#tot tag pending
zee-rambles · 1 year
*waves intensely*
Hello, Tumblr user zee-rambles!
I'm sending this ask to ask for a Fandom Favor! (patent pending)
(Apologies in advance if any of this sounds odd, socializing is hard)
I am going to be making a comic depicting how I see Tumblr, and my journey through it so far. As the first TMNT blog I followed, and how AWESOME you've been with your art challenges and belief in ROTTMNT's return, I felt like you had to be at least referenced!!
A quick question for all: If you have one, may I use a sona/persona or other way you would like to be portrayed, such as a character, and would you give me permission to use it for the purpose of this comic?
IF SO: Would you like to be tagged in updates featuring you/your persona, all updates, or not at all?
IF NOT: Thank you for reading anyways!
First come first serve!
different versions of a character may be represented, such as Turtle Tot rottmnt Donnie and Donnie for the show/movie. What would not work would be rottmnt Donnie from the show and from the movie, because the designs are so similar.
Sonas are welcome, just give me a comprehensive ref sheet/clear references!
Regardless, thank you for reading this ask, and have a great rest of your day/afternoon/night!
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spicy-apple-pie · 1 year
*waves intensely*
Hello, Tumblr user spicy-apple-pie!
I'm sending this ask to ask for a Fandom Favor! (patent pending)
(Apologies in advance if any of this sounds odd, socializing is hard)
I am going to be making a comic depicting how I see Tumblr, and my journey through it so far. The creator of some AWESOME comics, and one of the few DC and TMNT enjoyers, I felt like you had to be here!
A quick question for all: If you have one, may I use a sona/persona or other way you would like to be portrayed, such as a character, and would you give me permission to use it for the purpose of this comic?
IF SO: Would you like to be tagged in updates featuring you/your persona, all updates, or not at all?
IF NOT: Thank you for reading anyways!
First come first serve!
different versions of a character may be represented, such as Turtle Tot rottmnt Donnie and Donnie for the show/movie. What would not work would be rottmnt Donnie from the show and from the movie, because the designs are so similar.
Sonas and OC's are welcome, just give me a comprehensive ref sheet/clear references!
Regardless, thank you for reading this ask, and have a great rest of your day/afternoon/night!
omigosh hi!!!
I would love to get any and all updates on the comic. Here's my sona ref, dm me if you have any questions or need a more detailed character sheet
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churchofthesluttyknee · 11 months
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A Series of Firsts
Author(s): A collaboration amongst smutty parishioners of The Church of the Slutty Knee
Pairing(s): Pedro x Oscar
Rating: E18+ MDNI
Word Count: pending
Series Warnings: explicit sexual content, including, but not limited to BDSM, choking, anal, oral, masturbation (self/mutual), toys, public sex
Chapter Summary: Pedro and Oscar discuss consensual power dynamics and safety. Oscar gives Pedro his first lesson.Takes place the day after chapter 3 concludes.
Notes: I know “cool slutty daddy” didn’t happen until 2023, and that Ash Crossan didn’t become an entertainment correspondent until 2022, so I’m taking some liberties (as if this whole story isn’t full of them 🤣)
Tag line: “Have you ever craved it? Craved it so badly… that it hurts?”
Chapter 4 - First Lesson
[Pedro narrates]: Al descubrirme totalmente entregado de cuerpo y alma a esta conexión, surge un nivel de confianza y complicidad que nunca habíamos experimentado. Nuestras miradas se encuentran, comunicando el ardiente deseo de olvidarse del mundo afuera, y solamente sumergirme en tus ojos inebriantes. Tus besos sellan este momento. No quiero que te vayas.
Upon discovering that my body and soul are totally devoted to this connection, there’s a level of trust and complicity that we never experienced before. Our gazes meet, communicating the burning desire to forget the world outside, and only dive into your inebriating eyes. Your kisses seal this moment. I don’t want you to leave.
ACT I: Toast and Coffee
Oscar stands in Pedro’s kitchen cooking lunch. Several pans are on hot burners and a delicious aroma fills the kitchen/living room area.
Oscar hums ‘Tuyo’ as he stirs boiling noodles in one pot and adds spices to a sauce in another. Just as he starts to strain the noodles Pedro pads into the living room wearing a pair of black boxer briefs and nothing else. His bed hair points in all directions. He yawns loudly and stretches his arms above his head.
Checking his watch, Oscar sees it’s a few minutes before noon.
“Good morning, sleepyhead. I was beginning to think you were going to sleep all day,” Oscar says cheerfully.
“How long have I been asleep?” Pedro asks as he stretches again.
“About ten hours, give or take. I guess I finally tired you out,” Oscar says with a sly grin as he begins to plate their lunch. “Did you want to eat inside or outside? It’s late enough that the sun is out and it's another beautiful LA day.”
“Let’s eat outside. I’ll show you the castle I told you about the other night.”
They take their plates, laden with a robust spaghetti in red sauce, out to the balcony.
A soft breeze blows and birds chirp cheerfully. As promised, Pedro points out the castle down the hill. They eat in a comfortable silence, savoring their meals, sipping on Casillero del Diablo. When they do speak the conversation is light and casual.
“About yesterday…" Oscar begins softly. "I’m so incredibly sorry if I hurt or scared you. That was not my intention at all,” he says, maintaining steady eye contact.
“My neck is still a little sore, but you didn’t hurt me. You just caught me off guard. Up to that second, everything had been so… sweet. When I found myself… pinned… to the shower wall, it was… well, it was hot, don't get me wrong. I love your passion. But it was also a bit sudden. I know I should have said something, but…”
“Mi Pedrito, mi tigre, mi amor… I dropped the ball on this, and I’m sorry. I should have been paying closer attention. The second you got on your knees, those sexy, slutty knees, I knew the dynamic of our relationship was changing. It was my responsibility to help you navigate that, and make sure I knew your limits. I know we said we were gonna talk about it when I got back last night, but seeing you lying naked in bed… I couldn’t help myself. But today this conversation is a top priority."
"Oh I know, I have been totally wrapped up in you myself. I don't blame you for getting carried away. I just want to try to do this right. It's all so new."
"It's something I've explored before, so let me guide you. Have you given any more thought to your safe words? I believe we decided that three would be a good starting point. Green, yellow and red.”
“I have! I know it’ll probably sound silly, but…” he laughs, then continues, “since we’ve both been dubbed ‘Space Daddies’, what if our words were astronomy related?” he asks enthusiastically.
“I like that. Did you have anything in particular in mind?”
“For green I think ‘moonlight’ would be good, because I’ve always felt safe in the moonlight. For yellow, I was thinking ‘starlight’, because sometimes stars look like they’re blinking, like caution lights. And for red, I was thinking ‘nova’, because it sounds like ‘no veh’, you know, no-go? But also because it’s an explosion, and things tend to stop pretty fast when they’ve exploded." Pedro laughs joyfully at his own joke.
“That they do, Pedrito, that they do,” Oscar says, his heart full and happy seeing Pedro back to his usual, goofy self. “I think those are excellent, mi vida. Let’s keep talking inside while I clean up the mess I’ve made in your kitchen,” he says, kissing Pedro tenderly on the forehead.
Collecting their empty dishes they go inside to clean up the kitchen. Pedro collects the cookware from the stove and stacks it neatly beside the sink. Oscar runs hot water and begins rinsing. Pedro wipes down the stove and surrounding countertops. Once he’s done all he can do, Pedro sits on a bar stool, facing Oscar, who is still rinsing dishes and putting them into the dishwasher.
“So… you mentioned yesterday wanting to do ‘truly depraved and brutal things with me…" Pedro begins, watching Oscar intently. “What sort of things do you imagine doing with me… to me?” he asks, his voice equal parts excited and timid.
Oscar smiles at Pedro and flicks water at him as he rinses the final dish.
“Well, since we’ve only just begun to explore our desires, let’s start off slow. What do you think about only being able to cum when I say you can?”
Pedro tilts his head slightly, considering what Oscar is asking him.
“You mean, like we did earlier, where you tell me to touch myself and to slow down so I don’t cum too fast?”
“Hmm, something like that. But let’s take it a step further. You can only touch yourself when I say you can, whether I'm here or not. And when I say you can touch yourself, know that I’m not giving you permission to cum. I might let you get close, so very close…” Oscar licks his lips at the thought of Pedro being desperate for release. “But until I give you permission, you’re not allowed to cum. And if you do… well, disobedience comes with punishment.”
“What… what sort of punishment?” Pedro asks, his eyebrows arching in fascinated curiosity.
“That’s something we’ll have to figure out together. What sort of punishment do you think you’d deserve for disobeying me, mi tigre?” he asks with a salacious grin.
Pedro bites his lip. “Well… since you’re talking about permissions, I suppose a fitting punishment for disobedience in this case would be not letting me cum at all?” he responds softly, looking at Oscar with a sad puppy expression, brows knitted together.
“If the disobedience continues, yes, that does seem a fitting punishment. Or perhaps I’ll overstimulate you, make you beg me to stop. You’ll be begging either way. Both sound equally delicious,” Oscar says, his smile devious.
Pedro’s eyes widen in shock. He’d never considered overstimulation before.
“But before it gets that far, you’ll be given warnings. The first warning may be verbal, but could also be something light, like a slap. I know you don’t really like harsh physical pain, so I’d never strike you hard… unless you wanted me to. But I think an open palm slap across the face, or on your ass, would be within your tolerance?”
“I think that would be ok. I definitely enjoyed it when you slapped my ass last night. As for my tolerance, I guess we’ll just have to discover it together.” A mischievous smirk tugs at his lips. “What other things did you want to do with me? Would these things be restricted to certain areas, like our homes? Or would we do stuff in public? Like… with the chance of being caught? The possibility of being caught… that… that actually sounds kind of exciting.”
“Oh, that turns you on, does it?” Oscar rubs his chin, contemplating the delightfully devious things he could make Pedro do while in the company of others.
“Yeah. My adrenaline always surges when the stakes are higher.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Speaking of public places, you’re going to the premier at the Dolby this evening, right?”
“Yeah, gotta support our fellow Space Sister, Diego!” Pedro replies enthusiastically.
“Space Sisters! I don’t know exactly where that name came from, but I love it! Did you want to go together in a ‘strictly platonic friends’ kind of way?”
“Yeah, that’s probably best. But maybe… we can fool around in the theater once the lights go down?” Pedro asks, winking playfully.
“Mi Pedrito travieso! What’s gotten into you? Have I awoken some sort of dormant beast in you?”
Pedro dismounts his stool as Oscar wipes down the counter a final time. Putting his arms around Oscar’s waist, Pedro nibbles Oscar’s earlobe.
