plagger · 1 year
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Lewd handholding real
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tekkenjournalist · 4 months
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Harada is ready to punish the plaggers
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ifindus · 2 years
Oh yeah my bad💀 i probably should've said fossegrimmen instead of nøkken😭 i grew up learning about nøkken as a cryptic monster, but mostly just the version where he is a young, beautiful man with long hair (that he stole from one of his female victims) playing the fiddle luring kids for him to drown😳 I find the duality with Norwegian folklore a bit funny 'cause like
we have the creatures who are haunting beautiful/or creature who plays the fiddle haunting beautiful like; huldra, fossegrimmen, nøkken(only the human version of it), the devil (from the fanitull saga)🥰
and then we have... the big and scary ones like; troll (not all of them), kraken, draugen💀
And then we have the small, unhinged creatures like nisser😭
While we're on the topic about folklore creatures, which creatures do you think Nor would get along with the most?? I think he would get along pretty nicely with fjøsnisse maybe? (Nor hadde sekkert hatt litt beef med nissa siden døm hører itte alltid og kan være ganske stae😭) (og sorry for at je plagger deg sækkelig med dette, er bære at det itte hær dag man finn norske hetalia fans💀)
It's incredible all these forms Nøkken can take - from beautiful man, a great white horse, and the cryptid monster of organic material - all essantially made to ward people off dangerous still inland waters. Nøkken and Fossegrimen often get confused as well, or interchanged.
I loooove Norwegian folklore 😩 cause it's so true what you say about the duality of it, and also how they all have differnt goals and motivations etc. (I can never really get used to Draugen being a sea creature because all my life my dad has always scared me with dodraugen på utedassen so that's all I know😭)
Nor would absolutely befriend fjøsnissen!! I would think he'd have a kind of neighbourly relation to tussan/haugfolket/de underjordiske as well, with all the stories of them asking for help and befriending humans. Though they might have tried to curse him at some point, and he would have had to make it up to them again. I can see him getting those fiddle lessons from the Fossegrim as well 👀 litt spekeskinke tre torsdaga på rad 👌 åsså, null stress 😭 fantastisk å få spørsmål fra nordmenn - bli litt meir kulturell kontekst læll 💖 ælske dialækta di btw
His friend in canon really shouldn't be the troll, as they usually kidnap humans and/or kill them, and they're really someone we have to fight. I remember my dad would tell us stories growing up about a troll living in the mountain behind our cabin -even if it would scare the shit out of us, I loved it
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muznew · 6 months
Nothing But... Dubstep Selections, Vol. 24
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-12-06 Tracklist : CRYDITS - Under Rain Last Ronin - Dimension Plagger - Like This Nacho Molina - Invictus Tokerhail - Sunset Mr.Magicall - Drowning XSTINCT - Surreal TwoDB - Bigga XYLENE - Critical Point Danny Darko - Freedom Roman Naboka - Reality Robots Ready or Not - Kill Them All Swack - Time's Up! APACHE & RADA - BLS Tsu Bace - Drop The Bomb Dayne Alexander - WGT Platypus - Ground BLVRR - Pickle Chin True Justice - Poison Rikrik - Zone Out Tik&Borrow - Sable Yago Boss - Planet Wars 2 Luthfi Syach - Without You Inertia - Counteraction Royall - Song Of The Yaybahar   Download FileCat Read the full article
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djmusicbest · 6 months
Nothing But... Dubstep Selections, Vol. 24
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  DATE CREATED: 2023-12-06 Tracklist : CRYDITS - Under Rain Last Ronin - Dimension Plagger - Like This Nacho Molina - Invictus Tokerhail - Sunset Mr.Magicall - Drowning XSTINCT - Surreal TwoDB - Bigga XYLENE - Critical Point Danny Darko - Freedom Roman Naboka - Reality Robots Ready or Not - Kill Them All Swack - Time's Up! APACHE & RADA - BLS Tsu Bace - Drop The Bomb Dayne Alexander - WGT Platypus - Ground BLVRR - Pickle Chin True Justice - Poison Rikrik - Zone Out Tik&Borrow - Sable Yago Boss - Planet Wars 2 Luthfi Syach - Without You Inertia - Counteraction Royall - Song Of The Yaybahar   Download FileCat Read the full article
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sandboy · 1 year
Andare a vedere il concerto/cabaret/spettacolo di #NinoFrassica & Los Plaggers Band è come abbandonarsi a una serata di un particolarissimo villaggio vacanze dove la musica scorre a fiumi, e non di semplice piano bar stiamo parlando...
