#pit babe winner
chenouttachen · 6 months
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pit babe x text posts 2/4
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goldenquillarchive · 8 months
Love me out loud
a Idol!Kim and Bodyguard!Kenta AU!
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In a whirlwind of fame and scrutiny, international k-pop sensation Minsu Kim retreats to his roots in Thailand, seeking solace from the chaos.
As whispers of him leaving his company and his scandal follow him even there, Kim enlists the help of a bodyguard, to shield him from the relentless gaze of the media.
Around the people he loves most, and with the help of Childhood nostalgia, Kim discovers unexpected truths about himself and his heart, leading to a journey of self-discovery and perhaps even love.
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→ this au on ao3
→ X pt.1
→ X pt.2
→ Info 1
→ Info 2
→ Playlists
→ pt. 1
→ pt.2
→ pt.3
→ pt.4
→ pt.5
→ pt.6
→ pt.7
→ pt.8
→ pt.9
→ pt.10
→ pt.11
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→ pt.12
→ pt.13
updates happen when they happen
this is a piece of FICTION, nothing in this is to be taken 100% seriously, none if this is real.
These are FICTIONAL characters.
this is purely made up on headcanons and ideas, none of it is canon.
don't like don't read!
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themundanedumpling · 8 months
i cannot take winner as a villain seriously HE'S JUST SO CARTOONISH AND SILLY HE'S JUST A SILLY GOOSE
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incorrect-pitbabe · 8 months
Staff: Kim, keep an eye on Winner today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Kim: Sure, I’d love to see Winner get punched.
Staff: Try again.
Kim, sighing: I will stop Winner from getting punched.
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vanillagalaxiez · 7 months
Fandom: Pit Babe
Name: A Trusting Fool
Pairing: Winner/Kim
Tags: Hurt/Comfort | Developing Feelings
Date: 22nd January 2024
Blurb: After Kim gets locked up by Tony’s men, Winner shows up in the room Kim is kept in to mock him. However, something changes, and to Kim's surprise, instead of the mock laughter he expects, Winner takes him away and promises to take care of him instead.
A part of Kim regretted coming to confront Tony, the man who seemed hellbent on wanting Babe for some reason, the man who trafficked children on the black market—and the man who would undoubtedly slit his throat and sell his organs in the foreseeing future. Yet he believed he did the right thing, in a foolish way; nonetheless, his heart was set in the right place. 
Kim sighed. What a pathetic display he so happened to be. 
As the icy concrete floor seeped into his back, he opened his eyes for the first time since Tony’s men gave him a beating, and this time a pitiful whine left his split lips. He was going to die there, in a foreign country—they would probably throw what was left of him in the sewer when they were done. Kim wasn’t a crier; he never had been, and yet he couldn’t stop the tears from welling into his eyes and down his face. 
Soon, a piping ache squeezed Kim’s stomach from where the men had punched and kicked him, and he whined again, instinctively reaching to wrap his arms over himself. However, it was then that the realization washed over him that his arms were tied tightly by ropes behind his back. His ankles were also tied so tight that he couldn’t move, not that he would; the pain was unbearable. His eyes barely opened, and when he opened his mouth to shout for help (which might be a stupid thing to do), his jaw silently screamed—he could barely speak. He couldn’t breathe, either, and every part of his body ached in ways indescribable and unimaginable, in ways he had never experienced before. 
When the door to this holding cell, which Kim supposed was what it was, opened with a loud bang and heavy footsteps entered, his body subconsciously closed in on itself, and goosebumps swept across him from head to toe, and it wasn’t because he felt cold—quite the opposite.
He knew what was coming.
Tony’s men were there to kill him. Would he scream and beg for mercy? He never thought of himself as a coward, and yet, there he was, with eyes tightly shut, contemplating ways he could barter his way out of this messed up situation he was in. It might’ve had something to do with what happened earlier, he supposed. After one of Tony's men had put a knife to his neck this morning, the touch of the cold metal still clung to his skin, so, like a weeping coward, he was afraid of it slicing through his neck.
