#platonic rosakae
cometrose · 1 year
underrated genshin pairings i think are super neat
zhongven - i’m a huge sucker for “old friends” like the people who have been together for years and decades (millenniums in their case) and just know each other like the back of their hand
cytham - they tried to kill each other on their first meeting
ningqing - cute strong stylish business women i want to see them together more
ayaitto - this is so perfect like diligent professional ayato playing games with itto it’s so cute and it’s so beloved
kokoyae - they are penpalssssss they talk about books together
rosakae - cryo, buddies, drinkers, hidden sides but they know each other perfectly, this one is great
fischnett - literally adorable like bennett takes her completely seriously i can’t stress how cute this one is
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zezerozes · 2 years
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Ugh PLEASE this is literally my favourite take on this dynamic, I love all of them :(
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glacialswordsman-a · 2 months
🖤 for the silly i give you rosaria
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repulsive / hideous / ugly / not attractive / unappealing / not unattractive / meh / no preference / ok / mildly attractive / nice looking / cute / adorable / attractive / pleasant on the eyes / good looking / hot / sexy / beautiful / gorgeous / hot damn / would tap that / perfect / godlike / holy fuck there are no words.
grating / irritating / frustrating / boring / confusing at best / awkward / unreasonable / psychotic / disturbing / interesting / engaging / affectionate / aggressive / ambitious / anxious / artistic / bad tempered / bossy / charismatic / appealing / unappealing / creative / courageous / dependable / unreliable / unpredictable / predictable / devious / dim / extroverted / introverted / egotistical / gregarious / fabulous / impulsive / intelligent / sympathetic / talkative / up beat / peaceful / calming / badass / flexible.
how likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending / fuck no! / never / no way / not likely / not sure / indifferent / I’m asexual / maybe / probably / it depends / fairly likely / likely / yeah sure / yes / would tap that / hell yes / fuck yes! / wishing that could happen right now / as many times as possible / we are already having sex.
level of friendship:
never in a million years / worst of enemies / enemies / rivals / indifferent / neutral / acquaintance / friendly toward each other / casual friends / friends / good friends / best friends / fuck buddies / bosom buddies / practically the same person / would die for them / true friends / my only friend.
first impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent /  meh  / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
current impression of them:
i hate them so much / i don’t like them / i don’t trust them / they annoy me / they’re weird / I’m indifferent / meh / they seem alright / they’re growing on me / truce / I think I like them / I like them / I’m not sure if I trust them / I trust them / they’re cool / they’re genuine / I think we’re going to get along / I really like them / I think I’m in love / oh fuck they’re hot / I love them.
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feketeribizli · 1 year
Oh? What do you dislike abt venxiao/cynari/kavetham? (What abt poly cynarikavetham👀) I also am annoyed by the portrayal of certain characters in fandom (for example Itto as a sexy fuckboy) but I decided to not let myself get stuff I like ruined by some dumb people 😅 if someone is being annoying they are just getting🙌that🤙block🙏
not saying you can't ship whatever else you want of course! in the end it is abt having fun, I just do end up shipping the popular ones usually since they have the most canon basis, and thats just my preference :3
There are also ones that I only enjoy in specific context (rosakae only if they are t4t for example) and I also consume whatever is nice bc I just like art
speaking of that canon basis, once you realize a billion dollar company is putting two hot characters together because itll make them money, not because they want to hint at queer representation, your life gets so much better 👍 never cared about stuff becoming canon but some people put way too much weight into whats "canon" in their arguments lmao
anyway most things just come down to my own personal preferences like eg to me tighnari is aroace and for once i do enjoy a healthy platonic relationship between men. and i dont see what people see in kavetham lmao if i want haitham in a bland relationship where argues with his partner ill just ship him with cyno cause thats more fun to me. personally 👍
and yeah at the end of the day it really is just about having fun! which is way easier for me now that im not on twitter lmao
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yinaeun · 2 years
・❥・looking for love ? ! (1)
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wherein genshin characters are on a reality tv show, "looking" for love. (1)
genre : more on comedy, good vibes
characters : rosaria, raiden, albedo, beidou (randomized)
au : modern
pairs : plat!rosakae, kindof!albecrose, BEIGGUANG, 'mom' beidou & her 'son' kazuha
warnings : NOT AT ALL ROMANTIC, JUST FOR FUNSIES !! a bit ooc, and it's my first time writing these sort of stuffs <3 anddd, this takes place in a tv show, and idk a crap abt how those things work !! own hc's!! very short stories :<!! some characters are very much from fanon roots LOL
note : no criticisms pls ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ♡
rosaria ⨾ "KAEYA?!! "
"we're going live in 5!" one of the camera crew reminded everyone.
