#Weekly horoscope
damianstarastrology · 2 months
Love signs
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The cardinals are upfront in love. Aries initiates, libra flirts, cancer drops hits, capricorn hangs by.
Aries sun and venus are very affectionate. If they like you, you’ll know. It’s that simple with them.
Libra flatters you. They let you borrow their clothes. They say yes to almost everything.
Capricorn will want to provide for you and Cancer will want to take care of you. Text me when you get home. Come live with me.
The fixed signs are passive yet passionate. Taurus vegatates, scorpio devours, leo shines and Aquarius consumes. Taurus wants to do what they want to do. Aquarius wants to do whatever you want to do. Leo wants to show you off, scorpio wants to indulge you.
With the mutables, it is all about proximity. Sagittarius sun and venus in particular; you need to be where they’re at; to meet them where they’re at. Sagittarius lives in the moment, dating within their social circle. Same with gemini; needs similar social habits as their partner. A gemini sun/venus who is an extrovert would want to date another extrovert.
Gemini loves a foundation of friendship. If they like you they will talk about you to their friends.
Virgo loves a friend of a friend. They like someone on the same intellectual wavelength as them. They need someone with similar roots.
Pisces could love just about anybody but why would they want to when they could love a fire sign?
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seafoamreadings · 4 days
week of september 22nd, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: someone you're "talking to" may very well become someone closer and more special this week. even if this is not given an official title, or even if you don't register any major shifts in your feelings, the nodes ensure that this sort of communication is quite meaningful.
taurus: this is likely a big week for you in terms of love and relationships. but don't expect to meet prince charming at a ball in a pumpkin coach... much more likely that going about your day to day responsibilities and recreation brings this person to you, or that they are already there and a spark ignites this week.
gemini: your mercurial ruling planet has a busy week of significant aspects ahead. this corresponds to a roller coaster of ups and downs throughout your week. everything is temporary and nothing is all the way off limits, so use what you can and don't sweat the rest too much.
cancerians: venus pops into your 5th house, virtually guaranteeing a good time, especially for single cancerians seeking to be swept off their feet. but don't forget, eclipse season is still in progress, and this week is prep for a big solar eclipse in libra perfecting next week. it's real love but it's not steady, stable, or certain. enjoy it anyway!
leo: beautify your home and bring it all the harmony you can for auspicious as-above-so-below points. meanwhile, expect changes to your career or public image, but don't try to bring them about yourself or force anything. better to let that play out on its own and focus on your sanctum and your own personal lair at this time.
virgo: mercury, from its vantage point of your sign, gets some interaction with all the three outermost planets this week. which means you're getting input and intel from out there, intense, overarching vibrations. it may or may not shake up your day to day life, but you can expect developments when it comes to fun, romance, partnership, intimacy, and shared resources.
libra: your ruling planet venus heads out of your sign and into scorpio early this week but don't let anyone convince you this is somehow unfavorable. this can attract lots of money and other helpful resources for your sign more than for others. not long afterwards, mercury enters your sign anyway, which maintains your higher-than-average charisma and eloquence levels.
scorpio: you have bigger love and romance vibes than most other people do this week. this goes mostly favorable, especially if you are open to changes and you are doing your so-called inner work. journaling will especially be favorable all week .
sagittarius: talk to your friends and acquaintances! it is likely you will encounter an unexpectedly helpful person in this time. meanwhile a dedicated self love practice is also auspicious this week. not just pampering yourself, but really giving your inner child what they never had as an actual child, and doing the responsible things you must do as an adult... but also pampering, yes.
capricorn: if you can, go extra out of your way this week to appreciate your broader social support system. not just your spouse, your partner, your parent, your best friend, but also everyone you could turn to for help in a crisis, or the local people around you who, say, make your coffee, bag your groceries, etc.
aquarius: you'll get a lot of subtle hints this week as to things that are to come but you'll have to pay close attention to get the message. it won't smack you over the head. it's a little whisper in a crowd that you overhear, or something about the way the light falls around you, etc.
pisces: the biggest part of eclipse season, for you, has passed, but it isn't over yet at all. you're still integrating the recent lunar eclipse in your sign, and a solar eclipse in libra is coming next (not this) week. so this interim period is full of omens and growth for you.
