#placenta storage
kadextra · 1 year
The Eggs
A lore overview & theory longpost :]
Let's start with a recap. The eggs were given by the Federation to the island residents to care for. A backstory was also given by Pato, saying the eggs were left behind by a dragon mother who flew off after the wall explosion. An egg has 2 lives, if it dies you get punished, if it's alive and happy you get a prize. But nobody really cares about a prize anymore, all the parents love their eggs sooo much that just being together with them is a prize. The eggs have developed unique, endearing personalities and have become a central part of the narrative in such a massive way that it'd take hours to describe. Some sadly passed on, and more eggs have joined the cast as new players arrived.
The Code Entity
A strange entity made of binary code began to hunt down the eggs, viciously attacking and bringing them all down to one life. The reason why is still unknown, but it seems to want the residents to leave the island. I'll make a separate lore post about this guy eventually, there's a lot to say theory-wise and a lot we still don't know about it.
The Strange Cracks
At one point, all the eggs were kidnapped from their homes in the night. The announcement of their return said they would be given back "unharmed" but they returned with odd cracks in them, as if they were injured. The eggs all acted unusually scared and extra fragile after the incident, and couldn't wear armor without pain. They slowly regained their confidence after a few days and went back to normal, along with a eggstatistics change saying they've "matured."
The Heaven Meetings
When an egg dies, the Federation gives the parents 5-10 minutes to say farewells in a white room. It's always really wholesome and emotional to watch. But lots of questions can be raised about how the Federation seem to have the power to revive an egg from the dead in the first place. If they can do it for 10 minutes, why can't they just... revive them permanently? q!Max asked his egg son Trump why he couldn't just leave during his meeting, and got answers alluding that the egg was trapped there. That "they" are too powerful, so he can't leave. What's really going on here? Are the dead eggs even dead?
Case of Richarlyson
The Brazilians noticed that their egg, Richarlyson had one smaller leg compared to the rest, as if he was underdeveloped. And strangely, he also had a weird substance left on him (visually shown as a slimeball) which they thought could be part of the mother dragon's placenta. q!Cellbit gave the sample to supercomputer SOFIA to analyze, the results being given a few days later. Turns out, the substance's composition had zero traces of DNA, it wasn't even biological. Instead, it was found to be some type of chemical preservation fluid... meaning Richarlyson was in some kind of stasis/storage before being given to the Brazilians, and rushed out at such short notice he couldn't even be cleaned off in time.
The Pomme DNA Test
A sample of the newest & youngest egg's DNA, Pomme, was given to SOFIA to analyze. The genetic results were:
65% Oxygen, 18% Carbon, 10% Hydrogen, 3% Nitrogen, 1.5% Calcium, 1% Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, Sodium, Chlorine, Magnesium. These results are normal for a biological composition of a living creature. However, there were also traces of "unusual elements" in the DNA....
Silicon, Gold, Cobalt, Copper, Palladium, Cadmium, Bismuth, Uranium.
Silicon is used for making alloys.
Gold is a valuable metal.
Copper is a metal used as an electric conductor.
Palladium is a rare metal, also used for electronics.
Cadmium is a heavy metal used to make batteries and it's also toxic.
Bismuth is a crystalline metal again used for electronic appliances.
Uranium is literally radioactive and used for nuclear power.
HUH? These elements and metals are totally unnatural to find traces of in a living creature. edit: this is wrong, these elements and metals are common to find traces of in a living creature. However, SOFIA said they are unusual in the eggs. What does this mean..?
What if I told you there is a certain type of egg where it's normal to find metals all over?
Fabergé eggs.
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Fabergé eggs are valuable decorative eggs made with crystals and rare metals like gold. And it just so happens that as a lead-up to the QSMP, Quackity Studios released a teaser image, with morse code inside leading to a document where many suspicious letters, including this one was found:
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This potential connection can't be ignored. Real Fabergé eggs obviously aren't alive like our little eggs, but it's entirely possible that thanks to the traces of metals in their composition, the name is being used as a codeword to refer to them.
All of these things considered, don't forget that the eggs are still living creatures. The "unusual" parts in the genetic makeup are very few compared to oxygen, carbon, calcium, etc. Most of the weird ones do happen to relate to electronics and machines, but if anything, it's likely that the eggs could be cyborgs - a biological organism that's just enhanced with technological parts.
It's becoming more and more evident that the "dragon mother" story is a load of hogwash. The eggs might've been developed in a lab, and transported to the island by the Federation. Whatever intentions or experiment they have running, we don't know... but these poor eggs have no idea about any of this. They are innocent and being used.
They just existed one day, got adopted and began to know love. And no matter what happens, no matter what they really are, dragons or not, we and the parents will continue to love them <3
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starryoak · 8 months
Basic Pokémon Worldbuilding Headcanons
Decided to write down my base worldbuilding assumptions about the Pokémon World, in case anyone else would like to share them;
Pokemon types are not fully a human-made classification system, but rather a metaphysical property of a Pokémon’s aura, the same aura that Lucario and many other Pokémon manipulate; the ‘frequency’ of their type is unique to them, and the combination of types makes its own unique ‘frequency’, much like coordinates on a chart with 18 different axiis on both sides.  This means that classification was first made and named by psychic humans who could sense them, until humans developed machinery for proper classification. The formal classification of a type is conditional on being detectable by modern technology, which is why the Fairy type remained unclassified for years, as it was very similar to Normal type in makeup.
This energy is also how Pokémon can be contained in Pokeballs and transferred electronically; Pokemon are naturally capable of converting from energy to mass and back again, though the exact mechanics of this transformation only became known in the 90’s as advances in science allowed the Pokémon Storage System to come into existence.
Psychic humans, of course, as we know, exist. Up to 5-10% of the population is some form of psychic, the extra 5% having psychic potential of some manner that, while not offering powers of any kind, makes them extra vulnerable to psychic effects or attacks.
This fact mixes explicit canon with my own headcanons; evolution for Pokémon is a process entirely separate to aging or the biological meaning of evolution in our world. Pokémon evolve for a variety of factors that are often connected but not always related to aging; if their territory is suited for them and would not support their larger evolution, many Pokémon simply choose not to evolve, leading to strange (for humans) sights like encountering elderly Treecko. As Grovyle are significantly larger than their prevolution, the Treecko would have had to leave his family behind to seek new territory, so it simply never did. Evolution is not the process of aging for Pokémon, though it’s often intimately connected with it, most Pokémon are fully capable of reaching maturity and breeding prior to their final evolution, so many simply choose not to do so for their own reasons. 
The act of evolution consumes a large amount of energy in a short period of time; this is the cause of the glowing light seen in the anime and some games, while others feature large bursts of swirling wind, the method of energy dispersal can vary, but all evolution causes some form of sudden energy discharge.
The process that is described in our world as natural evolution, and this is explicitly canon, does occur to Pokémon, though often it can be much more rapid than in our world. For example, and this is implicitly (though not explicitly) canon, Electrode and Voltorb’s species was originally a species of Apricorn mimics; this is implied by the Temple of Sinnoh’s statue of the original Lord Electrode, which has no dividing line between the upper and lower halves. As Pokeballs came into existence, they pivoted to mimicking them instead.
Pokémon breeding is more complicated than canon presents, obviously, but the base premises the game uses, of “Egg Groups”, is fundamentally still correct. Pokémon reproduce in different ways based on their species, but all Pokémon capable of breeding are in some form capable of laying eggs, often with the more mammalian Pokémon simply being ovovivaparous, giving live birth to their young, but still having eggs inside their bodies rather than placentas.  Under stress or other conditions that make it more favorable, often these Pokémon can choose to lay their eggs rather than develop them internally. Despite most technically being capable of doing so, most Pokémon simply do not choose to breed outside their species, and in fact, interbreeding between species in the wild is a likely sign of a disturbed ecosystem.  Obvious incompatibilities due to size can be overcome through artificial insemination, and Pokémon breeders often use these technologies to help create more effective battlers. As in canon, male Pokémon pass on very little to their offspring. To elaborate on that fact, male Pokémon pass on their aura to their child more than genes, and this leads to the influence of the father on a Pokémon expressing themselves subtly, often offering the capabilities to learn moves that may not be natural to their offspring. Very occasionally the father’s genes will express themselves in minor physical differences to an average member of the species, but this is very rare and usually very subtle.
Pokémon that are not biological in nature and/or in the No Eggs Discovered egg group tend to reproduce in their own unique ways, but due to unknown reasons, speculated upon wildly by scientists, usually still produce some form of egg in the process of reproduction.  For example; Magnemite and its family reproduce by two or more Magnemite collecting magnetic minerals together into a roughly egg-shaped ball, which eventually solidifies into a Magnemite egg. This type of reproduction is common to most Pokémon in the Mineral egg group. Most Ghost types are capable of natural reproduction, despite their appearances, and simply collect energy together during reproduction that coalesces into an egg once a male Pokémon has provided their aura.
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snopiah · 10 months
what if the freezers in the timer room were the storage units where the original 8 eggs were kept before day 1 of the Egg Event?
We already know that The Federation has the ability to preserve living things aka The Felps Incident. Felps was kept in a cryogenic chamber to keep his body supposedly preserved during whatever tests they were doing to his body.
[They were most likely extracting something from his blood maybe to analyze his blood cells and DNA (bruises in arms typically appear when blood/plasma is taken out.)]
So it makes sense that they’ve done that before, given the history and development of Federation (as shown by the 9 level dungeon), right?
