#platonic f/o: alyssa
dragondream-ing · 7 months
Isn’t it funny that so many people always seem to accept the least flattering/sympathetic rumors in F&B as pure truth?
Someone made the claim to me that Aenys was a bastard, and not in the “according to Westerosi norms Rhaenys was Aegon’s mistress” way. Not that I agree with that claim (hello, I’m a Targaryen fan) but at least that argument highlights the hypocrisy of the nobles and the Faith. Nope, this person believes Rhaenys (maliciously) passed off a minstrel’s son as Aegon’s.
Obviously I’ve heard many people discuss this rumor, and I never thought much of it because nothing in the book convinced me it was true. I’ve always thought Aenys was Aegon’s actual son (and also Maegor wasn’t a dark magic baby). Tbh though… I liked the idea of Rhaenys living her best life, Aegon being totally cool about his wife having lovers, and, as a fantasy enjoyer, magic babies sounds awesome. I just think there’s a more boring explanation.
So there are several reasons people question Aenys’ parentage. Rhaenys spending lots of time in the company of other men, the time it took for her to conceive (and Visenya, too, but I’ll get to her later). This, of course, also puts into question Aegon’s fertility (which is interesting, usually the women get blamed) but it could also put into question the legitimacy of their sons’ claim to the throne. At the time and with the dragons, that doesn’t really have an impact. Aenys was accepted as king, and even Maegor was accepted by far more of the lords than most fans credit (out of fear and self preservation, of course, but still).
Another thing that comes up is Aenys being weak af while Aegon wasn’t, so how could he be his son? I’m not going to spend time on that shitty argument when Viserys I was the son of Baelon and Alyssa lol
I don’t find the “better” reasons for this rumor that convincing either. As always, this is imo, so take it with a grain of salt.
As to Rhaenys keeping the “company of other males,” I like to keep in mind the F&B sources are pretty obviously condemning her for this based on their own morals. These aren’t exactly people inclined to think well of women that don’t behave “dutifully.”
Rhaenys could literally have enjoyed that company platonically. She liked frivolity, why wouldn’t she befriend entertaining people? She and Aegon and Visenya weren’t committed to all the same morals as their subjects (GRRM himself said the conquerors converted to the Faith of the Seven for political reasons), so they could just be… chill about things the rest of Westeros found strange or condemnable? That’s not to say Aegon would be cool with Rhaenys passing off someone else’s child as his own—I’m sorry, I don’t think even the Valyrians were that open-minded. But compared to the pious and judgmental dorks that wrote about him, Aegon could possibly… trust his sister-wives around other men? Shocking amirite.
I’m not sure why I should trust the sources on this rumor. Why would I assume they’d even be able to understand their rulers—in a realistic manner if not sympathetic one? And how could they understand the relationship the conquerors had? Ya know, plural marriage, women riding dragons and going to war, sitting the throne, ruling in Aegon’s stead. I have serious doubts they would be able to assess women of this caliber with much rationality tbh. It’s not that I think every single thing they say is false, but I do think they’d miss and misread things because of their biases and worldview. Like I’m pretty sure if Rhaenys smiled too long at a minstrel, they’d assume she banged him.
But it’s not actually that important if Rhaenys had lovers or not. If she did, it didn’t matter to the people she was in a relationship with, they never doubted Aenys’ parentage, so I’m on board whatever the truth may be.
However, I think the timeline for her conceiving Aenys is a shit reason to claim she “cuckolded” Aegon. I mean, sure, it took her a long time. And there could be no other reason for that but her infertility, or Aegon’s, and so she must’ve had another man’s child, right? Actually, there’s a pretty simple explanation imo.
I know this is going to sound crazy but… maybe they didn’t want heirs until the conquest was over lmao
This isn’t a “lord secures an heir before going to war” situation. This isn’t pregnant Catelyn safe in her father’s castle or Winterfell while Ned is at war. If the conquest failed, slim chance though that was, the Targaryen heirs would be slaughtered. They didn’t have a bunch of kin or hordes of blindly loyal bannermen. They wouldn’t have had dragons, either, unless they could claim their (in this scenario) dead parents’ dragons before they, too, were assassinated, and considering they’d be quite young, this seems incredibly unlikely.
People seem to forget Visenya, Aegon, and Rhaenys weren’t twiddling their thumbs before the conquest. They planned it for at least a few years, they knew exactly the danger they’d be in, let’s give them some credit here. Plus Aegon spent some time fighting in Essos at the end of the Century of Blood. Why wouldn’t they put heirs on pause for a bit?
