jagalart · 2 months
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A very special picture for the great @ YachtRockDragon matching with one I've done a while ago. This time featuring a nb take on a traditional Lemko clothing and Spring in Ukrainian/Polish/Slovakian mountainside. I grew up surrounded by their culture and language so it was really cool to make this ❤️
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mahiyana · 6 months
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Hello there :)
I've decided to go for something different than usual for this years edition of Easter Eggs :D This year's design is inspired by the most known Polish pottery design - Bolesławiec pottery. I've actually been blessed with opportunity to visit a real pottery workshop in Bolesławiec and try out making such designs myself!
But it wasn't the thing that inspired me to try out this approach. Actually I thought out about this idea when I saw a mural promoting the Mandalorian series which was proudly painted in Wrocław city. It was designed by Jakub Kamiński and I strongly recommend checking out his artwork (for example here -> https://www.behance.net/kaminsky). And of course if you never heard about the Bolesławiec pottery I would also recommend checking it out for yourselves! ;)
Now that you know why I chose that specific patterns, all is left to say is that I've painted two, two-sided eggs this year. One is with Baby Yoda and Mythosaurus Skull (Mandalorian's logo) and the other is with Boba Fett and Din Djarin.
Happy Easter everyone! :)
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 1 year
Uspieński mentions offerings of decorated eggs (pisanki) to the forest spirit (Leshy). Ivanits also lists bread, salt, grits and pancakes – those sacrifices were wrapped in a clean cloth, tied with red ribbon and left on the crossroads. (…) Eggs are typical sacrifice offered for various forms of the forest spirit. They are also used for casting spells, and during funerary rituals they had to be buried at the feet of the deceased.
- Sacrifices among the Slavs: Between Archeological Evidence and 19th Century Folklore by Izabella Wenska
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gozdziak · 6 months
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Happy Easter!
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gabstherium · 6 months
Why paint on paper when you can paint on fragile, hart to work with, very much destroyable egg
Joyfull Easter for you
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miroart · 4 months
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This year's pisanki theme turned out to be flowers
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swasianfish · 6 months
I made my first pisanki today and I'm very proud of myself! Not bad for a first try!
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 8 months
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Stanisława Mąka
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military1st · 6 months
Happy Easter!
Wishing a joyful Easter to all our incredible customers at Military 1st! May this time be filled with cherished moments spent with loved ones.
With longer days and milder weather upon us, it's the perfect opportunity to embrace the outdoors. Whether it's a hike, a camping trip, or a leisurely stroll, revel in the splendour of nature. And if you're in need of new outdoor gear or clothing, look no further than our extensive range.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and may your Easter be truly delightful!
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artbyifer · 1 year
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Ukranian pysanky egg - Scales
Went to a workshop with my folks and came back with a couple of eggs. This one is in a scale pattern that apparently impressed the heck out of the instructor, since she had just taught us a simple way of dividing the egg into sections and I extrapolated a spiral out of that to make a spiralized grid for the scales.
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aswebeg · 1 year
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on one hand I stand against anything and everything the institution of a catholic church does in this sad, sad country of mine
on the other I cannot pretend it hasn’t been a big part of our culture and what made us who we are today as a nation (whether it’s good or bad)
so although I do not go to church myself I always prepare the basket and eggs for my mother, out of my love for her. hard boiled eggs, meat (#kielbasa), bread, and salt (hidden), are a staple, I think, but the rest varies from region to region.
the biggest difference is the lamb - it’s made out of sugar (store bought, best shit when you’re a kid) - whereas in my bf’s house it’s made out of butter (homemade from a bar of butter & wooden mould). we also add sweets (homemade muffin), which is also optional for others
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 1 year
Foundation offerings
A foundation offering is a magic practice known since antiquity, performed during the the construction of new residential buildings, but also the of sacred or defensive buildings, roads and bridges. The foundation offering (pl. zakładzina) should ensure the well-being of the users and residents of the building and strengthen the building’s durability by giving it the life of a living being. In his monograph about archaeological excavations in Opole (Poland), Hołubowicz writes that a textual account known as Rudolf’s Catalogue of Magic mentions the practice of foundation offerings in medieval Silesia. He also interprets the bowls found under foundations of houses or inside them as possible sacrifices or foundation offerings for households spirits. Also pisanki – traditionally painted or decorated eggs were found there – they were made from chicken eggshells as well as of limestone and “of size and form corresponding to chicken eggs”. The most expensive and splendid ones were made of clay and ornamented with colourful toppings. Hołubowicz adds that eggs and crushed eggshells were found at Ostrówek in Opole within houses and also in the eastern corners of houses.
Foundation offerings of horses were placed under corners of houses of Slavs and Balts. Findings from Novgorod (10th–14th century), Opole (12th century) and Szczecin seem to confirm this. According to Szafrański, sacrifices of this type were also placed under ramparts, for example in Biskupin (8th–9th century), Gdańsk (12th century), Santok (12th–13th century). Those rites were supported by many folk beliefs about apotropaic qualities of the horse and they can be observed in Christmas mock rituals, costumes and requisites of mummers. The findings of horse skulls are also known from Kalisz, Wolin, Gniezno and Czeladź Wielka.
- Sacrifices among the Slavs: Between Archeological Evidence and 19th Century Folklore by Izabella Wenska
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chabrowy-craft · 5 months
Every Easter for as long as I can remember I decorated our pisanki. We stopped consecrating them ages ago but I still do my 'duty'. It's really a way to get out of doing chores like cutting all the boiled vegetables for szałot.
This year was my first time decorating pisanki with the wax method. It was nice to unwind and let my hand move freely creating the designs. Some didn't come out great but I loved the process. There's something very liberating in knowing they will get cracked soon. It allows to truly let go of perfectionism. Here are some pics
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After the deed was done I grinded the eggshells into a powder and used it to fertilize my Babcia's fruit trees including a very special pear tree.
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sebastianbenbenek · 6 months
Słowiańskie zające Jezusa z Nazaretu
Słowiańskie zające Jezusa z Nazaretu
Wszyscy wiemy, że Polacy to Słowianie i czcili Swaroga, który był bardzo dziwnie podobny do Hefajstosa. Pytanie co znaczy “nasza” kultura, oraz czy Skandynawowie nas nawracali? Continue reading Słowiańskie zające Jezusa z Nazaretu
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miroart · 1 year
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Another year, another pisanki
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