Also when Sofia examined Richas’ “placenta,” we found out that it wasn’t really a placenta, but a preservative.
Now that Flippa, Tilin, Trump and Bobby are “dead,” it’s possible that their bodies or vessels are returned to their original storage. If the next
QSMP Studios update is a goddamn propeller hat for Trump? I’m gonna go into pieces.
Literally a continuation of this post
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markscherz · 2 years
Hi, I am a student nurse. I would like to ask if you have some information about preserving a placenta, I would like to know some information about it because I find it hard to find some information about it. I have research already but I can't find a suitable answer and then I had stumbled upon to some blog I have read and I found your name there as a reference. It it leads me here. Thank you and I am looking forward with your answers.
The standard procedure would probably be to fix the placenta with 4–10% buffered formalin, wash with water, and transfer to 70% ethanol for long-term storage. That being said, you certainly could also fix it with 90–96% ethanol instead, which would be much safer to work with in future if you need to handle it e.g. for teaching purposes. How one would go about giving it a natural shape is a very important and difficult question. I have no real suggestions.
But I guess I don't need to tell you that there are very strict laws on handling and disposal of human tissues in most countries. So don't do anything illegal.
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monkprincess · 2 years
Ultrasounds, mens deodorant, rainwear fetish, mewing, slugging, hair growth subliminals, edible flowers, sunbathing, glowsticks, push pops, beer, data storage, light pollution, kahlua, hotel shampoo and conditioner, clem creevy, silver tooth, math rock, wetlands, ringtones, dubstep, upcycling, boxing, spiral dynamics, the rainbow serpent, low pressure systems, terrariums, broken nail, slam poetry, sequins, power tools, depth perception, blood loss, carpet burn, atheism, hot tubs, placenta, cicada shells, aeroguard, racecars, Ma Anand sheela, public pools, conspiracy theories, sacred geometry, bioterrorism, pissing in the shower, gunshots, rosehip tea, andy lee, dermatillomania, trepanation, crystal skulls, stealth, warheads, algae blooms, sensory deprivation chambers, singing, the sky, softcore porn, my head, blood, shark culling, cognitive dissonance, second cousins, ringing cedars anastasianism, tinsel, olive oil, codes and ciphers, petrol, tricks, hacks, tripe, nutribullet, slasher movies, the present, cancel culture, circumstances, mud, browbone, saliva, stage fright, plastic, dermarollers, chewing hair, littering, long car rides, zumba, prayer, minecraft, spatial disorientation, art deco lamps, emojis, saunas, constellations, facial recognition, memory loss, chiropractic, yahweh, canberra, cellulite, seafoam green, earthquakes, cuticle pushers, fresh air, sternum, sugar motta, christmas lights, sneezing, van halen, ink poisoning, vampire diaries, pine needles, hawaiian glam metal, glow worms, beatboxing, crack pipe, home birth, night lights, high pony tails, public school, smiling at people, dinosaurs, cheerleading, souvenir shops, dance concerts, feng shui, farms, time loop movies, soccer tape, aromatherapy, bird’s nests, iview, dragonfruits, phosphenes, gut shots, alchemy, Pangea, aquaculture, tar, glock, finches, ibiza, the 52hz whale, fruit ninja, tinnitus, crying spells, silphium, cardiophilia, relapsing, the garden, hexagramatron, sherbet, schi💋ophrenia, headstands, the summa, quantum wealth codes, google translate prophecies, cheer mixes, burnt toast, school disco’s
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pandorafallz · 9 months
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Vampire AU | Camp days
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The news of Kim’s twins had lit the camp into a small celebration by the time Jake had returned back to camp. Morgan had since pulled out the scanners from his shack for the mother-to-be and let her go ham with it, though the scanners found it hard initially to see the second one until they found a new angle to see the little tail of the second baby before the little one was more in view when they followed it around.
Jake was fascinated by it; little babies but alien babies… he had never seen them. At least, not too close; most mothers were too weary of him to bring their baby near and he understood but he knew it was a matter of time before this became the new normal; him and the others. He’d need to earn the trust of the clan for sure.
The scanner showed how the twins were identical, sharing the same sac and placenta but the second one was smaller which did concern Kim a little. Both had five fingers and toes though Jake wasn’t sure what to make of the developing tswins; those always freaked him out a little since the first time he saw his avatar’s tswin tendrils.
Jake had congratulated the pair once again in the morning after he had woken up and eaten his breakfast in his avatar as the two began to discuss mauri expansions with their own Niktsyey which really pulled his attention to their camp plans.
“We would need our mother loom out to make such a change,” N’deh spoke, settling into the discussion with interest. “It may take some time to set our one out again.”
“Wait, you have a mother loom here?” Nadine’s eyebrow rose from the basket she was making having finished breakfast early. “Those things are massive!”
“It is in many pieces and would take a week to put back up providing the framework is affixed to something of strength.” N’deh spoke, “It was how we produced the fabrics for our homes.” He gestured upwards. “It is smaller than Hometree’s mother loom but big enough for our needs.”
Jake whistled out, impressed though he looked towards the storage area with more interest. “I take it all on hands-on board?”
N’deh cocked his head to the side. “On board of what?”
“No, I… that means you want all of us in to help?” Jake clarified.
N’deh nodded. “Anyone of our size will need to help. It’s too grand of a job for just me. Human bodies are not strong enough to aid in it.”
“Hey!” Nadine looked up with an offended look. “We can help!”
N’deh frowned at her. “You can help by creating rope and aid in the initial threading up. It is no less important. I just meant that you lack the physical scale to handle the mother loom frame. ”
Nadine’s annoyance fizzled out before she nodded. “Okay….sorry.”
“It will take time for you to learn how to master the mother loom. It would not go amiss to spend more time with the weavers at Hometree; watch how they transverse such a masterpiece.” N’deh spoke fondly. “Omatikaya pride themselves on their fabrics. If you can appeal to that desire then you should win their hearts well and swiftly.”
Jake cocked his head curiously, “Did your family work with the mother loom prior to….your situation?”
“My mother did not, she spent much more time teaching my sister with the Tsahìk. My father held a lot of pride with the mother loom and spent many hours with me on it and how to get such beauty and emotion woven into our textiles. Many praised his work and sought him out for his works.” He smiled sadly, but fondly. “It will be nice to work with the looms of this scale again.”
Jake hadn’t considered a lot of what…weaving had meant. Not really. For him, it looked stunning and it was to serve a purpose and he could see the pride…but it was a sharp reminder; he didn’t yet see it in the way that they did. He was here to learn…he had to try.  “Then let’s get going.”
So, for at least a few hours, Jake, Jerome and N’deh worked with digging out the loom and setting it across the grass clearing to assess it and go over what they needed to make, what needed to be repaired and where to put it. The last was Jake’s job so he scouted around the trees close to camp to find the perfect place for it.
He had a rough sketch drawn on his tablet that N’deh agreed on; giving him a good visualisation of what to look for and how to verify it’s possibility. Jake clambered up into the trees when he finally found one.
A tree that was bent off to the side; not damaged or a dead tree but the trunk had a bent in its trunk that looked like it had grown that way; possibly around something before that something was removed. Jake picked out…old tracks of angtsìk and there were a few broken trees about but the one he was looking at seemed perfect. He took the time to gather the vines and to basic outline the placement which was basically the vines thrown over the tree bend and touching the floor, at which he gathered the ends to wrap around the fallen log then stepped back to give it a thoughtful look to judge it’s length and how far the vines went.
His tail swished through the grass. Trying to imagine how they’d set it up.
Jake almost felt like he unlinked in his sheer surprise, his ears springing up and his tail lashed about before he turned swiftly to see Morgan standing a few feet away, arms on his hips, abs and tats out and looking very amused at his reaction, grinning at him behind his mask.
“You….asshole.” Jake huffed, taking a second to relax and drop his tail, his hand coming to his chest. “I almost shit myself, hope you’re happy! Gah…” He sucked in a breath.
“Well, some of us have mastered the art of environmental sneaking and the rest of you have not.”
“I’ve improved.” Jake defended. He had. Being barefoot had helped now when his feet felt well-worn with the soil and the other three were very helpful in teaching him what to tread on. It wasn’t second nature just yet but he had only had these legs for a little over two weeks. Jake let out a cooler, more relaxed sigh when his heart was back to its natural rhythm. “Here’s a good spot.”
Morgan looked past him and then hummed in approval as he examined his crappy layout. “That’s very high up.”
“Yeah, but it means bigger work like the mauri’s fabric.”
“Aye but… that should mean we’ll need large bones, possibly from an angtsìk for the mauri. It’s a good tension support.” Morgan chewed on his lip. “Well, that’ll be the other’s concern. Maybe they can ask the Omatikaya for it?”
Jake hummed. He suppose he could talk to Eytukan about it? They’d surely be understanding given the pregnancy would no doubt be well known around the clan by now. The news of twins spreading would be expected. It was rare, as Kim said. Who wouldn’t be interested to know?
“Did you need something?” Jake asked, “Why’d you follow me?”
Morgan looked blankly for a second before it clicked. “Right, right. Sorry, I got sidetracked there. So…. What the fuck are you hiding from the rest of camp?” he asked, tone light and causal which was a weird contrast with his darkening expression and question.
“Last night. I saw you come back later than Kim then looked at Nadine all weird about something.” Morgan clarified, his arms coming to fold across his chest. “Look, I may not have lasted long as a RDA soldier but I’ve been a soldier long enough. Since I was eighteen. I know a private look when I see one. You said something to the Na’vi but you’re not saying to us. You can’t lie to me well in that body.”
