666lmonster666 · 2 years
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Chapter 10, UP!
Merchant Will Solace and his crew rescue a man at sea, seemingly the only survivor of a terrible shipwreck. As Will decides to nurse the young man back to health, he discovers there is more to him than he had imagined. Much, much more, for he never expected to save a pirate's life that fateful morning. Meanwhile, a plot is devised between Captains Perseus Jackson and Jason Grace, alongside their crew of bloodthirsty pirates. Their goal is simple. Capture the Ghost Captain at all costs.
Solangelo Pirate AU. Nico has a magical object that gives him ghostly powers, Percy is a fearsome pirate with dubious intentions and Will tries hard not to die.
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WARNING: This fic is EXPLICIT, as it contains graphic depictions of violence and sex.
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solstar16 · 3 years
Forget Me, Not (Chapter 7)
Summary: Set in Manhattan, troubled Percy Jackson goes from job to job without any direction in life, living for the sole purpose of survival. He plays an everlasting game of blame with his absent and distant father. Annabeth Chase struggles with accepting and loving who she is. The two have a lot they can learn from each other. For mature audiences.
Another one of their, at this point trademark, silences flowed and they just stared at each other. Annabeth's face had an expression that Percy could classify as sympathy. He found himself being comforted by her slight smile instead of angered. Under normal circumstances should anyone look at him like that, he would've been enraged that they would feel sorry for him. But something about how her eyes dripped of sincerity and warmth towards him knew that she wasn't blaming him or putting him at fault for whatever his life had managed to throw at him. Even though he'd hinted that his anger was something she probably didn't want to see, and had shown her proof through cuts and bruises on his face on how far it could go, she still was sitting here, looking at him, and smiling ever so slightly.
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connorstolll · 7 years
way back when
Title: Way back when Summary: For Annabeth, Percy is 2am calls and pillow talks. For Percy, Annabeth is movie cuddles and intensity.  (in which Percy and Annabeth make a bet, and someone loses twenty dollars in the end) Pairing: percy/annabeth Word Count: 23K+ (one shot)  Author’s Note: so !! i wrote this ~coming of age ~ fic way back in gr9 and published on new years bc i was feeling Sentimental™️ !! also it’s a Pain to edit (shout out to grammarly for doing me a solid) so i apologize if there are errors ,, and keep in mind i wrote this like 5yrs ago and it’s cheesy af but i’m Attached . enjoy the fic if u read and thx 
Read on: ff.net  //  ao3
ok here’s a lil preview if y’all are interested thx
Annabeth needs a break.
Five years old and she’s already stressing out over her first day in kindergarten. Sure, she’s been preparing, studying the alphabet nonstop, can count to one thousand, and not to mention reorganizing her backpack to her version of complete perfection every twenty minutes. However, despite all her preparation, it still doesn't ease her nerves. So, naturally, she goes to her favourite park with the dual swing sets right below the shady trees.
She loves the swing sets, in particular, the purple swing set on the left side. It may be the fact that purple is her favourite colour, or that she claims it goes much higher than the boring, creaky, yellow swing set on her right.
However, the sight in front of Annabeth confuses her.
Why is a stranger sitting on her swing set?
Annabeth is furious, and the thought of another person on her swings is mortifying. She made it clear to regular play-grounders that this is her swing set and no one is given permission to go there from 4 PM to 5 PM.
‘He must be new,’ she thinks, gritting her teeth and strolling to the boy who is pathetically trying to beat her maximum height record on her purple swing.
“What are you doing?” She questions the boy who is happily grinning at the newfound company right in front of him.
“I’m swinging of course. You wanna join?” The boy with the brightest green eyes asks her, and Annabeth cannot feel more rage than she already does.
“I know, I’m not dumb. That's my swingset.” Annabeth huffs, crossing her arms defiantly.
Percy raises his eyebrow. “Mom tells me that toys are mine if it has my name. Do you have your name on the swings?”
Annabeth frowns. “No.”
“Did you make this swing?”
She is just entirely confused, not knowing where this was going. “No.”