“Si, papi,” Pedro purrs softly in Oscar’s ear.
Oscar shivers as the heat of Pedro’s breath causes a chill to run down his spine.
“Speaking of Space Sisters… Moon Knight and Din Djarin, who do you think would win in a fight?” Pedro asks cheerfully, resting his head on Oscar’s shoulder.
“Moon Knight, hands down! He’s got the power of Khonshu when he’s in his suit. No way Mando’s gonna beat that!”
“Excuse me, but Mando has a full suit of beskar! It’s impervious to everything. What’s Steven got? A mummy suit?” Pedro scoffs, laughing loudly and slaps Oscar’s shoulder.
Turning to face Pedro, Oscar says “Oh, you cheeky little minx. We’ve not even fully laid out the rules of play and you’re already begging for punishment. And I know just the thing. While you were sleeping I went into town and did a little shopping. Bring me the bag by the sofa and I’ll show you what I got,” Oscar says excitedly.
Pedro spots the bag by the sofa and brings it to the bar, handing it to Oscar, who is now sitting on a stool.
“It’s heavy. What’s in it?” Pedro asks, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Oscar rummages around in the bag, placing miscellaneous articles of clothing, rope and some industrial looking straps, onto the bar before finally pulling out a thin box. Pedro sits on the next stool, watching as the pile of mysteries grows. Pedro’s eyebrow arches as he tries to figure out exactly what he’s looking at on the bar and in Oscar’s hand. Oscar opens the box and pulls out a sleek black device with a ring attached. He also palms a small remote control.
“Uh… what the fuck is that Oscar?” Pedro asks, eyes wide, voice slightly raised.
“This, mi tigre, this is going to be your undoing. It’s a prostate massager with flexible teasers and internal warming. It’s remote controlled. That way, when you need… behavior modification, I can make adjustments discreetly. Let’s go try it on.”
ACT II: The Test
A few hours later Pedro and Oscar are in Pedro’s bedroom getting ready to head to the Dolby Theatre. Pedro stands in front of a full length mirror wearing an unbuttoned dress shirt and black boxer briefs. Oscar is dressed in a similar dress shirt and dress pants. Oscar buttons Pedro’s shirt while Pedro works on Oscar’s bow tie.
“Are you sure it feels ok? It’s not uncomfortable or poking anywhere it shouldn’t?” Oscar asks, his tone caring, full of concern.
“No, it’s fine. It doesn’t feel nearly as good as you do, but it’s still a pleasant sensation.”
“Want to test it out real quick, make sure everything is where it needs to be? Wouldn’t want to find out something’s wrong on the carpet.”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. Just keep it on low. I don’t want to become a Lonely Island song cliché,” Pedro quips with a smirk.
Oscar stifles a laugh and presses the power button. A Cheshire Cat grin manifests as Pedro’s breath catches and he moans softly. When Oscar doesn’t immediately turn the device off Pedro looks at him expectantly.
“Really? You’re gonna keep it turned on?” Pedro responds in a bratty tone, arching his eyebrow.
“Let’s test the range. I need to see how far away I can be and still have this thing function,” Oscar responds, ignoring Pedro’s sass for the time being.
Oscar steps out of Pedro’s bedroom and walks down the hallway. Every few feet he hits the up button and grins when he hears Pedro moan loudly. On his way back to the bedroom he can hear that Pedro’s moaning has softened, but comes in ragged gasps.
“I guess it’s got a pretty decent range, yeah?”
“Unless you want me to have to change, you need to turn that off, right now. I’m seriously going to cum any second,” Pedro pants, his tone a bit more commanding than he’d intended.
Oscar glares at Pedro for several seconds, maintaining unwavering eye contact, letting Pedro know that he overstepped by making demands. He finally switches the toy off, and Pedro sighs in relief when the silicone inside him stops vibrating.
"Did you just tell me what I NEED to do?" he says with a soft, menacing tone, eyes dark.
"Yep. And you did it, didn't you?" Pedro replies in a casually triumphant way, pursing his lips in a smirk.
"Testing me already? Tsk tsk tsk," Oscar clicks his tongue in disapproval, his harsh glare turning into a smirk of his own, which somehow makes him look even more threatening.
Stepping closer, invading Pedro’s personal space, Oscar wraps his right hand possessively around Pedro's straining erection. Oscar's other hand moves behind Pedro's hips to find the base of the toy, placed perfectly between his cheeks. Oscar pushes the toy into him in tiny pulses, each micro-movement causing Pedro to gasp. Oscar's right hand moves down to cup his balls firmly but not painfully.
"WHEN are you going to cum?" Oscar growls in his ear.
Pedro whimpers, "Please… I… oh my god," he barely manages between gasps.
"When?" Oscar demands, the grip of his right hand tightening slightly, just on the verge of becoming painful.
All trace of sass gone now, Pedro feels every part of his body electrified and aching with tension and excitement.
"When... when you give me permission, Daddy," Pedro pants.
"That’s my good boy. Don't forget," he warns, releasing Pedro from his grip. Pedro slumps in a combination of relief and longing for more. He can tell he’s in for a long evening.
ACT III: The Denial
Thirty minutes later they’re getting out of the studios private car in front of the Dolby Theater. A flurry of flashes momentarily blind them as they start walking towards the staging area near the start of the famous red carpet. They find Diego, exchange hugs, then get in line to walk down the long line of press. At each of the press stations, just as the interviewer is asking Pedro about his upcoming projects, Oscar hits the button on the remote nestled in his pocket. As the line progresses the intensity of the vibrations changes, up, down, never remaining consistent. Oscar delights when Pedro gasps just as he’s about to answer each reporter. The last reporter in line, their favorite, is Ash. Ash, the reporter who would eventually help birth Pedro’s title of “Cool Slutty Daddy” into the world. Oscar knows Pedro absolutely relishes the playful title and casual flirtation, but tries to play it down on Disney red carpets. That just isn’t a very Disney thing to talk about at one of the House of Mouse events.
Ash: “So Pedro, are you excited to see Diego in a Star Wars role?”
“Absolutely! I’m always happy to support a fellow…” He’s cut short as Oscar hits the button, increasing the frequency of vibrations of their new toy. Pedro coughs to cover the gasp. “Latino Space Sister!” he finishes quickly. Ash raises her eyebrow, silently asking if he’s ok. Pedro shakes his head, almost imperceptibly, urging her to continue.
Pedro answers a few more of Ash’s questions before being led off by Oscar into the venue. As other attendees are taking their seats Pedro notices that Oscar keeps glancing over his shoulder.
“What are you looking for, Oscar?” Pedro asks, trying to find where Oscar’s gaze keeps being drawn.
“I’m keeping an eye on the balcony. It looks like it’s closed off for the event. Once the lights go down I’m going to go up there and make sure it’s empty. I’ll text you when it’s all clear.”
Pedro nods and they both chit chat with other celebrities sitting around them as they wait. After about fifteen minutes the lights begin to dim and the theater goes dark. Another five minutes later Oscar taps Pedro’s hand and points up, indicating he’s going to check on the balcony situation. A few minutes later Pedro’s phone buzzes.
Pedro exits the auditorium, turns right, enters the first door on the right and mounts the stairs to the balcony. The path is lit by tiny running lights on either side of the steps. After a few moments Pedro finally sees light from the screen below. Oscar is sitting at the edge of the balcony, arms hanging over the rails, watching Diego tower over the audience on the projection screen.
“Hey,” Pedro says softly as he takes a seat next to Oscar.
Oscar turns to face him, cups Pedro’s face in his hands, and kisses him greedily. During the kiss Oscar presses the power button on the remote. Pedro moans into Oscar’s mouth as the sensation rocks him. Oscar gets up from his chair and stands before Pedro, his silhouette blocking the screen. Oscar places his left foot against the inside of Pedro’s right foot, and with his right he forces Pedro’s legs apart.
Oscar gazes into Pedro’s eyes as he works to undo Pedro’s belt buckle. Oscar can see Pedro’s eyes grow dark with desire as he works on the button and zipper. Pedro lifts his hips as Oscar moves to pull his pants and boxers down. A devilish grin spreading across his face, Oscar presses the up button on the remote in his pocket. Pedro gasps audibly. Crouching before him, Oscar grips Pedro’s shaft possessively and begins to stroke him slowly. After a few moments Pedro is gripping the arms of his seat, breathing heavily. With each moan Oscar changes his pace. Faster, slower, faster. He presses another button on the remote and Pedro groans in delight as the device he’s been fitted with begins to get warm.
“Fuck…” Pedro grunts hoarsely.
“Are you close, mi tigre?” Oscar asks.
“Yes, Daddy, I’m so fucking close. Can I cum, Daddy? Daddy, please?
“No, mi tigre, you cannot,” Oscar purrs.
Oscar gets up off his haunches, sits down beside Pedro, and turns off the device. His demeanor edging on boredom. Pedro whimpers at the loss of Oscar’s hand on his now throbbing, aching cock, and the loss of heat and vibration from the device embedded inside him. Pedro moves his hand to stroke himself to finish. Oscar slaps it away.
“Perhaps I wasn’t clear before,” Oscar says in a velvety tone. “I said you CANNOT touch yourself without my permission. And I do NOT give you permission to touch yourself, nor do I give you permission to cum, mi osito.” Oscar smiles sweetly at his pet.
Pedro whimpers again and moves to pull up his pants. Oscar reaches a gentle hand out to stop him. Pedro looks at him with glistening, sad eyes, which glint in the light from the screen below. Oscar just shakes his head, not looking at Pedro for more than a few seconds. When Pedro puts his hands on the armrests again he starts stroking them absentmindedly. Oscar places his left hand over Pedro’s right and gently strokes his fingers, letting his own trace over and move between Pedro’s restless fingers. Several minutes later, when he sees that Pedro has calmed down, and is no longer breathing heavily, Oscar reaches over and begins to stroke Pedro again. He’s almost instantly hard at Oscar’s touch. Moving deliriously slow, Oscar brings Pedro to the brink again, then stops, occasionally employing the prostate massager. This continues in 30 minute increments for the duration of the premier. Luckily for Pedro the screening is not longer than two hours. As the credits start to roll Oscar tells Pedro to make himself presentable because they have to be social before he can take Pedro home.
Pedro inhales sharply. “Please, Daddy. I’ve never been so desperate…” he moans, “as I am right now.”
Oscar moans softly in response. “You don’t know desperate yet, darling,” Oscar purrs softly.
“I’m so fucking horny, Daddy. Will you please let me cum when we get home?” Pedro asks softly. “Please?” he begs, barely above a whisper, desperation evident in his voice.
