#platonic f/o: sadie kane
voidselfshipp · 8 months
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Im so eternally proud of how this Turned out. I did a killer job on it so enjoy! Me and my platonics hanging out on the Giza pyramid on the sunset.
(I knocked it out of the damn park. Look at it!! If blurry Open the image)
Lovely taglist ♡: @malewifehenrycooldown @tex-treasures
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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Some tkc platonic f/os art!. Theres too Many characters to describe them. So just take it.
Only mutuals ok to rb.
Taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifepatrickbateman @80sboyfriends @mercuryships
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Smote? Smitten?
Cw: one suggestive joke.
Summary: jericó keeps invoking the gods with their names. Much to everyones dismay and warnings.
Taglist: @aeliusinclairs @tex-treasures @qsionic
A/n: Moots only ok to rb
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-- you should be more carefull talking about the gods-- said sadie non-chalantly as she read a a magazine.
--oh come on, sett likes it when I speak of him,isnt that right sett?-- the floor rumbled as if something that was way Below the surface laughed, the room got suddenly cold.
-- youre the one thats getting smote not me....Wait...smote? Smitten? Ugh whatever!
Jeri laughed-- yeah its gonna be me thankfully
Theres a three second silence before sadie rolls up her magazine and starts chasing jerico around.
--ah shit! I cant remember the Word in english! -- jeri said while she talked with walt, in the library infront of thoths statue-- hey tatter tots! How do you say <ñandú> in english? --the wind whirls around the room, Walt heard a whisper coming from it, or was it thoths statue?. -- ah yes! Ostritch! Thank you tatter tots!
Walt stares -- is that considered blasphemy?
--Is it? Should I ask--
--NO-- said Walt-- lets leave tatter to-- I mean thoth alone!
Jeri rolled her eyes-- whatever you say
Some hours later jeri and Carter are arguing over how to Grab a sword-- its not like that! -- jeri said-- youre grabbing the handle wrong!
--ive told you thats the way--
--Hey horus! Show Carter how to properly Grab that sword!
Carters hand moves by himself gripping the sword in the way jerico said-- see?! I was right
--oh fuck off jerico!
At night the lights were cut off, and sadie and the rest of the girls (sadie, cleo, alyssa, Bast and jerico) were having a girls night.
Jeris light had died on her and all she had was the light of the moon to help her read.
She took a sip from her tea, sighing, a hand grabbing the beautiful moon jewelry she was wearing-- hey khonsu, dear, I cant see very well, could you help Us find our way until the electricity returns?
Suddenly the moon shines brighter, illuminating every single room in the Brooklyn house and waking up more than one student.
--Thank you dear!-- the moonlight seems to flicker for a moment as if saying "youre welcome".
Bast started laughing-- youve been doing that for a bit!
Sadie scoffed-- shes gonna get smote
Alyssa and cleo laughed-- I think its cute too!-- they say making sadie roll her eyes.
--If you complain so much why do you Keep scooting closer to the moonlight?-- asked jer with a grin on her face.
--for no reason!-- said the kane-- fuck off!
They shared a laugh and kept Reading.
The Next night jerico missed khonsu, the moon was no where to be seen, so she goes to her balcony and sighs-- I miss you khonsu...
The moon parts the heavy dark clouds and the moonrays illuminate her with intensity, she feels as if she was being hugged.--thank you..-- she said smiling and entering her room.
While she read, a feeling of longing invaded her-- I...actually miss every single one of you, khonsu...thoth...horus...sett..--she sighed-- I could actually use a tea right Now...
Suddenly a fresh brewed tea appeared on her nightstand, the little paper attached to the other end of the teabag had an Ibis head logo 《thoth》 jeri thought.
Then the rain poured heavily, the thunders seemed to have a red tint, and the beach sand she had in a glass containers swirled inside of it 《sett》jerico thought again.
The Winds blew mercilessly, and the leaves that fly with the currents seem to be forming a falcon head 《horus》
And yet, the moon didnt stop shining, the Rays kept invading her room. She smiled 《khonsu》
After finishing her tea, she closed the book and cuddled under the covers-- thank you...-- she whispered-- good night
The Winds whistled, the moonrays flickered, a thunder cracked down and in the distance she heard the cawing of an Ibis Bird. A simple message 《good night》
If sadie was here she would say jeri was about to get smote, smitten?. Whatever. But jerico didnt care. They were still there with her.