Jake stared down at the man, his tail swishing a little as he considered his next few words. Mildly surprised at his observations. “I…what I told the Na’vi is…innocent and about the RDA. We didn’t think it’d be best to tell you guys because…you’d think we’re crazy.”
“Crazy?” Morgan echoed. “Dude, anyone living here freely is crazy. I’ve seen weird shit that I didn’t want to see and I didn’t get the pleasure of being high for it.”
“You look very put down about that,” Jake said, hoping to lighten his mood a little. He took a breath. “Morgan, I have to ask, did you…come across anyone in Hell’s Gate or the RDA in general that was…different?” This had to be the better angle.
Morgan decided to bite. “Different?”
“Pale, didn’t eat a lot, sharper teeth than usual?” Jake listed, “Just… they’re kinda cold to touch…” his sentence trailed off as something seemed to flicker across Morgan’s face then it was gone.
Morgan looked away, then back wide-eyed. “Well. I think you’re all good, dude.” He coughed awkwardly and then turned but Jake darted forward, bending down to catch his arm.
“You know what I meant?”
Morgan shook his arm free. “I don’t want to talk about it, man.”
The word itself seemed to echo, the man’s body stiffened up entirely as his dreads swung across his mask, acting as a curtain between them. Jake crouched down, though not touching him but remained close.
“I’m sorry,” Jake apologised. “I don’t…know what happened with you but…that’s what I told the Na’vi about. They are in Hell’s Gate and…they deserve to know what’s on the planet.”
Morgan’s hands clenched a little, twitching up a little to his shoulder. “I know.”
“Can I ask…do the other two know?”
Morgan hesitated a little, “I…told them but they…didn’t believe me. I never brought it up again.” He shook his head.
“Both me and Nadine know about them. We…saw first-hand back on Earth.” Jake assured, “We believe you.”
Morgan’s face turned to him cautiously. “You do?”
“I do.”
The tension in Morgan’s body drained away, his hand coming to his chest as he took a shaky breath. “Tha-Thank you, man.”
Jake reached forward again, the man not pulling away as he patted his shoulder. “Any time but…I hope this clears up…the issues?”
Morgan nodded. “It does but…we should really tell the other two. The Na’vi know and…all of us know. They might not believe but…at least I tried again. I can’t tell them by myself again.”
“Okay. Tonight.” Jake agreed; once they were done with most of their work. No point putting it off too long now there was an understanding.
It was just past noon when lunch was handed out. Jake set his avatar down once he had eaten in that body then happily accepted his food into his human body in his shack. Morgan joined in to eat with them though Morgan seemed to be more interested in talking about Nadine’s prothesis’s internal mechanics.
“How does the nervous system work? Is it threaded along the underside of the panels?”
Nadine leant away from the table, scooting back towards a cabinet that she was now using for her prosthesis spares and equipment. From there, she pulled out what looked like a flat and folded bag of white shit.
Jake watched as she straightened it out and then held it out. It was very…stringy, in appearance it looked like its tiny white-golden threads were suspended in a milky white jello sheet
“This is the nervous system. The panels are designed to adhere to the panelling and then reconnect to the wires. The joint is also built with more internal synthetic nerves as well so I know the limits of my arm’s movements.” Nadine explained. “But I’ll need help when the time comes to replace worn parts.”
Morgan examined the sheet with interest. “If you give me some time and a run through your cleaning of it I can help? I’ve got a degree in engineering.”
Nadine smiled, “I’ll think about it.”
“Can…I have a bit to study. I’ve got a few ideas on some things that…might be useful but not yet feasible?”
“When I change out a worn part, I’ve only got three sheets to last forever. Unless…there are link shacks that have these or we can get someone to smuggle shit out which is… not possible.” Nadine took the sheet back from his hands, securing it back into the cupboard. “I’ve got more rope to make but I’ve asked Kim to bring me plants that make flour. I want to experiment with Pandoran food until our crops are ready. I want ramen, I want tacos and I want to feast upon proper bread like it’s from Jesus Christ himself!”
“You’re going all Hannibly now, Sarge,” Jake said. “Shit won’t be ready for months, also pretty sure the stuff you used to eat at church was a wafer, not bread?”
“I just…want a good sourdough. It’s…quality shit that my grandmother used to make.” Nadine sighed wistfully. “You got any childhood foods you weren’t able to have after growing up?”
“Beef casserole.” Morgan spoke, “My grandfather worked in a restaurant…used to take cuts that couldn’t be used home for us. Not enough for a full dinner on it’s own but it was wonderful in a casserole.” He paused, “Oh fuck, now I want a casserole.”
“Sweet, I’ll look through any recipes we downloaded and see what we have available.” Nadine looked more excited at the prospect.
“We’ll need an oven for a casserole. Otherwise, it’s a stew.” Jake pointed out.
“Then let’s make one.” Nadine shrugged. “I’ll find if there’s anything on those while I search.”
“You gonna help make?”
“No.” Nadine raised her prostheses, “Clay and shit jamming up my gears? No, thank you”
Jake snorted but made a note to definitely dig out from plastic or tight-weave shit to make gloves; she’d need to get her hands into more shit despite the justified reason not to. She’d miss out on the important learning stuff when watching simply wasn’t enough.
Jake spent a few hours into the afternoon out of his avatar, continually making rope for the loom mostly. N’deh collected what they had and laid it out with the frame on the floor and they were very poorly supplied but Jake tried his best to work quickly.
Ultimately, Jerome and Kim remained in camp with other chores that needed to be done while the others collected up more plant and vine fibres and in Nadine’s case, food.
Jake listened mostly as the two talked.
“Even if we expand that way, we’ll still need to shut down our entire Maui system. It’ll take days to get everything back into place.”
“We could also use helping hands?”
“We are not relying on the Omatikaya’s help for anything more than we need.” Kim refuted warningly. “We’ve done this all once before without them, we can do it again. Yes, it will take longer but we also have another set of hands.”
“Kim…” Jerome sighed out.
“No.” She shut him down quickly, “Don’t try, my love.”
Jerome just stared at her for a moment but gently got back to sewing together a loincloth he had been repairing. “Tomorrow, I’m going to Hometree. Do you…want me to bring anything back for you?”
“No,” she smiled softly, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. Jerome leaned into her side, pulling her in for her mouth.
Jake coughed after a moment, as the two progressed with a little more heat. “I might be small but you’re not alone.” He called.
The two separated though their cheeks looked a little flushed but their ears were much darker. “Sorry…” Jerome just about managed, shifting the front of his loincloth a little.
Kim just grinned, pecking Jerome’s cheek again. “Later.” She whispered, sitting back and picking up her knife again then got back to deshelling some seeds.
Jake wrinkled his nose but chuckled.
The silence relapsed for a good five minutes before Jake noticed a fall figure stroll from the treeline of their camp. Jake almost dropped and undid all his work in surprise.
He hadn’t expected that of all the people to actually put effort and come here…the clan leader would come. Eytukan strolled in with a fair level of confidence, his eyes sharp and seemed to take in their camp; from Jake’s plant-covered shack to the mauri’s above. The wrapped shack also suspended also seemed to be a surprise by the time he realised what he was looking at.
Jerome and Kim jumped to their feet, Jerome’s hand coming to her belly though not in an overly protective way that Jake would have expected for that action but assurance for her. Jake tied off his work so he didn’t lose it, setting down the rope and wheeled a little to meet the Olo'eyktan as he approached.
“Hello, welcome to our home.” He greeted, drawing the Olo'eyktan’s full attention, his neck craning up. “just be a little careful if you walk close to the left. We’ve recently planted some seeds.” He gestured to the location of the tilled soil of their growing creations. Hopefully.
Eytukan spared a look but nodded. “I will tread with care.” He spoke, “Neytiri mentioned you were growing earth crops.”
“We’re uncertain about its prosperity. Alien seeds, alien soil….we’re just hoping for the best at this point.” Jake said.
“Eywa will provide.” As if that said it all. Eytukan looked past him, upwards to the two avatars and seemingly forgot all about his existence as he addressed the two watching him carefully. “Jeromeepstein, Kimgreene, I came down to speak to you. You have not since come to Hometree together so it seemed more prudent to…come to you.”
“What do you want, Olo'eyktan? We’re not due to be at Hometree till tomorrow.” Kim asked, her hand coming to her husband’s at her belly to feel his assurance more.
“To first congratulate you on your pregnancy, it is a blessing to be gifted by Eywa and rarer to be gifted a second child at the same time” Eytukan said, “and secondly… I am to express my…apology for breaking Uturu with you and your camp for my…beliefs that were short-sighted in light of those of actual responsibility. I am sorry for the grief and pain these actions have caused you for the last two years.” He held his head high as he spoke initially but bowed his head respectively at his actual apology.
Jake swallowed a little, despite not having any weight in this, he was…surprised at how Eytukan had sounded. Genuine and…he held no shame in admitting the root cause. He knew he had told Neytiri this was the way, but…to actually see it was another matter.
Jake felt a little more respect for the Olo'eyktan rise.
The couple looked at each other sharply, Jerome turning more into his wife’s body to talk quietly into her ear as she made to step to Jake’s surprise, Kim began speaking loudly in full-blown High Valyrian, of all languages.
He was aware she had loved the original series of Game of Thrones from passive conversation, despite flaws in the later series. He had no idea she had taken the time to learn the whole fucking language that had been created for it. It had grown considerably since its conception and for the following series following that. Here in all places, on Pandora, it was odd and out of place. Still, he could appreciate her commitment. He had no idea what she was saying, which was probably the whole point.