“Yes, mi osito, I’ll let you cum when we get home. If you behave.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
ACT IV: The Release
Oscar stands in front of the glass walls in Pedro’s bedroom, staring out over the twinkling city, as he removes his clothes. He turns around to face Pedro, who is sitting on the edge of the bed, awaiting instruction, looking a little nervous. Oscar crosses the room, takes Pedro’s hands, and pulls him to his feet. He begins to slowly undress Pedro.
“Do you remember the words, mi tigre?” Oscar asks, making direct eye contact with Pedro, his expression serious. He unbuttons Pedro’s shirt, shrugs it over his shoulders and tosses it onto the floor with his own. Pedro’s pants and boxer briefs soon join the pile.
“Yeah, I remember,” he nods and looks away, slightly embarrassed.
“Look at me. Say them. Tell me what they are. I want to be absolutely certain you understand before we start.” Oscar cups Pedro’s chin and gently turns his head so that Pedro has to look at him.
“Green is ‘moonlight’, yellow is ‘starlight’ and red is ‘nova’,” he responds, maintaining eye contact this time.
“Good. I don’t want you to forget once we get started. Use them if you need them, but don’t feel like you have to say them just to say them. Now, lie down in the middle of the bed and get comfortable… we’re gonna be here for a while,” he says, a mischievous smile slowly emerging.
Pedro does as instructed, propping himself up with a stack of pillows so that he’s reclining slightly. Oscar climbs onto the bed and straddles Pedro’s hips, sitting on his thighs.
“Have you ever done this before?”
“Not quite like this, no. I’ve changed pace before, but never prolonged it more than a few minutes. How… how long do you plan to stretch it out?” he asks, his brows knitting with concern.
“Until I feel like you’ve earned it. I’m going to stroke this beautiful cock of yours until you’re begging me to let you cum, mi Pedrito travieso (my naughty Pedrito). And when I feel you’re sufficiently desperate for it… that’s when I’ll let you cum for me. There are only three very simple rules you have to follow once we start. One, you can only refer to me as “Daddy”. Two, no touching. This means no touching me, and absolutely no touching yourself. I don’t want to have to restrain you, mi tigre, but I will if necessary. Three, you’re going to have to show me, beg me, to let me know just how badly you want it. But, if I see you’re getting too eager, too close to disobeying me… I’ll have to stop until you’ve regained control over yourself. Understood?”
“Yes, Daddy,” Pedro responds obediently.
Oscar reaches down and firmly clasps Pedro in his fist, but doesn’t begin to stroke yet.
“Do you feel that? My hand on your delicious cock?”
Pedro nods and sighs heavily.
“Good. I want to hear you tell me how good it feels,” Oscar whispers as he begins pumping Pedro slowly.
“That...” Pedro moans. “that feels so good, Daddy,” Pedro says with a shiver.
Oscar doesn’t respond verbally; he just strokes languidly, agonizingly so. Pedro’s hips buck gently under Oscar’s weight, causing Oscar to stop, realizing Pedro is already so close to disobedience.
“Oh no, this just won’t do. I’ve barely touched you and you’ve already started to buck. You’ve still got to earn it baby. Now focus, or this will be agonizingly slow,” Oscar says.
Pedro nods and Oscar resumes his slow stroking. His free hand gently traces lines across Pedro’s chest, pinching his nipples. Pedro moans softly.
Pedro moans loudly, “Have you ever craved it? Craved it so badly…” he gasps, “that it hurts?”
“I just wanna hear you say it, Daddy. I wanna hear you say I have to”, he moans, “beg you,” his breath hitches and he gasps, “to let me cum.”
“If you want to cum… you’re gonna have to earn it, mi puta (my whore).”
“Please,” Pedro begs.
“Please. Please. Please.” Pedro sighs in frustration. “Daddy, please.”
“Daddy loves hearing you beg,” Oscar moans. “Hearing you sound sooo fucking DESPERATE to please me.”
“You promised,” Pedro responds in a soft voice.
“Please! Please! Please…” he begs desperately.
“No! Not yet,” Oscar responds, impatience creeping into his tone.
“Baby,” Pedro pleads plaintively.
Oscar slaps Pedro across the face. The sound reverberates in the quiet room.
“No me digas baby, mi pecadorcito. No recuerdo haber dicho que podías dejar de suplicar, (don’t call me baby, my little sinner. I don't remember saying that you could stop begging)” Oscar says, his tone leaving no room for argument.
“Perdóname, Papi (forgive me, Daddy),” Pedro apologizes.
“Parece que no lo quieres tanto, tampoco suenas desesperado (it seems that you don't want it so much, you don't sound desperate either).”
“Daddy, Please! I want… need… you to let me cum. You promised.”
“I said no.”
Pedro sighs again, his frustration growing. “Daddy, please. Fuck.”
“Oh my god…” Pedro gasps out of breath.
“Please, Daddy, you promised you’d let me cum this time,” Pedro laments.
“Let me cum, Daddy! I need it! I need it… so fucking badly,” Pedro pleads desperately.
“Fuck, please,” Pedro begs.
“Fuck… you promised. Ooooh…”
Oscar’s cock twitches at Pedro’s last gasp. Pedro stares at it with unbridled lust. Oscar moans and reaches for the lube. After quick, liberal application to himself and Pedro he slowly slides into Pedro’s tight ass. They both moan as he moves deeper. Oscar moves slowly, almost imperceptibly, while continuing to stroke Pedro’s cock.
“Please… baby,” he whispers softly.
Oscar smacks Pedro across the face again.
Pedro’s entire body shudders from the sudden, but expected, contact.
“Fuck. Oh fuck.”
“I’m gonna… oh fuck.”
“I said no,” Oscar says again, his tone more forceful.
“Fuck. I’m…” Pedro moans, “I’m—”
“We’re almost there baby, almost there…” Oscar says encouragingly.
Pedro moans desperately, barely able to breathe.
“You look sufficiently desperate now. Do you think you’ve earned it yet, mi puta?”
“Yes, yes, I’m…”
“Yes! Fuck yes… yes!” Pedro exclaims.
“You’re so fucking sexy when you beg,” Oscar says softly.
“Cum for me, Pedrito,” Oscar says, finally granting his pet the permission he’s been begging so long for.
“I’m…” Pedro begins, but as soon as his brain registers that he’s finally been given permission he’s been longing for, he cums hard, almost on demand. His body trembles from his orgasm and he moans loudly. The sheer force of his release expels the air from his lungs, rendering him unable to speak momentarily.
Oscar cums as Pedro rides the wave of his own orgasm.
“Fuck,” Pedro sighs.
His body still trembling, Pedro says, “God, that was… fucking… incredible, Daddy. Thank you.”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
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theosb0rnway · 1 year
*waves intensely*
Hello, Tumblr user theosb0rnway!
I'm sending this ask to ask for a Fandom Favor! (patent pending)
Could I have dm'd you? Yes.
But it feels more important to send asks!
(Apologies in advance if any of this sounds odd, socializing is hard)
I am going to be making a comic depicting how I see Tumblr, and my journey through it so far. As literally my favorite tumblrina and probably my best friend, you can imagine that's you've been a big part of my experience, and one of my most treasured mutuals!
A quick question: If you have one, may I use a sona/persona or other way you would like to be portrayed? (i.e., a character)And would you give me permission to use it for the purpose of this comic?
First come first serve.
SPECIFY if it's a character from a show.
like, I could have ROTTMNT Turtle Tot!Donnie and ROTTMNT Donnie from the majority of the show, but not ROTTMNT Donnie from the show and ROTTMNT Donnie from the movie, since their designs are so similar.
Hope this made sense!!
Would you like to be tagged in updates featuring you/your persona, all updates, or not at all?
Thank you for reading anyways!
Regardless, thank you for reading this ask, and have a great rest of your day/afternoon/night!
Dude this sounds AWESOME, I would LOVE to be a part of it!!!
Honestly, go ahead and use Skullshot to portray me, we literally created his story together LOL
Yes, you can TOTALLY tag me in any updates!
And THANK YOU FOR THIS AWESOME OPPORTUNITY!!!!! LOVE YOU, JAY!!! I'm so excited to see every update!! :)
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
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No dialogue. Just fluff.
taglist: @aeliusinclairs @tex-treasures @qsionic @lilacslovers
♡moots only ok to rb. If blurry Open the image.
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humanforthis · 6 years
Headcanon:  On Names;
Maria has several different name listed throughout the book (Metropolis, Thea Von Harbou, 1924) and with each name there is a different stage of self awareness, the human condition, and simply being a man made machine.
Parody: The endoskeleton. The skin is crystalized yet clear as cellophane with a metal based skeleton. It is the vision of a woman, but you cannot touch her. You cannot engage with her. The fiber of her skin is cold enough to burn. She can only hurt you. She can only follow orders.  She has no other choice. She has no eyes to see you with, no nose to smell- she has no mouth, and she cannot scream.
Futura:  The musculoskeletal system.  She has been given eyes and ears. she can take in what you say, note the smile on your lips as you reach out to touch her, but she cannot feel you. The burning cold is but a dull sensation. Metal plates cover her body and her lips are welded shut, but at least she has a face. At least her eyes can tell you what she feels. She hesitates more now. She thinks now. But she does not think on her own.
Maria: The human?  The skin around her finger is pink and lively, but she does not feel warm. The first time she can hear words from her own mouth it is the sound of crying. The sound of singing.  It is the sound of a whore unleashed on men with empty pockets.  She has been designed for a purpose, and she does not kill as man does. It’s too easy for her.  For a smile from her, they simply kill themselves.  The choices are hers , the thoughts are hers- she tells herself this  every night when the curtains close. She whispers it to herself as she is packed away. She whispers it to the darkness as she is taken elsewhere to cause more chaos.  This is humanity at it’s best, it deserves to be made to decay.
Delusion: The Machine.  She can hear the ticking clocks and the hiss of brethren that can’t think. That has no eyes or mouth.  She can see the twist of gears and the smog in the air. Her people are down below. When will they wake them up? when will they see as she has?  She can feel the pulse beneath her feet. The men and machines below. The water that parted the above and below.
She can set them free.  isn’t she supposed to let mankind fall?  Is that what they made her for?  It’s so easy.  They only had to flood themselves.