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
Opposites Attract
Cw; none
Summmary: after defeating apophis, weird times arrived, and much to sadies and cartera Dismay, they were about to get weirder as soon as jerico came up with her most chaotic idea yet.
♡Moots only ok to rb. S/I is +18 for context.
♡Taglist: @tex-treasures @aeliusinclairs @lilacslovers @qsionic
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--Are you mental?!-- asked sadie to jerico-- following the path of sett? Are you kidding me?!
Jeri shrugged-- I mean...the Power of the lord of evil, being used for the balance? I think it could be greatly beneficial
Carter Turned to her-- jerico, you know how sett is, its too Risky
-- its a big swing, yeah, but I think the good outweights the bad
Sadie shook her head-- it really doesnt, just , do me a favor okay? Think it over...
Jeri nodded and kept eating her breakfast.
Unaware to the members of the Brooklyn house, sett had heard every single word.
The lord of evil was intrigued for sure, he could tell that jerico was a good soul, and wanting to follow the path of such chaotic god was in fact, weird.
Nonetheless, he considered it, jeri was a good candidate.
He watched her throughout her day, she was a teacher just like sadie and Carter. She had joined after the events of the red pyramid and since then she has proven to be a great mentor to the younglings.
She was warm and kind, such gentle and patient soul, she was also strict when needed. A perfect balance.
Jerico leaned against the handrail, the sun already left and the moon made its presence on the Sky.
The warm summer breeze seemed to lull her into a peacefull sleep.
Sett could barely materialize on the rooftop, he looked at jeri, who was peacefully asleep, her hair, now down from the bun she usually used was flowing with the wind.
He chuckled, humans never really spiked his interest. But she was different. There was such a chaotic energy from her. But somehow it was a good chaotic energy.
She was unpredictable, creative, yet kind, he smiled doing the gesture of drapping a jacket over her.
Said jacket materialized as he did so, ruffling her hair sett whispered-- sweet dreams, kiddo...
He poofed into a cloud of red mist And eventually Carter carried her inside to her room.
Next morning jerico had awaken with the jacket ontop of the blankets near her feet.
She held the piece of clothing, the leather had a red shine to it, the scent of sand mixed in with coco and vanilla, her favorite scent aside from green Apple shampoo.
Holding it close, the jacket seemed to provide comfort.
Soon she changed into her usual linnen uniform. Putting the jacket ontop.
During breakfast jerico asked to Carter-- hey, Carter, is this jacket yours?
The boy shook his head-- no its not mine, I thought it was yours?
Sadie snorted-- look at that jacket, it has too much style to be carters!
Carter kicked his sister under the table saying something not so friendly, that Fell deaf to Amos' ears
The oldest of the Kanes looked at the jacket. He could sense the chaotic energy radiating off of it, he was worried and horrified. But decided to not say anything as to not ruin the mood.
Later that day, he decided to have a Word with sett.
As he finished the summoning the lord of evil greeted him with a sly smile-- Amos nice to see you again buddy! ,however, seeing as you trapped me with malachite I have a suspicion that you didnt want to just hang out...
--What Is your intention with jerico?-- amos' voice was stern and cold.
Sett shrugged-- I dont know what youre talking about...!
--Dont play dumb-- sadies and carters uncle said-- I could feel your magic pouring from that jacket...
--ohh, is this about the jacket?-- the lord of evil asked rethorically with that "little shit" tone-- look, the kid fell asleep and I just drapped that jacket on her, you gotta admit that she looks pretty good with it on!
Amos raised his brows at the compliment-- why are you so interested in her...?
--Lets just say she has piqued my interest,such a kind soul following my path? Well then, its going to get interesting..., if thats all, amos, im going to take my leave
--No youre--
Before amos can say anything sett leaves leaving red mist all over the place. He sighed in annoyance. Just one more thing to worry about.
After that not so fruitfull chat, thats when things got weird
One night jerico was feeling lonely, she curled up within herself and looked down at knees.
Suddenly a storm breaks out the rain and thunder seems calming and soothing.
Then she could shapeshift with ease, sure, sadie and Carter could too, but jerico could shapeshift into bigger/more combat Oriented animals like wolves or lions.