“Did you buy this swing?”
She stares bafflingly at the shorter boy in front of her. “No.”
“Then it’s not your swing!” The boy counters and Annabeth doesn’t like the way he ignores her after and keeps on swinging.
“Everyone knows it’s my swing. Get off my swing, and I’ll forgive you.” Annabeth grabs the metal chains attached to the purple swing set.
The boy looks at her exasperatedly. “Really? There’s a yellow swing set over there!”
“Yeah, but it’s not mine. And, it’s slow.” Annabeth pouts, her eyebrows scrunched up and her feet sinking in the sand.
“I know.” Percy chuckles and keeps swinging.
Annabeth sighs in annoyance, blowing a hair off her face. She did warn him. Now she must do whatever it takes to get this creature off her purple swing.
So, of course, Annabeth chooses the moment the boy is nearing the ground so that she won't get to hurt him too much. When his feet near the ground, Annabeth instantly gets behind and pushes the boy off her swing set. Eventually, he lands with arms shielding his face right as he crashes in the sand.
Annabeth then ambles to her purple swing set and looks smugly at the boy who didn’t know whether to be amused or angry. But it seems like he accepts it because he should’ve listened.
“I did warn you.” Annabeth laughs, as she ruffles the boy who frowns at her.
Read on: ff.net //  ao3
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Without Even Realizing Chapter One (Jason)
Tuesday It was all extremely surreal, the war. Sometimes my mind wanders off to Nowhere In Particular Land, which makes everyone think I'm going insane and that I'm completely delirious 24/7. Thank the gods Leo is back. Yeah, yeah. So, Nico felt him die? He clearly explained that this particular "death" was a different feeling. Who listened though? No one. When Leo came back, it was ridiculous. Piper wouldn't stop cursing, but it felt good to have my best friend here. He always managed to keep me from dozing off to Nowhere In Particular Land by waving his arms and yelling "YO!". It was good knowing that everything was soon going to settle in. Piper and I have had some moments of alone time too, so, great. Everything will be back to normal soon enough. Oh, I almost forgot. Nico. I felt a strange connection towards him after what happened when we encountered Cupid. Not strange in a bad way though, it was more of a bond. I felt the need to know he wasn't in any sort of pain. Nico can't know that I'm feeling protective of him though. It would annoy him. Will not let that happen. I just wish- "JASON! Dude, I've been waving my arms for so long they might snap off so snap out of it before I snap something that'll make you feel pain, Dios mio. Nunca aprenden! (Dear God they never learn!)" Leo was impatient...wait. What time is it? "It's time for dinner, come on we're having a barbecue today!" I realise I must have thought aloud. "Okay, okay..." I really need to focus, I'm starting to get annoyed with myself. The walk to the mess hall felt like a thousand years, but we finally got there. I took in the fresh aroma of exotic fruits, warm bread, and meat. You name the meat, I smelled it. I took a seat at Zeus' table because I really didn't feel like breaking the rules. Not like some people, I guess. Then, realising I forgot to bother to get any food, I walked towards the table with the actual food, placed some of the fricking food onto my plate and gave my offering. To get better, to hopefully having everything go back to normal. I turned to see all of my friends sitting at a table together. My body filled with warmth at the sight of them. "Fuck it," I muttered under my breath. "Damn those rules." I took a seat next to Piper, her gorgeous eyes smiling up at me. "Hey, same team for capture the flag on Friday?" She asked me with her beautiful pleading eyes and that intense charm speak that I absolutely couldn't refuse. "Of course." I chuckled lightly, immediately feeling comfortable at the table. "Frank, are you gonna eat that roll? And your grapes?" Percy was always hungry. I wondered how he did it... "No, go ahead and take them." He smiled at Percy while watching him grab it from his plate with anticipation. "Thanks, bro. Really. I fully appreciate-" "Okay, let's get down to business guys, seriously," Annabeth interrupted the guy sitting next to her with a serious expression plastered all over her face. "We know that Aphrodite, Zeus, Poseidon, Athena, and Ares are going to be a team for capture the flag. Now, this leaves Demeter, Hermes, Hephaestus, Hades, and