Jerome began speaking back to her in the same tongue, far cooler and more collected than how her tone seemed sharper with how she rolled her Rs.
“What are they saying?” Eytukan asked after a moment.
“No idea. I don’t know High Valyrian.” Jake admitted. “I’m just impressed she knows that language. It’s not often spoken. It’s only been about for… a hundred and fifty years. Very new.” For good reason. Nerds learned weird shit like that. Tommy had tried learning a few fictional languages but had been sucked into the Na’vi’s language before he had gotten around to having enough money to pay for any lessons. Tommy may have been coming here as a xenobotanist but he excelled and xenolinguistics far better.
It took a few moments before Jerome turned back to Eytukan but Kim was already walking away towards the river.
“It will take time for my mate to accept your apology, Olo'eyktan. But I thank you for it.” Jerome spoke.
Eytukan nodded, but thankfully not unsurprised at such a response. “I hope this eases tensions between us.”
“I hope so too. Excuse me.” Jerome departed to follow Kim, leaving Jake with Eytukan for a moment.
Jake let out a heavy sigh, though returned his look to Eytukan. There was nothing he needed to say in that regard but another concern crossed his mind. “How is Neytiri? I know my words upset her about…Grace.”
Eytukan looked down at him. “Saddened deeply. I am allowing her time to mourn if that is grief that Neytiri is feeling. Do not expect to see her tomorrow when you visit. To me, the…concept is still foreign however we will keep our distance from these creatures nonetheless.”
Jake felt the bubble of relief grow. “I’m glad to hear it.”
“While we promise to protect you, you’re aware that even we cannot protect you from these things if they come for your kind?” Eytukan spoke, “I will protect the clan first.”
Jake winced but he nodded. He should have expected that but…they were still and literally very early days with the clan; they were still...barely allies. His wants and practicalities were two different things. But…yeah, he got that.  “You have your people to look out for. I understand that. We never meant to bring them here.”
“Your people did not know.” Eytukan allowed, barely. “Mo’at has many questions answered but more to ask. You will no doubt spend more time with her tomorrow.”
Jake nodded. “Alright.”
With that and nothing else to say, Eytukan took his leave… but not before he paused at the Ikran’s bones with a thoughtful frown before he was gone.
It took a while before the two scientists returned from the riverside. Jerome with some fish and Kim looked far less tense and looked to have collected up a series of stones and pebbles into a grassy pouch for beads. Jake was back in his avatar to help collect their loom supplies up before dinner and the others had begun to return back.
They knew they had to tell the science duo of the vampire problem but...it was hard to find an opening to drop in ‘Oh, so just to let you know, vampires are real and are in hell’s gate’. Morgan looked to have tensed up a little about it and was nervous which had made him quiet.
Nadine had already spoken to the guy so she was hovering a little as she helped descale the gutted fish.
“I still want that oven.” Nadine announced, “Pizza sounds wonderful….when the tomatoes are grown.” She added.
“Ooh,” Morgan narrowed his eyes in desire. “Pizza…”
“We’ll add it to the list.” Jake chuckled.
“What is Petza?” the resident Na’vi asked.
“Pizza is an Earth food. A flatbread dough that’s coated in tomato sauce as a typical base but other vegs and meat are put on top and then cooked. It’s typically cut into triangular slices and shared as a group.” Jake explained, “if you like Tomato then there’s a chance you’ll like pizza but…we have to wait for that.”
“Then I shall wait. I have never tried human food.” N’deh spoke, “May I have a look at the pebbles you collected?” Turning his attention away to Kim who wordlessly handed over the pouch. N’deh took the bag and then wandered off and up towards his mauri for…whatever project he no doubt had.
“So, nerds. High Valyrian?” Jake decided to address that little bit first with a smirk. “Didn’t think you’d be that nerdy.”
Kim’s ears flushed a little. “I like the language. It sounds awesome!”
“What’s this?”
“Oh, Kim and Jerome know that Game of Thrones Language, Valyrian. Pretty sure Eytukan thinks that’s a real Earth Language.” Jake explained to Nadine who began to giggle.
“It is a real language.”
“No, it’s not!” Jake snorted, “It was made for a story!”
“It was still made on Earth by humans. All languages are made up.” Kim defended, her eyes glimmering with light humour. “Why are you so surprised I know that sort of stuff?” She gave him an odd look, “You know I used to be human with human interests”
Jake let out a breath though if a little sheepishly as he chuckled. “Kinda…forgot. You dress Na’vi and you walk like them… it’s easy to forget you were earth-born, you know. The…Valyrian just…really threw me off and reminded me how nerdy some scientists are.”
“Ao jorrāelagon naejot emagon tolī kirimves, Jake.” Kim spoke, her yellow eyes filled with mirth.
“What?” Jake floundered.
“You need to have more fun, Jake.” Jerome translated.
Jake rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah.”
After a few moments, Morgan coughed, bringing the attention back to him. “I…have something I wanna say, guys.”
“Sure,” Kim gestured for him to speak as she continued her work.
“Look… this is something I’ve spoken about before and I know you’ll think I’m nuts but… Jake and Nadine know. The Na’vi know and…. while I don’t expect you to believe me…just please just…be a little more open-minded.” Morgan’s nails scraped down his tattooed arm anxiously.
“Know…what?” Jerome appeared and set down his tools, washing his hands into a bowl of water recently pulled from the river. “We’ve passed through the eye of Eywa and returned, there’s very little we don’t believe here.”
Hm.” Morgan pursed his lips, not fully believing that and Jake didn’t blame him.
“Look, on Earth we found out about a few things.” Jake decided to add in, “We… me and Nadine were part of a few squads that were in the war. Lots of people died.” He took a shallow breath. “Some needlessly. One...of our squads was slaughtered. Throats torn, bloodless and abandoned.” He spoke through the discomfort and the memory, his ears flattening back at the reminder but he didn’t let that stop him. “This…concept might be hard for you given we’ve always believed this to be…fictional but…it turns out the stories we know were made to mask the truth?”
“Guy’s,” Kim tilted her head in confusion, “What are you on about?”
“Look, vampires are real, they suck—if you pardon the pun and they’re also on Pandora” Nadine spoke, "Jake and I personally met one in the avatar program. Morgan might have as well—he’s not said—but we’re not asking you to believe us; only that you know what we believe and that you don’t ridicule us for it.”
Both avatars looked to each other, then back to them. “Vampires?”
“Yes.” Morgan spoke, “Look, we’ve known each other for years. I ain’t a liar but…if you believe in Eywa, can you please be open-minded in vampires?”
Kim stared at him for a moment but thankfully and graciously nodded. “I can…try.”
“I can show you proof. Later.” Morgan promised, coming forward to touch his friend’s knees. “Please?”
Kim spared another glance to Jerome who looked a little more confused but seemingly nodded. No doubt to humour them but…Jake hoped they’d believe what proof Morgan would give. At least now they’d all be on the same page. Here and at Hometree.
Morgan had opted to go with Jake to Hometree again; Jake had told him he was spending the morning at the least with Mo’at to answer any more vampire questions and…in all honesty, it wasn’t an area he had wanted to think back on. Last night had been awkward as fuck but he hoped the two bought what he had shown them; that what happened was real.
It was hard to tell what the two thought but it was now no longer just about their opinions this opened up more thoughts to vampires and… it made his skin crawl a little but…Morgan knew out of everyone he should probably talk to the Tsahìk about it. What had happened with him… and what to expect. Jake knew nothing like he did. Seeing the aftermath was one thing. Never the prey.
So after spending time in the weaving circle, trying to make friends with the women and children there and waiting for them to loosen up when he finally had the confidence to approach Tsu’tey who stood watching over for now.
The Na’vi’s eyes shrewdly locked onto him as he approached, making the former soldier waver but didn’t really stop. “Can… I go up and talk to Mo’at?” He asked, “I…don’t want to interrupt but…I think I need to talk to her.”
“I am not stopping you, but she may send you away.” He upturned his nose a little. “Is it important?”
“It’s about vampires.” He stated. “Jake has knowledge but I have more experience.”
Tsu’tey paused for a moment then nodded. “Then go. She may make time for you as well.”
Morgan quickly went up the spiral. His heart hammered a little in his chest but he knew he had to…talk to someone. Jake was a good guy but… he needed more than him. Mo’at…might actually understand his…feelings more than he could.
“<Hello? Can I come in?>” Morgan poked his head into the den. Mo’at was clearly busy, looking to be organising some of her herbal remedies as Jake was pounding up set seeds into some sort of paste; a green stipe was across the man’s mask as he worked and it looked to be staining his hands a little.
“<You may. Are you hurt?>” Mo’at watched as he entered.
“<No, but…I have some experience with vampires that may be of…interest.>” Morgan spoke, the only word not translatable was vampire, which pulled Jake’s attention up.
“<You speak well, Morgan. I did not expect you to know.>” Mo’at complimented.
“<I live in your world, I may as well learn.>” Morgan chuckled softly, taking a seat when the Tsahìk offered a mat to him. “<I will talk in English, it’s…easier to explain and Jake will no doubt want to know. He had yet to learn your speech and has expressed interest.>”
“<I’m sure Neytiri may be willing to teach him.>” This sounded more like a muse than a decision before she set down her pot to give him her full attention.
