#weed memlo
Animaniacs : Life Swap! AU
How would Pinky or Brain respond to being locked in a tower for decades? What would the Warners do if they were taken from their parents?
What if the Warners and Pinky and the Brain swapped origin stories?
Pinky and the Brain as toons:
--Pinky and the Brain were drawn in 1929 by Lon Borax in an attempt to spice up Buddy's boring cartoon. Lon Borax went nuts due to crunch, but Pinky and the Brain were still able star alongside Buddy. Eventually they overtook Buddy in popularity and got to star in their own cartoons.
--However, both mice became harder and harder to work with as time went on. Weed Memlo hated working with Pinky because of his stupidity, making the task of directing him near impossible; and he hated working with Brain because although Brain was smarter, he was indifferent to acting and showed complete disinterest in making cartoons, making him difficult to work with. He'd constantly point out plot holes, inconsistencies, non-sensical moments and clichés in the script, insult the writers, insult Weed, etc. The only person he got along with (relatively speaking) was Pinky. Brain thought starring in cartoons was beneath someone of his intellect, instead, he wanted to be an inventor.
--Eventually Memlo had enough and quit. Warner Bros. let Brain direct his and Pinky's next cartoon. Brain decided to make their next cartoon a showcase of his inventions. However, given that it was the 1930's, his incredibly advanced inventions freaked out the audience and led to people thinking he was a danger to the public. The cartoon had created mass hysteria, so in response Mr Plotz demanded that Brain be locked up in the water tower. Pinky begged Plotz to let Brain go...but Plotz saw this as a "kill two birds with one stone" situation and just locked Pinky up too.
--As days go by, Brain thinks about how if he was in charge of Warner Bros., he'd never treat a toon like this, no matter how unpopular they were. As years go by, Brain declares that if he was in charge if the world he'd turn it into a place where toons can't be treated this way. As decades go by, Brain swears that once he's out of here, he'll be the one in control of his own life...and everyone else's. He just needed to find a way out.
--Meanwhile Pinky thought the studio would let them out in the "morning"-"Of course they haven't let us out yet Brain, the sun hasn't risen yet!" Brain decided to just let him keep believing that.
--Brain wasn't very good at summoning new things from his hammer space because as a toon, he could only do so if a joke could be made out of it, and comedy wasn't his forte. Luckily this wasn't the case for Pinky, who exceled at comedy, so he was much better at summoning new objects. Brain would use these to make inventions in the tower, he'd pass the time by thinking of all types of different schemes, ones to escape the tower, ones to take over the world, meanwhile Pinky happily watched, listened and came up with all sorts of weird and wacky gags to summon all sorts of stuff from his hammer space.
--Eventually one the inventions did the job, and the toon mice were free. They confront Plotz and let him know what they're scheming-Brain wanted to give him the chance to grovel. Plotz thought Brain had lost his mind, and ordered Dr Scratchansniff to take Brain and Pinky as his new clients.
--However, Plotz recalled how popular Pinky and the Brain were before Brain's inventions caused mass panic, and given that almost six decades had passed and people had calmed down about Brain, he decided to give him and Pinky their own show. Brain agrees, but only because he realised some of his schemes would require funding. Pinky was more than happy to be on TV, he loved making kids laugh. Steven Spielberg even agreed to be the Executive Producer.
--Dr Scratchansniff successfully psychoanalyzes Brain, but Brain doesn't listen to his conclusions or diagnoses, refusing to admit he has a problem. Scratchy can't psychoanalyze or de-zanitize Pinky, his stupidity made it too difficult.
--Brain had no interest in Hello Nurse at first, until he finds out she is quite the genius too. He tries to get her to team up with him so they can take over the world together, but Hello Nurse tries to talk him out of it, suggesting he use his inventions to improve the world, not take it. Brain insists a world under his rule would be an improved world. They go back and forth on this a lot. Pinky and Hello Nurse get along really well, she's impressed by his high pain tolerance in particular. They often talk about fashion and their favourite TV shows.