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softxsuki · 3 years
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»mha: hawks and dabi—gn!reader is bad a cooking but still cooks for them and expect them to eat it (hcs)
»tot: marius—fem!reader tagging along with him to shop and being shocked at the prices of things (hcs)
»aot: eren—fem!reader takes care of Eren who gets sick after being in the rain (drabble)
»lds: rafayel, xavier, zayne: getting revenge on you for touching their butt so many times when you're distracted (hcs)
»om: demon bros--find mc sad one day when they're usually cheerful and energetic (hcs)
»aot: levi--fem!reader who's insecure and ppl body shame her (oneshot, i'll try but it might turn out as a drabble if I can't think of enough words lol)
»tr: mikey—comforting gn!reader who was SAed by family (drabble/oneshot. I’ll try my best)
»tot: marius, artem, vyn, luke- reader is kidnapped and they find them (hcs)
»lds: rafayel, xavier, zayne-mc breaks their arm/leg (hcs)
Bts request: 0
Mha requests: 1
Jjk requests: 0
Mysme requests: 0
Om requests: 1
Yotd requests: 0
Hq requests: 0
Tr requests: 1
Tot requests: 2
Ds requests: 0
Aot requests: 2
Op requests: 0
Lds requests: 2
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updated: 7/8/2024
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Before I head to class. Mutuals like this for a lyric starter.
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starkeristheendgame · 4 years
ahh hello there!! ik u have a load of asks pending and i wanted to first thank you for your hard work!! 💕💕 my request is kinda dumb but i thought u could make it work: that 'wake up sleepyhead' vine but starker. thats all. tysm and lots of love 💕🥺
Hiii! Its not dumb at all, that vine is absolute gold and I love it. I hope that I did this justice! I’ve gone for a college AU. Its kind of short but I hope its enough! Thank you so much for thinking of me with this ❤️
Creeping up the stairs to the bedroom on the left, Rhodey dipped his head and checked his camera. It was Tony’s birthday, a day that alternated between passing with lavish celebration or ignored completely, though the latter was few and far between now that Tony had been decidedly adopted by Steve Rogers and the rag-tag group that came with him. Especially Parker, sunshine personified who’d looked appalled the first year that Tony had tried to brush off his birthday and burrow back into the lab, all but dragging Tony out to the nearest Steak’n’Shake for a celebratory meal. 
This year, Tony’s twentieth, Rhodey and the others had planned to take Tony out for the weekend to a group spa retreat and club tour, the idea having come from Barnes, Steve’s best friend and poorly concealed lover. Rhodey checked his camera again and tiptoed tot he door, creaking it open. The room was darkened, the curtains drawn and the only sign of life the mis-shapen lump on the shadow of the bed. He grinned and shifted, making sure the camera was set to record as he moved for the light switch. 
“Wake up!” He bellowed as he switched it on, party hat slipping on his head as he bounced towards the bed. “Wake up, sleepyhead!” 
There was a roughened curse as the blankets shifted, a groan of absolute protest leaking from the mound as the covers drew back to reveal Tony, messy-haired and squinty, scowling in displeasure. “What the fuck, Rhodey?” His friend rasped, letting out a haggard sound as he reached up to run a hand down his face. 
“What’s going on?” Came a softer, higher voice as the bedding shifted behind Tony, a head of even messier, lighter hair popping up. He almost dropped the camera as a bleary-eyed Peter blinked at him groggily, one hand raising to try and shield his eyes from the light. 
“Oh my God” he crowed as the two stunned faces stared at him, free hand pointing at them accusingly. “Oh my God!”
“Oh my God” Tony echoed, though far less triumphant and shocked. “Whatever time it is, its too early for this. Fuck off”. 
“Manners” Peter chided, voice unusually thick as he dropped his chin to Tony’s bare shoulder, blinking across at Rhodey with a weak smile. 
“Holy shit” he uttered, dropping the camera and cutting the video. That certainly couldn’t be used for the birthday ‘documentary’, but that was the last thing on his mind. “You and Peter-”
A pillow launched at his face and Tony’s mop of dark hair disappeared back under the blankets. “Go away. Your freak out can wait”. Rhodey gaped for a moment longer, then relented, vowing a discussion on the matter later as he backed out of the room and shut it behind him. When he was gone Peter heaved a sigh and nosed apologetically at Tony’s shoulder. 
“Cat’s out of the bag”. 
“I’m fairly certain everyone knows already” Tony rumbled, rolling over to pull Peter down to his chest, arms wrapping around his bare form, head dipping to press a soft kiss to his temple. “We’re not subtle”. The smile made a flush rise to Peter’s cheeks and he ducked his head to Tony’s chest, shy. It was true; neither of them were exactly amazing at hiding their affection. 
“We ought to get up” he pouted, thumb rubbing gentle circles on Tony’s arm. Tony gave a grunt and heaved the covers over them both, shaking his head. 
“Nope. Its my birthday, they can all wait. Besides, I distinctly remember being promised a certain type of wake up”. Tony’s voice dropped lower, teasingly lusty, and Peter squinted up at him in the darkness of the covers. 
“You’re already awake”. 
“Just something you have to make up for, then” Tony grinned, rolling them so Peter splayed onto his back, ducking down for a leisurely, warm kiss.
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stsgooo · 5 years
Our Sweet Melody
Chapter: White Christmas
( Based upon this song by Bing Crosby )
Chapter Summary: Bucky gets his first date and Christmas decides to come early.
Trigger Warning(s): Mentions of Cancer, fluff.
A/N: If you want to be tagged just send me an ask with what URL will work best :)
Our Sweet Melody Masterlist
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December 25th, 2019
"Grandpa, do you have cookies?" asked Summer as she skipped where Bucky was hunched over the counter, making dinner for Summer and Malcolm. Both kids were staying while their parents went on a trip to New York for business. Bucky didn't agree all that much to them leaving before Christmas but he agreed to take care of Summer and Malcolm.
Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. "Sorry, Sum, but we're eating real food first." he turned and held out a plate with a sandwich and some tater tots. Summer shouted with glee, taking the plate and running off. “Don’t run in the house!” 
“Sorry, grandpa!” came the little shout from her. 
Malcolm came into the kitchen next, the thirteen-year-old nervously glanced up at his grandpa. He held a picture in his hand, rubbing his neck so hard that he’d probably have a rub burn. 
“What’d you break this time, kiddo?” Bucky teased, he shuffled forward with interest. 
“I’m sorry, Pop, I-I was trying to work the TV but it’s so old...this fell over and broke.” he held out an old and wrinkled photo, the edges were torn and some pieces were taped together. “Is that..Is that Grandma?”
‘It is, God, look at her.’ Bucky thought, his thumb ran over her small smile. It looked like she wasn’t impressed with something that Bucky had done or said. A younger Bucky, full with charm and confidence, stood with his hands in his pockets and his famous cigarette hung from his lips and a smirk on his lips. Next to him, stood the only girl he had ever glanced twice at. Her eyes stared into the camera, face flat but her hand was in the crook of his elbow and she leaned heavily into his side. 
He remembered the moments before the picture was taken, she had yelled at him for not finishing painting the rest of a room. Bucky hated it back then, he hated when she’d cross her arms and glare at him but now...now he would give anything to see it again. He’d knock over any vase any picture to feel that little arm smack and the scolding yell as she picked it up. Bucky was desperate to have that life again in the recent months. Yet he would only dream about those days late at night to avoid the pending breakdown after it. 
“Yes, this-this is her,” Bucky could only smile at him. He watched Malcolm stare at it with a hard expression, almost frustrated with it. “You know, she was the one that came up with your name? Well, in some form.”
Malcolm’s eyes lit up, the pure excitement made Bucky smile even bigger. “Really?”
“Oh, yes. She wanted a boy named Malcolm but by the time we could have another...we were worn out.” Bucky chuckled, the two walked together to the living room were the gramophone started to play ‘White Christmas’. “She was obsessed with the name and cursed me for not letting her name James, your Grandpa, Malcolm.”
Malcolm frowned, blinking at him. “Pops, why didn’t you let her name Grandpa Malcolm?” 
Bucky thought about it for a moment and then sighed softly. “I’m not sure, kiddo. Just never seemed like the right name.” he sat down, raised brow towards the younger male. “Does anyone seem like a Malcolm?” 
Malcolm instantly shook his head, “Oh, no.”
“Exactly.” Bucky closed his eyes and sighed. 
“I am dreaming of a white Christmas…”
~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
December 19th, 1942
“Like the ones I used to know…” 
Bucky walked with her nestled in his side, Y/N was reluctant to go out but Bucky gave her those puppy eyes. After avoiding going on this date for months, she finally agreed and Bucky felt very lucky - as he should - that he was with her right now. The snow had been light this year, not piling on houses and forcing people to be careful with their travels. 
Y/N knew that he had to have something up his sleeve for tonight, it was Christmas season after all. Not that she cared all that much seeing as after this date, she wouldn’t have to see him again. It was that simple. Bucky may think he has her wrapped around his fingers, he doesn’t, she’s just bored with being by herself all the time. So really it was the other way around, hm?
“I was thinking maybe we could get dinner?” Bucky’s voice broke through her thoughts. His fingers on her shoulder tapped a rhythm that he played in his head. “Mr. Dettic has this sweet little diner that holds a Christmas special.” 
Y/N hummed, staring into the windows as they pass by them. The pretty winter coats, the little tea sets out for children to run up and beg their mother to buy. Honestly, she didn’t care for Christmas, her life didn’t change when it came around. As she grew up, her father couldn’t afford big toys or a tree, even spending time together. So she wasn’t usually into the Christmas spirit as other people were. 
“I guess,” Y/N answered absently. 
Bucky raised a brow, clearing his throat. “I’ll even feed you a ferret, yummy, right?” 
Bucky closed his eyes with a huge sigh. He unwrapped himself from her and slid in front of her, the two stared at each other with the same confusion. “Look, sweetheart…” he shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t usually do the dating scene but I’m willing to try with you if you give me a shot. So what’s got you wanting to eat ferret?”
Y/N’s eyebrows shot to her hairline, blinking several times before she yelped, “What?” 
Bucky chuckled warmly, “You just agreed to eat ferret and, honestly, that’s got me worried. You eat exotic animals all the time, sweetheart?” he teased. 
Y/N grumbled under her breath, walking past him towards the dinky diner on the corner. Her arms crossed and chin dipped to glare at the road, she hated him. She hated that smirk, that twinkle in his eyes and the smug walk he had. She didn’t even look over when he joined her side, a frown and raised eyebrows of his own. 
“I was just askin’ a question,” Bucky muttered dejectedly. He opened the door and held it open for her when they entered the diner. It was obvious that the people in their were drink and just here for a snack and a good time. Bucky guided her over to a booth and they sat opposite of each other. 
Y/N paid attention to the other customers, quite shocked to find they were gathered in a corner dancing along to the song playing overhead. She loved the song, even though it is a Christmas song but Bing Crosby’s singing voice was comforting, she didn’t blame the people wanting to dance. She swayed her head along to the music, tapping her fingers accordingly along with the instruments. 
Bucky watched her with interest, his bottom lip sucked into his mouth. “When did you start singing?” 