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 2 months
Shake-Ups, Fresh Starts, and Mercury Retrograde
     As we wrap up the crazy astrology of July 2024, things only get crunchier in August, thanks (in large part) to Mercury Retrograde. The good news? Mercury doesn’t station direct until Sunday, which means you have all week to get your ducks in a row and prep for the backwards slide. Mishaps, miscommunications, and mysterious misplacement of your keys / phone / wallet will likely ensue; laughing at the missteps and backing up your technology, whilst giving into the reflective nature of the 3-week-long transit, is highly recommended.
     The other good news? We have a lovely opportunity to start over and re-stoke a flame for your creative projects, passions, romantic life, and/or star power. And after a tense and restless jolt to your love life or wallet, these also get a reset come Sunday. Relationships move from dramatic and passionate to organized, efficient, and nurturing. Those are the main events of this week. Here’s the actual astrology:     
July 30 – Venus in Leo trines retrograde Chiron in Aries (23°55)
Aug. 2 – Venus squares Uranus in Taurus (26°)
Aug. 4 – Leo New Moon (12°36)
Aug. 4 – Venus enters Virgo
Aug. 4 – Mercury stations Retrograde in Virgo
     For the record, Aug. 4 happens in this order: Leo New Moon at 5:13 am MST, Venus enters Virgo at 8:22 pm MST, and Mercury stations retrograde at 10:56 pm MST. So, goal-setting, intention-setting, any sort of plan, publication, release or launch is still OK on the Leo New Moon, as Mercury isn’t technically retrograde yet. (Yes, Mercury is in its shadow phase, which many people say is MUCH WORSE than Mercury Retrograde, but I’m not sure how or why. Anyway!) Long story short: don’t let mercury Rx scare you away from living.
Read YOUR Weekly Horoscope for FREE on The Cosmic Almanac:
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astrosolutions · 3 months
Mars in 7th House the effect on your long-term relationships.
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One of the most important houses in astrology is the 7th house. The 7th house is called the house of partnerships, public transactions, corporate partnerships, marriages, and personal relationships with others. It can bring a vibrant and perhaps difficult energy to this house, directing one's approach to relationships and disagreements. Gaining awareness of the effects of Mars in the 7th house is crucial for identifying interpersonal patterns, possible sources of conflict, and constructive methods to channel this energy.
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
Random Astro Facts #22
^If your 9th ruler is in 10th house, you may work in foreign countries and foreign companies.
^Venus-Saturn men can marry someone significantly older than themselves. Even 15 -20 years difference at times.
^Your rising sign can indicate your career often. Example Sagittarius rising are often lawyers or into finance or sports.
^ Your siblings can have moon sign that's opposite yours. If you are Leo, they can be Aquarius. This is because all signs are a pair.
^Libra risings frequently attract Cancer Saturn or Leo Saturn as partners.
^Jupiter in 3rd can indicate success in publishing.
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astrology-with-charu · 4 months
𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗿𝘆 𝗦𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 : 𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸𝗹𝘆 𝗔𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 𝗛𝗼𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝟭𝟬-𝟭𝟲 𝗝𝘂𝗻
𝗕𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁
The two rulers of Scorpio clash this week so I would have to come out of hibernation to talk about it considering they are my two rulers.
It’s needless to say this would be an intense week but intensity has a way of expression. Despite a lot of fear mongering on this poor transit which aims to get us off our relaxed Taurian behinds, I feel Saturn influence this week on Mercury can give us the sobering effect to make best use of it. Making this intensely productive week in my view but not the one of fun and luxury as love bombing of Venus and Jupiter might have made our mind slip into lala land. June is about to show us thousand shades of grey as it goes from all about Jupiter to all about Pluto & Saturn to Neptune to Saturn again as by end of month social planets are to slip into their retrograde journey - Saturn (29 Jun), then Neptune (2 July). One by one external influences affect us a lot this month but each leaves internal conflict of some form which we are left to resolve by ourselves as we would slip from communicative Gemini external talk season to being home with oneself Cancer season on 20th June. This internal conflict that external influences create within us is our driving force this week.
Before Neptune tries to make mush of my 29º Piscean Mercury I will try to get to point now. And despite my natural paranoid self, I would try to keep the remnant lesson of Neptune in Pisces transit - create from faith and not fear even though there is fear attached to this aspect in traditional thinking.
