Nora said. Pinky went behind Nora. He hoped her roommate doesn't eat mice. “Who dares intrude upon me, The King of Demons” A cute little...something came out with a ducky hood towel and a rubber duck. Pinky stood in awe of how cute they were.
 “Oh! My! Narf! Nora, they’re sooo CUTE! Who’s a wittle guy?! Who’s a wittle guy?! Is it you?! Is it you?!” Pinky jumped up on them and scratched behind their ears. “No! I don’t know who your little guy is! Nora, who is this little monster?!” The adorable creature grabbed Pinky by the tail, putting him off their ears. Nora took him in her hand holding Pinky up. “Oh, this is Pinky, a talking mouse and possible help for our situation.”
 “Oh. Hooray!” 
“Wait-Wait-Wait, I don’t like the sound of this “situation”.” Pinky said. “Just let me explain…” said Nora as she drew a glowing yellow circle in the air with her fingers. “Wakko warner was once a great king of demons and...creatures like themself. But warden Wrath stole their crown and locked it behind a door that only a human could get through. Or maybe a small animal like you.” 
“Naaaarfff…” the glowing circle showed the whole story in a cool storybook way. “If you help us retrieve their crown we’ll send you back to your realm, what do ya say? Plus who can’t say no to this lil cutie.” Nora said as she picked up wakko (they was somehow now wearing a blue sweater). “DON’T ENCOURAGE HIM!” “I mean we are kinda your only way home.” “So I don’t have a choice do I?” Pinky said. ”Nope! Now we have no time to lose!” Nora said as she put Pinky on her shoulder. “Where are we going anyway?” Pinky asked. “Somewhere super fun!”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   “The comformatorium” Nora said  as they arrived.”A place for those considered unsuitable for society.” “Zort! This doesn’t look like a fun place to me.” Pinky said. He looked at a wanted poster for Nora “They really got the hots for you.” “Yup!” She winked, “But we never got caught because we’re too slippery.” “Try to catch me when I’m covered in grease, I’m a squirmy little fella!” Wakko added, “You and I will sneak up to the top of the tower where they’re keeping my crown.” They said pointing at the tower
 “And I’m gonna make sure the warden is distracted” Nora said.”Can I wear a disguise?’’ Pinky said with excitement. “Uhhhh....” Nora said, confused. “I’ve always wanted to do this!” Pinky flipped his cat hoodie on.”Look at me! I’m a kitty cat! Narf!” Nora and Wakko looked at Pinky’s disguise “It’s hideous!”  “Oh you’ll fit right in!” Nora used her staff to create a flying disc for Wakko and Pinky “Hang on tight you two!” It brought them up to a window. Wakko grabbed the ledge, Pinky clung to their hat. Nora activated her staff “See you guys at the top of the tower and flew away. 
The two young creatures climbed into the window. Their eyes met with the sight of thousands of prison cells, spiraling upward. “Hey Cat-mouse.” came a voice from behind them, they turned around. “How did you get out of your cell?” “Oh I’m not a cat.” Pinky took down his hood “or a criminal. Zort.”
 “Not yet, you’re not.” Wakko giggled. 
“Neither are we.” the cat in the cell said bitterly. 
“The stupid warden likes to lock people up who don’t fit in. Like I like to write fics about foods falling in love. I like food, I like love, just let me write about it!” 
“I’m here because I like eating my own eyes.” A dog said next to the cat 
“We are agents of expression, they cannot silence us”  a little chubby mouse said 
“yeah he’s really into conspiracy theories.” 
“The world is a simulation. We play things for a higher being.” The criminalized animals spoke of their woes and Pinky grew more upset by the word. 
“These aren’t crimes! None of you did anything wrong! What if they locked me in jail every time I say narf!”
 Then Pinky realized. 
“You’re all just a bunch of weirdos..... like me. troz. “ Just then the chamber started to shake.
“It’s the warden! You two got to hide!” 
 Pinky and Wakko ran to an empty cell to hide.They huddled together in fear. Not saying a word. 
“I can hear you!” A big burly man slammed the door open. 
“Just what are you whispering about” suddenly his voice became far less menacing and a bit dopey. He looked down at the wanted poster that had fallen to the floor.
“Ah The Owl Lady…” he picked it up. His hand morphed into a hammer around it. Ralph slammed his shifted limb into the cell door Pinky and Wakko sat behind.
“I’ll get my hands on her soon enough.”
“Fight against the oppressor we’ll resist! We will conquer! We’ll never be afraid of you, big creep!” Egwind said.
Without a word, Ralph opened the cell that Egwind was in.