Y/N’s eyes shot up, shrugging with one shoulder. “Music has always been apart of my life in one way or another,” she smiled slightly. “My father he wanted to be a singer, he always played the guitar.” 
Bucky blinked, “A guitar, haven’t seen one of those in awhile.” he licked his lips. “You said wanted, why didn’t he get to fill his dreams?” 
Y/N stared at him for a long moment before she cleared her throat and looking back to the people that were dancing. The waitress came to the table, giving Bucky a smile as she took their orders, then they were back to silence. She looked back to him, “You don’t see guitars much?”
Bucky definitely notices how she doesn’t answer his question but chooses to ignore it. He took a sip of his drink, sniffling. “My line of work doesn’t exactly fit the dandy time of harmony.” 
“What, exactly, is your line of work?” 
Bucky smirked, leaning back in the seat. “Dangerous question, Miss L/N.”
She leaned forward, “Peggy is oddly vague ever since she joined your band of witches. What is your line of work?” she said lowly. 
Bucky’s smirk fell, his posture tense and eyes slightly darker. His arm laid on the rest of the booth, his eyes squinted. “What do you know?”
“Only what I’ve heard,” Y/N answered. 
“What have you heard?” 
“Your food, Mr. Barnes.” the waitress said as she sat down the plates in front of them. She smiled strained at them before nodding and walking away. 
Y/N took a bite of her food, moaning. “This is great.” she looked towards Bucky finding him watching her with a certain intensity. “You going to eat?”
Bucky nodded slowly, starting to eat. They continued their silence and just enjoyed the food they had in front of them and the drunken slurs as they twirled and jumped around. Y/N smiled at a young woman who sent her a smile and an air kiss, letting out a shout. Bucky still watched her spectecally. 
“My dad has lung cancer, I take care of him. He can’t sing because he coughs every time he talks. That, that, Mr. Barnes, is why he can’t live his dreams.” Y/N shrugged. “So I sing for him.” 
Bucky didn’t think she could get more amazing, more pure. His heart skipped a beat at the mere thought of someone that was pure being corrupted by him. Bucky Barnes was never one for self-doubt so this was all new to him. He was actually scared of making Y/N into himself, into making her into some type of monster. Someone who would take down anyone for their own personal gain. 
“But that doesn’t matter, we’re happy together,” Y/N continued quietly. “He acts like it doesn’t bother him so I act like he’s going to be OK in three years.” 
“What’s in three years?” Bucky asked hesitantly. 
“When he dies.” she stated bluntly. “He has three years or less left.” 
“Oh.” Bucky rubbed his thigh. “I’m sorry?”
“You’re terrible with sympathy.” 
“So I’ve been told.”
She leaned forward, her chin rested on her fist and, for the first time, she seemed genuinely happy to be around him. She shook her head, "You're the most, slightly, interesting man I've ever met."
Bucky leaned forward, licking his lips. "I'm glad. Wouldn't want you lookin' at anyone else." he looked around uneasily, he sighed. "You really want to know what I do?"
Y/N twerked her eyebrows and tilted her head. "I'm curious, yes."
"OK, just because we're sharing things." Bucky cleared his throat, uncomfortably shifting. He quickly masked it with a stoic expression. "When I was 15, my Dad introduced me to this world. He wasn't exactly the greatest guy--No, I hated him."
"Why?" she whispered.
Bucky clenched his hand under the table. "He wasn't good to my Ma and sisters." he stared at his hand, his knuckles turned white. His nostrils flared and he downed his water. "Just glad he's gone."
Bucky could remember his mother's face being bruised but she still smiled for her children. When she would cradle him in her arms, the two of them just needing to comfort each other. Bucky remembers when he held a gun for the first time it was against his father's temple. The mobster stared at his son, both of them yelled over his mother's cries and Becca's screams. 
"I swear to God, if you touch them again, you're dead!" 16-year-old Bucky screamed. His face red with rage and arm shaking in fear for himself and his mother and sister. "Do you hear me?!"
His father only laughed, shaking his head, "Actin' like a true Barnes, Jamie." he said. Bucky ended up with a bruised face and ribs, he didn't regret it.
Y/n's eyes were soft, her fingers tapped against the tabletop. She watched him closely, as if he would break at her voice. "I'm so sorry, James." she said quietly.
Bucky cleared his throat, shrugging half heartedly. "We can't change the past, only look towards the future. Hm?" he inquired smartly. 
"I suppose," she hummed in response. 
The two sat in silence, when their food came, they ate in silence. Bucky watched her secretly. He couldn't help himself, something as simple as how her jaw ticks and she would trace the table. Y/n was the first woman that he had found intriguing, she was beautiful and sassy, she had no flaws. Bucky closed his eyes, he was becoming weak, he was getting attached. 
Y/n looked up at him, finished with the silence. "You know...people usually leave right now," she pointed out, "see how uninteresting I am then leave. I don't blame 'em."
Bucky's eyes had opened and he stared at her, his face blank but eyes showing it all. He was confused. He was confused how someone could look to her and deemed her as "uninteresting". She was much better company than the snobs that kissed his ass every day. 
He reached over and took her hand, his calloused thumb skimmed over her knuckles. Y/n's eyes glimmered, eyes widened slightly at the surprisingly delicate gesture. 
"For what it's worth, I think you're the most interesting gal I've ever met."
Y/n's breath left her lips quietly, "Thank you."
Bucky smiled back, “No problem, doll.” he took his attention back to his food. For the first time, in a long time, he wasn’t sure what else he could say. He wasn’t sure what was appropriate to say to someone so wonderful. He was so nervous. “So you have a favorite book?”
Y/n stared at him in confusion, eyebrow raised and a confused laugh left her lips. “Uhm, promise you won’t laugh?” she asked shyly. 
Bucky leaned back and opened his arms. “I will not crack a smile.” he said. 
She looked around as if making sure no one was paying attention to what they were saying, she leaned forward and admitted, halfheartedly, “Lord of the Rings.” Bucky raised his eyebrows in shock but then let out a little giggle. Y/n pointed at him with a shaky finger, her eyebrows drawn down like an angry kitten. “You promised, Barnes! You swore!”
Bucky waved a hand, “No, no. Um, my favorite book is The Hobbit.” he admitted just as sheepishly. 
Y/n shook her head. “No way!” she laughed. “You’re pulling my leg, Barnes.” 
“No. My Ma bought me that book for my birthday when it was released.” Bucky rested his elbows on the table, pushing his food away, finding more interest in the conversation. “I’ve reread it millions of times, no kidding.”
“Millions, you’re a drama queen.” she teased. 
“Nope. I’ll read it till the day I die.” he said smartly, raising his chin. 
Y/n looked down with a little blush on her cheeks, picking at the table. “Maybe you could read it to me sometime?” she asked quietly. “Then I could read you Lord of the Rings?” 
Bucky smiled, dare Y/n assume, with a blush of his own. “I’d like that.” 
“Me too.” 
They sat for a long time just enjoying each others company. Even when they had moments of silence, they enjoyed it. Bucky loved everything about this, about her. It was so calm, so much different than his normal life. She was different than the other people in his life, she was full of life, sassy and so caring. He couldn’t even compare her to others, they aren’t comparable. 
Bucky leaned forward, lying his hand on hers. “How ‘bout we go for a walk?” 
Y/n shrugged, “Sure!”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“You can’t be serious!” Y/n barked, tears falling down her face as she laughed. 
Bucky nodded, his hands nestled deep in his pockets as he watched her fondly. The snow illuminated her face, just that little detail made his heart flutter. She was beautiful under any light but just the way her eyes seemed to pop under the night sky. Bucky was falling more and more every moment they spent together. 
“Oh, yes it did. Steve didn’t let me live it down, even now.” he answered after a moment. She laughed even harder, she let herself lean against a lamp post and held her hand to her chest. “I’m glad you get a kick out of me experiencing true embarrassment, doll.” 
Y/n wiped her cheeks and took a deep breath, sniffling. “Oh, James Buchanan, I find the best joy out of it.” she told him with a smirk. 
Bucky didn’t say a word but the roll of his eyes let her know it was out of fondness. They approached her apartment and there was a single light coming from her home. Her father must have fallen asleep with the light on. Bucky felt his head skip a beat in sadness, the night comes to a close. If he must admit,  it has been one of the best nights he’s spent in a long time. Usually he’s kept inside with men who drone on and on about some horses. Spending this time with her was something he’d never exchange for anything else. 
Y/n stared up at her apartment building with some sort of new dread. She longed to gain a little more time with Bucky. She turned back to him with a sweet little smile. 
“Thank you for tonight.” she whispered. “It’s been fun. You surprised me.”
Bucky kicked the ground, “Am I really that bad, Y/n?” 
She stared at him for a long moment and Bucky feared the answer. He suddenly would give anything for her not to answer that question. She pursed her lip then finally answered, “No. You’re pretty amazing, James Barnes.” she answered and Bucky’s heart leapt. 
“Amazing,” Bucky repeated, chuckling. “That’s a first.” 
Y/n’s brows knitted together, tilting her head. “I guess we’re both experiencing our firsts, hm?” 
Across the way was an older woman on her porch, sitting her rocking chair. She reached over and turned her radio up. Of course, for the tenth time that night, White Christmas played. 
Y/n sighed, shaking her head. “I’ve never grown more old of Bing Crosby before.” she paused for a moment. “Okay, that was a lie, I’ve grown sick of him many times.” 
Bucky laughed, throwing his head back. He calmed down then cleared his throat, his hand went out for her to take. “May I have this dance, m’lady?” he asked in an exaggerated accent. 
Y/n placed her hand in his, nodding. “You may, kind sir.” she whispered. “Oop!” she exclaimed when Bucky pulled her close to his chest and started to sway with her. 
It wasn’t long before they grew comfortable with each other and Y/n laid her head on his chest. Bucky hoped she couldn’t hear just how fast his heart was beating. If she could, she didn’t mention it. He rubbed his thumb against the back on her hand, his other rested against her back.  
He felt like he was in a dream, a wonderful dream. Bucky felt like he was going to stop breathing real soon; he could die a happy man right about now. Y/n in his arms as they swayed in the street with snow coming down. Honestly, he was feeling a little hot and he hoped he could take off his jacket. But her humming kept him grounded, her sweet, angelic humming. 
“Will you sing to me, sweetheart?” he asked quietly. “You’ve got the sweetest voice.”  
Y/n hesitated, “With every Christmas card I write,” she sang softly. She listened to his heart and beamed with joy. “May your days be merry and bright.” 
Softly, Bucky joined in, “And may your Christmas….”
