#platonic drindy
naquey · 4 months
I love that you ship Drindy! On FF.net I was reading this incomplete fanfiction about them and it was so good and I really wish the author was able to finish it. I’m kind of new to fanfictions, but sometimes I see people requesting other authors to finish a piece of writing that was unfinished. I was wondering if you would consider finishing it, I love your writing so much and I think you would do such a great job (no pressure of course!) 🥺🥺this is the link to the fanfiction https://m.fanfiction.net/s/3378204/1/Gratified-Affair
I didn't read the entirety of the fic, but I did read the first and last chapter to gauge the progression of the characters from start to end. I can only assume that "finishing it" entails writing a 20th chapter. Because it is someone else's writing that is the only thing I can do, as I feel making more than a single chapter would be infringing or over-stepping. I know this fic has yet to be updated since 2009. It is excellent, and the characterization is phenomenal.
Admittedly, I will warn you this might get a bit angsty (as that is my specialty) because I was verbally throwing ideas out there and settled on something I liked that showed the vulnerability of the final scene in chapter 19 but also coincided with my thoughts. I hope this does the previous author some justice, as I've not quite adopted the show's dialogue yet, and the author on FF seemed to encapsulate that wonderfully.
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Chapter 20
Drake's question was loaded, but there was one thing floating around in her mind that she couldn't just do away with. Mindy couldn't hurt Drake, not again. It might not have been apparent then that their breakup hurt him, but that was only because he was notorious for exchanging girls like trading cards.
So, Mindy hesitated.
Drake watched her curiously. He wanted to flinch away when her hand approached his face, but her movement was not malice. There was no ill intent in her eyes. He was safe with her. Mindy's thumb brushed over the skin under his eye where the bruising didn't touch, and her gaze softened slightly.
"Oh, Drake."
"This isn't your fault, I just had it coming." He laughed dryly, trying to ease the tension. For one, he didn't like seeing her so sad.
"I know you did." She cracked a smile, not yet moving her hand. "Have you been icing it? I can go get some- "He grabbed it gently when she moved her hand.
"It's fine. It doesn't hurt, trust me. I'm tougher than that."
"Even so, putting ice on it is smart." Mindy rolled her eyes.
"You of all people, should know I'm not that smart,"
"No, no. You are smart. You just don't know it yet."
Drake rose a brow, his smirk fading into a small smile. Perhaps that was another reason he liked her so much: she was always so nice to him. Mindy pulled away; she was most likely going to get him ice. He stood in front of her bedroom door, blocking her path.
"Ah, ah, ah. You never answered my question."
"I don't think I can,"
Drake blinked twice, staring at her incredulously. His brows shot up to his hairline. To him, it wasn't a thought-provoking question. Obviously, they liked each other, but Mindy had other ideas. He can see the conflict on her face, but the gears in his head have yet to turn. He doesn't know the problem.
"I'll be right back. Don't leave,"
And Mindy disappeared behind her bedroom door once he moved out of the way.
She returned shortly after, pressing the ice to his bruise. Drake winced, and she pulled the ice away hastily.
"I don't think there is anything we can do now,"
"What do you mean?"
"You broke up with me because you couldn't keep lying to Josh. I can't continue a relationship with you if all you're worried about is how your brother will feel."
"I had a code, Mindy." Drake took a step back. He wanted to avoid where this conversation was going.
"And what is that code, huh?"
"It- It's not important, okay!" Drake stammered. "I like you, hell, I think it's love-"
"You think?" Mindy furrowed her brows.
"Please, I don't want you to go away again."
"Drake, I like you." Mindy sighed. "I can't date you, not when you care so much about your brother. You don't want to hurt people. It's obvious."
"No," She held her hand up. "You can't convince yourself that you aren't best friends with your step-brother. I don't want to hurt you."
"But this is hurting me."
"Yeah, but only for a little while. You'll still be able to see me around; we can still hang out after school."
"It won't be the same,"
"No, it may not be the same, but you'll still have me. I'll always care about you."
"Mindy, think about this-"
He was startled when she hugged him. Her arms around his midsection were tight as if she was afraid he would disappear if she let go. Without another thought, Drake wrapped his arms around her. He wanted to remember this kindness for eternity. He also wanted to kick himself in the face, but deep down, he was upset and sad. She was right. He loved his brother too much to hurt him, and he loved her too much to hurt her.
Their situation may be convoluted, but as long as he still had her as a friend, that was all that mattered. Losing her over this wasn't something he could bear. It took them a couple of hours to finally part way. When Drake returned home, he found Josh asleep on the couch; the TV remote had fallen out of his hand. The blue light glowed softly over the room.
Emotionally exhausted, Drake shrugged off his leather jacket and kicked off his shoes on his way to his bed. Climbing the ladder, he face-planted into the pillows. One thing was for certain.
Drake was going to punch Eric.
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