Morgan swallowed uneasily. “So… about… six or so weeks before I was abandoned by the RDA before I was properly stationed at Blue Lagoon I lived in Hell’s Gate. Now…I was younger, a little more stupid and...didn’t know the dangers of what I was living with.” He scratched at the rim of his mask. “I got bit by one of them… or two of them. It’s… I don’t remember much of the first time.”
“Wait, they actually bit you?” Jake set down his pot in concern. “God, no wonder you’re freaked out when I mentioned them!”
Morgan didn’t meet his eye but he shrugged off his vest carefully and adjusted his filter to his belt then shifted aside his dreads. Mo’at leant forward as he exposed the faded scars across his left shoulder. She tilted the light a little but he felt her large blue fingers touch over the dual circular puncture marks though carefully up a little higher to the two marks.
“Twice bitten?”
“The…dual punctures on my neck are from an earlier attack. I don’t have the memory of that but I vaguely recall that I thought it was from sleeping on my hair combs that stabbed me in the night. It’s taken me some time to recall who gave me that and forgot to heal me up” Morgan said, “The…circular bites are from a different vampire…that night I do remember.” His voice soured a little at the memory that resurfaced.
Jake shifted closer. “You don’t have to talk about it if you’re not ready to, Morgan.”
Morgan nodded, though leant back away from the Tsahìk though his fingers lingered over the marks. “I know.” Though he turned his attention back to Mo’at. “The thing about vampires is…they’re like carnivorous flowers. Beautiful. Alluring. When they want you, everything about them is…attractive. I was on my way back from working out in the gym. She was…just hanging around. But I just couldn’t keep my eyes off her when I saw her. Normally, I wouldn’t have paid this woman a second glance…cuz I knew she liked other women. Only women. No interest in men. Yet…she was— I wanted to sleep with her.” His cheeks darkened a little. “She asks if we can go to my bunk. Of course…I agreed.” He scoffed at himself at that. He was such an idiot for falling for that.
“It’s not your fault.” Jake spoke, “You had no idea.”
Morgan shrugged, his fingers touching over the scar but he carried on regardless of what Jake was saying. “Once we’re in my bunk, she pulls me to my bed and sits me down…I thought she was going in for a kiss. Nope.” He tapped the scar. “The worst part is…it didn’t hurt that much after the initial bite.”
“Didn’t hurt?” Mo’at inquired, her eyes looking at the bite with more a critical view.
“It...felt good, pleasurable, really. I didn’t want to fight her off, even when I felt weak. I…didn’t think about what she was actually doing to me. I half believed at the time I was in the middle of a very good time.” He was glad, for one that…it hadn’t actually been about sex at all otherwise he’d be feeling far more violated than he already felt. “Then… she was gone. Something possibly happened that pulled her attention. I’m left to bleed on my bed before I had the sense return to put pressure on it until the venom’s uncoagulated effects wore off.”
“They are venomous.” Mo’at leant back though considered his words.
“Not…lethally as you would think. But the bite introduced something into my system to keep me in a placid, aroused state. To keep my blood from clotting. I went to medical. Dr Solis saw me but he thought I got too sexually adventurous. I…insisted on a drug screen but… nothing flagged up when it was done.” He hadn’t realised that he had asked for the wrong test. “Should have asked for a hormone screening instead. That probably would have shown something up.”
Jake’s hand was warm as he finally crawled close enough to touch as support. “There was nothing you could have done, Morgan. You got out of it alive and you don’t have to go back.”
Morgan exhaled deeply. “I…don’t plan to but I just…feel like a fool. I…just missed the danger signs so easily.”
“Wanna…talk later back at camp?” Jake offered, “I…have a bottle of scotch that Nadine smuggled out. Group cry sess?”
Morgan looked at Jake. “Scotch?” His tone turned interested. “How big?”
“One litre.”
Morgan stared as he considered the offer. “I do….like scotch. But… might unloosen that big gate of untampered trauma…” He had so much shit he could cry about…or rage about then sob into a bottle for. Fuck, that sounded so good. He hadn’t had good alcohol in a while to uncap that issue.
“Alcohol is not a source of recovery for trauma,” Mo’at interjected softly, “I know what that drink is. Graceaugustine did mention it in passing in the past.”
Morgan cracked a smile a little at her disapproval. “Sorry.”
“You have endured a lot and now it should now be a time for healing.”  Mo’at spoke, “Thank you for sharing your story, Morganlangley.”
“Sorry but…do you know who bit you? Augustine?” jake interjected before he could be dismissed properly
“Augustine’s a vampire?” Morgan blinked in surprise. "Fucking hell, that was a huge leap of people if her of all people would up feasting for blood. Fuck. When did that happen?”
“Ah, guess not her.” Jake winced casually.
“It’s only been two years.” Mo’at reminded softly, her eyes turning back to Jake sharply. “She was still human when he was left behind”
Jake shrugged sheepishly, “I was just guessing.”
“The ones I met were in SecOps.” Morgan interrupted before this…got weird. Clearly, there was some weird fixation with Dr. Augustine and he had no interest in that.  “One… Trina Shen. She’s a robot engineer but very good with system programming and shit. This was her.” Patting the circular scar. “She didn’t just have two fangs like the other one; she had full set of sharp chompers.”
“Ouch.” Jake winced, “The other one?”
“Oh… Walker. She’s…part of Quaritch’s main security group.” That felt prudent to mention.
“Fuck.” Jake groaned. “They might as well be running the joint at this point.”
“What is this?” Mo’at asked, frowning.
“I’m saying that… the RDA’s security and warriors is run by a human man called Quaritch. He oversees our security protocols to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the humans there the best way he can.” Morgan explained. “He has a group he used to help distribute tasks when he’s busy or has them help him when he’s on a mission. One of them is a vampire.”
“Which really isn’t good. The fact that Augustine is head of SciOps is one power move but to have a second that close to Quaritch…” Jake trailed off. “He has no idea the danger he’s working with.”
Morgan didn’t know Quaritch overly well but he heard rumours and heard he was scary. He had transferred to Blue Lagoon before he had properly met the guy but even he didn’t like the fact there was one working so close to him. “Poor guy.”
“There’s nothing we can do,” Jake spoke tightly shaking his head. “Short of revealing them to the human population which…is unwise for us here. Quaritch ain’t a believer of Eywa, he sure as hell isn’t a believer of vampires.”
Back at camp, it took a few days before Neytiri seemed to appear back into his life. Jake didn’t know why but he felt a rush of relief in seeing her. She seemed to descend down from the sky like a beautiful angel on her Ikran close to the edge of the clearing. She wore a rider’s visor but looked… somewhat more content than what he expected as she strolled towards him.
“Are you alone?” She asked.
“The others are at Hometree. I decided to stay back today.” Jake answered, “I’m glad to see you, actually.”
Neytiri nodded, though carefully crouched. “Sorry for my…absence. It’s been…hard.”
“You’re dealing with a loss, I get it.” Probably not in the same way but…he empathised with her.
Neytiri gave him an acknowledging nod, “Can you jump into your Dreamwalker? I want to show you a good place to visit. I cannot see it being…satisfying to always have people in close proximity most of the time?”
The question made Jake pause a moment but he nodded, setting aside his tools and wheeled back towards his shack. “One moment.”
His avatar’s eyes opened to his small mauri, clambering out and down and met her at the tree line. He paused a little as she connected her queue to the Ikran.
“This is quickest.” She spoke, “This is Seze. My Ikran. Do not look in her eye.”
Jake dropped his gaze swiftly as he…properly took in the creature’s physique and stunning colourings.
“Ikran is not Pa’li. They bond with one hunter for its entire life.” She explained, stroking Seze’s snout with a loving touch. “Many warriors will become Ikran Makto to hunt.” She jumped swiftly up onto her saddle. Jake getting closer with some unease but Neytiri offered her hand out.
A sign of trust that…Jake couldn’t help but take and allowed himself to be pulled up and settled with her soft instruction and a careful grip before suddenly, his stomach lurched as they were gone into the air.
The air whipped at his skin, ruffling through his shirt but the force stung at his eyes. His hands gripped her waist before they seemed to settle and balance out. He laughed, his heart hammering in his chest but… he could see the beauty of the world above that.. not even the view from the Samson gave. All around, the light of the afternoon was spread across; the life of airborne animals also seemed to be in groups, flying above it all with them but he barely stole a glance before they were past them and gone. Jake wanted to close his eyes and enjoy it, but the descent down forced him to concentrate to avoid falling off
They landed downwards before promptly he fell off the saddle and onto the mud below. He grunted a little, the mud clinging to his skin and warmed by the day’s sun, trying to scrape it off as he got to his feet. He really hoped it was just mud.
Neytiri began to giggle a little, slipping off almost effortlessly. “Come, this way.” Neytiri led on with a grin.
They had led from a small clearing of trees, her steps silent so he did his best to mirror that as he went, taking in the site of what looked to be a small waterfall and stream and walking straight through the crashing water stream.
Please be a secret cave, Jake thought over in his head as he followed, taking a second to let the pounding water wash over him and to clean away the mud.
Inside, it was still light from an opening in the cave ceiling but she led the way along the small steam up until they reached higher and dryer stone. She hovered a little, her eyes rising up. Jake followed her gaze to see…the crack above seemed to be perfectly aligned to see Polyphemus within the sky though it was hard to see as the shining light of the sun bore down.
“Eclipse is…a good time. Inside, we are safe but it holds a lot of beauty.” Neytiri spoke crouching a little. “Outside, above is my favourite spot but…I do like it inside for different reasons. My sister found this when we were young. She often mediated in the caves in troubling times. She felt Eywa more closely here.” She sighed deeply. “Watch with me.”
