#pisces weekly horoscope
everydayhoroscope · 2 months
Aries Weekly Horoscope 5 - 11 August, 2024
During the week of August 5th to 11th, Aries may experience financial strain and unexpected news. Taurus should be cautious with commitments. Gemini's emotional events may impact future plans. Cancer may face financial troubles. Leo might encounter tensio
♈︎ Aries On Monday, Venus will enter the sign of Virgo and stay there until August 29th. Mercury will also go into retrograde until August 29th. From August 6th to 8th, the Sun will sextile Jupiter. On August 7th and 8th, Mercury will be in conjunction with Venus. If you’re an Aries, during the week of August 5th to 11th, you might meet friends and relatives from afar or travel to see them. It’s…
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Pisces Horoscope for December 2022: You may receive a romantic proposal from your hometown - Times of India
Pisces Horoscope for December 2022: You may receive a romantic proposal from your hometown – Times of India
A person’s personality is determined by the traits and characteristics given in his horoscope. This Pisces Horoscope for December month is determined by the position of the moon and sun. How would you feel if you come to know what’s going to happen throughout the month for Pisces? Horoscopes give us a hint about all the things that we are going to face for the entire month. Read your Pisces…
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jeevanjali · 4 months
Pisces Weekly Horoscope 20 to 26 May 2024: जानिए मीन राशि का साप्ताहिक राशिफल ?Pisces Weekly Horoscope 20 to 26 May 2024: मीन राशि के जातकों के लिए यह सप्ताह बहुत अच्छा रहेगा। शुरुआत में आपके कार्य में कुछ कठिनाई आएगी लेकिन बाद में आपको सफलता प्राप्त होगी। इस सप्ताह आपको कोई बड़ा रिस्क नहीं लेना चाहिए।
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Weekly Tarot Guidance: 04.02.24 – 10.02.24
Aries During a family function or official event, you may encounter someone with good news or an important message. Don’t feel rushed; there’s no ticking clock. Take your time to figure out your desires and how to pursue them. If you’ve been striving for a long time without success, reconsider your approach and intentions. Reflect on why you’re doing what you’re doing—is it for money, success,…
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astrosolutions · 1 year
Pisces Weekly Horoscope: Insights and Predictions June 19-25, 2023
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Pisces weekly horoscope: Are you ready for a week of delight, growth, and fortune, Pisces? The stars are shining on you, bringing you positive influences in all areas of your life. Whether it’s your personal or professional sphere, you can expect to achieve your goals and enjoy the fruits of your efforts. Here’s what you need to know about your weekly horoscope.
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damianstarastrology · 2 months
Love signs
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The cardinals are upfront in love. Aries initiates, libra flirts, cancer drops hits, capricorn hangs by.
Aries sun and venus are very affectionate. If they like you, you’ll know. It’s that simple with them.
Libra flatters you. They let you borrow their clothes. They say yes to almost everything.
Capricorn will want to provide for you and Cancer will want to take care of you. Text me when you get home. Come live with me.
The fixed signs are passive yet passionate. Taurus vegatates, scorpio devours, leo shines and Aquarius consumes. Taurus wants to do what they want to do. Aquarius wants to do whatever you want to do. Leo wants to show you off, scorpio wants to indulge you.
With the mutables, it is all about proximity. Sagittarius sun and venus in particular; you need to be where they’re at; to meet them where they’re at. Sagittarius lives in the moment, dating within their social circle. Same with gemini; needs similar social habits as their partner. A gemini sun/venus who is an extrovert would want to date another extrovert.
Gemini loves a foundation of friendship. If they like you they will talk about you to their friends.
Virgo loves a friend of a friend. They like someone on the same intellectual wavelength as them. They need someone with similar roots.
Pisces could love just about anybody but why would they want to when they could love a fire sign?
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seafoamreadings · 4 days
week of september 22nd, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: someone you're "talking to" may very well become someone closer and more special this week. even if this is not given an official title, or even if you don't register any major shifts in your feelings, the nodes ensure that this sort of communication is quite meaningful.
taurus: this is likely a big week for you in terms of love and relationships. but don't expect to meet prince charming at a ball in a pumpkin coach... much more likely that going about your day to day responsibilities and recreation brings this person to you, or that they are already there and a spark ignites this week.
gemini: your mercurial ruling planet has a busy week of significant aspects ahead. this corresponds to a roller coaster of ups and downs throughout your week. everything is temporary and nothing is all the way off limits, so use what you can and don't sweat the rest too much.
cancerians: venus pops into your 5th house, virtually guaranteeing a good time, especially for single cancerians seeking to be swept off their feet. but don't forget, eclipse season is still in progress, and this week is prep for a big solar eclipse in libra perfecting next week. it's real love but it's not steady, stable, or certain. enjoy it anyway!