"rosa, sit here." kaeya assists his friend, rosaria, on a chair. but seeing thousands of people infront of her, she can't help but ask. "kae.. what is this.. wait, why are we here again??" she asks as she sat down on a comfy chair.
"oh, don't you worry about it!" kaeya gives her a reassuring but.. somewhat evil smile.
"just answer the host's questions whenever he asks, alright? he's going to sit the chair across you." kaeya explains, this made rosaria more confused. "... what questions are we talking about?"
a crewmember shouts, kaeya then proceeds to walk backwards, almost as if he's avoiding something.
the host swiftly sat down on his assigned seat across the very confused lady. the behind-the-scenes crew pointed its camera's and lights to the two, making rosaria look away.
"HELLO! HELLO! welcome back to tonight's show, 'LOVE TALK.' we have here another guest looking for true love. and it seems like she knows her style! very 'gothic!' introduce yourself, please."
and at this moment, rosaria popped up from her seat as she grasps what's happening right now.
"i guess this is my cue to.. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE." kaeya runs, bumping to everyone he encounters, and knocking some equipments.
"we'll take a 5 minute break.." the host announces with a defeated look.
5 minutes later
"and after some *ehem* minor incidents, we're ready to start tonight's scheduled program!" the host announces with a smile plastered on his to reassure his audience.
"let's start off with introducing yourself." the host then looks at rosaria with a smile but with a threatening aura. "rosaria. tattoo artist. and just so you all know, i was FORCED to be here." she says glaring at everyone with her arms crossed. "*ehem* so! i see you're quite an interesting.. character! with your style and.. manners, you'll surely get along with our chosen candidates!" the host says with a smile. rosaria lets out an audible 'ugh.'
so let's just say that it didn't go well, and the candidates were all.. 'flamed.' rosaria was banned from ever coming to reality tv shows. her reaction?
"they wanted reality, i'll give them MY reality."
but, needless to say, she gained quite some fans, and became a 'trending' character. her tattoo business is currently BOOMING ever since her appearance on the tv show.
overall, she won. she never has to set foot on tv shows, and she also gained money from her appearance on one.
raiden ei  ⨾ "mmf? "
"sara.. i really don't think this is necessary.." ei said tugging on sara's coat like a little child. "ms. ei, this isn't entirely unnecessary, this can promote our business, this is a business strategy, trust me." sara reassures while looking at her checklist.
whilst the host was already hyping up the audience, sara and ei were waiting for their cue to come up on stage.
"without a further ado, let's call in today's guest, an esteemed businesswoman, raiden ei!" as the host welcomed their guest, ei comes up on stage, the audience roars. ei sits down, an adorable, shocked expression plastered on her face. "now you all know 'eternal bliss,' right? here we have the VERY ceo of the company." the audience roared louder as ei waves at everyone. "now, now, everyone, this isn't a concert, we're here to talk LOVE!" the host jokes, making the audience laugh.
as the host starts explaining the show's concept and what they do, ei spots a delicious treat on the table infront of them. 'are these.. free to eat? ' ei thought. but without hesitation, she took the cupcake and munched on it, no one took notice. 'so it is free.' ei continues on munching as she cups her cheeks. 'these are shoo.. sweet..! ' her eyes sparkles as she continues to ramble on her seat.
