#platonic yandere xmen 97
Genet Fun Facts (When They Were With The X-Men), starring Little Genet!:
• Bby Genet was found by a younger X-Men team, alone, and was raised by them
• Bby Genet was not adopted on paper, and wasn't always acknowledged as the team's kid
• Bby Genet liked Kevin/Morph a lot (Morph always let them hug them, and once sat with them as they cried)
• Bby Genet would follow Wolverine around, seeing as he was the most likely them
• Bby Genet has a fear of yelling due to in-fighting amongst the team
• Genet always liked Remy's food, and would continue to like those foods once they ended up as (spoilers: Mocha/Reader)
• Genet was afraid to be unloved
• Genet loved collecting feathers and leaves and rocks, had a whole jar fill of broken glass amd small rocks, and even had bones and furs they'd saved in a special box
• Genet wrote their fears down in one of their journals
• Genet, a few months before they left/were taken, ended up on the end of a bad fight with the others...
• And because of that fight, caused by a villain, Genet no longer told them everything, and the X-Men fear this fight, even after everything was forgiven and sorted out, caused Genet to leave...
@sugar-soda @thewickedweiner (What do y'all think?)
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thewickedweiner · 11 days
*intense tapping noise*
a little silly animation of Radar(aka My Version of Bat hybrid!Reader from @honey-minded-hivemind blog!)
original screenshot
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(please note I am not skilled at animating lol-)
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missglaskin · 5 months
Will you write for platonic x men 97 too?
yup and guess who has a yandere platonic xmen all together hcs, not me for sure 😜
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
works best with the X-Men 97' universe but imagine what you want lmao
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Gambit: Too bad so sad, little bat likes Gambit most!
Morph, Logan, and Scott: 😶😡😤😠
Gambit: Um... why y'all lookin' at Gambit like dat?
Scott: GET HIM!!!
Gambit: Mon petite bat, HELP ME!!!
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Bat Hybrid!Reader: *looking in the trash for food*
Gambit: ... If you eat that in front of me I'll end you
Bat Hybrid!Reader getting a moldy piece of bread: I don't fear God
Gambit: You'll learn to
Cube Anon
Gambit: C'mon petite, Gambit'll get ya some real food! grabs Reader
Reader: chomps him
Gambit: covered in various bites and band-aids See?! This is MUCH better!
Reader: nodding as they eat a bowl of gumbo
Gambit: Now is Gambit ya favorite?
Reader: ...
Reader: You're my least hated stalker
Gambit: That works for Gambit!😄💕😌
(Those two are frenemies, but Reader is loathe to admit and Gambit is too busy annoying them and play-fighting to think about it-) (Also: It is now canon that Morph and Logan are this Reader's biological parents)
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The other X-Men: a bit intimidated by Alien!Reader
Meanwhile Alien!Reader(and how Cable sees them)
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imagine Scott trying to keep Cable and Reader from wrestling while the X-Men were still getting used to Reader
Cable and Reader stop for a bit... only to go somewhere else and start going W.W.E. on each other all over again
BWAHAHA!!!! Im sorry, that is- how can anyone find that intimidating? It's just so- it's a stick, with stick legs, that looks like grass stuck together. And the X-Men, who have faced Sentinels, Magneto, the United Nations, Apocalypse, and Bastion amd Sinister and Gyrich, find that little bug Reader unsettling? They're just so... how? Just how? That's Cable's reaction, I'm certain of it.
The two can fight for hours, both laughing and tumbling like pups or cubs playing, but there's a crater in the concrete, there's shattered wood and a destroyed lawn, and Reader has taken on a bigger, more built form.
Then they pop back to smol size, Cable is pouting because their fun was ruined, and he and Reader slip on to the desert or the wilderness to just go all out, with no worry about property damage or scaring Cable's dad (plus Grandpa Xavier said they could, so take that, X-Men!)
Just watch Scott try to dad at them so hard. The guy is growing soft on them.
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Imagine a Au where Mutants and Vampires are somewhat one and the same, and like- imagine it's an au with a reader kinda like mocha(Rewind!Reader) in personality and all that-
They're living in an apartment with their roommate (✨Kevin✨) who sometimes invites people over at night, tho they always are gone the next day, probably just left while reader was asleep- though the people never visit again... Huh-
Maybe another odd person moved into the apartment and decided to introduced themself to people in the apartment(actually just Reader and Kevin for- Reasons(probably another one of the X-Men)
Strange how people who come by that Kevin apparently knows ask to be invited inside tho-
Cube Anon
Oh... I LOVE IT!!!