leo: beautify your home and bring it all the harmony you can for auspicious as-above-so-below points. meanwhile, expect changes to your career or public image, but don't try to bring them about yourself or force anything. better to let that play out on its own and focus on your sanctum and your own personal lair at this time.
virgo: mercury, from its vantage point of your sign, gets some interaction with all the three outermost planets this week. which means you're getting input and intel from out there, intense, overarching vibrations. it may or may not shake up your day to day life, but you can expect developments when it comes to fun, romance, partnership, intimacy, and shared resources.
libra: your ruling planet venus heads out of your sign and into scorpio early this week but don't let anyone convince you this is somehow unfavorable. this can attract lots of money and other helpful resources for your sign more than for others. not long afterwards, mercury enters your sign anyway, which maintains your higher-than-average charisma and eloquence levels.
scorpio: you have bigger love and romance vibes than most other people do this week. this goes mostly favorable, especially if you are open to changes and you are doing your so-called inner work. journaling will especially be favorable all week .
sagittarius: talk to your friends and acquaintances! it is likely you will encounter an unexpectedly helpful person in this time. meanwhile a dedicated self love practice is also auspicious this week. not just pampering yourself, but really giving your inner child what they never had as an actual child, and doing the responsible things you must do as an adult... but also pampering, yes.
capricorn: if you can, go extra out of your way this week to appreciate your broader social support system. not just your spouse, your partner, your parent, your best friend, but also everyone you could turn to for help in a crisis, or the local people around you who, say, make your coffee, bag your groceries, etc.
aquarius: you'll get a lot of subtle hints this week as to things that are to come but you'll have to pay close attention to get the message. it won't smack you over the head. it's a little whisper in a crowd that you overhear, or something about the way the light falls around you, etc.
pisces: the biggest part of eclipse season, for you, has passed, but it isn't over yet at all. you're still integrating the recent lunar eclipse in your sign, and a solar eclipse in libra is coming next (not this) week. so this interim period is full of omens and growth for you.
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moonywiitch · 10 days
Me - I will never fall in love with a sun dominant man ♂️👔💥🥾
My darakaraka - oops! 🌜too bad he's going to be your husband
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
Random Astro Observations 🎓
💎Scorpio Rising mothers could be teachers or lawyers.
💎If retrograde planet is in 2nd from Sun, it can indicate financial issues for father.
💎Jupiter in 3rd may live in a large neighborhood (like a community).
💎Moon in 5th house may suddenly change their lovers or fall in love with 2 people at same time.
💎2nd ruler in 8th house may rely on spouse for financial support.
💎Sign on 10th house may be your father's rising or Moon sign.
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Eclipse, Equinox, and SO. MANY. SHIFTS.
     Strap yourself in, this week brings a slew of shifts, breakthroughs, and accelerated transformations. That’s because Eclipse season is here, and it’s not playing around. Yep, this week’s lineup is packed with the Pisces eclipse, the Autumn Equinox, and a Venus shift. In between all of that, you can expect your mindset to sober up—which, incidentally, preps you for an “unexpected” download, a dash of dreamy chaos, a temporary bout of squirrel-brain curiosity, and maybe some tension around creativity, money, and relating. 
ICYMI: 🚀 My debut novel, Jupiter Returns, is now available for pre-order! When you pre-order before Sept. 30, you’ll also be entered into an exclusive giveaway for some stellar prizes, including a 60-minute Chart Reading AND a year’s subscription to The Cosmic Almanac. Pre-order YOUR copy to enter the giveaway today!!
     Fresh starts? Check. Dramatic shifts? Double check. You’re stepping into a wild, anything-can-happen atmosphere where fresh starts are inevitable and dramatic shifts are, well, guaranteed. Feeling overwhelmed? It’s cool—everyone is. (I’m especially overwhelmed!) The trick to surviving the chaos is knowing your limits. Can you indulge your daydreams and tackle your to-do list? Could your daily grind benefit from a little sprinkle of magic? (Um, yes.) Anyway, that’s the gist of this week. Here’s the actual Astrology:
September 17th: The lunar eclipse in 25° Pisces
September 18th: Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn Rx in Pisces, 15°
September 19th: The Sun in Virgo trines Uranus Rx, 27°
September 20th: The Sun in Virgo opposes Neptune Rx in Pisces, 28°
September 21st: Mercury in Virgo squares Jupiter in Gemini, 20°
September 21st: The Sun in Virgo trines Pluto Rx in Capricorn, 29°
September 22nd: The Sun enters Libra 
September 22nd: Venus in Libra squares Pluto Rx in Capricorn, 29°
September 22nd: Venus enters Scorpio 
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🌒 September 17th: Lunar Eclipse in Pisces @ 7:34 pm PT
     Kicking off the week with some big Pisces energy, the lunar eclipse signals the start of a fresh, dream-chasing chapter. Think of it like cosmic permission to quit your job and start a Tarot-reading business on Etsy—kidding! (Maybe.) The eclipse asks: What dream have you been avoiding because it seems too unrealistic? In the words of Marty McFly, “That’s heavy, Doc.” Indeed it is heavy, but we’d expect no less from a full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces, would we? 