"do you get it now, ms. ei?" the host turns to look at ei.
ei puts down her cupcake, her mouth smeared with frosting.
"aha.. i see you're busy with our cupcakes? you know, you have a scary look but i had no idea you had a sweet tooth!" the host said, making ei fluster. the audience simultaneously lets out an 'aweee!'
while the show was ongoing, sara, in the backstage, was holding her laugh, her hand covering her mouth. 'i-i'm so sorry ms. ei! ' she thought.
the show ended after ei chose a candidate who shared their love for desserts. their interaction was cute, and everyone thought they would be better off as friends who'd go and taste sweets everywhere they go.
yae miko, who was watching the show from home, had a funny reaction.
"oh my! our ei's in a reality show?? i should do an article about this!" her writer's instinct sparked.
meanwhile at ei's workplace, she was being ridiculed by her employees. they're quite lucky as they didn't get fired.
but atleast sara was right, their business was booming. but anonymous gifts were always stuffed on the company's p.o. mailbox, they were all nothing but delicious sweets. ei decided to host a company get-together to share the sweets.
sara, who was tired with organizing the anonymous gifts: "maybe let's close our p.o. mailbox for now.."
ei, stuffing herself with desserts: "hmmf? let'sh kweep it ofen.."
albedo ⨾ "i can see our love having chemistry.."
"let's welcome in, mr. albedo! a well-renowned scientist!" the host welcomes their guest, a well-suited albedo makes an entrance. "oh my! how fancy~ please sit down mr. albedo." the host invites albedo. "you need not an introduction mr. albedo! your works have truly taken over the world!" the audience cheered, a smirk plastered on albedo's face. "what can i say, 3 years ago i said 'i WILL take over the world,' but being on this show.. i guess taking over the world includes taking everyone's hearts too." albedo winks, gaining screams from the audience. "ohoho! then let's explain today's program, yes?" the host says, suddenly a projector flashed visuals in an empty space on the walls. "so we have 3 candidates chosen for you, talk love to them, entertain them, anything! the challenge here is to make atleast make one of them fall HEAD OVER HEELS FOR YOU!" the host explains. as albedo looks at the screen, he massaged his chin. "ahehe, i guess i can do it." albedo accepts. then the host pointed towards an empty space on the stage, it let out smoke, then appeared the 3 candidates.
"well then, mr. albedo, take their hearts will ya?" the host left albedo alone on the stage, the audience was quiet as albedo picks a lady to choose. albedo then chose the candidate at the middle.
"why, hello there, dear." albedo smiles, his eyes closed. and of course who wouldn't feel their knees wobbling when you're at that situation? albedo chuckles on the lady's manner and went on to the 1st candidate.
"you're quite a bea-" albedo gets cut off by an univited guest who somehow got on the stage.
"you-!" the unknown shouts at albedo, this made the audience turn to look at.. another albedo??
the other albedo was.. well.. untidy. his glasses positioned in an awkward position, he was still wearing his lab coat, and at his back was..
"a-albedo.. you're causing a scene.." sucrose says, whimpering and slouching behind the 'other albedo.'
'the other albedo' went on the middle of the stage, everyone was puzzled. "good day, everyone.. i apologize for the rude entrance, but there's been.. a 'minor' mishap.." albedo pauses, "the albedo flirting around with the candidates is a prototype of.. me. science and alchemy is what made him." the audience gasps.
sucrose went near the prototype albedo and injected some substance in its arm, the prototype albedo immediately landed on sucrose's arms. they then took off, leaving the real albedo alone on the stage.
"my, mr. 'real' albedo.. i didn't know your creations can actually fool us all!" the host jokes, but albedo genuinely felt bad. "well, since you're already here, should we get back to the show?" the host invites albedo, and with albedo's usual poker face, he nods.
albedo went near to the 3rd candidate as he fixes his lab coat.
BADUMP, BADUMP -- the heart of the candidate beats.
