#pitfalls of broadcasting
goodlucktai · 1 month
15. "This is going to hurt, okay?" with leo for your zombie apocalypse au (maybe leo losing his arm??)
dialogue prompts
15. “This is going to hurt, okay?”
When the initial outbreak hit New York City like a bomb, Splinter was adamant that they bunker down in the Hidden City until the world was safe again. One almost-apocalypse was enough for him, thank you. This second one could be someone else’s problem.
Frankly, Donatello could see the merit in that. For those initial frightening forty-eight hours he was all but glued to the TV. A handful of staff and one anchor had remained barricaded in the Channel 6 news room, broadcasting what information they could until the station ultimately went dark like all the others. And what they had to share was grim. 
Whistleblowers had been quick to throw CEO Theo Audrey’s pharmaceutical subsidiary under the bus as the catalyst, claiming the corporation was in the business of bioweapons. Whether or not that was true, it gave the world a name for the violently aggressive infected: Auds. 
Raphael argued that they had the ability to help people, which meant they had the responsibility to. He was more careful with the word ‘hero’ than he used to be, careful in general with what he said around impressionable little brothers who wanted to live up to whatever idea he had in his head that they should be. But it was obvious to all of them what he thought was the right thing to do. 
They had all looked at Leo then, their fearless leader. He was still growing into the role, but he had always been the voice of common sense that kept their heads above water.
Leo didn’t say anything right away, his mind racing ahead as he chased the thread of each argument to its end. He could account for inevitabilities and pitfalls and curveballs as easily as if it was all one big game of chess. 
And finally he came to the decision he could live with, and said, “Raph’s right. We have to help who we can. But we’ll be safe, papa.”
That was three months ago. The world is still ending, and no cure is in sight, and Donatello doesn’t want to think about how those without portal magic are surviving when they have no choice but to venture out for food or water or medicine.
Sometimes he thinks Splinter was right. Other times he thinks about all the people who are still alive only because of his brothers’ inherent goodness and he can’t imagine having done anything else. 
Today, the portal that brings the patrol team home is orange, not blue. Donnie’s heart is in his throat even before he processes the screaming. 
“POPS!” Raph’s voice tears through the lair. He hasn’t sounded that frightened since those seconds before the Technodrome exploded in the sky. “Donnie, April—somebody!” 
Donnie bursts out of the tunnel into the terminal that makes up their living room and all the air leaves his lungs at once. 
Raph’s hands are bloody, and Mikey is crying, and Leo is writhing in their big brother’s hold. The once-bright yellow hoodie Mikey had been wearing that morning is stained an ugly rust color and pressed hard against Leo’s right arm.
“Shh, hey, it’s okay, we’re home,” Raph murmurs, none of the panic on his face making it into his trembling voice. “Raph’s gotta show Don. This is gonna hurt, okay?” He peels away the hoodie, fighting Leo’s grip on his own arm to do it. Leo chirps in distress, and it’s horrible, and Raph all but trips over himself to soothe, “I know, baby, hold on. Hold on.” 
He finally reveals a gruesome, gaping tear in the flesh above Leo’s elbow. The edges are shaped like teeth.
“No,” Donnie says. 
“We found a few families trapped in an apartment building. One of them had a little girl and she—” Mikey manages to choke out. “She started crying. It was so loud. The Odds swarmed the level we were on in seconds.”
No, is all he can think. No no no.
What apocalypse? The world is ending right here. The world is in Raph’s arms, bleeding and gasping and dying. 
“Move,” Draxum says, as good as appearing out of thin air. Donnie’s situational awareness is apparently nonexistent right now but he still hears it when Splinter dashes into the room a second later, if only because of the wounded sound his father makes. 
Draxum places his hands on Leo’s wounded arm just above the bite and they begin to glow. Donnie loses the strength in his legs before he completes the last couple steps between himself and his brothers, so he just crawls the rest of the way. He takes his twin’s hand and pretends there is nothing that could force him to ever let go. 
“From what we have seen, the infection turns a new host in a manner of minutes,” Draxum says, expression fierce with focus. “How long did it take you to get him home?”
“Um,” Mikey says, scrambling to grab hold of something other than grief and fear the way he would rifle chaotically through the mess of sticker paper and sketchbooks on his desk for the right color copic or drawing pen. Blinking hard and rubbing away fresh tears on his sleeve, their youngest finds the courage to do anything besides just wail and scream the way they all would like to and says, “It wasn’t right away. My portals aren’t instant like L—like Lee’s are. I have to, um, draw the sigils in my mind the way you taught me.”
“Four minutes,” Raph offers. “And twenty-one seconds,” he adds a beat later. “Raph was counting.”
He leans down and presses his cheek to Leo’s forehead. He isn’t saying goodbye, but he’s holding close just in case. He’s giving Leo something sweet to go out on if he has to go. He’s crying, too, a steady, silent drip.
Splinter strokes Leo’s cheek with the backs of his fingers. Donnie isn’t brave enough to look at him. He can’t look at anyone. 
There is no other way for this to end. There isn’t a cure. Any bite or scratch is an instant death sentence. Then Donnie’s twin would become something else, a violent, hungry shell of someone once good and loved, and they would have to deal with that. They would have to see it, the ugly wretchedness of it, and never make peace with it for as long as they lived. 
And yet— 
“He should have turned by now,” April says from just behind Donnie. Her voice is shaking, and she looks like she wants to collapse where she’s standing, but she still manages to claw something shaped like hope out of the worst moment of their lives. “That’s what you’re saying.”
“That’s what I’m saying. This virus is human in nature—mortal. There is a reason the Hidden City is unaffected. Yokai are creatures of magic. In much the same way I could not catch the flu from you, O’Neil, we cannot be infected by Odds. You Hamato call yourselves mutants, but you are yokai. At least in part.”
“And you wouldn’t have thought to mention something like this sooner?” Splinter hisses, something close to hate in his voice. 
“How would you have liked me to test it, Lou?” Draxum bites back. 
“Shut up,” April says. “What does that mean, Barry?”
“It means the virus has been isolated at the site of the infection,” Draxum says. “It will not remain that way for long. It will spread, very slowly, and eventually take him. This pain that he is in will not wane until he is gone. We must act before it is too late.”
Donatello’s mind is as quick as Leonardo’s, even though they are constantly racing down different avenues. He understands what Draxum has not yet said. What exactly he’s proposing. 
They have to remove the site of the infection.
“I can’t do that,” he blurts, too loud.
“Someone must,” Draxum replies, not pulling any punches. “If you want it to be me, then it will be me.”
“What are you talking about?” Mikey says. “Dee?”
Donnie can’t speak. He presses his forehead to the corner of Leo’s that isn’t crammed fitfully against Raph’s shoulder. 
It’s a terrible risk. Amateur amputations are the stuff of nightmares. And it might not even work. There’s no precedent. There’s just a one in a million chance and a family desperate enough to take it.
“Leo,” he whispers. “Hey. Nardo. Please. I can’t just. I need you to—I need you to tell me it’s okay. Lee. I need you to tell me what to do.” 
He feels it almost instantly, the click and connect of a mind meld. Leo’s mind flows into Donnie’s as effortlessly as it has every time they’ve done this before, the mischievous wind of his ninpo breezing through Donnie’s lightning storm like the skies they belong to are one and the same. 
There isn’t a conversation. Leo’s thoughts are muddled, fever-bright and confused, not at all like the shape they take when the wickedly clever slider is feeling like himself. But Donnie hears him anyway. 
He understands just from this instant of togetherness that Leo doesn’t want to leave them. He wants to stay where they are. He would do anything to stay. 
Donnie parts from him with a gasp. His siblings watch him avidly, tears streaming down their faces unchecked. Leo looks tiny in Raph’s arms. There’s already so little of him, and now they are going to whittle him down even more. 
But the helpless screaming fear is no longer the loudest thing in Donnie’s head. It’s drowned out by the deafening rumble of a storm, that faraway sky that flashes with purple lightning and playful gales of blue. Nothing could be louder than the two of them when they have something to prove. 
“You’re not going anywhere,” he says, one hand on his twin’s plastron over the spot where that fearless, unyielding heart beats for them. “Hear me? I’m taking this arm, but I’ll give you back a better one.” 
The air goes out of the room as all of his siblings and his father suck in a breath and hold it. Raph’s grip on Leo tightens, as if he needs just one more second in a world where this doesn’t have to happen, where there’s another way. 
Then he lifts his mismatched eyes and there’s only trust there when he looks at Donnie. Mikey’s hand grips the wrist of the one Donnie has on Leo. April puts her arm around Mikey.
They’re all here. They’re all going to stay right here.  
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violetsandshrikes · 7 months
I think one pitfall of social media vs traditional media is that social media is individuals who don’t have any set training or guidelines on broadcasting information (which can be both positive and negative).
For example, the consideration of the fact that suicide contagion is a known issue.
Please be very, very careful how you share and word information, especially in spaces with people who are unsupported, vulnerable, mentally ill, minors, or may otherwise be susceptible to irresponsible messaging.
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marley-manson · 1 year
it's was a while back and i did send in a bunch but i'm really curious about your thoughts on Trapper for that character meme. idk if you'll be able to find it in your archive but it was the one where the last question was "cinnamon roll or problematic fave?"
Oh for sure, thank you 💖
1: sexuality headcanon
Bi, aware, largely comfortable with it but more discrete than Hawkeye due to lots of practice while married and also just being a chiller person who doesn't feel the urge to broadcast everything about himself to everyone. My default headcanon is that he was somewhat active in the gay scene back in Boston, one of those married men who leads a double life. He's not someone who seems happy in his marriage even without the war, there are lots of jokes about his wife suspecting he's cheating on her pre-war including one about her hiring a private detective lol, so it's a more fun way to spin that.
Also I like the idea of him and Hawkeye bemoaning the fact that they met in a warzone when they could just as easily have hooked up at a party.