     Neptune Rx merges with this lunar eclipse, which could cause some confusion, but also some serious inspiration, healing, and compassion. Uranus Retrograde brings support—you know, as much support as the rabble rouser planet of balking the system and disrupting anything that stagnates, can give (which is to say: not that supportive). Pluto Rx in Capricorn brings catharsis, as you hopefully finagle with letting go of your feelings about a certain person, project, or passion. (Though, not in a bad way!) Jupiter in Gemini also squares this full moon lunar eclipse, which will most likely just exaggerate any feelings you have.
     Before you go sprinting toward that new chapter, check in with your system—are you running on fumes or fuel? (I’m running on both!)
📣 Sept. 18 – Mercury Opposes Saturn Rx 
     Mercury (your inner chatterbox) faces off against Saturn (the cosmic drill sergeant), and suddenly, your brain is flooded with thoughts like: “Am I doing enough?” or “Why do I suck at everything?” Don’t buy into the drama. Self-criticism is especially loud today, but you can shut it down. Make a list of five things you’ve accomplished this year, to remind your inner critic why it isn’t always right all the time. Saturn is trying to teach you a lesson in patience and resilience, so don’t be too hard on yourself—growth takes time…
👾 Sept. 19 – Sun Trines Uranus Rx 
     Here comes the cosmic weirdo! When the Sun forms a harmonious trine to Uranus, the planet of rebellion, it’s a signal to let your freak flag fly. You’ve got some truly offbeat, brilliant ideas bubbling up, so don’t hold back. Innovation is the name of the game today, and the world needs your weirdness. Seriously, don’t try to be “normal” (whatever that even means). Uranus is all about shaking things up, and this is your chance to surprise yourself—and everyone else—with your quirky genius…
Read the FULL forecast for this week's astrology (for FREE) on The Cosmic Almanac:
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9800sblog · 1 year
weekly tarot reading for each zodiac sign
june 26 - july 1
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you should read about your:
• ascendant/rising sign - for the events happening in your life and your patterns of behavior this week. • moon sign - for your personal perspectives and introspection. • sun sign - for how you might react to all of it.
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so this is the start of cancer season, you're not very comfortable in this energy, you may feel defensive and offended oftenly, depressed, misunderstood and powerless. creativity is a great outlet!
picture to burn - taylor swift
key words: introspection, considering, eyes closed, microphone, offers, choices, unfair, sleep, cold.
you're very comfortable this week, this may be a time when being possessive over your material goods pays off well to enjoy a nice future. not emotionally fulfilling, maybe lonely.
barbie tingz - nicki minaj
key words: loose clothes, hair down, investing, planning, fruits of your labor, selfishness, stubborn, stars.
financially great time, maybe you'll get your salary this week, you're very fulfilled materially. however, you're in a minute of insecurity, you have everything, so pay attention only to the good!
talking body - tove lo
key words: imbalance, sunlight, late night conversations, rain, flowers, award, thin, exchange, family business.
your intuition is at an all time high and it is saying you may have neglected your mental and emotional well-being for material stability. with your intelligence, as long as you're attentive to those areas, you'll be ok! rest well, you're on the right track!
want u back - cher lloyd
key words: patience, self respect, inner confidence, perceived competition, tired, suspicious, attentive, support.
you refuse to conform, your friends, family, job, society, spiritual beliefs might be saying one thing to you but it's not your truth and you won't settle. you're powerful when standing your ground, everyone respects you.
primadonna - marina
key words: royalty, metal, inner thoughts, imagination, the unseen, waiting, boss, confidence.
your work hasn't been paying off and you're looking for different ways to increase wealth. teamwork is the key, rely on those you trust the most to help you grow! it'll work out, the cards say opportunities may fall from the sky!
misery business - paramore
key words: shiny things, mediocre, frustration, house, family, community, a helping hand, relaxing.
you're coming out of a dark patch, you're not used to something this good happening but balance is sure to follow you. it is not a new idea or someone else's thoughts, this is where your soul feels at home ^^ "we're halfway there!"
love on top - beyoncé
key words: inner peace, music, beauty, power, healing, stronger, hardworking, self centered, consequences.