Apollo for the other team since othercabins decided not to participate. Which team do you guys believe will be-?" "Oh, come on let's talk about that later, please. You know? When it's actually time for the capturing of the flag." Percy yawned, kissed his girlfriend goodnight, and stalked off. At that moment, Nico flinched and Will asked if he was okay. I thought he was over him? "Yeah. Fine. Just tired. Goodnight, Will..." With that, he walked off to his cabin. Did Nico lie to himself and Percy about not having any feeling towards him anymore? What if he was only dating Will because he wanted not to feel those feelings towards Percy? No man, I can't think that. I have to believe he's happy. He is, he is. Isn't he? https://www.wattpad.com/453778615-without-even-realizing-posttraumatic-stress-jason
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ravenrcnan-blog · 9 years
You should totally (IF YOU WANT TO) write a drabble about Reyna going to confront Aphrodite all like, "I've figured it out, I don't need your goddamned romantic love" and Aphrodite being all, "I knew you'd figure it out eventually" and basically a better Aphrodite than Riordan ever wrote her that is all about being aromantic even if she's the goddess of love?? (xoxo i love u)
(inspired by / follow-up to my headcanon post which is still getting notes and I cannot tell you how pleased I am) (this was written really quickly, I hope you like it!) (also it got really long. honestly how does one drabble?) (p.s. I love you too
CampJupiter’sshrine to Venus is very modest, and if Reyna didn’t have to pass it on her way to her favorite spotin the gardens, she would probably never look at it at all. Today, however, she enters it through an arch of purple bougainvillea and walks straight up to the pomegranate-scented candles on the altar. She fixes her eyes determinedly on the rosewood dove figurine sitting in a pool of flickering candlelight. 
“You were wrong about me.” Her voice is strong, defiant almost, bouncing off the marble walls of the tiny temple. “I did find love. I really did. Just not the way anyone said I would. You were wrong.”
Reyna doesn’t expect a reply—Venus isn’t exactly known for her frequent visits or even general responsiveness. She’s already turning to go, glad to have delivered her message even if nobody heard it, when the dove carving suddenly begins to emit a soft golden glow. It brightens and brightens until Reyna’s hands fly up to shield her eyes; when she dares to look again, the figurine is gone.
In its place, sitting comfortably on the edge of the altar, is a girl. She looks about seventeen, with skin a shade darker than Reyna’s, mahogany hair tumbling past bared shoulders, and eyes to match the bougainvillea. She’s clad in a SPQR T-shirt that comes down to mid-thigh, paired with a golden sash to accentuate her waist. As her eyes meet Reyna’s, her ruby lips curve into a stunning smile.
“How are you, Praetor? It’s been a while since our last talk. Charleston, wasn’t it? How many mortal years ago?”
“Three,” Reyna says. She doesn’t like to remember, but oh boy, there’s no way she could forget. Her body has turned to stone, stiffly upright as if she’s halfway to a military salute. Even in this unusually youthful form, Venus radiates a kind of grace and confidence Reyna can’t understand—she’s perfectly at ease with her own sensuality, with her natural charm and allure. Even the flowers covering the shrine turn their petal heads towards the goddess.
“Three years,” Venus muses, tapping a delicate finger against her chin. “And now you’re telling me I was wrong about something I said that day. What was it again?”
She doesn’t wait for Reyna to supply the answer. Instead, she closes those brilliant purple eyes and recites in a sing-song voice, “You will not find love where you wish or where you hope. No demigod will heal your heart.”
“So you were wrong,” Reyna says again, dredging up courage. She has to remind herself twice that she is a war hero, and a Praetor of the Legion, and it’s silly to be scared of the goddess of love, of all things! 
She is, though. She still is. No matter how confident she feels about her own sexuality, her romantic orientation, her identity, she would rather face another Titan than have a heart-to-heart with Venus. It has taken her years to convince herself she’s fine—she isn’t broken, she isn’t half a person, it’s the world that’s wrong about this and not her. She can handle criticism and ignorance. She’s found balance. 
