nessajjewell · 4 years
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Pidge can't help but laugh when Lance goes on one of his rants💕
My first piece this season is with @plancesecretsanta and this is for @tear22voltronshipping. I hope you like it💚💙
🎄also click for better quality🎄
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numbah34 · 4 years
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Merry Christmas, @hushman! ‘Twas I that was your Secret Santa for the @plancesecretsanta exchange! Hope you enjoy this bit of holiday fluff😊.
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angelmancy · 4 years
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My @plancesecretsanta gifts for @atomic-bomn !! They wanted angst and fluff so I did two drawings for them. I had fun colouring these so I hope you like them ☺️
(repost because Tumblr ate the post)
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fromageinterrupted · 4 years
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Merry Plancemas Nessa!!! @nessajjewell
The first drawing is kind of from the Seed “tell Santa What You Want.” But mainly I just love Pidge sitting on Lance’s lap. And ugly sweaters. What’s more ugly than a red old man sweater vest? Nothing. 😂😂
The second is a sketch of the other idea I had while listening to American Pie. There’s a line that says “I was a lonely teenage bronkin’ buck, with a pink carnation and a pickup truck.”
And I just imagined Lance showing up at the winter formal, his sights set on a different t girl, thinking he’d sweep in and dance with her all night. But the girl is dancing with another boy and Lance realizes he was way off in his fantasies. Then he sees Pidge dancing and his heart lurches in his chest. He sighs and goes outside, leaning against his truck and deep in thought. Pidge comes out and find him and asks what’s wrong. Lance is again taken aback by how much his heart warms when he sees her. “You ever want something, but you don’t get it, and then you begin to wonder why you wanted it in the first place?”
Pidge reaches her hand out, “No. I know what I want isn’t going to change, but it doesn’t mean I can have it.”
Lance hands her the carnation, looking into her eyes, and realizing she’s his real dream. The music floats from the gym, it’s a slow dance.
“Care to dance?”
Pidge goes into his arms “maybe I will get what I want after all.”
Anyway, Merry Plancemas Again!! You deserve all the art.
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What Are You Doing New Year’s Eve?
By Quinn73
This fic is for the 2020 Plance Secret Santa Event. It features mistletoe shenanigans, karaoke, and a fleet of ships at the Galaxy Garrison Christmas Eve party.
Rockin' around the Christmas tree
At the Christmas party hop
Mistletoe hung where you can see
Every couple tries to stop
Pidge fidgeted nervously as she sat at the large round table her family and friends had reserved near the stage. At the moment, Nadia Rivazi was onstage singing karaoke. Hunk and Shay sat next to her, feeding each other select red-and-green sweets from the refreshment table, and Keith, who had successfully dodged the silent, hovering, mistletoe-bearing miniature drones all evening, had been cornered by by Axca and Veronica under one of them. Pidge saw Voltron’s commander panic for a moment, but before either of his female admirers could pounce on him, the little drone darted away to hover over her parents, who were standing to one side of the entranceway. They were having a casual conversation with some of the Galaxy Garrison’s top brass. Sam had been paying no attention to the drone, but Colleen spotted it right away. She grabbed her husband by his lapels and planted one on him right in front of several of the Garrison’s top senior military officials. Shiro, Curtis, and all of the the assembled dignitaries laughed, applauded, and cheered when her normally stoic father was momentarily flustered by her mother’s public display of affection. Axca and Veronica were distracted by this amusing scene long enough for Keith to sidestep away from them. He was trying to hide in the shadows behind the large Christmas tree several feet away. Pidge giggled at the sight of it all, but the butterflies in her stomach still wouldn’t go away. Her skin began to glisten with a sheen of nervous perspiration.
Why did she let Lance talk her into humiliating herself this way?
Of course if he was here somewhere, he might not recognize her. Pidge was wearing her hair in an elaborate updo which was held in place by sparking green hair bands that matched the thin shoulder straps of her evening gown. With the glimmering gold earrings and necklace, Pidge looked stunning. She was easily among the most beautiful young women in the room, but it seemed she was blissfully unaware of that fact.
Where was Lance? She hoped he was going to show up fashionably late and without a date, or she was definitely going to bail on this gig.
“It’s your turn, Pidge, “ said Nadia.
“But Lance isn’t here yet,” she protested.
“The show must go on, with or without Loverboy. You signed up for this.”
“I can’t!” She hissed. “It’s supposed to be a duet.”
“Sing something else then.”
“No. I’m not ready.”
Nadia sighed and handed the microphone to Ryan Kinkade with an affectionate little pat. Kinkade winked at her and said, “You’re really gonna like this one.”