It’s not like things were stable in year 1 AC lmao in 2 AC they were dealing with the Ironborn, 4 AC was Dorne etc. They were *busy* establishing a whole ass kingdom from a bunch of petty kingdoms that were used to warring with each other every year. I imagine it was a ton of work 😂
Then Aenys was born in 7 AC, likely conceived in 6 AC. Maybe Rhaenys struggled to get pregnant, maybe they waited, maybe a combination of both. It just doesn’t seem odd to me that heirs came post-conquest. In fact, it seems perfectly reasonable.
So why did Visenya wait to have Maegor until 12 AC? If I was a maester, I’d tell you the poor thing failed in her duty as a woman, that she desperately wanted children but couldn’t. To be fair, this could be the case (not the duty part, but maybe she did want a baby and struggled with infertility. We know she loved Maegor dearly after all).
But let me posit an alternative. This concept may be difficult for some, but… what if she didn’t actually want children? I know, another shocking interpretation lmao
Here’s a scenario I concocted that seems plausible. What if Visenya, Aegon, and Rhaenys agreed that Rhaenys would be the one to have children? What if—and I know this is a wild thought—they had some awareness of the potential dangers of having heirs from two wives, of essentially creating two lines that could come into conflict? Visenya did suggest a betrothal between Maegor and Rhaena after all. I’m sure she wanted her son to have the crown, and she definitely thought Aenys was a weakling, but she could’ve also wanted to unite hers and Rhaenys’ lines to avoid conflict. I think these are reasonable considerations.
I tend to view these characters as relatively rational actors. Their other actions add credence to this, like Rhaenys establishing the rule of six. Do I wish she outlawed wife beating? Yes. Do I think she chose a practical solution with a better chance of being accepted by the nobles that would offer women more protection than they had before? Also yes. What I’m saying is, instead of minstrel orgies and dark magic babies, I tend to lean toward practical explanations.
So back to why Visenya had Maegor so late… Rhaenys’ dies in 10 AC. Visenya and Aegon burn Dorne for 2 years in retaliation. Visenya gets pregnant with Maegor in 11 AC and has him in 12.
What if she was concerned that the dynasty had only a single sickly child to sustain it? Aenys could’ve died in his young age, his health only improved when he bonded with Quicksilver. The continuation of House Targaryen had to rely entirely upon *him.* It makes sense to me that *this* is when Visenya bit the bullet and had a child. It’s even possible Aegon was just as concerned. We can’t know for sure, but would it be surprising considering the circumstances?
At the very least, I find the timing of Maegor’s birth pretty convenient, and the best explanation for me is that after Rhaenys’ death, Visenya (and possibly Aegon) knew they needed a spare, and that spare would have to come from her.
Anyway, I’m completely aware that I’ve spent way too much time thinking about this 😂
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ronzombie · 2 years
F/O List
name / tag
Romantic F/O ( italic = poly)
- Connor Murphy / [ cm ] mumbling with you
- Simon Henriksson / [ sh ] smoke break
- David Leatherhoff / [ dl ] just like a pill
- Proinsias Cassidy / [ pc ] stoned on you
- Nancy Wheeler / [ nw ] kitchen lovin'
- Enid Sinclair / [ es ] perfect for you
- Davina / [ d ] apple juice and peach
- Codename V / [ v ] scarlet fever
- Kurt Kunkle / [ kk ] flashbang
Queer Platonic F/O ( italic = poly )
- Lisa Swallows / [ ls ] lipstick stains
- The Creature / [ tc ] coffee stained copy
- Dwayne Hoover / [ dh ] a little life
- Colin Gray / [ cg ] emo boy
- Riley West / [ rw ] who knew
Platonic F/O
- Dylan Lenivy / [ dl ] boy on fire
- Ryan Erzahler / [ re ] haunted
- Jared Kleinman / [ jk ] trippin
Parental F/O ( bold = biological )
- Lucifer Morningstar / [ lm ] deviled egg
- Eve (from Lucifer) / [ e ] deviled egg
- Dale Dobson / [ dd ] sun baby
- Mazikeen Smith (step-mom) / [ ms ] soul searcher
- Chloe Decker (step-mom) / [ cd ] detective
- Tucker McGee (God-father) / [ tm ] junior
Sibling F/O ( green = in-law )
- Violet Harmon / [ vh ] on top of the world
- Alyssa Foley / [ af ] tampax pride
- Evan Hansen / [ eh ] forest expertise
- Olive Hoover / [ oh ] little miss sunshine
- Trixie Espinoza (step-sister) / [ te ] looking out for you
Pet F/O
- Jangers Dobson / [ jd ] puppy prince
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Smote? Smitten?