--Sometimes at night, when the mice return home to the water tower after a long day, the toon mice would see three children roam the lot, seemingly in search of something, or someone. It was so dark and the mice were so small that sometimes the children would accidently step on them as they ran around frantically. Luckily since they were toons they were impervious to physical harm, but it was still annoying when it would happen...to Brain anyway, Pinky thought it was fun.
--Pinky and the Brain signed contracts allowing the studio to film them going about their daily lives, and episodes of their show would largely consist of the edited footage. Since many of Brain's schemes were now seen as wacky rather than frightening, this time their cartoons did not cause alarm.
The Warners as genetically modified lab animals:
--Three little animals were captured and taken away from their parents so that they could be experimented on. Acme Labs was incredibly interested in this "recently discovered new species" that the scientists at Acme Labs had eventually decided to call "warners".
--Their parents were badly injured whilst trying to protect them from the humans. The three warners aren't even sure if they survived, as the van drove away all they saw through the window were their parent's motionless bodies slowly drift out of sight, unsure if they were just unconscious or gone for good.
--The three warners were kept in three separate cages at the back of the lab. Though they couldn't put it into words just yet, they had never felt more alone or scared in their lives. They were experimented on for a little while before being put into the gene splicer. This made them anthropomorphic and gave them the ability to speak, but also essentially fried their brains, driving them insane.
--The warners were manageable before getting their genes spliced, but afterwards they wreaked havoc in the lab every day. The eldest would constantly interrupt experiments by babbling on about anything he could think of, the younger brother would tinker with and/or break equipment, the youngest would hiss viciously as she unsheathed her claws when awoken and taken from her cage, then yawn in the most adorable fashion and open her big shiny eyes as if she did nothing at all, before proceeding to flirt with all the "cute" male scientists, and all three warners would run around the lab like crazy. Though they acted joyful, the main reason the three children acted out was because they resented Acme Labs for separating them from their parents.
--They tried subjecting each Warner to the Learned Helplessness experiment, but the Warners actually enjoyed being shocked, so the experiment did not produce the expected or satisfactory results.
--The youngest warner would play with Snowball, a lab hamster who she thought was the cutest thing, and was horrified when he was injured whilst being experimented on. She heard that the scientists had planned to put him through the gene splicer in an attempt to heal him. Knowing from first hand that that was not a pleasant experience, one night she broke him out of his cage and hid him away inside her own, kept safely in a box (it had air holes, don't worry). From that day forth she promised to take care of him as her pet, and also promised if any of the scientists came anywhere near the box, she'd scratch their eyes out.
--Eventually all the warners were put in one larger cage in hopes that they would use up all their energy harassing each other rather than the scientists. In reality, all three warners were glad to be in the same cage, as it made nights less lonely. Not that never got on each other's nerves though, in fact the younger brother had annoyed his sister so much one day she spat "What are you, wacko?!" He simply stared in silence for a moment, then a spark alit in his eyes. "WAKKO! I love it. I've always wanted a name, thanks sis!" He hugged his now very confused sister tightly. She wanted to tell him that wasn't meant to be a name, but he seemed happy so she just rolled with it.
"I'll give you a name too! We'll call you Dot!"
"Oooo, that's cute! But why?"
"Because you're tiny, like a do-OW!" she kicked him indignantly. The eldest chuckled at the exchange.
"She'd probably prefer some fancy name, like Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo-"
"Oh stop yakking! How am I supposed to remember all that? Let alone say it."
"Yakking...YAKKO! We'll call you Yakko. Get it? It's like my name but with a Y." Wakko announced.
"How creative." Yakko said flatly. He smiled though-he liked it.
--Sometimes the warners would notice two mice sneaking into the lab to steal some equipment. The children still resented Acme Labs and didn't want the mice to be caught and subjected to experiments too, so they let them be and didn't say a word to the scientists about it. Sometimes they'd even chat with the mice, especially the taller one, the shorter one didn't seem too interested in casual conversation.
--Being in the same cage brought the warners closer together, but in doing so only made them long for their family to be complete now more than ever. Yakko decides that every night they'll escape and look for their parents-not just in their old home (wherever it was, they didn't know the way there from Acme Labs) but everywhere, in case their parents were alive and looking for them.