Andare a vedere il concerto/cabaret/spettacolo di Nino Frassica & Los Plaggers Band (tour cominciato nel 2000 che per contratto si concluderà nel 3000, disco in arrivo nelle migliori farmacie a soli 5euro con tanto di mountain bike dotata di cambio Shimano) è come abbandonarsi a una serata di un particolarissimo villaggio vacanze dove la musica scorre a fiumi, e non di semplice piano bar stiamo…
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angiolinobenedetti · 2 years
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*🎭 STAGIONE TEATRALE _"SIFASERA"_* Il Teatro del Viale propone anche quest'anno una rassegna di eventi spettacolari ad Orzinuovi! ‼️ *NINO FRASSICA & Los Plaggers Band* 📆 *SABATO 14 MAGGIO* 🕘 ore *21.00* 📍 *Palazzetto dello Sport* in via Lonato 🎟️ Biglietti in prevendita presso la Cartolibreria Gardoni (piazza Vittorio Emanuele II) o su teatrodelviale.it #stagioneteatrale #TeatroDelViale #Orzinuovi #AssessoratoAllaCultura (presso Orzinuovi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdaSPV-goBN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sumitsharma03 · 4 years
Top 10 Algorithms which Google Crawler followed in last Decade, by Sumit Sharma
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Google is updating its algorithms almost every Year. Some changes are minute & some are so effective that it change the Google SERP drastically. SERP means Search Engine Response Page.
Since 2011, we have seen 10 major Algorithms which affected the Website’s Rankings & Traffic. Some Sites which were topping the tally with following one algorithm, all of a sudden, fell into ‘No Data’ zone when another algorithm came in the picture. Lets check these 10 Algorithms which came in the last decade:
Panda Algorithm
Penguin Algorithm
Pigeon Algorithm
Mobile or Mobilegaddon
RankBrain Algorithm
Possum Algorithm
Fred Algoithm
Google EAT &
Google BERT
Recently, In Jan 2020, Google Broad Core Algorithm has come with an update about ‘Featured Snippet’. What are these Algorithms, when they were introduced & what were the loopholes in these Algorithms. Lets Check it out.
Ist Algorithm which came in the picture was Panda. It came in Feb 2011. It used to give high rating to the websites on the basis of Quality Score. If your Website has PA (Page Authority) good, it ranked your website high in Google Searches. In Jan 2016, this Algorithm was obsolete because of 4 Factors:
Keyword Stuffing
2nd Algorithm which came into picture was Penguin. It came in April 2012. It was targetting over-optimized text. It was downgrading those sites which had Manipulative Links. If we take the example of India Vs New Zealand. If someone creates a post targeting India vs New Zealand One Day Series. He writes post’s Title, Description, Tags, Alt Txt Image, Keywords, Snippet, Body of the post targetting ‘India Vs New Zealand Series’ and write altogether a different story after that, which has no link to this Context; Still Google will show this page in the rankings. That was the loophole and by Late 2016, this Algorithm was also obsolete.