Read the rest of the story here:
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absolute idiot
My gift for @rueitae for the @plancesecretsanta exchange this year. I haven’t written these two in a while and it was nice to work with characters other than Anakin and Obi-Wan. Please enjoy!
“Princess! Princess, you must slow down!”
Pidge was having the time of her life, frankly. Running off from her companions required by her older brother truly was one of her favorite activities. She wasn’t exactly sure why they worried, there wasn’t much for her to do other than sneak out. Or get lost. Or jump in the creek. Or (her companion’s worst nightmare) go find the stable boy.
 The stable boy was the opposite of what her companion would be okay with. Lance was loud and spontaneous and fun. Lance let her put on his armor and play around with his rapier and ride horses wherever she pleased and always had a new story to tell. 
 She was so caught up in her thoughts that she, in fact, didn’t notice the tree roots that rose from the ground before her. Luckily, Lance did. And also luckily, Lance was standing right behind the tree.
 A pair of lithe, tan arms caught Pidge around her waist as she plummeted to the ground. She blushed furiously, her hands coming up to hide her face.
 “Afternoon, Princess,” Lance quipped. In the distance, she heard the offended screeches of her companion.
 “Hi Lance,” she said quietly. The man set her back on her feet gently and took her small hand in his.
 “Come on, Your Grace. I have somewhere we can hide.” He tugged her slightly forward, in the direction of the deeper part of the forest. 
 “Lance… that’s not—”
 “Pidge. Come on,” he said, more seriously than before. The girl relented eventually, allowing herself to be pulled along, Lance’s warm hand enfolding hers, guiding her deeper still into the forest. 
 For miles, it seemed they walked, but Pidge knew that it wasn’t a long way, she was just savoring every possible moment with Lance. The princess had never been this deep into the forest before, especially without her chaperone. Her father would have a right fit if he knew where she was and who she was with but she couldn’t find it in herself to care. She was finally with Lance, alone with Lance. And as improper as it was she wanted to be able to gather the courage to kiss him. Frankly, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with the stable boy. Finally, the two arrived at a small clearing in the forest, sunlight trickling in through the breaks in the leaves above them. There were large boulders covered in moss scattered throughout the tall grass and several variants of wildflowers visible in the small meadow.
 “Lance…” the girl started, a soft smile on her face.
 “I know it’s not a lot, but I figured that since we couldn’t do this on the grounds, well, this was the next best option.”
 “You absolute idiot,” Pidge said as she reached for Lance’s collar to pull his lips to hers.
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rueitae · 4 years
My gift for @time-is-fading for the @plancesecretsanta exchange of 2020! Some holiday fluff!!
Words: 4500
Tags: Christmas fluff, mistletoe, alien plants, pilot Lance, thirsty Pidge, love confessions
Summary: Pidge is under the impression Lance is using dinner as a way to get her out of the office. Turns out that's only part of it.
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crazy-fangirl1245 · 4 years
Here is my fanfic @plancesecretsanta for @its-ren-hakuryuu-me!  Per your request, I wrote about Pidge and Lance’s first date (*cough* which may or may not be inspired by an episode of Steins;Gate *cough*).  I hope you enjoy it, and Merry Plancemas! <3
“Allura, are you sure this is a good idea?”
Usually, whenever someone in the castle said those words, it meant that the suggested idea was most certainly not a good idea. But Allura was so excited that Pidge was about to go on her first date with Lance (and her first date ever!) that she had forgotten that little piece of information.  Not that anyone could blame her.  Pretty much the entire universe had been waiting for Pidge and Lance to go on a date for almost a deca-phoeb.
“Of course it is!” the princess gushed as she looked the tiny girl over.  “You look fantastic!”
Pidge turned around to look in the mirror and pursed her lips.  She knew she was supposed to feel pretty, but she just felt awkward.  It had been such a long time since she’d dressed like a…girl.
Allura had used some of the ship’s gadgets to fashion her a magenta knee-length dress with short sleeves and ballet flats.  She had then spent a couple hours pinning Pidge’s short honey-blonde hair back with a few tiny jewels.  Pidge knew that as the only other girl on the ship, Allura was really excited to have the opportunity to give her a makeover like this, but she was already nervous about this date and completely changing her entire look didn’t really help her anxiety.
When Lance had asked her for a date right in the middle of a mission (more accurately, in the middle of a particularly brutal fight), she’d been so stunned that she’d almost gotten blasted away and would have been if Lance hadn’t knocked her out of the way just in time.
“Is this really the right time for that?” she’d asked breathlessly.
“Well, I figured since we may or may not get out of this, I better stop putting off asking the question and just come out with it,” he’d answered in that infuriatingly confident voice of his.  “So how about it?”