--So every night they escape the lab in search of their parents, but with no luck, and by morning they'd be routinely re-captured and put back in their cage. Despite this the warners refuse to give up and vow to keep searching for their parents until they are found, dead or alive.
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cantheykillmacbeth · 8 months
I would posit that Yakko, Wakko, and Dot Warner could kill Macbeth, as they were born on paper.
The Warner Brothers (and the Warner Sister) are an... interesting case. There have been numerous different explanations of the Warners' origins, though of course, in true Animaniacs fashion, these all massively conflict with each other. Several episodes begin with/mention the premise of the trio trying to find their parents (Yakko once speculates that their parents are pencils), though there have also been several implications that the three of them are royalty, to the point where in Wakko's Wish, we see a family portrait of the three siblings as young children with their parents, Sir William and his wife:
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At the same time, however, we have "The Warners' 65th Anniversary Special" (the Season 1 finale), which details at length the exact animator who drew them, his boss, and their first appearances in cartoons in-universe. Here, it says their creator was Lon Borax, an animator who went insane from being overworked by his boss Weed Memlo (Good night, everybody!). Borax created them at 2:43AM and made them smash the intended main character, Buddy, with a mallet, before Borax ran away from the studio.
Dot is definitely able to kill Macbeth under Gender Clause either way (and arguably Wakko as well), but ignoring that for a moment: If we accept the idea that the Warner Siblings are royalty and have actual parents, then they would not apply for the UBC or BPC. But if we accept the idea that the Warner Siblings were brought to life in-universe as drawings (whether by Lon Borax or by Yakko's pencil theory), then they apply for both the Unconventional Birth Clause AND Birth Parent Clause.
So, ultimately, it comes down to what continuity you consider as "canon," though considering that this is Animaniacs we're talking about, there are far more cannons than canons.
Sorry that there's no clean answer here! Dot can definitely still kill Macbeth, though. Thank you for your submission!
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cf56 · 2 years
In-Universe Wikipedia page for Yakko
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Transcript for easier reading:
Yakko Warner, from Wikipedia, the free encylcopedia
Yakko Alvin Warner (born March 1, 1929) is an American toon actor, singer, and songwriter. He is best known for playing a fictionalized version of himself on the animated variety show Animaniacs.
Among the first generation of cartoon stars, along with his brother Wakko and sister Dot, Warner made his on-screen debut in a series of black-and-white short films from 1929 to 1934. While these shorts, especially those made alongside their more famous counterpart Buddy, were generally well-received, the Warner trio's controversial style of juvenile metahumor ultimately saw them pulled from Warner Brothers shorts. This was followed by a 59 year hiatus which saw Warner appear in only a few obscure government propaganda films, until his television redebut in 1993's Animaniacs. In contrast to his previous work, this show received nearly universal praise, leading to a revival of his and his family's careers and spawning a vast multimedia franchise. As part of his work on Animaniacs, Warner lent his voice and image to several other projects, including video games, comics, and soundtracks. In 1998, he starred alongside Wakko and Dot in the Animaniacs feature film Wakko's Wish. This was followed by another hiatus from most acting projects until the 2020 Animaniacs revival series. Warner also briefly cameoed in 2021's Space Jam: A New Legacy.
Warner and his siblings were the subject of the 2021 documentary WARNER: A Tower Life, which revealed details of Warner Brothers' harsh and allegedly abusive treatment of the toon stars over a period of 92 years. This film has been credited with renewing interest in the Toon Rights Movement, which seeks to legally grant toons full citizenship, earning them the same basic rights as humans.