The only one who can still disrupt that balance is the goddess of love. One word from Venus, and Reyna’s self-acceptance would shatter. 
“I don’t want to rain on your parade,” the goddess says, smiling as before, “but I don’t think I really was wrong.”
Reyna’s throat constricts. Suddenly it’s impossible to breathe. 
“After all, I did say it three years ago, when you were still holding onto the ludicrous idea that romantic love is a necessary, even mandatory part of human life.” Venus cocks her head and adds, as if in an afterthought, “Not to mention the only type of love I know anything about.”
The pressure on Reyna’s chest lessens, but doesn’t disappear entirely. She stares at the goddess, unable to speak, feeling like a spring coiled so tight the lightest touch might set it off. 
“I could always see into your heart, Reyna,” Venus says, softly now. “It is my nature to know love, all manifestations of it. You were raised, as are most people, to believe that to find romantic love is to live a fulfilled life—and you were wishing for it, hoping for it, and at times convincing yourself you already found it.”
Reyna’s mind flashes to Jason, to Percy, even briefly to Annabeth, and her cheeks flush with intense embarrassment. She’s ashamed of herself, of how she projected expectations onto her closest friends. She’s ashamed because she really should’ve known better.
“You could not have known,” Venus says, as if she’s just heard Reyna’s thoughts. “You were never told differently. Ah, some things are lost in translation, I’m afraid.” She laughs. “I’ve never been all about the romance, but that’s been mostly overlooked by history. Nothing more interesting than the woman who loves and lusts, after all.”
Her words are almost bitter, but Reyna barely hears her. The tension drains from her muscles, her lungs expand freely, and she sucks in the deepest, most refreshing breath of air she’s ever had. She isn’t broken.
“I don’t need romantic love.”
“And you never needed me to tell you that.” Venus smiles. “But I thought you’d like to hear it from me all the same.”
She slips off the altar and spreads her arms. In this form, the top of her head barely reaches Reyna’s shoulders, but her embrace is tight and warm and so very, very comforting. 
After that, whenever Reyna climbs up Temple Hill to lounge about in the gardens, she always remembers to leave some small offering at the rosewood dove. 
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newathens · 9 years
Project Rewrite: Secrets
Hi everybody! This is something I’ve been working on for awhile, and will continue to work on, but I wanted to tell you all that I’ve just finished the first chapter of my fic: Secrets.
The title is from the same fic that I wrote almost five years ago and that fic was the one that really got me started on my journey in writing so now, years later, I’ve decided to revisit it because technically I never finished it. Of course, I’ve also re-vamped it and changed it, but I’ve finally finished the first chapter (which is actually the Prologue) and I’m so stoked to share it with you all.
This story takes Percy and Co. on another journey, and a dangerous one at that, but new and old faces are dragged into the mix and even though they’re facing an even more challenging task than the last, they’re all together and they wouldn’t have it any other way, but I’ll stop doing the talking and let Percy start.
So, Olympus was preserved, Luke died a hero, I kissed Annabeth, the Gods were happy, or as happy as they could be I guess, and Blackjack flew off into the sunset. Everything was nice and dandy, but for some reason that only Gods would know, or rather they don’t know because they have no idea what’s happening, no one thought that Kronos, the titan KING and LORD of time, had a back up plan. Well…he did, obviously that’s why I’m telling you this. I’m gonna tell you his back up plan, I’m gonna tell you how it happened, I’m gonna explain every single little detail because if I don’t no one is gonna know the truth, hades—Hades doesn’t even know the truth—the gods don’t even know the truth, because I can’t tell them the truth. Because if I do, I’m gonna get my ass kicked, my cousin’s are gonna get their ass kicked, everyone’s gonna get their ass kicked. Everything is so utterly screwed, so I thought in the little time before everything blow’s up, I’ll tell you about it.
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Moon River, a Theyna fic.