After it was confirmed that the mission was won and they weren’t actually marked for death, Pidge had agreed.  It was obvious to everyone that she and Lance had a special connection, one she’d thought multiple times about furthering, but she was worried that taking the next step would ruin everything they shared.  What if this date was a disaster and they’d never be able to look each other in the eye anymore?  Or worse, what if their connection after tonight was so severed that they were never able to form Voltron again?
Pidge shook her head as she took off her glasses.
There was no use thinking of all the things that could go wrong. She might as well hope that everything went right.
But if the sinking feeling in her stomach was any indication, she had a bad feeling about this.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Lance asked.  “I feel like a dork.”  He quickly turned to glare at Keith.  “Don’t say anything.”
Keith closed his mouth.
“You feel like a what?” Coran asked.
“Never mind.”
Lance looked in the mirror at the formal brown suit Coran had forced him to put on.  He felt so awkward.  When was the last time he’d worn a suit?  Had he ever worn a suit?
“I have read up extensively on Earth dates so we could ensure that everything goes perfectly for you and Number Five, and it is a well-known fact that you’re always supposed to dress your best.”
Lance supposed he should consider it lucky that Coran had dressed him in something normal instead of something outrageously hideous that was considered some kind of Altean traditional wear.
“Yeah, but I look…weird.”
“Nonsense.”  Coran turned to Hunk who was eating a snack in the corner.  “Will you tell him he looks great?  It’s also a well-known fact that one is supposed to have encouragement from his fellow men before one goes on a date.”
Keith shrugged.  “I’ve seen worse.”
Lance rolled his eyes.  “Perfect, that makes me feel so much better.”
Hunk smiled at his friend.  “Relax, you look awesome.  It’s about time you asked her out.”
Lance looked back in the mirror and smiled fondly as he recalled finally building up the courage to ask Pidge on a date.  Well, ‘building up the courage’ as in ‘being fired upon and wanting to die without regrets’.
He had to admit, he was kind of surprised she ended up agreeing. And even though he was nervous about taking this next step into the unknown with someone he admired so much, he was also excited about what might lay ahead for them.
“Well, I can’t keep her waiting,” Lance said.
He ran his hands over his gelled hair and went out to the main deck.
Pidge took a deep breath, and then walked out onto the main deck where she was to meet Lance.
She awkwardly cleared her throat, and he turned around. Her cheeks reddened when she watched him stare at her.  She noticed that he had dressed into a brown suit and gelled back his hair, and while she’d admit that he looked really handsome, it also felt strange to see him wearing something other than his gray t-shirt and brown jacket and his hair actually styled rather than him just running his fingers through it and calling it a day.
Lance wasn’t sure if he’d ever seen Pidge up close without her glasses before, but he’d never quite realized how pretty and striking her brown eyes were.
And he’d definitely never seen her in a dress.  He could feel his face warm as he looked at her shyly clutching the skirt of it in her hands and looking everywhere but at him.
Since when did she get nervous around him?
Lance confidently strode up to her and offered his arm. “Shall I show you to your table, milady?”
With a nervous and awkward smile, Pidge took his arm and he escorted her to the dining area where Allura, Coran, and the other Paladins had arranged a beautiful candlelit dinner for them.
Lance pulled Pidge’s chair out for her before sitting down himself.
It would be wonderful to say that Pidge’s fears were unfounded, the date went perfectly, and she and Lance chatted comfortably until the morning.
Unfortunately, this was not the case.
The dinner was a very long and awkward affair, and for both of them, it couldn’t end fast enough.  Neither of them seemed to be able to think of things to say, and there were so many stretches of silence that they both secretly hoped for a sudden Galra attack that would cut the date short.
Lance didn’t understand.  If Pidge was so against the idea of a date, why had she agreed in the first place?  Was it out of pity?  Did she just not want to hurt his feelings?  Had he read the connection between them completely wrong?
After what felt like an eternity, Pidge stood up from the table.  “I think I’ll head back to my room now.”
Lance stood up as well.  “Oh, let me escort you.”
“No!  No, that’s okay.  Thanks for the date, Lance.”
“Yeah.  Sure.”
Lance watched Pidge hurry away as if Zarkon himself was on her tail.  Geez, was he really that bad at dating?  Sure, he’d never actually been on a real date before despite being a (self-proclaimed) ladies’ man, but he didn’t think he would fail so spectacularly at it.
With a long and heavy sigh, he abandoned the table and the rest of their unfinished meal to go see Blue.  At least he still had a connection with her.
When he entered the hangar containing his massive mechanical lion, he felt Blue tensing up and getting ready to blow him to smithereens.
“Easy, girl, it’s me,” Lance said quickly.  “Come on, I don’t need you hating me too.”
He felt Blue relax.
“You didn’t recognize me in this getup, huh?”