For Complete Post: http://www.buddhaslearning.com/top-10-algorithms-which-google-crawler-followed-in-last-decade-by-sumit-sharma/
Watch video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o09y905f5GM
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“「(Plaggerの作者の)Miyagawaさんは初心者が使えないように依存関係が多くなるように作った」という噂” -
Plaggerをインストール…、できませんでした。 - suztomoの日記 (via whitebell) (via iskw) (via gkojax)
(via tsupo) (via wideangle) (via cxx) (via markie) (via kuenishi) (via sakurasakuras)
(via otsune) (via mitaimon) (via yuco)
(via gkojax)
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plagger · 11 months
Vin and Elend would TOTALLY go to Barbenheimer if they could
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redazionecultura · 6 years
Cortona Mix Festival - 7a edizione: "Le parole sono importanti"
Cortona Mix Festival – 7a edizione: “Le parole sono importanti”
Le parole sono un po’ come l’aria che respiriamo: indispensabili, sempre presenti e spesso date per scontate. Che siano discorsi nella quotidianità o monologhi interiori, testi di libri, canzoni o pièce teatrali, battute di un film o confidenze segrete, le parole determinano il nostro destino. È con questa consapevolezza che il Cortona Mix Festival ha scelto il suo tema: “Le parole sono…
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kimihito · 4 years
IFTTT 有料になるし Plagger 使おうぜ。— mattn (@mattn_jp) September 11, 2020
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doxampage · 5 years
10 Stunning 3D Prints in Polyamide (SLS)
Polyamide (SLS) is the all-rounder when it comes to 3D printing materials. It can be used for hand-painted sculptures, tech gadget prototypes, stunning fashion and jewelry design, or even pieces of art. Since this nylon plastic comes in 26 different finishes and can be used so universally, we thought it was about time to pay attention to some of its outstanding designs. Take a look at the 10 coolest polyamide objects we ahve created in our 3D printers . 
1. Sculptures by Danny van Ryswyk
If you’ve been following i.materialise closely, chances are you’ve already heard of Danny van Ryswyk’s incredible 3D printed sculptures. His designs are 3D printed in polished Polyamide and then hand-painted by the master himself. He even wrote a tutorial on how to paint Polyamide prints right here.
This 3D printed boat is another example of how to paint a polyamide model if you are a 3D printing beginner.
2. Jewelry & Fashion by Francesca Paolin
Asian cultures, African tribes, long-forgotten memories and adventurous dreams: Italian fashion and jewelry designer Francesca Paolin creates one-of-a-kind 3D printed jewelry collections. Instead of choosing conventional materials like precious metals for her designs, Francesca surprises us with colorful 3D prints in Polyamide. Read on to learn more about her refreshing fusion-designs in our blog post here.
3. Pieces of Art by Drzach & Suchy
Swiss designer duo Drzach & Suchy have surprised us with a 3D printed art piece like no other. After the stunning 3D printed shadow art that they printed with us, we were really excited about their next project: a 3D printed haiku in Polyamide that is only visible in water. Sounds intriguing? Take a look at the video below or read our dedicated blog post here
4. Tech Gadgets by Jermo Ikonen
Jarmo Ikonen’s ‘Flexbone’ is an iPod Shuffle accessory, which makes training and listening to music even more enjoyable. Flexbone also makes training safer, by getting rid of earbud cords. And it also gives you even better control of the Shuffle because of its separated control buttons. This product is a great example of one of the many advantages of 3D printed Polyamide: if the wall thickness of your print is relatively thin, this material becomes somewhat flexible and therefore perfect for wearables and iPhone cases.
5. Prototypes by HelloWiKey
After enduring several stolen and lost USB flash drives, the team behind startup “HelloWiKey” decided to build a device that would keep all your private files safe and secure and that would always be with you: the WiKey. You can read the entire prototyping story of this startup on our blog. To create their prototype, Polyamide was the perfect choice:
“We found out that 3D printing is the most affordable method to use when doing rapid prototyping. We used the Polyamide Priority option here at i.materialise and were surprised with the high level of quality and accuracy. The model was done within 48 hours and it took only 12 hours to ship it from Belgium to Bosnia. Because we had a really tight deadline, we needed the model to get to us as soon as possible.”
6. Education: Fossils by Dr. Roger Close
Dr. Roger Close, Postdoctoral Research Associate and vertebrate paleobiologist at the University of Oxford’s Department of Earth Sciences, printed a 160 million-year-old fossil with our 3D printing services, based on an CT scan.