Both of them watched as the eclipse began and plunging the world into an almost night. A few plants inside seemed to respond, lighting up enough to spread some light about the dark space. It wasn’t his first eclipse here but…it was odd to be this…outside for it. He had always gone inside like most of the avatars; the feel of night had made him cautious. One look at Quaritch was enough reason to look over his shoulder. Even over a week in the wildlife.
Jake’s head turned a little, crouching a little more to settle though he couldn’t help but note how her dots seemed to really light up in the darkness of the cave as she looked up. He could see they were swirled and…personal. His, he had seen enough to know his was plain. Boring. Looking down at himself, he could see the dots line his body. A typical tell-sign no doubt of what he was; a Dreamwalker.
“What…do you call the glowy dots?” Jake asked.
“Tanhì.” Neytiri answered, “Eywa’s signs of love appear in many forms. Unique to us and are a reflection of our souls. Our energy.” She reached out to his arm, touching along his arm.
“I guess mine aren’t that exciting in comparison.” He snorted, tilting his arm in the darkness. “Just lines. Make sense; this body wasn’t born as a Na’vi.”
Neytiri tittered a little. “Your body is…developing. It is new. Newborn babies often share the same markings as you until they are distinguished. The more you pour your soul into this body, the more you’re reflected onto its markings.” Her touch was pleasant, following the lines for a moment before she seemed to catch herself and withdrew. His smirk was hidden in the darkness.
He stared at the eclipse for a moment, knowing soon he’d have to turn his eyes before the gas giant moved on and blinded them for punishment
“Are you okay?” Jake finally asked after a moment. “I…as much as I like to think you brought me here to sight-see…I feel that there’s another reason. I mean…we still barely know each other. I know you trust me enough to…bring me here after all.”
Neytiri’s head dipped down from the view. “I am…saddened by your news of Grace…but I will be fine.” She offered though he noticed the slither of guilt in her expression as she spoke; no doubt a lot more there but she clearly wasn’t looking ready to talk about it. He didn’t partially want to talk about Augustine either; he had enough of that and wanted to live in peace away from her and her kind for as long as possible.
“You’ve since proven yourself to trust. The attacks on the metal beasts have worked and things of the sky-people side have stalled for now. Tsu’tey got…creative on what he can use.” Her smile uplifted a little from her melancholy expression. “I think he’s having far too much fun.”
Jake snorted at that. Trying to picture the guy who always seemed to scowl actually…smiling at anything. Nope, he couldn’t see it. “If he has any questions or wants to run anything past me on ideas that he’s not sure about, let me know. I’ll talk about the possibilities with him on it.”
“He’s planning on burning some sap-covered leaves that smell much like female Txumre to bring more males into the area in the next couple of days when they start to migrate for mating season.”
“Txumre. You…would call them Slinth.” Neytiri spoke. “They’ll often fight for females when there are enough males around and feeling the mating instincts.”
“Oh!” Jake winced. Feeling the rise of distaste at his own run-in with those face-opening creatures. Nope. “Oh, those are nasty. Yep, RDA won’t mess with that. But… won’t they paralyse each other?”
“No, they are immune to their venom. They need to consume their affected prey, after all.” Neytiri spoke.
“Good,” Jake agreed. He was sure it’d be a sight to see a whole area of paralysed and horney Slinths if they weren’t immune. Still, the RDA knew enough to not kick that nest given the Slinth had once eaten an avatar. Henger wasn’t hard to miss in the mess and everyone saw him. Soldiers weren’t that thick.
“Also, I wanted to…ask that you speak to N’deh. Offer him this.” From a pouch he hadn’t noticed until now, let alone in the dark, Neytiri pulled out a small collection of beads.
“Wait, you know about him?” Jake’s eyes widened.
Neytiri chuckled at that. “I spent a few days watching you settle into the camp. I saw him despite his attempts to hide but… the skeleton is familiar. Txon'ong suffered a broken wing, to which I tended to when I was a child. It has the same placement of a healed bone. I am saddened by his death with him.”
Jake nodded. “I’m…sure he’ll be glad to hear it.” God, he hoped it didn’t freak the guy out. “but… sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. He…wanted us to keep him quiet.”
Neytiri gave an acknowledging hum. “My uncle is many things but he lacks tact. I recognise his weave and how he has taught you and the other Dreamwalkers on how to see.”
“yeah...wait, Uncle?” Jake looked at her sharply, “N’deh is your uncle?!”
Neytiri looked at him in surprise. “Yes?”
“Oh…” Jake took a pause, staring off as the light began to seep back into the sky. “Oh things make a so more sense now! I wondered…” Fucking hell, he hadn’t expected family drama like this this soon…let alone by Na’vi of all people. But…it suddenly made sense to… why there was a familiarity in N’deh’s face; he resembled Mo’at quite well but… Jake was no expert in Na’vi’s faces to truly see the likeness but now…he could see it. Fuck, what did the guy do that Eytukan seemed that he was unworthy to be in the clan. The Tsahìk’s brother of all people. “Err…Will you—“
“My parents do not know his presence here but I respect my uncle’s aid in helping you see our world. I will not inform them.” Neytiri assured, “I owe him that.” She took a shallow breath, closing her eyes as the sun beamed down through the crack.
Jake took the beads and slipped them into his pocket for him later. “I’ll give it to him when I next see him.” He promised.
Neytiri nodded with her eyes closed. “Thank you.”
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arcane-map · 1 year
If you want to know why this tumblr is called map of arcane eggs, it’s because there are four arcane eggs in the game and I pretend each arcane egg is for a rpieav vessel
(The one with Seer is Hollow’s. The one in the lifeblood chamber is Lost’s. Moss’s is near the shade cloak, and Ghost, lost theirs the earliest near the egg they hatched from.)
No, it makes no sense since they are information storage for void civilization long gone. But I had a weird plot point where they actually were each born holding an arcane egg, like a Chinese dragon with their dragon pearl.
Since the wiki says the egg has a will, the egg is where they store their will. Like a simple version of the voidheart. And to really become alive, the vessel has to absorb the “will” from the egg. (And vessels born without an arcane egg, without a will, would just. dissolve back into void.)
It didn’t really do anything for the rpieav au other than show that the Deepnest vessels also have fully formed wills and were alive out there somewhere. And a crack snippet of the vessels being weirded out by Lemm raving about arcane eggs (since in human terms, it’s like, preserved placenta to them).
…anyway that’s why I have a weird tumblr name and I’m too lazy to change it
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gethighithefloor · 1 year
Summer is your worst season.
Let’s start with the basics: heat. It’s too damn hot no matter where you go, from the beach to your bed beside the fan, or the river that runs alongside your apartment. The medications that make you sane and functional take away more than your sex drive: they take your body’s own ability to regulate its temperature.
No more days of walking outside in a black hoodie, not a drop of sweat on you. High school seems like a cool, distant memory. Maybe it’s not just the meds, but the climbing temperatures and erratic weather patterns as well. Or both.
But due to this your body always hurts, you’re always sticky with sweat, and phantom pains buzz around your old surgery site. You feel like you can’t walk too much or you’ll pass out from the heat. It saps you of energy and patience, making it second, close first, for losing friends.
What they don’t understand is you teach small children for eight hours a day in unconditional classrooms. Their little bodies radiate heat, especially after recess and their hair is dripping with sweat. This is the season you repeatedly almost pass out, especially when you have your period, and have to stumble to the hallways before collapsing. They don’t understand that after shaping your body into A B C’s and singing and running around, you’re exhausted and at your limit.
Speaking of heat, here’s the next reason: your body. Once thin and light, you’re now at your heaviest, teetering the line between ‘normal weight’ and ‘overweight’ depending on the BMI chart. You’ve exchanged bikinis for one pieces, now big shirts and skirts that are waterproof or that you don’t mind getting salt water on. At least this is the season you eat the least, because food in the heat makes you sick.
Sweat clogs pores and your back is dotted with acne from it. Same under and between your boobs. Bugs are back and bite, leaving you to wonder: fuck are they mites again, or just because I sat in the grass the other day?
You feel like a beached whale dotted with barnacles, bloated and tired and ready to explode. Spill your guts everywhere, in the sand, in the ocean, on onlookers and cars and streets. Dye it all red, like your face after walking home in 90 degree weather.
Last but not least: trauma.
Apparently your body doesn’t give a shit that you spend upwards of $1,000 on therapy a year. The conclusions your brain has reached over 5 years of agonizing conversations and sobbing and screaming and laughing has stopped just there: in your brain. Not even the whole thing, just the reasoning portions.
The body holds trauma like a storage unit that will never get bid upon. February March April May you remain, for the most part, light hearted and reassuring to everyone around you. You might have the same work schedule but your body is cooler and nothing of note has happened in the past that rocks your body with anxiety and deep sorrow.
June comes, and with it a constant nausea, from the heat and your birthday. Despite everyone looking forward to theirs, you almost wish yours would go by like a whisper, barely heard nor recognized. But the child in you screams in delight at birthdays past, with treasure chest cakes and water sprinklers and wrapped presents. The young adult and teenage you curls up in fear and self hate, feeling unworthy of anything, screaming and sobbing when you get $200 from grandma. You thought you’d gotten past it, flaunt fake confidence in front of others and say ‘it’s my birthday and I’m important!’ For a laugh or a smile and eye roll. They think you really feel this way. You don’t. You hate it. You don’t want to get older. You don’t want the attention you don’t deserve.