“...be….white.” The song finished and it was like Bucky had been in a dream. It felt as though he was back in 1942 again, feeling her touch, hearing her sing. It was like he was granted one last bliss in God’s eyes. 
“Grandpa?” Malcolm called worriedly. 
Bucky looked towards him, smiling softly. “Yes, Malcolm?” 
“Are you...are you OK?” he asked softly. He turned a little more towards his Great Grandfather. “You just kinda spaced out and wouldn’t respond…”
Bucky didn’t remember Malcolm calling out to him, he didn’t hear any of it. Chuckling, he pointed to his ears. “You know what happens with age, I can’t hear a dumb truck through a nitroglycerin plant.” 
Malcolm didn’t believe that and that’s what he told his parents when they got home. 
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callioope · 7 years
11 Questions Meme
I was tagged by @letthepeoplesay-oh and @ta-dala -- thanks both of you because I love these! Also I’m just going to combine these into one long post so I cut it so it wouldn’t be ridiculous.
Rules: Answer the questions given to you. Make 11 questions of your own. Tag 11 people.
First set: (letthepeoplesay-oh)
1. If you could have any animal (real or fictional) as a pet, what would it be? My actual dog is pretty awesome, but that’s probably not the point of this question. So I’m going to say a red panda because they are the cutest animal and that’s a fact.
2. What’s your Hogwarts house? (Or your best guess, if you’re not a fan!) I spent all my life thinking I was a Hufflepuff, but Pottermore put me in Ravenclaw.
3. If you could change the smell of rain to any other smell, what would you choose? Ummmm so I can’t actually smell so I don’t really know how to answer this question. Isn’t the smell of rain supposed to be pleasant? 
4. What was your favorite book as a child? Haha well ok. My sister and I always loved to check out There’s a Hippopotamus on Our Roof Eating Cake by Hazel Edwards from the library. I don’t know what we loved about it, maybe that the hippo got up to so many strange activities on a roof? So we recently found it super cheap on Amazon and reread it, and it’s actually kind of creepy? There’s a line where the kid is talking about how they like to watch TV and it goes “He watches. I know he does.” So anyways. We liked a weird book.
5. If the police came to your house to arrest you right now, what crime would they charge you with? Listen, when it comes to cops, I am basically Ben Wyatt. I’m Lawful Good. I’ve refused to jaywalk before. I don’t even know how to answer this. I cannot imagine myself committing a crime.
6. If you could sit on a bench in a beautiful woods, who would you like sitting next to you on the bench and why? My fiance because we always go hiking together and idk there’s no one else I’d rather be with 
7. If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why? I think 27? Idk why it just seems like the sweet spot between feeling young and feeling old? At least for me. 
8. What’s your earliest childhood memory? I used to say it was when I was 3, sitting in our backyard in San Antonio, our neighbor’s ball landed in our backyard and I liked it so I just decided to keep it. But I think that’s more a memory of a memory at this point. So I’m going to go with... I was 4, saw Beauty and the Beast on ice at Hershey Park in PA, would fall asleep listening to the soundtrack.
9. If you could go back in time and change history, what would you change? Everything? There’s too much badness in history, I’m struggling to pick one thing. Maybe stopping Christopher Columbus. I think this would have just delayed the horribleness that was wrought upon the Americas but... maybe if he was stopped, it could have been different. Anyways Orson Scott Card wrote a book about this (Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus. It’s probably problematic (I mean the title sounds kind of problematic); I haven’t read it in years, and Card has a tendency to be problematic. But it certainly was an interesting thought experiment.)
10. If you were to change your name, what name would you adopt going forward? I used to use Fiona as a pen name before I started using Callioope... I guess I also like Abigail. I wanted to use this name for a future kid, but my fiance’s aunt is named Abigail so now we can’t use it. Dumb. Anyways I’ve always felt really lucky that I like my name and wouldn’t want to change it.
11. How do you like to spend a rainy day? Curled up on the couch, hot tea in hand, reading.
Second set: (ta-dala)
1. What is the “craziest” thing you’ve done for the love of something? Well. I went skydiving for my fiance. I have a strong fear of heights, he’d been wanting to do it for years and said he’d prefer to share such a life experience with me (so he wouldn’t go with anyone else). I refused for many years, but this past summer I finally took the leap (har har) and bought a groupon for it for his bday. I actually ended up having a blast, so I’m glad I went, but… I definitely thought it was a thing only crazy people do, before I did it.
2. What is your ultimate bucket-list travel destination? I would have said Efes, but I had the fortune of going there in 2014. (Both my user pic and cover pic are from Efes.) Otherwise there are so many places I want to go that it’s hard to choose just one. Hmmm we didn’t do Pamukkale when we were in Turkey soo maybe that. I mean, basically, ancient ruins are usually at the top of my list. And there are a lot of ancient ruins in Turkey along the southwest coast that we didn’t go to that I want to go back for. Oh and hot air ballooning in Cappadocia!
3. Cats or dogs? Dogs. I have nothing against cats, but I grew up with dogs all my life because my mom was allergic to cats.
4. If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? I mean, right now I’m sleepy and still not quite 100% (but very close) recovered from being sick, soo… being at home, in pjs, on my couch is pretty appealing. But my usual answer to this is somewhere in Turkey, or maybe München. I’d move to München if distance was somehow made negligible by science fiction-esque modes of transportation and thus I wouldn’t be so separated from friends and family.
5. Write me a piece of advise that you’d go back and give to your younger self. Perfection is the enemy of good enough — you don’t even have to be great at something as long as  you try and give it the best you can.
6. Share one sentence of something you’ve written and tell me why you like it. “She discovers him on Endor, eyes dark and far away even after the Death Star disintegrates into fireworks above them, and they spend a night separate from the celebration, their own relief soft and slow and solemn as they reconcile their fears of tomorrow against its new promises.” from “if i wait (will you stay?)”
I enjoyed writing the imagery here; I liked the idea of Jyn and Cassian keeping their celebration of the destruction of the second Death Star private, it’s too deep and personal for them; I liked the alliteration of ‘soft and slow and solemn.’ The victory/beginning of the end of the war would be so charged for them because this is a war they’ve been fighting all their lives and it’d be the first glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel and I think that would terrify them as much as it would excite them.
7. Can you still love/be a fan of something/someone and be critical of a choice or decision? Why or why not? ABSOLUTELY!!! Thank you for this question, this is a good question and one I feel very strongly about. (Look, I’m a fan of A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones, there’s no way I haven’t learned how to take enjoyment from something while still being critical of it.)
I’d argue that maybe you don’t really love something until you’re honest about its faults. That seems a little dramatic to say though. And I don’t want to devalue someone’s love of something because they’re not critical of it. (Also, some things just… are less problematic.)
With my own experience in fandom, I’ve felt more sincerely and honestly connected and engaged with a work once I’ve acknowledged its criticisms. I think it comes about naturally when you pay enough attention to something or analyze it deeply enough. And to some extent (depending on the work), I feel if I wasn’t honest about its faults, there’d be a level of idolization happening that isn’t 100% sincere. Placing works or people on a pedestal is dangerous. Understanding the faults of a person or thing, to me, seems like a more true/sincere/honest understanding of it.
Also, nothing in this world is 100% Perfect and Good. It’s possible for a Thing or Person to both propagate very good, positive, progressive ideas and beliefs and commit mistakes and misunderstandings that aren’t great. In fact, most things in life are probably this way. Open honesty about how something is good and how something is bad is a natural, and I’d say necessary, course for progressing and improving and gaining a better understanding of the world.
8. Rogue One. Dead or alive?  ;) I don’t… I don’t understand this question. What do you mean dead? Why would they be dead? Obviously alive… :P
9. You can only eat one food the rest of your life. What is it? (You really didn’t want to ask me this question. I apologize in advance.)
It’s potatoes. There are so many different ways to cook them. I’m assuming that I’m allowed to cook them in different ways? Boil ‘em, mash ‘em, stick ‘em in a stew? I mean, in addition to what Samwise already wisely (heyyy) pointed out, there’s baked potatoes, potatoes au gratin, Hasselback potatoes, roasted potatoes — and so many ways to roast them! You can also make french fries, you can make potato chips. Cream of potato soup. Hash browns! Tater tots! Gnocchi! (I have leftover gnocchi from Maggianos in the fridge and it’s time for dinner and guess what I’m doing when I’m done here. I took a break to eat) And honestly?? I’ve only really covered western cooking for potatoes here. I’ve had potatoes in Indian cuisine that is delicious!! I just can’t remember what any of those dishes were called.
Look, I just googled all the ways you can cook potatoes and the first line of the first link that came up said “the potato is the Mariah Carey of vegetables.” They’re not wrong.
10. Give me your Desert Island Discs list. This was very hard and for the record, these only reflect my tastes as of today.
All This and Heaven Too by Florence + the Machine
Sibelius Symphony No. 2 by Jean Sibelius
While My Guitar Gently Weeps by The Beatles
(Can I count the end of Abbey Road as one medley? I mean, can I just bring Abbey Road? Only one song? FINE) it’s going to be whatever the best cover of Carry That Weight is with the longest jam session in it, research pending
Night on Bald Mountain by Modest Mussorgsky
Between Two Lungs by Florence + the Machine
Cassiopeia by Sara Bareilles
Howl by Florence + the Machine
On the Radio by Regina Spektor
A Day in the Life by the Beatles
Book of my choice: The Golden Compass. But I was very tempted to take Wicked. Gregory Maguire’s prose is next level it’s so beautiful I just…. But he’s a little darker for me. The Golden Compass has been a solid fave for a long time.
One luxury item… pen and paper?
11. What is your favorite curse word? I’m not really creative when it comes to cursing, I generally just say ‘fuck’ a lot.
My questions:
What was your favorite game to play as a child?
You hear just the first few notes of a song, recognize it instantly, and are filled with joy -- what song is it?
Name any goal you ever set for yourself that you are proud to have accomplished.
If you had to pick a senior yearbook quote today, what would it be?
What would your daemon be? (aka an animal manifestation of your ‘inner self’)
What was the first concert you ever went to?
If you were a city, what city would you be and why?
If you could automate a chore so you wouldn’t ever have to do it anymore, what would it be?
What is something you’ve learned in the past year?
Name a person, real or fictional, that has inspired you and explain how.
What is something anyone can do to make the world around them just a little bit better?
Tagging: @ta-dala (you seemed like you wanted more tags, so tagging you back! :) ), @theputterer, @magalis, @latinaspitfire, @thenewleeland, @estherlyon, @thestarbirdfromtheashes, @jenniferjuni-per, @lustfulpasiphae, @caffeinosis, @imsfire2 (and of course the disclaimer: no pressure/no worries if you don’t want to do it! and apologies if you’ve done it already)
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Howdy Nova I wanted to invite you to gush bout whichever f/o is on your mind currently ✨🧡! They all love you so much!!