This Reader (let's call them Malt or Cinnamon) is an overworked, tired teen/young adult, who shares an apartment with their co-worker, Kevin. They're a swell person, they make dinner for Reader, and accept Reader's gifts of cool rocks and sketches and little bits of jewelry, so they're cool in Reader's book.
Of course, Kevin is always up at night, but so is Reader, it's when they're usually working. So they tend to sleep during the day, when the sun doesn't sting their eyes and their mouth feels less achey, just curled up on the mattress or the couch, wrapped up in a nest of blankets-
Kevin invites friends over sometimes, who always ask to be invited inside, which Kevin always laughs off, saying they aren't in the 1800s anymore~! Reader fell asleep soon after, but notes Kevin is very fond of a few different visitors, namely one they call "Logan", another they call "Jubilee" and a few others with odd nicknames such as "Storm", "Beast", "Gambit", "Rogue", and a few others with more normal names like "Scott" and "Jean"... The funny thing is, Reader never sees them... Theyvusally fall asleep before they arrive, with Kevin saying they left before Reader woke up...
It's all a bit odd, but Reader decides not to dig deeper than that. They don't know what weird cult or possible relationships Kevin has, but as long as they aren't sacrificing Reader or burning the house down or spilling blood on the floor, then it's fine. They have bigger problems to deal with than weird friends of Kevin...
(Kevin grins at Reader while they sleep, they never though they'd see their old buddy, their little fledgling, again-!)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Lmfao imagine Bat Hybrid!Reader walking up to Cable like
"hey can you tell your Dad over there to leave me the hell alone-"
Cube Anon
Cable: WTH?
Reader: Yeah, look, that guy- points to Cyclops- won't leave me alone. Can you please tell him to stop?
Cable: Ugh...
Scott: NATHAN?! Is that you, my baby boy?!
Cable: D*mn it, now he's after the both of us!
Reader: D*mn it!!
Scott: It's not embrassaing you to remind you to eat your vegetables and to come inside before it rains! Now do as I say, young man!
Cable: is a grown *ss man
Cable: .... mhh... fine, Dad...
Scott: And grab your sibling too, okay?
Cable: grumbles as he grabs Reader
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Silly idea, Bat Hybrid!Reader in a villain Morph au
Reader just being a menace and stealing from someone, maybe at some point notices people get scared of their eyes, and uses it to their advantage, not really aware that there's a reason their eyes are intimidating(because they resembles ones that a certain someone has)
Cube Anon
Everyone knows better than to anger the one who has those eyes... Those moon-white, empty, soul-sucking eyes, that stare deep into your soul and seem to see through you...
Bat Reader doesn't understand why so many criminals and thugs leave them alone now, but appreciates not being bothered or hunted, and take any food they can get and any shinies, too!
(Word gets around there is something, some bat mutant kid, with pale white eyes and dark hair/fur, and now the villainous Morph (and possibly Logan and the X-Men, if they're also villains) decide to investigate who this new runt is...)
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silly ass idea
Little shop of horrors type au, the mutants as plant aliens that poor ole reader finds and grows
First the blood feeding comes from accidental cuts, then some more
Until reader realizes they can't keep feeding their plant like this
(the first plant Reader finds should be Morph, let them sing feed me(get it), they'll rock the role)
Cube anon
YES! HaHA, imagine the mutants are all planted mutants/aliens, they end up being nursed back to health by Reader, a tired student who works at a flower shop, and now they all want to adopt this weird kid (who may or may not be like them). Oh, they have a nasty, mean harasser? Oh, they disappeared, how sad, now let's get you some food! My my, your toxic teacher threatened you?! They won't be a problem anymore! (Ignore the dark red splatters, it's just, um, ketchup! Or paint! Nothing to worry about!). Someone wants to blackmail you and take them away? HA! They won't be around for very long, Reader...
Whether this is Evolution or 97/TAS, I see thr adults being the biggest of the bunch, and the teens being a little smaller. Morph is probably some strange mix of moon white petals and fibers and strangling yellow and brown vines. Logan has dark blue-purple tufts and sharp thorns. Kurt is bright blue blossoms and vines, and smells like lavender and blueberries.
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Mocha/Rewind!Reader whenever they find a cryptid and is just too tired to care
They're squaring up, ready to fight-
Only to fall over, too tired to do more than flop a little, then fall unconscious. The platonic yanderes find it very concerning.
