#plantamagicae ※ 01
mirrcd · 7 months
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Magnolia lays with arms and legs sprawled out (as if she's ready to make a snow angel) in a bed of flowers in Savior's respite. Another place that reminds her of home. Her home, if she is allowed to still call it that.
"Hm..." It's a little chilly, but the sun beaming down on her blankets some of that cold. This brings back memories. Sun and herself when they were much, much younger would do this. Even though she had looked very different from him, he treated her like she belonged.
Magnolia opens her eyes, golden red hues glaring up at the sun. All warm and friendly and for what...? When Magnolia sits up, it's then she notices she's not alone.
She looks to her right, to her left, and, "I wouldn't be that close to the edge if I were you." She calls out. though she trusts the kid knows what she's doing.
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psychicwave · 7 months
"you can control plants? that's so cool!" being an aspiring gardener himself, silver can appreciate an ability like that first-hand! telekinesis has its perks (makes digging holes a cinch, for one), but imagine the possibilities! he'd never leave his garden.
before the girl can reach for her watering can, silver literally leaps at the opportunity to make himself useful.
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"allow me," a vibrant, teal glow envelops the can as silver tips its spout over the soil, grinning proudly over at his peer, "teamwork makes the dream work, right?"
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hcrpyiia · 7 months
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"Are you by chance a mage?" The question may come off as something random but for Yumine it made sense to ask something like that when she sees the child holding a wooden staff.
"You're the second mage I've met so far."
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depenndable · 4 months
She couldn't help herself, Willow's palisman appeared to be a sort of robot. Clover reminded her of Dreamman's support unit: Alto, a tapir looking robot master support unit. She doesn't try to swipe her up, but she would love to see the schematics or something, because the design is quite unique.
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"Wow! Who built this for you? She looks very realistic especially for a support unit." She means well. "And she's super cute to boot, does she have a name?"
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blue-justice · 7 months
Third day in winter wonderland, and Sonic was on another scavenging hunt. Mostly for supplies, or stuff that could be refashioned into other things. Waste not, have not, or however the saying goes.
Currently, that brings him to a mostly abandoned corner store. There SEEMS to still be stuff inside, so it wasn't ransacked completely. Yet. He just needs to find a way in...
It's as he's scoping out the place that he quickly realizes... someone's looking at him? He pauses in the middle of testing the thickness of the store windows, head swiveling nearly all the way around to look at the unexpected guest. (Woah... he's got owl neck bones now too. Sick.)
"Caaaan... I help ya, ma'am?"
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darkenforcer · 6 months
@plantamagicae || 🐕🐕🐕
"oh, it's you! long time no see," their last interaction was brief at best, but the teen's fresh in repede's mind, too. the stoic canine even runs a circle around her before returning to yuri's side.
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"not sure if dogs are invited..." his head swivels in faux concern of any eavesdropping bystanders, then he settles into a lazy shrug, "you wouldn't tell the host if they weren't, would ya?"
repede isn't one to weaponize his puppydog eyes -- or rather, his puppydog eye -- though he may as well be with the way he's staring up at her.
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ghosthalfa · 6 months
@plantamagicae ♡'d for a starter!
       danny closed his eyes as he let the silver rings of his transformation wash over his body, tension leaking from his shoulders as they swept him from head to toe. he'd been afraid, if he was being honest, that they wouldn't appear at all. not with how weird his powers had been ever since he'd appeared in this place. a sigh of relief left his lips as the beat of his heart was replaced by the hum of his ghost core, a familiar sensation he half thought he'd lost forever. opening his eyes, danny smiled, inspecting his gloved hands before pressing them to his cool face. yep, he was a ghost alright. so it was with a bounce in his gait that he took a step, then two, then launched himself into the air, excited to swap his legs for a ghostly tail and let gravity fall away to soar high above the gleaming city.
   except, gravity didn't fall away. instead, phantom found himself hopping into the air—before promptly crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs and a puff of forcefully exhaled air. that... definitely wasn't supposed to happen.
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   ❝ Man... ❞ danny sat up, frowning as he wiped dirt off his jumpsuit. ❝ At least nobody saw that. ❞ really, he should know his luck was never that good.
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fairyknight · 4 months
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● "Did... Did you just say you eat "fairy pie"? ...To a fairy? What is wrong with you?"
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einwish · 7 months
Dipping his paw into the stream, Kyubey marveled that water really was wet. An inane observation in most situations, but rarely did one expect to run into brooks and flowers in the middle of a library.
§ If a book fell in, it'd be disastrous. §
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As if on cue, a shadow appears above him. Ears perking up, the incubator senses the falling item just in time and leaps into the air, batting it aside with a well-timed smack of his tail.
Right towards the face of a hapless passerby.
⋆˚🐾˖ @plantamagicae ⊹ . ݁˖ .
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toadstoolism · 7 months
@plantamagicae liked
"You as well, huh?"
She'd observed the younger girl struggling with the magic she can do (or rather can't seem to do), confirming that Peach isn't the only one subjected to such a strange subduing of abilities. There's something oddly relieving about that fact, though her inclination to commiserate is of course no lesser for it.
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"Is everyone only capable of a little bit of magic? I just wonder what that's all about..." A pause, then she puts her hands together, giving the girl an almost apologetic smile—as if for bringing all of this up in the first place. "Oh, well, for what it's worth — I think what you are able to do is neat!"
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hammertarot · 5 months
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"Those flowers..." Amy speaks up excitedly, "are beautiful! How did you do that?" Her enthusiasm might be a bit much, making her get a little too into the others' personal space. Then again, she just saw someone grow flowers from nothing like magic. ...Was it magic? It's sort of like one of her friends' abilities, but it's still something she's never seen anyone do before.
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unrequitedhero · 8 months
"Would you look at that-- there certainly are a fair amount of magic users in this place, aren't there?"
Himmel's observation comes with a smile, although it seemed that he may have interrupted the young girl from her focus; giving her a more apologetic nod when she eventually turned to look at him.
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"My apologies, I didn't mean to startle you. I suppose seeing mage craft like this just reminds me of home." Moving his cape away from his legs, the hero kneeled down next to the young girl; glancing over the work before her. "Those flowers seemed as though they were responding to you.. tell me, can you understand them? As if they were speaking?"
❀  :   —    ( @plantamagicae )
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