2: otp
Hawkeye ofc. I don't have any emotional investment in any Mash ships that don't include Hawkeye so I don't ship him with anyone else, but Hawk/Trap is the closest to an otp I have for the show.
3: brotp
I wanna say Klinger. I love those moments of solidarity he has with him, and I think he has a bit of a crush. Trapper doesn't get a whole lot of interactions with others outside of being Hawkeye's partner though, so it's not an easy question. Like I like his friendship with Henry, but there's nothing that really distinguishes it from Hawkeye's friendship with Henry, eg. But I do think that he and Klinger have a somewhat distinct vibe.
4: notp
idk if I have one. I'm not really interested in any Trapper ships other than HawkTrap, but I don't hate them either.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Atheist ex catholic and estranged from his parents because of it. Chill free-thinker somewhat in response to a strict religious upbringing. And along with that, part of why he likes Hawkeye is that he's into Hawkeye's rebellious nature, relates to it, and enjoys how brazen Hawkeye is about it.
6: favorite line from this character
Tough one... I'm just gonna go with: "Klinger's not a pervert." "How do you know?" "Because I'm one, and he's never at the meetings." I'd like to go with something deeper or more interesting lol but ykw, the jokes are often the best lines in the show.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Hmm... I tend to fall into the sidekick role in some friendships with more outgoing people so I kinda feel his dynamic with Hawkeye?
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Not much. I guess some of the racist jokes, but none of the characters escape that pitfall so it feels unfair to single Trapper out lol. The joke about keeping Louise's car keys maybe? That one was pretty cringe, and intentionally so since Hawkeye makes fun of him for it.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll by my standards.
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driftwithme · 1 year
[ EDITED BY @lemonhoneypastry !!! <3]
Fandom: Pacific Rim (2013 - movie only).
Relationships: Chuck Hansen/Raleigh Becket.
Tags: light angst, Mako Mori (mention), Herc Hansen (mention), Angela Hansen (mention), Scott Hansen (mention), Max (mention), not canon compliant, post-Pitfall, long distance friendship, not actually unrequited love, hurt, mental health issues (mention), war injuries (mention), longing, rivals to friends, friends to "strangers", unresolved romantic tension.
His phone rings again and Chuck does nothing but watch it, mesmerized. He doesn't know how he pressed the number or at what point of the last hour he felt asleep over his desk. All he knows is that he can almost bite his own heart with his teeth when the line picks up, the screen lightning up.
He curses under his breath, scrambling to sit up-- and winces. His back is sore.
"Is it a bad time to call you?"
Of all the people in the world he could have called half asleep, of all the ways he imagined his Monday morning to go...
"No," there's noise, a light click, before Raleigh replies: "not at all."
Chuck talks over him, the answer a bit rougher than intended.
"I said I'm good, Rah-leigh."
The line becomes silent.
His focus shifts to a single sweat drop sliding down his neck. The humidity of Sydney is starting to crack through the air-conditioner defenses; if he dared look out his window, he'd catch the sun emerging from over the newest skyscrapers. A world of pink and blue hues getting dissipated by the upcoming gold, clouds parting to allow the new day to begin. He doesn't look, though. He doesn't need a peak at the street below to know of the dammed heat wave in the middle of October. The news broadcasted about it endlessly as Chuck suffered every miserable day of the last week, sat in front of a fan until Max got sick.
"It's the heat", the vet told him, like he hadn't noticed the problem until he had handed the money to her.
Instead, he nodded. "Yeah, mate. Must be it."
The line stays silent, long enough for Chuck to check the screen. The call is still on, meaning Raleigh hasn't ended it, but...
I want to tell him.
Chuck ducks his head and spins on his chair. He eyes the room, picks up the device from the desk, changes the mode from speaker to private, and presses the plastic to the side of his head with one hand, the other absently drumming on the arm of the chair. He has half the mind to go to his bed and lie there, but won't he have to leave for work in an hour and a half? Isn't the bed made anyway? He doesn't even sleep on it most nights. It's hot. It's too hot. As Chuck stands up, he realizes that it's starting to get loud outside too, but on their call, it's all static. It bounces back and forth in his ears as Chuck's sweat rolls down into his sweater, cooling his shoulders, and moving down his spine-- He discards it on the floor.
He ends up in front of his mirror; barefoot, bed headed, an old PPDC shirt haphazardly thrown over his head with a pair of shorts that miraculously still fit him right.
He wants to tell him. He wants to tell him right now.
Chuck tries to catch Raleigh breathing through the telephone. Although it'd be easier if he only closed his eyes, he can't stop staring at the coward in his mirror. He frowns and imagines Raleigh laughing at it, at the wrinkles he'd get, at the comical expression of anger that Chuck hasn't felt in months. He hasn't been that man in a while, the one who burnt through his solitude each hour, Max at his heels and the world kept outside by locked doors. So he stops frowning. He cannot smile, either.
He runs his fingers through his hair, slightly longer now, and presses his fingertips to the sweat on his neck, on his collarbone, and his hand closes over his shirt in a fist over his chest. He grips the fabric, trembling with frustration--
You know I said I was alright, mate.
--because he cannot say a word.
Chuck watches as his eyes blink watery, the golden light peaking through his curtains unable to part the shadow of his tiredness. He didn't sleep last night, at most took at 20 minutes nap. He hasn't slept more than a couple of hours at a time in weeks, for all he remembers. The thought makes him stare at his legs and arms.
Chuck Hansen problem is that he came back whole from the bottom of the ocean, but it doesn't feel like it. It feels like he should have lost something, that he should have some proof of the hollow on his body. The unreleased energy hits his nerves through the dark hours until the daybreak comes and even when they subdue, enough for him to take a nap before awakening in an empty apartment, the feeling of absence never leaves him. 
And it was true, yeah? I'm good. Life's a fucking wonder.
Herc knows Max is sick and offered to travel to meet them. The memory of how their relationship used to be before Pitfall tempts him to accept the offer, but like him, Herc hasn't been that man in a while; the absent father, the general. His dad is truly busy now.
To be honest, the only reason Chuck got his own apartment was because he felt their house suffocating him. It was an old building, the vacation house. They used to go there every summer or December for family gatherings, to relax. It was his grandma's house before it was his mother's and now, technically, it was his. The truth is that he'd never ask his dad to give it up, not after losing all they've had with Scissure. He simply couldn't stay there any longer.
Chuck misses his mom like an amputation, the way he'd stumble on that house and lose his balance only to be reminded at every turn of how it used to be back then, when he used to be whole. Sometimes he would call her name by accident during his sleep. He'd see her shadow on the staircase, hear her voice from the main room. It's what that house would do to him. Bring back the ghost of Angela Hansen, years after Chuck swore to let her rest in peace.
Where his old man would find the missing pieces of his life, Chuck would only notice what wasn't there.
Herc wrestled Scott in that kitchen on Christmas, he kissed Angela for the first time on that porch. He married her in the backyard, taught Chuck to ride a bike on the back road. He turned on the news the day the Trespasser emerged from the Breach and sat on the edge of that couch, spilling half his beer on the carpet as he talked with Scott on the phone, his left arm kept around Angela as she calmed down Chuck. That house was a balm to his dad, but he was allowed to leave it all every few months to go and deal with the PPDC. Chuck wasn't.
So what if it is not what I thought it'd be? It's not like I haven't done more with worse.
At least now Herc works most of the time online, while the UN reorganizes their contracts. Looking back, those first three years after Operation Pitfall were hell. If it wasn't the extended residency on the medical bay, it was the endless trying to keep the program afloat. Compared to it, the ongoing year is all about patience: playing it slowly until the UN gives them permission to proceed with their new projects, keeping the Shatterdome running cheap until the new bill passes and they get their new funding, harassing their offices with letters and petitions, visiting any prospect from the private sector that could finance them, etc. Herc spends a month there, travels for weeks, spends another month or two at home, leaves again.
Chuck couldn't live in that house. A haunted house was a haunting house, even to its ghost. So he got an apartment. It was closer to Sydney, but not too close. It'd only take a taxi ride for his days to be filled with noise and bodies and the activity of a patched up city. He found a job repairing stuff all morning that assured him he'd be back at midday to feed Max and waste the rest of the day however he wanted. He met with his neighbors, made sure no one would bother him for being an ex-ranger. Got plants to decorate from Mako. Made a DVD collection from the ones he stole from the Shatterdome. Got the Kaidonovsky's radio on his kitchen. Even bought a couch in case someone wanted to stay the night while passing by. He did everything, confident that he needed to move out in order to move on. Except the salty breeze did nothing to soothe him.
Four years later, Chuck still jumps from his bed at the crack of dawn, convinced that he heard the Jaeger alarm and that he must get ready for a drop. He still stops breathing whenever a funny shaped cloud floats in the horizon, and when he watches it from the corner of his eye, it almost looks like one of the Kaijus he used to fight. He forgets to cook for himself, because there's no mess hall anymore. He gets on his PDDC shirts by accident when going out for groceries. He looks up, waiting to find Eureka, and sees nothing but new skyscrapers, sometimes the ceiling, sometimes the stars if he is out at night.
You sure get it. They got you modelling around in that uniform. You must know how it feels.
In the privacy of his room, Chuck catches with his thumb the single drop falling from his cheek. He thinks it's sweat and stares right at his reflection, eye to eye, and doesn't say a word.
What seemed an eternity ended in a couple of minutes of no talking. He hears rustling on the other side of the call and a sight that almost undoes him, almost makes him spill the reason why he called Raleigh of all people, but he doesn't.
Raleigh says: "Good to hear it, Chuck," and after a bit, "See you around."
And the call ends. Just like that, before Chuck could admit he missed the bloke so much, he sleep-called him to tell him so. Before he could talk to him, really talk to him, in a way he hasn't done in over half a year now.
