#platonic f/o: cleo
@spengnitzed @bixiebeet @professorlehnsherr-almashy @angelixgutz
Imagine what music they'd have? What food? Would it be outside? What kind of theme, if any, would they have?
Jazz and jewish folk music. The ceremony would be outside in the garden, while the dinner reception, with Ashkenazi jewish food from Poland, Russia and Ukraine and the dancing party would be inside the house of their friend, Ray. The theme would be woodlands and mycology. 
Who would they invite? 
Ray (who is Egon's best man and provider of the house where the wedding is celebrated), Winston, Peter, Dana, Egon's mother, brother, sister-in-law and baby nephew, Janine's parents, sister, grandmother and maternal uncles and cousins. 
What season is it? Day or night? What colors do people wear?
Autumn, evening till night, starting at 15:00 pm. While the decoration is green and brown, the guests are left free to choose the colors of their clothes.
Is it traditional or do they do something wild?
The ceremony follows traditional jewish marriage rituals, along with including a justice of peace to assist the civil legalization and documentation of the wedding. 
Did they write their own vows? Who is the priest/priestess/minister marrying you? Or is it a family member or other platonic F/O?
They do write their own vows, taking some inspiration from literature. Janine's family rabbi and a paid justice of peace marries her and Egon. 
Are they wearing suits? Dresses? Something else entirely?
Janine wears a tea-length dress with a lace top and puffy skirt.
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Egon wears a black suit and bowtie. 
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What is their cake like if they have one?
Is a cake decorated with candy mushrooms and sugar leafs, topped with two snails representing the couple. 
Do they throw the bouquet for someone to catch or do they pass out one flower to everyone so they let everyone know they are worthy of love?
Janine appears like she will throw one bouquet to one person, then surprises everyone when the flowers are untied and everybody catches a flower. 
Do they have a party afterwards? What music?
A dancing party with the music of Cleo Laine, Harry Belafonte, Ofra Haza and The Parvarim. 
What is their honeymoon like? Is it a stay at home one? Do they go somewhere exciting? How long is their trip?
A three week vacation to San Diego, California.
How many kids do they have? What are their names?
Three kids: Noemi, Tobin and Batya.
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NICKNAME(S): Baby Smurf, Sugar Plum.
FACECLAIM: Violet Ramis (child), Jenny Slate (adult).
BIRTH: August 25th 1984.
SEXUALITY: Bissexual.
GENDER: Female.
ORIGIN: Forest Hills, Queens, New York City.
+ Curious, inquisitive, creative, extroverted, with a fascination for gallows humor;
+ Loves colorful clothes, cartoons and comic books;
+ Has a strong temper and rarely disguises when she has either contempt or desire to kill someone she perceives as an enemy;
+ P.K.E Meter
+ Proton Pack
+ Ghost Trap
+ While she inherited the academic talent of her father, she has the more outgoing and bold approach to social interactions of her mother;
+ Considers the other Ghostbusters her uncles, with Ray and Winston being her favorites;
+ Is a huge fan of the Smurfs and Asterix comics and cartoons and a cosplayer;
+ Before deciding to pursue a career in STEM and Parapsychology, for a while she considered taking religious studies to become a rabbi. While she didn't went through with that, she still became and expert in Jewish Mythology and Folklore;
+ Besides being a Ghostbuster, Noemi also teaches about the paranormal at Columbia University.
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NICKNAME(S): Bean Bunny.
FACECLAIM: Anton Yelchin (child and adult).
BIRTH: June 23th 1989.
ORIGIN: Forest Hills, Queens, New York City.
+ Calm, caring, empathetic, studious, who enjoys safety and tranquility;
+ Loves cooking, gardening and drawing;
+ Is anxious and gets stuck in a place when frightened;
+ P.K.E Meter
+ Ghost Trap
+ Has the more quiet temperament of his father, and the belief in intuition from his mother, wich is formative of his view of science mainly as an instrument of nurturing;
+ Collects mold, spores and fungus, and also enjoys botanics, specially harvesting the mushrooms, fruits and vegetables to use in dishes he cooks for his friends and family;
+ Loves the Pogo comic strips, Fraggle Rock and the Dave the Gnome cartoon;
+ Studies to become a Landscape Architect, Environmental Engineer and Manager;
+ When reluctantly involved in Ghostbusting by his older sister, he only uses the P.K.E Meter and the Ghost Trap, seeing these instruments as something to try to communicate with the ghosts and help them get shelter and defend humans from harm, but he doesn’t handle the Proton Pack because is heavy and because he sees it as a intimidating gun.
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NICKNAME(S): Ladybug.
FACECLAIM: Flora Guiet (child), Alexandra Socha (adult).
BIRTH: September 29th 1991.
SEXUALITY: Biromantic and demisexual.
GENDER: Female.
ORIGIN: Forest Hills, Queens, New York City.
+ Likes to keep things well organized to facilitate the work and everyday life of other people;
+ Physically agile;
+ In a conversation, can see connections between topics that the other person listening her would never imagine being related;
+Proton Pack
+Ghost Trap
+ Ecto Goggles
+ Inherited her mother’s taste for racquetball, and also plays tennis;
+ Loves RPG, be they tabletop or video games, eventually getting a Masters Degree in Game Theory and Game Design;
+ Is fascinated with prehistoric animals, studying History, Biology, Zoology, Archeology and Paleontology, the area where she intends to become a Doctor;
+ Also enjoys photography;
+ Is a mix between a Explorer Historian, whose greatest pleasure is delving into the new world that they are exploring in search of knowledge as the greatest reward, and a Socializer Strategist, happy to collaborate in order to achieve bigger and better things than she could on her own, while having no problems assuming leadership if it means keeping the group safe and sound when the situation becomes especially dangerous.