My Uranus ascendent won’t let you believe anything traditional. We wouldn’t make positive Taurean changes in external world where we value stability so much if our internal demons aren’t woken up by Pluto. Its the same place it all comes from - you packed it away due to social fear in the same damn place to hide from the light - your raw desires, “perceived” negative emotions, you need to control to the point of abuse, your need to gain power, your intensity, magnetism as well as sexual magnetism and your ability to make impossible happen - all categorised neatly labelled in one box of underworld demons - all repressed under social pressure never to ever see light of day.
Jupiter in Gemini was generous - said talk openly to me Pluto - I will elevate your darkness to a higher purpose. Your drive will serve a purpose, your anger and your need to control will also serve an elevated purpose. Demons let loose at large in the open light ready to seemingly take over the sacred Jupiter realm which expanded both the influence and somehow made us comfortable with being all we wanted. This created a verbal mind freak Frankenstein of a person which doesn’t fit the transitional Taurian mould does it. Demons roaming in light of day in Taurean light do not look pretty. Here comes the judgement and internal conflict. It’s always the first step of any real external change which would come when Mars Uranus will meet to swallow whole a part of our traditional set up on 15 July (week of). Uranus changes will never stick especially in Taurus (love, money, self worth, beauty) if Pluto our inner engineering is not disrupted. It somehow happens through a trauma but it does. Mars Uranus are suddenly earthquakey shifts which we would be gifted with every two years to change the surface of ground we stand so steady on in our financial world, in our love life, in our self concept, in our idea of what beautiful and what love is and what is worthy or not in our physical world. Pluto helps us dig something more meaningful than crypto gold by conflicting with the material or surface or vain value of this change. So called demons enrich us else we would all be bodies looking for something which would never satisfy the soul.
This need to feel something more than surface is what drives our demons out in the open creating the conflicts we would see this week. Need to have soul attached to a change, hunger for power attached to ambition, hunger control laced in love, edgey dark artist works enriched by emotions not socially accepted to be shown in light of day - they all make what we create now. It will conflict with some people’s values and idea of what “pretty” or “love” or “beauty” looks like and that people would be first you yourself. This is internal conflict, you are inflaming your own body by blocking a part of you - you have labelled as “demonic” due to what you were told cause Aquarian time had not come. Those demons would be normal in a progressive society but they are not today so what do we do this week - do we dress them up in socially acceptable clothing so we can take them out for dinner. If the Beast wears a three vested coat can he dance in a ball with Belle. When you love despite the fear is that deeper than Taurean physical relaxed love or just toxic intensity of forbidden fruit. When you create from a place of trauma and damage is that you being honest in art or just spewing your dysfunction to masses. When you put your foot down to control your ideas and assets instead of freely sharing with traditional institutions are your being a recluse or are you breaking the hierarchy of old institutional structures. When your almost teenage daughter starts looking at black mascara is she acting up or just trying to express her not so nice girl which later can come out in more damaging ways. Perfection in beauty is the most repressive thing in the world - any very symmetrical Libran family can vouch for that. The glossed over, airbrushed, filtered images have made us believe anything else is not pretty. Damage is concealed. Though may be we shouldn’t be looking for soul on tik tok.
That brings me to the point. Are you looking for depth in wrong places. My father once said and he has never been wrong, your profession and passion may never be the same and should not be. He never said to not pursue them both but the concept of it - wanting one thing to be everything. The beast had to turn into the prince for happy ending. Aquarian age solutions might be different - blessing is we have a choice in today’s day and age to possibly pursue both. That’s what Gemini season and Sun Saturn is for - making those new or multi prong approach to get what you want to come to solid life. So first step is to give yourself grace in anger this week when you feel this intensity within yourself of being dissatisfied that traditional ways aren’t giving you the satisfaction of the soul, they were not designed for it - their concept will change overtime as Uranus adds more liberal views and freedom of thought to them. Observe the source of dissatisfaction and see if there are other outlets for the passion which doesn’t make one thing everything. Mars Pluto has the power to move mountains - you could change people’s mind - crypto is everything money, wild passion should be daily part of marriage with a stable not violent human being, you can wear goth make up in your 60s and it would still be cute, billionaires can be quickly made without nefarious plans or having one programmed for power and comfortable with the dark, popular art needs to be as complicated as this article - it wont happen it doesn’t. So we do both we have pop astrology and we have real talk. One makes money and one hopefully feeds the soul, duality of Gemini Jupiter makes us open to more than one options to help our demons run free and give them life to feed us. Can you feed off it and create something meaningful and lucrative both. Accepting that part of what you do would be profession and part would be passion.