Meanwhile, Kevin is letting themself be used a pillow, and is now planning on forcing regular nap times on Reader (no, Kevin, they're not a child- well, fine, yeah, they're close to Jubilee's age, but- you can't force them to sleep-! Wait... what are you putting in their milk-?!)
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I come with a silly idea for a reader
Imagine an Alien reader who's kinda like the pokemon Absol, trying to warn others of disasters they sensed, only to get accused of being the cause/a harbinger of destruction
Reader and Cable running into each other(they were both trying to give warnings of future disasters): oh-
Cube Anon
Those two would be buddies. Just two people who know of the bad futures and trying their all to fix them.
Only to be blamed for them happening or seen as the cause for it. Cable is like a terrifying dog of a bodyguard for Reader, staring down threats and being intimidating, and Reader is the poor stressed prophet who hardly sleeps but desperately needs it.
(Watch Cable get his parents and the rest of the X-Men to listem to them, pulling every trick he can think of to make them see the truth- if it's a dragon au, he's holding dragonet Reader up and saying "look at them! how could this tiny soppy dragonet cause the end of the world?!" and Reader looks like they're about to cry, causing everyone to start panicking-)
(Hahaha, hello again, @thewickedweiner Cube Anon!)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
imagine Bat!Reader's original caretaker was religious and that's why they were almost killed and called a demon-
Maybe they were almost drowned? Or crucified?-
probably didn't react well to Kurt at first then-
Cube Anon
That's exactly what I was thinking- (Definitely tried to drown Reader, too)
Reader, seeing Kurt for the first time: Oh no... it's come for me...
Kurt, seeing Reader: Oh, HI!!!
Reader: ...
Kurt: Mein name is Kurt... Vhy are you here??
Reader: ...
Reader: flies away, panicking
Kurt: OK, see you later!
Reader, rethinking that: ... They're just scared of nice things... hrmph! F*ckin' masochistic jerks...
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
I imagine sentinel reader being toddler size and childish like boo from monsters inc
Kurt: ve have to keep zem safe!
Scott: keep it safe? What about us!? That thing is a killing machine!!!
Sentinel!reader: 🎶lalalalala🎶
Reader: Oooooooo, butterfly! 😍🦋 toddles after it
Kurt: OooO, look at howv scary zey are~ Nowv seriously, zey need us!
Scott: Kurt, we can't just adopt random sentinels! What if it attacks us?
Reader: finds a caterpillar and tries to kiss it
Kurt and Scott: watches
Kurt: 😌
Scott: ... Fine... We can keep them... But the moment they're dangerous they're gone!
Kurt: Vhatever you say~ bamfs over to Reader ~ Nowv, vho vants to play vith me and mein friends?
Reader: Meeeee!😍🥰💖
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
Some ideas for option 2
Rewind! Reader was experiencing sudden bursts of pain and went to the doctor alone, only to stumble up on Mr Sinister out of his disguise
Causing reader to have to run for their damn life as Mr Sinister tries catching them, maybe even gets close to actually catching them before reader either finds a way to slip away or something something Devine interference-
Cube anon
You'd been feeling sicker lately.
A lot sicker, actually.
Kevin had had to take you home about two weeks ago, seeing you about to pass out and struggling to move without stopping in pain. They'd been kind enough to stay over at your apartment, fixing you dinner amd feeding you and keeping a wet towel presses to your forehead and talking to some some their friends while you were trying to keep the worst of the pain at bay.
It was agony.
Your nails felt like they were on fire, the nailbeds raw and red and stinging sharply. Your mouth ached, your teeth hurt when you touched them and your gums felt sore and bled at any hars touches. Even your bones felt exhausted, like they were shifting under your skin. Your entire body felt feverish and cold and you couldn't stay warm enough or keep cool enough.
It felt like H*ll.
Which led you to here, the old clinic, looking for your old doctor.
The doors creaked as you peeked through them, your boots clacking loudly on the tiled floor. The air smelt of chemicals and cleaning supplies, the shadows seemed too dark and too deep, and each noise and echo made you shiver even more...
But you eventually came across a room, where you saw a shadowy figure waiting.
You hesitated.
It didn't.
"Why, child... come back so soon?"
Your spine goes rigid, feeling like ice filled each crac and joint.
"My my... yes... Reader, correct? It's been quite some time since we last met, face to face~" It loomed in the dark confines of the room, seeming to grow bigger and bigger with each word.
You couldn't squeeze anything past your throat. Whatever this was... it wasn't good...
