#plan on writing again soooon
iron-bullogna · 7 months
if you're into durgetash can y'all like this so I can check out your blog I need new blood
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sweetlikesummerhoney · 3 months
Hiii I love your writing style literally so much! I was wondering what exactly you are planning on writing next or who you plan on writing next.👀
🤭 finished transformers prime so… thinking about synth en ratchet 🤫
got one more week of finals before I’m free so cross my heart and hope to die that I’ll be able to write again soooon.
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analogwriting · 8 months
THEYRE ALIVE YESSS OMG 😭😭😭😭 i knew u wouldnt kill them off 💔💔 i wouldve cried fr fr.. also i couldnt write a message this morning again bcuz I ended up oversleeping oopsies 💀
ANYWAYSSSS ITS KILLERS BIRTHDAY YAYYYYY!!! I actually didnt know it was his birthday today until YESTERDAY. So like. Coincidence I got my killer drawing done just in time… i wasnt planning on posting it but now I feel obligated to do so as a celebration 😭
AND 2 NEW CHAPTERS!! WOOO!!!! I’m so happy theyre all ok, ESPECIALLY dive and the others 💔 if they died I wouldnt be ok, the scene where they were all sleeping w us was so cute hehehe
and eustass LMAO hes a bit too prideful to admit that he needs to rest, still love him tho 😭💔 sibling eustass grew on me soo much like hes so fit to be a younger brother LOL if u do end up making another killer fic sometime, ill gladly eat up the sibling dynamic again… u write him so well and the dynamic just makes it better 🥹
BUT IM DYING AT THE CLIFFHANGER AGAIN NOOOO 💔💔 at least its a good thing, but hes finally awake and you cliffhang us 😔 im ready to confess already LMAO
-long rant anon
yessss they're all aliiiive. I could never kill anyone off. they're my comfort characters - I would be a MONSTER 💀 (oversleeping is so valid. get some rest babes frfr it's important the chapters and i will be here ✋)
subconsciously you knew. you had to get it done. FOR HIM ☝️❤️ (i wanna seeee 👉👈)
i might always do the sibling troupe with eustass in my killer fics bc tbh it's fun to bully him 💀 (love u kid i swearr) and it's also just fun to write sibling banter too bc he's PERFECT for it. shithead. love him.
EHEHE IT'LL ALL TIE UP SOOOON (ive already scrapped and rewritten it three times so that's how that's going djfkdkf)
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theringers · 3 years
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heart of gold - chapter two / pg
a/n: hi y’all, sorry this was so delayed, i’ve been consumed by illicit affairs and other writing but here’s the second chapter
it’s more of an intro to andie but things will pick up soooon
warnings: alcohol mentions, story is 18+ and will be NSFW
Andie took a deep breath in and stood still, staring at her reflection in the elevator doors. This was weird for her. She wasn't supposed to be home yet. She thought about turning right around and staying with a friend for a few days while she figured things out, but she finally built up the courage to press the button.
She wasn't prepared for the look on her mother and father's faces when she walked out of the elevator and into the kitchen. They were probably having dinner right now and that was the prime location for forced conversation.
She spent the ride up to the penthouse breathing in slowly, and breathing out even slower. If she learned anything from her years of therapy, it was how to breathe properly when you're stressed. If you can't remember a single thing a therapist told you, at least you could remember to breathe.
It dinged at the top floor and the doors opened wide, her family's apartment looking just as perfect as it always did. Her dad immediately stood up from the table and walked to greet the guest. "Alexandra?" He asked, confused. He looked the same as when she left, but his black hair now had much more grey running through it. "I didn't expect you back until the end of the summer." She couldn't quite figure out his reaction. Was he disappointed that she was home? Especially after Andie had promised that she wouldn't be back to New York for a year at least.
"Arthur, who is at the door?" Andie's mom asked from the table, her posh accent making Andie smile.
Genevieve Keaton, the matriarch of the family, rose to fame in the 80s as a renowned fashion designer. She was always years ahead of trends. She started the trends. Regardless of how many people rolled their eyes at her in the beginning, she stuck with it and laughed at them when they showed up to a gala in one of her designs years later. Everyone knows you don't wear last year's designs and especially not designs from many years ago.
Andie always wanted to work in fashion. It was kind of a given with the Keaton name. But Andie was stubborn. She insisted that she do it herself. She didn't want anything she created to be attributed to her famous last name and she definitely didn't want her mother's help.
When the opportunity to apprentice alongside an incredible fashion designer landed at her feet, she said yes immediately. Not even realizing it was in Paris. What more could a 24-year-old want than to gallivant around Paris while learning what it takes to be a fashion designer. She could have done it at home in New York, in the comfort of her own living room even. It was time to start taking charge of her life and doing things for herself. And that meant not relying on her parents so much.