That’s the thing with demons - once they have been shown light of day, they get over themselves and transform over time. Whether you verbalise them with help of Jupiter and Mercury in Gemini - I need this, I would like this, I would put my foot down for this, I need ambition, I need more, I need more passion, I need a bit of drama, I need a bit of this which I know is not socially accepted but it is what it is. You will find a way to express it - thats what Gemini season is for and thats what this year of Jupiter in Gemini is for. We should be physically careful but repression of whats coming out of you is not the answer. There is a reason Jupiter held hands with Pluto taking it out in the light. Cause that place where you hid everything away also had your personal power. They call it kundalini release for a reason.
Writing this article has given me a migraine hopefully someone reads it and it can bring comfort to atleast one self condemning person. (Sorry for spelling mistakes, cant edit it I cant see anymore due to ocular migraine)
Love Charu ♥️
#astrology #horoscope #weeklyhoroscope
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symbolicliving · 1 year
Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs October 9-15, 2023 NEW Moon in Libra Solar Eclipse
Tomorrow we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra October 14, 2023 1:54 pm ET.
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This Week's Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs
♈︎ Aries: Conversations change your view and opinion about others and yourself this week. Investigating the details and data can help you figure it out for a new start. Deciphering a secret puts your relationships on a new path. Psychic phenomenon, synchronicities, strange coincidences and dreams are prompting you to think more deeply. Note doubles.
♉︎ Taurus: What other people believe can seem serious but you’re likely to reject vague ideas and ideologies that aren’t backed by real proof. Peer pressure to conform won’t work. Breathing is healing. A new health and wellness routine is worth growing. Body language attracts. A situation between friends can reveal true feelings.
♊︎ Gemini: This is a nice time to enjoy some fun. Learning a new hobby or game, or tapping into talents again or for the first time can get you into a new groove. What other people say could affect your energy this week so be kind to help manifest more of the same. Your wit and charm can help others feel better. Changes in relationships are meant to take you forward with better balance.
♋︎ Cancer: A new chapter in your personal life and at home are beginning this week. The eclipse gives you an extra dose of inner change that helps you balance the past with what’s next. What others may say in jest or with sarcasm will act as a mirror, giving you ideas you can work with.
♌︎ Leo: Words and opinions that come out of nowhere can really get your mind going, stirring up all kinds of thoughts and feelings. Your ability to sense the emotions of your home and family are also heightened. Being a source of balance and security to others, helps you have the same. Listen and read between the lines. What isn’t said may be even more important than what is said.
♍︎ Virgo: Self love and self care are at the front of the line for you now. Taking care of your body naturally can fly in the face of conventional belief to outsource your body to an external authority. Rebellious fashion choices may suit you. People sticking to beliefs that don’t hold any weight can get under your skin. A fresh idea you hadn’t considered can inspire smarter choices in building and balancing your money and resources.
♎︎ Libra: Trust issues could be in the spotlight for you now. What people project is highly revealing. Your senses will tell you a lot more than usual this week. What you believe and wish to believe could flip when faced with practical reality. Gathering information will help you make sense of what seems unbelievable. What window are you closing and what door are you opening?
♏︎ Scorpio: Your strength, will and determination are enhanced. You feel in your element when you are taking charge. Passion and virility increase. Information you decipher can change your goals. You have a rebellious streak that asserts your power. What you say can have a strong impact on on who is listening. The eclipse brings you new beliefs.
♐︎ Sagittarius: The urge to set out on a new path is with you this week. As you set a new intention you will see what types of people are suited for your plans and realize who is not. The way others cooperate in relationships will give you many clues. Peer pressure could get to you, but your own path is the one to be measured for growth.
♑︎ Capricorn: You could feel a strong inner fire of change happening with you this week. Energy in your social life could feel intense. Increased enthusiasm for discovering what is unknown makes you quite a sleuth. Virility is increased. The cooperative approach in your business and career relationships is in focus this week. What truth was revealed? Learn more about natural health and beauty. What are marketing illusions?