“Well, well, well, look who we have here.”
That voice—Kim knew that voice—he despised it with every core of his being. 
It was Winner. What was he doing there? Was he there to help him? They might not tolerate each other; they were still teammates, though. Did Winner come looking for him?
With great difficulty, Kim opened his eyes with relief, only to stare up at Winner, who hovered above him like a creeping maniac—with laughing eyes and a mocking smile.
Something seemed wrong, Kim believed. Winner did not seem the least bit concerned about his predicament; he seemed rather joyful, like he was enjoying the beaten-up state Kim was in, the bruised face and sprained ankle, his torn clothes, and his exposed weaknesses. 
He watched with cautious eyes as Winner approached before stooping down next to him; that menacing look on his face never faltered.
“Look at you,” Winner said, gently brushing the sweat-soaked fringe from Kim’s forehead before he slapped him across the face before gripping his throat, causing a shocked gasp to leave Kim's mouth. Winner did not squeeze; the threat of him crushing Kim's windpipe still lingered, though. Winner added, “Not so tough now, are you? Where did all that mouth go?" And then he burst into a fit of laughter. “I can’t wait to watch them cut your throat. Maybe I should do it myself.”
So Winner was also working with Tony? It figured— a man like him was a selfish bastard after all . 
Kim stared hard at him, a deep frown on his pained face and hurt in his eyes. He wanted to fight—scream, put his fist down Winner’s throat. And he would’ve done just that, too. However, when another sudden pain clung to his stomach, his eyes spilled tears, and his mouth opened, and a pitiful whine escaped it—something soft and helpless, something strange even to his own ears—like a wounded puppy, perhaps. 
Winner's eyebrows furrowed into a curious frown, and Kim thought that maybe he—
Suddenly, Winner let go of his throat, only to grip Kim by the jaw in a tight squeeze and grit, “You think I will feel sorry for you?” 
Kim didn’t know what Winner was talking about. He was in pain, bleeding, wounded, thirsty, and hungry—he didn’t give a shit what Winner thought. For all he knew, the bastard was there to make cheap jokes out of him. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he answered with a distressed gasp when Winner's fingers sank into his cheeks. "You had your laugh. Just… Just go away.”
“I told you not to meddle with affairs that don’t involve you,” Winner said, and he said it so quietly, it was like he was talking to himself. Then he looked at Kim with mean and angry eyes and added, “You deserve this, you know that? You should’ve gone back to Korea when I told you to.”
Kim let out another pained whine when he attempted to move away from Winner. He didn’t need this—he didn’t need to be told he was a fool for wanting to do good, and he certainly didn’t need to see Winner laugh at him, mock him, torment him with words, and possibly with other things when the time came. He couldn’t move, though, so he let out a frustrated sound that ended up being a whimper.
A moment later, when Kim realized it was pointless to move away or do anything, his shoulders slumped in defeat, and he asked through tears and a choked-back sob. “Why do you hate me so much?”
Because why did Winner hate him? He never got an answer, not that he ever asked, either. 
Winner seemed taken aback by this question, yet he answered, “I don’t hate you; I just don’t like you.”
What a childish thing to say. If Kim had functional eyes, he would’ve rolled them so far back that they might permanently disappear at the back of his head. He also found it funny, though. 
“Why did you come here?” Winner suddenly asked, more serious than before.
“I want to confront Tony,” Kim answered with a tremble in his voice. “I saw what he did to Babe... I don’t. I wanted to do something.”
“You’re a fool.”
Kim didn’t want to admit it, but Winner was right: He was a bloody fool. 
“I know.”