A/N: In this story, there’s some Spanish. I am not Spanish. I am not learning Spanish. I used Google Translate, and, knowing how unreliable that is, it’s probably wrong! SONG NOT MINE EITHER! Warning/s: Slight sexual reference, I think that’s it.
Sing for me, Reyna.’
Reyna tilted back her head, exposing her face to the warm last rays of summer sun. Wind ruffled the leaves of the trees, and the branches rustled back at the darkening sky. A few birds still sang, a sweet melody, accompanied by the chirps of crickets.
Thalia Grace shifted, laying her head on Reyna’s lap. Her short dark hair stood up in spikes. When Reyna ran her hands through it, it felt so soft, like the downy feathers of a bird.
Thalia was a bit like a bird, she reflected.
‘Come on, Reyna. Sing for me.’ She opened her electric-blue eyes, staring up at her girlfriend. Even to this day, Reyna still found those eyes as stormy and distracting as the day they first met.
‘I can’t sing,’ breathed Reyna, trying not to ruin the moment with a loud voice.
Thalia snorted. ‘Yes, you can,’ she persisted. ‘I’ve heard you, in the shower, and-’
‘Since when have you been listening to me in the shower?’
‘Since I’ve been hoping you’d invite me in with you.’
‘Ugh.’ Reyna flopped back on the grass. ‘You’re so - so dirty, Thalia.’
‘You bet I am.’ Thalia winked seductively, and Reyna felt her face flush red.
She sat up, shifting the other girl into a more comfortable position on her lap. Words came to her, a tune, a memory from long ago. A memory of a girl’s hands, softly stroking her hair, singing sweetly. Hylla. It had to be Hylla - who else would sing to her like that?
Reyna concentrated, and the words formed themselves into a song.
‘Río Luna, más ancho que una milla Te estoy cruzando en estilo algunos días Oh, creador de sueños, tu corazón interruptor Dondequiera que vas, yo voy a tu manera..’
As Reyna sang, Thalia sat upright, turning to face her. ‘What does it mean?’ she asked. Reyna absently noticed that, now it was pretty much dark, she could see the moon reflected in Thalia’s eyes. It seemed bright - so, so much brighter than it should be - but that was just Thalia for you. She brightened everything; for Reyna, at least.
‘It’s from a movie Hylla used to love - I think…’ Reyna frowned, trying to remember. ‘Yes, before our father…you know…well, Hylla and I would often watch the television, and there was one movie she loved, so much.
‘But when our father - well - anyway, we couldn’t watch it anymore. I barely remember it: I was so young.’
Thalia listened intently. ‘When I was little,’ she began tentatively, ‘my mother sometimes sang to me. I - I can’t pinpoint exactly when she stopped.’ Tears glistened in Thalia’s eyes. ‘After Jason was born, it was up to me. I used to sing to him all the time - but he wouldn’t remember, he was too little.’
As Thalia’s voice faltered a little, Reyna pulled her forward into an embrace.
‘I would sing all kinds of things to him - lullabies, popular music, songs from the TV, little things I made up; I couldn’t sing - still can’t - but Jason loved it.
‘Of course, he doesn’t know…’ Thalia broke down into tears, and Reyna held her close.
She felt almost privileged, in that she had never seen the other girl cry in front of anyone else but her. She supposed she was the same, really. Two halves of one whole, and all that.
Reyna sang, again, hoping to soothe Thalia’s heart-wrenching sobs.
‘Río Luna, más ancho que una milla Te estoy cruzando en estilo algunos días Oh, creador de sueños, tu corazón interruptor Dondequiera que vas, yo voy a tu manera..’
Eventually, it worked. Thalia stopped crying and looked up again, the moon highlighting the tear tracks on her cheeks.
‘What does it mean?’ she asked again.
Reyna took a deep breath. ‘I think,’ she said, ‘it goes something like this.’
‘Moon river, wider than a mile,
I’m crossing you in style, some day…
Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker,
Wherever you’re going, I’m going your way.’
And Reyna held Thalia close, under the heavy bright moon, and she thought how apt the lyrics were. That was the thing about love. For wherever Thalia was going…Reyna was going her way.