A gentle prodding in his mind made him feel a need to explain why he currently wanted space to swallow him whole.
“I went on a date with Pidge.”
Lance could feel a jolt of surprise and then a kind warmth inside him.
“Yeah, well, let’s just say…it didn’t go well.  I don’t understand what happened.  We’ve always gotten along so well before.  Why should one date change everything?”  He flung off his suit jacket and leaned against Blue’s right paw.  “I mean, I’ve liked her for a while now which I’m sure you know.  I’ve been wanting to go on a date with her for ages.  I just wish she felt the same way.  Am I really that bad to hang out with?  I mean, that was one of the most painful experiences of my life.  I’d rather be shot by Sendak again than endure another dinner like that.  I just don’t get it.  We’ve always been comfortable around each other.”
Lance looked at his discarded suit jacket and recalled Blue’s feelings of unease when he first entered the hangar because she hadn’t recognized him when he’d first approached.
“Wait a minute…that’s it.  We’ve always been comfortable around each other.  But tonight, we weren’t our normal selves. We were trying to be someone else. No wonder it went so poorly.”
Lance quickly scooped up the suit jacket and started running out of the hangar.
“Thanks, Blue!”
With no time left to waste if he wanted to salvage what was left of their night, Lance changed back into his normal clothes, restored his hair to its usual mussiness, and rushed down to Pidge’s room.
“Pidge?” he called, knocking on her door.
No answer.
“Pidge, come on.  I’m not leaving until you at least give me a chance here.”
After a few more seconds of silence, the door slid open. Pidge had yet to change out of the dress, but she had put her glasses back on and had taken all of the pins out of her hair to let it resume falling naturally around her shoulders.
She looked down at the floor.  “What?”
“Let’s pretend that the last couple of hours never happened and completely start over.”
“Come with me!”
Giving her no time to protest, Lance grabbed her hand, practically dragged her down to the hangar, and brought her onto Blue.
“What are you doing?” Pidge asked quickly.  “Where are we going?”
“Do you know why people date?”
The girl sighed.  “To get to know each other and see if they want to pursue a relationship?”
“Sure, that’s one reason.  Or people date because they genuinely enjoy spending time with each other and want a reason to spend even more time with each other and have fun together.  The problem is that we were doing things the first way.  We got dressed up and tried to make a good impression.  But we passed that stage months ago.  We probably know each other better than most couples by now. So instead of doing that, let’s go to the place where we’ve had the most fun so far.”
In a few minutes, Pidge’s lips curved up into a real smile for the first time all night.
Lance had brought her to the Space Mall.
“Do you think that mall security guy will remember us?” Pidge asked.
Lance shrugged.  “If he does, we’ll just figure out a way to escape before he can catch us.”
Now this seemed more like them: walking straight into the face of potential danger and deciding that they were just going to wing it.
Blue set down outside the mall and allowed her two passengers to disembark.
“We’ll be back in a bit, girl,” Lance smiled as he lightly rubbed his hand over her paw.  “While we’re gone, stay safe and don’t talk to strangers.”
Lance took Pidge’s hand in his and bounded inside the mall. Pidge couldn’t deny that she was rather charmed by his excitement.
“So where should we go first?” he asked her.
“We’ve only been to one store in here before.  I don’t even know what else there is.”
“Let’s hit up the food court.  I want to see if they’re still using Hunk’s dishes.”
Lance led the two of them down to the other end of the mall where several restaurants were advertising their various meals and desserts. Nothing looked particularly appetizing to them, but they nearly doubled over with laughter when they noticed that a poorly drawn rendition of Hunk’s face was hanging above the stall for Vrepit Sal’s along with the words ‘If it ain’t perfect, it ain’t coming out of this kitchen!’
“Oh, I cannot wait to tell him this,” Lance smirked.  “You want anything to eat?”
Pidge looked at a plate of what looked like tentacles.  “I think I’ll pass.”
“Probably a wise choice.”
When they passed by a clothing store, Pidge elbowed Lance and pointed out an utterly atrocious green full-body outfit with blue polka dots. “I dare you to try that on.”
“Dare accepted.”
So they walked into the store, and Lance tried on the outfit. Somehow, it looked even worse off the rack.  Pidge thought she might die of laughter when Lance stepped out of the changing room.
“You look like a sick leprechaun who ate too many marshmallows!” she gasped.
“All right, all right, you’ve had your fun, now it’s my turn.” Lance picked out a long tacky orange dress with horrendously puffy sleeves accompanied by a matching hat that was about the length of Pidge herself.  “Here you go.”
“I’m not wearing that.”
“If I’m looking like a fat, sick leprechaun, you can put on the universe’s worst red-carpet look.”
Pidge reluctantly took the dress from him and went into the changing room.  The beam overhead sized her up then zapped the dress and hat onto her body.