Being born is not a celebration for you. The gift of life you never asked for and tried so many times to throw away. A wretched, fetid present, a box filled with placenta and umbilical cord crawling with maggots and fat biting flies. The gift of life. What a joke. It’s the responsibility of life. The burden of life. The sometimes-joy of life.
June is when you were kicked out. When your goods were smashed on the blacktop, and your mother screamed to get out of her sight. June is when you packed your life into a backpack and lived out of that for weeks until you found a temporary home in your managers guest room. Than some sofas. Then your first apartment. Your body remembers the fight and flight, even if it’s dull. A blade is still a blade, even if its edge no longer shines and is filled with nicks and cracks. It can still hurt. It still hurts.
It’s an unknowable ache that holds onto you until July, like a tick ripped off but its head remains.
So, summer is your worst season. You were born in it, you were cast away in it. You sweat and bake in it, you bite your skin and slam your head in it. You run along sand and ocean in it. You cover your body in it. You tremble with weakness in it. Fuck summer. Fuck summer. Fuck summer.
You hate summer.
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moleculardepot · 6 days
Ferritin from Placenta (Native Human)
Ferritin from Placenta (Native Human) Catalog number: B2016884 Lot number: Batch Dependent Expiration Date: Batch dependent Amount: 1 mg Molecular Weight or Concentration: ~450 kDa Supplied as: Solution Applications: a molecular tool for various biochemical applications Storage: 2-8°C Keywords: Native Human Ferritin placenta Grade: Biotechnology grade. All products are highly pure. All solutions…
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third-floor-garden · 2 months
the first bite (aka jalapeño time)
today, my mom and i decided to make ground beef tacos for dinner. it's a cheap, yummy dish that's easy to make and satisfies our desire for tasty (but still pretty simple) food.
and then i realized...
my jalapeños are ripe for the picking.
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could they hang on a bit longer? yes. but were they at a good stage for picking? i figured they were. nice length, good color. perhaps the tiniest bit of corking.
so i waited until the evening when we were starting the meat, and...
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this lovely fellow popped off quite easily (he actually fell once i untangled his stem from his brother's lol), then i brought him inside.
since our good knives are in storage right now, we bought some cheap paring knives at the grocery store. not ideal for the mincing i wanted to do, but they would work well enough.
however... i realized i'm not that great at chopping things. probably because i'm never in the kitchen, so i never have a need to chop things... but that didn't stop me from trying! i was able to remove the seeds and placenta successfully, at the very least. (and i remembered to wear gloves!)
my mom ended up stepping in to get the pieces a bit smaller, then i gleefully tossed them into the meat. she then added our usual seasoning mix, and it all looked like this:
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the seasoning itself usually smells great, but with the added jalapeño scent? wonderful. (this is before the water was added for the seasoning - we weren't eating dust, i promise)
then it was TACO TIME ❗❗❗
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you may assume that i'm a cheese fiend... and you'd be right. unfortunately, i was so excited to dig in that i didn't get a good shot showing off the veggies mixed in (you can see a tiny bit of green), so this isn't the best representation of the meal, but rest assured, these fellas were stuffed with lil pepper bits!
and it was DELICIOUS. the jalapeño bits complemented the seasoning very well - adding just a teensy bit of spice but not standing out too much. my mom sure noticed because the peppers made her nose start running!
even though it didn't affect the taste as much as i expected (probably because there were no seeds or placenta), it was still really yummy. and i'm really, REALLY proud of myself for eating something that i grew. it feels really fulfilling! it's a great feeling.
i'm nice and full now, satisfied with our speedy little supper. and i'm very happy because this is the first step on my journey to eat better by growing my own ingredients! i think this was a great success, and i can't wait to cook with more of my peppers! 🌶♥
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themomsandthecity · 3 months
Should You Bank Your Baby's Cord Blood? Here's What the Experts Say
Pregnancy can be a time of great joy and excitement, but it can also be a period of infinitely increased anxiety. Everywhere you look, you're inundated by information about how best to set your new baby up for lifelong health and happiness, and the sheer volume of intel can be overwhelming. One consideration that often comes up - especially in social media ads, if the algorithm is wise to your pregnancy - is whether or not to engage in a practice called "cord blood banking." Cord blood banking refers to the practice of saving and storing blood from the umbilical cord and placenta after a baby is born. That blood contains stem cells that may be used to help treat certain conditions that your baby could develop down the road. That may seem like a huge perk - but cord blood banking is expensive, and some of the therapeutic uses are still theoretical. So is cord blood banking really worth it? It's a question many parents-to-be end up having as their due date looms. So we spoke to experts and put together this primer to help you decide whether or not cord blood banking is right for you and your baby. What Is Cord Blood? You're likely familiar with the umbilical cord, which connects the baby to the placenta in order to provide them with nutrition, antibodies, and oxygen. According to Joanne Kurtzberg, MD, a pediatric hematologist-oncologist at Duke University Medical Center and expert in cord blood therapies, the term "cord blood" refers to leftover blood in the umbilical cord and placenta after a baby is born. This blood is "special" because it contains hematopoietic stem cells, which have the ability to turn into various types of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. These cells are crucial for the formation of blood and the immune system. "Cord blood contains blood stem cells which can be used as a donor for bone marrow (or hematopoietic cell) transplantation," Dr. Kurtzberg says. "Cord blood also contains other types of cells which may be used, in research protocols, to manufacture other therapies to treat cancer or other diseases." The bone marrow and blood of adults also contain these types of stem cells, but those found in cord blood are more desirable for therapeutic use because they're considered "immunologically naive," meaning they haven't been exposed to infections that may make them more likely to attack a transplant recipient's body. What Is Cord Blood Banking? Banking is the collection, processing, freezing, and storage of cord blood. After a baby is born and the cord has been cut, Dr. Kurtzberg says leftover blood from the umbilical cord and placenta can be collected, processed, and frozen away for later use in blood stem cell transplantation. There are two types of banks that collect and store cord blood. Public banks are nonprofits that take in cord blood by donation. The donated blood is then put on a national registry and made available for use by anyone in need. (If you later want to use cord blood for your child, you wouldn't be able to request their own cord blood if it was donated to a public bank.) More often, expectant parents hear about private banks, which are paid to collect individual cord blood for potential personal future use. Since cord blood must be collected within 10 to 15 minutes of a child's birth, banking has to be decided upon prior to giving birth; ideally, you'd begin talking about it with your doctor about three months before your due date, according to the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA). You can ask your healthcare provider for bank recommendations, then contact the bank for a cord blood collection kit that will be used by your doctor, nurse, or midwife after delivery. How Much Does Cord Blood Banking Cost? Public banking is free. Private banking, on the other hand, can cost between $1,350 and $2,350 for collecting, testing, and registering the blood. Annual storage fees typically… https://www.popsugar.com/family/what-is-cord-blood-banking-pros-cons-49346777?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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iruchakalyan · 4 months
The Global Cord Blood Banking Services Market was valued at USD 33.8 Billion in 2023 and is estimated to reach USD 65.9 Billion by 2033, growing at a CAGR of 7.9 % from 2024 to 2033
Cord Blood contains a very rich source of stem cells that can treat more than 80 diseases. This is the process of collecting life-saving stem cells placenta and umbilical cord and storing them for future use. These stem cells can be used in treating chronic diseases such as blood disease, cancer, diabetes, immune disease, and genetic disorders. These cells are mainly collected from hospitals, and nursing homes and are stored in a cord blood bank for future use up to 25 years. The government has taken the initiative to support research and clinical trials of cord blood stem cells, this support is driving the interest of investment from healthcare companies and commercialization of cord blood stem cell therapies. Moreover, the rise in autoimmune diseases and rising awareness of therapeutics of stem cells are propelling the growth of the market.
The technical improvement in stem cell research and development, storage procedure, and cryopreservation techniques is giving new opportunities to key players to invest in this Cord Blood Banking Service Market.
Furthermore, the rising prices for storing cord blood banking may restrict the market. A patient has to pay for storing and maintenance charges yearly and health insurance companies do not cover cord blood banking which hinders the growth of the market to expand in the forecast period. In 2022, FemiCord group said that within Europe the number of cord banks had dropped by more than 1/3rd over the past decade.
The rising awareness of cord blood stem cell therapy are major factor that drives the market growth. For instance, the automated processing and storage of cord blood has improved the cost and customer convenience.
Economic Impact of Covid-19:
The analysis of the COVID-19 recovery trajectory provides an overview of the main strategies that industries are implementing to respond to and recover from the economic crisis. It also focuses on the post-pandemic and pre-pan\demic era of the Global Cord Blood Banking Services Market through PEST analysis, SWOT, Quantitative and Qualitative analysis, Attractive analysis, and DROs. Innovations by market players and an increasing number of products will propel the growth of this market.
The COVID-19 outbreak has affected the growth of this market due to the lockdown and this delay in the supply and collection of cord blood that is used to treat disease.  The number of chronic patients increasing day by day is the major restraining factor of the Cord Blood Banking Services Market.
Key Players:
StemCyte Inc.
BrainStorm Cell Limited
Celgene Corporation
Cryo-Cell International
Cordlife Group Limited
Singapore Cord Blood Bank
Cryo-Save Group AV
Cord Blood America Inc.
CBR Systems Inc.
ViaCord Inc
China Cord Blood Corporation
AMAG Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Americord Registry LLC
Esperite N.V.