1 Creation and early life
2 Career
2.1 1929-34: Early work with Weed Memlo
2.2 1934-91: Locked in tower
2.3 1991-98: Animaniacs
2.4 1998-2018: Suspended animation
2.5 2018-present: Animaniacs revival
3 Personal Life
4 Controversies
5 Filmography
5.1 Film
5.2 Televison
5.3 Video games
6 Awards and nominations
7 References
8 External links
Creation and early life:
Yakko Alvin Warner was conceptualized, drawn, and brought to life on March 1, 1929, in Burbank, California, on the Warner Brothers studio lot. Animated primarily by Lon Borax, a Warner Bros. employee who would later be institutionalized, Yakko and his siblings, Wakko and Dot, were created with the intention of starring alongside Buddy in his pre-existing series of cartoon shorts. These "Warner-Buddy" shorts were initially well-liked by studio executives and enjoyed moderate success. This led to the approval of a new series of shorts starring the Warner trio alone, all overseen by their first director Weed Memlo. These shorts critically bombed, being panned as (image cuts off)
Yes, I know I used "lended" instead of lent in the original image. There's no spellchecker in inspect element.
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mryaksalot · 8 months
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Here is a drawing I did not too long ago of one of my OC's from my Backstory AU.
For context, Joey Memlo is an assosiate at Warner Bros', who's roots tie back to the birth of animation at the studio. He is the son of Weed Memlo, the first director at Warner Bros' to be a toon, and was also the first chairman of animation at the studio. Joey has followed in the footsteps of his father, involving himself with several cartoon projects for Warner Bros', Hanna Barbera, and even Disney.
After years of building his repertoire, Joey was promoted to being an mentor for cartoon stars in the rising. For instance, he assisted Babs and Buster Bunny in learning how to advance their toon abilities while filming Tiny Toons, making sure the bunnies' toon skills were in check. Joey has took the mentor role with stride, helping young toons find their footing in a massive industry.
Joey is going to play an active role in my story, being the mentor for Yakko, Wakko, and Dot as they are introduced to the world of television. I won't say yet how things will turn out in the end, but know that Joey is going to be faced with his greatest challenge yet: being an agent for chaotic and zany toons.
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pinkywakkorotti · 2 years
Weed Memlo yelling at Wakko and making him cry
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kornwarner · 2 years
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thewarnerbrothers · 3 years
wakko is literally the worst character ever
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duckulamoved · 3 years
In universe Mal spent a lot of time directing the 90′s Warner cartoons. Utter hell at first but with like minor insight from her niece Eliza, who didn’t even have anything to do with work at WB at the time (she signed contracts later), reminded her aunt unwittingly that the Warners had been in the business even longer than she had, technically. So she sort of acknowleged they probably knew what they were doing, maybe, and if she just conceded to script changes and improv and vibed with the zaniness and the like everyone would have a much happier day on set. As a result she’s less bitter about her role on the WB Lot. And just really enjoys work overall and where many are in an uproar about Warner mayhem she just shrugs it off as another part of the day. She’s got a soft spot for the Warners. 
The 22 year timeframe between the then and the now saw her moving up into live action directing. She changed with the times, forcibly. And along with Eliza fell out of silly cartoon work and into the edgy gritty scene that overtook Hollywood for a while. The reboot as a whole was an entire relief to them when they found out and they basically forced their way back into the scene, with basically a ‘fine whatever’ hand wave from the new CEO. 
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animaniacs-fanfics · 2 years
Animaniacs Fanfics Masterlist
The fics marked with a asterisk means that it’s a WIP. Ones that are striked out are the ones I don’t ever plan to write.
Aftermath - The Warner siblings attend Lon Borax’s funeral, while a rift between Wakko and Weed Memlo slowly starts to grow. Based on metallideth01’s Bastards of Young series.
Warner Bros B.P. (Before Plotz) - Before Thaddeus Plotz, there was a different CEO for the Warner Bros. studio: His name is Ben Mankiewicz, the brother-in-law of Joseph Mankiewicz. What will the Warners think of him?
(It’s Always the) Same With Cats - A retelling of how Rita and Runt met each other.
The Forgotten Warner Sibling - What if there was supposedly a fourth Warner sibling?
Tics and Tacs - For Wakko Warner, living with Tourette’s Syndrome is hard. Like really hard. Like over-the-top hard. He tries to get through life the best he can, but it’s not easy. (Tourette’s!Wakko AU)
Let Him Cry - When it came to Weed Memlo, Wakko was never allowed to cry or show any emotions at all. He was always forced to smile, even when he was at an all time low. It was only behind closed doors that he was permitted to let his emotions out. Then he stops smiling and being happy altogether, only becoming a shell of a toon. Will he ever be happy again? And what happens when it all becomes way too much for him?