Genevieve and Arthur were not thrilled about the idea, but had no room to say no. Andie still lived at home with them, and she didn't mind, but she was almost 25. On her 25th birthday, she told her parents that the plane was going to be ready for her tomorrow morning and en route to Paris.
They were excited for her but would miss her. "I just need to figure out who I am outside of all of this," she would say. She needed to learn fashion techniques without her mother's bias and achieve great things without her help. She would be more than happy to offer it and take Andie under her wing, but again, she was stubborn. Andie wanted her independence.
"Hi, Dad," she smiled, stepping towards him and opening her arms for a hug. He embraced her and took a deep breath in, feeling relieved.
"It's so good to see you.”
"Alexandra?" Her mom asked as she walked into the foyer. She was dolled up in a radiant gold outfit,
with shoes to match. Andie expected nothing less of her mother. Her father was dressed up as well.
"Hi," she smiled and embraced her mother in a gentle hug, cautious of her outfit. There must be an event tonight. "Where are you two headed?"
"The annual fundraiser of course," Genevieve said. "Will you be joining?" She peered her head around Andie's body looking for signs of luggage. "How long are you visiting for?"
Andie sucked in a sharp breath. "I'm not visiting. I'm home for good." She paused and waited for her parents expression.
Arthur nodded, trying to understand. "I didn't realize it was such a short session."
"It's not. I couldn't do it anymore." The tears began to well in her eyes.
Genevieve welcomed her back with open arms as expected and squeezed her daughter tight. "We love you so much Alexandra. Now, go get ready for the charity event. We're leaving in an hour."
Andie laughed. "I am absolutely not attending that. I just got off a long flight from Paris and I need to see my friends." She pulled her phone out and sent a text to Kyle, letting her know she was home. Plans were made within five minutes and Andie started to unpack what was in her singular suitcase.
Pieces she had created in Paris were stuffed at the bottom of the suitcase in anger. She couldn't do it. And now she had a constant reminder in her closet. It was impossible to throw away all her hard work, so instead, she had the privilege of being reminded of her failures.
One of her favorite tops was a thick ivory fabric made to look like a corset. The material was reminiscent of her grandmother's table cloths but she was drawn to it. The floral pattern was just a bit more satin than the base and stood out just enough.
She put the shirt on and admired herself in the mirror. She could do this. It wasn't the end. She slid her jeans on but not without a few hops.
"Hello Miss Keaton," a knock sounded at the door followed by the Keaton's housekeeper Jane.
She smiled at Jane, missing her presence, and her helpfulness. "Hi Jane. Could you arrange a car downtown for me? To Python House."
"Of course Miss Keaton," she nodded and walked off. "So good to have you back."
Andie wasn't sure she could say the same.
The car pulled up in front of Python House and the line was around the block, even for a weekday. At least people besides her knew this was better than a charity event. She loved her life in society but she wasn't ready to answer any questions just yet.
As she took a seat at the bar, her phone dinged. So sorry A, held up at work. Will be a few mins late.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, and she motioned for the bartender to come take her order.
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hey hazel! long time no chat! how have you been? the weather's been getting colder lately; perfect for writing but not so much for going outside.
i just finished both of your current posts for "reunions" and MAN you have such great prose. diluc's was so sweet i was gushing over how gentlemanly you write him. UGH what a true softie. and thoma! i wanna smother him in kisses. not to mention kaeya; his story just made me feel the aching love between him and the reader. and zhongli's was just like him: straightforward yet so tender and perceptive. i love your writing and you! remember not to shy away from taking care of yourself and prioritizing your mental health far above all else! :) <3
much love and best wishes,
- 🌙 anon
hi hi 🌙  
i am so excited about the cooler weather, it’s sweaters, knit cardigans, and leggings (though .. that’s what I wear alll year round lol) 
aaaaah, thanks for reading those -- I was planning on writing Scara/Beidou today but it’s been back to back issues to problem solve so .. soooon! plus, I was going to write one for Diluc no matter what because I missed him so much and a lot of what was in there was ... indulgent hehe 
thank you again for all the praise, it means so much and I drink it like its water lol - i promise to do my absolute best at taking it easy !! i hope you have been well and continue to be well <3
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overlord-nabriales · 5 years
Update from the Trash Ascian
||- Still haven’t 100% gotten back into being the trashcian you all want me to be. But maybe soooon with Shadowbringers?
