#pissvvytch tips
pissvvytch · 2 years
Hidden witchcraft!
Carve a sigil/intention underneath a candle
Making a simple three-braid bracelet with intent. You can match the thread colour to your spell (black for protection, yellow for prosperity, pink for love ect.) and include hair/threads from clothing as taglocks. 
Herbal tea! Mint is great for protection and prosperity, rose for love and wisdom, hibiscus for passion and lust. Stir clockwise to attract something, anti to deflect. Add honey to sweeten your intent. 
Cleanse yourself in the shower by visualising the water washing off any negative energy. Use a sea salt scrub to remove a hex. 
Write a simple manifestation, 5-6 words long, that you can easily recite in your head. Think it as you light a candle/put on makeup/brew tea/cook a meal to create a covert spell. 
Trace a sigil with your finger to charge an object with intent. You can charge your perfume for glamour magic, your jewellery/shoes for protection, the possibilities are endless!
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