sydchan · 4 months
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@pkmn-thenextgeneration’s Jeremy and Sabbath in some kinda yaoi doujin “How Can My Love Rival Be This Hot” scenario. But hey, seducing his way into getting Sabbath and Tatia to open up their relationship for a polycule would be one way to get back with his old girlfriend!
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Hi im going thru my followers so if u get tagged in this a friendly reminder that ur a mutual :) its hard to keep track sometimes.
Moots r welcome to tag me in posts and name drop me as well lol
(not tagging ppl i know irl bc they know they can do this already)
@witchygod @chimneygoestotherapy @photographicapparitions @enigma-the-anomaly @zaras22 @the-gayest-sky-kid @solelystarling @akindleofleverets @nobodysvoice22 @redsmokesweed @threepotatoesinatrenchcoat @wallofshrek @xcheekymonkeyx @sithbum @stupid-lemon-eater @hellh00und @aropride @musicalghost413 @extiinguishedsun @dumbdeadboy @nightshadecocktail @spectralarrovv @endolphin @blood-unholy @bowill @nahyutas-eyeliner @3dprintedfurby @dreamseersystem @a-ton-of-doubloons @that-was-anticlimactic @mickeysjones @crimeton @save-the-spiral @whatthefuckugou @pkmn-thenextgeneration @wulfrann @vixxreynard @heliacalhoney @locally-cryptic @dave-striiider @jamrockshuffle @andthentheybow @foxglovelullaby @deardictator @pedantichoe @xompeii @arsenichazard @boingovisions
@quirktwerp @biskykruegers (hi bucky hi jo i do know u irl but we havent talked in a while irl :))
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pkmn-downtheline · 10 months
Hiya! Families Anon here again. I guess I meant like a master list so we can see all of the kiddos names and stuff before hand? Kinda like what pkmngame-fankids, pkmn-thenextgeneration, and pokemon-legends-and-legacies have I think?
we actually have a google doc for that!
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pkmn-future · 10 months
PROFILE: Victor Lawrence (Birth Name: Knight)
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Meet Victor Lawrence! Champion of the Galar Region!
Big thanks to @pkmn-thenextgeneration for my code!!
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alolanrain · 2 years
If you don't mind me asking, why do you like Paul? Asking as someone who can't stand the guy and not in a "I love to hate" way and in a "I'd only read a Paul fic if it was bashing him" way (making it clear that I have NOTHING against people for liking Paul, just curious about others' opinions [sorry it came off like I was judging you for liking him, I wasn't but words are hard, and I suck at phrasing])
Funnily enough I used to actually not like Paul at all, and then mood slowly became the equivalent of Meh towards him. That is until @pkmn-thenextgeneration gripped me by the throat and drug me down to the pits of Coma hell where I am now.
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shima-draws · 3 years
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Commission for the lovely @pkmn-thenextgeneration of Ash, May and Paul at the beach!! I love these kids 🥺 Thank you for being such a rockstar fam and enjoy your commission ♥
(Commissions are currently closed)
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photo album, mixtape and zodiac for fern! c:
photo album: describe one of your OCs’ favorite memories
That would be the day she officially became a Pokémon trainer! She didn’t go into it knowing which Pokémon she was going to pick, like some kids; she decided she would see which one she bonded with the most on the day! The day as a whole was kind of a disaster (she immediately ran to Viridian City to challenge Leaf’s gym with only two Pokemon and got demolished, then got lost in the forest for two more days) but she wouldn’t change it for the world.
mixtape: 5 songs that describe your OC(s) or songs they themselves would like
I cannot for the life of me think of 5 songs so I’m just going to talk about the sort of music Fern would listen to! She likes upbeat, energetic songs with a lot of guitars and synths; I feel like she would listen to a lot of pop punk bands and EDM tracks? She also probably unironically loves this remix of the Mii Channel theme like a true meme queen
zodiac: what’s their sign? does it influence their personality? do they care about astrology?
She’s an Aries! She definitely has the energy and determination associated with her sign, and she’s also very impulsive and competitive. She doesn’t really know or care much about astrology, but Olivia probably regularly tells her she’s a textbook Aries - she has no idea if this is a compliment or not.
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this is gonna kill u but as always, the baby for 1, 4, 6, 7, 21 and 24. :3
I am going to say the baby in this case is Morgan because he’s the Coma baby haha.
01. What does your character’s name mean? Did you pick it for the symbolism, or did you just like the way it sounded?I mostly chose the name Morgan because I liked the way it sounded. Its from an old Welsh name that means “sea circle”, though that meaning doesn’t have much to do with Morgan’s character. I mainly chose it after the sorceress of Arthurian legend since Morgan has powerful magic. He’s also vaguely named after Morgan from Fire Emblem: Awakening since both are my baby boys.