I’ve just been so swamped with doing a writing crunch to get my original project’s first Arc out of the way and planning with my co-artist and conspirators how we’re going to go about putting words to visualizations and eventually adding audio to bring the story to life as an animatic. You can follow more on that if you’re interested on my main twitter https://twitter.com/Ravijioli or tumblr @ravij
More under the cut because it’s long. TLDR for under the cut; Personal issues preventing me from getting back into FFXIV.
My DM’s and Anons are always on!
But back to FFXIV deals - there may be the potential that I shift gears to another Overlord who may be getting more favorable screen time than Nabs here but that doesn’t mean I’m giving Nabs up! Oh no no, Nabriales will forever be my baby and most favorite Ascian because of the fact I’ve invested a lot of time in shaping him and I loved getting messages from followers that tell me how they got Chrysalis and were reminding of me as they fought Nabs in game.
Lately though I’ve felt unsuccessful (? I guess that’s the word) in picking up Nabriales again and due to past issues rearing their ugly heads it’s put me in a deep hole that’s been difficult to climb out of.
I used to suffer from severe depression and extremely bad mood/anger issues and it’s been hard trying to recover from the damage I’ve caused while constantly being reminded that there are people out there that are also still trying to heal from what I have done. It’s difficult to approach these people to apologize because a few reasons.
One reason being time. A lot of these incidents that I was at the root cause of happened years ago and my memory hasn’t been the greatest at reminding me what I did because there are just so many things I’ve done and it’s hard to remember which piece goes in what slot.
Another reason is that I’m easily intimidated now a days. If I’m in game and I see someone I used to know speaking in shout or say I get nervous and timid. A part of me wants to whisper that person in private to reach out and try my hand at some form of an apology but I freeze often and I’m left with a bundle of questions of how do I even do this? Will they respond? Will I get yelled at? My main fear is getting yelled at because it puts a pit in my stomach and I feel then that I’ve really fucked it up beyond all hope of repair. Rejection for trying to right a wrong is my big worry so I haven’t even tried.
Ah but I feel like I’m rambling too much about my problems and issues
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chimericarchitect · 7 years
kurvakiousSexekutionoir 1
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] began trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 20:56 --
[08:56] KS: heloo kiwi
[08:56] TS: Hey hey!! It's been a while, dude. :3
[08:56] TS: How's the doggo?
[08:56] KS: way too loong~
[08:57] KS: mooms gooood, still being a
[08:57] KS: bitkh~ ;)
[08:57] TS: SO like, where ARE you now?
[08:58] KS: uuuuummmmm the edge oof a foorest? its at a krooss sektioon oof water
[08:58] KS: yoou?
[08:59] TS: You get lost so easily. :/ As for me, I'm still in the same place. Prol'ly gonna have to move soon though.
[08:59] KS: ooh yeah? why this time?
[08:59] KS: and oo be fair i wanter aimlessly
[09:00] KS: wander*
[09:00] KS: too*
[09:00] KS: shut it
[09:00] TS: ^_^ Because it's not "SAFE"
[09:00] TS: You know the drill
[09:00] KS: yup i get ya
[09:01] KS: hoonestly with hoow kloose we are too the water im kinda woorried aboout seadwellers
[09:01] TS: I can never convince them that it's fine for us to stay in one place, so maybe if you send me your coordinates I can trick them into moving us closer together
[09:02] KS: dude, doo they knoow that i knoow?
[09:02] TS: Uhhhhhh
[09:02] TS: no
[09:02] TS: It's a secret
[09:02] KS: danger.
[09:03] TS: ;)
[09:03] KS: they might hurt me oor moom foor knoowing brootatoo
[09:03] KS: just leave. yoour a groown assed trooll
[09:03] TS: Look, I'll just pick the location without telling them WHY I wanna go there
[09:03] TS: They never need to know you exist
[09:03] KS: mmmmhmmmmmmmmmmmm
[09:04] KS: doo yoou feel the skeptikisim in my exeading amoount oof ms?
[09:04] TS: Yes, I feel it. The Mm's leak into my very core, staining me in an expression of doubt and deliciousness
[09:05] TS: Just gimme the coordinayes
[09:05] KS: kinky~ yeah oone sek
[09:05] KS: {koooordinates SENT}
[09:06] TS: {coordinates RECEIVED}
[09:06] TS: Hey, thanks
[09:06] KS: ill make sure moom doosnt eat yoou
[09:06] KS: aktully shell think its gooood that im getting pakk mates
[09:07] TS: Hopefully I'll be seeing you in the near future. THEN we can worry about your mom eating me
[09:07] KS: i mean its soomething too prewarn aboout
[09:08] KS: ya knoow?
[09:08] TS: Hey, quick question... Is it grassy there?