a time of celebration and learning, you have a lot going for you physically and, internally, you're full of introspection and a thirst for knowledge - it may cause you some anxiety if you think your outer world doesn't match with you, find ways to be who you are when you're alone while with others, talk to your walls.
i write sins not tragedies - panic! at the disco
key words: house, money, options, rethinking, family talk, dark room, cats, holding hands, secret, hidden.
you may have great conversations this week, which will help get you out of a very difficult moment. you may have felt betrayed, but someone will make you think the world is not as bad as you think and you may seriously consider quitting an unfavorable job.
i kissed a girl - katy perry
key words: intoxicated, rose-colored glasses, support, healing, surprise, bored, typical, annoyed.
waiting for something that will make you really happy is making you sad, focus on the lovely people around you and try to start a new project for distraction, fulfillment is sure to follow soon.
heartbreak girl - 5 seconds of summer
key words: happy family, pets, money, self induced heartbreak, decision, savings, prepared, working out, closing doors.
good news may come this week and people will try to shut your excitement down, you'll feel betrayed but you know they are right, it is not the time to move yet, hold that thought and contemplate your next moves. it's a coming of age scene.
dilemma - nelly (ft. kelly rowland)
key words: rite of passage, hit the breaks, nap, newspaper, boat, pretty clothes, closing a faucet.
you're bringing a good idea you had a long time ago into reality, this is something you're passionate about and it's taking you out of pain. so much fulfillment, try not to be too egotistical or do too many things at once and this will be a great week!!!
rude - magic!
key words: potions, tea, headband, excitement, delicacy, forever, much water, working out, fire party, rainbow.
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everydayhoroscope · 2 months
Weekly Horoscope 17 - 23 June, 2024
♈︎ Aries During the week of June 17th to 23rd, the transit of the Sun in a trine with the Moon will bring about a more balanced emotional and home life without requiring special effort on your part. Your professional and personal life are likely to be harmonious and successful during this time. It will be a favorable period for making new friends and improving relationships with existing…
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suchananewsblog · 2 years
Pisces Weekly Horoscope: January 23 to 29, 2023 - Times of India
Read your Pisces weekly horoscope predictions – January 23 to 29, 2023, to find out what is in store for you this week. You will likely make astute decisions that lead to growth and gain.Positive: Ganesha says this week, you may feel self-assured and optimistic, giving you an advantage over your competitors.Finance: You will likely make astute decisions that lead to growth and gain. Investments…
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jeevanjali · 5 months
Pisces Weekly Horoscope 13 May to 19 May 2024: मीन राशि वालों के लिए कैसा रहेगा यह सप्ताह ?Pisces Weekly Horoscope 13 May to 19 May 2024: मीन राशि के जातकों के लिए यह सप्ताह सामान्य गतिविधियों वाला रहने वाला है।
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Weekly Tarot Guidance: 28.01.24 – 03.02.24
Aries Get ready for blessings coming your way, but are you open to receiving them? Now is the time to focus on healing and taking steps toward your dreams. Start planning and take action accordingly. Archangel Raphael is here to protect, guide, and bring miracles and blessings to your journey. You’ll soon encounter people who will support and propel you forward. If you’re in finance, real…
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symbolicliving · 9 months
New Goals - New Moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Capricorn - This Week's Astrology
January 8 to 14, 2024 - This week we have a New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th and Mercury enters Capricorn January 13th.
It's officially a New Moon in Capricorn January 11, 2024 at 6:57 am ET
It's time to set new goals to climb that mountain.
Last week, we started the New Year with Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius going direct on January 1st to move us forward in a new direction. This week…
Mercury now direct is having another challenging interaction with Neptune in Pisces which can blur decisions, indicate a wavering of aims now.
We have the New Moon in Capricorn January 11, 2024 to put more focus on our goals,
Mercury enters Capricorn on January 13, 2024 to join Mars and the Sun already in Capricorn – Happy Birthday Capricorns.
Capricorn is a Cardinal sign which is great as a New Moon to start putting more energy toward new goals. What do you value? What do you want to achieve? What needs to be done for growth, productivity and prosperity? What is the goal of your efforts? What strengths and tools can you use to climb higher? What talents of yours do you want to manifest and improve? Working in cooperation with others also has the power to create potent change now, but there is also the potential of disagreements about the overall vision. Strong willpower and perseverance achieves.
Mars and Pluto are also in Capricorn now giving us extra willpower, determination and energy to achieve our goals, and transform abilities into tangible rewards.
Your New Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs are designed around the current trends in astrology with the Aspects and Transits of Planets through the Signs and corresponding Houses for January 8-14, 2024.
Thank you for being a friend.
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