Know More- https://nexbindinsight.com/pharmaceutical-and-healthcare/the-global-cord-blood-banking-services-market-was-valued-at
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k00294094 · 4 months
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Fashion Workshop Week 2
I began the week by looking into the dangers microplastics pose to children and babies, even during their formation in the womb. Microplastics can be passed from the mother to the foetus through the placenta, the movement of such materials threatening immune health, digestive issues and development of the brain from such an early development stage.
Microplastics can also be introduced to a baby within plastic bottles, teething devices, soothers, breast milk plastic storage bags and plastic toys. Using these visuals I created stencils of each object as well as placing deformed plastic bottles around the print.
Instructions such as “Keep away from children”, “Caution”, “WARNING” and “Danger”, are commonly printed onto plastic packaging due to the potential suffocation risks. On the other hand, I wanted these words to also represent the danger of microplastics toward children & babies.
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lifeforcestemcell · 6 months
Unlocking the Potential of Umbilical Cord Stem Cells: Pros, Cons, and Promising Uses
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Umbilical cord stem cells have emerged as a revolutionary source of regenerative medicine, holding immense potential for treating various medical conditions. These cells, collected from the umbilical cord and placenta after childbirth, are rich in hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells. As with any medical advancement, the use of umbilical cord stem cells comes with its own set of pros, cons, and exciting applications.
Rich Source of Stem Cells: Umbilical cord stem cells are abundant in both hematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells. These cells have the unique ability to differentiate into various cell types, making them valuable for regenerating tissues, organs, and blood.
Ethical Considerations: Unlike embryonic stem cells, which raise ethical concerns, umbilical cord stem cells are harvested from the discarded placenta and umbilical cord after childbirth, posing no ethical dilemmas.
Reduced Risk of Transmissible Diseases: Compared to adult stem cells, umbilical cord stem cells have a lower risk of transmitting infections or diseases, making them a safer option for transplantation.
Improved Graft-versus-Host Disease (GvHD) Management: Studies suggest that the risk of GvHD, a common complication in stem cell transplantation, is lower with umbilical cord stem cells. This makes them a preferable choice for patients in need of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Limited Quantity: The quantity of stem cells obtained from the umbilical cord is relatively small compared to other sources. This limitation may affect the treatment of larger patients or those requiring multiple doses.
Restricted Match Availability: Finding a suitable match for transplantation can be challenging, as the donor's tissue type must closely match that of the recipient. This limitation may hinder widespread use.
Limited Storage Time: Umbilical cord blood must be processed and stored promptly after collection to ensure cell viability. Delayed processing or storage can compromise the quality and effectiveness of the stem cells.
Blood Disorders: Umbilical cord stem cells are commonly used in treating various blood disorders, such as leukemia and sickle cell anemia, through hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
Regenerative Medicine: These cells hold promise for regenerating damaged tissues and organs, offering hope for conditions like spinal cord injuries, heart diseases, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Immunotherapy: The unique properties of umbilical cord stem cells make them a potential resource for developing personalized immunotherapies, enhancing the body's ability to fight cancer and other diseases.
Umbilical cord stem cells represent a remarkable advancement in medical science, offering numerous advantages while posing some challenges. As research continues, addressing the limitations and maximizing the potential of these cells could pave the way for groundbreaking treatments, bringing us closer to a future where regenerative medicine transforms the landscape of healthcare.
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cryovaultstemcell · 8 months
What is Stem Cell Banking, and Why Should You Consider It?
Preparing for the arrival of your new baby, you might be thinking about all the preparations for baby safety & care, such as decorating the nursery, picking out baby clothes, and searching for baby gear. But the most important decision that many parents overlook is whether or not to bank their baby's stem cells. Stem cell banking is a process of collecting and storing stem cells from cord blood and tissue, which can potentially be used to treat diseases or conditions later in life. We'll explore the benefits of stem cell banking, the different types of stem cells, and how stem cells are collected. As an expected parent, You might be super excited to consider making the right decisions for the arrival of your new baby. You might be thinking of giving polio dosage, nutrition food, and other vaccines for baby health, which are good choices to add. Still, as parents of newborns, you and also you should consider stem cell storage, which can potentially be used to treat diseases or conditions later in life. CryoVault can help you. Why Should You Consider Stem Cell Banking? Stem cell banking is considered "biological insurance" for your child and your family. Stem Cell Banking Offers to treat critical health conditions such as cancers, blood disorders, immune system disorders, and other chronic disease. If any member of the family or family member (directly connected bloodline) is diagnosed with a condition that can be treated with stem cell therapy, having stem cell storage can save time, money, and emotional stress. Additionally, stem cell research is continually evolving, so there may be new therapies and treatments developed in the future that can benefit your family. Types of Stem Cells There are two main types of stem cells: hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). HSCs are found in cord blood and can develop into all types of blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. MSCs are found in cord tissue and umbilical cord Wharton's jelly and can develop into a variety of different tissues, including bone, muscle, and cartilage. Both HSCs and MSCs have unique properties that make them valuable for potential therapies. Stem Cell Collection Stem cells are collected from cord blood and cord tissue shortly after birth. The collection process is painless and does not harm the baby or mother. After the baby is delivered, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, and the blood remaining in the cord and placenta is collected using a special kit. The cord tissue is also collected using a separate kit, which includes a small piece of the umbilical cord and the Wharton's jelly. The collected samples are then transported to a stem cell bank, where they are processed, and stem cell preservation is done under strict conditions. Conclusion Stem cell banking is a valuable investment in your child's health and your family's future. By collecting and storing stem cells, you are giving your family a potentially life-saving resource. Whether you have a family history of certain conditions or want to ensure your child's health in the future, stem cell banking is a smart decision for your child's future and your family's health. Contact CryoVault to take the first step in safeguarding your child's future or to learn more about the process and how to get started. 
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phonemantra-blog · 8 months
Benefits of Cord Blood Banking Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the benefits of cord blood banking. In this article, we will explore the advantages of storing cord blood for future use and how it can potentially revolutionize medical treatments. Cord blood banking offers a unique opportunity to preserve a valuable resource that can be used to treat a variety of diseases and conditions. What is Cord Blood Banking? Cord blood banking involves the collection and storage of the blood found in the umbilical cord and placenta after a baby is born. This blood is rich in stem cells, which have the remarkable ability to develop into different types of cells in the body. By storing cord blood, these valuable stem cells can be preserved for potential use in future medical treatments. The Advantages of Cord Blood Banking There are several key advantages to cord blood banking: Potential Treatment for Diseases Cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells, which can be used to treat various diseases and disorders, including certain types of cancers, blood disorders, and immune system disorders. These stem cells can be transplanted into patients to replace damaged or diseased cells, offering a potential cure or significant improvement in their condition. Compatibility Unlike bone marrow transplants, cord blood stem cells are less likely to be rejected by the recipient's body. This is because cord blood stem cells are more adaptable and have a lower risk of graft-versus-host disease, a common complication in traditional transplants. Additionally, cord blood can be a suitable match for siblings and other family members, increasing the chances of finding a compatible donor. Easy Collection Process Collecting cord blood is a simple, painless, and non-invasive procedure that poses no risk to the mother or the baby. After the baby is born, the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, and the remaining blood is collected using a special kit. This process takes only a few minutes and can be done in any hospital or birthing center. Future Medical Advancements Medical research and advancements in stem cell therapies are constantly evolving. By banking cord blood, you are ensuring that you have a valuable resource that may become even more significant in the future. As scientists continue to explore the potential of stem cells, your stored cord blood could open up new treatment possibilities. [caption id="attachment_71399" align="aligncenter" width="2560"] benefits of cord blood banking[/caption] Cord blood banking offers numerous benefits, from potential life-saving treatments to increased compatibility and ease of collection. By banking your baby's cord blood, you are investing in their future health and well-being. As medical science progresses, the value of cord blood may continue to grow, making it an invaluable resource for your family. Consider cord blood banking as a proactive step towards securing a healthier future. Frequently Asked Questions about the Benefits of Cord Blood Banking 1. What is cord blood banking? Cord blood banking is the process of collecting and storing the blood from a newborn baby's umbilical cord for future medical use. 2. What are the benefits of cord blood banking? The benefits of cord blood banking include: It can be used to treat various diseases and conditions, such as leukemia, lymphoma, and certain genetic disorders. It provides a source of stem cells that can be used for transplantation. It is readily available and can be collected without any harm to the baby or the mother. It offers a higher chance of a suitable match for family members compared to other sources of stem cells. 3. How is cord blood collected? Cord blood is collected immediately after the baby's birth. The umbilical cord is clamped and cut, and then the blood is drawn into a collection bag. 4. Is cord blood banking safe? Yes, cord blood banking is considered safe. The collection process is non-invasive and does not pose any risks to the baby or the mother. 5. Can cord blood be used for the baby's treatments? Yes, cord blood can be used for the baby's treatments if they develop certain diseases or conditions in the future. 6. How long can cord blood be stored? Cord blood can be stored for many years, typically up to 20-25 years or even longer, depending on the storage facility. 7. What happens if I decide not to bank my baby's cord blood? If you choose not to bank your baby's cord blood, it will be discarded as medical waste. 8. Is cord blood banking covered by insurance? Some insurance plans may cover the cost of cord blood banking, but it is recommended to check with your insurance provider for specific details. 9. Can cord blood banking be done for multiple births? Yes, cord blood banking can be done for each baby born in multiple births, as long as the cord blood is collected individually. 10. How much does cord blood banking cost? The cost of cord blood banking varies depending on the bank and the type of storage option chosen. It typically involves an initial fee for collection and processing, followed by an annual storage fee.
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