[09:08] KS: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooHHHHHHHHHHHH yeah
[09:08] KS: alergies?
[09:08] TS: I dunno. No?
[09:09] KS: then why ask aboout gras?
[09:09] KS: grass
[09:09] KS: gy j5trw4
[09:09] TS: This cross-section of water... Is it a river or a lake?
[09:09] KS: its woooods oon edge oof sea. theres a lake kloose by
[09:10] KS: oone sek ive goot soomoone litatally stinkking there noose oon my skrean
[09:11] TS: oh geez.
[09:11] TS: Hi mom.
[09:11] KS: she likks the skrean when ever she sees yoour writing
[09:11] KS: kooloor bling my left boottoom moost grub foooot
[09:11] TS: What
[09:12] KS: kooloor blind*
[09:12] KS: she likes yoou
[09:12] KS: i think
[09:12] TS: What X2 combo
[09:12] KS: ... when we talk
[09:12] TS: I don't see what that has to do with grub fet
[09:13] KS: she kisses the koomputer
[09:13] TS: How does that have ANYTHING to do with your grub feet??
[09:14] KS: ... yoouve never heard that expressioon?!
[09:14] TS: What's the expression that I'm apparently missing?
[09:14] KS: my left foooot just moore indepth
[09:14] KS: its like
[09:15] KS: thing is tootaly real!
[09:15] KS: bull shit aka my left foooot
[09:15] TS: Oh wait. I think I get it now.
[09:15] KS: i just went krazy with it
[09:15] TS: Okay. So your doggo mom can see color. THAT is your point.
[09:15] KS: yes
[09:16] KS: gooood joob
[09:16] KS: yoou did it
[09:16] KS: im soo prooud
[09:16] TS: eat my shorts
[09:17] TS: Irakit
[09:17] TS: Why do you roam?
[09:17] KS: woodoont yoou wear kakies?
[09:17] KS: bekause im a loow blooood and id like too live?
[09:18] KS: i doont knoow what yoou mean?
[09:18] KS: why doo yoou
[09:18] TS: I wouldn't roam if I had the choice. :/
[09:19] KS: wait why is that saness
[09:19] KS: why stay still?
[09:19] TS: It would be nice to be able to sit still and make some IRL friends
[09:19] TS: We could hang out
[09:19] TS: Find a favorite spot
[09:19] KS: ...
[09:19] TS: Like a picnic
[09:20] TS: sorry
[09:20] TS: That's dumb
[09:20] KS: noow im goonna have too likk yoou foor being kute
[09:20] TS: Crikey
[09:20] KS: noope its sweet
[09:20] KS: tootaly dangeroous and woould happen after the doown fall oof skookiety
[09:21] KS: but super sweet, and kute
[09:21] TS: I mean, it'd be cool if we didn't have to usurp society in order to go to a cafe or something
[09:21] TS: I'd like to meet people
[09:21] KS: thats true...
[09:22] KS: id like too like meat peoople and noot have too run foor my shit
[09:23] TS: Do you even talk to anyone else besides me?
[09:23] KS: woolf moom koount?
[09:24] TS: No. Trolls only.
[09:24] KS: ... i toold ooff a seadweller a while bakk...
[09:24] KS: soo...
[09:24] KS: noo
[09:24] TS: WHoa, you did WHAT??
[09:24] TS: Are you ok???
[09:25] TS: Don't go getting killed on me!!
[09:25] KS: im fine it was like... a sweep agoo.
[09:25] TS: You never told me about that. :/ What happened?
[09:26] KS: he shoowed up trying too shoooot moom. i snarked at him and we fukkin booooked it.
[09:26] TS: A kid?
[09:26] KS: yeah like... 4 oor 5
[09:27] TS: Wow, a young one. No wonder you got away.
[09:28] KS: koold assed doog noose in my spine!!!!!
[09:28] KS: yeah noo kidding
[09:28] TS: It's amazing that you can type while being assaulted by barkbeast snout
[09:28] KS: didnt help that we was in the air and we were in the woooods
[09:28] TS: That probably made his job hard, yeah
[09:29] KS: definetly
[09:29] TS: At least hi didn't follow you
[09:29] KS: alsoo thank yoou foor the koompliment too my skills
[09:30] KS: if he had it woould have been bad
[09:30] KS: foor him
[09:30] TS: You're welcome? But maybe chill with the ego.
[09:30] TS: He PURPOSEFULLY tried to take on your lusus
[09:30] KS: meh, egoo keeps me brethoo
[09:30] TS: *eyebrow*
[09:30] KS: true. whikh means hes fukking stupid
[09:31] KS: *eyebroow waggle*
[09:31] KS: uhuhr9tj-0aet7897t5w5
[09:31] TS: *sighs* Dude.