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666lmonster666 · 3 years
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The Curse of the Ghost Captain
Chapter 9!
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solstar16 · 3 years
Forget Me, Not (Chapter 8)
Summary: Set it Manhattan, troubled Percy Jackson goes from job to job without any direction in life, living for the sole purpose of survival. He plays an everlasting game of blame with his absent and distant father. Annabeth Chase struggles with accepting and loving who she is. The two have a lot they can learn a lot from each other. For mature audiences.
"Thank you," he said. The quiet of his voice blew light wisps of her hair from her eyes.
She looked sheepish. "It's nothing."
He then stood, a little too suddenly as he felt a bit lightheaded, but gained his bearings on the balls of his feet. She stood as well and was inadvertently very close to him. Pieces of her hair brushed his chin. They both took a step back, startled, and Percy saw her wringing her hands behind her back. He ran a hand through his hair and calmed himself from the slight surprise.
Read it on AO3 or FFnet !
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pjofanfiction · 9 years
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Hello and welcome to PJOFanfiction!
This blog is pretty much a positivity blog for fanfiction writers! We’ll be reblogging fics to this blog, making rec masterposts, giving writing advice/prompts/inspiration/motivation, and helping fanfic writers gain the recognition they deserve. Feel free to submit your fics or someone else’s fic whenever!
We’re really excited about this blog, and hopefully you guys are too!
-Alex, Ashlee, Emily, Lexi, Maya, and Téa
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ravenrcnan-blog · 9 years
Raspberry Jell-O
Nico is staying at Camp Jupiter and Reyna will make sure he eats, damn it. PJO, Reyna & Nico, 1253 words, AO3
Reyna enters the Temple of Pluto on the hill with her dogs on her heels. She blinks against the darkness beneath the Corinthian columns, then notices a small lantern at the far end of the wide space. Lying in its pool of light, at the foot of a colossal statue of his father, is Nico. His arms are propped behind his head and he’s using what appears to be a 3D shadow for a mattress. Upon Reyna’s approach, the mattress shifts and barks.
“Mrs. O’Leary,” Nico warns. The mattress settles down beneath him, one eye trained on Reyna. She would be slightly more intimidated if the eye didn’t seem to say are you going to play fetch with me? Instead of cowering, she sits down beside the lantern on the edge of the pedestal and gives Nico a stern look.
“We missed you at dinner. I had the Lares clear a space for you at the Senate’s table. Why weren’t you there?”
Nico shrugs, which looks a bit funny considering his arms are still behind his head. “Not hungry. And not really interested in sitting at the Senate’s table, either.”
“Your rank gives you a right to that spot, but…” Reyna frowns. “I can arrange for you to sit with the Fifth Cohort. If you promise you’ll come to dinner next time.”
“What does it matter?” Nico doesn’t even look at her. He just stares past the black marble statue, past the scepter and the helmet and the bushy beard, up at the shadowy ceiling as if it’s the most interesting thing he’s ever laid eyes on. “I can grab my own food if I get hungry.”
“You mean when you get hungry,” Reyna corrects him. When Nico doesn’t respond, she rolls her eyes and snips her fingers. Argentum speeds off, his metal nails scratching on the cold temple floor. Mrs. O’Leary barks like she’s getting ready to give chase, but Nico pokes her with a skinny elbow and she obediently licks his hair instead.
Reyna watches without bothering to hide the concern on her face. She’s starting to think that this expression will be etched into her skin and she’ll still be sporting this exact look of intense worry when they lower her into her grave one day. All because of Nico. She doesn’t care, though. As long as he lets her make that face, she doesn’t care.
Her loyal silver greyhound returns with a small picnic basket swinging in his mouth. Nico sits up as Reyna sets it on the floor. He scratches his head and arches an eyebrow.
“What’s that?”
“Your dinner.” Reyna unpacks a golden plate, a matching travel mug, a carefully wrapped cheeseburger, a cardboard container filled with French fries, a plastic lunch box, and a Jell-O cup. She hands Nico a fork and a spoon before opening the lunch box to show him the mixed salad inside. He just glares at her.