One of These Days - A look into the life of the Warners, from their imprisonment in 1934 all the way until their escape in 1993. This is what happened through this long span of 60 years before the show Animaniacs began airing.
By a Long Shot - Wakko hates his grandmother Angelina I with a burning passion. (Royal AU inspired by “Long Live the Queen”, an Angelina I Lives AU by JanetBrown711)
Song Troubles - “Wakko’s America” was as if not the hardest song Wakko ever had to write. When he has to perform the song for the episode of the same name, he keeps messing up which results in an emotional breakdown. Can he be convinced that he can do it?
Am I Really a Disappointment? - When Weed Memlo insults Wakko in the worst way possible, he shows a different side of himself that no one else has ever seen before.
Hypoglycemia - Wakko was always known to eat everything. But underneath it all, he has a condition called hypoglycemia. It’s a painful realization. He keeps it all under wraps, that is until one day he almost dies. That near-death experience would soon change his life and everyone else around him forever…
You Can Call Me Dot - 1928. Upon creating the Warner siblings, Lon Borax doesn’t have any idea on what to name them. To some working in the Warner Bros. animation department, that would be considered a creator problem... but after a bit of brainstorming, he finally comes up with Yakko, Wakko and Dot.
Night Terrors - Wakko has night terrors. So when Yakko and Dot hear him screaming in his sleep one night they go to investigate, and what they witness horrifies them.
The Photo Album - Weed Memlo destroys something precious to Wakko: his photo album. What happens next? (Follow up to “It’s Not Your Fault” and happens just before the events of “Aftermath”.)
It’s Not Your Fault - When Lon Borax dies, Wakko is convinced that it’s his fault. However, Yakko and Dot tell him it’s not. Will he either believe them or Memlo’s lies?
The Day Comedy Died - It’s 1934, and the Warners get locked up in the water tower never to be seen or mentioned of again. To Yakko, it’s a never ending nightmare he can’t wake up from. This was the day comedy died.
*Dog Teeth - Wakko hates his teeth. Hates how big they are, how sharp they are, how evil they look. He’s also extremely protective of his family, even to the point that he’ll maul someone to death… though he doesn’t intend to. He wants to open up about it, but there is a certain fear within him. Do others see him as a good guy or is it all a façade to say how much of a monster he is, a monster with 𝙙𝙤𝙜 𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙝?
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ducktracy · 4 years
how could anyone forget the classic WB cartoon directors Weed Memlo and Piz Peeners
i have never seen animaniacs before so i was DESPERATELY google searching weed memlo and piz peeners trying to figure out what on earth it was a parody of. this is fucking hilarious thank you for introducing me to the world of slappy squirrel
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cf56 · 3 years
Many things in Animaniacs are deeper and sadder than they initially seem when you really think about it. Welcome to another episode of overanalyzing a comedy cartoon.
I’m specifically talking about a bit of backstory from the Warners’ 65th Anniversary Special. Around the middle of the episode, we’re shown many of the Warners’ early cartoons, and introduced to their first director, Weed Memlo. The Warners were, of course, hard to direct, and Memlo explicitly states that he hates them. The final straw seems to be the short “Kitchen Krazy,” where Wakko is in the kitchen and doesn’t interpret Weed’s yelled directions correctly, leading to Memlo quitting the Warners’ films.
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Look at the little guy. Now, Weed Memlo's directing is mean and unfair to the Warners, but that's not what I want to talk about. Do keep in mind, though, that it was Wakko who seemingly caused Memlo to quit.
I want to talk about the cartoon short shown right after this, "Yankee Doodle Warners," directed by none other than Wakko Warner. I have no idea how they decided that Wakko would be the one to direct (probably just eenie-minie-moe) or why Plotz approved it, but he did. And Wakko took his job seriously.
