crowneprince · 3 months
Pipefoxes are magical animal familiars that players can get in Pathfinder. They are supposed to be quite small, but the pipefox pet you can find in Wrath of the Righteous is this size! I love this silly long fox creature design.
Stickers, Buttons, Shirts: Pipefox Box OR Fluffy Fox-In-A-Tub
Don't let the foxes sneak into your arrows.
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pantacotta · 1 year
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I had so much fun adding textures and detail 😊
This was such a cathartic piece to work on!
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microfiched · 17 days
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pryexel48 · 3 months
LineArtLent Day 38: Pipefox Pet
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Inspired by @crowneprince's recent video! (Check out her on Twitter, BlueSky, Tumblr, Instagram, DeviantArt, NewGrounds, & YouTube!)
( Visionara belongs to me. )
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ritunn · 5 months
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Commission by @mothlocked
"With every turning of the clock's hand does time die, feeding into the endless machinations of that which lurks between every second. But, what happens if one were to stop that hand? Would you like to see?"
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alyssaannette · 2 years
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Watanuki definitely deserves better. Maybe he'll get it when the series comes back in Spring of 2023. Also random but can I ask why I find Watanuki Kimihiro super attractive and yet can't stand Clow Reed?
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mopotatoes · 2 years
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Day two of being tipsy and doodling
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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now to hope I don’t screw anything else up in proceeding
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monstersdownthepath · 5 months
For entirely normal reasons, can I ask how many fox monsters exist in PF? I already love pipe foxes as a familiar to gun for but how far does the fox spectrum stretch?
Let's see... besides the playable Kitsune, there's the Pipefox and Galluvix, both of which can be familiars (you can also have a mundane fox as a familiar)...
There's the Fading Fox, which can change its coloration and who sweeps its tail over its tracks as it moves to obscure them
The Vulpinal Agathion and the fey Huldra,
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And of course, the malevolent Nogitsune, which results from an Oni spirit taking possession of a Kitsune through one method or another.
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iwoszareba · 5 months
Pipefox please!
i know i shared the whole joke on discord at some point but here is a slightly updated sketch of the first part
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crows-of-buckets · 2 months
I think it's so funny how many pets you can drag around with you in wrath of the righteous. Yeah let's go to war I'm gonna bring my cat and my pipefox and my baby dragon and the other dragon that just showed up in my personal chest and the other OTHER dragon that came to me from Elysium and my companions pet horse. Yes they are all vital to this crusade actually
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gensokyogarden · 3 months
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Okay, in that case I shall first put on my nerd glasses and briefly explain patronage for the uninitiated.
Patronage is a political structure that has existed in a few societies throughout history, primarily republics. The Roman Republic is probably the most well known example but it also existed in Tammany Hall era America. The basics are that those with power (generally the upper class and/or established political figures) provide aid to those lower than them. Examples: a wealthy patron hosting banquets for the disenfranchised or a politician with sway helping someone starting in politics to get the county seat. Those who receive patronage become the patron's clients (patron is a funny word because it can refer to the one giving patronage or the one receiving it but I'm using client for the one who receives to make it more understandable). In turn the client's patrons repay their patronage in some way, often in the form of votes. In this way clients directly correlate to political power, so those patrons with the most capability to provide patronage have the most power.
Ask for the application in regards to Megumu? I'll start by stating that I think Megs rejects meritocracy outright. Her goals are to leave as much power within Gensokyo in the hands of the tengu but also, in particular, her own hands. Those who become powerful enough on their own through their merit is just another threat to her power, hence why she betrayed Chimata as soon as Chimi didn't need her. Ability doesn't get you any advancement. If anything, the opposite. She doesn't want useless underlings, your merit is what allows you to work for her in the first place and you should be honored it got you that far.
Instead Megumu values loyalty first and foremost. Her way of seeking loyalty is through a system of patronage. If you're a tengu and you need information on the next news scoop, training, wealth, connections, or a higher rank then Megumu is happy to give it to you, but you must repay her kindness in some way and service to her is the most common. The majority of Megumu's underlings are her patrons and in the back of their mind each is aware that she can strip everything she gave away at any time.