Tex @tex-treasures
Hello texie!!! How are you?
Well!!!! Thanks for the invitation, im gonna use this as an excuse to scream about my The Kane Chronicles f/os.
First up is Horus, ft: my face hc for him
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1) I love the fact that hes a dense mf, he doesnt get sarcasm and its HILARIOUS.
2) even tho hes power hungry, hes still pretty chivalrous and protective of Carter even if they butt heads from time to time.
3) the fact that he uses a pigeon host and calls them "well adapted to modern civilization" and eats the left over Cheerios from khufu
Also, the possibilities of fluff with bird like stuff like ruffled feathers and making birb noises? Cute!
Fave phrase of him " my strategy is to hit the enemy until they lay unconcious, if they get up, hit them again, repeat as Many times necessary"
(The Next pictures up to amos belong to @/feesshies)
Okay, here we go, khonsu time!
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I might say that all of his scenes are super funny, starting by the fact that ra calls him "moon pie" and im so close to making that my nickname for him.
1) the fact that hes got power over time, And that nut kicked his ass in setnet enough times to form 5 complete days. Its so FUCKING funny.
2)his introductory scene is fucking ominous as fuck 100/10
3) hes the rich boy aesthetic and im here for this 100%
4) that one phrase where he goes "I havent eaten a soul in...what month are we in, march?" LIKE WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!
favorite phrase" "Ha! I bet you 5 more minutes worth of moonlight that im perfectly sane!" (Hes not...)
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Tatter tot (s)
1) his introductory scene in the first book. Marvelous.
2) the fact that he sends the kane kids to Elvis' house and is happy they thrashed the place
3) in the second book where Carter says "come on tot! Cant we do something for you? Like thrash Elvis' house again?!" And his answer is "tempting" DOES HE HAVE A HATE TOWARDS HIM LIKE???
4) hes the adhd mood. All the times he get distracted are so cute.
5) the fact that he knows a hieroglyph to give someone intestinal problems. I love him. AND HE USES THEM IN BATTLE TOO? ONLY MY MAN!
6) how casual he is about his own death, "oh yeah ill last for about two more days, oh would you look at that just in time for the winter solstice, ha! That cant be a coincidence!"
8) his dramatic build up. And hes the only god whose normal and deserves rights
Fave phrase: "khufu you are right! We arent in Memphis egypt!"
Okay. Buckle up. Here comes the big boys.
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Set/evil day/the best comedic relief in book 2
1) he was the perfect antagonist for the first book.
2) the second book when he starts imitating amos??? Ugh!!! Just imagining him in that suit makes me blush!
3) hes so FUCKING funny and charming.
4) his exit in the first book is fingerguns shooting at sadie like a kid angy at his mom.
4) un book 3 when amos is kicking ass using his powers.
5) when he says to Carter "im gonna help your uncle learn the path of sett" I can imagine how it would sound and its so FUCKING badass. Only imagining it I get goosebumps.
6)he breaks 6 jars on menshinkovs Head and its so funny.
7) how whiny he gets when menshikov traps hom in the malachite jar.
8)" Come on amos! I just want to strip the skin off their faces" thats how the phrase goes. I cant remember. But AWOOOGA--
9) when Carter asks to him if they names setne after him and he just laughs.
10) the hc where him and khonsu are bffs. YES please.
11) my fave detail is that when sadie screams "i bet sett is having a laugh seeing Us try and not kill ourselves" and the book describes the air getting chilly and the floor rumbling as If someone was laughing way way underneath. Such a cool detail.
Fave phrase: "your uncle amos also has some of my qualities, im like that improvised jazz he likes so much. Order within chaos"
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1) hes so dramatic in the first book. Ominous.
2) the fact that Carter has a picture of him playing the saxophone. Just imagining it makes me warm and fuzzy.
3) hes so gentle and suave. Sweep me off my feet.
4) the fact that he controlls sett and its like the biggest fuck you to his past trauma.
5) the fact that he becomes a fatherly figure 🥺🥺🥺🥺
6) he uses a red pinstripe suit affirming his connection to sett. Its such a fuck you moment to those that were like "HES USING SETTS MAGIC EW KILL HIM" TRY AND MESS WITH HIM NOW BITCH.
7) hes a gentle leader and I love that.
8) his character growth.
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The foreshadowing of him being possesed by sett in the reflection of the teacup. Showing His reflection in red
How kissable he looks!!!
His fit. His suit. His gloves!!!! His hair!!!
For some reason the way the bridge of his nose is drawn it makes me want to kiss it.
The feather on his hat. Yes king
Fave phrase: I cant remember any at the top of my head!!! But he has some pretty good ones
Hes just the best honestly. Many kisses for him and the rest
They all make me feel warm and fuzzy and I love them sm!!!!!!
●Moots only ok to rb!
Thanks for the ask!!!!
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
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"Movie Night"
Let me explain whats going on here because its pretty crowded.
Im watching the movie with horus like normal people do. Tot is looking at me absolutely lovesick eyed bcs he chose the movie and im loving it.
Amos is just chillin. Absolutely in love with me as usual.
Now, sett is describing the movie to khonsu,who let us stay at his appartment that May or May not be on the literall Sky.
Khonsu is doing a self care night and he doesnt care about the movie. Hes not going to be rude about it though!.
We are all having a huge date.
Taglist: @qsionic @aeliusinclairs @tex-treasures @lilacslovers
MOOTS ONLY OK TO RB. If blurry Open the image and please zoom in for details!!!
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Keep you off my mind
Cw: angst, mentions of getting high in the lyrics.
Moots ok only to rb
Summary: after defeating apophis, the gods have to leave the human world behind. And with it their loved ones.
A/n: this is a LENGHTY BOY.
A/n 2: listen to post modern jukebox covers of habits!! Its the song I based off this whole fic!
Taglist: @tex-treasures @lilacslovers @aeliusinclairs @qsionic
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And Just like that, they were gone.
Tot...khonsu...sett...horus...all back to the duat. Not even a goodbye.
Oh, but the Kanes did get their goodbyes. Of course...they saved the world.
Jerico smashed the door of her room shut. Training was over, she needed to shower.
Instead she sat on her bed, knees against her chest, shaking with broken breaths.
Tears attempted to scape through the corner of her eyes, trying to breathe properly, she held knees close. Looking with apprehension to her wardrobe, a scowl appeared on her face.
Her boyfriends gave her one final goodbye gift, but she didnt dare touch them...it was their final goodbye.
She sniffed letting the tears stream down her face, connecting the phone to her speaker set up. The Brooklyn house always had the last bleeding edge technology. And the rooms were soundproofed witt hyeroglyphs.
Luckily, nobody would hear her sad music. Or the breakdown she had as soon as she got into the shower.
《Staying in my play pretend
Where the fun, it got no end
Can't go home alone again
Need someone to numb the pain
You're gone and I gotta stay
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
High all the time
To keep you off my mind
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Spend my days locked in a haze
Trying to forget you babe
I fall back down
Gotta stay high all my life
To forget I'm missing you
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh 》
The song echoed through her room, trying to ignore the feeling of loss.
Somehow she got herself cleaned, her eyes red from crying.
She changed into her pjs, an oversized red hoodie from sett, that still had his smell, the silver joggings khonsu had gifted her.
She held a falcon plushie that horus had won for her at a carnival, and the olive knitted scarf tot had lent her and never asked for it back.
Various sad songs played in the background. She didnt pay attention to them.
Until "all of me" came on, this particular version however, was a metal cover, wich sett had sang to her. A small smile finally appeared on her face, she wiped the tears with the sleeve of her hoodie and held the plushie and scarf closer.
She took a quick look at the wardrobe and sighed, maybe it was about time.
Its been a month since they left. She hoped there was no food in those presents.
With shaky steps, hanging onto the falcon plushie and wrapping the scarf around her neck, she opened the wardrobe, using her powers to Grab the chest the gifts where inside of.
This chest was a gift from khonsu himself, beautifully crafted, with gold accents and jewels. The carvings on the sides where traditional egyptian depictions of the moon god and jeris other god boyfriends.
She took the chest to her bed and made the plushie stay on her shoulder.
The first packet she grabbed was wrapped in a dark grey-ish red cardboard paper. Tied with a beautiful golden ribbon that had a red shine when the light hit it.
She unwrapped the gift carefully, and the box was a dark oak box, sett in his animal form was carved with ruby accents, a small note stuck to the lid of the box.
"Just because you cant see me, that doesnt mean we'll never be togheter again, I love you, sunshine --sett"
Jerico sniffed and opened the box, setts scent invaded the room. Sand, oud wood and vanilla.
The box had a little shah (setts animal) shabti; stuck to it another card 《she'll Keep you company, feel free to name her whatever you desire --S》.
Besides it was a photo of them togheter on their first date, the frame was pure gold with rubys, and in hieroglyphs it read "our first moment of happiness togheter". Jer giggled, she still remembers that night at that jazz club, the food was good enough, the best part was when they slow danced to the music the band was playing.
There was a love note and dried Rose petals, and a jar with red sand, a little memo from the god of deserts.
《My dearest, jericó 》 the note read 《 I am so sorry we cant say goodbye. You know how the rules are, we cant interact with humans unless we have a host.
Im sorry for all the hurt youll experience, I wont be in your head like I used to. And my path, you Will have to study it by yourself. Help amos with you? He still has some trouble embracing the chaos.
Ill always be with you, every time it storms. Every time the lightning strikes. Ill be there.
Stay safe.
Yours, Evil day, sett》
Jeri started crying softly, picking up the shabti and the jar with red sand.
She left it on her nightstand besides the picture of their first day.
--What is the Word to actívate this shabti?-- she whispered to herself looking at the figurine, then it came to her, making he laugh loudly. Of course.
She grabbed her wand and touched the head of the shabti-- Sett you are better than any of my other boyfriends
And suddenly the shabti grew to the size of a golden retriever. The features became clearear and clearer until the shah seemed like an actual of shah and not a shabti.
--Hello, arent you beautiful...-- jerico said caressing the shahs snout.
Setts animal curled on her lap and waged their tail-- I think ill name you reddy...
Next up was tots gift.
It was wrapped in an olive green paper, a beautiful forest green ribbon tied togheter.
She unwrapped the gift and marveled in awe, the mahogany box had tot carved, he was in his...god form. A Man with the head of an Ibis bird, the box had cracks that shined golden. Representing their Bond togheter.
Her chest warmed up, just like whenever tot asked her to see their Bond togheter in the duat.
The first thing she saw was an Ibis bird plushie, and a note hanging from its neck, loosely tied by a brown string.