"i can see our love having chemistry.."
suddenly a 'THUMP!' is heard from backstage. it was sucrose dropping the prototype albedo from shock. 'albedo not a pun!! ' she mentally facepalms.
just when we thought things were getting awkward, the audience suddenly screamed in delight. "mr. albedo, you're so cute!!!!" someone shouts. albedo smiles.
'i can see our love having chemist-" the tv shuts off. the remote being held by albedo. he was leaning on the doorway.
"gaaah! albedo.." sucrose shouts. "mm.. sucrose, were you watching the show?" albedo asks, sucrose nods defeatedly. "you don't have to get so shy about it. i should be the one getting embarassed.. but atleast we won the grand prize." albedo says, sipping on his coffee. sucrose went to a table to experiment with her vials. "albedo.. the one who won the grand prize for us was the prototype albedo.." sucrose says, gaining a chuckle from albedo. "hehe, you're right. though, having the prototype albedo at our workplace is quite.. tiring. i've had multiple dm's from all of the candidates saying they'd pay for the prototype albedo.." he shares, making sucrose laugh.
beidou ⨾ "..i'll be going with ningguang, thank ya."
"beidou, this isn't like you.. ever since you and ningguang broke up, you've been a nervous.. wreck.." kazuha pats beidou on the back while mentally laughing about the pun he made on the last word. "gaah! i need to take my mind off of her.. i can't be always seen surrendering to her." beidou says, shaking her head. "mhm.. and this 'fight' you had with her.. was it really serious?" kazuha asks observing beidou's expression fading into a 'not really' expression. "okay! but still, she made such a big fuss about it!" she crosses her arms. "but that doesn't mean you have to give up on her like this, right?" kazuha says with a smile, his adorable dimples showing. beidou looks at him, rethinking her decision. "d'AWW! you're so cute, kazuha.. and.. you're right, i shouldn't give up! i'll-!" she then gets cut off by the director. "your cue, ms. beidou!" a small push was felt by beidou, then all of a sudden, she was at the stage.
the crowd cheered for beidou as she walks awkwardly to her seat. 'that director.. i swear-' her thoughts were interrupted by the host's voice. "welcome, captain beidou!" the host gestured a salute.
"heya! so.. look-"
"so what we have here are 3 candidates! 'love the talk? see them fall!'"
'i swear to god i keep getting interrupted.' she thought, her fists ready to punch someone. but her fists fell as she saw one of the candidates,
with surprise, she stood up, the host notices this. "oh? i see you've taken a liking to one of the candidates? fufufu.. you're the one who's supposed to make them fall for you, but it seems like you're the one who fell inlove." the host jokes, the audience letting out an audible 'aww! '
ningguang, who was looking somewhere else, takes notice to the audience. 'what are they 'aww'-ing about? ' she asks herself. she then looks at the guest, beidou. ningguang's eyes largens.
"ning- what are you doing here?" beidou asks the candidate. ningguang ignores her question as if she didn't hear it. the host forgets their lines and starts to indulge in the drama. the audience does the same.
"ning, answer me." beidou insists. ningguang heaves a sigh. "beidou, we'll continue this after." ningguang says, this doesn't falter the latter. "ning, please, we can solve this now, we can just go home and cancel this."
the host hears the word 'cancel,' then quickly went back to the scheduled program. "ahaha! alright, ms. beidou, please proceed with the program." the host reminds, a hint of nervousness in their voice.
beidou looks over to the host, her eyes a determined look. "no need, i'll be going with ningguang, thank ya." she then goes near ningguang, who was still mad about the past argument they had. "beidou, stop. we're live-" beidou gets ahold of ningguang's wrist.
no one was stopping them, it's as if this was more interesting than the show itself. 'the people will consume this type of media! ' the director thought, grinning.
beidou lifts up both ningguang's hands. "ning, i'm so sorry, i shouldn't have argued with you further, i know you didn't mean ill about me, i just got mad because the ship went through a serious wreck.. and i shouldn't have took the stress out on our argument. i promise, i can do better."
a long pause encapsulates over them.