Pidge thought she might die of embarrassment when she stepped out of the changing room.  The dress was so long on her short body that it went well past her feet and the arms went so far past her hands that she couldn’t even roll them up.  The worst part was the hat.  Why anyone would want a hat so big was beyond her.  She couldn’t take one step without knocking clothing off the racks.
Lance tried to stifle his giggles but his efforts proved futile.  “This is worse than a failed red-carpet look.  This is like…this is like…I don’t even have any words.  It’s terrible!”
Pidge rolled her eyes and started laughing with him.  “I feel like an idiot.”
“Join the club.  I say we pick things we thing we might actually look good in now.  Here, try this on.”
Pidge took the new dress from him and quickly stepped back into the changing area.  She didn’t even care what he’d picked out, anything had to be better than this orange monstrosity.
The beam zapped off the dress she was half-wearing then zapped on the new one.  She was too nervous to look in the mirror, so she just stepped out.
Lance’s eyes widened when he saw her, and he could feel his face warm again.  “Whoa. Pidge…you have to get that.”
At his genuine reaction of admiration, Pidge turned around to look in the changing room mirror.  The dress Lance had picked for her was long-sleeved with a sheer neckline.  It faded between dark blue, indigo, purple, and pink, and stars clustered together all over it.  She looked like she was wearing a galaxy.
“You like it?” she asked quietly.
“It looks amazing,” Lance answered.
“I like it too.”  It definitely suited her much better than the magenta dress.  “I’ll get it then.”
“Okay, pick one for me.”
“But I like your shirt and jacket the most.”
“Well, then shirt and jacket it is.”
Lance went into the changing area and zapped out of the hideous green polka-dotted outfit and back into his normal clothing.
“As long as you don’t mind you looking so much better than me?”
“It’s not hard to do that,” Pidge smirked.
Lance laughed and went to the counter to pay for Pidge’s dress.
When they walked outside, he took her hand and smiled.  “Come on, we’ll go check out that Earth shop again. I want to see if they have any more video games.”
“Ooh, and I want to know if they have any add-ons!”
The two of them casually walked back to the only shop they were familiar with in the mall and once again happened upon the alien shopkeeper who dressed like a grandparent trying to fit in with the younger generation.
“Ah, welcome back, friends.  Tell me, how’s Kaltenecker?”
“She’s as beautiful and perfect as ever,” Lance smiled. “I’m not really sure why you gave us a free cow, but thanks!”
“Do you see anything else that interests you today?”
Pidge looked around the store.  “No, I don’t think we—Oh, my gosh!  You have Killbot Phantasm 10?  I didn’t even know there was a 5 through 9!  And look!  This one comes with 5 through 9 as an extra bonus!  How much is this?!”
The gray alien counted out on his fingers.  “That’ll be four thousand GAC.”
“Four thousand?!  Uh, will you take two thousand along with my sincerest thanks?”
Lance gave the alien a charming smile and pulled out a small wallet.  “Relax, I’ve got this.  No more fishing for coins this time.”
He handed the alien the requested amount of money to pay for the video game.
“Pleasure doing business with you,” the alien smiled at them. “Feel free to stop by any time.”
As they left the store, Pidge clutched the video game to her chest.  “You didn’t have to do that.  You already paid for my dress.  We could’ve just come back later when I had the money.”
“But why do that when I have the money now?  Besides, you can’t think that you’re going to be playing that by yourself.  I’m going to be getting as much entertainment out of it as you are.”
“I think he overcharged you.”
“Probably, but I don’t think he gets a lot of customers. May as well let him have this.”
Pidge smiled to herself.  Lance had a pretty big ego and usually wasn’t afraid to let people know it, but that tiny act of kindness reminded her why she had fallen for him.
They continued walking through the mall and ended up at the same fountain they had gone searching for coins in the last time they’d been here.
Lance kicked off his shoes and jacket.
“What are you doing?” Pidge asked.
“I said we didn’t have to go fishing for coins again.  I didn’t say I couldn’t get in the fountain again.”
“But why would you want to?”
“Why not?”
That seemed to be Lance’s motto for life, and Pidge wondered how it hadn’t gotten him killed yet.
To the dismay of the aliens passing by the fountain, Lance ran up to it and splashed inside with a triumphant laugh.
Pidge rolled her eyes, hating how this kind of thing amused her.
“Come on!” Lance called as he ducked under one of the tiny waterfalls.  “The water is nice this time of year!”
Unable to resist, Pidge kicked off her shoes and set the video game down on top of their clothing.  Then she ran up to the fountain and jumped into the water.
As soon as she was standing in the fountain, feeling several new coins digging into her feet, Lance kicked a wave of water in her direction which drenched the entire bottom half of her new dress.
