#pj masks An Yu
jello98-secondaccount · 3 months
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Some pj masks art I did :3
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yxorul · 2 months
🐉😺🦉🦎PokeMasks 🥷🌘🤖🐒
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I know I've been really into Pokemon lately, I still like PJM :33 it's just my fixation on Penny runs deep 😔 anyways so I asked myself what if I drew a Pokemon Au of PJM, and I did lmao. These kids with their super powered pets doing their nightly shenanigans. (and ngl I miss drawing my boy, Munki Gu)
Catboy: Shinx Owlette: (Hisuian) Rowlet Gekko: Treecko (Lionel) Night Ninja: Froakie (The Ninjalinos would have other ninja related pokemon on them) Luna Girl: Venomoth (Mothsuki) (She has more moth and moon related pokemon with her) Romeo: Magnezone (Robot) (The magnemites are the flybots, he has more robot pokemon too) An Yu: (Shiny) Gyarados Munki Gu: Chimchar
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sewiouz · 4 months
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Another Batch of sketches ✨
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rainbowcatz123 · 3 months
@elmushterri ‘s GunnTech AU is making me realize how much of a missed opportunity there was in the original show for characters to have more animal characteristics in their designs. Like, I guess they might’ve been trying to make these kids blend in with everyone else, but why can’t An Yu have horns or something? Also, Lilyfay is a space fairy, but she doesn’t have wings or anything? Seriously?
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inkydavinkygal · 4 months
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Ultimate Hero Art of the PJ Masks (16+ hours)
Main Three (Catboy, Owlette, and Gekko) + PJ Robot.
Terrific Trio (Armadylan, Anyu, and Newton Star)
The Newbie Three (Bastet, Ice-Cub, and Lilyfay) + Gloop III
The Honorary Heroes (Teenie-Weenie/Splat Monster, PJ Pets, Munki-Gu, Ortica, Pirate Robot and Sally).
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liiiiianne · 3 months
💥Here's the pjm art I made while I was on break:
I put some pjm characters in a picker wheel to choose 2 characters randomly + a random trope/dynamic to go with it, then I drew it:
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5zzall · 8 months
The power heroes are sending you hearts💕
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This art was inspired by the image I found on Pinterest:
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GunnTech AU Character's Favorite Animal Headcanon to Little to None Explanation
or it's 2024, my current hyperfixation is @elmushterri 's GunnTech AU and I don't care anymore
Connor: Cats in general (for obvious reasons), but Stray and Feral cats have his whole heart. Almost every time he goes out for a run or whatever he'd bring a backpack with cat food, treats, maybe even cheap water bowls and leave them where he knows there's a ton of strays.
Greg: Geckos, it's Lizards in general but geckos are his obvious Top 1
Amaya: Everyone thinks is Owls (for obvious reasons), they were when she younger, but is currently Moths.
Nori: Crickets since they were young and Maine Coons, he thinks they match his own glamourous style sooo perfectly. They also do the 'leave food for strays' thing with the ninjalinos but incluing dogs, also he swears there's someone else feeding a specific Cat colony and reallyyy wants to meet them. (Of course it's Connor, I'm a sucker for this kind of thing)
Romeo: Ants. His mom definitely helped him do an ant colony in a bottle or a jar and he still has It, upgraded of course, but he keept the original jar.
Luna: Ferrets. Tiny, but mighty. When she was younger it was Moths and Owls.
Cartoka: Rabbits. Will correct anyone who calls them Roddents, they're Lagomorphoes.
Carly: Turtles. Everybody thinks she and Greg bonded at some point because they think their favorites are very similar, but they actually have regular arguments about the topic because Carly thinks 'Amphibians are superior' and has gotten on Greg's nerves once or twice.
Isabella "Octobella": Absolutely loved Octopous prior to GunnTech, because of its intellegence; then in GunnTech she got bullied for that, got the nickname then the transformation happened and started to dispite them (and herself). Later in life she started to redirect that anger towards GunnTech and work on her self-steem, but currently if you ask her she'll respond Shrimps. A Ninjalino asked her and agreed with the Shrimp answer saying they were cool, so she's a little more confident about that liking.
Dylan: He reallyyy wants to say Triceratops, but thinks is too childish so he says Rhinos
An Yu Guō: It's a tie between Iguanas and Dragonflies
Badriya "Bastet": She really thinks any type of feline would be unoriginal, so she goes with Bettles. Except if it's Connor asking, then it's Cheetahs
Rhiannon "Ripp": Wolfs. When she was younger she adored the whole 'Wolfs are solitary, cool and edgy' type of media; but now she's more leaned towards the 'being a pack' idea.
Hywel "Howler": Deers, oddly enough.