--did you guys know that apparently sett could also appear in the form of a fennec Fox?
Sadie and Carter stared in confusion-- what the fuck is a fennec Fox?
Jeri quickly searched for a picture, and both siblings broke into a fit of laughter, such a cute animal for such a god.
And that night, thats when it all went to shit.
Jerico was peacefully asleep when her Ba (her soul) decided to take a trip.
She was in a fancy appartment, decorated with expensive furniture, and jazz records.
--Good evening-- said sett behind jerico-- may I offer you some tea?
Jerico was dumbfoded, she did not remember sett being that good looking. Sure. She saw him a couple of times during the events of the throne of Fire and the serpents shadow. But Man, now she could appreciate him better.
--uh, sure-- she grabbed the tea cup from his hand and smiled shyly.
Setts heart skipped a beat and he smiled -- youre wondering why I called you here, first, lets take a Seat.
They sit on the sofá, he leans back with his legs crossed, one arm on the backrest And the cup on his lap being Held by his free hand.
--you piqued my interest , you wanted to follow my path despite me being your opposite, and even though youve been warned, I think you already made up your mind...
Jeri nodded-- I did, yeah
He chuckled-- very well, ill lend you my powers, under one condition...
"of course" jerico thought Rolling her eyes-- would you dance with me?
He extended his hand to her as the cups poofed away. Soft jazz music played in the background and soon enough they were waltzing around the room.
Needless to say she was dumbfoded, and the god of evil had a mischevious grin. But neither said a Word.
Hours passed as they danced slowly, jerico ended up resting her head against setts chest. Who blushed madly in response.
Eventually she had to wake up, so he kissed her knuckles and whispered -- ill see you around, mademoiselle...
And so she woke up with her heart beating loudly, she could barely look at the jacket without blushing.
She got changed and went to eat breakfast.
--are you okay?-- Carter asked.
Jeris cheeks Turned red and sadie feared the worst-- I- i dont wa-want to talk about it...-- she muttered.
That same day jerico went to buy some things for herself. There was just one thing she couldnt find.
--looking for this, mademoiselle?-- setts voice asked teasingly. Handing her the book she was looking for.
--Can you not?-- jer asked grabbing said book and walking to the check out line.
--can I not what, dear?
--can you not act like youre flirting with me?, treat me to lunch first at least-- she Joked with sarcasm making sett chuckle.
--very well then...
After paying for the book they went to a nearby restaurant where sett paid for the food.
The spent the whole day talking, And he escorted her to the Brooklyn house, safe and sound.
--would you like for me to return the jacket?-- jeri asked.
--Its a gift, you can Keep it...
--Thank you, sett, I had fun today, ill see you around okay?
He nodded and she kissed his cheek, running into the Brooklyn house giggling.
The god of evil blushed and then scoffed walking quickly to his very expensive car.
As she gained Power, sett started to be able to talk to her in her mind.
Sometimes she would be studying when a little voice would say 《take a break》 or 《youre running out of water in your system, stay hydrated》
She would think 《 look at you worried about me, sett》
At first there would be silence, but eventually sett would answer with flirty remarks.
One day jerico said outloud-- youve been very flirty lately, sett, If you got something to tell me, say it to my face...~
--very well...~ -- suddenly sett materialized into jeris room.
--How?! Why-- WHAT?!
sett started laughing-- since youre learning my path im able to enter your room only, now about me having to tell you something...
Jerico was sitting on the edge of her bed, sett hovered over her with a shit eating grin. Painfully close
In a split second however, she kissed him, catching him off guard.
But nonetheless he kissed back, both laying down on the bed with setts arm around jericos waist.
--Whats that phrase you humans say? Opposites attract...?
Jeri giggled-- so it would seem...
He kissed her again and her legs wrapped around his waist. His hands on her waist. Both breaking into a fit of giggles.
Needless to say when Carter and sadie found out they were horrified. Amos could see it coming.
-- WHAT IN THE FUCK?!-- Screamed Carter and horus seeing sett hugging jericos waist.
-- hello, horus, Isis, oh and of course, Carter and sadie-- the god of evil grinned-- you guys wont mind if I take jeri here out to a date yeah? Ill bring her back safe and sound, now, if youll excuse me..~
He Led jeri to the entrance as both siblings froze in their place. These were weird times indeed...
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