"hun, you can stop blabbering now, ahehe. and i understand. i am at fault too and i should've considered what you felt while we were arguing." ningguang reassures, the huge waves were finally calming down.
"ugh.. this is so embarassing." ningguang says, watching the drama they caused at the tv show they were in. beidou suddenly pops up behind her, "but don't you think we were so romantic about it? man, look at spark in our eyes." beidou says, observing the scene. "hmp, beidou, don't you still have a ship to tend?" ningguang reminds her. "oh right! then, i'm off to the docks! i love you my boo-boo-bear~" beidou kissed ningguang goodbye, 'ugh..when will she stop acting so immature?? ' she thought as she smiles at herself, her rosy cheeks brightening.
hello hello !! this is my first time to actually commit on something that has to do with writing short stories (i think LOL)
anyways, my grammar and wordings are not perfect, but i hope it's understandable enough <33
also!! these short stories are supposed to be funny and i'm not really taking it seriously LMFAO.
please!! read the warnings and note on the top of this post :<
if you'd like to request characters, you can!! my requests are open <33
want 2 be tagged for the next part, or just be tagged randomly? Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)???! reblog this post :D!
cya!! thank u 4 reading !!
R Y U N ★
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cluescorner · 2 years
Ok, here’s the appeal of Kaeya and Rosaria’s dynamic for me
So, you had a pretty messed up younger life, and then someone from Mondstat pulled you out of that life. You grew to love the place that gave you a new lease on life despite your awful circumstances and, even if your job isn’t inherently one you love, you’ll do it in order to protect the city that gave you hope. 
But...you get lonely. You keep so many secrets and so much trauma from your younger years, but you feel like nobody could possibly understand. You are distrusting of others, whether it’s manifested through blatant coldness or a false confidence, and have been burned one too many times to really open up to anyone. You have resigned yourself to an existence where your city will always be safe and you can live outside of your past, but you will also be lonely. 
And then you meet someone in a tavern. You drink together a few times and slowly get to know one another. Even without opening up entirely, you share brief moments of camaraderie and enjoy each others company. You slowly get to know each other and learn that your drinking buddy is jaded too. They also have a past they desperately wish to avoid. 
Maybe you eventually talk about your pasts and the traumas that have followed you into adulthood. You finally trust someone after years of self-imposed isolation from any true connections, and they trust you in turn. They see your edges and the horrible things you’ve done, they care for you all the same. Because they’ve also done horrible things, though you believe that their circumstances justified their deeds more than yours (and they likely believe the opposite). But regardless, you finally have someone who you can talk to about everything and anything. You finally have someone to truly trust, a true companion in Mondstat. 
Or maybe you never talk about your pasts and instead look to the future. Mondstat is a messy place, but you both believe that it’s your home. So you build a life together and make it a better one than where you came from. You look forward to every moment together: the drunken antics, the witty banter, the tender moments, and every ludicrous misadventure. You find yourself being more honest with your drinking buddy and they’re more honest with you. When everything feels like it’s too much, you can go to them with the understanding that you don’t need to talk about why certain sights and sounds make you react so violently or how you wound up as jaded as you are. It doesn’t matter what your past was, it only matters what the future can be. And with them by your side, it looks brighter every day. 
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oddlybitter · 3 years
not me planning out a seven chapter long spin-off for nocturne
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regnniar · 2 years
Fun fact i also have been thinking about qpr rosakae... But my impression wont be that different if i were to see them as romantic, platonic, drinking buddies(lmao i rlly like this one). In my opinion they really dont abide by the amatonormativity 😍😍😍 it gives my aroace ass a great comfort
romantic relationship chaeya (sometimes it’s not even romantic related but i think it’s interesting to have them emotionally connected to each other) & qpr rosakae r my jam
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zezerozes · 2 years
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I will never finish this crap drawing </3
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zezerozes · 2 years
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Give this funky little guy a cute little coat! I DONT CARE if he rips it to shreds Rosaria can pull a big sis and fix it or sum.
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