04. What are their favorite traits about their lover? (one psychological and one physical)Morgan’s favorite psychological trait about Gal is their determination and drive to help him grow as a person! Morgan can be hesitant and self doubting but Gal is so supportive of him and encourages him to try new things and be the best person he can be. His favorite physical trait about Gal is their hair. Gal has lovely long, wavy black hair that’s super soft. Morgan likes to play with it when they’re cuddling.
06. Do they have any hobbies that their lover finds unusual, odd, or otherwise annoying?Gal cannot comprehend Morgan’s love of cold food. He’s from Sinnoh, which is freezing, and yet he seems determined to get frostbite or something by eating ice cream and putting cake in the freezer ‘to cool down’ before crunching it down. Perhaps it’s because Gal is a dragonblood and thus more sensitive to cold… but if they have to see Morgan bite ice cream bars, eat frozen chocolate cake, and crunch on ice cubes they might have a nervous breakdown.
07. Is there a catchphrase or sound that they tend to make a lot (likely without being aware of it)?When sending out his pokémon, Morgan has a habit of saying “Captivate them, [Pokémon name]!” This is more of a deliberate catchphrase however. Otherwise, he tends to a lot of small noises when thinking something through (”hmm”, “oh”, “mm”, etc). This he is completely unaware of. Gal thinks it’s cute.
21. What is one of your character’s biggest fears? How would they react when dealing with this fear?Morgan, early in his character arc, struggles with stage fright and self doubt despite his dreams of becoming a top coordinator. His greatest fear was messing up right at the start of his journey and ruining his chances of every pursuing his dreams just because he made a big mistake due to nerves at his first contest. This fear eases as he grows more confident and figures out ways to face his fear, such as focusing on his pokémon instead of the audience and breathing exercises. Morgan is also very afraid of water. He can handle swimming just fine and pools are manageable but fast moving rivers, the ocean and deep water scare him terribly. He learned to swim to hopefully counter this fear but it didn’t really help. He just tries to avoid boat trips, going to the beach, and swimming in anything but pools.
24. In their own words, how would your character describe what their lover is like?“Gal is… like a character from a book series or something. They just showed up after one of my first contests and critiqued my outfit, insisting that I’d surely win the next one if they could fix my wardrobe! I had no idea who they were, but they apparently thought I had what it takes to become a star. Gal had… and still has.. confidence in me when I don’t and I couldn’t have made it this far without them. They’re funny, pretty, cool, confident… someone I wished I could be back when I was young and insecure. But Gal has shown me that all it took for me to become my best self was a bit of confidence and support and now I’m doing better than ever before. I think that’s what the most important thing in a relationship is… support. Gal supports me and roots for me and I do the same for them. Plus they’re totally my type and I might have had a crush since I first met them, haha.”
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pkmngame-fankids · 7 years
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I did something slightly different today and made two fankids of other people in the Sims 4! (Or as best as I could) 
Tatia Weiss belongs to @pkmn-thenextgeneration | @qetsiyahs 
Zelena Lovatt belongs to @pkmnnovareset | @evilpenguinrika 
I hope you both enjoy this! It was really fun to do!
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evilpenguinrika · 7 years
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@pkmn-thenextgeneration replied to your post “With literally one wash, my purple/lavender hair became silver”
that's why you buy extra hair dye and mix it in with your conditioner! you can turn the water up hot and leave the conditioner in your hair and it helps lock in color!
Also, shampoo is REALLY damaging on hair, so you can skip it altogether!’ The only difference between shampoo and conditioner is that conditioner has an extra ingredient that helps keep your hair healthy, so you can always just use conditioner instead of shampoo!!!
Oh... Well... Hm... Whoops then lol.
I will DEFINITELY know for next time to skip the shampoo!
We bought those like, colour protecting mask, uh, bottle stuff, and I used that because that’s what it was supposed to do...?
i’m gonna have to invest in buying some hair dye to mix in with conditioner then. But would it be wise to buy the ones from a drugs mart/store and get those box stuff?
(also holy heck thank you so much for your wisdom on these sorta things b/c I literally know nothing)
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sydchan · 5 months
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Their relationship is doomed how could I not ship them!
@pkmn-thenextgeneration’s Tati and Jeremy cause I love them both.
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kataang36 · 8 years
@pkmn-thenextgeneration replied to your post: are you ok?
:( Feel better love!!!
Math is such a terrible subject :( are you taking your math classes first and then everything else? That's what my teachers recommended I do
Thanks, I’m trying my best to just relax and do stuff that I enjoy until the anxiety leave but... I really hate math. And not being able to understand something that’s considered easy, it’s just frustrating. Especially when my genius brother sees that I’m stressing out and not understanding and just goes “something wrong?” all smug like. Like I get it, you understand math and precalc is easy for you, you don’t need to rub the salt in the wound.