Cw: one suggestive joke.
Summary: jericó keeps invoking the gods with their names. Much to everyones dismay and warnings.
Taglist: @aeliusinclairs @tex-treasures @qsionic
A/n: Moots only ok to rb
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-- you should be more carefull talking about the gods-- said sadie non-chalantly as she read a a magazine.
--oh come on, sett likes it when I speak of him,isnt that right sett?-- the floor rumbled as if something that was way Below the surface laughed, the room got suddenly cold.
-- youre the one thats getting smote not me....Wait...smote? Smitten? Ugh whatever!
Jeri laughed-- yeah its gonna be me thankfully
Theres a three second silence before sadie rolls up her magazine and starts chasing jerico around.
--ah shit! I cant remember the Word in english! -- jeri said while she talked with walt, in the library infront of thoths statue-- hey tatter tots! How do you say <ñandú> in english? --the wind whirls around the room, Walt heard a whisper coming from it, or was it thoths statue?. -- ah yes! Ostritch! Thank you tatter tots!
Walt stares -- is that considered blasphemy?
--Is it? Should I ask--
--NO-- said Walt-- lets leave tatter to-- I mean thoth alone!
Jeri rolled her eyes-- whatever you say
Some hours later jeri and Carter are arguing over how to Grab a sword-- its not like that! -- jeri said-- youre grabbing the handle wrong!
--ive told you thats the way--
--Hey horus! Show Carter how to properly Grab that sword!
Carters hand moves by himself gripping the sword in the way jerico said-- see?! I was right
--oh fuck off jerico!
At night the lights were cut off, and sadie and the rest of the girls (sadie, cleo, alyssa, Bast and jerico) were having a girls night.
Jeris light had died on her and all she had was the light of the moon to help her read.
She took a sip from her tea, sighing, a hand grabbing the beautiful moon jewelry she was wearing-- hey khonsu, dear, I cant see very well, could you help Us find our way until the electricity returns?
Suddenly the moon shines brighter, illuminating every single room in the Brooklyn house and waking up more than one student.
--Thank you dear!-- the moonlight seems to flicker for a moment as if saying "youre welcome".
Bast started laughing-- youve been doing that for a bit!
Sadie scoffed-- shes gonna get smote
Alyssa and cleo laughed-- I think its cute too!-- they say making sadie roll her eyes.
--If you complain so much why do you Keep scooting closer to the moonlight?-- asked jer with a grin on her face.
--for no reason!-- said the kane-- fuck off!
They shared a laugh and kept Reading.
The Next night jerico missed khonsu, the moon was no where to be seen, so she goes to her balcony and sighs-- I miss you khonsu...
The moon parts the heavy dark clouds and the moonrays illuminate her with intensity, she feels as if she was being hugged.--thank you..-- she said smiling and entering her room.
While she read, a feeling of longing invaded her-- I...actually miss every single one of you, khonsu...thoth...horus...sett..--she sighed-- I could actually use a tea right Now...
Suddenly a fresh brewed tea appeared on her nightstand, the little paper attached to the other end of the teabag had an Ibis head logo 《thoth》 jeri thought.
Then the rain poured heavily, the thunders seemed to have a red tint, and the beach sand she had in a glass containers swirled inside of it 《sett》jerico thought again.
The Winds blew mercilessly, and the leaves that fly with the currents seem to be forming a falcon head 《horus》
And yet, the moon didnt stop shining, the Rays kept invading her room. She smiled 《khonsu》
After finishing her tea, she closed the book and cuddled under the covers-- thank you...-- she whispered-- good night
The Winds whistled, the moonrays flickered, a thunder cracked down and in the distance she heard the cawing of an Ibis Bird. A simple message 《good night》
If sadie was here she would say jeri was about to get smote, smitten?. Whatever. But jerico didnt care. They were still there with her.
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beloved-selfship · 3 years
F/O List!