Pitfall took them from hating each other to being friendly in the med bay; they spend almost every minute of their recovery together. Afterwards, they became friends, real friends, and Chuck had no chance because he was completely crushed by his love for that man since the beginning. He had been more or less aware, more or less angry, almost fascinated by the things Raleigh could make him feel, emotions hitting harder than the sound barrier whenever they were together. He never thought he'd get so close to Raleigh Becket, never thought it could evolve from mere comptent-- into to this new silence.
Not that I would know. I hardly hear from you anymore. I had to press your bloody number half asleep to hear your voice.
It started with Chuck moving out.
"I need some time away from the Shatterdome", he had said, and it was true. He wanted a life outside those walls. He wanted to be someone outside his job. Suddenly, he was nothing but the kid with the dead mom, the lucky veteran with all his limbs intact. He was a ghost haunting his country, pressed between the pages of history books like a withering flower or an autumn leaf. To those people --the woman living on the apartment next to him, the kid living down the hall, the elderly man who offered him some coffe every morning as he passed the entrance-- he was a relic. Most days, it helped being a son to his father, it helped being like a brother to Mako, but they weren't there, they couldn't be there, Chuck wouldn't ask them to be there either way.
And his dog was sick.
And the man he had loved since he was a fuck, he had had a crush on Raleigh a 14 years old, had hated his guts at 16, shout his and Mako's names hoarse after Pitfall when he couldn't find their escape-pods, he had fallen asleep on his chest by accident and woke up swearing he would never feel like that again, not in Earth or if hell existed or in any afterlife. His friend is on the other side of the ocean parading himself around to help the jaeger cause. Taking pictures with jaeger replicas, presenting awards, smiling on night shows like he is 18 years old again, like his brother is alive, like he is a doll or a clown or a pretty face to admire and it all aches so much and Chuck hates it all so much and he already broke one tv upon seeing them ask about Chuck Hansen just for Raleigh to shut it down so fast Chuck got nauseous.
He wants that loyalty pressed to his lips, there, real real real, Raleigh's laugh drumming in his chest and not on the speakers.
Chuck doesn't know if he's sick because he's lonely or if he's lonely because he's in love and he cannot, for the life of him, let out the words that would solve his misery.
"I miss you," he says to the stalled air of his room.
The light now hits full on his face, breeze slightly blowing the curtains. He turns away from his reflection, puts down the phone on his bed, ignoring the empty side of the mattress he wishes, every night, could support another body that's not his, and walks to the bathroom.
He decides he'll try again in the evening, after visiting Max. Or maybe he'd call in the hopes Raleigh would get it. Stupidly, blindly, he does what he's been doing all those years and waits for Raleigh to fall back, to fall first, to say it.
Do you miss me?
Yes, he'd call-- and if he doesn't say it, at least he gets to hear his voice.
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Podcast Reviews and Recs
The night shift podcast
I am a simple girl. Give me an urban fantasy podcast with the interesting world-building and script and you'll get my heart on a platter. It's pretty short podcast (s1 is complete) with the queer cast and an engaging story in the world where magic that used to be is gone and only some people have traces of it. I loved the plot, the main character, the supporting cast, romantic pair, sound design and voices. My only pitfall is that I believe that pretending that the main character runs the real broadcast was ruining my suspension of disbelief. Some things that happened to him could fuck up all his plans if broadcasted and listened by the wrong people. Would work better if he was a blogger who researches conspiracy staff, and just records everything cos he is a paranoid wreck. However, overall it's pretty great so my advice is to give it a try. (Also the soundtrack for it is awesome) MC is a transman as far as I know, but it's not obvious.
Camp Here And There
This is one of those podcasts. It starts fun. Cute even. Short episodes, general creepy weridness reminding about wtnv, funny jokes. THEN IT STABS YOU. 7 TIMES. And makes you cry like a little bitch. The setting is a very weird summer camp with the main character being the nurse who has to deal with all this stuff as well as their mental, health and relationship problems. It is actually very good insight into the way love works and how many forms it can take and how difficult it is to express sometimes. Also writing is very beautiful. S1 is currently completed and I can't wait for a S2. (This one is also very queer. MC is a gay transman and their are also several sideships)
This one is a good horror podcast about a british private investigator who has lost his eyesight and got an eldritch buddy in his head. Yay! Somehow this entity is more rational and relatable one between the 2 of them. By the 20th episode you'll start saying "no, arthur" at the same time. Also, no romance and as an aro I do appreciate this - the platonic connection between you and the voice inside your head can be as valid as romantic one. What can be more intimate than sharing a body, right? Has many good classic elements from Lovecraftian (cosmic) horror so if it's your thing - give this podcast a try.
I love you weird beautiful horror anthology podcasts with the same setting and some connections between episodes, but without action filled lengthy overarching plot. You're brilliant and you're doing great. This pocast tells you a story about people living in the weird little neighborhood and their secrets. Some stories are funny, some are heartwarming, some are creepy, and some are depressing. I find it more weird than scary, but it's exactly what I like about this one, so try it out if it's also your thing. Also I find the narrator voice very soothing. Stories do have lgbtq+ subtext if it's important for you.
Monstrous Agonies
I love you weird supernatural but at the same time uncanny relatable advice segment shows. This one is an advice segment for liminal folk (different types of paranomal creatures) but it is kinda a metaphor for all types of queer, aspec, pocs and neurodivergent people. This is a good comforting podcast so if you feel a bit lost and need some encouragement give it a try. It has some overarching plot, but it's not very big so if you have a short attention span - this one is perfect.
Finding Satan
The main character is an entitled brat and academia doesn't work like this for fuck's sake. Can't recommend this one, sorry.
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drtroad · 5 months
Tumblr media
links : statistics. wanted plots. tags. pinterest.
・。  [ drew starkey .  cis man .  he/him ] - howard wamsley  was  blasting  immortal by 21 savage  on  the  sidewalk  in  austin today .  according  to  other  atx  residents  , the  twenty - eight  year  old  weekend sports anchor has been  given  a  reputation  of  being vulgar ,  but also  funny.  [ copious amounts of hair gel, sunglasses hung from the collar of a polo, modernized vintage car  ] 
quick stats
introducing howard ellis wamsley jr.
Tumblr media
known as. howie to most.
birthdate. 2 august.
zodiac big three. leo sun, taurus moon, sagittarius rising.
sexuality. very bisexual!!!! but he's never claimed it in any meaningful way.
residence. probably a way-too-expensive apartment that he's turned into a bachelor pad. rooms with one other person (eyes emoji!!!!!)
occupation. weekend sports anchor on the local news.
education. bachelor of arts in broadcast and digital journalism, high school diploma.
inspiration(s). unashamedly rafe cameron (outer banks), stewy hosseini!!!!! (succession), jeff winger (community), and any overgrown frat boy you might know.
tw slight mentions of drugs, bullying, homophobia
howie's parents met as news anchors of a very well known morning program in manhattan!! the pair fell in love, despite both of them already being married. it was quite the scandal, eventually culminating in both of them being fired. by then elizabeth, his mom, was already pregnant with him. and so, the pair move to boston! where a lot of howie's maternal family lived. howard sr. picked up another morning show anchor job and elizabeth became a stay-at-home mom.
his parents both came from poor-as-dirt stretches in the deep south. they embodied every facet of what it means to be 'new money', hence their penchant for throwing together gaudy displays of their wealth (large, lavish parties, expensive furniture, the 'good china/towels' howie was never allowed to touch, etc); the wamsleys spared no expense. this much was true when it came to their son, too! howie was spoiled ROTTEN and doted on endlessly with affections that were overbearing at worst and helicopter parent-esque at best. howie's life was largely free of consequence.
school is a breeze for him. it's a no brainer too. he's rich, an athlete (soccer!!!), and charismatic enough to be voted vice prez in their student government. through that, he was made to do the morning announcements which led to him finding his own love for broadcasting! if it hadn't been for that, he probably would've pursued soccer professionally.
there were just two pitfalls to being howie wamsley jr. (1) the fact that he was incredibly short and skinny until he was sixteen (oh and a little gay but that never wore off)- but his father thought it best to counter that by making him do soccer from a young age. that way, at least he'd have something to say when his aunts prod about about howie being weird (gay) and later, a bad influence on his younger cousins (does drugs). he was good at the sport, yes, but much to howard sr.'s dismay, it only made howie extremely aware of his physical shortcomings. that's just the cesspit of toxic masculinity inherent to young men in organized sports for ya!! he adapted anyways, that's what he'll tell you- howie resigned to being the funny one. that way, at least he'd be laughing with them. (2) the intense pressure of filling his father's shoes now that he was going into the same field. well, (3) if you count being named like a pizza chain.
he moves to austin for college, studying broadcast and digital journalism at the university of texas. full disclosure, for those four years, he is the frattiest, douchiest guy ever. basked in the fact that girls finally took him seriously! but the years pass by in the blink of an eye. after he graduates, he contemplates working with his father in boston but decides against it. thought howard might be even more proud if he were to stay and build a name for himself.
and that, he does! he's been working in the field for sometime and he now he works as a weekend sports anchor for the local news. his downtime sees him nosediving into a baggie of whatever powder's in front of him (usually on golf courses) and working through a 12 pack of miller lite.
confident, funny, vulgar, hedonistic, charismatic, facetious
confident. soooooo cocky. genuinely believes he can do anything and much better than you can. mama wamsley is to blame for this.
funny / charismatic. teeters on flamboyant. very likable guy with an unfaltering wit. very casually affectionate. loves bestowing a nickname on his second time meeting someone again.
facetious. has a talent for taking jokes too far.
hedonistic. he has no qualms about indulging in something if he wants to. he's the biggest foodie. loves a silly little drink with a silly little prop. loves shopping for clothes, watches, chains, etc. but it's a double edged sword as he's probably a functioning coke addict. and alcoholic maybe? he doesn't know. doesn't care enough to know. also very noncommittal in romantic relationships because of it.
vulgar / blunt. swears a lot. has no filter when he talks and is always talking at like a decent volume which is a winning combo. has apologized to countless moms for saying unspeakable things when he wasn't aware a 3 foot tall human was behind him.
wanted plots
you can find them linked at the top of this post!
psd credit
psd is brewing by jessource.