Pidge playfully glared at him and knelt down to splash him with both of her hands.  Lance ran around the fountain to come up behind her.  Then he put his arms around her waist, picked her up, and held her directly beneath one of the tiny waterfalls, effectively drenching all the places that had previously managed to stay dry.
Lance then gently dropped her, enough so that she didn’t hurt herself but she still fell over into the water.  Pidge kicked one of Lance’s legs out from under him and he fell down next to her with a large splash.  She laughed as she pushed his head under.
Lance came back up with small coughs and laughed even harder. “Hey, do you remember how I caught that one poor kid’s coin in my teeth?”
“I bet you couldn’t do that again,” Pidge smirked.
“Oh?  And what are we betting?”
“…A second date.”
Lance smirked back at her.  “It’s on.”
He hunched over and waited for a poor unsuspecting coin-thrower to approach the fountain.
Then he spotted one.  A small purple alien about the size of Pidge skipped up to the fountain and readied her coin in her four-fingered hand.  The second the alien flipped the coin, Lance leapt forward, burst through the tiny waterfall, and snatched the coin in between his teeth.
“Hey!” the young alien exclaimed.
Lance stood up on his feet again and flicked the coin back to her.  With a charming smile, he told her, “Sorry about that, I just needed to prove a point. Try again, I promise not to interfere this time.”
The female alien lightly blushed.  “Oh, that’s okay.”
Lance splashed back over to Pidge.  “And that is that.  So I believe that means a second date is on the table.”
Pidge couldn’t help smiling.  “I honestly didn’t think you were going to be able to repeat that.”
Lance swept his hand through his wet hair.  “I can’t believe you ever doubted me.”
“Can’t you?”
“Come on, let’s get back to the ship.”
Lance stepped out of the water fountain and held his hand out so he could help Pidge step out as well.  They retrieved the video game and their shoes but opted to continue walking around barefoot.  Instead of slipping his jacket back on, Lance lightly draped it over Pidge’s shoulders.
They were just about to step onto the escalator when they heard, “I thought I told you pirates not to come back here!”
Pidge and Lance frantically spun around to see Varkon on his tiny mall scooter.
“Run!” Lance yelled as he quickly snatched Pidge’s hand.
The two of them slid down the escalator railing and then booked it to the mall’s exit hallway, laughing the whole way.
Varkon stopped at the entrance to the hallway.  “And stay out this time!”
Lance turned around with a smirk.  “Never!”
“Why, you—!”
Whatever insult Varkon was about to come up with, which was surely going to be a terrible one, they never heard because they continued running down the hallway and didn’t stop running until they were back onboard the Blue Lion.
Lance quickly guided Blue back to the castle before Varkon decided to take any extra measures to ensure they didn’t come back to the mall (which they definitely were going to do).
Only moments later, they were back in the hangar in the castle.
“So how about we play some Killbot Phantasm 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10?” Lance asked.
Pidge gave him a devilish smile, completely forgetting they were still soaking wet.  “I hope you know that victory is already mine.”
“I’ve already squashed your expectations once tonight. There is nothing stopping me from doing so again!”
“You’re on!”
The two of them quickly ran out of the Blue Lion and down to Lance’s room where the video game system was already hooked up.
It took about two minutes for them to become completely invested in the game.
“Hey, Lance?” Pidge said, her eyes still on the screen. It was going to be much easier to say this when they were mostly focused on something else.  “I had a good time tonight.”
“I did too,” Lance answered as he frantically pushed several buttons at once.
“I was…worried that us going on a date would…ruin things. I was even afraid we might not be able to form Voltron again if it went poorly.”
“Aw, Pidge, no matter how this turns out, I’ll never let our friendship be ruined to that extent.”
Pidge blushed.  “You know, for the record, I was going to go on a second date whether you caught that coin or not.”
This time, Lance blushed.  “Well, I think we can definitely agree on one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Coran and Allura are not allowed to help on our dates anymore.”
Allura, Coran, and the rest of the Paladins found Pidge and Lance the next morning fast asleep in front of Lance’s TV.  With the video game’s main 8-bit theme continuing to play softly in the background, Pidge, still wearing his jacket, had curled up next to Lance and his arm loosely draped around her waist to hold her close to him.
“I think we should just leave them be for a little while longer,” Allura smiled.
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hushman · 4 years
This is my Secret Santa Plance Fic for @dreams-of-kalopsia as part of this year's @plancesecretsanta event. It started off as plance red riding hood au but with Pidge as the wolf that ended up going in an enjoyably different direction.
Light shone through the trees of Olkari Forest. The sounds of nature filled the air as a single figure in a red hooded cloak carrying a basket walked amongst the trees. He stopped to lean against a tree and lowered his hood to better take in his surroundings.