✦ Romantic F/Os ✦
- Scott McCall [Teen Wolf] 🖤
- Jemma Simmons [Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]  🔧 ✨
- Eliot Waugh [The Magicians] 🖊️
✦ Familial F/Os ✦
- Melissa McCall [Teen Wolf]  🖤🌸✨
- Chris Argent [Teen Wolf] 🖤
-  Alya Fitzsimmons [Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.]  🔧
- Charlie and Ella Budd [Bodyguard] 🎖️
✦ Platonic F/Os ✦
- The Hale Pack (Erica Reyes, Vernon Boyd, and Derek Hale) [Teen Wolf]  🖤
- Scott McCall [Teen Wolf] 🌸
- Sam and Patrick [The Perks of Being a Wallflower]  💚
- Julia Wicker [The Magicians]  🖊️
❖ ── ✦ ──『✙』── ✦ ── ❖
✦ Potential Platonic F/Os ✦
- Ki Swan [Video Game High School] ✨
- Ted Wong [Video Game High School] ✨
- Brian Doheny [Video Game High School] ✨
- Alyphs [Undertale] 🎧
✦ Potential Romantic F/Os ✦
- Neil McCormick [Mysterious Skin] 🧸
- Phillip Pearson [Travelers] 👟
- Alyssa Foley [The End of the Fxxxing World] 📌
- Troy Barnes [Community] 🖥️
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Updated F/O List!
Nero from the Devil May Cry series (Ship: The Demon and the Choir Girl)
Gladiolus Amicitia from Final Fantasy 15 (Ship: The Storyteller and her Shield)
The Original:
Raiden from the Metal Gear Series (Ship: The Ripper's Rose)
Son Hak from Yona of the Dawn (no ship name)
Prince Zen from Akagami no Shirayukihime (no ship name)
I have more but can't think of them!
☆Familiar and Platonic☆ *no ship names*
Ignis Scientia (sees me as an adopted daughter)
Dante Sparda (sees me as an adopted niece)
Iris Amicita (sees me as an older sister)
Prompto Argentum (Friends/sees me as a younger sister)
Noctis Lucis Caelum (Friends/sees me as a younger sister)
Nicoletta Goldstein (Friends/sees me as a younger sister)
♤Real Life Friends♤ *who'll show up in stories* (You can be here too! Just ask!)
Alyssa "Ace" T (Best Friends/sees me as a younger sister)
Chris "Senpai" (Best Friends)
Alys S (Adoptive Mom friend)
Iru (Best Friends/sees me as an older sister)
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ronzombie · 2 years
Songs that remind me of every single one of my f/os because why not
Romantic F/O
- Daryl Dixon - The Night We Met
- Otis Driftwood - Gorehound
- Xavier Thorpe - Tiny Dancer
- Kurt Kunkle - The Gummy Bear song (obviously)
- Carl Grimes - I Walk The Line
- Jacob Black - No Surprises
- The Joker - A Gangster's Wife
-Saul Goodman - Male Fantasy
-Nancy Wheeler - Thérèse
Queer Platonic F/O
- Dee Shvagenbagen - Two Punks in Love
- Sal Fisher - The Other Side Of Paradise
- Connor Murphy - Sincerely, Me
- Colin Gray - Friday I'm in Love
Parental F/O ( green = in-law ) , ( bold = biological )
- Lucifer Morningstar - Little Lion Man
- Eve - Habits
- Dale Dobson - Welcome Home, Son
- Billy Black - Sleeping on the Blacktop
- Mama Firefly - Mama's Broken Heart
- Mazikeen (step-mom) - WTF Are We Talking For
- Chloe Decker (step-mom) - Paradise: Coldplay
- Tucker McGee (God-father) - Blood (End Credits)
- Michonne Hawthorne (God-mother) - My Mom: Kimya Dawson
- Maggie Greene (adoptive) - The Light Behind Your Eyes
- Glenn Rhee (adoptive) - Yellow: Coldplay
- Slenderman (adoptive) - My Family: Migos
- Tim Wright (adoptive) - You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
-Bobby Singer - Home: Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
Sibling F/O ( green = in-law ) , ( bold = biological )
- Violet Harmon - Creep
- Alyssa Foley - Fez's Interlude
- Heavy Shvagenbagen - Alien Boy: Oliver Tree
- Baby Firefly - House Of 1000 Corpses
- Tiny Firefly - Sick City
- Trixie Espinoza (step-sister) - Habits
-Rory Morningstar - Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
- Toby Rogers (adoptive) - Constant Headache
Platonic F/O
- Dylan Lenivy - Psycho Killer: The Wrecks
-Ryan Erzahler - Mad World: Gary Jules
- Seth Clearwater - Boys Will Be Bugs
- Coraline Jones - Bruno is Orange
Enemy F/O ( italic = would fuck )
- PHILIP BLAKE - Dearly Loved
- Shane Walsh - Daddy: Korn
- Merle Dixon - Run Rabbit Run
Pet F/O
- Jangers Dobson - Fireflies: Owl City
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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Some tkc platonic f/os art!. Theres too Many characters to describe them. So just take it.
Only mutuals ok to rb.
Taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifepatrickbateman @80sboyfriends @mercuryships
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