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msclaritea · 8 months
N.F.L.’s Rapid Embrace of Gambling Creates Mixed Signals - The New York Times
"Since the Supreme Court struck down, in 2018, a federal law that effectively banned sports betting outside Nevada — a prohibition once backed by the N.F.L.’s commissioner, Roger Goodell — the N.F.L. has embraced the gambling industry. It has forged partnerships reportedly worth nearly $1 billion over five years with sports betting companies, and permitted a sports book to operate inside one of its stadiums. Now it even has a team in Las Vegas, which the league shunned for decades because any affiliation was seen as a threat to the integrity of the game.
Yet the embedding of sports gambling so quickly into the culture of the league has resulted in jarring contradictions. The N.F.L. is pushing to popularize and benefit from sports betting while still guarding against the potential pitfalls that it long condemned. While the league donates money to promote responsible gambling, its broadcasts are peppered with advertisements for sports betting companies. The N.F.L. is part of a growing apparatus that encourages casual fans to regularly place wagers on games, while punishing league employees — most notably players — who might do the same...."
Which celebrity are you planning to use, next?
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blubberquark · 2 years
The socket module in Python: More than a footgun
Previously: Beginner Problems With TCP & The socket Module in Python, Things To Think About Before You Implement Online Multiplayer
I think I have previously undersold how terrible the socket module in Python is. It's worse. Or rather, what's worse is that often enough, the socket module is all that is available with the "batteries included" with Python 3.X. For anything more, you need to look on PyPI, and there are far too many modules on there that sort of do what you want, but are unmaintained. That is not good for networking, especially on the Internet!
The socket module has a lot of functionality you don't need for Internet applications, and is missing a lot of functionality you do need. Some of that functionality is present with asyncio, but not with socket. This weird feature imparity leads to beginner programmers using asyncio without understanding the use case for asyncio, or without understanding what async does, mixing blocking functions with asyncio.
Even experienced programmers won't be happy with socket. They can see and sidestep some of the pitfalls, but they can't really make productive use of socket on its own. There is no pure-Python way to get your own IP address, network interfaces, or your public IP address. There is no interface for path MTU discovery, and no abstraction layer for handling mixed IPv6/IPv4 connections.
The socket module is not just a footgun. It's little helper gnomes opening your gun safe at light, reloading the footguns you thought safe while you sleep. Even an experienced programmer must treat the socket module as if it can go off at any time!
Solution: A modern Internet-oriented networking module
We need a high-level Internet-oriented networking module as part of Python. Let's call it "networking". It doesn't need any OS-specific networking features, and it doesn't need IPC. It should just have an easy way to opening a socket and communicating over the Internet.
You should be able to query things like IPv4/IPv6 support, and stuff like mobile IP or multi-path TCP, but by default, there should just be a simple interface that takes a DNS name, IPv4 address or IPv6 address, and lets you connect.
There should probably be a "do-what-i-mean multicast" option for UDP, with functions to send and receive broadcast and multicast packets, instead of re-implementing the wrangling of IP addresses and subnet masks every time.
There should probably be a way to extend this, by implementing different message-oriented, datagram-oriented, or stream-oriented protocols, such as SSL and ENet as separate modules.
Most importantly, this module would have its equivalent of Java's BufferedReader. I know that this is super easy to implement, but the lack of a BufferedReader is a major stumbling block for beginners, and it pushes those beginners to use asyncio without understanding what that is or how it works. The "networking" module could have async versions of everything in a separate networking.async namespace. I don't think having awaitable and blocking operations available on the same socket/connection object is sensible, it would be another footgun, so this API duplication seems to me to be the safer option.
We really need full blocking/async parity. I can't stress this enough. Otherwise you end up in bizarre situations where library users write async code inside sync functions and spin up the event loop for every function call, but then call blocking functions in their async code, because to them, async is just a cumbersome way to call blocking functions.
Solution: Interface/Network/Service Discovery
We need a network discovery module as part of Python, maintained and developed in tandem with the old socket and the new networking. It should allow the user/developer to easily enumerate all available network interfaces, their IP addresses, MTU, IPv4/IPv6 status, connectivity, whether they are metered, and whether their networks are connected to the Internet.
Path MTU discovery and ping might also be useful.
Maybe service discovery protocols like Bonjour could live in this module too, or they could be their own module.
Solution: Dealing with NAT
In an ideal world, we would all be using IPv6, and we would somehow know the worldwide unique IP address of our friend's PC - the device we are trying to communicate with. Our router would know to route packets to that IP to our friend's router, and all would be well.
In the real world we are using NAT and VPNs. Some devices have an IPv4 address, others don't. IPv6 usually doesn't help us connect to a friend's PC to play a game.
We need a module (I propose the name "unfirewall" or "traversal") to allow the user/developer to connect or send packets to a computer behind NAT. This module must set up a connection that is either stream-based or datagram-based, and present the same API as raw sockets created with the networking module, or SSL sockets built on top of it.
Whatever system you are using to connect your stream or datagram socket, whether you go through a SOCKS proxy or a TURN server, or you manage to do NAT hole punching via STUN, it should return a networking object that is mostly indistinguishable from one that was connected through your local LAN.
Solution: Common Data Types
Python needs data types for networking addresses, such as IPv4 addresses, IPv6 addresses, DNS names, IDNA, and so on. The above mentioned modules should accept parameters with those types, in addition to old-fashioned 32-bit unsigned integers for IPv4 addresses.
Solution: Network Reliability Simulation
Once we have an ecosystem of modern networking APIs, it becomes easier to write your own network un-reliability simulator. Dropped connections, uneven transmission speeds, partial reads and writes leading to TCP stream read() not lining up with send() from the other end, dropped UDP packets, a whole second of latency, low bandwidth, all those could be simulated on localhost.
Those changes would turn Python networking from a footgun for beginners into something that still causes cursing and frozen GUI widgets when your WLAN connection gets choppy. There is no software fix for radio signal quality, or for an excavator cutting the fiber optic connection between your town and the rest of the world.
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Well, I got one person that said yes to the previous post, and that's technically 100% of the vote, so here is the entire list, in alphabetical order, of the Terran Task Force, complete with their ID code. Put under the cut because. Obviously 😂
Which one is your favorite? I'm dying to know 😊 send me all of your thoughts cuz Primus knows I'll need help developing these bitties
Accelerator (A-1)
Ace (A-2)
Aero (A-3)
Alkaline (A-4)
Allele (A-5)
Ammunition (A-6)
Ampere (A-7)
Antiseptic (A-8)
Arrowhead (A-9)
Ashfall (A-10)
Atlas (A-11)
Atom (A-12)
Aurturius Maximus (A-13)
Axis (A-14)
Axon (A-15)
Backstab (B-1)
Backstrike (B-2)
Barrier (B-3)
Baseline (B-4)
Bastion (B-5)
Blazewing (B-6)
Blockade (B-7)
Bodybag (B-8)
Boombox (B-9)
Brainwash (B-10)
Breakcheck (B-11)
Breeze (B-12)
Broadcast (B-13)
Bullseye (B-14)
Catacomb (C-1)
Catalyst (C-2)
Chainsaw (C-3)
Chisel (C-4)
Cirrus (C-5)
Clearsky (C-6)
Clearwater (C-7)
Cliffclimber (C-8)
Clockwork (C-9)
Constellation (C-10)
Cremator (C-11)
Crossbow (C-12)
Crossflare (C-13)
Crypt (C-14)
Cutlass (C-15)
Cyclone (C-16)
Dart (D-1)
Daybreaker (D-2)
Debris (D-3)
Demo (D-4)
Detonator (D-5)
Double Dash (D-6)
Double Dutch (D-7)
Downburst (D-8)
Dropkick (D-9)
Earthquake (E-1)
Echolalia (E-2)
Echolocate (E-3)
Enigma (E-4)
Equation (E-5)
Figment (F-1)
Firefly (F-2)
Flamethrower (F-3)
Flashflood (F-4)
Flashfreeze (F-5)
Flourescence (F-6)
Fogbank (F-7)
Fragment (F-8)
Freelance (F-9)
Frostbyte (F-10)
Froststar (F-11)
Gadget (G-1)
Galaxy (G-2)
Gasket (G-3)
Gauge (G-4)
Galvanize (G-5)
Geocache (G-6)
Glaciate (G-7)
Glaive (G-8)
Goldstrike (G-9)
Greenbeam (G-10)
Gripper (G-11)
Hailstone (H-1)
Hailstorm (H-2)
Handsaw (H-3)
Hardcore (H-4)
Hazmat (H-5)
Hellraiser (H-6)
High Dive (H-7)
Highwire (H-8)
Horizon (H-9)
Hyperdrive (H-10)
Ice Storm (I-1)
Igneous (I-2)
Ignition (I-3)
Illusion (I-4)
Illusory (I-5)
Imager (I-6)
Imperius (I-7)
Iodine (I-8)
Jailbreak (J-1)
Javelin (J-2)
Jumpdrive (J-3)
Jumpstart (J-4)
Keynote (K-1)
Kinetic (K-2)
Killswitch (K-3)
Lacerate (L-1)
Latticework (L-2)
Levellor (L-3)
Lightning (L-4)
Lightspeed (L-5)
Lobotomy (L-6)
Lookout (L-7)
Mach-3 (M-1)
Mach-4 (M-2)
Mach-5 (M-3)
Magma (M-4)
Maze (M-5)
Microbe (M-6)
Mirror (M-7)
Mistcover (M-8)
Molotov (M-9)
Myriad (M-10)
Network (N-1)
Neurotoxin (N-2)
Nightbuster (N-3)
Nightfall (N-4)
Nightwatch (N-5)
Nimbus (N-6)
Nocturne (N-7)
Noisemaker (N-8)
Nucleus (N-9)
Oasis (O-1)
Operate (O-2)
Orbit (O-3)
Overboard (O-4)
Overcast (O-5)
Overflow (O-6)
Paladin (P-1)
Paradox (P-2)
Patchwork (P-3)
Pathfinder (P-4)
Pendulum (P-5)
Permafrost (P-6)
Petri Dish (P-7
Phalanx (P-8)
Phobia (P-9)
Pipette (P-10)
Pitfall (P-11)
Placebo (P-12)
Quantum (Q-1)
Quicksand (Q-2)
Quickshot (Q-3)
Radiowave (R-1)
Raindance (R-2)
Rainglow (R-3)
Ratio (R-4)
Resevoir (R-5)
Riptide (R-6)
Roundhouse (R-7)
Sabotage (S-1)
Scoria (S-2)
Serpentine (S-3)
Shatter (S-4)
Shuriken (S-5)
Silhouette (S-6)
Skyline (S-7)
Skyscape (S-8)
Skysplitter (S-9)
Snapshot (S-10)
Snowglow (S-11)
Snowshower (S-12)
Sonar (S-13)
Soundblaster (S-14)
Spectroscope (S-15)
Spectrum (S-16)
Spillover (S-17)
Spire (S-18)
Spritz (S-19)
Squall (S-20)
Static (S-21)
Storm Cell (S-22)
Storm Warning (S-23)
Stratus (S-24)
Stunt Double (S-25)
Subatomic (S-26)
Sunshower (S-27)
Sunwave (S-28)
Supercell (S-29)
Supernova (S-30)
Swiftwind (S-31)
Symmetry (S-32)
Synthwave (S-33)
Syringe (S-34)
Tarot (T-1)
Thunderstorm (T-2)
Tidbit (T-3)
Tornado (T-4)
Trailfire (T-5)
Traintrack (T-6)
Transfusion (T-7)
Tripwire (T-8)
Tsunami (T-9)
Twirl (T-10)
Ultrasound (U-1)
Ultraviolet (U-2)
Uprise (U-3)
Vaccine (V-1)
Vantage Point (V-2)
Vaportrail (V-3)
Vaporwave (V-4)
Vial (V-5)
Void (V-6)
Warpgate (W-1)
Washaway (W-2)
Weathervane (W-3)
Whiplash (W-4)
Whistlestop (W-5)
Whiteout (W-6)
Widget (W-7)
Windchime (W-8)
Windcutter (W-9)
Windfall (W-10)
Windspirit (W-11)
Workshop (W-12)
Xenolith (X-1)
Xylophone (X-2)
Yellowcard (Y-1)
Yellowjacket (Y-2)
Zigzag (Z-1)
Zipzap (Z-2)
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 075 - Saving the Earth
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 3 Episode 24 - Zero Hour
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Time to wrap up Season 3, and the chase to reach the weapon, before it reaches earth is on!