According to the testimony of "Professor Kingsfield," Wakko worked day and night on the script, along with famous director Joseph Mankiewicz. I assume this means he also designed the set, picked the costumes, and arranged the musical number. He put a lot of creativity into it, and it actually turned out quite nice.
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Look at how proud he is, and also how happy his siblings are. They were happy to not only let Wakko direct the short, but also star in it, taking the backing roles for themselves. Now, the actual script isn't quite as great as the set and costume design- the siblings hum and armpit-fart to the tune of Yankee Doodle. Harmless, really, but I guess I can see how it might be considered low brow comedy back in 1934.
Anyway, Bugs Bunny says that Plotz was "furious" about the cartoon and cancelled their contract immediately after seeing it. This is, of course, where I start to feel really bad for Wakko. He worked hard on this film, completed it to his version of perfection, and it was immediately dismissed as trash. But it gets worse.
After their contract was torn up, the Warners used their free time to run amok around the lot. If you've watched the old series at all, you know where that led- to them getting locked up in the water tower, for 60 years. I could make a whole other post about how they weren't really that bad and definitely didn't deserve such inhumane punishment, but I think anyone who's read this far already knows the general opinion on that.
This is where you might start getting my overall point. Wakko was the final straw that led to Weed Memlo quitting the Warners' cartoons. Wakko then directed a film which got their contract cancelled. This eventually led to their imprisonment.
That's right. If you want to look at it this way, Wakko is directly responsible for getting his siblings locked up in the tower. He didn't even do anything wrong, either. It wasn't his fault that Memlo didn't understand how to direct him. Wakko takes everything literally, that's just who he is. It also wasn't his fault that Plotz hated his film so much. He did everything he could have to put together a good cartoon, working as hard as he could, seeking the advice of professionals. Just because Plotz didn't appreciate Wakko's sense of humor, though, their contract was cancelled.
I know his siblings would never blame him for it, but I do have to wonder if Wakko felt any guilt over all of this. I really hope not. He did the absolute best he could, and I'd watch his cartoons any day of the week. The real blame lies at the feet of the studio that created and then immediately rejected them, just for being... well, them.
There'll be one last installment of my "overanalyzing the Warners" series before season 2 releases on Thursday/Friday. It's one I'm really looking forward to.
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pinkywakkorotti · 2 years
Animaniacs Character Headcanons - Wakko
The Middle Child - 11 years old
Eats almost ANYTHING!
Has autism and OCD
The most sensitive out of the Warners
He tugs on his ears or chews his lip a lot whenever he feels anxious or stressed
Very emotional, is quick to laugh and quick to cry
Gets angry very easily, anger him and you just might regret it
Non-binary, but uses he/him pronouns
A very very BIG nu metal junkie!!!
His pajamas consist of a oversized baggy black t-shirt with a Korn logo on the front and gray lounge pants
Very protective of his siblings, can and will go feral and shred people to pieces for his family
Has hypoglycemia
His hat is his comfort item, as he’s never seen without it
Acts more puppy-like. Just 100% more affectionate, more playful but also more protective
Prone to having panic attacks
Tries his best to hide his severe anxiety and depression from his siblings due to an incident he had with Weed Memlo all the way back in 1929 (where he had DIP poured onto his back causing pink splotches of scarring to form; the fur unfortunately never grew back. This has become heavily inspired by metallideth01’s own headcanons); on nights when he feels especially awful, he’ll look to either brother or sister for comfort. They’re the only ones who know how to make him feel better
Often has nightmares, his siblings know it very well and are always there by his side to calm him down and tell him everything will be ok
Has extremely sharp teeth (he only uses them if he absolutely has to)
Has a bit of an interest in puppetry
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pinkywakkorotti · 2 years
What headcanons do you have?
Ask and you shall receive.
The Middle Child - 11 years old
Eats almost ANYTHING!
Has autism and OCD
The most sensitive out of the Warners
He tugs on his ears or chews his lip a lot whenever he feels anxious or stressed
Very emotional, is quick to laugh and quick to cry
Gets angry very easily, anger him and you just might regret it
Non-binary, but uses he/him pronouns
A very very BIG nu metal junkie!!!