“Wow,” Lance thought out loud. “This place is actually beautiful.”
“It is, but it can also be dangerous. Which raises a very important question.”
Lance spun round to see a girl standing by a nearby tree. She had a green cloak with the hood down, revealing short brown hair and brown eyes. Though what was more striking was the brown wolf tail and the brown wolf eyes at the top of her head.
“Who are you and what exactly are you doing here?” She asked.
“You’re...a wolf child,” Lance commented.
Wolf children was a blanket term for people that could shift between fully human and fully wolf but spent most of their time in a halfway point of human with a few wolf features. What set them apart from werewolves is that Wolf children always maintained control.
Said wolf did not look pleased with Lance’s response.
“Not what I was asking,” She replied.
“Right...right… my name is Lance. I’m off to visit my grandma.” Lance lifted up his basket. “I have some food and other goodies for her.”
“You’re grandma lives in the Olkari Forest?” She asked, clearly not believing Lance.
“Not in the forest, she lives in the town of Arus. I was just cutting through the forest to get to her.”
“You were cutting through the forest to get to Arus?”
“Yes,” Lance replied.
“As opposed to taking the road or the river.”
“Well, the road is an incredibly roundabout way to get to Arus, especially since I’m doing it on foot, so it seemed better to just take a shortcut through the forest,” Lance explained. “And at the time I hadn’t thought of taking the river.”
The wolf gave Lance a hard look, clearly trying to discern whether Lance was telling the truth.
“You’re an idiot,” she finally said. “Follow me. I’ll take you to Arus.”
“Err...thanks miss,” Lance replied. “But I can find my own way.”
“The name’s Pidge and I’ve been following you for the last half-hour,” the wolf replied. “You are clearly lost.”
“You’ve been following me?” Lance asked.
“Strange person walking aimlessly through the forest, I had to be sure you weren’t out to cause harm?”
“And why would you think I’m out to cause harm?”
Pidge and Lance turned to see a hunter emerge from some bushes pointing a loaded crossbow.
“Let’s just say there is reason to be wary,” Pidge answered dryly.
“Er...hi,” Lance said to the hunter with an awkward wave. “Would mind not pointing that crossbow at us?”
“Not until that demon spawn is dealt with.”
“Demon spawn? Isn’t that a little extreme?” Lance asked. “I mean that idiot comment was a little hurtful but she honestly doesn’t seem that bad.”
“Her kind is a blight on the world!” The hunter replied. “It my devine duty to rid the world of all of them.”
“Right, so just to hazard a guess, you’re the psycho that’s been hunting Olkari and Arus residents with a crossbow.”
Despite the madman wielding a crossbow, that got Pidge’s attention.
“How do you know about that?” She asked suspiciously.
“Well you see, visiting my grandma wasn’t the only reason I was heading to Arus.”
Without giving the huntsman or Pidge a chance to react, Lance pulled out a revolver and shot the hunter in the shoulder, causing him to drop the crossbow.
As the hunter fell to his knees, clutching the wounded shoulder, Lance pulled out a badge with a silver star on it.
“I am Ranger Lance McClain, you are under arrest for crimes against residents of Arus and the greater Olkari area.”
This took Pidge by surprise. While the various areas under the Coalition of Territories had their own law enforcement, the Rangers were in charge of helping to enforce the law throughout the coalition.
“Now I suggest you come peacefully,” Lance said as he pulled out some rope. “That was just a flesh wound.”
Lance secured the hunter’s hands while Pidge picked up the dropped crossbow.
“Uh... Ranger McClain?” Pidge said. “I think we have a problem.”
“What do you mean?”
“This guy only has one crossbow.”
“So at the last site of an attack, two different sizes of bolts were found, meaning two different crossbows.”
“Meaning a second shooter,” Lance concluded before turning to the hunter. “Anything you’d like to share?”
The hunter responded by spitting at Lance.
“Well that’s not useful,” Lance commented.
“Hold on,” Pidge said.
Pidge approached the bound hunter. She took a deep whiff, making note of all the distinct smells she could make out. She also saw a particular type of pollen. She then shoved the hunter to the ground and checked the bottom of his boots. She noticed a distinctive type of clay. Slowly these clues started to form a clearer image in Pidge’s mind.
“I think I might know where to look.”
After making sure the hunter was secured and not able to run off, Lance followed Pidge until they two arrived at a campsite. There they saw a second hunter, sharpening crossbow bolts. He was so focused on his task that he didn’t Lance calmly walk up to him until he felt Lance press the revolver against the side of his head.