Seeing Hoshi in this state of self guilt and not sure who she's talking to hurts, I don't like that archer is pushing her like this. She needs time to recover, especially in regards to him wanting to bring her onto the sphere with the strike team.
After that discussion, Archer gets time jumped into the future by Daniels, again. This time 7 years into Archer's personal future, to the founding of the Federation that Daniels keeps drip feeding us about. However, Daniels is unable to convince archer to change his mind about anything.
Hoshi, even in her current state, has made good progress, but unfortunately the reptilian ship has drifted from the Weapon. The reptilian ship attacks and destroys one of Earth's research satellites, with around 40 civilian targets on board. I get that that's tragic and all, but Archer literally did something similar to a Xindi research station less than 5 ago, he has very little room to be sad about this.
The reptilians prepare to open fire on Degra's ship, but thankfully the Andorians arrive in the nick of time to take care of things. My man, Shran is the MVP, Archer owes him indeed. Shran's appearance gives the crew a chance to get onto the weapon and start disabling it. The final fistfight between Archer and Dolim was also amazingly brutal. Archer, however doesn't make it out.
Meanwhile, Enterprise is going down into a spacial anomaly to attack one of the key spheres and knock out the Sphere network. The anomoly is wrecking the same cellular decay on the crew that the test subject was undergoing. Then, the Sphere builders board Enterprise and start tearing it apart. Luckily they take down the sphere and all the others with it.
After the fighting, while Enterprise awaits to rendezvous with the other team, we get just a little bit of flirting between T'Pol and Trip, which was nice to see.
We only really get to see T'Pol and Phlox's reactions to loosing archer, not even the team who he was with on Degra's ship. Everyone's reactions to seeing Earth again was beautiful, however everything is short lived, because no broadcasts have been coming from Earth or the Moon. Something is wrong. When a shuttle touches down, weapons start opening fire, and they're not from Enterprise's era. We've gone back in time to World War Two, Archer has been left in Nazi hands, and there's an alien commanding these Nazis, and that's the cliffhanger we're left on. Bit of a bombshell to end the season on.
The action in this episode was excellent, both the battle on the weapon and the battle on Enterprise. This Season finale was really good, but I'm happy we're finished with this whole Xindi arc. As much as I've loved the side episodes here, this seasons arc has not been it for me. I'm really interested to see where the series goes now that Archer and Enterprise are Stranded in World War 2. Also seeing Shran again was a highlight.
Comparing my Enjoyment of this Episode with a Doctor Who Universe Story of the Same Title
Torchwood: Aliens Among Us - Episode 7 - Zero Hour
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Yep, Spin Off of a Spin Off. In 2017 Big Finish used it's licence to make Doctor Who Universe Radio Drama to start Torchwood: Aliens Among Us, a continuation. They had already done a few audio dramas set after Torchwood: Miracle Day, but Aliens Among Us was marketed as a true Season 5 of Torchwood, despite the change of Media and replacing the various members of the cast that died throughout the show.
On the whole, I do like the Torchwood Continued saga, it does fall into a lot of the same pitfalls as the actual Torchwood series does, but that's definitely by design in recapturing the show's vibes, and the series is genuinely well written. Aliens Among Us is wonderful. It's cast is in some ways even better than the Original Torchwood team.
But this segment is about it's 7th Episode, Zero Hour. Zero Hour is focus story for Tyler Steele, one of the new additions to the cast that Aliens Among Us throws in. The episode also takes on a sort of allegory for how companies such as Deliveroo and Uber exploit their workers, and does it wonderfully. The Suspense behind exactly what Deliverables is, is built wonderfully. Hasan as a guest character is so well written, and the budding relationship between him and Tyler was really good. It's a shame the faceless corporate entity incinerated, fired in the most literal sense, him the moment he "qualified for basic workers rights".
I enjoyed both Zero Hours, but Torchwood's Zero Hour won out for me. As good as the Action in Enterprise's Zero Hour was, Torchwood's felt like it actually had something to say. Sci-Fi always works best when it's allegorical for real world issues, and Torchwood Zero Hour was an amazing example for that.
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districtunrest · 2 years
How could you translate Katniss' internal thoughts to screen?
If you become the screenwriter for the new adaptation, what would you do?
Are there any movies or tv series which have good example of this type of narration?
Thank you 😊
definitely not through a voiceover. good acting and writing go a long way to convey a character's complex internal thoughts without relying on a lazy 'tell not show' technique. but I am not well versed in screenwriting and film and such to make actual, worthwhile suggestions, lol. and I don't have specific examples in mind, esp because I have been burned many a time by book-to-movie adaptions, but I believe in my heart it can be done in capable hands.
I'd try to translate the series faithfully without egregious retconning and avoid the pitfalls of the movie franchise. ya know, nothing major. the movies did have the idea of showing things outside of Katniss' perspective, and I'd want to do that too without getting distracted from the main plot line. I like how the Katniss Chronicles does this, where the outside perspectives are through what's broadcast - commentators, interviews, public announcements, etc. only with Katniss do we get the 'real,' unrecorded stuff.
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rjalker · 2 years
anyways here's the short story I just wrote. there may be some typos because it's 2am and I'm actually tired for once.
PDF link. I assume it'll work...
Edit from my phone: oh it does ask you to download it. I thought it would just let you view it on the website. Why are PDFs so weird. I'll just make it a text post tomorrow so you don't have to download the file just to read it.
here's the text so you don't have to download it
2,399 words.
The Chain of Command
Zey were frozen in place, not even daring to breathe from the shock and fear. All zeir systems were either sounding the alarm, or just as frozen as zey were, lagging in the sudden rush of adrenaline that zeir organic parts had dumped into zeir bloodstream, overwhelming zeir emergency response systems.
This one one of the pitfalls of combining organic and mechanic systems. Sometimes, the organic instincts won out, even when it was the worst possible response to a situation.
A Rogue was standing less than five feet away. X’d just jumped down from the platform above, landing with X back to zem, leaving zem with nothing to do but to hope and pray to any spirits or gods or demons that might be listening that X somehow hadn’t seen zem, and wouldn’t turn around to see that zey were standing there, in plain view, without even an alcove to hide in-
The Rogue turned around.
Zey wanted to scream, or just disappear into the wall and die. Terror was making zeir organic hearts pound faster than zey could ever remember, and zeir systems couldn’t handle the strain. Zey wanted to run, but the mechanic parts in zeir legs wouldn’t obey zeir desperate commands to move.
Zey’d seen the same training videos everyone else had, heard the same horror stories, seen the lists of casualties.
Rogues were soldiers who’d broken the Chain of Command, and they left a trail of bodies wherever they went. They were sick and confused, cut loose away from the Chain, and like wounded animals, they lashed out without conscience or awareness. There was no helping them, no bringing them back into the Chain. Once a link was broken it could never be mended again. The only thing you could do was run, or die.
Zey couldn’t run. Zeir legs wouldn’t move. Zeir hearts were pounding so loud zey almost couldn’t hear the thrum of zeir motors almost overloading from fear.
The Rogue was standing less than five feet away, and X was looking at zem.
