#piston cup vets
bootleg-cal-weathers · 6 months
got a werid au where swiftweathers as branch and poppy from trolls
wait that’s so cute???
cal can be poppy and bobby can be branch‼️
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they are my favourite couple ever (they ain’t even canon or real😭)
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ralphiesaces · 2 years
Cal: It’s so weird how so many months start with the letter J. January, June, July, Jaugust, Jeptember.
Bobby: One of these is not like the others…
Lightning: One???
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kakakachow · 1 year
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Beginning of the end.
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kachowthunder · 2 years
do you think cal and bobby are older or younger than lightning? when do you think/hc they started racing on the piston circuit?
Cal is definitely the youngest, the way he speaks and conducts himself gives me feelings he’s younger than Lightning and Bobby. Bobby is older than cal but younger than lightning, this lighting is the oldest.
I Imagine cal started racing in the piston cup a bit after the 2nd movie and Bobby started racing just before the events of the second movie.
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aurora-ze-aquarius · 2 years
Your favorite WGP racer is Raoul; your least fav is Max
Your favorite spy is Finn
You think the superior Piston Cup veteran (besides LMQ) is Cal
Was I close?? 👀
Raoul is true; Max is false!
I'd say Nigel is my least favorite. That doesn't mean I don't like him btw! I love Nigel! He's a sweet gentleman.
It's more so, in terms of design, he's the least eye catching. (Sorry, Nigel)
Though, if you asked me this question a month ago, I would've said yes, Max is my least favorite. But that was solely because I struggled to come up with his human design. (It was frustrating to say the least :( )
Ah Raoul, my bouncing, blue, rally racer. I just think he's so cute! Always cheery, and fun loving. Perhaps he's just as much of a daredevil, living on the edge kinda guy, just as Miguel. Always ready for a new adventure.
I also made a Co Driver OC, so I suppose I'm just very biased at this point XD
My favorite spy is NOT Finn!
So, false! Holley is my favorite actually! I love Finn, I think he's awesome, I just like Holley's design and her thing for technology just slightly more.
The Superior Piston Cup Veteran, is the King himself!
False! Sorry Cal, but Strip is so iconic! I love his chill and laid back personality a lot. He gives me sweet, yet wise uncle vibes.
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everything-person · 3 years
Then Came You
A/N: This is my contribution to @cshistfic Historical Fic Event. This is my first time diving deep, just submerging myself into research to make sure I got my time period correct and I had a blast. Sometime I had too much fun and thankfully I had @spartanguard to push me off my high horse. Thank you @shireness-says for making this event and running it. Hopefully my entree is worthy enough. This fic is based in the 70’s and is inspired by Disney Pixar’s Cars. This may have up to 3 parts.
Summary: Rookie of the Year race car driver Killian Jones finds himself lost in a forgotten Storybrooke on his way to the finale race of the season. His world and perspective on what he wants gets turned upside down in the small town.
Where the fuck am I?
was Killian Jones, famous race car driver, first thought as he woke up. Well, first thought after he got over the throbbing pain in his skull. He sat up to see he was laying in a cot. Taking in his immediate surroundings, he realized he was behind bars. His head fell into his hands.
How did I get here?
He recalled being at Pocono in the Piston Cup series finale. He was named Rookie of the Year and was set up to be the first one to win. His only real competition was Ernest “the King'' Triton, Atlantica’s golden boy, who was planning on this being his last season, and Edward Teach, the King's tail biter. They weren’t expecting Killian to come out of nowhere and take the season by storm.
He was set to win it all, ahead by half a lap, checkered flag insight when a tire blew. He struggled but was able to keep control of his car. He could feel his competitors gaining on him as he lost speed. Such events caused a three-way tie, set to be settled in a week in Daytona.
He remembered the interviews asking about him driving without a crew chief; he always had an issue taking orders. The King came walking up to him.