“The best thing about having a 3D print of the fossil was that I could show the specimen off to colleagues and friends—virtually everyone who saw it was amazed, particularly when they heard that the Polyamide print had only cost a tenner!”
7. Furniture Parts by Simon Philips
21-year old Simon Philips uses his passion for mathematical geometry and the power of Polyamide 3D printing to create one-of-a-kind tables. Simon had to consider many factors like flexibility, strength, price cost and durability when searching for the right material. After comparing some materials and doing a few tests on them, it was clear that Polyamide was the perfect material to use for his furniture design.
8. Home Décor Items by Michiel Cornelissen
‘ZooM’ by Michiel Cornelissen is a functional and surprising 3D-printed lamp. Created as a programmable object in generative design software, ZooM’s structure is made up of hundreds of repeating elements that together form a series of interlocking spirals. An example of ‘4D printing’, ZooM starts life completely assembled and flat packed – folding it out to its final shape never ceases to amaze. This is a great example of another upside of Polyamide: printing moving and interlocking parts in one go isn’t a problem!
9. Large-Scale Prints by Architect Se Yoon Park
Armed with the knowledge of 3D modeling and 3D printing, a background in architecture, and the will to liberate his creative mind, Korean designer Se Yoon Park has created a stunning art installation made up of 3D-printed trees. His work imitates the organic structure of trees and consists of many small geometric elements. Dive into the world of “Light, Darkness, and the Tree” in our blog post.
10. 3D Puzzles by Oskar van Deventer
If you think that a Rubik’s Cube is just a puzzle with 3x3x3 fields, then you haven’t heard of Oskar van Deventer yet. Thanks to his design skills and the use Polyamide 3D printing, these fiendishly twisty puzzles can now exist in any imaginable shape or size. Read on to meet the designer of the world’s largest and toughest Rubik’s Cube.
11. Articulated Cube 5 by Kurt Plagger
We add an extra 3D print in polyamide to the list to show an impressive object. Incredible, but true, this small 3D printed cubes were printed in one single piece. The designer Kurt Plagger connected laser sintering technology with his extreme modeling skills to 3D print this unique object.
Thanks to its smart design, this cube doesn’t need glue, screws or any manually attached parts to stay together. Know more about Kurt Plagger on this interview.
If you want to learn more about the technology behind Polyamide 3D printing, take a look at this page where we explain how Laser Sintering works. If you have a 3D model that you want to send to our industrial 3D printers, simply upload it here for an instant price quote.
Polyamide (SLS) is also available in a wide range of colors and finishes!
Featured image © Roberta de Min
10 Stunning 3D Prints in Polyamide (SLS) published first on https://getyourprintingcompanies.tumblr.com/
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meorellano · 5 years
Débora Plagger sin desperdicios... (en Lincoln, Buenos Aires) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsv-j7vgV6rUPnBH5YkzA-gWFdA4aQP71-QHsA0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hslh6hewbzh
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miraculouseven · 7 years
To anyone who still visits us, I’m so sorry for not updating our fanfic in sooooo long... Me back in school hasn’t been kind on my leisure time, so I end up sometimes even weeks without communicating with NightsongR. I do assure you however, that we are still working on it, and that I just finished hell week (month rather), meaning I can finally get back to work with the fic! Thank you so much for keeping in touch, and hopefully you’ll get to see some new content soon. Cheers! ~Plaggerism
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sumitsharma03 · 4 years
2 Major Google Updates in January 2020
In January 2020, 2 Major Updates by Google. Google Data Centers have started following them. And in a couple of months, we can see their impact world wide. First Update came on 13th January, 2020 which was Google Broad core update where your website ranking will be based on 6 major factors and these are Uniqueness, Relevancy, Recently Updated, No Plaggerism, No Keyword Stuffing & Expertise. If your Website fits on these, No update can hamper your rankings.
Second Big update came with Danny Sullivan's Tweet on 22nd January, 2020 where he stated that if your Website is organically topping the Tally then your Website URL will be shown in the Right side or on the top with the snippet window. Once you appear in featured snippet, you will not be shown again on the first page of google. This created a storm in the Website Promotion Giants.
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