And yeah, pretty much. I’m taking math independently so it’s really my only course. So I am taking first, but also technically last if that makes sense? I mean, taking it independently is helping me, don’t get me wrong I’d be in a much worse state if I took it in class again, but... it’s also leading me to problems of not understanding no matter what I try. And believe me, I’ve gone to the teachers at my high school, I’ve read the lesson over and over again, I’ve looked for online videos to try and help, but really nothing seems to work. 
It just, it sucks being the only one in my family that doesn’t get science or math. 
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junaip3r · 3 years
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Shinji sketch for @pkmn-thenextgeneration
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pkmn-future · 4 months
Blog Update!
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve had one of these but I’ve been doing a lot to this blog recently, so here’s a changelog!!
New blog theme!! Aria of @pkmn-thenextgeneration worked with me to give me a completely new blog theme that I feel is better than the one I used to use. On the left is the old one and on the right is the new version!
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Along with the new blog theme, i've been given an actual navigation page!! Also courtesy of Aria <3 It is under pkmn-future.tumblr.com/nav (/nav)
A timeline page has been installed, under /timeline that should have every adult and fankids birthdate on it as well as important events.
I've updated my /ships page, my /kids (every single kid) page, and my /fankidfiles and /parentfiles pages (ships and kids got updated with new characters, and my files pages have been severely condensed to those with, at the very least, a profile that has my newest codes, a picture, colors, and font)
(p.s. several of my kids are in the process of/already have new art!)
And, unfortunately, I did have to delete most of my Hisui kids (except for one!) due to timeline issues :(
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alolanrain · 4 years
I’ve never written for comashipping and that’s a fucking shame because I love talking about it with @pkmn-thenextgeneration so this goes out to her because I’ve a bitch about this once scenario.
Paul doesn’t know when it really started but after a few years Ash unexpectedly showed up on his front doorstep just as the first snow storm arrived. Gift basket full of stuff Paul actually liked in his hands and Pikachu who nearly launched himself at Paul when he awkwardly welcomed them into his house.
The situation was awkward and Paul never really dragged out the reason why Ash showed up out of the clear blue. Though he was happy to see he brought Infernape and he greeted the chimp happily and with one of the berry poffins Dawn and Zoey force into his hands everytime they come over for a monthly dinner that they shoved into his schedule.
Maybe those two told Ash to come and force himself back in Paul’s life because he did notice a small plastic bag in the basket Aah brought was filled with very familiar poffins. Nonetheless the conversation was stiff and Ash’s voice kept flunction between different volumes like he did when he traveled through Sinnoh. Ash would get excited and almost yell before quickly catching himself and giving a stiff wobbly smile for a sorry.
Again, nonetheless, Ash showed up the next year. Basket in hand and Pikachu who, instead of waiting for them to be invited in, launched himself directly into Paul’s arms. Squeaking away as it tried to bury his face into the humans neck. Making Paul flinch from the ‘Mons cold cheeks and nose. Ash just giggled and walked into the mud room and toed off his boots. A much more easy going smile on his lips and sparkling brown doe eyes.
The event was much less awkward. Paul’s pokemon weren’t stiff and on edge like last time and some of them even happily greeted the Kantonian. Nuzzling into Ash’s open palm and taking the offered berry poffin without fuss.
Something fluttered in Paul’s chest at the sight but he shoved it down to the darkest pits of his heart and went back to getting this out for dinner, only this time he’ll need more then what he originally thought. Ash did have an empty black hole for a stomach after all.
Soon those awkward moments turned into this.
Instead of knocking on the door and waiting for Paul to unlock it and let him inside, Ash just unlocks it himself with a house key Paul gave him and isn’t that a thought. He’ll come stomping in to shake the first powder snow off that’s been packed on to the bottom of his boots while holding the same basket he brings every year and Pikachu will hope off his shoulders to go creening around the corner to happily greet Paul who’s sitting on his favorite recliner.
Ash follows right after, setting the basket down and bringing out the treats and handing them out to Paul’s team who coo’s and purrs with Ash’s attention put on them. Paul will watch, eyes soft and a rare smile on his lips, before getting dragged out of his chair by Ash and lead to his room.
Paul had already set out one of his shirts. Ash had taken to stealing one after a bit, pouting and pleading at Paul until he eventually gave one up, the body wiggle of happiness Ash does everytime he gets to wear a new shirt makes up for Paul’s lost ones.
Then they fall into bed. Layered with blankets and pillows. Paul’s memory is hazy to tell when they actually started doing this but be damn it’s one of his favorite things to look forward to now. Ash will scooch up and press up against Paul. Using his chest as a pillow and sighing happily when Paul reaches around and hugs Ash closer.
It’s warm and so peaceful at that moment. Curled up together in bed while their teams chitter lowly in the living room and kitchen. First snow storm continues to roll by while the two doze off.
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seadolph · 4 years
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@pkmn-thenextgeneration‘s Tati!
dress based off of this, changed a bit of the lace and the colour, and the bottom of the dress.
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