[09:32] KS: im kareful. im oonly a tootaly booisterooid dikk oonline
[09:32] KS: with yoou
[09:32] KS: kause i have noooone else too loove me
[09:33] KS: if it boothers yoou soo mukh
[09:33] KS: i shall kease too egoo
[09:33] KS: will that please yoou?
[09:35] TS: Ho boy. That took me a minute to translate. Your spelling is atrocious.
[09:35] KS: its my quirk
[09:36] TS: Okay, okay. Just don't be all sad at me okay? I'm not exactly popular, so I don't wanna get rid of you either.
[09:36] KS: oor are yoou talking aboout booiseroois
[09:36] TS: Boisterous? You mean boisterous.
[09:36] KS: yaaaaayyyyy
[09:37] KS: *floops oover* afektioon has been granted
[09:38] TS: You are a loser.
[09:38] TS: :)
[09:38] KS: yoou too~ ;)
[09:39] TS: What are your plans now?
[09:40] KS: i have too fight too keep moom ff the koomputer. perhapse set up soome sikk rooleplay shiz~
[09:40] KS: and doodge droones
[09:42] TS: Drones? Way out there?
[09:45] KS: noot rekently but we may be mooving soooon AFTER YOOU GET HERE
[09:45] KS: moom hit the kaps
[09:45] KS: bus doog
[09:45] TS: You plan on moving again when I get there? :T
[09:46] KS: with yoou oof koourse
[09:46] KS: but yeah, im a little oold too be oon planet
[09:46] KS: i mean im almoost 10
[09:47] TS: Oh shit. Really? :o
[09:47] TS: U OLD
[09:47] KS: yup. yeah yeah yoou little shit hoow oold are yoou again?
[09:47] KS: 9
[09:47] KS: u shit
[09:48] TS: Yeah, well
[09:48] TS: Being deported is the least of my wories
[09:48] TS: *worries
[09:48] KS: being murthered is higher id imagine
[09:48] TS: Murthered?
[09:49] KS: like murdered mut meme
[09:49] KS: well it was a meme when i was like 6
[09:49] KS: good were oold
[09:49] KS: *gooood
[09:50] TS: Yeah, I have NO idea what you're talking about dude
[09:51] KS: its gooood too be oold
[09:51] KS: we kan pass oour shit too yoounger troolls
[09:51] KS: alsoo noot mut but
[09:52] TS: I literally have nothing worth passing on
[09:52] KS: i type fast
[09:52] KS: well theres yoour genes ;D
[09:52] TS: No. Do YOU have something worth passing on?
[09:53] KS: ... noope. looooks like ill have too assist yoou in passing oon genes
[09:54] TS: Ew. Dude, you're starting to sound like Teivel.
[09:54] KS: they makking oon my girl
[09:55] TS: What? No. I don't think he's serious.
[09:55] KS: gooood
[09:55] TS: He's kust a filthy memer like me
[09:55] KS: btw yoou didnt disagree that yoou were my girl~
[09:55] KS: kust?
[09:56] TS: Cust?
[09:57] KS: yoou said kust
[09:57] TS: I meant "just"
[09:57] TS: sorry
[09:57] KS: its ookayyyy
[09:58] KS: whikh oone is teivel again?
[09:58] TS: The filthy memer with a corpse addiction. You know, I could give you their contact information... :)
[09:58] KS: the peakookk oone? oor the lizard oone
[09:59] TS: Lizard.
[09:59] KS: *shaking head vergeroously* noonoonoo noo need too invoolve moore peoople. espekialy a highblooood.... hed aktually have reasoon too turn me in
[10:00] TS: He hasn't turned me in.
[10:00] KS: btw i saw
[10:00] KS: hmmmm i dunnoo...
[10:00] KS: why hasnt he is my questioon
[10:01] KS: annnnyyyyywaaaayyyyy
[10:01] KS: i saw
[10:01] KS: i saw oolive gaurden
[10:01] TS: Oh
[10:01] TS: You like?
[10:01] KS: yoou are a memer
[10:01] TS: I just asked Krolio (the nice peacock boy) and he said I could give you his handle
[10:02] TS: ;)
[10:02] KS: WOOT
[10:02] KS: WHY
[10:02] TS: I'm giving them yours
[10:02] KS: PEOOPLE
[10:02] KS: DEATH
[10:02] TS: his is aestheticVirtuoso
[10:02] KS: I WILL DIE
[10:02] KS: DATH
[10:02] KS: DIE
[10:02] KS: peoople....
[10:03] TS: You are so flashy
[10:03] TS: Take a breath, maybe?