♒︎ Aquarius: This week has positive new potential for you. It could be nice to see from a birds eye view. What you believe can manifest. Visualize to see the path. Investigate. Inquire. Ask Questions. Being psychic isn’t for everyone. Explore both sides of issues to get to the truth. Write down ideas that come from your dreams and daydreams.
♓︎ Pisces: How you feel and what you say and do manifests in your relationships. A stubborn view or set of rules can cause rebellion in a loved one. A dream or psychic flash in a daydream could alter your way forward. What you think is set to change which pushes you in a new direction. Expect what was unknown to become visible now.
Thank you for being a friend.
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everydayhoroscope · 2 months
Aries Weekly Horoscope 5 - 11 August, 2024
During the week of August 5th to 11th, Aries may experience financial strain and unexpected news. Taurus should be cautious with commitments. Gemini's emotional events may impact future plans. Cancer may face financial troubles. Leo might encounter tensio
♈︎ Aries On Monday, Venus will enter the sign of Virgo and stay there until August 29th. Mercury will also go into retrograde until August 29th. From August 6th to 8th, the Sun will sextile Jupiter. On August 7th and 8th, Mercury will be in conjunction with Venus. If you’re an Aries, during the week of August 5th to 11th, you might meet friends and relatives from afar or travel to see them. It’s…
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mypanditastrologer · 2 months
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yousaythatsooften · 6 months
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Free will astrology. Rob Breszny is my favorite. Horoscopes are just for fun but this is for any Aries mutuals I may have; keep on keepin on!
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astrosawal · 4 months
Scorpio zodiac sign
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Click here to know more
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damianstarastrology · 2 months
Saturn in pisces; transgressive politics, trans-panic, and the Christian revivalist movement
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Saturn in pisces backslides. It regresses and rejects nonconformity. Saturn is the preserver of tradition, pisces evaporates all that it touches.
Saturn is pisces is a regressive saturn.
Saturn in pisces is the breakdown of infrastructure, floods and deep sea tragedies; The titanic submarine implosion, severe weather, record breaking floods in China.
The saturn in pisces generation will be highly sensitive to foreign affairs and negatively effected by economic strife. Recession, inflation and shrink-flation put a financial burden on the saturn in pisces generations’ parental figures.
Saturn in pisces also represents the new Christian revivalist movement which has lead to a revocation of reproductive rights and increase in trans-panic; the threat to gender affirming healthcare and attacks on the rights of transgender children.
Saturn in aries (saturn in fall) will be a period of radical individualism which could emphasize these themes or eradicate them entirely.
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seafoamreadings · 25 days
week of september 1st, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: this is not a week of small transits. while grounding is typically not the name of your personal game, you might want to give it a serious try this week just so you don't get too frazzled in the momentous shifts occurring.
taurus: the vibes are earthy and mostly quite solid although change is still auspicious. it is good to be strong and grounded without being brittle, inflexible, or completely immutable. your sign is well known for stubbornness but at this time, avoid it as well as you can.
gemini: if you need to move to a new home, shake things up in your current household, or unearth some old family secrets, this is the time to do it. conversations around home and hearth and ancestry are favored this week, thanks to the new moon in virgo. on the other hand such a new moon is always useful for just getting your life together if that's where you're at.
cancerians: this week has a new moon (in virgo) which is always a whole thing for you - clean slate, do whatever you need to do! writing is super auspicious too! and also mars moves into cancer. other things happen too of course, but these are the things that will reinvigorate you and get you going where you want to go.
leo: your priorities this week should focus around your subconscious and your resources - money, time, energy, whatever. in fact, consider all the ways in which your subconscious *is* a resource. if it doesn't feel like one, it needs some cleaning out, so do your shadow work while you spreadsheet your budget or whatever other resource maintenance you mean to do.
virgo: this tensely mutable energy features a prominent new moon in your sign. broadly this should be fairly comfortable for you, and yet you may feel an itching, urgent pressure to work for a development. it may be better to sit still, focus on your plans, backup plans, and flow charts and see what unfolds for now. leave room for flexibility and spontaneity in all that planning. don't set anything in stone.
libra: the new moon may hatch a new dream in your psyche, but it's likely so deeply ingrained you can't see it clearly yet. let it gestate. meanwhile you have some strong nodal activity occurring. fate lines are more visible than ever; you see where you come from and where you are going. embrace your destiny, whatever it is, and leave a little room to make your own choices about it.