Kevin: Pigeons. He really resonates the whole 'all the Pigeons in the US are the decendants of old Messenger Pigeons and were abandon after they were no longer of use and became feral' thing, so he has a lot of respect for them and feeds them seeds, not bread.
Ivan: Polar Bears. He knows it's basic but doesn't care.
Newton: Fireflies.
Lily "Lilyfay": Buterflies and Sea Angels, just because Newton show her a picture and she thought it was super cool and pretty.
Daisy (Ninjalino): Hamsters
Eloide Mecano (Romeo's mom): Frogs and Toads. Not in a 'I want to dissect them' way, in a 'I have large specialized terrariums for each species that I have' and 'I love their skin's texture' kind of way.
Maria Martinez (Connor's mom): Fancy Cat Breeds like Ragdolls, Persians, Bengalis, etc. but NOT Maine coons because She thinks they're 'too much like dogs', she also goes to Cat Shows but doesn't participate. As well as thinking Strays are dirty and dangerous, so Connor has to hides the 'feeding strays and feral' thing (Shut up, I like RomComs)
Kimiko Kobayashi (Amaya's Aunt): Poodles. She grew up with standard poodles, currently has toy poodles and She reallyyy wants to have a Royal-Size at some point. Plus, She participates in Dog Shows; if it's one of 'the Big ones' there's usually a Cat Shows happening in the same place so I imagine Maria and her having coffee together and talking trash about EVERYONE
Grayson Gunn (Greg's Uncle): Gigant Scolopendra
Phinneas Gunn: He denied this multiple times trough his life for various reason, but Koalas
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sisterpaw125 · 7 months
An yu's Suspicious Origin
I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up before. But isn't An Yu's introduction a bit... strange?
She was first introduced as the dragon of the gong. Who, and I quote, "Are forced to obey every order it's master wishes."
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Which is highly suspicious. I mean why would she be put inside a gong that forces her to obey orders that she doesn't want to do??
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Not to mention the whole "Can only be freed if the mallet is returned" thing is a lie. She doesn't get freed. Instead she is returned inside the gong. (But now with better protection?) It also appears to be the way she thinks she can get freed.
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The only way she was freed was by hitting the gong twice. Which I am unsure she was aware about. Since there was no explanation in that scroll that two hits result in her release. But I can't say for sure. (She just disappears😐)
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What I'm trying to say is, the way she was portrayed is like she was being punished. But why? By who? What could it be she did that resulted in her being locked away in a gong, forced to do things against her will for an eternity? That's gonna remain a mystery. Until the creators decide to answer it that is.
Also a bonus shot, of the PJ Masks thinking An Yu is a boy x3
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yxorul · 8 months
I just had to get a fixation on PJM before midterms but whatever lmao These mountain kids are more important to me 😌🐲🐵
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Giving Munki-gu some love frfr He's just a fun lil gremlin boy 🗻 These two can fit thousands of years worth of trauma in their bodies.
Oh and some Villain AU art for the mountain kids like I did with the PJs
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Fun AU Info: Villain!An Yu hates the two dragons (the gold one and the scarlet one) of Mystery Mountain for sealing her in a gong 😊😊
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sewiouz · 7 months
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An Yu✨
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mimidroolz · 6 months
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B3 we should let her be deranged actually @midnightmariana
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inkydavinkygal · 5 months
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PJ Powerheroes (and Ortica, Teeny Weenie, and Pirate Robot as honorary heroes!)
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liiiiianne · 7 months
Baaah I got bored at school today and realised that its been a while since I've drawn au yu, so here's her in a cute dress I thought of:
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5zzall · 4 months
Hello, dear artist!
I remember that You wrote that you had exams before the 26th (and I hope You didn't grind your nerves to powder from stress) and are most likely resting now or busy with other requests, of which you have a lot. But I would really like to see Romeo and Luna Girl as a couple or An Yu in traditional Hanfu in Your style.
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I chose an yu>:D I loved drawing hanfu, it was fun🥰
And sorry if i made the design wrong, i never meant to disrespect culture!!
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justtani2000 · 2 months
Usernames for the pjm characters why not?
Catboy: SpeedyCat5000
Newton Star: newton_star
An Yu: None because she doesn't know shit about technology and all that
Ice Cub: idk
Bastet: None because same reason as An Yu
Romeo: TheAmazingGenius1
Night Ninja: NIGHTNINJA or just NN
Luna Girl: MoonGirl
Wolfykids: Literally same username- YIPYIPYAROO but different numbers at the end e.g. YIPYIPYAROO23
Octobella: imanoctopus
Pharaoh boy: Same reason as Bastet+An Yu but if he had a phone ipad, ect he'd name himself "YourKing4" or smt
that's all I can think of for now, any suggestions please comment!!!
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