[10:03] TS: It's online.
[10:03] TS: They can't hurt you, and Krolio is super nice
[10:03] KS: right... yeah... ookay..
[10:04] TS: You gonna message them, or should I tell them to initiate first contact with your own alien self?
[10:04] KS: ... but... i koould... try?
[10:05] TS: Go ahead
[10:07] KS: i inikiated koontakt
[10:07] KS: kinda
[10:07] TS: Hey, good on you! ^_^
[10:07] KS: ....
[10:07] KS: i said hi
[10:07] KS: i feel stupid.
[10:08] TS: http://www.clker.com/cliparts/e/N/K/a/E/m/green-thumbs-up-hi.png
[10:08] TS: You can do it!!
[10:08] KS: hoo doo i poolite am i sooing it riht halp
[10:09] TS: Just shill out. Talk to him like he's me, maybe? :/ He's cool, I swear.
[10:09] KS: ... hoow oold is he?
[10:11] TS: I think he's 8
[10:11] TS: Hang on while I confirm
[10:11] KS: ... hes a baby
[10:11] TS: Yeah okay you crusty old bag of barkbeast dung
[10:12] KS: smool thing...
[10:12] TS: *rolls eyes*
[10:12] KS: ... were boonding oover the letter g
[10:13] TS: He's 8!
[10:13] KS: mkay
[10:13] TS: How can you bond over a letter you strange scrag?
[10:14] KS: yoour memes
[10:15] KS: furry?
[10:15] KS: serioously?
[10:15] KS: nerd
[10:15] TS: :P
[10:15] TS: I just told Krolio that I'm 9
[10:15] KS: what he say?
[10:16] TS: He started asking about why I didn't leave the planet...
[10:16] TS: But that's okay!!
[10:16] KS: ooh dear he doosnt knoow
[10:16] TS: I trust him. :3
[10:17] KS: dooes e knoow?
[10:18] TS: You mean about my situation?
[10:18] TS: No.
[10:18] KS: but if yoou trust him why noot?
[10:18] KS: yoou toold the blue lizard guy
[10:18] TS: It's never come up until now.
[10:18] TS: I didn't tell him!
[10:18] KS: oohhh
[10:18] KS: wait wut
[10:19] TS: I did NOT tell Teivel
[10:19] KS: then hoow?
[10:19] TS: He probably just makes jokes about it because of the color of my font
[10:19] TS: I bet he doesn't ACTUALLY know
[10:20] KS: .... right. noot like every trooll ever uses their blooood kooloor instead.
[10:20] TS: I can pass as Olive!!
[10:21] KS: ..............................................................................................................................................................
[10:21] TS: *squints*
[10:21] KS: doont get a kut, shoow yoour eyes, blush too hard, wear yoour symbool
[10:21] KS: what oother rules doo yoou have again?
[10:22] KS: koommmoon kiwi yoou knoow better
[10:22] TS: Shut up. You forgot that I'm not allowed outside at all, unless we're moving to a new location.
[10:23] KS: again. groown assed trooll
[10:24] KS: live with me in the woooods and say fukk em
[10:24] TS: Yeah, but we both know that I wouldn't last a second out there. :( There's no way I'd be able to keep up with you. Besides, they're all really nice to me here.
[10:25] TS: I wouldn't wanna hurt their feelings.
[10:26] TS: I owe them so much.
[10:26] TS: I would've been culled long ago if not for them.
[10:27] KS: i oouldnt leave yoou behind doooof...
[10:27] KS: ookay noot fukk em then
[10:27] KS: maybe just
[10:27] KS: i need too spread my wings and fly
[10:28] TS: Yeah. Maybe.
[10:28] KS: yoou knoow ill never leave yoou behind. never abandoon yoou
[10:29] KS: unless im dead
[10:29] TS: Tch. Nice.
[10:29] KS: and then ill haunt yoour ass and like stakk yoour khairs oor soomething
[10:29] TS: You're weird as ever, Irakit.
[10:30] KS: and yoour as dense as ever saness
[10:30] TS: Why you gotta insult me like this? >:P
[10:30] TS: You're a butt
[10:31] KS: *head pat* true
[10:32] TS: Hey, quick question... DO you usually cook your food?
[10:32] KS: its ookay noot too understand what im throowing doown
[10:32] KS: um yeah i doo. when i kan
[10:33] TS: How many times out of ten is it raw?
[10:34] KS: ....
[10:34] KS: 5
[10:34] TS: Yikes.
[10:34] KS: maybe 7
[10:34] KS: id kooook moore foor yoou thoo
[10:35] KS: im used too it
[10:35] TS: XP
[10:35] KS: ???