"Cat got your tongue~? Hmmm... Always were such an antsy little thing~ But I fixed most of your flaws, my dear... Now... why don't you come closer, so Dr. Essex can fix this, too?"
You didn't waste a minute turning tail and running, panting and heart going a mile a minute as you fled from the dark being chasing behind you. You could hear it's cackle echo all around you, the darkness humming with malevolence. This... thing... wanted to hurt you. It might even kill you, if it had it's way.
You can't let it get it's hands on you.
You grab a bottle of rubbing alcohol as you run, clutching it tightly to your chest as you turn down a hall... Right into a dead end.
You freeze. You can feel the darkness writhing with something, the evil lurking within it...
And then hands are clutching at you, trying to drag you in.
You scream, kicking and thrashing, fighting as best you can against the demon trying to drag you under, bit all it does is make you feel weaker, your head fuzzing with fever. You shake, tears starting to slip down your cheeks.
You can't die here. You can't be taken to God knows where bu this creature. You can't leave Kevin- What would they think? That you abandoned them? That you were ungrateful? Or assume you weren't worth it? Simply forget about you? You yelled at the thought, crying out in despair.
You couldn't disappear like this.
In a shaky twist of the cap, you open the bottle of alcohol-
Then splash it in the creature's eyes, earning am enraged shriek as it releases you, scrambling at its eyes and cursing.
You don't think twice, running past it and down the next hall, making your way into the lobby-
And then you're pushing through the door, running as fast as you can, trying not to collapse on the pavement as you go back home...
It's quiet, when you enter your home.
You feel a sense of unease, stepping forward cautiously, worried, feeling like a naughty child about to be caught sneaking out...
But then you see Kevin, their back facing you, their front hidden from sight, the light from the TV casting their form in shadow.
"K-Kevin-" you start, "K-Kevin, I, I saw something- I'm so sorry, I swear I wasn't leaving you, I'm not going to leave again, we, we just need to hide, fast- Kevin, it's after me- it was horrifying, like- like some undead vampire, or, or some demon- God, I'm so sorry-"
"WhAt did you say you saw?"
You pause.
Something doesn't seem right...
"It, it looked like a being made of, like, shadows. It's face was as pale as death, or a corpse, and it's eyes, Kevin, they were blood red! It's teeth- oh f*ck it's teeth-! They were like needles- It was waiting there, it was after me, I'm so sorry Kevin, but you need to get out of here, before it comes after you-!"
"I'm not going anywhere, kit-cat." Their neck cracks, the snapping noise echoing in the silence.
"All of this time... all of this effort... And he StiLl found you... WhY?! WHY CoULdN'T hE LeAvE yOu ALoNe?!" Their body seems to shift, their form lengthening, growing taller, the skin becoming pale and their bones popping and shifting.
The being stills...
Then it turns to face you, and you feel your heart sink to your stomach.
That... is that...
"I'm so sorry, kit-cat... I tried... but it isn't safe here anymore..." The being twitches, then steps closer.
You take a step back.
And it's eyes, bright and hollow and piercing, seem to widen.
"Kit-cat... it's okay... It's me, Kevin. I'm your friend, remember?" it croons softly, smiling at you as though trying to reassure you.
All you can do is shake uncontrollably, starting to hyperventilate. Your hands hurt, your head hurts, your mouth your teeth your eyes your back-
A screech comes out as you double over, clawing at your arms as deep agony rocks your core. You feel tears falling down your cheeks as you cry, hiccups sobs pouring out as the pain only gets worse. You dig your nails in deeper, only to feel sharp pain like daggers stabbing your skin. You glance down, breath shaking-
And see sharpened nails, curved and razor-sharpz covered in smears of dark red.
Your breath hitches, and you shakily stare up at the form of the creature you'd called Kevin. They're frozen, staring at you, shock soon turning to worry.
"Sweetie-!? Shhh, shhh, it's okay, let's calm down, okay? It's gonna be okay, just take a deep breath. See? In, and out. Come on, please, breath kitten, it's gonna be okay-"
You fall backwards, scrambling across the floor, until your back is against the wall. Your heart is beating too fast, your ribs hurt, your mouth is on fire, your teeth burn, your skin crawls, you're shaking and you can't stop-!
A hand comes near you and you scream, nails clawing into your arms and belly, bloody smears starting to stain your clothes. The being (Kevin?) took a step back, stuttering, lost on what to say-
"Reader. Stop hurting yourself. Now."
You freeze up, then slowly turn to look at the screen of the TV.