Where do they live?
In an old two storey boarding house in Forest Hills, Queens, chosen because it looked similar to a drawing that Janine made in her childhood of her dream house, which should be old and covered with vines like the house that served as Madeline's boarding school. 
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Smote? Smitten?
Cw: one suggestive joke.
Summary: jericó keeps invoking the gods with their names. Much to everyones dismay and warnings.
Taglist: @aeliusinclairs @tex-treasures @qsionic
A/n: Moots only ok to rb
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-- you should be more carefull talking about the gods-- said sadie non-chalantly as she read a a magazine.
--oh come on, sett likes it when I speak of him,isnt that right sett?-- the floor rumbled as if something that was way Below the surface laughed, the room got suddenly cold.
-- youre the one thats getting smote not me....Wait...smote? Smitten? Ugh whatever!
Jeri laughed-- yeah its gonna be me thankfully
Theres a three second silence before sadie rolls up her magazine and starts chasing jerico around.
--ah shit! I cant remember the Word in english! -- jeri said while she talked with walt, in the library infront of thoths statue-- hey tatter tots! How do you say <ñandú> in english? --the wind whirls around the room, Walt heard a whisper coming from it, or was it thoths statue?. -- ah yes! Ostritch! Thank you tatter tots!
Walt stares -- is that considered blasphemy?
--Is it? Should I ask--
--NO-- said Walt-- lets leave tatter to-- I mean thoth alone!
Jeri rolled her eyes-- whatever you say
Some hours later jeri and Carter are arguing over how to Grab a sword-- its not like that! -- jeri said-- youre grabbing the handle wrong!
--ive told you thats the way--
--Hey horus! Show Carter how to properly Grab that sword!
Carters hand moves by himself gripping the sword in the way jerico said-- see?! I was right
--oh fuck off jerico!
At night the lights were cut off, and sadie and the rest of the girls (sadie, cleo, alyssa, Bast and jerico) were having a girls night.
Jeris light had died on her and all she had was the light of the moon to help her read.
She took a sip from her tea, sighing, a hand grabbing the beautiful moon jewelry she was wearing-- hey khonsu, dear, I cant see very well, could you help Us find our way until the electricity returns?
Suddenly the moon shines brighter, illuminating every single room in the Brooklyn house and waking up more than one student.
--Thank you dear!-- the moonlight seems to flicker for a moment as if saying "youre welcome".
Bast started laughing-- youve been doing that for a bit!
Sadie scoffed-- shes gonna get smote
Alyssa and cleo laughed-- I think its cute too!-- they say making sadie roll her eyes.
--If you complain so much why do you Keep scooting closer to the moonlight?-- asked jer with a grin on her face.
--for no reason!-- said the kane-- fuck off!
They shared a laugh and kept Reading.
The Next night jerico missed khonsu, the moon was no where to be seen, so she goes to her balcony and sighs-- I miss you khonsu...
The moon parts the heavy dark clouds and the moonrays illuminate her with intensity, she feels as if she was being hugged.--thank you..-- she said smiling and entering her room.
While she read, a feeling of longing invaded her-- I...actually miss every single one of you, khonsu...thoth...horus...sett..--she sighed-- I could actually use a tea right Now...
Suddenly a fresh brewed tea appeared on her nightstand, the little paper attached to the other end of the teabag had an Ibis head logo 《thoth》 jeri thought.
Then the rain poured heavily, the thunders seemed to have a red tint, and the beach sand she had in a glass containers swirled inside of it 《sett》jerico thought again.
The Winds blew mercilessly, and the leaves that fly with the currents seem to be forming a falcon head 《horus》
And yet, the moon didnt stop shining, the Rays kept invading her room. She smiled 《khonsu》
After finishing her tea, she closed the book and cuddled under the covers-- thank you...-- she whispered-- good night
The Winds whistled, the moonrays flickered, a thunder cracked down and in the distance she heard the cawing of an Ibis Bird. A simple message 《good night》
If sadie was here she would say jeri was about to get smote, smitten?. Whatever. But jerico didnt care. They were still there with her.
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heya!!! heard ya feeling down. you’re not alone, we gotcha back out here >:3 here’s a lil thing i’ve been biding my time with: pick a romantic, platonic, and familial f/o and just- have at it! scenarios, headcanons, you name it! what are the different ways they comfort you or cheer you up? what would it be like to have them all over for dinner? the possibilities are endless!! pick 3 and write. i hope you feel better soon and remember, your f/o’s love you!!!!💗💗💗💗💗
thank you sosososo much..
honestly were doing two platonics and two romantics because why not
going to school includes
keeping jackson as far away from manny or torelai as possible
listening to deuce talk about cleo
helping jackson or holt get reoriented when they have an accidental switch
making sure heath doesnt do anything dumb even if thats almost not possible
running (or, well, floating in my case) through the halls to avoid going to class/make it to a game
trying to learn to play SKRM or casketball because my friends seem to enjoy it
failing at those games and making fun of myself
jackson/holt and i going on double dates with deuce and cleo (and having heath ocassionally fifth wheel)
hanging out with holt during a dj gig
getting into strange and generally goofy hijinks 
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voidselfshipp · 2 years
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Some tkc platonic f/os art!. Theres too Many characters to describe them. So just take it.
Only mutuals ok to rb.
Taglist: @tex-treasures @malewifepatrickbateman @80sboyfriends @mercuryships
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