“My man, you are one bad racer. You got more talent in that famous smile of yours than half these dudes got in their whole body but you’re stupid. Let me give you the lowdown: this ain’t a one-man show, young blood. You need to wise up, get yourself a good crew chief and a good team. You ain’t gonna win unless you got stellar people behind you doing their jobs so you can keep being the slammin’ driver you are.”
He thanked him for the advice before they were made to get on stage for the press. That's when Edward Teach decided to try to psyche him out.
“Listen space cadet, that was some fab drifting today. By me. He he he. First one at Daytona gets Atlantica all to themselves. Catch my drift?”
Then he went looking for his team, only to find out from Smee, his truck driver, that he had to make a personal appearance over at his sponsor's tent—Arendelle Chocolates, run by sisters Elsa and Anna Arendelle, most famous for the Apollo Bar.
“A taste that’s out of this world!”
He desperately wanted to get away from his sponsor. He didn’t care for sweets and frankly found most disgusting. He entered the tent to find the other reason he didn’t care for his current sponsor: children all running around with their grubby hands. The sight made him squirm, but Smee reminded him they gave him his big break and it was in his contract. With those inspiring words, he put on a smile, made his way to his sponsor sisters, said a few words that had the tent roaring in cheers before he said goodbye.
“Killian, that was stellar! We are so proud to call you our driver!”
“And we are looking forward to another fab year!”
“Don’t drive like my sister!”
“Yeah, don't drive like my sister!”
He and his crew got on the road not long after that. His crew were in the truck along with his car while he drove just behind them. While his crew pulled off to get some rest, he kept going to be the first at Daytona. But he kept nodding off and got lost.
He remembered pulling out his map to try and find out where he was. He tried to keep his car steady while trying to make out what his map said by moonlight, when he heard sirens. Looking up, he saw the lights of a town. Before he could think about pulling over the sirens were accompanied with sounds of loud popping. He assumed it was the officer firing at him. He tried to dodge the bullets but soon lost control of his car. He ran into quite a few things before gaining control again, only to get caught on something. He gunned it to get free, only to have his car spin out once he was. The last thing he remembered was something crashing into his driver side door effectively stopping his spin out and causing his head to slam into his window; then everything went black.
Groaning, he picked up his head taking another look around. He was on a cot, in a holding cell, in a dusty office. He was taking in the desks and filing cabinets, looking for signs of life, when he heard a voice.
“Well hi,” came an excited, high-pitched voice.
His head snapped back to one of the desks to see a boy he missed sitting just behind it.
“I was wondering when you were gonna wake up.”
Killians faced scrunched up, “What's going on? Why am I here?”
The boy laughed, “Like you don’t know. For being a spaz last night.”
“What's your name, lad?”
“Henry. What's your name?”
“You don’t know my name?” Killian asked, taken aback by the question.
“No; why should I know your name?”
“I’m Killian Jones.” He waited for the moptop boy to put the pieces together
“Killian Jones!” Henry shot up out of his seat as he exclaimed the name before falling back down. “Yeah, not ringing a bell.”
Killian furrowed his eyebrows, “Where am I?”
“Where are you? You’re in Storybrooke, the most rockin’ town on the Potomac River.”
Killian sighed, dropping his head, bringing his hand up rubbing at his forehead. “Great. Just great.”
“Well if you like this place, you should see the rest of the town.”
Killian picked up his head, looking at the brown-eyed boy and spied just behind him the keys to his cage. Focusing back on the boy, he smiled and stood up from his spot on the cot.
“You know, that's a brilliant idea. I’d love to see the rest of your town. If you just let me out of here, we could go cruisin’ the town.” Killian finished his thought as he came leaning against the bars.
“Golly! Really?” Henry sat up straighter with a bright smile that slowly turned into a smirk, “You think you can psyche me out. I’m ten, not stupid.”
“Henry!” a new voice shouted out.
In walked a man sporting a perm and mustache wearing a star at his hip.
“What have you been told about being in here with criminals?”
Henry sighed, “Not without supervision. But he was sleeping.”
The man crossed his arms, letting out a huff, “Well now he’s awake. Want to help me escort him to court?”