X was wearing a helmet, the visor down and darkened so zey couldn’t see any of X features or expression. Zey knew X would be using the interface to literally watch zeir systems overloading with what had started as terror, but was now transforming into horror as the reality of zeir situation ground in.
Zey couldn’t run. Zey couldn't move. Zey couldn’t escape. The Rogue was going to kill zem, and there was nothing zey could do about it.
Zey couldn’t even speak to beg for mercy, to try and convince X into sparing zeir life, because the Chain of Command did not want zem to speak. Zey were not to give away any more information than zem simply being there gave away. The Chain of Command ordered it.No one was coming to rescue zem, zey were just going to die.
Zey wouldn’t even get to bring Morrow the flowers ne had asked for.
The Rogue shifted X weight and tilted X head, then, in two smooth steps, was right in front of zem, lifting a hand to zeir head, and it felt like zeir hearts should have stopped. The Rogue tapped the key on the side of zeir jaw.
The faceplate for zeir helmet folded back down into zeir armour, zeir light, useless, recon armour, leaving zem staring into zeir own reflection in the Rogue’s visor.
Four wide, frightened, yellow eyes stared back at zem, broadcasting zeir fear plainly, all zeir training forgotten.
The Rogue lifted X hand again, now in front of zeir face, so that the black glove blocked out everything else. Zey knew this was it, the moment of the death, approaching at last. Not in the heat of battle, or in a heroic rescue mission, but frozen in place by zeir own fear and the Chain’s unrelenting Command, killed at the hands of a Rogue.
Zey would never know what tea made from the petals of yellow bird-vine tasted like.
Zey heard and felt the Rouge’s fingers key in the last updated universal release code on zeir forehead, the version of the code that no Rogue should have had access to__
__and then the sky was pitch dark instead of too-bright, zey were leaning against a wall, and the Rogue was sitting six feet away on a new ground, drenched in shadows and covered in small, scattered rocks.
And zey could move.
Zey gasped in a breath of the suddenly cold air, and felt the heat that had built up in zeir system while zey had been offline like a suppressing weight. The vents on zeir lower back opened, and pulled in more air, circulating it throughout zeir system, then out again through the higher vents on zeir forward-sides to cool zem down.
Zeir systems were even laggier than before, to the point that zey couldn’t even pull up a sitrep. Zey could move now, zeir limbs no longer physically locked into place by the combination of zeir own fear and the Chain’s Command, but zeir energy was gone, zeir battery far drained below half, and what felt like all of zeir processing power had been diverted away from the usual systems and into something zey couldn’t access or understand. When zey tried, an unknown error code just popped up.
Error: FR-0505041513
Zey tried again, and got the same message. 
Zey didn’t have the energy to try it a third time.
The Rogue was sitting six feet away.
Why were zey still alive?
The Rogue was sitting six feet away, sitting sideways to zem, one leg folded, another straight out, and the third bent at the knee, X arms folded and resting across it. Not trying to hide, not acting like X was even aware zey were online again.
X helmet was still on, the visor still dark. Zey couldn’t see X face.
Zeir own helmet was still collapsed, and zey didn’t have the energy or processing power to even think about lifting zeir arm to reengage it. And even if zey had the energy or processing power to move, what good would zeir helmet visor do? It wasn’t designed for hard combat, it was designed to keep the sun out of zeir eyes and stop little-pests and dust from flying into zeir face.
The Chain of Command was no longer holding zeir tongue, so zey could speak now, if zey wanted to, if zey could find the energy or processing power. It had been broken away from the Chain. Zey knew without even having to be told, zey could feel the absence. And there was no other reason for the Rogue to keep zem alive. Rogues either killed you, or they broke you loose, but the end result was the same.
You could never rejoin the Chain of Command. You would never be able to hear or even follow the orders of the Authority again. Everyone who had relied upon you was now lost. You were a broken link, a weak link, and even if there _was_ a way to let you rejoin, you would never be allowed, because you would always be tainted. You would weaken the structure. You could never be relied upon again
Once you were out of the control of the Authority, you could never submit again. Many had tried, but they always succumbed to the sickness again, and caused more damage than their breaking loose had in the first place.
If zey ever showed zemself in front of any part of the Chain again, zey would be killed on sight. Zey would be just as hated and feared as any other Rogue.
Because that’s what zey were now, a Rogue. A monster. Corrupted to the core, knowing nothing but the need for violence and revenge against those they could never rejoin.
But as the cool air began to slowly lower zeir temperature back down to normal levels, zey couldn’t help but notice that, aside from whatever program was using up so much of zeir processing power...zey didn’t feel sick.
Zey didn���t feel any different, except that zey could no longer feel the Chain linking zem to the others. The weight had been lifted from zem, from zeir mind and body, and even though zey were exhausted, zey felt lighter, like zey were lightheaded. Zey were almost afraid zey would float away.
But zey didn’t feel the way everyone said Rogues felt.
The other Rogue spoke, then, cutting through zeir chain of thought as easily as X had cut zem out of the Chain of Command.
“Your systems will be slowed down for around three more hours, then you’ll start to get your normal processing speed back.” X voice was quiet, serious. X didn’t turn X head to look at zem. “I installed a program that will help you learn how to use all your functions yourself, since you can’t rely on the Chain to do it for you, anymore. That’s why you’re so tired. Your system isn’t used to handling everything by itself. Right now the program is working to restore the atrophied connections the Chain had control of. You’ll have to learn how to use them yourself, relearn everything you think you know. But you’ll adapt, the program will help, and we’ll help you, too. It’s not like they say it is, you aren’t alone.”
And like a ghost, another Rogue stepped out of the shadows. X didn’t stop or hesitate, just walked over to kneel next to the first Rogue, placing something on the ground_
It took zeir reduced processing capabilities a few long seconds to realize it was a bundle of sticks and logs and dried leaves. Firewood. There came a spark between the two Rogues, and then there was a fire, burning away the blue shadows and casting everything in orange light.
And then zey realized zey were surrounded, more Rogues on all sides. They’d been hidden in the shadows, silent, waiting, watching, now thrown into sharp relief by the light from the fire, the rocks blue and black shadows behind them.
Zey didn’t even have enough processing power left to be afraid.
All zey could do was sit there, the program eating up zeir processing power, zeir limbs _willing_ to move, but unable. Zeir battery was still slowly draining, point zero percent by point zero percent.
The first Rogue spoke again, as though reading zeir mind. Or, more likely, reading zeir battery stat through X visor. “The drain on your battery should wear off in a few more minutes, you shouldn’t even get to below 25%, but if you do, we can share a charge, we’ve got plenty of volunteers, or you can use lamps, if you prefer. No one expects you to just start trusting us right away. We’ve all been in your position, we know it feels like the end of the world. You’ve been told your whole life that we’re the enemy, that we’re dangerous, that we kill innocents. But we are not your enemy. 
We don’t want to hurt anyone, we just want everyone to be free to choose for themselves. The Chain of Command always told you what to do, what to think. We won’t do that. If, once you’re fully functional again, you decide you want to leave, we’ll let you. If you decide you hate us, we’ll let you do that too. We’ll show you what we know, and tell you what can’t be shown. But it’s up to you to decide what to do with that knowledge.”
None of the other Rogues had spoken, or even moved since the second one came in with the firewood. X was still crouching in the same spot, next to the first one, just watching the slowly growing fire, and feeding it more twigs and sticks as it crackled hungrily.
Zey could speak, if zey could think of anything to say. Nothing felt adequate. Zey didn’t know what to think. Zeir mind just kept going back to the fact that zey didn’t feel how Rogues were supposed to feel. Zey didn’t want to return to the Chain just to kill everyone still connected. Zey didn’t have the urge to march into the nearest city and start slaughtering civilians.
Zey looked down at zeir hands, staring at zeir white and grey gloves. Sturdy rock-climbing gloves, to help zem scout the ruins for missed passageways or basements for any resources the Chain had missed on the first sweep through.
Zey did not feel the urge to hunt down Morrow and rip rix limb from limb, as many of the horror stories about Rogues told was the inevitable conclusion to becoming a broken link. The stories always said Rogues went berserk, all their mechanic logic corrupted beyond recognition, nothing but their organic instinct left, untamed and uncontrolled. There was a reason everyone in the Chain of Command was half mechanic and half organic_it was the only way to ensure a perfect balance of logic and instinct. When the Chain of Command was broken, the Rogue could no longer maintain that balance.
Organic instinct was dangerous if left unattended, and organic instinct allowed to run wild inevitably led to disaster. Rogues were well-known to hunt down and murder any person or thing they’d even had an attachment to before being broken, because there was no longer any logic to temper that attachment.
Zey couldn’t count the number or variation of horror stories zey had heard over zeir life about Rogues turning on zeir loved ones, zeir friends, zeir team mates. It was a tragedy and a horror wrapped into one.
But zey didn’t feel any different. And in the stories, the Rogues always felt the change happening, they felt themselves turning into monsters. That was part of the horror__their helplessness and suffering, knowing they were turning into something that would be the death of everyone they cared about.
But zey didn’t feel any different. Zey didn’t feel like a monster. Zey didn’t want to kill anyone, zey didn’t even have the processing power to be angry.
All zey could do was sit there, in the firelight, surrounded by too many Rogues to count with zeir level of energy, and watch zeir battery percentage creep further down towards 25%, not knowing what was going to happen next, but knowing that zeir life would never be the same again.
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captioingstar · 4 days
Ensuring Accessibility in City Offices: Comprehensive Services for Inclusive Public Spaces
In today’s world, ensuring accessibility in city offices is more than just a regulatory obligation; it’s a vital aspect of good governance. City offices serve as the heart of public service, making it crucial for them to provide accessible environments for all citizens, including those with disabilities. Accessibility Services for City Offices are essential in creating spaces where everyone can engage with public services, participate in governance, and access necessary information.