“Hooray I’m free!”
But then ralph grabbed egwind and carried him to the torture room
“Let this be a lesson to all of you. There’s no place in society for people who don’t fit in.” He squeezed the mouse in his fist. Ralph loudly stomped out.
“Don’t worry we can get you out!” Pinky confidently assured the prisoners. He led Wakko to the cat and dog’s cell. They pushed the lever up but it wouldn’t budge.
“Nooooo! my weak mouse arms!” Pinky cried. 
“Just get out of here while you still can kid.” She signed “enjoy freedom for us.”
The duo looked dismayed but carried on into the next room.
“Hey, I just checked the warden is distracted tormenting a tiny creature.” Nora said flying next to Pinky and Wakko. “He won’t be coming around here anytime soon.” 
“That’s nice…” Pinky said sadly. Nora looked at pinky concerned 
“You alright?”
“Yeah. let’s just get Wakko’s crown back.”
Pinky, Nora, and Wakko walked to the contraband where Wakko’s crown was placed 
"My crown! I can taste its power! Wakko said as they ran to the front door and tried to break it .
"Awwww they're so cute when they're hungry for power." Nora cooed.
" I don’t get it, Nora, " Pinky said sadly. "They all in here for just being themselves. Why does everyone think being weird is bad? Poit."
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Pinky and the brain au
Okay I have two proposals here.
Steven and Two Brains are two lab mice both modified. Steven is smart but just a bit clumsy and silly sometimes. He is Pinky. Two Brains is Brain obviously but his desires are for all the cheese in the world. Becky is their owner who lives with her uncle Bob (he is human in this one). He rescued them from a lab that was going bankrupt due to budget cuts. He has no idea they are modified mice. Steven and Two Brains both care for Becky (thought TB does not admit it out loud.) Squeaky is an insane scientist and Becky's next door neighbor who does want to take over the world. His schemes get mixed up in Two Brains schemes and they both tend to backfire on each other.
Dr. Two Brains does not trust anyone to be left alone with his child Becky so he carries her in a baby strap on his crimes. (He keeps her out of harms way if he is doing something dangerous like fighting a hero or using a weapon.) Baby Becky wears this mouse one suit costume with a gray eye mask. Two Brains refers to her as mini mouse (not to be associated or confused with Minnie Mouse).
Like the first idea only its Squeaky and Two Brains as mice. Squeaky looks like his canon self. Two Brains is a mix of Squeaky but also has brown fur patches. Becky is Two Brains pinky that he found and took in. She is also a genetically modified mouse but is normal compared to her dad and Squeaky. Two Brains used to be a regular mouse but a lab malfunction made him cheese obsessed and messed up his fur color and eye color. He used to be a brown mouse. He is called Two Brains because he acts fine one moment then whacko another moment. Squeaky also wants cheese but he also wants to take over the world. Bob is a security guard who Becky helps try and stop Squeaky's schemes.
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acmelab · 4 months
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these are from 2022 sorry 😵 i never posted them bc i was embarrassed by them but i'm over it now so whatever
some au thing where dark pinky raises romy while his baby daddy (future brain) is off being presumably dead or something idk. i'm a sucker for villainous characters only being soft with their kids lol (dp's design here is based on @wimsiecal's btw)
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stupidhany · 4 months
Soo I have decided what if I posted some content of a specific fandom again cause yknow I have missed yall :]
So have mice
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Like it has been some time ago hasn't it?XD
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leafdragon16 · 5 months
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It appears I have been sucked back into Legoland which means binging my favorite AUs
Awesome AU and character designs belong to @ask-the-departed-lords / @prime-pulse !
Closeups under the cut
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wimsiecal · 5 months
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Idk why but I was thinking about if we lived in a world where the premise for the first patb comic had actually been a lt comic instead yeah I know I’m cringe ghbghhhh
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c-o-z-m-o · 5 days
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Please reblog my art instead of just liking it.
☝️also if you're confused on who "Penny" is in the first image I headcanon Petey to be transfem so I call her Penny. Yay
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fangirls-other-art · 1 year
Random Pinky and the Brain post
This is gonna be broken into two parts because I ran out of time 😅
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toonmania-arts · 1 year
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I wanted to digitalize this art I did during spring break for @hey-imma-fangirl AUs of cuphead and patb
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kp-studios · 1 year
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Did a drawing of my boy.. Uh.. "Brain" Wally. I'm still figuring out what to name them, but they're there.
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doodlesbutawesome · 2 years
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An AU where Brain and Pinky adopt the Warners to try and take over the world (they do not take over the world but they do learn how to parent the right way this time)
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