[10:35] TS: You are cool and I like you, but ew.
[10:35] KS: what?
[10:35] TS: What do you eat, exactly?
[10:36] KS: antler beast. soometimes fish. depend oon what we katkh
[10:36] KS: friuts rare
[10:37] TS: Ever catch a lusus?
[10:37] KS: oonke. but it was woounded too moortality anyway.
[10:37] KS: im noo oorphaner ya knoow
[10:37] TS: ...ever eat a troll?
[10:38] KS: noot sinke i was like 2
[10:38] KS: that was my lusus
[10:38] TS: Your barkbeast is scary
[10:38] KS: shes sweet.
[10:39] TS: And murderous
[10:39] KS: noot any moore
[10:39] TS: Hm? That sounds... ominous.
[10:39] KS: eh
[10:40] TS: Is she okay?
[10:40] KS: yoou have sukh a sooft veiw... its nike
[10:41] KS: shes tootaly fine.
[10:41] TS: I'm not soft, I'm inexperienced.
[10:41] KS: im just noot a kannibal
[10:41] KS: its the same thing
[10:42] TS: No it's not. We don't know if I'm soft. I've never had to do anything dangerous.
[10:43] KS: kiwi its praktikall garenteed that a trooll will eat anoother trooll
[10:43] TS: I wonder if I have?
[10:43] KS: ever had grubskauke?
[10:43] TS: I don't know.
[10:43] KS: its noot too feed grubs
[10:44] TS: Yeah, I have no idea
[10:45] KS: ahhh i see...
[10:45] KS: well theres a khanke ya knoow?
[10:45] TS: Yeah, I suppose so.
[10:45] TS: BRB gotta barf
[10:46] KS: noo doont
[10:46] TS: *fake vomit sounds*
[10:46] KS: man oone oof these days ill tell yoou the tale oof the rainboowdrinkers
[10:48] TS: I know what rainbowdrinkers are. Are you referring to a specific story?
[10:48] KS: i mean what doo yoouthink they eat
[10:49] TS: Just blood. They don't have to KILL anyone.
[10:50] TS: They can
[10:50] TS: But they don't have to
[10:50] KS: isnt it alsoo like a weird sex thing? oor is that just bad roomank3 noovels
[10:50] TS: It... uh...
[10:50] TS: I'm not sure?
[10:51] KS: huh
[10:51] KS: yoou goonna ask?~~~~~~~~~~~~;D
[10:51] TS: Dude.
[10:51] TS: ...
[10:51] TS: ...
[10:51] TS: ...
[10:51] TS: Maybe.
[10:51] KS: yoour tempted!!!!! tesssss
[10:51] KS: yes
[10:51] KS: noot tes
[10:51] KS: wtf
[10:52] TS: I mean, I wanna know but it could be an awkward chat y'know?
[10:52] KS: anyway
[10:52] TS: yeha
[10:52] KS: yes thats true
[10:52] KS: i woould aprookh it ...
[10:52] KS: noot at all aktually bekause peoople skare the shit ooutta me
[10:52] KS: remember when we first me?
[10:53] KS: met*
[10:53] TS: What about it?
[10:53] KS: i loost trakk oof hoow ooften i kinda dik=sapeared oon yoou beakk then
[10:53] KS: we were soo yooung
[10:53] KS: soo full oof life
[10:54] TS: We're not THAT old, dipass
[10:54] KS: and free oof the kurioosity oof wheather oor noot blooood drinking was kinky
[10:54] KS: dipass
[10:54] KS: really
[10:54] KS: when did yoou sleep last?
[10:55] TS: Uhh... Yesterday...? I'm supposed to be getting ready for the move.
[10:55] KS: yeah i guess we shoould depart foor noow
[10:56] TS: Yeah, I guess.
[10:56] TS: You still talking to Krolio?
[10:56] KS: kinda? its awkward
[10:56] TS: What do you mean?
[10:56] KS: loong trails oof skilenke
[10:57] TS: On whose end?
[10:57] KS: yes
[10:58] TS: You could talk about your lusus
[10:59] TS: Or ask about his
[10:59] KS: we did. his steals keys. mine steals my fooood throough big eyes and whineing
[10:59] TS: Everything about your lusus is big
[11:00] TS: Talk abuot where you live. Apparently he lives in a forest too.
[11:00] KS: we aktually said gooood day
[11:01] TS: Oh, you're done talking now?
[11:02] KS: yeah. well with them foor noow... im.... bad at this
[11:02] TS: Don't sweat it!
[11:02] TS: Either way, it's good practice
[11:02] KS: true true
[11:02] TS: Even if things don't work out between you and Krolio, it'll still help you in the long run
[11:03] TS: I almost wonder if you'd be better off talking to Teivel
[11:03] KS: woork oout?