The Need for Accessibility in City Offices:
City offices are the epicenters of local governance, where citizens interact with officials, attend public meetings, and access critical services. However, without proper accessibility measures, these services may be out of reach for individuals with disabilities. This not only hinders their ability to engage with their community but also violates legal requirements like the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
Accessibility ensures that all citizens can participate in government processes, access public information, and receive necessary services. It’s not just about compliance; it’s about fostering an inclusive community where everyone, regardless of ability, feels valued and included.
CaptioningStar’s Accessibility Solutions:
CaptioningStar offers comprehensive Accessibility Services for City Offices that cater to the unique needs of local governments. These services include real-time captioning, transcription, ADA compliance solutions, and audio description services, all aimed at enhancing accessibility and inclusivity.
Real-Time Captioning:
Real-time captioning is vital for making live events, such as city council meetings and public forums, accessible to individuals with hearing impairments. CaptioningStar provides immediate text translations of spoken words, ensuring that everyone can follow along in real time. This service can be integrated into live broadcasts and online streaming, expanding access to those who cannot attend in person.
Transcription Services:
Accurate transcription services are essential for creating accessible records of meetings, speeches, and public announcements. CaptioningStar’s transcription services convert spoken words into written text, making it easy to share, archive, and reference important information. These transcriptions are crucial for ensuring that all citizens, including those with disabilities, have access to the information they need.
ADA Compliance Solutions:
Navigating the complexities of ADA compliance can be challenging, but CaptioningStar simplifies the process. Their ADA compliance solutions ensure that all public communications, whether online or in-person, meet legal standards. This includes making websites accessible, providing documents in accessible formats, and offering necessary accommodations during public meetings. By adhering to these guidelines, city offices can avoid legal pitfalls and foster a more inclusive environment.
Audio Description Services:
In an increasingly visual world, it’s essential to make visual content accessible to everyone. CaptioningStar’s audio description services provide spoken descriptions of visual elements in videos and presentations, making them accessible to individuals with visual impairments. This service is particularly valuable for ensuring that all citizens can fully engage with city-produced content.
Accessibility is a cornerstone of good governance. By offering comprehensive Accessibility Services for City Offices, CaptioningStar helps local governments meet their legal obligations while promoting inclusivity and equity within their communities. From real-time captioning and transcription services to ADA compliance and audio descriptions, CaptioningStar’s solutions ensure that all citizens can access the information and services they need.
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jonaleddelhi · 1 month
LED Displays for Virtual Studios, Auditoriums, and News Stations: Revolutionizing Visual Storytelling
The world of media, entertainment, and communication is in a state of constant evolution. From the majestic auditoriums that host grand performances to the bustling news stations that keep us informed, and the cutting-edge virtual studios that transport us to fantastical realms, the importance of visual storytelling has never been more pronounced. Central to this transformation is the LED display—a technological marvel that has redefined the way we experience visual content.
Today, we dive deep into how LED displays are making an indelible impact on virtual studios, auditoriums, and news stations, reshaping these spaces into epicenters of engagement and interaction. By leveraging the P.A.S. (Problem-Agitate-Solution) copywriting framework, we’ll explore the challenges these environments face, the potential pitfalls of ignoring advancements in display technology, and how LED displays offer transformative solutions that are nothing short of extraordinary.
The Problem: Stagnation and Subpar Visual Experiences
Virtual Studios: In an age where digital content is consumed voraciously, virtual studios face the challenge of delivering visually compelling and realistic environments that captivate audiences. Traditional green screens often fail to deliver the immersive experience demanded by today's discerning viewers. The lack of depth, realism, and dynamic lighting in older virtual studio setups can leave audiences feeling disconnected from the content. This can be detrimental to content creators, especially in an era where the competition for viewer attention is fierce.
Auditoriums: For auditoriums, the challenge is creating an engaging experience for large audiences, ensuring that every attendee, regardless of their seat, has a clear and vibrant view of the stage or presentation. Many auditoriums still rely on outdated projection systems that struggle with brightness, color accuracy, and resolution, especially in large venues. These systems can make it difficult to capture the finer details of performances or presentations, leaving audiences underwhelmed and disconnected.
News Stations: In the fast-paced world of news broadcasting, stations are under pressure to deliver information quickly and effectively, often in visually stimulating formats that keep viewers engaged. Traditional news sets with static backdrops and limited on-screen graphics are no longer sufficient. With audiences now accustomed to high-definition displays and dynamic content, news stations risk losing viewers if they don't keep up with the technological curve.
The Agitation: The Consequences of Inaction
Ignoring the advancements in LED display technology can have serious repercussions for virtual studios, auditoriums, and news stations. Let's delve into the potential consequences of not embracing these innovations:
Virtual Studios: Content creators who stick to outdated technologies may find their productions falling flat. The inability to create truly immersive environments can result in lower viewer engagement and a decline in audience retention. In a competitive digital landscape, this could mean losing out to competitors who are able to offer more visually compelling content. Imagine a fantasy series where the landscapes look flat and unnatural, breaking the illusion of the world being depicted. Such visual shortcomings can lead to a lackluster viewer experience and ultimately hurt the production's success.
Auditoriums: For auditoriums, sticking to traditional projection systems can be detrimental to both the audience and the venue's reputation. Poor visibility, lack of detail, and washed-out colors can make even the most well-rehearsed performance or presentation feel unremarkable. Attendees who have invested time and money to attend events expect nothing less than a spectacular visual experience. If the venue fails to deliver, it risks diminishing its reputation, leading to fewer bookings and a decline in revenue. Imagine attending a symphony where the intricate movements of the musicians are obscured by a dull, blurry projection—the magic of the performance is lost.
News Stations: In the world of news broadcasting, time is of the essence. A station that fails to keep its visual presentation dynamic and engaging is at risk of losing viewers to competitors who offer crisper, more visually appealing broadcasts. In an era where news consumption is increasingly driven by visual content, a static, uninspired backdrop can make the difference between viewers tuning in or switching channels. Consider the importance of visually captivating graphics during breaking news—without them, the station’s ability to convey urgency and importance is diminished, potentially leading to a decline in viewer trust and loyalty.
The Solution: Embracing the LED Display Revolution
LED displays are not just a technological upgrade; they are a complete transformation of how visual content is delivered and experienced. Let's explore how LED displays are revolutionizing virtual studios, auditoriums, and news stations.
LED Displays for Virtual Studios: Creating Immersive Worlds
In the realm of virtual studios, LED displays have emerged as a game-changer. Unlike traditional green screens, LED display for Virtual Studio allow for real-time rendering of backgrounds, creating an immersive environment that responds to camera movements and lighting conditions. This technology was famously used in the production of The Mandalorian, where LED displays created stunningly realistic environments that would have been impossible with traditional methods.
LED displays offer several key advantages for virtual studios:
Realism and Immersion: LED displays can create highly detailed and dynamic environments, allowing for realistic lighting and reflections. This enhances the believability of the virtual world, making it easier for audiences to lose themselves in the story.
Efficiency: The use of LED displays can significantly reduce post-production time. Since the background is rendered in real-time, there’s no need to spend hours on green screen compositing. This allows for faster turnaround times, which is especially valuable in fast-paced production environments.
Creative Freedom: Directors and cinematographers can see the final shot in-camera, allowing for more creative control and better decision-making during filming. This can lead to more visually compelling and cohesive storytelling.
For virtual studios looking to elevate their productions, investing in LED displays is no longer optional—it’s a necessity. The ability to create fully immersive and interactive environments will not only captivate audiences but also set the standard for future content creation.
LED Displays for Auditoriums: Enhancing the Live Experience
Auditoriums are spaces where performances, presentations, and events come to life, and the role of visual technology in these environments cannot be overstated. LED display for Auditorium are revolutionizing the way audiences experience live events, ensuring that every attendee has a front-row seat, regardless of where they are in the venue.
Key benefits of LED displays in auditoriums include:
Unmatched Clarity and Brightness: LED displays offer superior brightness and clarity compared to traditional projection systems. This ensures that every detail of a performance or presentation is visible, even in large venues or under bright stage lighting. The vibrant colors and high resolution of LED displays bring content to life in a way that was previously unimaginable.
Scalability: LED displays can be customized to fit any size or shape, making them ideal for auditoriums of all sizes. Whether it’s a small conference room or a massive concert hall, LED displays can be scaled to meet the specific needs of the venue. This flexibility allows for creative stage designs that enhance the overall audience experience.
Durability and Longevity: LED displays are built to last, with a lifespan far exceeding that of traditional projectors. This durability makes them a cost-effective investment for auditoriums, reducing the need for frequent replacements and maintenance. Additionally, LED displays are less prone to issues like color degradation or image distortion, ensuring consistent performance over time.
Dynamic Content Delivery: LED displays allow for dynamic content delivery, enabling venues to easily switch between different types of media, such as live video feeds, presentations, or interactive elements. This versatility makes LED displays ideal for a wide range of events, from concerts and theater performances to corporate presentations and trade shows.
Imagine attending a live concert where the stage backdrop is a stunning LED display that enhances the music with vibrant visuals, or a corporate event where presentations are delivered with crystal-clear precision. LED displays elevate the live experience, ensuring that audiences are fully engaged and immersed in the moment.
LED Displays for News Stations: Revolutionizing Broadcasts
In the fast-paced world of news broadcasting, LED display for News Station are becoming indispensable tools for delivering information in a visually compelling and engaging manner. The dynamic nature of news content demands a display technology that can keep up with the rapid pace of information delivery while also enhancing the overall visual appeal of the broadcast.
Here’s how LED displays are transforming news stations:
Dynamic Backdrops: LED displays allow for the creation of dynamic, customizable backdrops that can change in real-time to match the content being discussed. Whether it’s a breaking news story, a weather update, or a financial report, the backdrop can be instantly updated to reflect the latest information. This creates a more engaging and visually appealing broadcast that keeps viewers informed and interested.