His pajamas consist of a oversized baggy black t-shirt with a Korn logo on the front and gray lounge pants
Very protective of his siblings, can and will go feral and shred people to pieces for his family
Has hypoglycemia
His hat is his comfort item, as he’s never seen without it
Acts more puppy-like. Just 100% more affectionate, more playful but also more protective
Prone to having panic attacks
Tries his best to hide his severe anxiety and depression from his siblings due to an incident he had with Weed Memlo all the way back in 1929 (where he had DIP poured onto his back causing pink splotches of scarring to form; the fur unfortunately never grew back. This has become heavily inspired by metallideth01's own headcanons); on nights when he feels especially awful, he’ll look to either brother or sister for comfort. They're the only ones who know how to make him feel better
Often has nightmares, his siblings know it very well and are always there by his side to calm him down and tell him everything will be ok
Has extremely sharp teeth (he only uses them if he absolutely has to)
Has a bit of an interest in puppetry
The Oldest Child - 14 years old
He's the one who yaks!
Bisexual and proud
HATES raisins
Lactose intolerant
He really really really LOVES the color lavender!
Carries around a stash of emergency snacks for Wakko whenever his hypoglycemia acts up. The first well-known incident was in chapter one of kitkat1003's story "Tower Tales", where he had Dot hit his face with a pie to feed him
Snorts when he laughs
His fur is thinner so he easily gets cold
A huge fan of Queen
His pajamas consist of a simple white t-shirt and lavender lounge pants
Hyperfixates on history and geography and infodumps whenever he can. He even got his siblings interested
Isn’t used to being by himself, as all three siblings never are
The Youngest Child - 10 years old
Full name is Princess Angelina Louisa Cantessa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the third, call her Dottie and you die
She is the only one of the three who can do math
Her favorite color is pink; so her pajamas consist of a pink tank top, sweatpants and bunny slippers
Social learner
Be mean to her brothers and she’ll mess you up
More easily relaxed than her brothers, but proves on numerous occasions that she can be just as wild as they are
Secretly awesome at singing screamo
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duckulamoved · 4 years
The absolutely bonkers thing to me is this ok. 
- Warners are Created.  - Warners CoStar in Buddy Cartoons - Warners get contract for own cartoons.  - Director Weed Memlo Quits, Wakko allowed to Direct.  - Wakko directing causes outrage. Warners contract cancelled.  - With their schedules free, Warners cause chaos on the movie lot.  - Production halted on lot due to chaos, Warners locked in tower.  - By this point, they do have to be let out every so often so the tower can be fumigated for termites. For...some reason? I don’t know why a steel structure needs that but ok. They spend this time causing chaos off lot.  - Fast forward, we are at the 65th Anniversary Ceremony. Where the hose says “The kids are still locked in the tower! But they’re been permitted to come here to be with us tonight!” And. Everyone’s just. Ok with this. Like yeah they’re Toons but they’re also admitting that they’re kids that are just. Improsoned in this tower and no one cares I’m so mad im so mad. 
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duckulamoved · 3 years
The old Buddy films were among the first cartoons Eliza watched as a kid (and about the only ones her parents really let her watch since they weren’t really much of anything until the Warners were added to the cast). So she’s got a huge soft spot for the shorts. She’ll be the first to tell you they weren’t anything special but, in part due to bias soaked up from her aunt, she mostly puts the blame on Weed Memlo. 
As well, although she likes the Warners, she’ll also be the first to tell you the Warner’s addition to the cast was a terrible inclusion to the Buddy shorts, because as a character he didn’t really seem to do anything to warrant being whacked with a mallet time and again, and the joke got old fast anyway like what’s the fun if you knew how it was going to end. (Others will point out that pre-Warners all Buddy cartoons were essentially the same as well but she’ll wave you off. She knows this fact. But it’s not the point.) 
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duckulamoved · 4 years
I love that I guess. You really don’t SEE the Warners interact with Weed Memlo. But just the way he acts the moment you see him in this special you KNOW why his time working with the Warners was the most miserable in his life. 
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