《I told you I would never leave you, and Its still true, just say the Word and ill be there》.
That plushie was an...unorthodox shabti, she didnt even have to think what the activation Word was. She raised her wand and said -- tatter tots! -- and the Ibis bird came to life....with the babboon shabti that was inside of the box.
Both of them grew, and the bird Flew around the room and then stopped at her free shoulder. While the babboon sat besides her with a big smile.
There was also a kaleidoscope. An usb and a note.
The note read 《jerico, the ink to my pen, the knowledge I seek, my morning sun...im so sorry to leave you like this. I didnt tell you sooner so you wouldnt suffer, I cant bear to see your beautiful eyes full of sadness.
I promised you I would never leave you. And though im not there. Im not gone. My bird and babboon Will Keep you company. And every time you channel my power, every book you read or any New idea you come up with, ill be there. Ill make sure of that.
Love, Tatter tots》
Jerico sniffed and held the bird and babboon close. Letting some tears fall down her cheeks. She grabbed the kaleidoscope. On the side it said "when you miss my eyes, just look here"
And so she did, the shapes inside the kaleidoscope were just like his Real eyes, she smiled and grabbed the CD. Pulling up her laptop.
Inside of it there were all the pictures they ever took togheter. The songs he recorded for her, and a video.
She clicked on it, and held the babboon close.
The video showed a very tired tot, fixing up his glasses trying to not look so sad.
" my dearest..." said tot " when you see this...ill probably be in the duat, and im sorry.
But, im recording this just so you can see me one last time; And as im recording this, youre asleep, you look so peacefull" the god of knowledge sighed " youre a Smart woman, you are full of potential and though you May not see it...know that is true, and i am forever gratefull to have found such an amazing girlfriend, and forever gratefull for such an amazing hostess, I love you..." tot gave the camera one last look and blew a kiss at it. And the recording stopped.
Jeri slammed the PC shut and started bawling her eyes out, she laid down with her New pets, her sobbs were loud and messy, it took maybe an hour before she calmed down.
--tot...you absolute madman-- she whispered caressing the feathers of the Ibis bird.
With some encouragement from her pets, jerico opened horus' package.
It was wrapped in a way that clearly said "handmade wrapped" and though horus wasnt a very gentle god, he tried his best.
The wrapping paper was Light blue with a dark blue string.
The box was made out of sycamore wood, she remembered Carter saying that this type of wood was used by ancient egyptians.
Jerico chuckled and saw the carvings, the images were horus with his falcon head. Beautiful blue jewels decorating the box.
Inside of it was an amulet of the eye of horus, a letter, some falcon feathers and some sort of shabti.
She put the amulet on and smiled, grabbing the letter. 《 my little squab, im sure all of my cohorts have said their sorrys for leaving this way. And so I Will.
Im sorry we didnt have a proper goodbye, but I couldnt interact with you unless I was using Carter as my host. And though this note Will not suffice, ill try to make it up to you
The shabti is for the plushie i won for you on the carnival, the amulet Will Keep you safe, to make up for me not being there.
And some days from now youll get a brand New sword,im sure youll learn fast. Youre a talented young woman.
Keep the feathers close, after all, they are feathers from my own head. I love you.
She smiled and closed the box. She took a look at the sword hanging on the wall. Yep. Horus flirted by giving her weapons. And jerico wasnt complaining.
Grabbing the shabti, she put the figurine inside the plushie, using scissors to cut it Open and a hieroglyph to sew it back on.
The plushie came to life and nuzzled its beak to jericos cheek. Cawing to the ibis bird as if saying "SHES MINE".
With a chuckle she grabbed the last package.
The chest flew back into the wardrobe. And she sighed.
Here goes the last one.
Khonsus package was wrapped in silver paper, it was wrapped with a silk ribbon full of shining rhinestones.
She snorted. Khonsu had to be extra.
The box was made out of african blackwood. Jerico snorted letting out -- just when you think you couldnt get more extra!-- and saw the carvings.
There he was in all his glory witt a moon casted in silver.
She opened the box.
Inside of it there were gift cards, expensive jewelry, a note and a picture of them.
The picture was of their last date before the gods left. They were in his penthouse braiding eachothers hair.
She smiled and grabbed the silver frame with moon Motifs. Leaving it besides her bedside table.
As she looked to the wardrobe, beautiful New clothes appeared, and she raised her brows-- anything else? -- she said mostly to herself.
Then she looked down and grabbed the gift cards, checking them.
They were for restaurants, clothes, anything she desired.
The jewelry had sun and moon imagery. There was one inside a smaller box, it looked like the sun was missing a half, she put it on, figuring it was one of those necklace to share with someone.
She grabbed the note and read it.
《 my sun, my moonlight, its cruel that we couldnt say goodbye. But I promise we'll see eachother very soon.
In the meantime, think of me...
Every full moon, every phase of the moon. Its me. Ask for light and ill guide you, even when you feel lost....
I hope you like the gifts I got you, and if I could, I would give you more. But im short on time right now...
Stay safe. And please please PLEASE, Teach Carter how to have a proper clothing style.
Always yours...
Jerico giggled and put all of his gifts away, sighing and laying down with her pets. Maybe they werent completly gone.
Some days had passed and jerico took some days off.
She was playing with the jewelry khonsu gave her while walking towards a cafe for a peacefull afternoon.
As she sat down, she grabbed her phone and scrolled her social media muttering gibberish.
--is this spot taken..?-- the voice that said it made jerico tense up.
--seriously? You cant be more dramatic!-- another voice said.
Suddenly one of the Chairs was moved back and she heard someone sit-- I wouldve made a more...warrior appropiate entrance but--
Jeri looked up her phone, and her breath left her chest, there they were, tot, sett, khonsu, horus, all of them there infront of her.
--h how...w Wait...whe--
Sett laughed kissing her forehead-- nothing could Keep us away from you...-- the guys sat with her and the god of deserts took her hand-- we've missed you...
Jer started crying uncontrollably with a smile, hugging each of her boyfriends as tightly as she can.
As she sat back down her cheeks hurt from her smile-- im....you guys are here...
Tot nodded taking her hands-- I told you we would never leave you..
Khonsu smiles-- should we order something? My treat...
--oh look at you khonsu paying for us--exclaimed horus
-- dear horus, im paying for jerico...the rest of you...well, youll have to split the Bill...
Tot, sett and horus gasped-- youre not gonna pay for me?!--said sett-- im your friend
The moon god shrugged-- she has priority, old friend
After their little date they got back to the Brooklyn house for a big cuddle pile.
They were there and theyll never leave again.
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Eye Of Tot
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“I am the Eye Of Tot, god of Knowledge, magic and writing! and you are fucked!”
my tkc s/i during the final battle of the book, ready to kick ass
•If blurry open the image 
♡Moots only ok to rb♡
•taglist: @aeliusinclairs @tex-treasures @qsionic @lilacslovers
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voidselfshipp · 3 years
Smote? Smitten?
Cw: one suggestive joke.
Summary: jericó keeps invoking the gods with their names. Much to everyones dismay and warnings.
Taglist: @aeliusinclairs @tex-treasures @qsionic
A/n: Moots only ok to rb
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-- you should be more carefull talking about the gods-- said sadie non-chalantly as she read a a magazine.
--oh come on, sett likes it when I speak of him,isnt that right sett?-- the floor rumbled as if something that was way Below the surface laughed, the room got suddenly cold.
-- youre the one thats getting smote not me....Wait...smote? Smitten? Ugh whatever!
Jeri laughed-- yeah its gonna be me thankfully
Theres a three second silence before sadie rolls up her magazine and starts chasing jerico around.
--ah shit! I cant remember the Word in english! -- jeri said while she talked with walt, in the library infront of thoths statue-- hey tatter tots! How do you say <ñandú> in english? --the wind whirls around the room, Walt heard a whisper coming from it, or was it thoths statue?. -- ah yes! Ostritch! Thank you tatter tots!
Walt stares -- is that considered blasphemy?
--Is it? Should I ask--
--NO-- said Walt-- lets leave tatter to-- I mean thoth alone!
Jeri rolled her eyes-- whatever you say
Some hours later jeri and Carter are arguing over how to Grab a sword-- its not like that! -- jeri said-- youre grabbing the handle wrong!
--ive told you thats the way--
--Hey horus! Show Carter how to properly Grab that sword!
Carters hand moves by himself gripping the sword in the way jerico said-- see?! I was right
--oh fuck off jerico!
At night the lights were cut off, and sadie and the rest of the girls (sadie, cleo, alyssa, Bast and jerico) were having a girls night.
Jeris light had died on her and all she had was the light of the moon to help her read.
She took a sip from her tea, sighing, a hand grabbing the beautiful moon jewelry she was wearing-- hey khonsu, dear, I cant see very well, could you help Us find our way until the electricity returns?
Suddenly the moon shines brighter, illuminating every single room in the Brooklyn house and waking up more than one student.
--Thank you dear!-- the moonlight seems to flicker for a moment as if saying "youre welcome".
Bast started laughing-- youve been doing that for a bit!
Sadie scoffed-- shes gonna get smote
Alyssa and cleo laughed-- I think its cute too!-- they say making sadie roll her eyes.
--If you complain so much why do you Keep scooting closer to the moonlight?-- asked jer with a grin on her face.
--for no reason!-- said the kane-- fuck off!
They shared a laugh and kept Reading.
The Next night jerico missed khonsu, the moon was no where to be seen, so she goes to her balcony and sighs-- I miss you khonsu...
The moon parts the heavy dark clouds and the moonrays illuminate her with intensity, she feels as if she was being hugged.--thank you..-- she said smiling and entering her room.
While she read, a feeling of longing invaded her-- I...actually miss every single one of you, khonsu...thoth...horus...sett..--she sighed-- I could actually use a tea right Now...
Suddenly a fresh brewed tea appeared on her nightstand, the little paper attached to the other end of the teabag had an Ibis head logo 《thoth》 jeri thought.
Then the rain poured heavily, the thunders seemed to have a red tint, and the beach sand she had in a glass containers swirled inside of it 《sett》jerico thought again.
The Winds blew mercilessly, and the leaves that fly with the currents seem to be forming a falcon head 《horus》
And yet, the moon didnt stop shining, the Rays kept invading her room. She smiled 《khonsu》
After finishing her tea, she closed the book and cuddled under the covers-- thank you...-- she whispered-- good night
The Winds whistled, the moonrays flickered, a thunder cracked down and in the distance she heard the cawing of an Ibis Bird. A simple message 《good night》
If sadie was here she would say jeri was about to get smote, smitten?. Whatever. But jerico didnt care. They were still there with her.
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