Finally, Lance and Pidge arrived in Arus with the two hunters. Once she was certain Lance had the criminals secured, she left him to deal with them but agreed to meet up with Lance later at the local tavern since the Ranger had offered to buy Pidge a drink as thanks for her assistance.
“So why didn’t you tell me the full reason you were heading to Arus?” She asked Lance once they had met back up at the tavern.
“The same reason you followed me for half an hour,” Lance replied. “There was a psycho in the forest attacking people and I didn’t know what to be looking for.”
“Alright, that’s a fair point,” Pidge conceded. “So any idea why they were using crossbows?”
“My guess? To avoid detection,” Lance answered. “Guns are far more effective but also far louder. As nuts as they were, they knew that if all the residents of Olkari Forest were alerted to their presence they’d be done for so their best bet would be to remain quiet and pick people off one at a time.”
“That makes a disgusting amount of sense,” Pidge replied. “And reminds me why many in Olkari were reluctant to join the coalition.”
Lance grimaced, as much as Lance hated to admit it, he knew that Pidge had a point. While the coalition was built on the principles of unity and acceptance, it was formed from territories that didn’t always play nicely with others. Still, Lance had faith that the coalition was building to something better.
“So now that you’ve finished your mission, how long will you be staying in Arus?” Pidge asked.
“Well you see, I could be here for a while.”
“Excuse me?”
“Well I’ve been talking to the Mayor, turns out that there had been talk about getting a Ranger stationed in this area to help keep an eye on things. He’s requested that it be me.”
“So you’ll be staying?” Pidge asked, not sure why that idea sounded so appealing to her.
“For now at least,” Lance replied. “ Though I can’t help but feel that Keeping all of Olkari Forest safe is a pretty big task for just one ranger.”
Pidge looked at Lance sceptically.
“So what, you’re planning on convincing the mayor to let you bring in another Ranger to help you?”
“Actually I was thinking of finding someone local and seeing if she was willing to be my partner in this.”
Lance took out a badge and held it out to Pidge. She saw the words “Deputy Ranger” engraved on it.
“Wait, seriously? You want to make me your deputy?”
“Why not?” Lance asked. “You’re smart, skilled and you know the area as well as the locals.”
“I also have zero ranger training.”
“That’s why you’d be a deputy for the time being,” Lance explained. “I give you training on the job and when you have enough experience, we’ll apply to get you certified as a ranger. Interested?”
Pidge took hold of the deputy badge. Testing to see how the weight of it felt in her hand. She had to admit, she was definitely interested. This seemed like a chance to do good and while she wouldn’t say it out loud, part of her wanted to get to know Lance better.
“If I do this, I’m not calling you sir,” She warned.
Lance shrugged.
“Just don’t call me an idiot in public and we’ll call it even.”
Pidge smirked, “Alright, I’m in.”
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its-ren-hakuryuu-me · 4 years
My gift for @quintessenceofdust73 for the @plancesecretsanta exchange of 2020! Some Plance watching glowing stars while laying in bed fluff!
Words: 1677
Tags: Plance, Fluff, Glow in the dark stars, Love confession, Sleepy snuggles, Pls Plance, Watering my Plance garden
Summary: Pidge discovers glow in the dark stars in her backpack and convinces Lance to help her arrange them above her bed and they watch the stars together from the comfort of her bed with the help of fairy lights because they are also pretty!
Also, Lance almost drops Pidge!
#Plancesecretsanta2020 #Plancemas #Plance #Pidge #Lance #Pidgance #Plancesecretsanta #Plancemas2020 #Voltronlegendarydefender #Voltron #VLD #VoltronPidge #VoltronLance
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This fic is for the 2020 Plance Secret Santa Event. It features mistletoe shenanigans, karaoke, and a fleet of ships at the Galaxy Garrison Christmas Eve party.
For @rosieclark
An excerpt:
The drone hovered over their heads and rotated, its miniature spotlight making her afraid that every pair of eyes in the room would be drawn toward them. Pidge suddenly felt terrified and wanted to bolt for the exit, but she couldn’t because Lance had his arms around her. He was staring at her lips and slowly leaning toward her.
There was the sound of thunderous applause and cheering. Kinkade had brought the house down with his performance.
“Hey, you’re on!” Nadia tapped Pidge on the shoulder, startling her. “Go on, Ryan just finished his song.”
She looked Lance. “You can make out with your girlfriend later, Loverboy. It’s showtime!”
If you liked this fic, there will be a completed multichapter sequel that will be posted later this month during the VLD Secret Santa Event. FYI, there’s a secret code, foreshadowing, symbolism, and a lot of subtle mysteries that are left for the reader to interpret. You know, literary stuff! 😉😃 @waterthegarden
It’s called “Decoding a Christmas Mystery: A Love Story.” I will be posting one chapter of it a day starting right after Christmas.
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