The next thing Killian knew, he was in chains and being placed in the back of a cop car. After a short ride, he was hauled out and guided into Town Hall where he was met with shouting and very angry townspeople. He was placed in a chair.
“Oi mate,” Killian looked up at the sheriff, “I gotta skitty. How long is this gonna take?”
The sheriff, Robin read his name tag, crossed his arms, “Do you have a lawyer?”
Killian scoffed, “Aye, but he's probably in Hawaii right now.”
“If the defendant doesn’t have representation, the court will assign one to him.” Robin turned to the crowd behind him bringing his fingers to his lips, letting out a shrieking whistle. “Anyone want to be his lawyer?”
The room went silent.
“I’ll do it,” a familiar voice broke the silence.
Killian turned to see the boy from before trotting up to the gate. Robin quirked an eyebrow at him.
“What? It's not hard.”
“Hmm, alright,” Robin agreed, letting the boy take the seat next to Killian.
Killian looked between the two before landing his gaze on the sheriff.
“Are you serious?”
“Well, our normal defense is at the vet after you clipped his dog last night,” Robin informed him before speaking to the room, “All rise! Honorable Judge Nolan presiding.”
Everyone stood as the sound of a door opening and closing was heard. Heavy footsteps rang out in the silence.
“I want to know who is responsible for wrecking my town. I want his ass on a silver platter. I’m gonna put him in jail until he rots. No, until the jail rots on top of him then I’ll put him in another jail and wait until that one rots. I—”
The man's rants came to a halt as he laid his eyes on the accused. “Get him out of here, sheriff. I want him out of my courtroom and out of my town. Case dismissed; charges dropped.”
Killian let out a breathy laugh, “Woah. You were a better lawyer than I thought, youngblood.”
“Sorry I’m late, Your Honor.”
Killian turned to see a stunning blonde woman come strutting in.
“Bloody hell,” Killian whispered under his breath. He thought the sheriff must’ve found his agent's number and gave him a call. This must be who they sent from his attorney’s office.
As she was walking by, Killian spoke up, “Hello, love. Thank you for coming but we are all set. He’s dropped the charges.”
She stopped and turned to him, her eyes darting to the boy next to him. “What?”
“Aye, we got off lucky. Now all we have to do is speed on down to Florida.”
“I get that a lot. I create feelings in people they themselves don't understand.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Right. Well I’m gonna go talk to the judge.”
“Whatever you gotta do, love. Do be careful though. These cats are a bit feral.”
She pursed her lips, nodding before turning her attention to the smiling child next to him, “Hi, Henry.”
Killian looked at the boy before looking back at the blonde, who had turned to the crowd behind him.
“Morning everyone,” she called out, receiving greetings in response. She turned, eyeing Killian as she did, before she walked up to the judges stand who was intensely looking at his papers.
“David, you're looking well. Your sideburns are—”
“Forget it, Emma. I already dismissed the case,” he said, not looking up at her.
“He endangered most of the town and destroyed half of it. You can’t just let him go.”
“We are better off with him gone.”
Emma huffed, “Alright; you asked for it.”
Emma turned and addressed the room, “I move for an appeal. Robin, if you will help me escort the accused to the Mayor.”
Robin assisted Killian out of the chair. They followed the woman down the hall and up the stairs. Killian would protest but the walk was giving him a great view of the blonde’s ass.
As they came to a door labeled Mayor, Robin leaned over and whispered to Killian, “May the mayor have mercy on your soul.”
Before Killian could question or even look at the man he was being ushered into a black and white room.
“Ms. Swan, why are you barging into my office?” A woman sitting behind the desk in the middle of the office asked, not bothering to look up at the intruders.
“Judge Nolan ruled to dismiss the charges against our drunk driver—”
“I wasn’t drunk,” Killian interrupted.
“And I moved for an appeal. I thought the sooner the better,” Emma continued.
The woman finally looked up to see Emma standing in front of her desk before her eyes darted to Sheriff Robin, and Judge Nolan standing just behind her with Killian standing in between them.