There, staring back at you, are the X-Men, eyes set on you, watching.
Your ears rush with blood, your mind going into a blind panic as the f*cking TV starts talking at you, the voices swelling as you cry out, tearing at your arms and head and trying to make everything stop-!
The room pops with noise, a loud static and blinding light-
And there's more distorted beings in there, towering over you, looking down, seeing you.
You can't make your legs get up, can't stop them as they come closer, Kevin trying to talk to you as arms and hands reach out, wrapping around your limbs and holding you down-
"Shhhh, it's gonna be okay, kid, yer gonna be okay-"
"Shhh, sweetie, it'll only take a minute-"
"Be gentle, don't hurt them-!"
"Take a deep breath, IN! Then out-"
"Let's calm you down, sweetheart-"
You hear the pop of something small, and try to twist your head around to see it. No matter how hard you thrash you can't free yourself, the grips on you too firm and your limbs held tightly. You see the light glint off something sharp-
"Shhhh, don't look, look over this way-"
And then there's a sharp prick in your arm, then the world starts to... tilt...
"Hey... that's it, sweetie... You're doing so well... Hmmmm, you feeling tired?" A hand is in your hair, smoothing it down and rubbing it lightly, massaging warmth into your chilled skin.
"Good job, kit, ya did real good. Let's get ya up and get ya situated-" Arms are wrapped around you, warm and strong and firm, sitting you up, wrapping around you, then hauling you into a careful hold, the limbs wrapped tight around you.
"Oh, kit-cat, it's okay. Shhhh... I know, I know it hurts so much, and everything is too much right now, and all you wanna do is take a nice, big nap. Why don't you close your eyes for a bit, hmmm~? That's it, you're safe, just relax..." Something is rubbing your back, making small circles and kneading the cold flesh through the wet fabric, causing the muscles to un-tense amd loosen...
"Shhhh... You're so good, kitten... Look at you, you took the medicine so well... You're just feeling tired, aren't you? So so tired... Shhhhh... Just rest~ We'll take care of everything~♡"
Your body is covered in something thick and soft, the arms around you keeping you tucked into their chest... Your head feels thick, your ache melting and waning under the medicine, tugging you down into blissful, quiet, warm darkness...
"Okay, team... let's go home~♡"
( @thewickedweiner @sugar-soda @weebwholovesuchihasasuke )
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
🔦Rewind AU Snippet:
• It's cloudy outside, when they come in. They can already see the older TV and electronics along the backwall, as well as the rows and rows of old and used games and tapes. And for now, it's just them and their co-worker.
• Reader groans a little as they carry a box of old VHS tapes, feeling their back pop a little. Their co-worker is already grabbing the box from them and setting inside before they can blink. Huh. Must be a morning person. Reader walks back to the beat-up car, checking the trunk... and finds one more box. They're careful, lifting it up and bringing it inside. Their co-worker takes one look at the titles, and are eagerly grabbing one of the tapes.
• "Hey! Careful!" Reader grumbles, setting the box down on the counter as their co-worker pops in the tape. But they don't seem to hear Reader, too engrossed in whatever they're doing. "Reader, I can't believe you have all of these! You must have been quite the fan!" they chatter, and Reader turns to stare at them, unsure of what they're saying. "Fan of what?" Their co-worker grins, pressing the rewind button, watching the static on the glass screen. "The X-Men, duh. You have all of their tapes!" Reader feels a headache coming on. Did they take their medicine? "Oh, those were uhm, X-Men tapes...? Must have been from awhile back..."
• Their co-worker finally gets the tape at the beginning, then press the play button. Soon the theme song can be heard, and the episode plays in the background as the two of them sort through the various tapes and CDs and cassettes. The store doesn't open for the next few hours (thankfully) so they have some time to set up the new items. Reader can hear the faint buzz of the static play as they work, sorting through the box of old tapes as their co-worker moves some records to the back of the store. They find themself humming along for a moment, their head drifting into a peace they haven't felt in a while... But then they hear something, a clatter, and look up-
• Just to see the characters on the screen staring straight ahead... almost as though they're watching them... "Reader!" Reader's gaze breaks, then they're hurrying to the back to help their co-worker catch a radio that almost fell as they'd been restocking. It didn't take much time to set it back up, checking the antenna and dials, and when Reader found nothing broken or cracked, they wandered back towards the front of the store, then went back to sorting through the old tapes. Each one seemed in good condition, save for a bit of smudged marker or dust... But still... As Reader worked, they couldn't shake the feeling of something watching them.