[11:03] KS: shipper
[11:03] TS: No
[11:03] KS: noo
[11:03] KS: ?
[11:03] TS: That's not what I meant!!
[11:03] KS: oohhhhhh
[11:03] TS: You could be FRIENDS you nerd
[11:03] KS: lool
[11:04] KS: yoour sukh a goooof when it koomes too peoople teaing yoou
[11:04] TS: A goof? Am not!
[11:04] KS: awwwwww are too and thats ook
[11:05] KS: are they khewing yoou oout?
[11:06] TS: Who? The Jade bloods?
[11:06] KS: yup
[11:07] TS: Uh, not yet...
[11:07] KS: ookay. gooood doont wanna get yoou skoolded
[11:08] KS: ill have too head in soooon. dawns aprookhing
[11:08] TS: Anyway, Teivel's contact information is gallionicTrickster if you feel like talking to him sometime.
[11:08] TS: I'll go too.
[11:08] TS: He's not usually online, but when he is he's... chatty
[11:08] KS: doont get burned!!!!
[11:08] KS: oohhhh
[11:08] KS: ooh dear
[11:08] KS: pk
[11:08] KS: ook*
[11:08] TS: I won't, you numpty
[11:09] TS: Can I give him your info?
[11:09] KS: ... sure
[11:09] TS: Okay, cool. I'll catch you later then?
[11:10] KS: yup katkh ya later dude
[11:10] KS: btw
[11:10] KS: yoou never denied yoou were my girl ;D
[11:10] TS: Holy shit
[11:11] TS: This? Now?
[11:11] TS: Go to sleep
[11:11] KS: have a gooood day sweet dreams~ byeeee
[11:11] TS: Bye
-- kurvakiousSexekutionoir [KS] gave up trolling talentedSalad [TS] at 23:11 --
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zainbap · 7 years
Just curious,I hope I'm not pressuring you or anything and I'll apologize in advance if I come off that way. I remember a couple months back that you'll be posting a bangdae fic you have been working on. I've been checking to see if it has been uploaded lol but couldn't find it. I don't know if I missed it or you have uploaded it. Bangdae is just my otp and there just isn't enough five of them lol. I really love reading this pair!! Sorry!! Hope I'm not a bother!
You have not missed anything, don’t worry! I just haven’t been able to post the first chapter yet. I’ve been moving and wrapping up my writing project year, but now things are finally slowing down again. I’ll have a lot of time to write this summer, and I plan to spend that time working on both this new Bangdae fic and my Best Absolute Puppies verse ^^ So except fics soooon..!
And ofc you’re not a bother omg
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growingberry · 8 years
it’s been awhile
it’s been awhile since i didn’t post anything here. i’m not really sure it is. this past few weeks i’ve been busy with classes, assignments, with sports and many more. now i’m free because i just had finished my final for this semester. and now hanging around without doing anything. sleep and eat. that’s the only thing i do now. i should start jogging tho. too many things happened. and i don’t know where to start. 
the most that really make me regret as i can say is not study hard. its about two months i didn’t go home. when i say i didn’t go home means that either i didn’t meet my parents and siblings or talking to them. seems like i lost in my own world when i’m not home. sometimes i felt really guilty(when i’m home) then i will forget when i go anywhere except HOME. i’ll start to regret everything and planning everything if and only if i can turn back the time or planning to do something that can fix it again. 
i’m different now compared to when i’m in my high school. i’m not this kind of girl before.(really sure tho) during high school, based on my friend’s view. they said that i’m someone who really passionate with study especially with addmath.(i scored A+ for my SPM okayyy). i will bring the books everywhere and i can do the exercises anywhere i want. compared to now, i’m very very very very very lazy to study. for example, this semester i take biostatistic, cell biology, science and technology and chemistry. this four papers i have to seat for final examination. i also take ethics and safety, lab that does not need seat foe exam. as i can say, my efforts are really really low. like 30% out of 100? not even half. can you imagine? i only put an extra efforts on statistic i guessed. because it’s math and no need to memorize. 
yeah, i know i need to change my mentality especially towards anything that need to memorize.i always say that but i never prove it. baically my course is full with facts that need an extra efforts to memorize. you need to memorize the flow at the same time need to remember the reaction also. oh my goodness, that is something that i really want to avoid for my entire life. but then i took it for my entire life. good job dearself. well done baby. 
last but not least, i can write a long story about my regression. i hope i also can write a long story about my sucessfull real soooon. if Allah’s will. amin. in sha Allah. #iwillchange #prayforme
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