“What are the charges?”
“Reckless driving, reckless endangerment, trespassing, vandalism, and destruction of property.”
“Why did you dismiss the case?” The woman directed the question to Judge Nolan.
He stepped forward standing next to Emma. “Madame Mayor, what happened last night was a terrible occurrence but I believe the longer this man stays, the more trouble will come.”
“Based on what?”
“I know the kind of man he is. I can see it in his eyes. He’s the last thing this town needs.”
“We let this guy walk, it sends a message to every delinquent in town that you can do whatever you want. The town needs to be fixed—they need this,” Emma stated.
“I think the sheriff's station’s reputation will precede this incident. We are fine without him,” Judge Nolan responds.
The mayor turned to Emma. “What do you suggest the sentence should be if I agree to your appeal?”
“Make an example of him. Give him community service, make him fix everything he can that he broke. Whatever he can’t, fine him for; by the looks of his clothes, he can afford it.”
The mayor sat back looking between the man and woman in front of her.
“Sheriff,” she called, “What say you? Should I let this man go to avoid further disturbance, or have him fix the town?”
“Well, I think the town needs renovation more than it needs to avoid trouble. In fact, I think we could benefit from some,” Robin eloquently answered.
The mayor nodded, standing from her seat, “I’m inclined to agree. The accused is sentenced to community service until everything that was damaged from last night's events is fixed and a fine of six hundred dollars for reckless driving and endangerment.”
Killian’s eyebrows nearly shot off his forehead. He went from walking away scot-free to becoming this town’s new handyman along with being fined six hundred dollars.
The mayor took her seat once again stating, “You are all dismissed.”
Emma turned around with a satisfied smile plastered on her face. “Looks like Florida is gonna have to wait.”
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whipplefilter · 6 years
So I was flipping through the 'ryan laney has a kid" posts, and couldn't find out how he ended up with her. How did laney have a little baby girl anyway?
Craigslist, probably.
No, but seriously. That probably wouldn’t be too far off. As an emerging but fairly successful full-time Piston Cup racer, there’s a decent chance he’s a bit wealthy and a bit lonely (it’s hard to maintain a social life when your work schedule is so wildly different from everyone else’s). And while his coping methods might not be the go-to for the vast majority of Piston Cup racers, he’s probably not the first to feel compelled to start a family to help inspire more of a work-life balance. If you have a child to raise and love, you can’t help but carve out space for a life beyond the racetrack, after all. 
As to the technicalities of procuring the car, he probably got vetted by a dealership and applied for guardianship of a new model like anyone else might. I imagine that generally speaking dealerships wouldn’t approve a car that is himself not so far removed from his manufacturer, but Laney has the means, a clean record, and an established social network (courtesy of his race team), so he checks out.
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mapulaski-blog · 4 years
Located right on the water
And so, by being "correct" on that point, Australian workers are to blame for the manufacturing closures? If those workers took $2 p h, all would be well? And what kind of economy would we have as a result? Let's see, what would be the revenue (tax on wages) loss on that scenario? What would be the revenue loss (GST collected) on a nation of workers who have no spare cash to spend (well they would all be working poor). Our economy depends on having workers earning well nfl jerseys, being taxed well, and being GST spenders. Gina displayed very limited thinking.
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ralphiesaces · 2 years
hc cal, bobby, and lightning all knew each other and were kinda close in the lower circuit before lightning moved up
but once they got back together oh my god the crazy stuff, but honestly just them being like kids around each other, holding grudges over uno games, decorating their trailers, messing w someone whenever they took a nap, just simple things (+ the unspoken rule that cars and equipment are off limits for obvious reasons)
interviews were trending all the time bc they were like the internets fav thing bc of how friendly the actually were off the track
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ralphiesaces · 2 years
in light of the rudy pankow fancast as lightning, i would like to suggest bobby and cal:
lando norris and carlos sainz
(idk which one as which though so up to you haha)
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(lando left, 23, and carlos right, 28)
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kakakachow · 1 year
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