scorpio: there is a certain social and friendly tone about the week and yet a lot of murky intensity along with it. this is a time to build trust, and yet not to exercise it naively or wildly. let it be earned.
sagittarius: probably this week proceeds relatively smoothly for you but there will later in the week be a sun-saturn opposition. this need not cause any serious turmoil but it could reflect some frustrations in your life where you feel stuck, or in a tug of war between one part of your life and another. meanwhile, all week, excessive spending is definitely not advised.
capricorn: the big highlight of the week is pluto back into your sign for the last time in a couple hundred years. the lord of the underworld hangs out in the farthest reaches of your sign for just a couple of months. use this period to clean up the vibes you want going into the pluto in aquarius era.
aquarius: sometimes, like probably right now, it feels like your hard work has paid off only it setbacks, or having to go back to fix things. the blast from the past taking place is not necessarily pleasant, but isn't it always good to have a second chance to make sure things in the future go just how you want them to?
pisces: tension you can practically touch permeates the air, or whatever subtle plane you are experiencing now. but this tension is highly productive, provided you don't shy away from it too much.
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 4 months
YOUR Mars in Taurus Horoscope
What: Mars in Taurus
When: June 9 - July 20, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but especially earth and fixed signs.
Takeaway: An energetic shift that helps you slow your roll and build on ONE thing.
     Tired of zooming through your goals and chasing down everything? Well, on June 8/9, Mars leaves its fiery home sign of Aries and enters steady and placid earth sign Taurus, stabilizing and slowing down your energy levels, assertion, and determination. 
     If you’re unfamiliar, Mars is the planet of action and energy, as well as heat, self-assertion, goal-getting, conflict, and courage. Taurus is a fixed earth sign ruled by Mars’ “opposing” planet, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure. Thanks to Venus’ influence, earthy Taurus prefers the finer, beautiful, and feel-good things of life and has a particular penchant for what is pleasing to the senses—and the bank account. Which is why low-risk, high-yield pursuits are often what fuel our fire with Mars in Taurus. So too are goals related to pleasure, art, creature comforts, money, and material assets. During this transit you’re more concerned with building your bank and achieving long-term success, than you are racing ahead towards an exciting unknown (at least until July 20). 
     During Mars in Aries, it was natural to want to pursue a bunch of different goals, take on more projects (than you can handle) at work, fight, race to the finish line, and try to conquer…well, anything. But Mars in Taurus is cautious, methodical. This transit doesn’t encourage action without plans. It urges you to measure the risks and ensure the ROI is hefty enough to justify your efforts. Then, Mars in Taurus wants you to take your time and do things right. 
     So, you want to try and be really choosy about what you pursue, who you butt heads with, and limit the scope of your goals (esp. on June 11 & July 15). Delegate. Build. Simplify your projects. Focus on ONE thing at a time, and don’t pressure yourself to conquer it all. Concentrate on efforts, goals, and pursuits that are of value to you. This could translate into literal fiscal pursuits, or into more creative, artistically-and-sensory satisfying pursuits like patiently baking your first batch of bon-bons like a contestant on the The Great British Bake-Off. Your choice!
Get YOUR Full 2024 Mars in Taurus Horoscope on The Cosmic Almanac, here:
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astrosolutions · 2 months
Mercury in 7th House Effects on Marriage and Partnership.
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Mercury in the seventh house makes you a very strong communicator & you may be an influential figure, especially in business. A good Mercury in the 7th house will bless your connection with your spouse/partner with love & devotion. This posture can create Bhadra Yoga, which provides you strong oratory abilities, great intelligence & photographic memory.
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cosmicpuzzle · 2 years
Random Astro Notes
⭐Mars in 10th house women may be attracted to their bosses or men at work.
⭐Libra risings may have lot of relatives abroad due to Sagittarius on 3rd house but also due to Gemini (relatives) on 9th house (foreign)
⭐Ruler of 4th house in 3rd house can mean you stay near your siblings or your siblings stay at your house.
⭐Saturn in 1st house people are very conscious of their age and how much they have aged, probably afraid of getting old.
⭐Jupiter transit in your 7th house can expand your sales if you are doing client business.
⭐Venus in 2nd house people can have big clear eyes.
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