“Dinner? Really?”
“You don’t expect me to sit around while you starve yourself, do you?” She sounds almost offended.
“This is ridiculous,” Nico snaps and narrows his eyes. It’s a dangerous look, a hard glint that says I can and will crack the earth if I have to, or—worse—I can and will leave again if I have to. “I don’t need you to mother me.”
“I’m not being your mother,” Reyna says, balancing her tone between calm and sharp. “I’m being your friend. And you can pretend all you want, but I know you need a friend.”
They stare at each other, Nico’s face half obscured by the dark mess of his hair, the anger clearly visible in the hardened lines around his mouth. Reyna can feel the energy radiating from him, trembling in the air—not the hot crackle of electricity, like Jason’s power, but rather something cold, the burn of spreading frost. She focuses on her breathing, on meeting his gaze, and reminds herself that Nico would never hurt her.
He knows it, too, and slowly the anger drains from his features. He folds into himself, just a tangle of bony limbs and washed-out skin, sickly yellow in the faint glow of the lantern. Suddenly he looks fourteen years old—which he is, and always seems to forget. As the daughter of the war goddess, Reyna understands only too well. She remembers the battles, senses the scars. She knows what it’s like to feel as if you’re carrying the whole world on your shoulders.
“I just want to make sure you’re OK,” she says quietly, leaning in. She would’ve laid a hand on his shoulder, except Nico doesn’t like to be touched, so she settles for eye contact. “Your father may rule the Underworld, that doesn’t make you immortal. You need to eat.”
“I eat.” Nico scowls, but there’s no real irritation behind it. “You don’t have to be angry with me just because I’m not always hungry.”
“That’s what friends do,” she tells him. “Sometimes they get mad at you.”
Scoffing, Nico impales a piece of cucumber with his fork. “Some friends, then.”
“It’s only because they worry,” Reyna says. “Because they’re afraid that something’s not right, and they want you to know that. They want you to know that they care.”
Nico stares up at her, a lettuce leaf sticking out of his mouth as he stops mid-chew. A faint pink blush creeps up his neck and tinges his cheeks. He swallows, rubs his face—adding to the redness—and pushes the hair out of his eyes. A hesitant smile grows into something bright. The hardness around his mouth fades and when he finally speaks, all that comes out is, “Thank you for dinner.”
The tender moment is instantly gone, but Reyna can only smirk, and then she switches to Praetor mode. “I’ll be back in thirty minutes to collect the dishes, and I will ask you if you’ve eaten everything. Aurum and Argentum will be present, so don’t even think about lying.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Nico says meekly. The wedge of tomato between his teeth muffles his words a little, but he compensates with a formal salute. Reyna nods like a centurion accepting the sign of respect and gets up, brushing dust off the back of her jeans.
“Best send a cleaning crew as well,” she notes. “And some blankets, if you insist on sleeping here.”
Nico raises a hand. “Can I have another Jell-O cup, too? Raspberry flavor?”
“You…” Reyna begins gravely, “… definitely can.”
She smiles on her way down the hill, and when she returns half an hour later—a Jell-O cup balancing precariously on a stack of woolly blankets, no cleaning crew because it’s actually really late—all that’s left is a crumpled-up ball of burger wrapping tossed inside the lunch box. Nico is fast asleep, curled up against Mrs. O’Leary’s flank; his spoon is on the ground beside him, as if it had slipped out of his grasp while he drifted off. There’s a smear of Jell-O on his cheek.
Fourteen years old, Reyna thinks, and finally starting to act like it. She drapes two blankets over him, thinks for a moment, adds a third, then tucks him in. He mumbles something, but doesn’t wake up. Reyna picks up the trash and leaves the raspberry Jell-O on the pedestal, right in the slightly less dusty spot where she sat earlier.
“Let’s see how embarrassed he is when he wakes up,” she whispers to the greyhounds, and exits the temple with her dogs on her heels.