• Their co-worker came back up about an hour later, panting and laughing a little, which was when Reader decided to ask them if they felt the same thing. "Like something's watching you... Hmmm... Nope! What? Are you not used to watching TV?" Reader blushed a little at that remark, frowning. "Um... no..." Their co-worker gasps, soon patting their shoulder. Reader jumps at the foreign touch, pulling back. "What?! No wonder you're so grouchy all the time! No one has ever shown you the joys of... animation!" You snort, earning a look. "That won't do! That's it! We're watching all of these tapes! Pop in another one when this one's done playing! I'll see you, once you've realized how awesome it is!" They playfully stuck their tongue out at you, and you snickered, just a small one. You sighed, turning back around once they left...
• And saw the screen seemed to be paused. Yet it couldn't be, because the music was still playing... You take a step closer, eyes squinting behind your glasses. The music is soft in the background, as is the cracked of quiet static. The screen isn't broken or cracked or glitching. But the characters stare for a minute, as though shocked or surprised to see something. With a worried shrug, you go back to what you were doing. Soon after, the video seems to play correctly again, because you can hear a conversation going on between the characters. As the minutes fly by, you're discovered that there were a few extra tapes, about an additional season or two's worth, and tucked those away. You can investigate those another day...
• It's almost a relief when the store opens, letting in the stray teens or tired adults or confused older folk, all of whom for reason or another have stopped at ReelTheatre to find something old ready to be used again. It's nice, every now and again, to see someone's eyes light up in happiness when they find something they've been looking for for quite some time... You're quiet, checking people out at the counter and bagging games and the occasional keyboard. It's almost nice, not being so busy or loud...
• "Hey, Reader, is the screen broken? I think your old VHS tape is stuck," your co-worker tells you near the end if your shift. They look puzzled, but not worried. You glance back at the screen- and see the characters staring out, but talking about something- then turn back to your co-worker. "Um... I'll look at it tonight. Let me grab it," you mutter, then approach the TV. You don't know why, but when you open the tape player and see the screen cut out.. for a second, the characters seemed pleased, even mentioning a visit... You're ready to go when it reaches 9:00pm, taking the tape home with you and a few others. It's quiet at night, walking home, but you carry your keys tightly in one hand, while your bag is carried over your shoulder. You feel a bit safer, just a little, with the added weight to the bag and the cold metal in your hand (it felt like you had weight between you and danger). Seeing the door to your home, you rush across the lawn to it, releasing a breath sigh.
• Opening the door and settling in, you start to feel better. Simply washing off, drying your hair, and relaxing into the couch felt good after that uneasy feeling all day. You huffed a little, thinking about it. Why were you worried? What could put you so on edge? You tried to think of the answer as you checked over the tapes, rewinding them and making sure the film didn't break or tear. Was it the fact it was getting colder? Or that it was darker earlier? You just- it seemed stupid now, bit you still weren't sure why you'd felt that way. You pop in one of tapes, letting it start while you prepare dinner from whatever you have in the pantry or refrigerator...
• And hear an odd conversation cominh from the screen-
• "I haven't seen 'em in a while, but I sure do miss 'em..." "It's okay; I'm sure we'll be seeing them soon!" "Of course; I hear they're coming back quite soon, in fact." "Well, that just means we'll be ready for them. Right, team?" "Got it, boss! Wonder what they're up to now~!" "Well, mehybe dinner is a good idea, eh? Gambit's cookin' somethin', an' it's almost done!"
• You hum a little, scooping out some buttered rice, then mixing in the sausage, sauce, shrimp and herbs of jambalaya... It smells warm, like warm rooms and nice people and bright smiles and heavenly spice... You go to sit down on the couch, blowing on a spoonful of your dinner... and see the X-Men eating some, too, on the screen. For a minute you feel that sense of unease again-
• But you push it down, breathing in deep amd eating your food. The spicy yet hearty taste is warm and flavorful on your tongue, and you can't help but smile a little...
• "Well... ain't it nice ta have dinner together, as a family~?♡"
• That night, you find it easy to fall asleep...
• And in the morning, you take the tapes back to work with you, ready to start another day...
• And so the adventure begins~
( @thewickedweiner @sugar-soda @danni1323 @vivid-bun @weebwholovesuchihasasuke @crowwithguns @roxanndrummond @opossumdaydreamz I hope this feeds the imagination for a bit~ I'm liking this AU, and depending on how dark you want it, Cube Anon, this can get pretty dark... How dark do you want to go?)
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