Loyalty is a must but it is not enough to satisfy her. To be her client you have to provide her with something. You may not always have what she wants but she'll shape you to give it to her. Does a wolf tengu want a promotion but thinks they have nothing to give her? Don't worry, she's always wanted the commander of the south outpost under her thumb. You want another Daitengu to notice you? She'd love someone to report on their business.
Megumu does genuinely want the best for all tengu but she is a creature driven by greed and ambition. Regardless of how many clients she gains she would never challenge Lord Tenma but the other daitengu? ... Well she just happens to think they'd function best with herself as the tengu's shogun and Tenma as their emperor.
As for those associated with her? In Tsukasa's case she is a client but a bit more than that. Megumu sees a lot of herself in Tsukasa's ability to manipulate and use others. For that reason I think she favors Tsukasa almost like an apprentice or a pseudo-niece. Given pipefox are also typically wizard familiars and Megumu partially takes her name from a god of them I also personally see Tsukasa as her familiar but I think you could argue Touhou 19 disagrees with that.
In Momoyo case, she's definitely not Megmeg's client in fact Momoyo exists entirely outside of the Tengu's structure ... and that's kind of nice. Megumu legitimately sees her as a friend and an equal in strength. That's a relationship that she can't have with most tengu as she needs to be above it all to act as their patron. Plus she's aware that if she became their friends ... it might hurt to have to use them as tools. So having Momoyo? It's just really nice to have a friend.
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mugetsupipefox · 4 months
where did u get the idea for ur url?
I shamelessly stole it from an anime character lol
Mugetsu is the name of the pipefox from xxxholic, hence mugetsupipefox :)
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I love him very much
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dmagedgoods · 1 year
💍: favourite magic item?, 🔞: do you have any nsfw headcanons, either for ocs or canon characters?, 🦊: opinions on animal companions/familiars?
💍: favourite magic item?
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Did I mention that it's Sal's worst nightmare to be mind-controlled? He wasn't seen without his crown. Well, unless he wore his other crown to do the mind magic himself. 😂
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(They are quite his taste in style and color too.) 🔞: do you have any nsfw headcanons, either for ocs or canon characters? Some more? 😁 - A firm spanking may help to remind Daeran of his manners. It's even more effective though to leave the door open in those cases. Sal makes sure no one actually will be close or come in when he does (unless they let a third one participate) but despite his attitude and a usually relaxed opinion about visitors during sexy times, Daeran doesn't seem to like the idea to be seen in this humiliating position. - Daeran appears a little distracted or even flustered? Well, it may be due to the fact that Sal made him wear a toy that stimulates him in public. They have a whole collection of interesting things imported from Alkenstar. - Aasimar cum is golden and Sal loves Daeran covered in it. 🦊: opinions on animal companions/familiars? It's easy to overdo it a little because they are so neat and cute. 😂 Between all those animal companions and the small creatures you can take with you on your way, I sometimes felt like a wandering zoo. Ember's crow, tiger, Woljif's pipefox, Cassius, Greybor got a dog because he seemed lonely, Daeran had a pet imp ... and I could have given many more of them an actual animal companion. It's a lot. I absolutely love that it's possible to have animal companions and familiars. Furthermore, Sal's leopard Cassius is very strong and does nice damage.
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dujour13 · 1 year
🦊🔮 and ❤️ for emoji ask game :D
🦊: opinions on animal companions/familiars?
I love them all so much they started clogging up my screen. Siavash has Tiger, Pipefox and Jharsygax, as well as his jerboa he calls Bean. Lann has Bismuth, Seelah has a warhorse named Mouse, Daeran has a wolf named Galfrey, and Sosiel has a leopard named Griffe. I’m not good with naming pets.
And then of course there’s Aivu. Cutest most fierce dragon of all time.
🔮: oc’s opinions on magic and the gods?