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stridersmuppet · 9 years
You'll never notice me
[[[TRIGGER WARNING!! cutting]]] . I was sitting in the bathroom, holding up a razor, which I had got from a pencil sharpener. It wasn't sharp enough to kill. At least I thought so but if it was I've never tried. I didn't want to cut my wrists because once a year ago Percy noticed my scars and made a big scene of it. Also he had made me promise I would never do it again. Ever. But here I am. I don't have the courage to cut my wrists anymore. Instead, my ankles are bleeding and totally slaughtered. Now I'm moving on to my hips. These are the places I hope no one will notice. I've been feeling depressed ever since Bianca's death. But Percy starting to date, and dating, Annabeth didn't help. I didn't notice my hand making a cut on my hip before I slipped out of my memories. I stared at the cut and moved the razor to make one more cut. I pushed it in and made a way deeper cut. I yelped in pain as the drops of blood touched the floor. I stopped the blood with a tissue. There was a knock on the door. I tried to ignore it. "Nico?" Someone called. I only knew it was a male voice. And if it was Percy, well, then I have two minutes at most before he breaks in or calls the Hephaestus kids to do it for him. "Heck, why now??" I cursed and got up. "Nico?" He yelled again, this time more forcibly. "I'm coming" I muttered and opened the bathroom door quietly. I was limping, I never imagined it would be so painful on the hips. "Ok, get your shit together" I mumbled and opened the door. "Yes, Jackson?" I muttered looking at Percy. "Can I come in? I really wouldn't have come but I need someone to talk to" he mumbled and looked down at his feet. To be honest he looked freaking pathetic at this moment. "Fine, come in" I moved out of the doorway to let him in. "What's the matter?" I asked if we'd both sat down. "Annabeth..she-she.." Percy's voice faded. Please, don't talk about Annabeth, I growled. "She broke up with me.." Percy sighed and took out his phone, showing me a text '''Dear Percy. I am really sorry that I have to do it like this but I don't feel like there's anything between us anymore. We barely talk anymore. I loved you, but I found someone else. Sorry, Annabeth'''. I read it two times before my brain got the message. I wanted to be happy and scream but I made the most sympathetic face I could manage and looked into Percy's eyes "I'm so sorry, Percy". "Yeah, but what she said is true, I should've talked to her way more..Huh..That was my fault" he took a deep breath. I wanted to make him feel better so I pulled him into a hug.
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qhguswjd · 10 years
i love PJO and i love fanfics and PJO fanfics are amazing and shit but what upsets me is that whenever it's a fic on the Seven + Thalia, Nico, and Reyna and features percabeth authors tend to put in nightmares from their experience in Tartarus and that's good and all but they completely ignore and forget the fact that Nico also went to Tartarus but he went alone and had no one to be with him and it completely broke him and is one of the biggest factors in why he was how he was but authors completely disregard that fact and it bothers me so much
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solstar16 · 3 years
Forget Me, Not (Chapter 6)
Summary: Set in Manhattan, troubled Percy Jackson goes from job to job without any direction in life, living for the sole purpose of survival. He plays an everlasting game of blame with his absent and distant father. Annabeth Chase struggles with accepting and loving who she is. The two have a lot they can learn from each other. For mature audiences.
"Is that all you do?" Percy made a move of his own and tapped his fingers against the wooden table. "Play chess?"
The man's eyes sparkled with humor. "They're just old skills of mine, young Jackson. Did I tell you I was at a nationwide tournament when I was just an eighteen year-old kid? That's not much older than you."
Percy shook his head, smiling. "About a hundred times."
"It never gets old, my young friend,"
Read more on AO3 FFnet
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connorstolll · 9 years
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And Maybe The Wind Is Your Goodbye by somethingmorecreative1
Annabeth is a cheerleader, and there’s certain guys that she’s supposed to date, right? Maybe that’s why it’s such a shock when she starts dating Percy Jackson. Or, the one where Annabeth and Percy fall in love, and everything is perfect, until it’s not. (And then maybe it’s perfect in a different way.) (e d i t )
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