A moment passed by, perhaps three minutes or four, and Kim’s eyes went shut once more. Despite this, he felt Winner’s gaze on him. He had expected Winner would probably hit him, maybe a stomp or two—definitely more insults. However, when he got closer and Kim’s body stiffened, preparing for a damning beating, what happened next was something other than what he had expected—something strange. With careful consideration, Winner’s arms were on him, and he hoisted Kim up like he weighed nothing in a bridal style, and he whispered, “I will take care of you... Everything will be fine. You just need to behave and not cause me any trouble.”
Kim groaned deeply the second he left the floor and went into Winner’s arms, where he unknowingly allowed his body to curl into the other man’s embrace, pressing against his chest. “What are you talking about?” He asked in a whispered tone. He knew that he appeared fragile and helpless, like something that needed protecting, and he wondered, Why wasn’t Winner taunting him? 
Winner said nothing; however, when they arrived by the open door, he stopped and looked down at Kim for a minute—into his eyes like they were lovers—and said, “I won’t let anyone hurt you, Kim.”
When Winner started walking again—out the door and down the hallway—Kim couldn’t stop himself from staring at the other man’s face the whole time, and gradually, his eyes softened because, strangely enough, he believed Winner’s words; he believed the man wouldn’t let anyone hurt him. What a fool he was to put his trust in a man who disliked him from the very beginning, because, obviously, Winner was lying. 
Kim felt his eyes grow weary, so he closed them. 
It seemed that Winner was right; Kim was a fool—the biggest of fools. 
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bl-bracket · 3 months
Congrats to Pit Babe for winning the Bonus Round!!!
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There are many wild plots in BLs, but Pit Babe took the crown for having the wildest. The first live action omegaverse show that has a mpreg breeding plot and almost every character was adopted by the same shitty dad, they have earned their spot.
With that, that's a final wrap on the Most Unhinged bracket. The poll for the next bracket topic will be going up shortly! Hope to see y'all in the next one!!!
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pharawee · 5 months
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Pop Pataraphol Wanlopsiri as WINNER Lee Asre Watthanyakul as DEAN Garfield Pantach Kankham as KENTA
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scarefox · 4 months
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wlwmothman · 4 months
what kind of babies I think the pit babe characters are
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babe: 100% mpreg baby
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charlie: normal baby
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jeff: 🫵 mpreg baby 🫵
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alan: normal baby
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sonic: f/f baby
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north: mpreg baby but m/f parents
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kim: mpreg baby but m/f parents
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kenta: f/f baby
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pete: normal baby but Malpha/Falpha parents
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way: idk. I think he might have been hatched or delivered by stork but he just doesn't give me birthed vibes
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ohshinytrinketsmine · 5 months
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Pit Babe Season 2
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goldenquillarchive · 9 months
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kim whenever winner starts talking be like
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themundanedumpling · 8 months
i have to laugh Winner getting promoted as a replacement to Kenta THAT SILLY GOOSE ?!?!! LMAOOOOO
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silverraes · 8 months
may I introduce to you: a vision we had in the bl/gl discord
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bl-bracket · 2 months
Congrats to Winner from Pit Babe for winning Least Rizz in a BL!!!!
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Well this was an interesting bracket! I'd like to give a special shout out to the person (can't remember who it was sorry) who when the poll for the next bracket topic went up, wrote in the tags "least rizz so that winner can finally win something." this one is for you it's literally been in my head the whole time lol. Winner has finally won something and that is having the least rizz in a BL (well... at least it's something for him!). A fun fact is that when making the bracket winner photos, I save them as "[character name] winner" so I got to label this as "winner winner" which was fun for me :)
We also had a loser bracket! Su She from The Untamed ended up pulling through and winning that!
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The real question is: is it more or less rizz to lose in a least rizz competition?
Anyways stick around for the next bracket!!! Thank you everyone for participating and I hope to see y'all in the next one!!!!!
here's the full image for the main bracket:
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(putting it down here because it was confusing people in terms of the loser bracket winner which is not pictured here)
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pharawee · 8 months
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*record scratch*
*freeze frame* 
Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation…
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zhouxiangs · 8 months
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