Answered here!
❤️: any npcs you liked, or even wished you could romance?
I really liked all the Desnan/Azata npcs. Ramien of course, but I wish the Azata Knight-Commander got to interact with him more even if Hulrun was still alive. He just disappears?
With a bard OC the game indicates that there’s some rivalry with Aranka, but I like her up there on the island trying to herd cats with the Free Crusaders and I picture them as good friends. Ilkes (the priest) is pretty cool showing up ready to kick some demon butt in the Fane, and Thall’s shy but seems sweet. I got a kick out of Kel Five Knives (the Pathfinder equivalent of Robin Hood) as well as “Sir Footstool” and company. Oh, there are too many.
One whose story really moved me was Captain Odan. In my second playthrough I made him a general and let him lead the army that definitively defeated Khorramzadeh in the last battle, and the speech he gave afterwards actually made me cry.
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awakenedmaiden · 10 months
@ranshoehub okay you're getting my list this way because putting it all in replies to your post would be inconvenient. I am only briefly mentioning things though so I'll give you more on whatever you're interested in.
First off, like you said, you already have a kitsune but on the subject of foxes there's also the Kuda-gitsune (what Tsukasa is, a pipefox). Also similar to that is an Izuna, quite similar to a kuda-gitsune but they act as familiars to a magicky person. Then there's Myobu who are foxes of good fortune that often guard shrines. Usually they're statues but within Touhou statues coming to live ain't exactly uncommon.
Then there's kodama. Kodama aren't really a specific look (though I quite like how they were in Princess Mononoke) but they're tree spirits that come from particularly long lived trees. They're also the namesake for a particular type of bullet train so I just thought that was a neat detail to share.
Kamaitachi are basically little weasel youkai (their name means sickle weasel) who run around and give you a cut on a leg. They also sometimes are depicted doing something that kinda resembles sonic spindashing.
A Mujina is kind of like a kitsune or a Tanuki. Being a somewhat mischevious shapeshifting animal. A mujina, however, is a badger youkai (best animal). Well a Japanese Badger which is called an anaguma and is not the same as a western badger. Though they are masters of disguises they tend to give themselves away because they like to sleep and when they do their tail pops out.
Kube-Kira-Uma are a horse spirit that doesn't have a head. Like a headless horseman but without the man part. They often are depicted acting as holiday steeds for gods or powerful youkai.
Raiju are some sort of thunder beast that bring storms with them. But what they actually look at varies greatly. Sometimes they're a dog, a fox, some sort of larger animal, a squirrel thing, I dunno art of them is real inconcistent. But they're some sorta funny storm making beast.
To go with the above there's the Qilin/Kirin/Girin. Which is a Chinese/Japanese/Korean Deer-Dragon (or sometimes a unicorn or a horse-dragon) that fights dragons and is often associated with storms. Their appearance traditionally is said to herald the birth or death of a great leader or philosopher. They're supposed to be very calm and serene but they will fuck you up. It's cool.
Kudan is a cow with a human face. When they're born they utter a prophecy and then immediately die. I can't find anything too interesting about them but they;re just too funny not to include.
Nekomata I'm mentioning just by virtue of them being one of the types of cat youaki that has not been a major character in Touhou.
A very modern (The 1980s) youkai is Jinmenken which are dogs with the face of humans. The stories about it are that you find it rooting around in your garbage, it notices that you've noticed it, then it looks up at you and sadly says "just leave me alone" and walks away.
Akaname comes into your house and drinks your bathwater. I gotta mention that guy cause he's gross.
Kotobuki is a chimera made up of all the animals of the Chinese zodiac.
Aosagibi is a bird that glows with ghost fire
Amenasu: A shape shifting animal but it's a big fish
Amabiko: Three legged ape youkai that walks out of the sea to give prophecies
Furaribi: A like ... flying chicken fireball? Which floats around aimlessly.
Bitan: Aquatic cowfish
Furi: Flying otters that ride on the wind and are maybe a type of weird tanuki
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