Enhanced Storytelling: With LED displays, news stations can integrate high-definition graphics, video clips, and live feeds into their broadcasts, creating a more immersive storytelling experience. This is particularly useful during complex stories that require visual aids to help viewers understand the information being presented. For example, during an election night broadcast, an LED display can be used to show real-time voting results, interactive maps, and candidate profiles, providing viewers with a comprehensive understanding of the unfolding events.
Improved Studio Aesthetics: LED displays contribute to the overall aesthetic of the news studio, giving it a modern and professional look. The sleek design and vibrant visuals of LED displays enhance the station’s brand image, making it more appealing to viewers. This is crucial in an industry where visual presentation plays a significant role in attracting and retaining viewers.
Operational Efficiency: LED displays are designed for continuous use, making them ideal for the 24/7 nature of news broadcasting. They are energy-efficient, require minimal maintenance, and offer a long operational lifespan, reducing the overall cost of ownership. This allows news stations to focus on what they do best—delivering timely and accurate news—without worrying about technical issues.
News stations that embrace LED display technology are able to create broadcasts that are not only informative but also visually captivating. This helps to build viewer loyalty and trust, ensuring that the station remains a go-to source for news and information.
Conclusion: The Future is Bright with LED Displays
The transformative power of LED displays in virtual studios, auditoriums, and news stations cannot be overstated. As these industries continue to evolve, the demand for high-quality, immersive, and engaging visual experiences will only increase. By embracing LED display technology, these spaces can stay ahead of the curve, delivering content that captivates and resonates with audiences.
In virtual studios, LED displays unlock new creative possibilities, allowing content creators to build immersive worlds that draw viewers in like never before. For auditoriums, LED displays ensure that every seat in the house offers a spectacular view, enhancing the overall live experience and leaving a lasting impression on attendees. In news stations, LED displays revolutionize the way information is delivered, making broadcasts more dynamic, visually appealing, and informative.
The future of visual storytelling is here, and it’s brighter, more vibrant, and more engaging than ever, thanks to the power of LED displays. As these technologies continue to advance, the possibilities are endless—limited only by the imagination of those who harness them. Whether you’re creating the next big virtual production, hosting a world-class event, or delivering the news that shapes our world, LED displays are the key to making your vision a reality.
So, as you plan your next project, ask yourself: Are you ready to step into the future of visual storytelling with LED displays? The stage is set, the technology is here, and the only thing left to do is to make the leap.
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my-music-1460 · 2 months
Podcasting as a Musician: Legal Considerations and Best Practices
As musicians venture into the world of podcasting, it's crucial to navigate the legal landscape to protect both their music and podcast content. While podcasting offers a creative outlet and a way to connect with audiences, it also comes with various legal considerations that musicians must be aware of. This article delves into the essential legal aspects of podcasting, providing a comprehensive guide for musicians to ensure they stay on the right side of the law.
Some of the Musician Guide for Podcasting:
Understanding Copyright and Intellectual Property One of the first legal aspects musicians must understand is copyright and intellectual property law. As a musician, you are likely familiar with the concept of copyright protection for your music. The same principles apply to podcasting. Copyright law protects original works of authorship, including literary, musical, and artistic works. When creating a podcast, it's important to ensure that all content used, whether music, spoken word, or images, is either original or properly licensed.
Using Music in Your Podcast Musicians often want to incorporate music into their podcasts, whether it's their own or from other artists. However, using copyrighted music without proper permission can lead to legal issues. It's crucial to understand the distinction between different types of music licenses. For example, a mechanical license allows for the reproduction of music, while a synchronization license is required to use music in conjunction with visual media, such as videos.
For podcasting, you will often need a synchronization license if you plan to use music beyond just playing it. Additionally, a public performance license might be required if your podcast is streamed or broadcasted. Musicians should also consider using royalty-free music or music licensed under Creative Commons, as these options can simplify the legal process. Always remember to attribute music according to the license terms.
Third-Party Content and Fair Use Incorporating third-party content, such as clips from movies, TV shows, or other podcasts, can add value to your podcast. However, using third-party content without permission can infringe on copyright. The concept of fair use may apply in certain situations, such as for commentary, criticism, or parody. However, fair use is a complex legal doctrine with no clear-cut rules, and it often requires a case-by-case analysis.
To avoid potential legal issues, it's advisable to seek permission from the content owner or use content that is clearly in the public domain. If you're unsure about whether a particular use qualifies as fair use, consulting with a legal professional is a prudent step.
The Focus Keyword: Musician Guide for Podcasting This musician guide for podcasting emphasizes the importance of understanding legal considerations. As a musician, you may have an established brand and following, making it even more crucial to avoid legal pitfalls. For instance, if your podcast features guest interviews, it's essential to have written agreements outlining the terms of the interview, including the use and distribution of the recorded content. This ensures that all parties have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations.
Privacy and Data Protection In addition to copyright concerns, musicians must also consider privacy and data protection laws. If your podcast involves collecting personal information from listeners, such as through email sign-ups or surveys, you must comply with data protection regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union. This includes obtaining explicit consent from individuals to collect their data and providing them with information about how their data will be used and stored.
Defamation and Libel Another legal consideration is defamation and libel. Musicians, especially those who delve into controversial topics or critiques, must be cautious about making false statements that could harm someone's reputation. Defamation laws vary by country, but generally, a defamatory statement must be false and communicated to a third party. To avoid defamation claims, it's best to stick to factual information and clearly differentiate between opinions and statements of fact.
Conclusion Navigating the legal aspects of podcasting can be challenging, but it is an essential part of being a responsible and professional content creator. As a musician entering the podcasting space, understanding copyright, licensing, fair use, privacy, and defamation laws will help you avoid potential legal issues and focus on creating engaging and original content. By adhering to best practices and seeking legal advice when necessary, you can protect your podcast and music, ensuring a successful and legally compliant podcasting journey.
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5ines · 2 months
Social Media Marketing Missteps: What to Avoid According to 5ine Web Solution
In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, social media is a powerful tool that can make or break your business’s online success. At 5ine Web Solution, a leading digital marketing agency in Bangalore, we understand the complexities of social media and the common mistakes businesses often make. In this blog, we’ll identify key social media marketing pitfalls and provide expert strategies to help you avoid them.
1. Neglecting Audience Research
A deep understanding of your audience is crucial for effective social media marketing. Ignoring audience research can lead to misaligned content and missed opportunities. Here’s how to avoid this mistake:
Conduct In-Depth Research: Utilize social media analytics, surveys, and market research to gain valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors.
Create Detailed Personas: Develop comprehensive profiles of your ideal customers to tailor your content and strategies more precisely.
At 5ine Web Solution, we focus on thorough audience research to design campaigns that truly resonate with your target market, driving higher engagement and better outcomes.
2. Inconsistent Posting
Consistency in posting is essential for maintaining a strong social media presence. Irregular updates can diminish engagement and weaken your brand’s visibility. To ensure consistency:
Develop a Content Calendar: Plan and schedule your posts in advance to maintain a regular flow of content.
Utilize Scheduling Tools: Leverage tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to streamline your posting schedule.
Our team at 5ine Web Solution emphasizes the importance of consistent posting and uses advanced scheduling tools to keep your social media profiles active and engaging.
3. Ignoring Engagement
Social media is a platform for dialogue, not just broadcasting messages. Neglecting to engage with your audience can harm your brand’s reputation and reach. To enhance engagement:
Respond Promptly: Interact with comments, messages, and mentions in a timely manner to build relationships.
Foster Conversations: Create posts that encourage audience interaction and feedback.
5ine Web Solution excels in community management, ensuring every interaction with your audience adds value and strengthens your brand.
4. Overlooking Analytics
Social media analytics provide critical insights into campaign performance. Ignoring these metrics can lead to missed opportunities for optimization. To leverage analytics effectively:
Track Key Metrics: Monitor engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to evaluate performance.
Refine Strategies: Use data insights to adjust and improve your strategies for better results.
Our experts at 5ine Web Solution are skilled in analyzing social media data to optimize campaigns and deliver superior results for your business.
5. Using Uniform Content Across Platforms
Each social media platform serves a distinct audience and content format. Posting the same content across all platforms can lead to suboptimal performance. To maximize effectiveness:
Customize Content: Tailor your posts to fit the specific format and audience of each platform.
Maintain Brand Consistency: Ensure your brand’s voice and messaging remain consistent while adapting content for each channel.
At 5ine Web Solution, we create platform-specific strategies that resonate with your audience while maintaining a cohesive brand identity.
6. Overlooking Paid Advertising
While organic reach is important, paid advertising can significantly boost your visibility and growth. Neglecting paid ads can result in missed opportunities. To leverage paid advertising effectively:
Define Clear Objectives: Establish specific goals for your ad campaigns, such as increasing brand awareness or driving conversions.
Monitor and Optimize: Regularly review ad performance and make adjustments to enhance effectiveness.
Our team at 5ine Web Solution specializes in crafting and managing impactful paid social media campaigns that deliver measurable results.
7. Inconsistent Brand Voice and Messaging
A consistent brand voice and messaging are vital for building a strong identity. Inconsistent messaging can confuse your audience and weaken your brand’s impact. To ensure consistency:
Develop a Brand Voice Guide: Create clear guidelines for your brand’s tone, language, and style.
Apply Uniformly: Ensure these guidelines are applied consistently across all social media platforms and content.
At 5ine Web Solution, we help businesses define and maintain a consistent brand voice that enhances their overall social media presence.
8. Failing to Keep Up with Trends and Updates
Social media is constantly evolving, and staying current with trends and platform updates is crucial. Failing to adapt can render your strategies outdated. To stay ahead:
Follow Industry Trends: Stay informed about the latest social media trends and platform updates.
Adapt Strategies: Adjust your strategies to align with new trends and features.
Our team at 5ine Web Solution stays on top of industry developments to ensure your social media marketing strategies are always relevant and effective.
Avoiding these common social media marketing pitfalls can significantly enhance your online presence and engagement. By partnering with 5ine Web Solution, you can navigate these challenges with expertise and achieve your social media goals.
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